Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 21 Apr 1876, p. 2

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,At' the opening of the Session, the whole countrywas anxiously looking to their representatives to see what steps they Would take, if any, to alleviate the depression felt in commercial and manu- facturing circles. Many who had but little faith in the Reform Government of the day, were led to hope that they w0uld yield to popular preSSurc, and ’rp't'ove 'thW‘wfim-thmthey had seemed to‘be in the light oflformcr ex- perience. -' If ever an administration had an opportunity of winning the approba- tion of “the people it was certainly the Mackenzie Government during the past session,nand all-they have accomplished could have been as well done, and much more expeditiously by any Township Council in the country. There has been‘one end gained however in the late 'IS‘ession, and that is, the people will here- after, 'in the matter of 'Free Trade and Protection, know where to find the Re- form:~ Government. They have pro- nounced) themselves Free Traders and as such must either stand or fall. The Depression Committee was composed of a majority of Free Trade advocates, and it would be useless to expect any- thing in the report that would condemn their pet hobby. From the start its Free Trade prejudices were manifest, and it is also evident that, let the eviâ€" denee be of whatever nature it might. the report would be a documentary ad vocate of their principles. The admin- istrative reform with which the country was to be feted when Mcsm‘s. Mackenzie and Blake came into power, has proved a. myth. The strict economy and purity which was to have characterized all their actions, has. turned out to be of a very different nature to what the people were led to expect. . The steel rail transac- tion stands out in bold relief as a sample of Administrative Reform. Eight thousand ‘dollars squandered through sheer incompetence and want of business tact. This is the easiest construction that can be put upon the transaction, for, to put any other, would be to charge Mr Mackenzie with little less than a fraud. Their political economy has been sufiiciontly demonstrated in their emigration policy, in which AgentGen- oral Jenkin's figures so prominently. The shameful extravagance in connection with the palatial residence of the irre- pressible Jenkins, has been alluded to so often that is is unnecessary to refer to it again. The strongest condemnation of the aflair is that through the repeated attacks of the Opposition press, the Ministry have been compelled to sever their connection with Ginx’s Baby, and reduce the expenses-0f his establishment. For the foolish extravagances of this connection of which they have been guilty, the country will hold them to. account. ’. The public accounts show that a Hali- fax newspaper in which two prominent members have an interest, had received $10,000 for Post Ofiice printing; and mat the Speaker had at about. the same At theopening the speech from the throne was exceedingly meagre and ex- cited but little debate. The financial depression was alluded to, and in conse- quence of it affecting the revenue, it would he found necessary to curtail the expenditure. Measures, affecting com- mon carriers, life insurance, cnf‘ranehise- ment of Indians, criminal statistics and a few other small matters of minor im- portance, constituted the bill of fare which our Reform Government thought necessary to call the representatives from Nova Scotia to Vancouver together to legislate upon. Two of the promised measures miscarried. The Common Carriers Bill was rejected by the Senate, butbefore the vote was given the Govern- ment eonclucled that if the second read- ing was asented to, they would not ask for a further stage this session. The Ir.