T H E H E R h PUBLISHED BY M. H. KEEFLER. EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, At Twenties 9mm"? I ma . .v .AHiiLZO. Terms of Subscription: $1.00 per annum in advance. ALI). VOL. XVIII, N O. 1. F SERA “hmâ€"m Advertisementewlavbelnscrted on this page at: ' the following rates: Business Cards, one year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4 0 _, game; ' Do ’- _, six:nol'1t1is;. 2 50 v , T tDo ' (.1 thr’ee month .. 1 50‘ ’ ' ‘ ransi o a vert'sem‘It 1' . ‘ 1 . . paring..- ’ “1 S .5 R CHMOND HILL L IVE RY Each subseqent , 25 STABLES.â€"Horses and Vehicles for hire." An inch comprises twelve lines of Nonpnrcil. Condensed advertisements. under the headings "Specialiti s,â€,“.Str , , Sale: or To 'etf’ “Wanted,†btc., each insertion 2 con 9. ' L ‘ Advertisements without written instructions Will be inserted until forbid and charged transient be hired rates. @egai.‘ eyed,†‘f Lost or Found,†“ L‘O'r Charges mod ate. 0] 1035.179 Sanderson & Sons. JOHN BROW ,1‘roprieltbr.,£ .r. OMINION LIVERY STABLES. At the DOMINION HOTEL will always be found a number of ï¬rst-class “Rigs,†whichwill out at moderate charges. S. PROCTOR, Richmond Hill. : f, v' I" , * filllsallmxwlw, _/ sq..â€" M.“ MALLOY, BARRISTER,’ -- Attorney, Solicitoriin-Chancery, Convey-. ancer, etc. Ofï¬ceâ€"No 6 Royal Insurance Build-‘ ings, vacate street, Toronto. OULTBEE .9. EYA’l; “Lelaiiaisf m;stuntnwtssstzss-sam House), Toronto. ALFRED BOULTBEE. WM. WORTS EVATT. ERGUSON,- .BALN & M EYERS,z Barristers, Attorneys~atLaw, Solicitors-mu Chancery, Conveyancers, etc. Ofï¬cesâ€"«Nos. 2, 4 and 6 Ontario Hall, Court street, Toronto. Thomas FERFUSON, QC. , . JOHN BAIN. ADAME MYERS. BETHUNE, OVSLE il & noes, BAR-g RISTERS, etc}, Union Block, corner Toronto gndoï¬eglaide Sts. (Opposite the new Poet Oflice), ¥‘ . 2?. OSLniv. ,_ JAMES Bn'rIIUNn. W. G. FALCONBRDDGE. Cï¬ARLns Moss. N. W. HOYLEE. J. H. TD‘OM. BEATTY, CHADWICK a BIGâ€"E GAR, Barristers, Attorneys-atâ€"Law, Solici-' tors in Insolvency, etc. BEATTY, MILLER .szniecan, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, Notaries Public, etc. ' 011199346 King street East, Toronto, tWO floors east of Toronto street. " ' »’ » ' ' ' ' ‘ W. H. BEATTY. EDWARD M. CHADW'ICIL_. C. R. W. BIGGAR. v . . D. E. Tn'oiuso: ~ girdled. R. JAS. LANGSTAFF, liClI- MOND HILL, will be generally be found at home from 2 to 3 o’clock, p. m. .. , I GEO. BROWN, MD, PHYSICIAN Sur eon andAccouchcur. Ofï¬ce. corner of Yonge 'an .Centre Streets, Richmond Hill. H. SANDERSON, vs, G.T.V.c., ' corner of Yonge and Centre streets, Rich- mond Hill, may be consulted personally or by letter on all diseases of horses, cattle, etc. Horses examined as to soundness, also bought and sold on commission. H SANDERSON & SONS, ONE- 1 MISTS and Druggists, corner of Yonge and Centre streets, Richmond Hill. Special at- tention paid to prescriptions. r HOMAS CARR, DEALER IN Drugs, Medicines, Wines and Liquors for medicinal purposes, Groceries, etc., Thornhill. By Royal Letters Patent has been appointed Is- suer of Marriage Licenses. _ , c a...:mu1m; ’ AMES C. STOKES, LICENSED Auctioneer for-the county of York, respect- fully solicits your patronaqe and friendly influ- ence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. 1’. 0. Address, King. ANlEL KINNE E. LICENSED Auctioneer for the County of York, respect- fully selicits your patronage and friendly- influâ€" ence. Sales attended on the shortest notice, and at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, Teston. SAMUEL M. BROWN, LICENSED , . Auctioneer fer the County of York, reSpect- fully solicits your patronage and friendly influ- ence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, Victoria Square. M. P1 ’1 TERSON, LICENSED I Auctioneer for the counties of York, Peel, Ontario and Silncoe; also Valuator and Commis- sion agent. 1‘. 