Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 2 Jun 1876, p. 4

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All new single column mlvcrtyscmonts will ap- pear on this page, except such as appear only 011 the first page. THE HERALD. JOB PRINTING At its Book and Job Printing 0111005, Yongc St, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Local notices in reading matter will be charged one and a. 11qu cents per word, payable when ordered. ‘ Mr. John Palmer, Jr., proprietor of the Stage Hotel, is: about building a new brick hotel to accommodate the travelling public, on the site 'for’merly occupied by the old one. s; THE HERALD,” PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY The Richmond Hill Temple, I.O.G.T. are making preparations for holding their annual festival on Dominion Day, to be followed by the grand concert in the evening. The annual meeting of the York Dis- trict Lodge of the Unith Temperance Order will be held in the Temperance Hall, Aurora, 011 Friday next, the 9th inst, commencing at 10 3.111. The quarterly meeting of the Liberal Conservative Association of the East Riding of Yonk, will he held at Milliken, on Wednesday, the let, at 12 o’clock. On Wednesday evening last, the Fire Bxigade Band disc nursed sweet music on the street, and we noticed that they had a new circular E-flat bass horn, which was well played. A kettle drum would add greatly to their already credltablc music. A grand rally of temperance adherents Will be held at Victoria Square, under the auspices of Rising Star Temple, No. 2521 I.O.G.T., on Tuesday next, the The following is the exhibit of the transactions in the Richmond Hill Post Office Savings Bank up to May Blst: The annual pic-nic, in connection with the Episcopal Church of this Village, will be held in Mr. Wm. Powell’s grove, next Thursday afternoon, the 8th inst. The Fire Brigade Band will be in at- tendance, and various amusements will be provided. The ladies will have an apron table on the ground. The Vaughan Council met on Tues- day last. Owing to press of matter, L110 minutes are held over till next week. 6th Ainst. A telegraphic dispafch from Hamilton announces the arrival in large numbers of the irrepressible pot'atoc bug. Lay in your stock of Paris green and be ready for them; II. Sanderson 56 Sons’ is the place to get it. 0n Sabbath next the Rev. W. Aiken Will occupy the presbyterian pu‘pit in this village, and the Rev. Mr. Dick will ubc'upf‘y the pulpit at Maple. The Managing Committee inform us that in the report 01' the fair held here on the 24th May, Miss Thomas should have appeared as havng received the first prize for bread. The following are the prizes which were awarded for poul- try : Brahmas, 1st W. Wright, 2nd G. Weldrick; Spanish, lst Chas. Webster7 Hamburg, lst John Smith; DucksI lst R. Marsh, 2nd W. lVright. Mr. Falconhridge, in addition to his large stock of dry-goods, comprising,r ladies’ dress goods, gentlemens’ coatings and trouserings, together with Sjaple and fancy goods in great variety, announces to farmers and gardeners that he is in receipt of spades, shovels, 2 and 3 prong forks, barley forks, flat-prong forks, hoes, rakes, nails. Those goods were bought direct from the manufacturers, princi- pally from the celebrated makers, Jones, of Gananoque. Intending buyers will do well to call and see the goods. One side of our paper having been printed before Mr. Falconbridge handed us his change of advertisement, it is, therefore, too late for this issue, but will appear next week, The Managing Committee of the Richmond Hill and Yongc Street Agri- cultural Society met in the Court Room, to finish up the business for the year, on Wednesday evening, when sundry ac- counts wcre paid. Through the cour- tesy of the Secretary, Mr. Marsh, we are informed {hat the amount; of prizes offered was nearly $500, the amount paid, owing to several classes not being filled up, was only about $340. The total receipts