- surance 311-} they dropped of their own accord. The Dominion Parliament which opened on the 10th of February, closed on Wednesday, the 12th inst., and for all that has been accomplished during the ten weeks they have been in session, they might as well never have been called together. Never since Confedera- tion have the proceedings been ‘more devoid of salient features, and that at a time when the soundest statesmanship was needed to grapple with the problems which crowd upon our rulers for solution. When the prevailing dulness of trade, the‘great’depreSSion existing among our national industries, the like of which has never been experienced in the history of our country, the men from whom the people expected so much have met, talked, adjourned, and. doneâ€"nothing. mm aim 33mm. Where Advertising CImtx-acts can be made. CLOSE OF THE SESSION. THIS PAPER IS ON FILE WITH RICHMUND HILL. Ann 21, 1876 Maw“); A telegram from Montreal to the To» ronto Mail states that there is great distress on the Gaspe eoast. Flour is very scarce. One woman died at Perce from starvation last week. At Malbaie de Barachois several families are starv- ing. Unless navigation opens early, it is feared that many will die of hunger. Only thirty barrels of flour are left for sale among the merchants withm thirty miles of the coast, and this can only be bought by families in quantities of ten or twelve pounds at a time. Hay is selling at $32 per ton, and to be carried thirty miles at that. The farmers in Gaspe are already killing off their whole stock, and horses are. rapidly dying, There is seven feet of snow on the ground. One day last week, Mrs. M. Stimson, of Seymore, vomited a large lizard. She was visiting a sick brother and comâ€" plained of a violent palpitation of the heart, accOmpanied with pain and sick- ness of the stomach, and in attempting to sit up she fainted. Dr. Patterson, of the village, was present at the time and immediately administered a powerful emetic, when the sufferer at once vomited a quanity of matter having a solid and un- usual appearance, which, upon being ex amined, proved to be a dead lizard of'no ordinary size, of a greenish color, and about six inches in length, fully devel- oped but in a slightly decomposed state. Mrs. Stinson, although in a very low condition, is gradually recovering. Messrs. King & Brown, bootmakes, of Toronto, have got up two splendid pairs of slippers, which are to be sent to the the Centennial. After the Exhibition,‘ one pair is to be presented to Lord Dufâ€" ferin and the other to the Prince of Wales. Both pairs have the arms of Canada beautifully worked on the front. On the heels of those intended for His Royal Highness a maple leaf'is entwined with the Prince of Wales’ Feather. On‘ His Excellency’s the maple leaf is wreathed with Shamrocks. The slippers are valued at $100 a pair. A little boy about two years 01 age, son of Mr. Geo. P. Parsons, Strathroy, died a short time ago from the effects of eating the phosphorous ofl’ a bunch of matches. ' The Montreal Board of Health have been discussing the frightful mortality existing among the foundlings of that city, especially those in the Grey Nuns’ Hospitth [Out of 719 received there last year only 88 survived. The conclu- sions arrived at by the Board were that the babies should be supplied with pure milk at stated hours; and that their death was a great