Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 14 Apr 1876, p. 3

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Th' tunnel: 13- the vicinity of Oak R /. r ,st-lves into it Grange, tin Iln 61h Mini u: we: the title or “Royall U’wi Ural l and elected th-z followmg Of- firwrsz~ .\i stm, {has Gillis; Overseer, .lus. \l/ ~isnri; Lecture. Forbes Elliot; Steward, Wm. Wright; Asst-Steward. Phill'p Phillipa: Chaplain, Henry Flavel; Treasurer, Robt. Rutherford; Secretary, Henry'Newberry, Gatekeeper, Wm. Robin- .snqueres; M. S. J. Elliott ;‘ Pomona; ,missiflmma Dibb; Flora, Miss Lizzie ii‘ther'ford ; Lady Asst-Steward, flies Jenv iniq Gillie: ' iii-5A woin'sn named Ward, residing in fickle-den Ernst, came to her death on Thurs- wdsy, Nth‘inst” under circumstances which hear a strong suspicioniof her having been foully dealt With. 0n the morning eta-ted above, ‘the neighbors in the vicinity were roused by the husband of the deceased woman, who made his appearance in an ,‘alnidst nude condition, with the startling it - telligence .that his dwelling house was on fire; that he vbarely escaped with his life, and th‘at'he tear-ed his wife had perished in the flames. The neighbors, on their ai- rival at the burning house, quenched the ‘dâ€"VMr Fotheringham, Inspector of Public Séhaolé, visited the Schools in this village last week. He expressed great satisfaction with the proficiency of the pupils in the dir- ‘lernt departments, and 31:30 as to the ex- cellent order maintained throughout the ex- inaticn, I -..’A meeting of the Directors ofifihe Rich mond Hill and Yonge Street Agricultural Society will be held in Proctor’s Hotel,-0n Monday evening, the 17th inst , for the pur' pose of making arrangements for their annual Spring Show. I â€"Sdme of our amateur "sugar refiners" miggie, a raid on a “ sugar bush,” VinJhe fore part (if last week, tapping some "Basgs‘wcod, Elm and a few Maple trees. They; found that Elm and Basswood centain about as ,dluch “ sugar juice ” as a‘lamp post. and 1he-pr0babi1ity is they will, henceforth con- fine their operations to “‘beet root." «The East Riding of York and Mark- ham Township Agricultural Societies have united once more “' for better, lor worse,” andxwill hold their Spring Fair at. Union- fillel. on Thursday, the 27th inst. Two hundred dollars will be offered in prizes for stock,.and fifty dollars in prizes for poultry. We commend the latter proposal to Lang- stafl“ Gv angers. 'l‘h' lmmm.‘ it the vicinltv of Oak ' â€"-A “spill” occurred to a. party who had made up their mind for a. “ drive,”, on Sunday last, “broadcloth” and mud com- ing into “ sticking ” contact, to the infinite dmgust of all concerned. â€"-‘_Ne_w Advertisements this week: 'Boots and Shoes, Mr. J'. Brown ; Housns and Lot for.SaIe, 'Mr. Jas, M. Jenkins; House and Land for Sale ; Ngw Goods, Mr; P. Savage; Fresh Arrivals, Mr. A. Moodie ; List ofLi censed Pedlars and Auctioneers ; Néw Bible Texts at the HERALD Book Store. Bead lhvm. â€"Tâ€"he temperance people of East and WestYo'rk are circulating a petition: which is being numeronsly signed, asking the Li cense Commissonera to reduce the number of'licenses to one half their present number. -â€"On monday evening, the 30th inst., Mr. W. E. Sillence will deliver a. Ieciure on the subject of temperance, under the aus- pices of the Crystal Lodge of United L'I‘gmplaxjs. -â€"Severai large flocks of pigeons passed over the village, “ going west," on Wednes- day. There is a “sign” comes in here somewhere, but what it. is we can‘t remem' her just