«Wk-mum,» can (accommodate ,them with >.a.v.‘C|uI\v-.Shnye, or n’ Fashionable Hair Cut. Hair Dressing. Shumpooning. Dyeing. anti‘cverything connecloJ with the art Done to Perfection, . \"',x.-ui . .i. 7.1. STEPHENSON. CARRIAGES. RICHMOND HILL 'ï¬Hu'rnunAPH GALLERY. l) K I'UR‘J thuir sincere thanks for past patronage and Wonld hag lenva to any. that having 1 enh‘rgv (1 their [1 «unison and made mrnngamenls for having alllheirwwkdone nndertheir dwn subarvusion. are'd,\terminrd w-eslnblish a reputation second to none in the Province for Whicii he will sell at prices ihs'i‘l' defy compelitmn. Fine new season TEAS, Green, Black. and Japan. Finest Mocha and Java COFFEE. SUGARS, FRUITS. NUTS; aLso In large 314w]: uf‘ FISH. mmsisting of White Fish, Salmon Trout. Codï¬sh. Labrador Herrrjï¬gs, 5m: Oysters mid Sardines. The Stock of Crbckery and Glassware is also very comï¬let‘e, The FURNITURE WAREROOMS will be found to cmnain everything necessary in HOUSE FURNISHINGS. STOVES and Siovppiping at Toronto Prices. FLOUR AND Pun. ' " And using none but {he BES‘T MATERI AL, they feel certain [hut lhoycan givo saxisfnction none of their work being done In any mher shop. B.â€"A. W. dc S. would also stat» that in connection with the above they have opened a New 'BLACKSMITH SHOP J ~‘S'TI‘CPHENSON.«late of Aurora- 3 Beg-9 [ta-"Intimate lo the "nhnbitams ol' Kiqh'fliond Bill, that he has 0 pened a Barber ' Shop. at the » Hie-like Photographs .;_‘1§ND 'AM'BROTYPES; Picture Frames shall be Made to order, Daminim Hotel, Richmond Hill BARBER SHOP ! Sglliqg out the remainder of my Winter stock cheap, to make room for spring trade. I. " Goods Delivered. Richmond Hill, Mar. 2, 1876. gtaple and Fancy Groceries {K SUITE MADE TO ORDER! NEW SPRING £0008 Obï¬nédout'thls week, a choice selection of Spring Goods, consisting of all that is desired for the Spring Trade. TWEEDS, LUSTRES, a very ï¬ne selection PRINTS, 8w. Groceries, Flour and Feed always on hand. Sleighs of ' all Kinds, " Tlie undersigned having opt-nod the Photo- graph Gnliei-y lately occupied by Mr Con nlaud. mowro‘spectfullv wish: the public patronage ’of RHIHMON D HILL and surrounding Conuan ; as he is now prepared to give antis- faction in making “BRITISH FLAG STAFF.†Richmond Hill, Dec. 23.’75. mm“ Hiiltygr. 23, 1876. mmwmsu‘ - THE PEOPLES’ STORE, In Stock at present; When I get-a supply I shall give the publié due notice No Damaged or Job Goods mums, Nae; Dress Goads, Richthiind H m,'.Jan Tab. 10. {87.6. 9164f _)_A§PER BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AT , gngflxnub Book Store. AT FALBONBRIDGE’S Enos FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN, mu OAS H ONLY, Hatters of All Designs, E MPLOYING NON E BUT A. WRIGHT & SON to n'.‘ UMBRELLAS, nnnnce to his Trim-d! and oustnmrrs {hat he has on hand a fresh suppr of THIS DAY. W Parcels Delivered. P. ‘G. SAVAGE MALCOLM BLAIR. 26 lbfli That I cannot be Undorsold. ' I have PARASOLS, LAS, LACES, RIB] I beg to state as my Goods are bought RICHMOND HILL. JUST RECEIVED, 9094f AT THE '. K. FALCONBRIDGE. .l. tructinn of the Anglo Amorican House by ï¬re. the subscriber has taken and ï¬tted up those large and commodious-premises belong- ing to Capt. T. A; Milne. opposite Messrs. Speighl &. Son’s Novehy Works. Markham. Excellem accommodation nï¬'orded for the travellingpnblicnnd commercial men. Livery stables in oomuction with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Portor. D. WOOTEN. Sept.4.1872. 