loss to the country in population. In Montreal, on Wednesday, a verdict of $12,500 was given the plaintiff in the case of McLagan, of Lindsay, V. Hugh Allan & Co. The suit; was brought to secure damages for injuries sustained by plaintifi when a passeenger on defendant’s boat. time received for printing, some $9,000. It is impossible for anyone to compre- hend the beauties of Reform Govern- ment without glancing through the pub- lic accounts, which operation is easily performed through the facilities afi'orded by a healthy Opposition. Hon. Malcom Cameron, M. P., for South Ontario, who is now sixty-eight years of age, is lying seriously ill= at Ob tawa. Mr Cameron is one of the three oldest members of the House. A bronze monument of Lincoln erected at the expense of the colored people of the United States, was unveiled at Washington on Friday, the 14th inst, by President Grant amid a large and enthusiastic gathering. The wife of Prof. Williamson, of Kingston, and sister to Sir John Mac- donald, diod on Wednesday, after a long illness. The Newfoundland seal fisheries pro- mise after all to be prosperous. Several of the vessels haxe returned from the fishing grounds loaded. The Globe tries to find fault with the opposition offered by Sir JohnlA. Mfac- donald, because he occasionally found it to be in the interests of' the country to cast his vote on the side of the Govern- ment, and did not always pursue an ag» gresive policy. Sir John A. has through- out the Session shown himself to be the true statesman, and one who does not find fault for the mere sake of finding fault. His conduct throughout has been such as to make warm friends _of many who have hitherto been his political enemies. The present Ministry may continue to hold the reins ef-‘power for a time yet, but we are very much mistaken if, when they again appeal to the people for reelection, they do not meet with a repulse which all their professmns of purity and ecomony will fail to counteract The funeral of Mr. Thos. Scatcherd, took place at London on Tuesday last, and was the largest ever held in that city. EDITORIAL NOTES. NEWS SUMMARY; Richmond Hill, Jan. 26. ’76. Comron'rma- â€" "By a thorough knowledge ofthe natnraI laWs whichgovern theo‘pérhtions ofdigestionand nutrition. and by acaret'nl ap- plication of the fineproperlies of well-selected cocoa, Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tables :with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’bills.‘ It is by the judicious use oi such articles of diet that a cunslitutlou mas be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disense. I-lnndrvds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attach where ver there is a w.-ak point. We may escape many a fatal shalt in keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properl) nourished treme.”â€"~ Civil Service Gazelle Sold only in packvtr; |abelhdâ€"" JAMES MIPS fir. (30 . Homoeopathic (Illemids. 48 'l‘hreadneedle Street, and 170 l’Iccadillv, London.” The Suhsmiber offers for Sale his Printing fiicp. lookselling and l‘ ancy Goods Business on Richmond Hill. which he has conducted ~uccesslnlly for the past Eighteen Years. The Johhing Patronageâ€"always the most Imparl n‘. H] n Chunu-y i’i-iming ()fl'weâ€"is GOOD, l'lm Subsc iption List connede with lhp YORK HERALD is fair, and could. with energy and attention. be greatly ingreused. 