now. -â€"-“Chawles” Luann, the notorious, has been paying his semi-annual visit to Richmond Hill this week, much to :he hillusementflof the iuveniles. â€"A man may take a cold bath and éréi‘se'With dumb-bells évery morning. lie-monu- “whoop-Ia" mush around woman who parts her hair on the side. flames, and proceeded to search for the body, which they succeeded Vintfinding. The legs were burnt ofi‘ above the knees; one hand was found nearly entire, but the arms had fallen off, and the head also, which, in the search, could not be found. A suspicion of foul play arose from the facts that Ward, some time ago, had shown indications of in- sanity, and it was also remembered by the neighbors that, although only‘married about five months, his conduct towards his wife had been anything but kind. An inquest was held on the remains, and the (evidence implied that Ward first murdered his wife and then. set the house on fine. The jury returned a verdict that the deceased came to her death through the acts of her hus- "band, and an order was made for his arrest and committment. ,He was then removed -to Brampton gaol to:await his trial at the approaching assizes in May. _ â€"Langstal’f Grange ofl‘ei‘s a reward of $20pf0r the apprg-hsmsmn and conviction of the ihiewesgw’fio have been “ raiding ” the hen roasts in this neighborhood. ‘ RichmondHillStuiqn. Changeol'time .ki'ng oflect Monday, Nov. 15111, 1875 : Going North 8.13 A.u....12.27 p.m,..a.l3 Qoiuz South 9.26 A.M. . ...2.H) p.m. . .826 -â€"The Village Schools closed for the Easter holidays on Tuesday last. â€",Remember the Sabbath Schqol Concert this (Good Friday) evening, in the 'Masonic Hall. NOTICEâ€"We shall be glad, at all times to receive items of Local News, accidents or any incidents which may bointerestiug. either In the localilv in which it occurs, or in the County generally. Matter of this kind may be sent as “ Printer’s Copy.” at the rate of one cent per ounce. ifso marked and not seal- ed; but to insure its appearance. would re- quire to he received by Wednesday morning, before publication. at the very latest. RICHMOND HILL, APRIL 14, 1876. 'ORTEERN RAILWAY OF CANADA We .‘e‘flwck 3mm. LOCALISMS. ex- but Mr. Milliken, ~seconded by Mr. Max:311, moved that the $150th the '1‘0rontoHi‘11J eral Hospital for treatment of James Bur- ton and Isaaccfioberts, amqunfing to $93.50; up to April let, be paid by the Treasurer. â€"Carried. - Mr. Marsh, seconded by Mr. Do-herty, moved 'that {he fofldwing apex-sons be paid the several sums set. opposite their respec tive names, being two-thirds of the damage done to their sheepby dog or dogs, as‘ testi¢ Fed on oath, vizzâ€"Damiul Eyer, $22; Henry Wise, $30.60.-â€" Carried. - Mr. Doherty, seconded by Mr. Marsh, moved that the bills presented by Mr. Bar- by for [120 loads of grave], amounting to 319-610, be paid to the order of the mover..â€" Carr‘ied. Mr. Reesor, seconded bx iMr. Milieu, moved that the accoupt 9f H. R. Carson, amounting to $36.50 be'paid, beifig for 300 orders and 200 township accouvntkzp-Carrxed. Mr. Doherty, seconded Mr. Marsh, movgd Ahat, the sum 9f $20dbe granted to’ Mrs. Reaman, widow in” blue 'lhte'J 01m Rea- man ; Bald sum payable to the o'rder' of- Mr. Doherty.