mL ,, ..,, NOTICEâ€"We shall be glad, at all times, to rezeive items of Local News, necideiits or" any incidents which may beiiiterestiiig. either in the locality in which it occurs, or in the.1 County generally. Matter of this kind may be sent as “ Printcr’s Copy," at the rate of one cent per ounce, ifio markedand not seal- bOI'hOOd 0f SClIOOI seetlon NO- 4; was held ed : but to insure 1W 80098131108. would “5- in the School House, last night. to consider ’ the propriety of forming a Grange. morniucr quire to be received by \Vednesduy a before publication. at the very latest. NOJTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA RichmondHillStation Changeoltime n'iing effect “’Ionday, Nov. 15th, 1875: Going North 8.13 A.M....12.27 p.m.. .a. 13 Going South 9.26 A.M. . .826 Warsaw: ,7 :r RICHMOND HILL, APRIL 7, 1875. 222:; ..___.___ :“T' *.i“i, LOCALISMS. â€"Village Council meets on Monday even- ing next, 10th inst. - Atteiition is directed to a stallion cut in our advertisni;r columns. -â€"Tl'ie Vaughan vanship ('uuncil will meet on Tuesday, llth inst., : .â€"The Aurora Tmf Club Races will take place on'the Aurora course, on the 30th of June and 1st July next; the particulars of which will be found in our advertising columns. â€"Either a couple of street crossings, or a Capt. Boyiiton’s swimming suit is what our “City Fathers†will have to procure, unless they would have some of our citizens 5 Siding near Eversley, Township of King“ { â€"Mr R. Phillips has purchased the pump f works formerly carried on by MrJiio. Hall, on Church Street. See adv’t. â€"â€"A meeting of the farmers in the neigh- ; in Toronto this week, the Rev. James Dick, v Presbyterian Minister of our village, ten- l l dered his resignation, on account of failing ' health. â€"A young woman, Martha Malloy, I't'. dropped dead on Monday last, it is supposed l -â€"At a meeting of the Presbytery, held. as regards all business in connection with ‘said Matchâ€"Carried- Movcd and seconded, that we accept the offer ofthc West Riding Society, and {that n be 21 Riding Match.-â€"Carricd. A Committee was appointed to arrange matters for the Match, and report at the ln'ixt meeting of the Boaid. Moved and seconded, that we give the West Riding Society the $40 asked, and that we have. a union Spring Fair. Moved in amendment and seconded, that this Society cannot give any money to a Spring Fair. The amendment was put rind resulted in a tie, and the casting vote ofthe chair- man was given in favor of the original motion. from heart disease. I She was to have been married on Wednesday last, the day on which she was buried. POST OFFICE _ SAVINGS’ BANK-â€" Monthly Statementâ€"Tho following is the exhibit of the transactions in the Richmond Hill postoflice Savings Bank up to the 31st Mar.:â€" Total deposits to Mar. 31, 1876 $110 849,00 Deposits in month of Mar. 1,354,00 Withdrawals “p . . . 1,023.34 Total (It posits sincc lst Jan. 1876. 4,502,00 “ withdrawals “ “ “ 3,269,89 M. TEEFY. Postmaster. u' AGRICULTURAL MEETING. _F__.. According to previous announcement, the annual meeting of the Richmond Hill and Yonge Street Agricultural Associa ï¬nd a watery grave. â€"Mr. Falconbridge, Mr. Atkinson and Mr. Brown have something fresh to offer in our advertising columns; Rev. Mr. Starr has a cow for sale, and Mr. Geo. Nichols inserts a Surrogate Notice. â€"â€"The entertainment given by the Good Templars, in the Temperance Hall, on Fri- day evening last, passed off very successfully. The attendance was fair, and the several amateurs acquitted themselves creditably. â€"The tavern and shop-keepers in the East Riding of York are required, by the commissioners, to make application for li- tion was held in the Court Room, on Tuesday evening last, 4th inst. Mr Isaac Crosby was chosen chair. man of the meeting. The minutes of the last annual meet,- ing were read and approved. The Treasurer’s report, which showed a balance of 069,86 in his hands from last year, was also read and adopted. The election of Ofï¬cers was then pro- ceeded with. Moved by Mr John Palmer, Sr., sec- onded by Mr Boylc,that Mr Wm. C. Pat- terson be President of the Association for the ensuing year.