'l'he Adveriising Patronage is Excellent This Desirable Opening ‘is a. rare opportuniw lo any one who wishes to commencv in (his line of Business. Salisfaclorx' reascns given for \elling. V _ fl ‘ ESLEYAN HYMNS, ALL SIZES at the HERALD Bo okStoro. ago, the hired man visited the city, and on his return to the house, engaged in earnest conversation with his mistress. Their talk was in subdued tones, and very mysterious. So deeply were they intent on the subject in hand that they scarcely noticed the presence of a little girl of five years old, or when she glided olf the lounge, on which shov- had‘, been lying half asleep, in the gathering gloom ’l‘was well they did not, or the story would, perhaps, have had a different end ing. The child made her way out through the yard to the barn, where {the thrifty farmer was beddingtdowm his cattle, and began to tell about the ser- vant man’s return, and of'the. conversa-, tion between the guilty pair. The far-~ mer gathered, among other things, that he had brought home “ a piece of,“ iron With holes in it, and was going to kill somebody with; but mamma said he must put it in his box and not- show it to any one I” The farmer pondered these things well, and, gaining a suitable op. portunity, he visited the man’s room and unlocked or forced open his box, when his worst suspicions were confirmed. He found a new doubleâ€"barrelled pistol, fully charged. He no longer doubted that he was standing upon dangerous ground, and that the wife of his, bosom and the man who was eating his bread were plotting his destruction. He lost no time in taking measures for his own isafety, which he did by impounding the weapon, confronting the guilty couple With an accusation of their foul purposes, 1 and turning them both from his door. He has no wish to be a martyr after the manner of poor Finlay, and owes his safety to the innocent loquacity of' his child. The woman protests her innocence. declares she has given no reason for such a summary banishment, and threatens to bring an action for support. . Her, a1- leged accomplice, becoming alarmed at the energy of character unexpectedly shown by the wronged man, has fled to parts unknown. It is possible the story may be modified when all the facts are told, but the foregoing is at present the drift of the neighborhood reportsâ€"Lon; don Free Press. PRINTING OFFICE References kindly permit ed to Messrs Buntin 1310.61, Co., Stationers. Toronto, or Messrs Hodgaon & Boyd. Merchants. Toronto. For palticulars apply to the Proprietor. THE “YORK HERALD” A FARMER’S WIFE AND THE “HIRED MAN” AGAIN. The good people of London township have been for some days agitated by a startling domestic scandal, resembling the Finlay tragedy in every detail, saving that the murder was prevented. The names which rumor is busy with we deem it prudent to withhold. forthe pre- sent, inasmuch as certain action is threatened to be taken in the courts, which may lead to a full and authori- tatiVe disclosure. The facts, however. as they are understood by those who claim to know, may be substantially ref lated. The parties implicated in the scandal are a farmerpwell known in. Lon- don and thnoughomt the township, his wife, and the almost proverbial “ hired man.” According to custom in general rural society, the man “help” enjoyed familiar intercourse in the household, upon even terms with the‘family. From the ordinary liberties he soon managed to ingratiate himself with the mistress, and being encouraged in his advances, succeeded step by step in not only win- ning her affections to himself, but in creating in her mind an absolute repug- nance to her lan‘ul husband, the unmiss- pecting farmer, who Went to his daily labors unconscious of the wiper warming itself at his hearth. One day, not long EPPS’S COQUA.