â€"â€"Carried. .er. Millikan, seconded by Mr, Rec=sor moved that the‘ sum of $2.25‘be paid by the Treasurer to Robert. Marsh, Esq., beihg the amount exepended by him in’vdefrayi'ng ex- pensesin' sending one Elizabeth Johnston, a poor ,and infirm person, $0 the Toronto Hospitals-x arried. ’ ' Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. ' Mr. introduced a By-Iaw to amend ByJaw No. 269. The By-Yaw received its first and second readings and was amended by inseIting th name of Richard Lewis in the place ‘of ,as road over- seer in BIN. ‘thnt the name of James Elollfiegirbe insérted ii] place of John Button; that’John Gibson be hereby ar- poEmed road avegreer igJDiv. N o. ‘24,.end that tbs ichedplé overSe ‘ ~= at. tached to said BHaw, No. 269, 'w renum- bered. 0n mctiou, the By-law was read the third time and pgased. I ' April 8, 1876.» Pursuant to adjoummént the COuncil met in the Council Chamber, Unionville. Mem- bers all present. Mr Jas. Robinson, Reeve, in the chair. ' V From Arch. Cameron, and 23 others. ask- ing to have the sideroad between lots 10 and all, from the frontfiof ,the 7th Con,_to the 1 ngel toad, opened out. ’ ' The Council then, (in mptioh, adjourned to meet again on Wednesday, Nth May. The Council adjourned, to max in the Court Room on Monday We 8111 May, at 8 o’clock, p.m. Mr.Savage moved,seconded,by Mr.Pogue, that F. Cosgrovels account, of this date, for lodging and meals to' indigent persons, amounting to one dollar and sixtyrfive cents, be paidâ€"Carded. .. , ., A .1. Zurilngga'zs. Pursuant to adjonynm'ént thé’ibove Coun- cilmet. The Reeve iii 'the chair. Mem- bers all present. The minutes of previous meeting read and approved. , The following petitions were presented:- From A. Law, and 14 others, asking aid for John Davidson, indigent. Mr.Savage moved,seconded by MnPogue. that the Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to Thomas Martin and Mrs. Mary N. Collins, t'wo aged and infirm poor persons, the sum of one dollar and fifty cents each per month for the ensuing six months.â€" Carried. From Francis Bunt, askihg the usual grant to the Vaughan Agriéultural Society. A clam for loss of sheep was made by John Hralop, amounting to $6.130. From T. F. Wallace, and 22 others, ask- ing aid for Mrs. Grey, indigent. Mr Wallace moved, seconded by Mr Rea- man, that the word “fiwo ” in the motion relating to Thornhill Road Beat, be struck out, and the word “ one ” inserted; and that the name .of William Smith be inserted in the place of Martin Smith as Pathmaster of Road Beat No.“ 67, as recorded in the minutes of last.meeting,-â€"Carried. April 10, 1876. The Council met. _ The Reeve in the chair. Councillors present: Mealst Pogue and Savage. -â€"A “split” having occurred in the ranks of the I.0.G.T., in this Village, the “ secesh " members with other temperance men and women united to the number of about thirty and handed in their names to Mr. W. E. Sillence, one of the lecturers of the Grand Lodge of the United Templars, requesting him to organize them into a 'lodge of that order. Accordingly, on Wednesday evening last, in the Masonic Hall, Mr. Sillence organized the lodge, under the title of Crystal Lodge of the United Temperance Order of Ontario. Thel following officers were eleoted and installed, 1 viz.: A. E. Mortimer, Prov. Deputy: Wiley, President, Sarah Storey, Vice-Pres.; . Geo. Trench, Sec. ;’ Robt. Wilson, Treas.; S. Allen, Lecturer; B. Reditt, Counsellor; P. G. Savage, Chaplain; A. B. Wilson, Financier; w. Wiley, Marshal; J. J. Mar- tin, Guard; H. Waite, Sentinel. The night of meeting was appointed for Monday of each week, at eight o’clockr during the summer months. A committee was ap- pointed for making arrangements for the renting of the Masonic Ballgand after the transaction of other business the lodge ad journed to meetagain on Mondayl‘evening next. at eight o’clock.