from all sources, with balance on hand from last year, being about $420. Mr. Atkinson will show this week a large assortment of harvest tools, of Can- adian and American manufacture,spades, shovels, ditching and stumping spades. \Vill also show Fresh lines in felt. and straw hats, ordered and readyâ€"made clothing. Our Mr. Ball is preparedfuto suit the taste of the most fastidious in ordered clothing. Mr. Atkinson, not understanding our new arrangements with regard to printing the hole of our paper in our own ofiiee, ha ded us his change of advertisement too late for this issue, but will appear in our next. Withdrawals in Total deposits to 3lst May, 1876 . “ “ _for lllqpth of May RICHMOND HILL, JUNE 2, 1876. OFFICE, RICHMOND HILL. THE HERALD. LOCALH M. TEEFY. Postmaster. $115,849 00 1,594 00 1,120 14 The following is the standing of the pupils in the diflcrexit classes in the highest department of the Public School of our village. The result was obtained by as Written examination, which was conducted during last Week u'nder the supervision of the Teacher. The papers on the different subjects were propaer by Mr. McMureliy, Head Master of the High School, and were carefully exam- ined and marked by several teachers, to which the following report was made out: Reading: Opie Sisley, Marlin Mac- Leod, Agnes Scott, Jessie Hamilton, all equal. ' Arithmetic: 15‘, Arthur Grant ; Martin Maclcod ; 3rd, Agnes Moodie Jennie MacLeod; 5th, Anne Marsh. Writing: lst, Martin Mabbod; 2nd, Arthur Pugsley, Opie Sisley, Eprhraim Starr, Herbert Wiley, equal. ‘English History: Ist, Arthur Pugsley; 2nd, Sarah A. Reid; 3rd, Wilkie Newton; 4th, Anne Marsh; 5th, Arthur Grant. General Proficiency: lst, Arthur Grant; 2nd, Jessie Hamilton; 3rd, Arthur Pug- sley; 4th, William Atkinson; 5th, Agnes Scott. ' Writing: lst, Maggie Pogue, dall. equal; 2nd, Jessie Harris; Sisley; 4th, Mary J. Freek. Anthmetic: 1st, Olivia Sisley; 2nd. Maud Sisley, Alex. Coulter, equal ; 3rd, Jessie Harris, Mary J. Freek, equal. Grammar: lst, Jessm Hamilton; 2nd, Maxtin MacLeod; 3rd, Agnes Scott; 4111, Wilkie Newton, William Atkinson, eqna]. Geography: lst Jennie Mnchod; 2nd, Aflhur Grant ; 3rd, Martin Macheod, Jessie Hamilton, equal; 4111, Agnes Moody. Dictation: lst, Agnes Scott, Sarah A. Reid, equal; 3nd Arthur Grant, Arthur Pugsle'y, equal. THIRD CLASS. Reading: lst, Fred. Grant, Minty Jails Freek, Flora. Couller, all equal. Composition: 1st, Arthur Pugsley, Anne Trench, equal; 2nd, Agnes Scott; 3rd, Wilkie Newton; 4111, Herbert Wiley. Etymology: lst, Agnes Scott; 2nd, Ar- thur Grant; 3rd. Sarah A. Reid, Arthur Pugsley, equal; 4th, WillEam Atkinson. Geography: lst, Maggie Pogue; 2nd, Alex. Coulter; 3rd, ()livl‘a Sisley; 4th, Walter Scott; 5111, Jessie Harris._ Dictation: lst, Flora Coulter, Fred. Grant, equal; 2nd, Jessie Harris, Mary J. Freek, equal ; 3rd, Hattie Hopper. Grammar: lst, Alex. Couller; gie Pogue, Jessie Harris, equal; uie Harvey; 4th, Mary J. Freek. Composition: Ist, Mary J. Freak; 2nd, Flora Coulter; 3rd, Elizabeth Scott; 4th, Maud Sisley . 51h, Maggie Poguo. Etymology : 13!, Jessie Hams; Maggie Pogue ; 3rd, Elizabeth Scott Maud Sisley ; 5th, Fred. Grant. Specialâ€"A prize given bv the Teacher for the boy and girl who made tl‘e most improvement in writmg during the term, II. Wiley and Mary J. Freck. The Markham Counml met at Size‘s Hall, Unionville, on Wednesday, the 17th inst. Members present: J. Rob- inson, Reeve; Wm. Millian and B. F. Reesor, Deputy Reeves, and J. Doherty, Councillor; The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. Doh‘erty, seconded by Mr. looser, moved that the sum of $30 be granted for repairing the bridge opposite lot 27, between Markham and Pickering, on condition that the Council of Pickering grant a like sum, and that Christmn Wideman and J. M. Kester be commis- sioners to expend the same; said sum payable on order of the commissioners when the work is completed. Mr, Milliken, seconded by Mr. Beesor, moved that the sum of' $5,711 be paid Joseph Lupp, being for 82 loads of gravel For Road Div. N0. 