â€"GRATEFUL AND} ALLEGED CONSPIRACY TO MURDER. AND BOOK S TORE mimllmwmw, ALEX ‘SCOTT‘ 10cm. 20 cts, 30 cts, 38 cts. 40 ctq, 60 cts, 90 cts. Can be obtained at the HERALD Book Store at the following reduced prices :â€" Lumbt’r Taugued, Grooved, and Sur- face Planed, fin short notice. ,,0rders Soéiciled. Lumber cut from 36 feet doyn_,1p orde'r Bi H Lumber atmnded ‘lo. Richmovd Hill, “Vlar. 2, 1876. 919-”. WESLEY HYMNS Mmmfacfirfl oonors. Sashes. Blinds, Mould- ingg, Lalh. Shingles, &c., Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill SAS‘I! AM) mum “mm, ALFRED QUANTZ, Fm- hire. Funeral Furnishings, Coffins and. Caskets in every style. Begs to announce to the Inhabitants of Rich- mond Hi". andsurroundmg neighborhoog tha he has built a new Hearse an documenced the BENT FELLOES, SHAF’I‘S, CUT'I‘ER and SLEIGH RUNNERS, . A. W R I G H T, CARRIAGE BUILDER. UNDERTAKINE BUSINESS. A FINE NEW HEARSE EAVE-TROUGHS, U Undertaker. 8L5, RnssnENcEâ€"Nearlv opposite the Post Offico Richmond Hill. 10- to 100 Dgllars GLOBE 85 HOOK, Ffihruury 15. 1876 f1. MINION, at$6 per l0(l feet. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed; Sap Buckets, l‘a’ils,Cidvr.MillsIWusning Machilles,Shingles Felloes, Sawn and BENT Material for Bug~ gles and Sleighs v Forparticulari address JQH N LANGSTAFF. Steanf Mills, Laugatafi P.O ABRISTERS, 850.. Union Block, Cor: ner l'omntn and Adelaide Sts (opposite Ihe new Post (ME 3.) Torunlo . F. ()sum. Jug” BM'I‘HUN n, W G. FALCONBRIDGE. (II-Mm.“ Moss, N. W Hovws- J. H. 'l‘HoMt I.) AND REAL ES'l‘ Th AlikN’l‘. Depo 2;; ruueivod. suljucl to demand with Interest. Loans negotiated. DebenLuresl’or OFFICE : 20} Ail-«lame Sue et Eust,'l'9[onto, a few doors Wesx q! the Post Ufiipe ‘ [J Countins M ank, Fuel, Ontario and 'Simcoe ; also Vanna: r and Commission Agent. Rh. Add-ens Blnumington. I?” Chancery Silos atmnded tn. [’arlies raqniring MR PA'ITrtksoN’s sgrviqes can m'uke arrangmuenls and ohmiu panic"- lars as to terms $20. at the H'JIALD Ufiica. I 1 County of York. re>peclfnlh solicits your patronage and friendlv influence.’ Sales at- tended ou the shorlest notice and at reason- able rates. P. 0. Addxess. Teston. ICENRED Auctioneer for the Ccunly of York. x'eupectfullv solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Salegagtended on the shortest nouce and at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, Victoria Squan . HYSICIAN. SURGEON AND AC- CUUCHEUR. UFFICE: Corner of Yonge and‘Centre Sm. Richmond Hill ICENSED Auctioneer for the Counlv of York. re’speclfnlly solicits your pmronage and friendly i‘llflueIICe. .Sales attended on the shores! nhtice and at reasonable rates P.U address, King. AW AND CONVEYENCING 0Fâ€", 1‘ mom. AURORA. Will be at Richmond I]z'll,every Thursday UFFIGE AT Panama’s HOTEL. MODERA’EE CHARGE. Richmond Hill,July 23. 1874. Aurora. Julv l3. '75 'l‘uroulo. Nov. 4:, 1877- BETHUNE. OSLER 85 MOSS, Langswfihi‘eb. 28. 1876. Nov. 2. 1875: Teslon. Oct 5. 187-5 Nov '22, 1545‘ May 31. 1875. (LATE mm W. DUDLEY. NEWMA'RKET.) Markham, Sept. 10. 1674 King, Sept. 10. [8'74 THOMAS SEDMAN, AQRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, DR. JAMES LANGSTAEF, lICHMQND HILLL WIIEL guy} Funeral Furnishingssupplied u from ANKEK \NHBR :KER INSURANCE THORNHILL, ONT. DANIEL KINNEE, ICENS‘CD AUC'J‘IONEER FOR THE ?satent Eaveâ€"trough ND WATER‘SI’OU'I‘S FOR THE D0- J» M. PATTERSON, ICENSED AUCTIUNEER for the SAMUEL M. BROWN, GEO. BROWN, M; D., A LARGE STOCK 0F JAMES c. STOKES, @‘mimfi 4mm. RICHMOND flILL, MANUFACTURERS F. J. FARNDEN,_ A“ WILLIS, KEPT 0N HA u), ALSO. 0F 919-tf 8984f 9R7 1f. 9024f. 905-“. 