“ ' Mr Webster moved, seconded by Mr Reaâ€" man, that. the Treasuner do hereby pay to John Hislop $4.33, being his claim for one sheep killedâ€"Carried. Mr Webster moved, seconded by Mr Chap- man, that the Treasurer is hereby. author- ized to pay the Treasurer of (he Vaughan HARKHAM COUNCIL. VAUGHAN COUNCIL. VILLAG E COUNG'IL. M. TEEFY, Carla. TRENCH.â€"At Richmond Hill,ou Monday, the 10th inst., after a long and protracnd i‘lnessJ home with cbrxslxan fortitude, ~M13. Trench, wife of Wm. Trench ‘82.,â€" agedies‘years and Ghomfié. ' " "~’ ' Her mind was tranqr‘lzanfl serene, No terror on her brow was seen, Her Saviour’s smi'e dial shed the gloom And smoothed her p15; age to toe tomb. ’ BfkfiRV,L.â€"‘.On> Safuvday- 8th inst, ihe wife of David Binnie“, lot N20. 23, Zn}! Con. Markham, ofadaughter. I '- DIED. .V “ DURHAM.eAt Richmond Hill on the 6th hash, Thomas Albert, fourth son of Richard :and Julia Durham. aged 9 y( mi .and 11 y a f. mom’b’c, 3 Bnrley................ on $0 Penn“... nun-u..."- Patatoes. par bush. . . .. . . . .. Apples par bums].~ 1 Dflad' App!as"per . . . . . Hay por¢on.... Straw " . . . . Butteryfi; rolls. . . .... . . ...... largero"s..... .k... Dressod‘Hogs, per 1‘00 .~ Bacon. Prime............. Hams, Cured........... ufipw ocmnmw webcgfic“== ,wccuwmscaucuu © © @§©® ®® ®®®©® r? ‘c O ‘ y O’BRIEx.â€"At OrilVa. (m the'28th v‘t., the wife of John D. @333), F q.. of a daughtggu Corrected by Mr Isuac Crosby. Grocer, and DryGoofiv Merchant. Fire Proof Store. Flour ~Spring Wheatextra . . Superior extra....... Oatmeal....... ...... ..... I Cornmeal.................. Wheatâ€"figrfpgpgy bush. . . . $1 02 fl nounâ€"Spring Wheat. . . ..~. ~ Fall Wheat oxlra' ' ' Wheatâ€"Spring. per bush. . Fall......... . . Toronto Ma;kek£cor,iséléa Toronto Dailies every Thurs “y morning. ' ‘Toro’nto. April 19,1876, The annual statement of the revenue of Great Britain, published on the 3lst of Mai'ch. shows a. wonderful state of financial prmperity and vigor. The income amounted to $385,658,465, while the expenditure was $365,324,880. In income there has been an increase du'ring the year of $11,049,100, and an excess over the estimates of$7,- 533,465. Such an exhibit for thrse hard times is extremely satisfactory. Mr. Reaman moved, seconded by Mr. Chapman, that when the Council adjourns it stands adjourned until Monday, the 24th inst., at 10 a. m., to meet at Harris’ Hotel, Pine Grove, for the purpose of takim into“ consideration the petition of certain rate- payers as to the advieibility of opening out the sideroad between lots 10 and 11, in the 7th Com, to the gravel mgd.â€" Carried. EggS. per-doz .............. Drssaed Hogs. per 100 lbs.... Bacon..... Prime.......... Hamsâ€"Curedmy 115...”... Woolâ€"perlb............... By-‘aw N o. 339, to provide rules and re- gulations of poundkeepers, and to settle thq height and‘descr‘iption of lawful fences in the Township, received its several readings and was passed. Mr. Wallace nnngd', §econded by Mr. Chapman, that the 'Tr'eaaurevr be authorized to pay Mr. Mann, of the Free Press, the sum of $25, for the publication of 400 copies of the Trfiqsurer’s accounts.â€"Carried. ' AT THE HERM‘J) BO0K $TORE BIBLE TEXTS, Grangers ! Grangers ,! ! BO 0 TS AND SHOES 10 Per Cent FOR CASH. Mr Wallace moved, seconded by Mr Chap- man, that 400 copies be printed in pamph- let form of By-iaw No. 325, regulating statute labor. By-law No, 339 to prowde rules and regulations for poundkeepers, and to describe height and description of lawful fences. Also an act respecting line fences, Cap. 25. 