57. General Proficiency : Ist. Jessie Harris; 2nd, Maggie Pogue; 3rd, Alex. Coulter; 4th, Olivia Sisley ; 5H], Mary J. Fx‘eek. Petitions presented: By the Reeve, from L. Wismer and 14 others, asking: a grant suflicient to raise that part of road crossing the Rouge flats, opposite lot 19, in front of the 9th Con. By Mr. Millikcn, from Jacob Lunan and six other ratepayers of Road Divi- sion No. 26, asking a grant of $10, for the purpose of cleaning out the ditch across lot No. 10, in the 5th Con. Mr. Millikan, seconded by Mr. D0- hcrty, moved that the sum of 3310 be granted to clean out the ditch across lot 10. in the 5th Con, and that Jacob Lunan, Overseer, be appointed commis- sioner to expend the same. Mr. Doherty, seconded by Mr. Milliâ€" ken> moved that the sum 01' 8520 be granted to cut dofin the hill on Church Sh, cast of Markham Village, and that Adam Scott and the Reeve be commis- sioners to expend the same». Mr. Reeso’r, seconded by Mr. Doherty, moved that the Reeve be authorized to enquire into the claims of the Toronto General Hospital against this Munici- pality, and report at, the next meeting: Mr. Millikan, seconded by Mr. Reesor, moved that the account of H. Tane, amounting to 352,14, being for clothing for Robb. Anthony, be paid on order of the Reeve. v Mr. Milliken, seconded by Mr. Doâ€" hel'ty, moved that the sum of 9340 be granted to gravel the Townline from lot No; 9 to No. 14. between this Munici. pality and the Township of Pickering, on condition that the Municipality of Pickering grants an equal amount, and that W'm. Button, Esq” and the Reeve be appointed eommissmneis to expend the same; said sum payable on order of the commissioners when the work is completed. Mr. Millikan, seconded by Mr. Recsor, moved that the sum 01" 354,30, being for 434') feet of plank for Road Div. N0. (32, be paid to the order ofJames Boyd, Esq, Oversec‘r of said Diwsion: Mr. Millikcn, seconded by Mr. Do- Imrly, IBOVCd that the sum of $60 be MARKHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCI L. PUBLIC SCHOOL. FOURTH CLASS. Flora. Teas- 3rd, Olivia 2nd, Mag- 31‘d, Min‘ 2nd, 4thy 2nd, 4th, granted to improve the German Mills’ Hill, and that Robt. Cox, Alex. Duncan and Wm. Beattie be appointed commis- sioners to expend the same; said sum payable on order of the commissioners when the work is completed. Mr. Reesor, Seconded by Mr‘ Milliken, moved that the sum of$12 be granted to Mr. A. B.- Raymer, for keeping and nursing Mrs. Foster, a sick woman, who has no means of support; payable on order of the Reeve. Mr. Doherty asked lceve to introduce gm Byâ€"law to amend Bylaw N0. 260. Leave given; On motion, the By-laW was amended by inserting the name of Joseph loud in place of Alex. Maekie as Road Over- seer, in Division No. l4â€"which received its several readings and paSSed. Mr. Milliken, seconded by Mr. llees‘or, moved that the account of David Wootâ€" ten, amounting to 257,50, being for ex- penses incurred by him for one John Schmidt, a pauper, be paid on order of the Reeve; the Municipality of Mark- ham Village having paid an equal amount. In the matter of the petition for im- proving the Rouge flats, the Council laid it. over until next meeting, in order to get- an estlmated cost. Mr. Milliken, seconded by Mr. Do- herty, moved that the sum of 5522 be paid to Wm. Size, Overseer of Road Division No. 33, {or making two culverts in said Division. On motion, the Council adjourned to meet as a Court of Revision, on Wed- nesday, the Blst ulh The new yacht Countess of ngfi‘crhz arrived in Toronto on Tuesday, when she was visited by a number of citizens, who admired her make and equipments. We regret to learn that Rev. Canon Baldwin died at his residence, Toronto, on Wednesday last. He was connected With St. James’ Cathedral for many years. ' Two young boys, after attending the anniversary meeting at Elm street Church, Toronto, had an altercation, when one oft-hem, by the name of B-ugg, drew a knife and stabbed the other, named Harris, twice in the back: The assailant Was arrested and lodged in the police statioh.