880-lf. 9112- 842-“ 842-“ 354i If {Horses gyd Vehicles for hire. Charges mo- ‘- den-ale OppositoSandersonfiLSons JOHN BROWN, Proprietoga Richmqnd Hi”, pep: 14, 751-3m The Herald Office for Horse Bills. AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. SCHOOL REQUISITES W [h ereal Aaving of Lime and uod. It gives strength and life to H-Irses, even during hard we k . ( ow§ fed NM. 1 pr dw more milk and butter, E1 the same thus increase in flesh, and for Man fcediug ca .le Lts tfiwl ' ~' mru'rcluus ‘ And using none but the BE €T MATERIAL, they feet certain that they can give satisfaction 11on of their work hehlg d one In any gtllgr shop. N' B-TA- W- 3‘ 5- WWW aka state, that. in connection with the ahoyg this; haw openedaNew ' t t .. \. BLACKSMITH SHOP, RETURN their sincere thanks for past patronage and would bég leuw to any, that having enlargvd their pzemises and made nlrangements for havin g allllu-il Work done under lheir own Supervision. are thermined to establish a reputation second to name in the Province for. Carriages, Buggies 8c Wagons STUFF GOODS Departmeqpr‘eplete with emerything 1513;1th new agd fashipnable AT FALCONBRIDGE’S CARRIAGES EM. GARRIAGES l! M'AGNIFIGENT DISPLAY “ FIR E PROOF STORE.” In all New Pamemsand" Shadesgx A beautiful assortment Double Warp and Demi SPADES‘, SHOVELb" FORKS, GARDEN RAKES, ETC. Eagle Mills and Bufl'alo Brands. Blaqk Cqbourgs, French Twills, Black Par- mattgs, Silk Warps, Black Grape Cloths, Persian Cords, Black Elnpreas Clothg 8pm, &c. A large and splendid selecthl}; Qf_ ‘ " LADIES’ AND CHILDRENS’ HATS, HATS. NEW GOODS EVERY WEI Toronto. Augum 30, 1875 Horses, Cows, Calws, Sheep, and Pigs A DOLLAR BOX CONTAINS ‘ZUU FEEDS. Richmond Hiil, April 4, 187:6? FANCY DRESS. GOODS, ICHMOND HILL LIVERY FIRST-CEASS WORKMEN, Richmond Hill, Mar. 29, ’76. “GOODS! Jones’ Eelebrated Farming Implements, FULL SUPPLIES Very Nice! Very Cheap! Good Stylesg! Fashionable Material! A. WRIGHT 8c SON Which will be _sold‘ at greatly reduc: d prices. ‘Slqgk cptp‘pletp in . every department. " ‘ ‘ L BLACK LBST‘RE’S, OF EVERY STYLE 0R DESIGN. Is the best preparation known for fattening In the course often days will receive an assortment of rice ants and $1 per Box. CALta EXAMINEL AND COgyARE. EMPLOYING NONE BUT FlRSafE‘ INSTALMENT 0 J'. K. FALCONBRIDGE. HUGH MILLER 86 (30., 893-tr AT THE 0F '1‘ A K, E N Q T I C E That _I will on Monday, the lat (jay of May, .1875, apply to be Lppqinyed guardian to the inlth 9mm _of 1pr ‘jate John Hartney, of King: I ‘ I 5N Tm: MAijER OF THE INFANT C_HILD 0F ' ‘Ju‘gN HARTNEY, Dmcmga " ‘ IB LE SO 01 ETY DEPOSITORY \Rmnmoud Hillbranch) ntthe HERALD )ok Store. GEORGE NICHOLS. Dated this 4th day of April, 1876. ' In the Surrogate Court qfflze Coyan ’ of Yer/c. ' ' ISAA C' CROSBY: Agricultural Chemists. 157 King St. E§sh Toronto just Issued. Address This is a beautiful Quarteer journal. fine] illuhtl‘éned. and containing an ePegant colo‘rog Frontispiece with the first number. Price on I" ‘26 cts for the yepg‘. The first numbex for 187 Is the mgst bea tiful wprk Bf the kind in the Wurld' II coma us nearly 150rpagas. hunL dreds of fine illustrations. and FOUR CHROMO PLATES olr memi’s, beautiquy drawn and "olored ,fro unlure ' fripe 35 cts. in papei covers; 6 fits bongd ip Elegy“ cloth. ' Vick-35 Flower and Vgagetable Garden Are the best the world produces. They an; planted by a niillign people in America. and the result is. ‘btflfiéiful l"lnwnrs and splendid Vegetables. Frlcegl Catalogue sent I'm. to all Who enclqu the pbstageâ€"a 2 ‘éent stamp'. Vick’s Huwer& Vegetablg Seeds hr 12 years ; ' B’Vec'finubngon GdI'I'a’ut'rsr â€"hy a Boy 9f IU yenrs',br"|ess .