37 Vic., and that 220 road lists be printed.~â€"Can-ied. Mr Wallace moved. seconded by Mr Web- Mer, that the Reeve be authorized to make a temporary loan of $1000 to meet current expenses, in consequence of the tavern and shop license fees not yet having been re_ ceived.-â€"Carried. » Mr Reaman moved, seconded by Mr Wal~ lace, that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the undermentioned per- sons the sums opposite their name, for chari‘ table purposes :â€"To Mr'Wallace, for G. Gilmore, for support of paupers, $3; To Jas. M. Lawrence, for John Davidson, $8 per quarter; To Alex. McKinnon, for sup- port ofa blind man, named McLellnu, $4. â€"â€"Carried. ' Agricultural Society the usual grant of $50“ for the present year.â€"Carried. For the Ladies. gm galvvrtimxmm. JOHN BROWN’S, S ' , L 1' . at , ’ Rh fiOND HILL ARKETS. RICHMOND HILL, Where you can get par bu;rel.~.‘, a. .I., . l 2.‘ LppIas ‘per 35' or doz....‘.. L‘Hogs, per Prime.........."' Cured.......... large Rollin. . . . FOR SEVVING, VERY PRETTY, Whitey Winter. . . . TORONTO Maxim‘s}. A ~NEW SUPPLY OF Richmond Hill, BUY YOUR. BIRTHS. April 13. 1876. .. $500 -. 550 .. 000 .. 000 ,.. 000 0 00 $0503016400008265039 9800183700552217Fd‘2 44341]000%l020008000 s In . @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 2 .410055 85003 OMW370047%11501% 1100048010008000 s ‘ 1. l a». “A. .7 H ~‘ H-»_.;_..._>;‘A\â€"~ â€"-.. “Ar, to send. by p.051. prppa'utfflo Messrs. Read &. Keefer. of (he Citygof '1 ownto, the Solicitors nf Jane \I’atktngton'. the Administratrix of de- ceaed. their christian and surnames, address- es and don ripljous, the full particulars of their claim. a sqtement of their accounte. and the nature ofitho » acuritie:.â€"-if anyâ€"held by them; or in default thereof they will be peremptotily excluded . om the benefit of the said estate. and the raid Administratr‘lx will immediately proceed to distribute the said estate among the persons entitled thereto without further notice to them Dated the 90th day of March. 1876. {EAZD & KEEFER, _, Snickers for Administratrix, 922-1“. / Torontov on or ,hofovo Pursuant to the Sla’u‘te, SS‘Y'rc" Cap. 98, and such other powers as are possr- red bv the Ad- miuistrahix. hereinaaer menlioupd, tho Credi- lom ofJohn Wulkiugmn, late of‘1he Township of King. in the County of York, farmer, who died in or about the momh of July. 1875. pro, 15% PRIZE Pump Works, The 29th flay'of April next; The undersigned rrqpectfiflly begs to an- nounce to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill Iand vicinity that he has mmrned to . this place and purchased the John Waikinginn, fleceased. Excelsior Pump Works. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 0N CHURCH STREET, Formerly carried on by Mr. John Hall, and hopes b strlct attention to busineSQ, combined wit the best material to merit a continuance of the patronage bestowed on his predecessor. Well curbsconstanlly on hand. Wells sunk on the shortest notice. Address stating depth of well, REU. PglpLIPs,____ For sale on reasonable terms. the Houses and lot comprising half an acre of laud, with excellent garden and orchard, Iying south of Mr. A. L. Skeel’s shop and north ef Mr. Alex. Moodie’e store. on the East side of Yonge Street, in the village of Richmnnd Hill. A good business stand. Apply _to -.-. -.