â€"Carricd. Mr Goodyear moved, seconded by Mr Wright, that Mr Wm. Trench, Jr, be cense for the ensuing year, to J. P. Whaler, Inspector, Woburn, on or before the 12th inst. _ --A correspondent writes, asking us what. has become of the “ funds " belonging to the Municipality of Markham Village? We 1st Vice President for the ensuing year. eâ€"Carried. Mr John Palmer, Sin, moved, sec-i ended by Mr A. B. Wilson, that Mr John Brown be 20d Vice-President for the ensuing year.â€"â€"Carried, . Mr Wi'son moved, seconded by Mr never wrestle with conundrums: We leave Palmerl that Mr Robt, Marsh be Sec- all that kind of work for the Globe. 5 How: retary and Treasurer for the ensuing The Board adjourned, to meet at Mr Whitmore’s farm, Edgcly, on the 14th Inst, at 2 p. m.â€"Free Press. G ENERAL SESSIONS. _. His Honor Judge Boyd passed the fol~ lownig sentences at the Court of Quarter Sessions on Saturday last; Robert Smith, alias Sylvester, convicted of felony, three years in tliepenctentiary. Thomas Clark, convicted of robbery, three months in the common jail. Edward C. Hoffman, convicted of larceny and receiving. two years in the penetentiary. George Murphy, convicted of shoplifting, one year in the central prison. Christopher Slnnker, convicted of the larceny of fowls, three months in the corn- inon jail. Herbert Goodwin, convicted of receiving stolen property, three months, in the common jail. L Bridget Brogan, who pleaded guilty to a charge of larceny, one month in the com- mon jail. Mary Walker, who pleaded guilty to a charge of larceny, one month in the com- mon jail. Patrick Lyons, convicted of larceny, six months in the common jail. Hugh McGuire, convicted . of houseâ€" breaking (second offence) two years in the penelcntiary. Thomas Lunard, convictcd of larceny, three months in the common jail. David Tripp, convicted of larceny, six, months in the common jail. Robert Anderson, convicted of common assault, three months in the common jail. Minnie Gray, convtctcd of robbery, six months in the common jail. John Buckley, convicted of robbery, (fourth odence) ï¬ve years In the Peneten tiary. Peter Ward, convicted of robbery, (second off-rice) three years in the peneten: tiary. Patrick McCullough, convicted of rob- bery, (third offence), three years and, six months in the Pcnetcntiary. The Court then adjourned. ‘ MARRIED. . I MCNAlR.â€"ROWJ.AY.â€"-At Clareville, on the 3rd inst, by the‘Rev. Jno. Garner, Mr ' Robt. B. McNair to Miss Elizabeth Row- lny, both of the Township of Vaughan. DI E D. ATKiNsou.~â€"On the 4th inst., at nis resi-_ (lcncc, Milton Mill, Mr David Atkinson, of the ï¬rm of Atkinson Bt'os.,â€"aged 50. years. m 'I‘OltO N TO MARKETS . Toronto Markets corrected from Toronto Dailies every '1 hursduy morning. Toronto. Apiil 5, 1876. Henri-Spring W heatextra . . $4 25 Superior extra....... 49“ Oaimeal...... .....«u... 385 Cornmeal ........ . . . . . . . . . 400 Wheatâ€"Spriiigpei bush. . . . ..‘1 02 fob 1 03 White Winter...... 106 ((3 l 10 Barley..,.................. 066 (til 081 OMEN“... ONE? 035 Pease.........._..... 071k? 074 Hay, per ton . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 00 {IE ‘20 00 Straw . . . . . . . . ............. SilUï¬D “00 Potatoes. per buS' . . . . . . . . . u 0 45 {ED 0 50 Applesmer barrel.. ........ 175(1) ‘250 Butterâ€"lb rolls. .. . . . . . . . . . . . 0 :24 .@ (i 28 large [tolls . . . . . . . . . (l 18 [(7) 0 22 Eggs. per doz 015 m) 0 Hi Dressed llogs. per 100 lbs... . 8 50 It? 8 75 Bacon . . . . . l’riine ......... 1000((3 1050 Hams-0ured. per lb . . . . . . . . 0 13/13) 0 l3 Woolâ€"per lb . . . . . . . ... . . ... 