7374f Vick's Flower Megalable Seeds Vick’ 8 Floral Guide This is a beautiful Quarterly journal. hnoly illustrated. and containing an elegant colored ["rontispiece with the ï¬rst number. Price only 25 cts for the your. The ï¬rst number for187ti just issued. Address Are the best the world produces. They aro planled by a million people in America. and the result is. beautiful Flowers and splendid Vegetables. A Pliced Catalogue sent Iran to all who enclose the postagoé-‘u 9 cont stamp. Viek‘s Flower andï¬Vegetable Garden -‘ Is the most beautifu‘l work of the kindmin the wur’d It-conlnins nonr|y>150 pages. hun- dreds of ï¬ne illustrations. and roux Cunomo Pun-:5 or FLOWERS. beautifully drawn and colored from nature. Price 35 cls. in paper covers; 65 em bouud‘in elegant cloth. ' “I ESLEYAN HYMNS, ALL SIZES at the Benn.» Bn nk Slam. N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DESâ€" NIPISSING HOTEL, MABKHAM. at the HERALD Book 'Stoir; ALEX. MOODIE. James Vick. Rochester, N. Y. AND LADIES RIBBONS, &c. U Undertaker. &c. RMSIDENCHâ€"NOIHV opposite the Post Ofï¬ce Richmond UilL A. W R I G H T, CARRIAGE BUILDER. BETHUNE. OSLER 8: MOSS, ARRISTERS, &C.. Union Block, Cor- uor Toronto and Adelaide SID (opposite the new Post Ofï¬ce.) Toronlb. F. Osuzn. JAMES Bu'rHUNH, W. G. Fumesnnma Ic. (flaunts Moss. Bags to announce to tha Inhabitants armch- mond Hil‘. andsurrounding neighborhood that he has built a new Hearse an dc0n=meneed the V ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the J Coumias nf‘ York. Peel, Ontario and Simcne; also Valuatr and Commisnian Agent. RU. Address Bloomington. [ET Chancery Salon atmnded to. (’arlias requiring MR Pn'nmson’s services can make arrangements and obtain parlicu- lnrs as m terms «sea at the Hran Ofï¬ce. AND nun. ESTATE 5.. r. Depmus an-Ivod. suljecl to dvmnnd with Interest. Loans uegolinled. Debentures for Sale. ()lll-‘lCl-Z : 90} Adv-[aide Stu et I'Ins(,'l'or0n(0, a few doors ‘A' as! of tha l‘osl Uï¬ico UNBERTAIIEE BUSINESS. A FINE NEW HEARSE For hire. Funeral Furnishings, Cofï¬n: and Caskets in every style. ICEVSED Auctioneer for the Cmle of York. respectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on [he shnr'em notice and at reasonable rates. P.U address, King. ICENRED Auctioneer for the Ccunty of York. re-pecll'ullv solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on (he uhorteqt not-ca and at reasonable rates. P. 0. address. Vnctorie Square ,_ _ Ll County of York, respectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales at~ tended on the shorlesl notice and at reason- nhle rates; 1’. 0. Address. 'l‘eston. AW AND CONVEYENCING OFâ€" ; HCE. AURORA. Will be at Richmond f1ill,evm‘y Thursday OFFICE AT PALMER'S HOTEL. 10 to 100 Dollars CARRVILLE SAW MILLS- Thegndersizned begs to inform the public generally :ha! his Mills havo been thoroughly repaired in all their pans, and that he is now prepared to attend to all CUSTOM WORK, BILL STUFF. A LARGE QUANTITY, OF LATH. in lots to suik Purchasers. Having engaged a First~ Class Sawyer. parties requiring Custom Work will be accommodated on the ahortes: notice, 1L rally be found at 'home from 72‘1’0â€"3 o'clock, P. u. unav- uatv vv 1‘, LVL- .IJu, IIYSICIAN. SURGEON AND AC- CUUCHEUR. Urncn: Corner of Yongo Ind Centre Sm. Richmond Hill. With great saving oflime and food. It gives slrong|h Ind life to Hurses, even during hard work . Cows fed with it produca more milk and buuer, at Lhe same time increase in flash, and for stall feeding cattle its qfwt is marvelnus. Toronto. Nov. 4, 18-75. Aurora. Julv I3, ‘75‘ Nov 29,18 King, Sept. 10. 1874 May 31. ms. Richmond Hill ,Jnly 23.1874. Tommi. Oct. 5. 