‘â€".n Part of the esfate of the late Wm. Hopper Clay. The House is buflt of brick and contains six rooms. The land isin a. high state of Cultivation and has thereon a. thriving young orchard. House and 2 Acres of Land, Cloverrzl‘imothy. Flax Seed, Tares. BOOTS AND SHOES, Or to April 11, 1876. SEED”: I SEEBSj! ! SEEDS! I l Boots and "E hoes of all kinds and sizes, At Prices that all can buy. Fine New Teas, Sugars, Oofiees, Spices, Cuwants, Raisins, Rice, Orange and Lemon ‘Peel, and all kinds of Canned Fruit. ' RICHMOND HILL. - Noted for doing the best work in ‘a tasteful manner. HOUSES ANDA'E‘JOT FOR SALE ‘RIOHJOND HILL.- A Large Stock always on hand. Flour, Oatmeal. Commeal, Buckwheat Flgur, Craglted Wheat. In addition to our reyidusly unequalled facilitim for printing fickle Bins and Cards, we are prepared to introduce new and special features this season. Baéon, Hams, Potatoes, Apples, Peas, Oats, Corn, Branand Shorts, Pmtim winting to Buy would do well to give me a. call, as I am determined to sell Cheap for CASH. Corner of Yonge and Centre Sts Opposite Sanderson (fl Sons. Richmond Hill, J. BROWN. Apm 4m 1876. Boneless Cad Fish, White Fish and Salmon Trout. Very Choice. Good livery Stable in Ennnsctinn. All kinds of Farm Produce taken and Fair Pg‘iccs p2i_d. New Improvements lhis Seasnn, An Excellent Cow, To Calve early In June. Price $45: Apply to HORSE BILLS FOR 1876. OR SALE. F . And all kindsof Field and Gal-Jpn Seeds, ofthe ‘ Sale at 2 pin. Mathodis; Pa rsongge. Richmond um. Ap-il 3, 1924-2t Situated on Elgin Street, in the VILLAGE} OF THORNHILL, ASH SALE, FLOUR AND FEED. ONTARIO HOUSE, SATURDAY, APRIL 22.“), GROCERIES, THE " flEflALD 9’ OFFICE. TWO LARGE CASES VERY BEST SELECTION. Richmond Hill. JAMES M. JENKIKS, Laskéy P. 0. 527’ Remember the place Just opened to-day ROBERT CONWAY, Auciioneer. J, H. STARR. AT THE 0F M. TEEFY. Richmond Hill. Richmond, Hill. The, Herald Office for Horse Bills. Largest “Stqu a Qf_,,;Furniture. AT THE"‘BRITISH FLAG STAFF” . OPENED OUT THIS WEEK, . A CHOICE SELECTION OF THE _ PEOPLES’ STORE, NEW_DR_.E_1§S goo-13s, SUITS MADE TO ORDER! NJ; Arw‘ I? .. anficis 5.133.?“ James McClure .. Salem fipkgm‘y . . Thomas 1: key. . . Robart Conway. . . W. H. Major. Francis Bum}; . . . George I". Monro . George Fl' at. . . . . William B-~own. . . Jamos C. Siokr- r . . Jelly Slull'svyorth David Beldam. . . . William [J xon .. . Joseph Bogart and Tuomas Poacher . 1 AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. 01150710 New Gargen Seeds. - P. G. SAVAGE. James ML Patterson A “draw Bender.â€" on Henry Budge. . . . . . \Vi|liamMalloy. . . James Kavanagh . . Robert lbbolsou. . . . John' Alanson. . . .. S. M. Brown” . . .. Daniel Km ue'e. . . . . Tzeasurer'S‘OflicefCouigty of York Talento, April lst, 1876. ETURN their sincere thanks for pastpuzonugo and wouId begkame to any. that having enlarged their premises and made arrangumants‘fqr having alhhqirwork done puder their own supemslon. are damn-mined toestabtishp ,re‘putnfiqngecondxo,nqne in the Prayince {of Robert Sharp . . . . . . John E. Buck ....... Fred. Cobbin . . . . . . . Henry fiewsome . . . . Benj. EHieLon . . . . . . . G. P. Smiih . . . . . . . . Jas. Scrivener: . . . . . . ‘John Broadwood. . . . Jos. Berger . . . . . . . Augustus G. Husband Simeon Miller. ..... . . . Solomon Schoenlauk. Amgiig. Johnson . . . . . David Edwards . . . . . . Jacob St mp. . . . Thomas ohuce. . . . . John Brav. . . . . . . . . . Robert Tier . . . . . . . . . John Barnes . . . . . . . . JohnMulcgqghy . . . . . A James Robinson. . . . .. Henry Boliey . . . . . . . . James Wellman . . . . . . W. P. Sainger . . . . . . A John Emsth . . . . . . . . John McCormack . . .. John McConnell . . . .. A.