â€" Globe. We have to than}; our friends in Yorkville for their promised aid and as- sistance in the shape of subscriptions. We beg to inform them that they must not forget that we do advertising as Well, and have the bestjob office in the Riding. Mr. Kirkpatnck, saddlur, has kindly consented to forward subscriber’s names. Will our friends in other parts of the East and West Ridings go and do like- Wlsei The Grangcrs of North, York intend holding :1 grand gathering this monht. The Era says fall wheat in this Bid- ing as a whole looks well, and that spring work had been delayed on account of the wet weather. Mr G McEachcry, who has for some time ably filled the position of Station- agent: at the StoufTville station of the T & N B, being about to take his de parture from that place, a large number of his friends waited on him, at the resi- dence of Mr J Ainicy, and presented him with a Gold Albert LChaiu, and a very culogistic address. Mr Edward W'hceicr, of fins village, recently dug up in his garden two fish- Worms, measuring respectively 14; and 15 inches. Mr. T A Patterson, M A, will lec- ture this (Friday) evening in this place, under the auspices of the Stouifville Literary Society; Two or three beautiful f'ever~breeding spots require the especial attention of the worthy Inspector of this Munici- pality, before something serious comes of it. One especially on Beverley street. BongOUgh gave one of his unique lectures on Friday night last, at York- ville, whereat he carictured some of the local celebrities to a dot, highly delight- ing an appreciative aud1ence. Council- lor Wi‘ckson purchased the facâ€"similies at the close of the performance for one dollars and a half; we suppose for the purpose of gracing the walls of the Council Chamber. The usual feast of the Children of Peace will take place to-morrow, Sa- turday, at Sharon. Worship at eleven a.m. ; dinner at half-past one p.113. One day last Week a pillowcover, sa- turated with coal oil, and also a quantity of matches, were discovered under a dwelling on Simcoe street, Ncwmarketra occupied by G. M. Jones, marble cutter. The affair looks very suspicious, and it does appear to us, that with such a clue as the articles found alford, a sharp de- dective ought to discover something; Mr. Jones naturally enough felt greatly alm‘luecl».â€"â€".Era». Some misunderstanding: is said to ex- ist between a Yorkvillc Magistrate and Constable, about fees. We trust the difference may be settled amicably. Trinity College, Toronto, and all N01 th York will play a two days cricket match at Newmarkon on Monday and Tuesday next, the 5th and 6th inst. Newmarket has :1 new fire engine. City It 3mg. N orth York. Stoufiville. Yorkville. Nothing new here, except one of' the minor satclites 0f the “ big push,” ne‘ws- paper organ . A hen belonging to Mr Wm Bundle, on the rear of the 7th Con Markham, has just hatched a chicken with four legs. Mother and child are both doing well.â€"Economist. There was a. newspaper published here last week which says the Centennial exâ€" hibition, at Philadelphia, was opened May 10, 1776. According to that, the show must now be running over 100 years. Wonder if there is anybody now living who was at the opening ? On Saturday last, the 20th ult, at mid-day, two dogs of the Newfoundland breed, worried eight superior Cotswold sheep, belonging to Mr R G Armstrong, importer and breeder, all from imported stock. Four were killed and four badly wounded. Two competent judges ex- amined the sheep and valued the loss at $165. The dogs were caught in the act by Mr J Baymer and C Cook, who just arrived in time to save the whole flock._37 lambs and 24 ewes, for some of which Mr Armstrong paid $82 each. The loss as it is