0:26 fr» 0 29 niciiMONi) HILL MARKETS. Corrected by Mr Isaac Crosby, Grocer. and Dry Goods Merchant. Fire Proof Store, Richmond Hill, April 0.1876. Fiourâ€"Spriug Wheat. . . ... .. $5 00 Fall Wheat extra"". 550 Wheatâ€"Spring. per busli.... 000 Fall......... . 000 Burley...,....... . . . . . . . . .. 000 0 00 Oats....................... $033@ 040 Peas....... ............... 065@ 075 Potatoes. per bush..... .. . .. 0 40 @ t) 50 Applosper barrel............ 125@ 175 Dried Applesperlb......... 007@ 008 Hay perton............ ... 1400@ IS 00 Straw “ ... ....' 000%? 000 Butter-,ibrolls..... .... 025@ 025 largerolls..........,. 02'2@ 024 Eggs,perdoz............... 013@ 013 Dressed Hogs, per IOUlhs..... 850@ S75 Bacon. Prime...............10 00@ 1200 Hams, Cured.............. 0 1'2 013 EPPS’S COCOA. â€" GRATEFUL AND Comrolrriuc. -â€"- “By a thorough knowledge oftlienaturallawswliichgoverntheoperations ofdigestionand nutrition. and by acareful apâ€" plication of the ï¬neproperties of welhselected cocoa, Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tables :with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’bills. It is by tho judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are _ WM. ’ ATKINSON Begs to intimate to his customers and the public generally that his Spring and Summer Stock COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, And as it has been Selected with the greatest care from the best marts, he feels conï¬dent that. as far as ' " i ‘ (STYLE. QUALITY AND PRICES- ois cQNcrnNEn. HE. " Cannot be AN INSPECTION BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE IS KINDLY 1c TAILORING IVA SPECIALITY. DEALER IN ALL KINDS 013‘ Hardware, Carpenters’ Tools, ETC, OUT THIS DAY AT FALCONBRIDGE’S FIRST INSTALMENT OF LADIES’ AND HATS, HATS, HATS. Very Nice! Very Cheap! Good Styles! Fashionable Material! are, WM. ATKINSON, Surpassed. E Q UESTED. ETC. CONCRETE. nousn, Richmond Hill. .7» CHILDRENS’ ever, should they wish to advertise for the “missing†they can have the beneï¬t ofour columns at Grange prices. â€"â€"Inv1NG FIVE CENT MUSIC : “ Would chosen for the ensuing. yeah I were 'with thee,†“ Only,†“Gathering shells from the sea shore,†“ Pull down the Goodyear, that the Secretary be auth- ‘ blind," “The lime 01d log cabin in the orized to have circulars printed for the hue," no“, good old friends,“ “Genny purpose of calling the Directors togcth down the stream of time,†“ Conic back to Erin,†Skidmore Guard,†etc., can be pro- cured at the IirziiAin Book Store. ,Mailed free to any address on receipt of price. -â€"We_,would call the attention of our vil- lage authorities 16 the icruel pructive of but-i chers aiid 'dt'OVOt‘S, in tying the feet of chilies or sliecp'tbgether and throwing them-in their Waggons, perhaps to drive alllthe to Toronto without being released. If such a practice were indulged in in Toronto, the parties would be severely punished, and we see no reason why it should not bopre! vented here. ‘ v -â€"The latest amusement is termed the “Printér’s Delight,†and is performed in the follownig manner: Take a sheet of note paper, fold it up carefully, and enclose a bank note sufï¬ciently large to pay up all, arrears and ayear in advance. And what adds immensely to‘ihe feat. is to send along the name of a new subscriber, with the cash to balanbe. Keep your eye on the' printer, and if you detect a smile the trick is a success. Try it. -â€"'I'he monthly cattle fair, for April, held here last Wednesday, was unusually successful. From forty to ï¬fty head of cattle were on the ground; also a. large Farmers held their stock at pretty high ï¬gures. and buy.