“x Bomgasser ....... Francis. Lynch. g. .u... Frederick Grice . . . . . . William PoinLon . . . . . Michael Lenahgn . . . . . CARRIAGES! CARRIAGES I! Carriages, Buggies 8c Wagons And using none but the BEST MATER‘I AL, they feel certain that they can give aaiiefaction none of their work being d one In any other shop. N. B.â€"-A. W. & S. would also state that in [connection with the above they have opened 3 New er: List of Licensed Pedlars and Auctioneers for County of 1:01:15. ' P E D L A R S . GOODS DELIVERED. TIRS'T-GIASS ‘WORKMEN, ' ' TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED. “EFL'OWERS, A LARGE VARIETY. ALVERY FINE,1,-SELECTWN OF NEW TWEEDS, COTTONADES FOR BOYS’ SUITS. A FRESESS’IOCK OF FAM i'LY GROCERIES A‘ Large Assortment gr Room Paper. FreshSupply of CHOICE GROCERIES. FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS. . FLOUR AND FEED FOR CASH. Emfihown on Richkofidfiih, th GrerIyâ€"Rébifld nicest?) Gash. :EEOQM PAPER, A. "WRIGHT 8c SON Sale Agent for Anderson’s “Family Safety Illuminating Oil.” BLACKSMITH SHOP; ~ ’Borderings & Window Blinds, OF EVERY PATTERN AND SHADE. my in. LADIES’ AND MISSES’ HATS, Paints, Vamishes, Oils 85 Brushes. - GLASS OF ALL SIZES. ..--o..--....I Luna-uncanlav ood.......... ahéfiééfiliil )enlauk....... nee........... :hy........... ou..... . . . . . . ‘ en .......... 521512333222 ce........... Lon.......... bgn.......... :OF EVERY STYLE 0R DESIGN. flbfiwed by Famers’ Broduce_Ta7cen in Emchangefor Goods. “IE Parasols, Ribbons, Laces. JUST RECEIVED AT AN IMMENSE ASSORTMEN’I‘ 0F do V 7 . Sharon . . . . . . Toronto City ’1 Downhill} . ;. Aurora . . . . . . [Etobicoke . . . Yorkville . . . . . . Totem our. .- Laskay. . . Vaughan . . . . . . City of Toronto Toronto City. . . Islington . . . . . . St. Andrew’s. . . g'l‘oronto City. . . ‘Bmmpton . . . . . '. Toronto . . . . . . . Lagkay . . . . . . . . Tbronto City. .. 'l bornhill . . . . . fil‘qromo City . .. . [Brockton . . . King . . . . . . . 'l‘orontq City. do . . Aurora . . . . . . . Sharon . . . . . . \. Toronto City. . do .. . . Vaughan . . . . . . {City of '1 qtjonto EMPLOYING NONE BU'I‘ AUCTI ONEEBS . Authority of County Council. msmpxcs. ALSO TEE JNO. K. MACDONALD, _ Treasurer Gounly'flf York. mwmr: One orse DE u N DESCRIPTION OF LICENSE. ALEX. MOODIE. June 15th. " Aug. 25th, " Sepl’r. 7th, “ October 2311 1876. “ 8th. » u 1 " Ihh. " I “ 16m. " “ 18lh, “ " 25gb, “ u ngh’ u ‘April 2nd, 1876. u huh. .- Nov. 9Lh. ' “ 17H). 1 " 91m, Jany. 3m, Foby. 2nd. .0 8n], 1 "V lfllh. ‘ " 14m. " 26H}, March 4th; 9' llth. ‘ ‘ 23m. :DATI W33! 5;!fk ES my 25th; u 25m, :1 Dec. 3rd, u (- 9‘1], In H U H 29.13. H .Ja‘u. mm. 1877 ‘Feb‘. 211;]; “ 19m: " 22nd March 9th: Nov. 121]),7 ‘ H ‘25”. July_26[h. Aug. 7th “‘ 17th, “ 30th, Qct. 19gb, ‘Sem- 9th. _ “ 1%- Apri124tb.1876. -‘ 27th{ H May 1st, “ DQTE WHEN L1- CENSE EXBIRES. 26th} 17th', 3rd, 5th, 315m 101b, 2lst. 2 .‘ud, 1877. H H H l‘ In either branch. on the shortest notice, and in such a manner as to give the utmost satis- i'acfion to h’s patrons. Ho trusts lo receivo me samalibernl patronage heretoloreextendegj 80 these mills. Term strictly cash. ' BILL STUFF. A LARGE QUANTITY. OF LATH. in lots to suit Purchasers. Having engaged a Firsti- Claus Sawyer. parties requiring Custom Work willpg accommodated on the shortest nmice", . JOHN JONF‘S. 7 ' Carville Mills. Forthe pvoieclioh of'tha pubfic orBrhish North Ameri‘caJ‘» deem it my duty to state that my PILLS AND QINfTMriNI' are neither man- u'nctured not sold in anypart of the United States. . The undersigned begs to inform the public genex'allv that his Mills have been thoroughly repaired in r~ll their par-ts, and that he is now prepared to auend to all CUSTOM WORK, BEWARE 0F C(WN'I‘ERF ITS, Each Pot and Box be." r the Rvilfsh Govern- mentSlamp, wiahH‘e welds “Hul'owav's Ping and Ointment. London.” engraved ihereon, On the label is Lhe addrew, 533 Olifmd Street. London. _ ' 533. Oxfofd Street. W. 0.. Lawton, June Isl. 1875 CARRVILLE SAW MILLS Nov. 12; 1875 This nc‘VCe h2s bceomé nece < con.