will be severe on both owners of dogs and sheep. Parties own- ing dogs caught in the act of worrying sheep are liable for amount of damage sustained3â€"E’conomisc. The Presbyterians of this place hold two {tea-parties last week, realizing up< wards of $100 therefrom. Mr Wm Boll, the temperance lecturer, “ tolled ” to a VVoodbridge audience, on the 20 ult. There has been but slight alterations in the inarket prices of produce during the week. We will endeavor, next issue, to givea more complete commercial report khan now appears Toronto Mdrkets corrected from Toronw Dailies every Thursday morning. Flour {Spriog Wheatexira . . $4 35 U BRIGHT‘S PHOSPHODYNE.~-MULTITUDEB OF PEOPLE are hopelessly suffering from Debility, Nervous and Liver Complaints, Depression of Spirits, Hypoah‘ondria, Timidity, Indigestion, Failureflofi Hearing, Sight and Memoyy,_La.§situde, Want of Power, em, whose cases admit of a per- manent cure by the new remedy PfiderODYNE (Ozonic Oxygen), which at; once ulltxys all irrita- tions and excitement, imparts new energy and life to the cnfecbled constitution, and rapidly cures every stage of these hitherto incurable and dis ressing maladies. Sold by all Chemists an Dyuggists trigoughout fligGlobe, L3? CAUTION.â€" The large and increasing de- mand for Dr. Bright’s Phosphodyne has led to several imitations under similar names; purâ€" chasers of this medicine should therefore be careful to olmerve that each case bears the Gov- ernment stump, with the words, Dr. Bright‘s Phosphodyu’e, Engraved thereon, and that the same words are also blown in the bottle. Every case bears the Trade Mark and Signature of Pa- tentee. Export Agentsâ€"Morton, Watney & Co., 107, Southwm'k St, London, SE. large HollF . . . . . . . . -. EMS. per doz ..........-...x Dressed Hogs. per IOU lbs... . Bacon . . . . . Prime... ....... Hamsâ€"Cured, per 1b. . . . . . . . Woolâ€"perlb............... Conrecled by Mr Isaac Crosby, Grace). and Dry Goods Merchant. Fire Proof Store. large rolls. . . Eggs, per doz. . . .. . Dressed Hogs, per 1 Bacon, l‘rime. . . ‘ . Hams, Cured. ; . . . XYGEN IS LIFEâ€"DR. BRIGHT‘S PHOSPHODYNE.~-1\IULTITUDEE RICHMOND HILL MARKETS Superiér extra. . . Markham Village. fiprtinl 35mm, TORONTO MARKETS. (finmmvrci‘ah WOOdbridge. 000 000 $035@ 040 ()70fa) 075 040@ (150 125@ 175 00733 008 1700 won 00 .on ©4300 @®®©®®©® I L. ccuoocc Hoaxâ€"H... .â€" C(OWOCOC (GOG vâ€"sqâ€"râ€"uâ€"c MCL‘IOQWC . 50500nflu-004000026o “039 3180116470045211FJFJ‘SQ 4534111000090020008000 $ 21 1 @@@@®@®@@@©@®@®@ 9H9 710).55 51.003 00W370m37B11501mw $5 00 5 50 0 00 0 00 DOMINION III HOUSE. Richmond Hill“ NOTED FOR THE Best and Cheapest Teas Of Every Line. Best 50 cent Tea in the Vallage COFFEES AND SPICES New article for the ngiefl, ‘ Schepp’sCodoanutforpudt mgs, 1mg, etc. Flour and Feed constantly on hand. Crockery, Ghsswm‘e and Tinwure. ' All kinds of Fm‘m Produce take'n in exchange. Goons DELIVERED. CHAS. E. SHEPPARD. JOB PRINTING “ THE PERPBUTIUN” READY GUT T o B A c o 0. Boots and Shoes of all kinds and sizé's‘; at prices that {L11 can buy; BOOTS AND SHOES, Clover, Timothy. Flax Seed, Tax-es And all kinds of Fieid and Gurdoh Seeds of the very best selection. Fine New Team; Sugars, Cofiees, Spices, Cmrants, Raisins, Rice, Orange and Lemon Peel, and all kinds of bamth Fruit. A Large Stock always on hand. Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Buckwheat Flgur, Cragked Wlleat. Parties winilng to Buy would do well to give me a gall, as I am determined to sell Cheap for CASH. Corner of Yonge and Centre Sta Opposite Sanderson db Suns. Richmond Hills J, Baxéon, Hams, Potatoes, Apples, Pens) Oats, Corn, Bran and Shorts. COLORED Boneless Cod Fish, White Fish and Salmon Trout. Very Choice; All kinds of Farm Produce taken and Fair Pines paid. (Printed by a ProceSS peculiar to our Chromatic Printer) Ranging in price item 30‘ cents per It). upward. Gund livery Stable in Eunnectiun. RICHMOND HILL Always fresh and direct