0. Address, â€" Bloomington. l3†Chancery sales attended to. Parties requir- ing Mr. Patterson’s services can make arrange- ments and obtain particulars as to terms, etc, at THE HERALD Oflicc. also. R O B I N S O N’S, L.D.S., NEW . Method of extracting teeth without pain, by the use of Ether Spray, which affects the teeth only. The tooth and gum surrounding be- comes insensihle with the externfltd agency, when the tooth can be extracted w.l I no pain and Without endangering the lifc,-as in the use Of chloroform. Dr. Robinson will be at the follow- ing places prepared to extract teeth with his new apparatus. All Ofï¬ce operations in Dentistry performed in a workmanhke manner: - Aurora, 1st, 3rd, 10th and 22nd of each month W. NICHOLAS MILLER. ' ‘ 1T0 nirwhdni it m‘rw concur-ii, that the ï¬rst meet- ,OD‘ YARDâ€"JOHN BROWN keeps Mtantly Orr-hand all kinds of wood, which will be sold for the lowest market I price. Cor. Yonge and Centre st., Richmond Hill. _ M P a ‘L. c. WIDEMAN, MANU- ' facturcrs of~aperea1ersr in Granite and Marble Mciiuinents,v'ï¬ea’dstoncs, etc, Rin'gwoed, Ont. Satisfaction guaranteed. r. \VIDEMAN is a o is r of Marriage Li- " censcs.‘ Residghueï¬ifllgiewm ‘ V ‘ I. O egymaima Advrrï¬eemcnis of this heading, twang/jive cents each time. six lines and lees, under RICHMOND HILL, ONT, CAN., JUNE 2. 1876.. WHOLE N0. 932. Notices. from the fountain. The best goin the “heated term," at SANDERSON’S. NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE your PARIS GREEN and HELLEBORE, chedp and good‘â€"yvc.rrantcdâ€"ut H. SANDERSON & SON’S drug store; Richmond Hill. MAX Clothes VVringer. Best in use. See it and Tr£it before purchasing. 0. E. SHEPPARD, Agent, eminion Tea House, Richmond Hill. astray. STRAY COW.-â€"~CAME INTO MY yard on the Slst May, a white and yellow 'COW. Any person roving property and paying organisesoan take er a'way. JOHN LEDGER- W OD; Richmond Hill. W H. &. it; EDGSLEY, BUTCH- 0 ERS, "Richmond Hill, have alw ys ‘on hand lambasted beef, mutton, lamb, vq , pork, sausages,‘ctc.,‘aiid sell at' the lovvest prices for cash. Also corned and spiced beef, smoked and dried hams. The highest market price given for , cattle, sheep, lambs, etc. PETER S. GIBSON, PROVIN- CIAL Land Surveyor, Civil Engineer and Draughtsman. Orders by letter should state the ' concession, lot and character of survey, the sub- : scribcr havin the OldvFlEanNOTES of» the late D. GInsON an other smcyOre,whieh should be ‘ consulted in many“ c‘ases as to original monu- ments, eta, previous to commencing work. Ofï¬ce at Willowdale, Yongc st., in the township of York. I VVEsTERN CANADA L. 0 A N ' AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Ofï¬cesâ€"No. 70 Church street, Toronto. Capital, $800,000; Total Assets, $1,900,306; Re- serve Fund, 8,500. y Him. cs w. Ann-AN, Senator, President. Samuel P att, M.l’., .................. Viced’resident. DInncrons â€" William Gooderham, Geo. W. Lewis, Thus. H.,Lec, George Gooderham, Hon. D. L. Macpherson, Senator. SA VINGS BANK BRANCH. Money received on deposit, and interest allowed at the rate of six per cent. per annum, com- pounded half yearly. Deposits not exceeding $100 may be withdrawn at call; $100 and upwards subject to thirty days' notice, or a reduction of thirty days’ interest, at the option of the Directors. To be cntitled to in- terest, deposits must remain in the Company three months. Interest calculated from the ï¬rst and 16th day of the month. The whole Assets of the Company are invested on the security of RealEstate and Municipal De- bentures, thcreby giving the depositors un- doubted security for all money left with this Company. ~..__ . MONEY T0 LOAN. This Com Iany advances Money on the security of iinp'rdve City Oi“ Cdï¬ntry Property, re-payable by means of a Sinking Fund, which is found to be the surest and easiest mode of repaying a loan. [51" See our reduced loan table. For further information apply at at the Oflices of the Company. WALTER S. LEE, Manager. COURT OF REVISION, RICHMOND HILL. Public Notice 1's hereby Given iig cube Court of Revision for the Village of Richmond llill will be bold in the Court Room at said Vi‘lnge, ON MONDAY. 12TH JUNE, 1876, At 3 O‘clock, 17,111., of which all persons interested are :cqnired to take notice andg‘overn themselves accordingly. . ., N _ M. TEEFY, Clerk. Richmond Hill, May 0th, 1970. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. The Examination of Candidatcs f)r admission to the High Schoolcat Richmond Hill and Newmarket, Will bo'conducted in the School buildings of those places respectively on TUESDAYAND WEDNESDAY, THE 27TH AND 28TH or JUNE, Beginning at 0 o’clock, a.m. Candifhnes are requested to notify the Chair- man th‘fouuh the Head Master, of their intention to be present. not later than the 81st of May; and the Masters are requested by that time to send an csi Imate of the probable ni‘mbcr of candi- dates to , l7. FOTIIERINGHAM, P.S.I., May 13th, 1876. AURORA. THE SILVER NUISANCE. Rielun'Ond Hill, May 15, ism. “’0, the undersigned business men of the vil- lauo of Richmond Hill. in view’of the depreciated value of A morn-an silver. the same entailing a heavy loss; in brsiness transactions, have resolved that On and after Monday, the 22nd of May, 15:76, that the Said silver be taken by us at the follow: in; rates, vi 7.. : American 500 at 40c. :00“ 250 at 200. ‘Do 20c at 16c. John Brown, Isaac Crosby, American 10c at Sc: DO Eve at 3c. Do 3c at 2c. William Gamble, R. Pugslcy, Newmarket .................. 