- sequence of Vila and fijx'vionp inx«.a‘.7on§ of “ Ho'loway’s =f-“s nxvu0 one“, ".1er ng I'abri- r) ed at 72-".MP'u' v‘ > an L “vs, New York,by parfl A yl'ug them- selves “,Hollq way & 00..” with an assam . at] It ado gnu-k, ihusâ€" ‘ ‘ " A Messrs w c at 0; Yuile, “fin-{veal- Chaé- 1- D5V1fi'5...Fn‘edgric1cv1. N. B. The medicines are 59M at the low est whole.- sa‘s {gelri'll'ieeg' if! gfiaynéitig‘sn of' not less than -A- x n. ,, £é3b$3§ffif§$il §§;6'd.',223‘, and 343. per dozen bongo; W's or pols of Oimmeut, for which remittances mus’l be sent in advance, All branc/aes of Dental Surgery: HEADFORD MILLS ! Custom WOrku anmg secu ed the R, NLILL. a first c Unprinclpled vendors mm obtain this trad; ntavery'ow price. and so deceive you by whiny; the swme To. mv ge-n'hya Hollowuy'o [We and Ointment. whigh ae manufactured oulv at 533, 0.x“on areal, Lyndon. " Pemonswiiomay-Ere so‘imcpiyed will ho p’eused loic'omm‘n'u‘ ‘ e w 'Ip’e. ' Manv 1% net: ahle Susi, ‘the ‘E Ilish Prov- in e , whooan "H7 uregflcme: d‘necf from here. have velv n one Iv sugge‘fe‘d Um I s‘von'dJ‘oer bewfil of" I‘vemsehes and the pul Mime” ‘he‘ meme] in We namensdha; itmay heknown that my medicines can be had genuine 5.0m chem. M" Rn 8- 9‘ 'dd‘; - Windxow, MI‘SO’PE". NOT-7’9); . S,‘ M-- Game C-‘H-yyu :ngy.rfiggdp»ictou.N. :8. Mr W- H- Thom pgu‘ngbpr‘ vagace, N;qu M," J. M' W'IGVc ‘N- B. Mess“: W: 05_Yuile, Montreal; 6.: Tu'e "ol'owingii a 13h: of the fi- ms alluded m; and l plnicuhc‘v v'ernmmmvd those who ‘3‘ 1e to get mv msdicipeb to apply to some 01‘ .6 Houses named ;.â€" , 1‘s, Mower 6L Co . momma”. Mn, sAvery. Brown & Co..'lla»,'ifnx. N.S,. M» s Foxsyth & Co., Halifax, N S. Mesm'sT. B. Barker JLSous, St'John,N.H Apoquiecavie-s’ Hall (70.. Viclo " . B. 01' Mam-s Lang'ey & (50.. Victoria, B.C . Messrs Mom 3 $1; 00-. View-jag. B.‘C.' Dr.Jolm l’al'e\1,Chalham. N. B. Me esrs Muvm {81; 00.. Monil'eal. Mes rs J. Wine. &, Col, Hamillon.C.‘w.- Mr H . J. R0: 0. Tomato. M: A Chinmansmim, St.John.N. B. MrJo‘yn Bacid,G,*u.?Qh‘ Ont. I“. _' .‘ Messxs E“’Oi& Con'lfommo. ~ ‘ Mr J. Cheio'w. SI. JohnLN. B.‘ Me<m S H a my??? 0 \1 Brg‘lhevq,sg.19h§n "N 33. ,- n Q n. OULD resnectl'ally announce that he will wait Bi hmondJ'HH [he lb’lh ofeach momh, at Palmm's Hotel ; also atlenn the It'- lowing places. professionally, Sundays ex- ce )Led: NewmarkeL. . .. . . . . . .. 9nd ofearh month Suunu,......... 3rd and ~1th ” 'f Pefi‘e‘aw,............. 5th “ ‘7 Mon.-1Alben't.......... 8m 99 If Sandl'ord, , . . . . . . . .. 10111 “ " Sioufivifle............. l41h ” " Markh.\m,......~...... XGIII ”. ‘f Aurora................211m 3' “ Satisfaction Guaranteed. SURGEON DEN TIST. Markham, May 19. ’75. July 20. 187:). AMES. TOYS, (mi, FOR SALE ,4; HE Subscriber havingrefined hisWOOL- EN MILLS'he is now prepared to axe; cute all ordels for o. W. KENNEDY, L.D.S:, CUSTOM CARDKNG'. ithe Hmmw Hook Store SPINEJNG «Sn FULLING Charges Moderate. NEWMARKET, ONT., THOMAS HOLLOWAY. A TTENDED 5e vices of MR LJAMES inns workman, he is ready to do ALEX. MACKIE, r5. 877-tf. 8m lOlh l41h XGIII 211m 8874f. 883

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