- crs seemed rather chary at bidding. Milch cows were held'at trom $40 to $5). After a good (is lot skiiinishing between buyers and sellers, the greater part of the stock changed hands, at good prices. ‘â€"The Annual Meeting offlihde 'J‘hornhill Branch Bible Society was heldi’n the Metho- dist Church, Thornbill, on Thursday even- ing, the 30th ult. The reports ofthe Sec- retary and Treasurer were read and adopted. John Lane, Esq., M.P P., "the heirly elected President, on taking the chairng‘ave an ap- propriate address, after whichhe introduced the Agent, Rev. W.W. Ross, who, in a' very iiumber of sheep and calves. '.m eloquent and interesting speech, advocated the claims of the Society. The sum of $39,311. were donated to the Upper Canada Bible Society. â€"'1‘he Richmond niii Canada Methodist Sabbath School intei.d having their annual popular Concert, as usual, on Good Friday, 14th inst. Excellent preparations are being made by the ofï¬cers and scholars. Musical selections from the ‘* Prize,†“ Fresh Lau- rels" and other Sabbath School music books. The Scripture..Exercises and other rendi- tions are all new, attractive, instructive and appropriate. We hope that the Masonic Hall will be well ï¬lled by those who favor Sabbath School instruction. Admission 25 cents. For further particulars see bills. â€"Marcus Crawford, a married man, who came fromfl'l'oronto about two years ago, and has been residing in the neighborhood of Elgin Mills, was, last Monday, committed to gaol, as a dangerous lunatic, by Mr Robt. Marsh, J. 1’. Crawford’s mind had been in rather a disordered state for some time past, and on Sunday morning he showed such unmistakable signs of insanity that Constable Crawford was directed to take him in charge. His wife and child, we understand, are in very destitute circum- stances,_und are ï¬t objects of charity. There are at present some twenty insane persons in the Toronto gaol waiting admis' sion to the asylum. year.â€"Carried. The list of Directors for last year was read over by the Secretary, when several new names were added, and, on motion, Mr Moodie moved, seconded by Mr er. â€"Carried. - : Mr Marsh moved, seconded by Mr Trench, thatthe thanks of the meeting be tendered to Mr Peter Patterson for his donation to the Associationg-Carried. , Mr. Palmer moved, seconded by Mr. Mcedie,'t’nat the Association‘hold their- Annual Spring Fair oh’ the 24th May next.-$-Carricd, ' . The donation referred to in the above otion was somewhere about "$30. that Mr Patterson received for prizes in 13qu petition at the Society’s last annual cx: vhibition. The meeting then adjourned. WEST RIDING OF YORK AGRIâ€" CULTURAL SOCIETY. The Directors of the above Society met at the \Voodbridge Hotel, on Thurs day. March 23rd, with John Abcll, Esq, in the chair. 'A deputation from the York Agricul- tural Society was received, and the proâ€" posed union of the two Societies dis- cussed. Moved and seconded, that the West Riding of York hold a Spring Fair, and that any Societies in the Riding that see ï¬t to contribute the sum of 340 towards. assisting said Spring Fair be received as members, and entitled to full privileges of the sameâ€"Carried. Moved and seconded, that the Spring Fair be held at Weston, on Tuesday, April 25th.-â€"-â€"Carried, ' Moved and seconded, that the prize list, excepting " specials,†and rules and regulations be the same as last year. Mr N. C. Wallace was present in be- half of the Vaughan Township Society, with regard to union with the West Rid- ing Society, and made application for the Fall Fair. After which, it was Moved and seconded, that the West Riding Society unite, for the Fall Fair, with the Township of Vaughan Society on the same basis as last yearnâ€"Carried. Moved and seconded. that the West Riding Agricultural Society give the sum of $60 to the Townshipof Vaughan Society in aid of their Ploughing Match, and that it be a union matchâ€"Carried. After the appointment of Judges, etc., the meeting adjournedâ€"Free Press. VAUGHAN AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Pursuant to notice,.the directors of the above Society met at the Inkerman Hotel, on Saturday, 25th March, with F. Bunt, Esq., in the chair. Moved and seconded, that the ques- tion of painting the Hall be reconsidered. #Carried. " Moved and seconded, that the color be the same as Mr Abell's shops. Moved in ammcndment and seconded, that the color be as decided upon at last meeting. Moved in amendment and seconded, that tenders be solicited for the work, that the Society furnish the necessary material, and that no tender be ncccs- snrily acceptedâ€"Carried. The Committee appointed to arrange aunion with the West Riding Society reported favorably. , Report was also received from Sher- fioating around us ready to attackwherever there is a Week paint. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortiï¬ed with NEVIS SUMMARY: NEW GOODS EVERY WEEK! Smith, the Sombra murderer, has written a long letter piotestiiig his innocence, and denouncing Mrs Finlay as guilty of the murder. About two weeks ago, a colmed man en.â€" tcred a house in Detioit, and without pro- vocation sliot down a young man named McKeown. The muiderer escaped to Wind- sor where he has been arrested, and an ap- plication made for his extradition. Dr. T. Damme, of Stockholm, is prepar- ing, for the Centennial Exhibition, adic- tionary of universal language, of which he is the inventor. By this language, the in« ventor claims that persons. of different na- tionality can readily understand each “other. A terry boat, which was being driven across the River Dee, at Aberdeen, Scot- land. was capsized on Wednesday last, in midâ€"stream by the violence of the cnrregit. The boat was crowded with passengers. and it is feared that thirty persons were drowned. Another cold-blooded murder was per- petrated on last Thursday night, about seven miles from Wattord. The'house of one Michael Monahan was entered and his brother Patrick fatally shot, be dying about an hour afterwards. It is supposed the inuideiers went there with the intention of getting some money. A Coroner’s inquest was held on Friday, but no evidence was‘ elicited that would give a clue to the mar.- deters. Mr Henry Rliind, the student at the On.- tario School of Agriculture, who was hurt by the bob of a sleigh passing over him a few weeks ago, died last Friday night. De-i ceased and some other students were riding on a plank stretched between the bobs of a. sleigh, and their weight being too great the plank broke, and di ceased was injured by one of the bobs to such an extent that little hopes were entertained of his recovery from the first. In the afternoon of Thursday. 30th ult., the reservoir dam, at Worcester. Mass, gave way with a great crush. The wall crumbled, letting oï¬' 760.000.000 gallons of water. The water rushed down the ra- vine in a solid mass twenty feet high, taking its comes through a pine wood, tearing up the largest trees by the roots and twisting them about like straws. The water conâ€" tinued to run for three hours before the re- servoir was exhausted». The destruction of property. for a distance of nine miles, was immense. The Detroit A'ews tells of a wealthy Can- adian named Lemon Wigle. belonging to the County ofEsseX. who hasjnst had adivorce from his wife, Jane Wigle. granted in an. American court. The testimony shows that they separted seven years ago. _ while at Kingsville, Out. At the time of the separ- ation she retired to her room. and, although Mr Wigle was at home most of the time, they never saw each other but once for four, years. She ate at the same table With the ‘ rest of the family, taking her meals after her husband had gone. rooms to go into the other part of the house ‘ she always posted a sentinel to keep a sharp , look-out lest her husband. coming in un- awarcs, might meet her. in short, she lived - the life of a recluse. Mr Wigle was a wealthy farmer of high standing, and for his children’s sake dreaded to take his I trouble into the courts. Therefore. when . his daughter, who had kept house for him" since her mother began her hermit life. be» came married, he offered her $10,000 to ‘ take her mother. to live Wllll her, but she , icfused to do it. His son is a young physi-i cian, and he offered him the same amount. to take his mother to live with him, but he testiï¬ed before Commissioner Randall that he would not do it for $35,000 in gold. Mr Wigle went to Detroit after the marriage of ; his daughter. and has been engaged in the1 lumber trade. Wm AUCTION SALES. M.)an-r, April 10.