1573 Markham, $0511.10. 1874 BIODERATE CHAR,GE. ov. 12, 1875 Nov. 2. [875. February‘hh. 1873. Osman. Junta BMTHUNH, G. FALcnanIna Ic. CHARLKN Moss, W Houns. J. H. 'l‘uom. Horses, Cows, Calves, Sheep, and Pigs THOMAS SEDMAN. ARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, A. \V’ILLIS, ANKER AND BROKER, INSURANCE LATE WITH W. DUDLEY. NEW'MARH DANIEL KINNEE, IQENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE Funaral Furnishingasupplied M from ‘oronlo. August 30. 1875. DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, ICHMQNI} HILLL WILL GENE- SAMUEL M. BROWN, GEO. BROWN, M. D. JAMES c. STOKES, J M. PATTERSON, F. J. FARNDEN, RICHMOND HILL. ï¬zwiness flaws. DOLLAR BOX CONTAINS 200 FEEDS HUGH MILLEB_& Is the best preparation known for fattening J 0" N JON ES. Canine Mills. 'rice 2 1' acts and $1 per Box. 8984f 905 If. 880 if. 759-117 902.11: 8424f 902M 842-“ 35-†8934f With a Frame House and New Frame Burn 30 x 50: the rest us well Timbered with Pine and Hardwood. This is a ï¬rst-class Whoa! Farm. and is boaulifuliy situated on the Stuns RIVER, convenient to Flour and Saw Milli, within hqlfa mile of tho Severn Hridgo Sla- tion of the Northern Railroad. Price $3.00). in easy payments. For further particulars npply to JOHN HALL. Richmond Hill l’umn‘wrmkz, August 12. 1875. within half: mile of Richmond Hill Satin: on lha Northern Railway. and within halfn mile from the Village of Maple. and within twq miles ofthe Incorpoalwd Village of Richmnnd Hill, on Yonge Street. and in the immediate neighborhood of Mills, Schonls and Churches, Ind within lh miles oftho City of Tomnm, 30 Acres under Improvement 1 and extensive There is an Orchard of [Graft- ed fruit and pleuly of Water. This is a good Wheat Farm and beautifully aim-Ind. being within halfu mite of Richmond Hill slum... I And arelocaled at the North-west oornerof lot No. 35, 4th concession of Markham. in a section whare mechanics and laboreracnn get steady Work and high wages. Applvï¬fby otter.prepaid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square .or lo ACRES. MORE OR LESS, OI' First.class Laud. being Lot No. 13. in the 14th concession of NURTH OltlLLIA. There are about HARM fOB SALE fl At the Lowest Market Price. JOHN BROWN. ERWSEEDS, &c., &c FREE to all intending plication. Village ths for Sula. THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS. sale I numb..- at Um. _A About Onej‘ijth All Kinds ol‘ Wood V__......." nulvuAuUL‘U U Hill. containing one acre and n quarter of land, one frame dwelling house. wi Ih a burn stables.and otheronlbuildingslhereon. Terms, any. Apply. on the premise- "- F. CRAWFORD. VA A uuo 1‘ U1} 1. sale a numboféfâ€"Villuge lots. situated nth villngr - f VICTORIA SQUARE I Corner of Adelaide 8; Jarvis Streets 0 1‘0 Weekly Papars.reco~ved ll {hafnililrllï¬ib Book Storo.Richmoud Hill IOIQ. Wood Y'ar d .' Special inducemelm to Dealers. Agricultu- rnl Sociotxs, l‘armors' Clubs. Granges. an others ordering large quantities. Richmond Hill. Dec. am. ’74. WM . G. HINGSTON. Dinglu 9.0. Mnrcle‘7JE79, 714-†Toronto. Fat. 22, 1876. Richmond Hill. Dec. 24‘ UBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE TORON HE SUBSCRIBER ANNOUNCES T0 House and Lot for Sale, N LUCA_S_ STREET, RICHMOND nu. A WOOD YARD, ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA- - bio for presentaxt the Hum: Bo†the Public that he has oipeiugd- ENNIE’S CATALOGUE OF . FIELD, GARDEN and FLOW: “ SEED STORE,†ï¬ruperty for Salt, And he willkeop on hand SEEDS! Which will be Sold WM. RENN IE, Toronto- The