2nd do Wm. Atkinson, Charles Mason, BMW“ Hi“ ml and 24th '3 do' P. e. Savage, n. H. Clarke, lqv‘ll‘lbï¬l-lklgï¬t 32 Alex. Moodie, F. (it J. Cosgrove, Mark? ------- 26th do Chas. 1‘1. Sheppard, S. Proctor, y ï¬lgï¬fukw‘ ll. Sanderson & Sons, Francis McConaghy, ’ Noblcton ....... 30th do Wm. Harrison, A. Scott, Nitrous Oxide Gas always on hand at Aurora. J 0350 Grant. M. Toef y, w. KENNEDY, L.D.S., 0 NEWMARKET, Ont, Sure GE'ON DENTIST, would res eetfully , announce that he will "vi 't- Rich- mond Hill the 18th of each month, at Palmer‘s Hotel; also attend the following places, profes- sionally, Sundays excepted: Newmarkct 3rd of each month. Sutton . and 4th do Pefferla , . 5th do Mount A1 . VBth do Sandiord . 10th do Stouifville . . 14th (10 Markham . 16th do Aurore. ...... 20th do All branches Of Dciitalsmgcry attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate. daylong. “‘ Skeol Wm. H. Pugslcy, John Palmer, George Scales, R. E. Law, J. K. Fulcenbridge, Robert Hopper, lebcrt Sivcr, W. II. Myers. gjnv Salt. $ HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE AT RICHMOND IIILL. For sale on reasonable terms, the Houses and lot commising half an acre of land, with excel: lent garden and orchard, lying south of Mr. A. L. ‘s shop and north of Mr. Alex. Moodie's store, .11 the village of Richmbnd Hill. A good business stand. Also the Store and Dwelling ll'cluse and Garden, ONEY mortgage of farm property, at eight per cent. interest, in sums to suit borrowers. No com* mission. Apply to BLAKE 66 KINGSFORD, 10 Adelaide St. East, Toronto. A ONEY TO LEND.â€"§’p2,000 TO LOAN 0N FIST-CLASS MORTGAGE SECURIâ€" Tyâ€"in sums from $500 upwards. Apply to M. TEEFY, N. LYNETT, (as executors of the estate of the late Martin Brennan,) Richmond Hill. WILLIS, BANKER. BROKER, - Insurance and Real Estate Agent. De- posits rcceived, subject to demand, with interest. Loans negotiated. Debentures for sale. Oï¬ice, TO LEND 0N FIRST 1 containing half an acre of choice fruit trees, o'c- cupiod by Mr. A. Moodic,subject to an unexpired :asc. Apply to , JAMES M. JENKINS, Laskay he. or to M. Tansy, April 11, 1876. Richmond inn. FARM FOR SALE. 100 ACRES, Being the East Half or lot No. 20, in the 3rd cen- cession of the townShip of vanghan. Th re are eighty acres under improvement and wenty acres in valuable timber. The buildings are good and extensive. There is an orchard of grafted fruit and plenty of water. This is a good wheat 20; Adelaide street East, Toronto, a few doors west of the Post Oiï¬ce. VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY AT THE Hm.an Book-and Jobrrintmg Ofllce, v in ether for printing, advertising or subscriptions to the paper. ' farm and beautifully situated, being within half STRAYED FROM LOT 10,00N. 1, West York, a strawberry colored COW, with a short rolï¬lround her horns. Any 1person bring- ing her to 6 Richmond Hill Hote , or giving in- formation as..to ,hei‘ whereabouts, will be re- warded. ROBERT BARRON, Farmer, York Mills. Swims «Wok: h RICHMOND HlLL‘ Sash and Door F actory. ALFRED QUANTZ, Malzaï¬lctunr of Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Mouldings, Luth, Shingles, (to, Richmond IIill, (jut. Lumber Tongued. Grooved and Surface Planed in short notice. Lumber cut from 30 feet down, to order. Bill Lumber attended to. ORDERS Seucrrrn. Cheek & HOOK, MA\ LFAC'I URERS 0F BENT FELLOES, SHAFTs ' CUTTER and SLEIGH RUNNERS, ALSO, A LARGE STOCK 0F EAVE-TROUGIâ€"IS, KEPTONHAND, Thornhii] , Ont. PATENT EAVE-TROUGH A . . AND . VVATER SPOUT FOR THE DOMINION; At $6 per hundred feet. Also Flooring and other lumber dressed; sap buckets, pails, cider mi‘ls ‘ washing machines, shingles, Fellees, sown and BENT material for buggies and sleighs. For particulars address JOHN LANGSTA FF, Steam Mi‘ls, Langstaï¬ P.O. Nest Summary. ..