â€"Cash Sale Household Furniture, etc.. on Lot No.20, 4th Con. Markham, belonging to Mr John Chappel. When the left heri ' pure blood and a properly nourished frame."â€"- Civil Service Gazette labellcdâ€"“ JAMES Errs \SL Co . Hommoputhiu Chemists. 48 ’l‘hreadneedle Stieut. and 170 Piccadilly, London.†‘â€" lvtttiï¬mtttttta. \. gter OS’I‘ ON SATURDAY EvEN- ING last, the 1st inst., between Bond’s Luke Hotcllnnd Thornhill, a. MINK MUFF. The ï¬nder will be suitably rewarded on leaving it at the HERALD Ofï¬ce. F O R An Excellent Cow, Price $45. SALE.' To Calve early in Julie. ' Apply to J. H. STARR, Methodist Parsonage. Richmond Hill. April 3, 924»2t HORSE BILLS FOR 1876. New Improvements this Season, In addition to our previously unequalled i facilities for printing Route Bills and Cards, we are prepared to introduce new and special features this season. THE “HERALD†OFFICE. nionuexn HILL. Noted for doing the best work in a. tasteful manner. SEEDS! SEEDS ll ll Al' THE ONTARIO HOUSE, Clover, Timothy. Flax Seed. Tares. And all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds, of the ‘ VERY BESI‘ SELECTION. ’ BOOTS AND SHOES, Just opened to-day 7‘ TWO LARGE CASES I Boots and Shoes of all kinds and sizes, At Prices that all can buy. GROCERIES. Fine JVc-w Teas, Sugars, Coï¬ees, Spices, Currants, Raisins, Rice, Orange and Lemon Peel, and all kinds of Canned Fruit. ' Boneless Cod Fish, While Fish and Salmon Trout. Very Choice. FLOUR iiiâ€"JD FEED. A Large Stock always on hand. Flour. Oatmeal, Cornmcal, Buckwheat Flour, Cracked Wheat. Bacon, Hams, Potatoes, Apples, Peas, Oats, Corn, Bran and Shorts. ' [land livery Stable in tunneclinn. All kinds of Farm Produce taken and Sale at 1 o’clock, sharp. S. M. Brown, Auctioneer. , TUESDAY, April 11.â€"_Credit~ Sale“ Farm Stock. Implements, Lumber. etc... on lot wood Grange, in regard to l’loughing Match. Moved and seconded, that all Granch that cooperate with the Agricultural So- ciety in aid of the Spring Ploughing Match have full privileges on the Board No. 59, 1st Con. Markhani, Yonge Street, belonging to Mr Thos. Mortson. Sale at. 1 o’clock, sharp. J.C. Stokes, Auctioneer. (if? Parties getting Sale Bills printed at this oï¬ice will receive a notice similar to the above. rust; of charge. Fair Prices paid. Parties wanting to Buy would do well to give me a call, as I am determined to sell Cheap for CASH. [121’ Remember the place Corner of Yonge and Centre Sts Opposite Sanderson (‘2 Sons. Richmond Hill, J, BROWN, April 4m 1876. Sold only in packets . ‘ ‘ or in default thereof they‘ will be peremptorily Richmond Hill, April 4, 1876. 1:315 PRIZE l l Richmond Hill. The undersigned respectfully begs to an- nounce to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and vicinity that, he has returned to this place and purchased the Excelsior Pump Works.‘ 0N cannon Srucsr, Formerly carried on by Mr. John Hall, and hopes by strict. attention to business, combined with the best material to merit a continuance of the patronage bestowed on his predecessor. . Well cmbs constantly on hand. Wells sunk on the shortest not-ice, Address stating depth of well, BEU. PHILLIPS, Richmond Hill, on: NOTI In the Surrogate Court of the County _ of York. I IN THE MATTER or run INFANT CHILD or JonN HAurNsr, DECEASED. TAKE NOTICE That I will on Monday. the 1st day of May, 1876, apply to be appointed guardian to the infant child of the late John Hartiiey, of King. GEORGE NICHOLS. Dated this 4th day of April, 