lots éontain Agricultural ChBI-leisfl. l King . Emil, ! , will be forwarded purchasers on ap- 1- v '72; 753-3m The several De- partments are ex- tensxve and very complete, 0 o m - prising Flower Seeds, Pure Grgln and Ag:- 1 cultural Seeds, News“ Pot-toes. 80.. to. of Superlor Quai» ity and worthy the attention of par- chasers. Special atten- tion is directed lo; Glover and Timothy Seed,Hunga- rian,‘ Tare, VEGETABLE :Richmm'ld H1 an Acre, 918 FOR flesh, A package contains Iha foliowinz Dialogues: Opening Address. fur a boy . Litlo Christie. â€" Recitation for a hay ofb' or 8 years: Little Albeit.â€"Recitation fora boy or girl 6 or 8 years; A boys platform speech,~â€"for a boy H) or 12 years ; Recitation on Gullautry,~â€"by a boy of l“ years, or less: Closing Address, by gidl; A Good Burguin.â€"-A dialogue for two boys; The birth-dav party.â€"â€"A dialogue for 3 hovs. 3 g-rls,2 gemlemnn and a lady; Brok- en down Tradesmanâ€"A dialogue for 2 boys and 3 girls; lhfl‘aront Opinions,â€"â€"A dialogue for4hoys; Giving to†God.â€"A dialogue for 3 boys and? girls ; Jolly Jim. or a soft anâ€" awerturuelh nwnv wrathâ€"A dialogue for 3 boys. 115 Pages for- 30 Cents. Ranging in pnce from 30 cents porlb. upward. BANNER DIALOGUES, It? Will be. sent In any address. in package form, post-paid, for 30 cums. Address. l’OS'I‘MA STER. Victoria Square. Horses and Vehicles for hire. Charges mo- derate Opposite Sanderson & Sons‘ JOHN BROWN. Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec.14. ’72. 751-3m HE Subscribertnkas thisopporluuity ofro- turnisg his sincere thanksto his numerous customers for their patronage during the past. would solicitn ccminuauce of the same. and would calltheir attention to a flesh arrival of C H E A P T E A s . Green, Black and Japan Best 50 cent Tea in the Village H A R N E S S , AT ALL PRICES. Diroclfrom the Mills. Glassware,Crockery&Tinware FRESH All kinds of canned Fruit and Fish con- stantly on hand. Tobaccos of the Choicest Brands. Flour and Feed kept constantly on hand. Best Family Flour, Graham Flour, Buckâ€" wheat. Flour, Cracked Wheat, Commeal and Oatmeal Allkiuda of Farm Produce taken in exchange for Goods. TATIONERY OF ALL KINDS AT I the HERALD Book Store. HARNESS DOMINION '1' HOUSE! RICHMOND HILL. L OULD respectful] announce that he ' will visit Richmon Hill the IBM: ofench 'momh, at Palmer's Hotel ; also attend the fol- lowing places. professionally, Slindaya ox- cepted : Newmarket............ Sutton,.. ..... . . 3rd and 4th Peï¬â€˜erlnw,............- 51h MountAlbart.......... 8th Snndford.............. 10th Stouffville............. Nth Mnrkhum,............. 16th Aurora................20th H II n u u u at 2nd ofeach month 0‘ l I u M II at H All branches of Dental Surgery BEFORE GOING ELSWHERE, TRY THE 1st PRIZE l . w Satlsfactlon Guara teed. Charges Moderate. July 20. 181:). “‘37-â€. SURGEON DEN TIST. Richmond Hill. Dec. 29, ’75. 910-3m Sept. In. 1875. SINGLE 8:. DOUBLE GOODS DELIVERED. CHARLES E. SHEPPARD. Richmond Hill. Mar. ‘24. 1875. ‘EWELRY! JEWELRY! FOR STA}; cheap auho Hanna Book Storo. ICHMOND HILL LIVERY S TA B LE S . MRS R. P. HOPPER. Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Firs Proof Store, RICHMOND HILL. kTA ESTABLISHMENT, RICHMOND HILL. o. w. KENNEDY, L.D.S:, the HERALD Book Store gARGE ASSORTMENT A LARGE STOCK OF \m,............. l...-..---.....-. Also a flue usaortment of £1i5ccllmom, Acknowledged to be (he COFFEES Constantly on hand NEWMARKET, 0NT., TEAS, ’ATTKIDED 'ro. W M. HARRISON. and SPICES. 593-11, Where he will keep on hand a lot of FIRSTâ€" CLASS “ FIGS.