____. Boss Tweed is reported to be in Aus; iralia. Where next. The great set sci-pent or a part of him is just now “doing†the Red Sea. Of the 60,000 Christian Ministers in the United States, 25,000 are Methodists. The Princess Louise has christened the Government new gunboat “ Inflexible.†London the less. is going to have 9. china manufactory. It is the ï¬rst, we believe in Canada. The Toronto Globe says money is plenti-_ ful down at Quebec. would not ocme amiss. A Belleville shoemaker commifled suicide on Sunday by hanging himselfwith his strap to a bed post. The Royal Canadian Bank and city Bank of Montreal are new knewn as the Con- solidated Bank of Canada. A little of it up here Mrs. Mina Jury, sister of the Tichbourne claimant has been sentenced to seven years’ penal servitude, for stealing, A Protestant school, in the province of Penleridi‘a, Spain, has been closed by order of the Minister of Justice. A lesidcnt of Walcrdown, failing in mm, dcr his wife on Sunday morning, made away wilh himself by the aid of a revolver. A grunge in the Vicinity of Easement, sent an order to a wholesale store for ten gallons of Castor Oil and 200 pounds of salt. This is scarcely in accord either with the eternal or lnlcrnal ï¬tness of things. On Sunday, two large saw mills, one at Lynden, the other at Napanee, were burned along with a considerable quantity cflumbcr. At Lyndon eight houses were also destroyed. Three different fires broke out in Ottawa. yesterday, doing considerable damage. Buddhism is said to be rapidly declinig in SOMETHING NEWâ€"THE CLI-I Japfllla- In a single dishict over 71 temâ€" , - ’ ~ ‘ ' ‘fw da's His n's' plos have some 1873 been converted Into England In a e 3 “ - ‘ “5* 1°") The ï¬rst session of the Supreme The Stow‘caned “Mirk Abbey/5 having Court of the Dominion will be opened (been commenced in the Tank HERALD, we on Monday 11‘9th the 5‘11 iHSI- MIâ€- have thought it but right to give the readers Justice Henry is still unable to leave l page. We must ask the forbearance of the pub- ‘lic if the present number, of THE HERALD does not ‘come up to their expectations, but trust that in a short time they will be well , satisï¬ed wilh the change that has taken place in the old YORK HERALD, and that it has been for the best. We have placed the internal management of the oï¬ices of [his p‘aper tinder the con- trol ‘of Mr James Wideman, who, as a general printer, cannot be beaten in the province. Our facilities for job=printing are superior having also made additions to type already on hand, and we trust that Old and new customers will favor us with their sup- ‘ port. Our endeavors to cater to the public . will, we tlust, be acknowledged in the im- proved appearance Of the paper in the short space of one week. -On and after the let of July, the sub- seriber will take charge of the store now .conducled by Mr. A. Scott, and will con- tinue the selling and supplying of Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods, etc. The present subscribers to the different magazines, pe- riodicals and woekly newspapers, will be supplied as usual. The favor of the public patronage given to the present proprietor is kindly solicited. V M. H. TKEEFLER. ___.__ ._..__.. . ’1 NOR YH MIDDLESEX. Things in this riding are beginning to get lively. Mr. Colin Scatchard, brother cf the late member, is out as a nu;- pertcr of the Ministry, and Mr. Levi is running in support of the Opposition. If we can believe the papers opposed to the Grit Government, the Opposition candidate will be returned. 0n the other hand, the organ of the Govern- ment is at its old tricks of trying to throw dust» into the eyes of the electors, by calling hard names, such as Tory, Corruptionist, etc. We take it, after the cipose made of the "big push†letter, that the least said about the Paciï¬c Scandal the better. It is too late in the day forthc present Governinent, or its supporters, to go trading upon a name. gWhat the people want is the fruits de. rived from the working of a so-callcd .Rcferm Ministry. Have its works been beneï¬cial to the country as a Whole? Let the people of North Middlesex nu swcr by their verdict at the polls. Notes and Comments. Receiver-General Collin is ill. Winslow has again been remanded. Any quantity of M. P.’s are arriving in Ottawa. What is up? The two Youngs who escaped from Cayuga jail have not at last accounts been taken. _ Itis