1876. NOTICE TO CREDITORS John Walkinglin. alleceaseil. Pursuant. to the Statute, 29 Via. Cap. ‘28, and such other powers as are possessed by the Ad- ininistratrix. hereinafter mentioned, the Credi- tors 01 John Walkington, late of the Township of King. in the County of York. farmer, who died in or about the month of Joy, 1875. are, on or before The 29mm of April next. to send.bypost, prepaid. to Messrs Read &. Keefer. of the Cityiof Toronto, the Solicitors of Jane Walkington, the Adniinistratrix of de- ceased. their christian and surnames, address- es and descriptions, the full partioulars of their claim. a statement of their accounts. and the nature ofthe securitiesâ€"if anyâ€"held by them; excluded from the beneï¬t of the said estate. i and the said Administratrix will imiriediately I proceed to distribute the said estate am Dog the persons entitled thereto without further notice ,to them . . Dated the 20th day of March, 18.6. BEAU & KEEFER. Solicitors for Administratiix, Toronto, I SEQ-6t. SCHOOL REQUISITES FULL SUPPLIES l l AT THE HERALD BOOK I STORE. I B L n s c or E TY i’DEPOSITORY (Richmond Hillbrancli) nttlie Hutu-Lo l' wk Store. In the course of ten days will receive an assortment of Jones’ Celebrated Farming Implements, J. K. Pump Works, PRINTING OFFICE l a sPAnEs, snovaLs, FORKS, GARDEN RAKES, ETC. FALCONBRIDGâ€"E, THE “YORK HERALD †AND BOOK STORE F O B. S A. I.- E! The Subsciiber offers for Sale his Printing bfï¬ce. Bookselliiig and h ancy Goods Business on Richmond Hill. which he has conducted successfully for the past Eighteen Years. The Jobbing Patronageâ€"always the most import- ant in a Country Printing,0fli-e-â€"isGOOD. The Subscription List connected with the Youx HERALD is fair, and could. with energy and attention. be greatly increased. The Advertising Patronage is Excellent. . 'l'his Desirable Opening is a rare opportunity tor any one who wishes to commence in this line ,of Business. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. , References kindly periiiited to Messrs Buntin Bro. ï¬t. 00., Statioiieis. Toronto, or Messrs Hodgson & Boyd. Merchants, Toronto. For particulars apply to the Proprietor. ALEX SCOTT. Richmond Hill. Jan. 26. ’76. tllllllllt in tlllBl Races, Fridayâ€"and Saturday, 30th June d‘ lst July, 1876. ...â€" Trot for 3-year old Colts and Fillies. fouled 1873. and own d‘ in the Counties of York and Simcoeâ€"mile heats 2 in 3 ; stakes $25 ; en- trance, half forfeit tc'name with forfeit on 15th May and to close 25in Juneâ€"2nd Coli to save his stakes ; ALSO. A 3 minute Trot for $100; $100; a 2 35 Trot $200. and also two Running Racesâ€"these to close 29th June For further particulars See Bi ls wl.ic appear about the [st June. C. 1. DOUGLASS. President. Aurora. March 28, ’76. RICHMOND, HILL' Pump _W0rksa N reference to the above notice .of Disi solution. the undersigned would announce that he is now ï¬ttiiig'up New and Improved Machinery Driven by ample Steam Power. and intends t9 ' manufacture a SUPERIOR ARTICLE At prices and on terms hitherto unequalled. Parties Wanting pumps will do well to consul me before purchasing. . List of prices Sent on application. H, MILLER} Richmond Hill, March 24 ’75. 71~tf STOCK FOR {SALE D. W. DOAN, 923-9m. One Short-Horn Bull. Four Young Berkshire Sows, iiifPig. One Heavy Draught Filly, by England’s 1 Glory, rising 4 years old. All on Easy Terms. ' .- ‘ .1 _ J. ARMSTRONG. Tn'sron, \ZKt‘bngt‘N. 922-2t. l March 2-3, 1876. a 2 50 Tm, {or â€"Recitatiou fora boy ofti or 8 you"; _ _ laâ€" _/ .. h Wm or 12 years; Recitation on 'Gdllu'utr '3 I ' buys. Ewing tut «.33 tilt. vintage Lots for so... THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale a. number of Village lots. situated n the viilage of ‘ VICTORIA SQUARE! The lots curtain About One-ï¬fth of an 'Acre, " And are located at the North-west corner of lot No. 35, 4th concession of Markhhni. in a section where mechanics and tnb'orers butt get steadywork and high wages. Apply (Why ettcr.prepaid) to Henry Jennings, Victorip Square ,orto i H WM . G. HINGS'ION. Dingle P. 0,. 