†at moderate chugés, and hopes. by strict attention to business, to merit a share ofthoir patronnga. 533. Oxford Street. W. 0., London, Jim I 1874 N RETURNING THANKS to his numer- ous Friends and Customers for theirputron- ago during the past year, would call their attemionjlo the fact that he has now on hand a Large and Well-Selected Stock of J the i nhnhitunls of Ricrï¬gaglï¬i Hivl-luafll‘lvgv'i: cinitythnlhe has aINEW [AVERY STABLE at the SIMON PROCTOR. Riv: hmond Hill.April IS, ’75. ' 73-â€. Mr John Bond,Gndrich, Ont. Messrs Eiliot& 00.. Toronto. Mr J. Chaloner. St. John, N. B. Messrs Hunnington Brothers. SLJ oh n, N . B, Mr R. S. Priddv,Windsor, Ont. MrsOrpen. Morden . N. S. Mr George C. Hunt Jun.,Fmdericton.N. B. Mr W. H. Thompson, Harbor Grace, N,F.L. Mr J. M. Wiley. Predorickton, N. B. Messrs W. &. D. Yuila. Montreal. Chas I. Davirs. Fredericton, N. B. The medicines are sol at the lowest whole- sale not prices. in quantv lea of not less than £20 worth ~vl'r... 8?, 6d., 92s., and 345. pa dozen boxes 00 Pills or pots of Ointment, {0 which remitlnnces must be sent in advance DDMINION LIVERY STABLES. THE SUBSCRIBER begs to intimate to the i llhnhitnnln nf' Rinmnnna um ....a..:_ nntario HousE GROOERIES London Layers, Valentias, and Seedless Raisins. Which have been well bought and will b. found, both in price and quality. equal to any in the Market. CURRANTS, ï¬ne new fruit; TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEES, SPICES, ORANGE & LEMON PEEL. Evans, Mex-cont Co . Mantra". . Messrs Avery. Brown & Co. , H flifa‘x. N .8. Meters Forayth & Co., Halifax. NS. M915er T. B Barker & Sons. St John ,N.B Apothecaries’Hall-Co.. Victoria. B. 0r Messrs Langley & 00., Victoria. B.C . Messrs Moore Gr. C0,. Victoria, B.C. Dr. John Pallen,Cha1ham. N. B. MeasrsMunro & 00.. Montreal. Messrs J- Winer &. Co.. Hamilton. C. W. Mr H, J. Rose.’l‘aronlo. Mr A Chipma‘n§m_it»h! StiJohn. N. B I unru- n I S H â€"â€"The largest stock in town of Lake Superior White Fish and Salmon Trout, which will be sold at less than Toronto Prices. ' A Splendld Assortment at Reduced Prices. OVERSHOES & RUBBERS at prices that all can buy. T0 the Public". Thad l'ioï¬llgï¬lllgllslglist' of the ï¬rms alluded to; and [particularly recommend those who 183er to get my med“:anth apply §o some 0! the Housas named ;-.. All kinds of Farm Produce taken and fair prices paid. Livery Stable In connection. Good Rigs. double or tingle, at Reduced Prices for the Winter Season. Munyrospectableï¬rms in the British Prov- inces. who obtain my medicines direct from here. have very prOperly suggested that l should,for the beneï¬t of themselves and the pub]ic,imerltheiruames in the "were. that it may be known that my medicines-can be haigenqinefwmthem. J.B. Respectfully solicits a ca] Corner of Yonge and Centre St: Opposite Sanderson (fl Sons. Richmond Hill, J, BROWN. Dem 13.1875, This notice has become necewary. in con- sequence of vila and spurious imitations of " Holloway’s Pills and Ointment,†being l‘abri- outed M75.Maid en Lane, New York,by parties slyling them-' selves “Hall: a 00.3, with an nsaun. l ' .ruo mark thusâ€"â€" Unprincipled vendors can obtain at a very low price, and so decei' selling the same for my genuine I Pills and Ointment. which are ma: onlv at 533, Oxford Street, London‘ Persons who may be no deceive pleased to communicate with me. Each Pound Box ban thoRritish Govern- mantStamp. wilhthe words “Holloway’s Pills ‘and Ointment. London.†engraved thereon. 0n the label is the address. 