rumored that the heat Lieutenant Governor ’of British Columbia “ill be either Sir Alex. T. Gait or Mr. J. D. Edgar. SPARKLING SODA W A T E R of that paper the continuation of it in Tar. Halifax for Ottawa, and will not be prr - g dunng ; IIERALD. It will be found on the th'rd sent during the term, The Sultan of Turkey has been de- throned, end the name of Murad Effendi as his successor has been proclaimed. It seems to be the opinion that the over- throw of the Sultan will result beneï¬- cially. Turkish securities are quoted 3 to 5 per cent higher. It is stated in the Toronto papers that Mr. Daniel Spry -â€" well known in this neighborhoodâ€"has been appointed to the position of inspector in the Post Ofï¬ce Department, for a fresh district, extend- ing ever the Counties of Y ork, Ontario, Simcoe, Grey and Brute. ._,â€" In the Queen’s Bench on Saturday last council appeared to show cause why criminal information should not be lodged against Mr. John A. Wilkinson, of Bowmanylllc, for publishing certain alleged libcls against Senator Simpson. Both sides were argued and judgment resorted. The weather has been rcmarkaby cold during several nights of this week. Damage to fruit trees is reported from some parts of Quebec and parts of On- tarie; there was but very little, if any, damage done in this neighbor- hood. In Neva Scotia there was a slight snow storm. The vacancy in the Senate, occasioned by the death Of Mr. Perry, seems to be creating considerable trouble in the Ministerial camp. The names of Messrs. Brown, Gibson, Rymal and Hope are mentioned for the vacancy. It is said the last named has the best chance for the honors. The Toronto Presbytery, on Tuesday, discussed the Maddennell ease. The difï¬culty has†been get over by Mr. Mac- donncll submitting the following i “ Net- witbstandlng the difï¬culitics which I have regarding the eternity of future punishment, I continue my adhesion to that doctrine as implied in my assent to the Confession of Faith as formerly given.†CANADIAN PROGRESS. The progress ofCauadu is ajust theme f‘o'r congratulation. In population, in arable land, in manufactures, and in all the essential requisites for social Comfort and political power, the Dominion has advanced in greater ratio than must other colonies of the British Empire, and today occupies a proud and lofty posuion, says the S. A. Jo’umal. When stntchi‘eh is Oflbis kind are made it is always well to have at hand evidence in their support; and fortunately a volume has just been issued which furnishes ample matâ€" erial fOI-doing this. Itis the fOUl'll) volume ofthe census of 1871, and contains a digested statement of all the censuses which have been taken in the countay from 1C65 10 18’â€. The Canadians have bad along time to wait for a complete record of their last Census; but the value of the present docu- Thc Rev. C. H. Spurgcon is reported seriously ill. His place in the Taberna- clc’pulpit has been filled by other mi; nistcrs. Rev. Jacob Spence, Secretary of the Ontario Temperance and Prehibitory League, leaves this week on a visit to the Old Country. Hon. Mr. Laird is expected to leave shortly for the Ne'rth West Territory, on important public business connected with the organization of the new Pre- vincc of ch’vmtiu. It is reported in Ottal‘va, that a con- vict, recently hung in New York, by the name of Trotter, confessed to having shot T. DlArcy Magoo, in company with Whelan, who Was executed for the minder. The Hon. Edward Blake leavos for mcnt will make up in some measure for the inconvenience of the delay. It is generally admitted that the census efl871 was very defective, and that in many cases the returns Were utterly unreliable. Sufï¬cient data, however, are furnished for a fair comparison between the two periods named; and as these embrace 'a stretch Of over 200 years it may be seen at Once what rapid strides the country has taken. - The ï¬rst regular census was taken in 1665, at which time there was a population of 43,215. In every succeeding census lli‘cre appears to have been a. steady increase, until, in l871, the Province of Ontario and Quebec al’one presented a population of 2, 812, 367, and, adding to this the number of inhabitants in New Brunswick, Nova Scoilu, and the other provinces which have simfe been ad- mitted into the confederation, the tolal pop. ulatlen 15 found to be about 4,000,000' With this growth