71444“ Mnrclifl7.1872. FOR SALE. glib}; ACRES being the East Half of , lot No. 20. in the 3rd Concession of the Township of Vaughan. 'l'he're is Eighty Acres under'iinprovomciit and 'I‘w'enty' Acres iii Valuable Timber. The buildings are good and extensive. There is an Oichard of graft- ed fruit and plenty of Water. 'l'his‘is a good Wheat Farm and beautifully situated. bein" within halfa Inile of Richmond Hill Station on the Northern Railway. and width: halfa mile from the Village of Maple. and within tWo miles ol'tlie Incorpoatt d Village (if Richmond Hill, on Yonge Street. and in the, immediate neighborhood of ruins, Schools itu'd Churches..a1.d within lb miles of the City of Tuionto.’ . For furtlfor particulars apply on the [ii-pin- ises to the owner ' HUGH DEVLIN. SSO-tt‘. Juu61.1875. T A LARGE STOCK or TEAS, ‘ Ranging in price from 3!) cents perlb. upward. Alsoa ï¬uevssortmeutof Family Groceries, I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, RICHMOND HILL. 1‘ .L RICHMOND HILL ltl'fllilllli lilllllllll. The undersigned having opened the Photos graph Gallery lately occupied by Mr Cou uland. new respectfully solicits the public patronagp of RICH MON“ .HlLl. and surrounding Country ; as he is now prepared to‘give satin“: faction in making - ' I Life-like Photographs AND AMBROTYBES; ‘ ’ Also Picture Frames shall be Made to Order, MALCOLM BLAIR. , . 23275; 909.}; snaps!" , ENNIE’S CATALOGUE' OF ;f 7 FIELD,'GKRD‘EN‘ and now; ER SEEDS, &c..,:&c., will be forwarded FREE to all. intending purchasers on up.- plication. - ‘ uranium Hlll. Dec ’I’lie several Do.- partments are ex- teuswe and very >- I complete, c o m - prising VEGETABLE i Blower Seeds, .Puro Grain a Agricultural Seeds. flownb ‘ I Potatoes, #9.“. \ of Superior Qua“ ‘- ity and worthy thg attention of put- chasers. . . i ‘ * Special atten-. tion is directed to Glover. and Timothy Seem-lungs- rian, Tare, 62.0., 8m, Special inducemp‘nts to Declare; Agricultu- ral Societies, Farmers' Clubs. Gi‘apges. and others mderiiig large quantities. “ SEED STORE,†Corner of Adelaide 8r. J ervis Streetg WM. BEN N IE, Toronto, Toronto. For. $22, l876. » BANNER DIALOGUES, BY . " ~ MRS R. P. HOPPER.- 30 Cents. A package contains the following Dialogues: Opening Address. for a boy . Litle Christie. i 115 Pages! I'or Albeit.-.â€"Re.citatiou for a boy or or' years ; A boys platform speed 1 I“. I), e, for two log‘uo‘l'or boy of 10 years, or'less; Closing girl; A Good Belgiumâ€"Admin I boys; The liii‘tti~dav.par.t.y._.â€"'A ‘500 .3 boys, 3 9; “5,2 getl’lelnflll and a lady ; Jank- en down Tradesman.â€"A dialogue for 2 boys and 3 giils; Ditfu‘ent Opinionsâ€"A dialer†for4 boys; Giving to God.â€"A dialogue. for 3 boys and2 girls ; Jolly Jim. or a soft on- swei- turiieth away wraithâ€"A dialogue for 3 ' [IT Will be sent. to any address. in form, post-paid, for 3.) cents. Address. I l'OSI‘MASTER. vicmrtns Sept. lst. 1575. who awe. £3137“, . » Vick’s lliiwei & legtlatlitieds Are the best the world produces. Th0! planted by a million people. in America. and the iesult is. beautiful listeners au‘d‘bb‘tondiq Vegetables. A l’ticm‘l Catalogue“!!! fr,“ all who eiiclOso the postageâ€"3a 3 qut'gump- Vick‘s Flower; ’ and" vegetahie . Garden Is the most beautiful works! the ‘kindï¬n‘ thg World It contains nearly lï¬u'pnges. hung dreds of ï¬ne illustrations. a‘li‘d routs Curio-m I’Lnns or meyicus. beautifully drain: and colored from- nature - Price 35 etc. in ‘pepeg . covers; (35 as. bound iii elegant cloth. - » ' VIOIi’IS- Floral Guide, ‘ Tliis‘is‘abeuutil‘ul Quarterly impairing]; illustrated; and containing an ctegunt‘ Fiontispicc‘c With the first number! We’d“)? 26 cts for the year. Th9 ï¬rst pdtnfttgffï¬r‘iï¬ï¬ jusr issued. Address _ ‘ ' ’ ' James’Vick. . A Rochestgr, N. Y.