533 Oxford Street. London. Forum protection of the public of British North AmericaJ deem it my duty to state that my PxLLs AM) OINTMENT are neither man- ufactured not sold in any part of the United States. ‘ DOMINION HOTEL BEWARE 0F COUNTERFEITS. Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Buck Wheat Flour, Cracked Wheat, Bacon', Hams, Potatoes, Apples, Peas, Oats, Bran, and Shorts. Flour and Feed : BOOTS 85 SHOES: J. BROWN TINWARE: A LARGE STOCK, VERY CHEAP. gaunt imamm, SPLENDID RICHMOND HILL. [IT Remember the place CONSISTING 0F THOMAS HOLLOWAY. ors can obtain this trash and so deceive you by t_n_y_genuine Hollowny’s pre mauufactufed rdeceived will b. 883 Atlhe Old Stand. Church Street, Richmond Hill. and hopes, by thestrictesteconomy,co-. bined with the bestmnterialand workman-hip. ta merit acontinuance ofthe patronageboltow- ed on the late ï¬rm. All our pumps are wu- rented. $200030 LOAN on ï¬rst-ch Mortgage Securityâ€"in sums from $500 up wards. Apply to M. TEEFY. N. LYN ETT, (As Executors oflhe Estate ofthe Into Him Brennan.) ' Richmond Hill. SUBSCRIBER rams T0 mrmm . the Inhabitants of Richmond Hill and ol- virons.that he will continue ‘0 manufactnn the $5 TO 3520 (JDU .LU WICU Agent:- want“ All classas ofworking people. 010ilhel’lflo young or old. make more money at work bl usin theil'spare moments.orall theiimoJill at anvlhingelsa Particularst'ree. Pout-CI to Slates costs but one cent. Address IN reference to the above notice of His: solution. the undersigned would Illnan that he is now ï¬tting up New and Improved Machinery 1st PRIZE Pump Works, CELEBRATE!) EXCEESIUH PUMP A! prices and on terms hitherto unoqlnfloï¬ Parties Wanting pumps will do Well to '0‘, me_ heforp purchasing. JOHN HALL N. B.â€"-Wellssunk on the shontesl notiot Well Curbs constantly on hand. Pump Works! Driveany ample Steam Power, and intend“- manufacture a Richmond Hill, March 24 ’75. t. d PUBLISHED AS A WARNING tnd for thy huï¬l of Yogyc MEN AND OTHERS who safer M WESLEY HY MNS Can be obtained at the HERALD Book Sh! at the following reduced prices :â€" 10cla.‘200ts. 3flcts, 38MB, 40cm. 60c", x and 90 cls. ND WATER-SPOUTS FOR THE DO~ MiNlON. MSG per lot! feet. Also Ftoorn ingand olherLumber DreSSBd: Sap Bucknim [’ails,Cid<~r Mill~.WasI ing MachinesShingloa Fellow, Sawn and BENT Material for Bng~ gum and Sleigh» Forparliculannddress JOHNN LANQSTAFF, EUNFESSIUNSEUF AQVICTM of Self- Cure. after much suffering Ind up... and sent free on receiving a stump for valor. postage. Address NATH ANIEL MAYFAX‘ 1’. 0I Box 153, Broklyu. New York. In either branch. on the shortest notion, and in such a manner as to give the utmost nth faction to his patrons. Ho trust. to "echo the same liberal patronage heretoloro on. ndo‘ to these mills. Terms alricfly cash. NERVOUS DEBILITY. LOS§ 6i"MXi: HOOD. VITAL POWERLelp" givjilrlh pmu‘n HF ADFORD MILLS 1 Custom W013)... Having seen ed the services of MR JAM- R, NEILL. a ï¬rst classdworkmnn. II. b IO. 1,- o CUSTOM CARDING. Richmrnd l SUPERIOR ARTICLE Price lislseut on applicalicn. G. S'l‘lNSON & Co., l’ortlnndJMIlfl Oct. 27. 1574. 8494’ Richmond Hi]l,March 31. ’75. V biilu Steam Mills, Laugsiaï¬ I'.O. Langsllfl', Fel‘. 28. 1876. 919-“ List ofpi-iws sentsn application. Markham, May 12, ’75. June 26. 1875. RICHMOND HILL 8 '1' E .A. M Auras: TOYS, &C., HE Suhc‘criber havihgreï¬ued “0". EN MILLS he is now prep-rod it Q. cute all orders for the HERALD Book Siorn Wu: 31:55:11 swam MONEY T0 LEND Patent Ea‘Veâ€"trough SPINNING 61. FULLING ALEX. MACKI‘E. V5. 877-“. yon am A: PER DAY H. Mill-ID 5. M4! 884-6-