Of population there is pre- sented an equally pleasing picture with re- ference to land cullivated, agricultural im- plements, farm produce, manufacturing pro. ducts, and the general woulth and ‘comfort of the people, It is really a fair picture to look A despatch from Port Perry announces the death of Mr. Ad‘am Gordon, M. P. for North Ontario, which occurred on Saturday last, at midnight. Deceased was ill only four days. Mr. Gei‘d‘o‘n, after having served in various municipal ofï¬ces in North Ontario, was returned to Parliament, in 1874, as a supporter, of the present Government. He was in his forty-Sicille yeahâ€"Mall. Centennial Notes. â€"_ Mr. Thos. Wilson left for the Centennial last week to exhibit his fanning mills. Florida sends 300 alligatoxs to the Ceri- tcunial as a specimen of its products. Mr. Wm. Burt of Lindsay, has sent an American $40 bill of 1778, to the Gene tenniel. Mr. Hugh Cooper, Georgina, has entei: ed his Kendal Cell for the Centennial Exhibition. Next to the United States the courtly holding the most important place in the Centennial Exhibition a Great Britain. There are Canadian eleven representatives of newspapers at Philladelphia. Our leading publishers are enterprising. It is estimated that the attendanCe at the Centennial was the largest on Tuesday last since the opening, all the buildings being thronged with people. A delegation of bankers, from New York, to the number of 300 arrIVed in the evening. >«â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Dominion Items. Louis Bell is said to have passed through Quebec On Saturday on his way to Beauport Asylum, he being a. violent lunatic. The body of SidneyA. Hartwell, who mys- teriously disappeared on the 5th of Novem- ber last, was found in the Canal at Keely’s Bay, on Saturday atterhoon. The Queen has created Ear] Dr‘l‘erin a Knight Grand Cross of the order of St. Michael and St. George,an honour conferred on his predecessozs,Lord Lisgar andViscount Monek. Owing to the northern bays of Newfound- land being blocked up with ice, the spring supp'i'es for the people of these part; have been unable to reach them, and considerable destitution is feared. Six murders, llir‘ee attempts at murder, half a score of sudden deaths, with more or less suspicious circumstances attached. five suicides, and thirty-three fatal accidents have been chronicled between the island 17th May. On Saturday, as some boys were bathing in the pond at Lobby,s mill,Villa. Nova, one of them, a son of Samuel Martin, of Town- send, wns drowned. It. is supposed be was taken with crampsï¬as the boy could swim, but as the other boys were small they were so afraid they did not give the alarm as soon as they might have done. A correspondent of a London paper who visited Home a few weeks ago, gives the following opinion of the Pope’s health, whi'c‘his conï¬rmed from other sources: “I saw the Pope the other day. He was in high health and spirits. He isabetter life (insurance phzase) than eulicr the King’s or Garibaldi's,†The Oshawa Vindicator Sayerâ€"“The Government organs are much grieved at the ~ expense which Dr. Orton’s committee on the agricultural interests of Canada cost the country. Well it cost, just two hundred dol- lars, while Mr. Mills’ Committee on the De- pression of Trades cost about $5,000, and Dixlflrouse’s Sanitary Coi'nmitee not less than $5,000 to ï¬nd arguments for free trade. but two hundred wasted on farmers is something dreadful. M. ., Miscellaneous. The Prince of Wales has been el'ccied Grand First Principal of the English Free- masons. . Lady Burden-Coulis has become actively interestedin the temperance reform move- ment in England. The testimonial fund for Capt. Webbï¬liho swam across Vibe English Channel, has reached about $20,000. In England the death rate of men is high- er among liquor sellers than among any otli-' er class except hackney Coachmen. It is stated that the present Pope joined the Masonic Order in 1830, and that at one lime he was engaged to the daughter of an English Protestant minister. Mr. George Cruikshank is 3 Well preserved octeï¬enariau. He is 84 years ofagc. and is still able to atteml public dinners and make speeches, though he never drinks Anything but water. When you see abareLheaded mad follow: ing a crow through the front gate. ï¬lling the air with garden implements and profanity, you may know that his cabbage plants