- Ciosing Address by gingfA' Gooq Bhrgaiu.â€"A dialogue {or two boys: The HIrth-dav party.â€"A dialoguv~ for 3 boy's. 3 g rl's,‘2 gentleman and a lad} : Brnk' on down 'I‘radesmun.â€"A diaiogue l'orfl boys and 3 girls; Ulfl'went Opinimlr.â€"A dialogué for4hoys; Giving to God â€"A dialogue folf 3 hms and? girls; Jolly Jim. or a sofl ‘anâ€" swer lurneth nwav wrathâ€"A dialogue {or 3 hovs , . ,4 ,. . 1. sale a number of Village léls.Iâ€"sit;ated n the viljnge of About One-fifth of an Acre1 And arelocated a; the North-west coraelpf 'lot No. 35, 4th Concession of Markham. in a section where machnnics and lgtgprers can get stendywork nngf' hiéfi 'wng‘eq ’ Apph' (if by 4‘ n - r . ~ .-.. . . _...‘_ A,.__.;.: a, (1:? Will be sent m any address, in package form, post-paid, fgir 3;) cgnis. - " Address; PUS'I‘MASTER. Victoria #:3115111. Opening Address, fun; a boy . Lille (Ihrmtie; â€"Rec§§§;i‘011 tor a hgy at ti or ’4 years: Lit'le Albélt.â€"’Recuauon'ibr a ho} or girl 6 0'1" ‘8 .. .. .._ ., . years; A boys plmform gpaeg! fog 9 pay IQ Special amen-a. 1101; is glvujocled 19 Glover and Timothy ' Seed,Hun‘ga‘ rian, Tare, &c,, 850‘, Special inducemppts to Dealers. Agricultm ml Societies. Farmeré’ Clubs. Gmnges, and others endearing luvge quantifies. ' Corner of Alliielqiqe a; {afiisâ€"étreets WM. RENNIE, wpronto- Toronto. For. 22. 1876. S‘l‘ci MRS. R. P. HOPPER. Pages for 30 Cents. A package contains ¢he Following Dialogues; eucr'mrepnidfto Filing} 3nfiniqg31‘fiihflqfifi Squaremr lo ‘ " r WM. GA. HJ‘NGSIEOIN. ACRES being the East Half of! ' lot No. ‘20. in the 3rd Concession of the Township of Vaughan. There is Eighly Acres undar improvemen: and ’I‘quly Aral-es; in Valuable 'l'imher. Thq buildings are good: ‘and extensivg. There is ali'OI‘chard of graft- ed fruit and plenty of Waller, This is a good \ When! Farm and beautifullv siluutnd. being lA-willIiH half; mile 09‘ liinhmond Hill Station “on \he Norman], Railway. and within mall's milo from the Village of Maple and ‘ within tWO miles loo I‘ncnrp‘oa’l'rd Villagaof‘ iRichmond Hill. on Yonge Street, and in t‘ e immediate~ neiglxlmrhood ol Migls. Schools and \Churclies. ahclrwilhin 1h miles ul',the City of @Tomnln ‘ The undersigned having opened the Photo- graph Gallery Iately occupied by Mr Con nland. new respectfnlh so;icils Ilia public patronage of RICHMOND “Mal. and surrounding; Country ; as he is now prepamd to give satis- faction in making 1m SEEDS,'&c.,&c. FREE to all intending plication. Rangingixiprice from 3 cents pfr‘lbz upwang. RICHMOND HILL PflllTflfillfll’H EALLEHY; LIFEâ€"LIKE PHOTOGRAPHS? AND AMBRQTYPES; Also; Picture F 'ames. shall 1);!) Made to Order, ‘ M A LCULM BLAIR. For further particulars app‘\‘ on theI mem- isos to the ow_ne_r Richmond Hill. Doc. 52337 VICTORIA SQUARE Vick’s Floral Guide Sap}. Isl. M75. Marc h27 ,1832. June ‘. U475 ANNER DIALOGUES, Village Lots for Sale. __. E_ SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR ENNIE’S'fOATALOGUE OF- ‘ FIELD, GARDEy gndAFLO yr- oudemug luvge quantifies. “SEED STORE,” Family Groceries“. I. Crosby, Fire Proof Stem! RICHMOND HIEL. LIA Emmett}; for 5111», A LARGE. 83091; 01? S BE D S! Also a‘fiue assortment of James Vick. ' Rochester, N. Y. The late contain TEAS, HUGH DEVLJN SRO-If , will be forwarded purchasers on ap- Pure Grain and, Agri cultural‘ Seeds, Newest. Potatoes, Quake. of Superior Quulj ity and worthy the attention of pur- chasers. The several Do- partmeuls are ex- teuswe and very complete. c o m - prising AND Flower Seeds VEGETABLE >93-1f Dixigla RQ ‘ 7144f 9u9»ll’

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