have been set out. A Wall Street. brokcr has put out a flame ing sign bearing the words: “BeWare of the Devd and his Wife. Rum and Tobacco, the cause of all the evil in the world." He says that it is the beginning of a revival in the street. ' The Pennsylvania, New York Contraband [Erie railroads, in their ï¬ght for business have cut down fares from New York to dwellingâ€"'houses orused for Other secular puI-l it is Silid. is Partly in ConhCCliOD With poses. During the lastGycars upward of 600 ‘l the action of the Imperial Government’s tEmpleS have thus been diverted from their instructions to Lord Dufferin Concerning Original Oble°t~ the New brunswick School Law. It is said that Yorkvlllc is about to I A tremendous ï¬re has taken place in the suburbs of Quebec; 400 houses burnt and loss over 1,000,000 dollars. The ï¬elds on v 4 . . I z . . the outskirts of the city (are. cOVered with ham an addltlon made to Its boundanes housebould effects saved, and by hundreds by t‘ihi’g In some Pint.ij the towï¬hipf‘ the of unfortunate. When the ï¬re slarted'It remams to be seen Whether ans W1“ a mile Of Richmond Hill Station on the Northern Railway, within.th a. mile of the village of Maple, and within two miles of the incorporated village of Richmond Hill, on Yongo Street, and in the immediate neighborhood of Mills Schools and Churches, and within 16 miles of the city of Toronto. For further particulars apply on the promises to the owner, HUGH DEVLIN. I be permitted. What a terrible out-cry Would be raised if the city was to at- A feverâ€"breeding pig‘stye close by the tempt to encroach upon any part of the the water was turned off. â€"â€"â€"-â€"oâ€"bâ€"6â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" lstl‘eet fence up Yonge. What does the classic suburbs; but I then it makes a Inspector say “ about that yard ?" great diiference in “ whose ex is gored.†“POW In many Places the Wilderness Il‘flï¬l‘CInCiigo and other western points about. become literally a fruitful ï¬eld. The log,twenty per cent- 0f the three the Erie, but has given place to apalatial mansion, and for the evidences Of barbarism there are new supplied the fruits.of civilization and culture. In the history thus recorded there is found the germ of future greatness; and Canada, name than most other countries, is hastening on to the goal of perfection as a colony of Great Britain. At this season, the question is not so. much whether his life will be crowned with glory and honor, as whether his new summer vest will be made out of “s father‘s old trousers. though the. last to act, asgonc the lowest in reducing the rates. I It is recorded that a gentleman residing in one of the largest towns in England, whose face exceeded Ordinary dimension,was Waited on by a barber every day for twenty- one years without coming to a settlement. The barber, thinking it about time to settle, presented his bill, in which he charged a penny a da , amouliting in all to £311 65 9d. The gent einan, supposing too much charged, refused to pay th'e‘ ainouut, but agreed to a proposal of the barber to pay at the rate of £200 an acre. The premises Were ,accordingly measured, and the result was that the shaving b3'l was increased by £73- 88 8d; ' __‘ -. LL... P. M. APPOINTMENT; ‘. The following are the stations of the Ministers for the Toronto and Brampton . ' . Districts, as appointed by the P. M. Conference, now sitting in Toronto E Toronto DfsMct,â€"Torohto let, T. Grifï¬th,- Toronto 2nd, T. Gutteryl Toronto 3rd, W. T. Hugban ; Toronto 4111, T. W. Jelliï¬'e, J F Ockley; Marka ham, J W Robinson, J Debson; Reach, R Patterson, T I Couplund ; Scarboro’, W Thernley, W V Avison ; Pickering, R M McKee; Bowmanville, R Cade;' Sandford, J Markham. Dramptbn District â€"Brampteu, Reid, W Robwell; Etobieoke, J Fer; gus‘on, A Sims; Melton, 1‘ Sims; Al- bion, East, MH Matthev’vs, one to be obtained; Albion West, J Dennis; Las- kay, H Harris, G J Reeve; Orangeville, Milner; Rosamont, J Garner; Amar: anth, J Dyke. ONLY A COUNTRY WEEKLY. It is only a country weekly 1 Yes, that is all. But do those who allude to it with an intentional slicer ever reflect upon the duties and mission performed by the poor, obscure country weekly, which is as flinch, hay, more, to its few hundred readers in the Country, as is the great metro olltan daily to its thousands of rehders h the city? Oh, no; they never think of placing any estimation upon the worth ‘of a country "paper; it has none within the narrow limits of their superï¬cial and contracted brains. They will not admit of the utility of any form of a newspaper save one, which is crammed full of telegraphic dispatches, giving the minute details of some revolt- ing and nauseating social scandal; the hour at which the Chamberlain of the imperial palace at Ispahan put his most serene and mighty highness, the Shah, to bed ; that the savage Gallas of Abys- slnia had abjured the tenets of the Cop- tic faith, aud had, bowed down in edema tion at the shrine of Mecca’s prophet ; that the poor, unoffending Papuans of the Celcbes were being slaughtered by the Dutch invaders from the neighboring isle of Macassar, and so on, in an inï¬nite variety of detail, all of which is read with an avidity that betokeus the im: porta‘ncc of these things to a city gentle- man. But the ï¬nancial, commercial, agricultural, religious and social condi- tion of the millions of his fellow-citizens residing without the environs of his mighty empire of a few miles in area is a sealed book; he has Dover opened its pages to enquire within; he knows nothing of it; put him to the test and you will ï¬nd he knows more about the condition of the Berbers of Northern Africa that) he does about the people in the neighboring county. We turn away from the contemplation of this human superï¬ciality, of which there are thou- sands, to turn to the practical and com; inon sense man, who wishes to be in. formed as to the pursuits, condition and prospects of the p'ee he of his oWn im‘ mediate neighborhpb. . He ï¬nds in the rural paper the information he seeks. The country Oregon is to him the camera lu‘cida Which faithfully portrays all that occurs; it is in a great measure the re-' flex of the character of the people com- prising the country wherein it is uh: lishcd. But what is the interest w i‘cli even he derives from it, compared to that wb1ch is felt and entertained by the country people themsellves ? It is every: thing to them: ]n it is found news which they alohc, probably, can appreci‘, ate and understand ; information regards lng tbeirlfricnds and neighbors, the (zone dition of the creps and market quota- tions, which, to the farmer and trades- man in the Country, is of primary inl- portan‘cc‘; inattch of local consideration wherein they are interested, and a bun- dred ‘and One different things which affect and interest them, both privately and publicl . The country organ pur- fb‘r‘ms ahel or function which eat) bill}? be effectually dene by it. As a lfledlulï¬ for advertising, it oï¬ers facilities Which are unsurpassed. By it the farmer, the laborer and the mechanic become ac- quainted with the goods and warcsef the tradesman; they learn where they can purchase what they desire, and at the lowest prices. The county news; paper is to a County what. nutritious food is to a convalescent; it helps to build it up and developc all that is good in it. The county that is without one is like a waste plain without elevation; froth which a person desiring to examine the. surroundings can make no obser- vation+Ec British and Foreign. The ceuut‘y of Donegal has been froéd from the rostricli'ous imposed by the Peace Preservation Act. During the past fortnight 25,000 foreign= ers entered Paris, being ,000 more than in the previous fortnight. . Gen. Garibaldi recently resigned his seat in the Chamber oi Deputies, bnt afterwards withdrew his resrgnation. A special†dispatch from Copenhapeï¬ says Eâ€"The King of Greece, who is visiting here, has a severe attack of gastric fever. The Government has jllst appointed l Treasury Commission, for the purpose of in: quirng into and reporting on the Queen’s Colleges in Ireland. The “Levant Herald†says that Mr. Glad: slene contemplates a visit to th'elpleins of Troy next autumn. to explore the site of Dr. Schiieman’s discoyeries. The Prince oanle the as hiteenuy entertained by the Lord Mayor will corpora= lieu of. London on the ï¬lltli ult. At the ball which followed the dinnér about 5,000 guests were-present. A Bill has deep introduced in (be Blilisli Parliament providing for compulsory edu‘ca3 tiondind the prevention of a child being em- ployed at labor before the age of ten or be: tween ten and fourteen. unless it has at‘end; ed school for at least two hundred days of the year, for ï¬ve years.