from the Mills. ONTARIO HOUSE, Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Prbbf Store, RICHMOND HILL. LL EDS I SEEDS I! SEEDS‘ H AT THE ' A LARGE STOCK 0F FLOUR AND FEED A SPEC‘I A LITY Just opened toxday TWO LARGE CASES TEA (Eirdcer'iw, m. Also a. fine asisortme‘nt o‘f GROCERIES. SOMETHING NE IV, L3" Remember the place, POSTERS, TEAS, flHEST. OFFICE, TEA... ONTARIO. AT ‘TIIE 18T PRIZE HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT; Richmond Hill. At prices and on terms hitherto line'quall’ed. Parties wanting pumps will do Well to cousul' m9 before purchasing. ' Richmond Hill. March 24 ’75. WM 8: DOUBLE HARNESS AT ALL muons. WM. HARRISON. NDER RONAc IN reference to the ab’okre notice of DiSl solution. mg) undersigned Would announce that he is now fitting up New and Improved Machinery; Driven by ample Steam Power. and intendst manufacture a Stone & (10., 16, George St, Munsibn If'ouse, E.C. Campbell & 00., 158, Leadenhnfl St, London, EC. . K . Boun'evnin‘a & tau, *2, Brubantlet, Philpot Lane, London, 13.0. Colley (3.; 00.,19, Gt. Winchester St.,L0ndon, 13.0. R. Brooks & Co., St. Peter's Chambers, Cornhill, London, E.C. Pump Works, PHOSPHODYNE. Wm“ H 'E‘X'P’onvr AGENTS. _ d Norsttfin, Watnéy & 00.,107, Sofithwa‘rk St., Lon- On, . . ‘ . ‘ Evans, Lescher & Evans; 60, Bartholomew Close, Londoh E.C.. I \ , Burgoyne, flurbrlfige & Co., 16, Coleman 812., London, E.C. . H d Mnfivfign & Thompson, 12,’A1dorsgate Sh, Lens 011, . J. . Barclay & Sohs,95,FmTi11gon St, London, ExC. Newberry & SOZIS,_37, Newgate St., Londbu _E-.Cv. J. Sanger & Sons, 150, Oxford 817., London, \ ‘ G. Curling 6430130, St. Mag: Axg, ‘ngdon, 13:0. The New Curativ‘e Agent, and Only Be- liable Remedy for Nervous and Liver Complaints. This Phosphatic combination is ronouhb‘ed by most Eminent mailibel‘s, of the Med rial Profession to be uuéqu‘alled fof‘ its p‘ower in relplenishing the‘ _vi.mlity of thq badlyhby ‘s‘upglyi‘ng ‘ an the es- the vitality of the body, by supplyin all the es- sential constituents of the blood uh hc‘rve sub- It is agreeable to the paiaté, and hm Icent in its action, while retaining all its exti‘alir wiry pro- perties ; and as a specific, surpassing 3.1 the known therapeutic agents of the present day for the Bpeedy and permanent cure ofâ€" Nérvmis' Trus‘tmtmn Shortnst r51 Breath Liver Compiavints Tremhing ot the Hands Pghfitation of the heuYt ‘ and {@11th Pulpitatiou‘ of £110 hant and iJYIIiBéiV fi- Dizziness . , Imp'xtiix'ed Nutrition Noisgs in the Head and Manta upd Physibul De- Ltmi . pressmn Loss of Eiw‘rg‘y and Ap- Consumption (in its first pe its ‘ stages only) Hyde ‘ondrin. g‘unidity Female Comiplninta Eruptions of the Skin gegeyxl p.913 lity Impuqud Sight and Me- '13? CA TION.â€"â€"The large and increasing de: mand fo'r- BRIGET’S PHOSPHODYNE has led to several imitations IXqu similar names; pur. chasers of this m'é icine should therefore be careful to observé that ‘éuflh case bears the British xGavernment Stamp, with t 9 Words .Dn. BRIGHT s PHOSPIIQDYNE engraved t e'rebn (white letters on red ground), and thiibih'é same words are also bloWn in the botttle; Every case bears the trade nng and signature of Date tee.‘ The public qré S'o pafiiqulfirlx dali'tione‘ @gqiust iuu'chasing spurfous imitations ingppfted from the United States, and. are requestger to, note the directions for use are rinted 1n 0,11 the lanmmges as above, Withoufi w iflh none can possibly be genuine. “a. A AH;‘~L-UN .“J X_V__» _.._.v... Female Confilninta Eruptiohs of the Ski Genqmibeb My Impaired Sight and Indigéstioii V mory Flatulence N'eirWus Fufibiéfi Iucgagity for study or Ippoverigpqq 31mg W Blismeséfl M'w " fiétilnt)? all Sick Headache , its Stages Lassitude Premature Decline And all morbid conditions of the Hyitem arising from whaté'v r, 'cmiSe. The e‘ctioh ‘0; tie Phospho dyne‘ is twom d-â€"tm the one hand lllbl‘BESing the principle which nonstitutes tierivoiis energy and on the other the most p0 tli'inl b 0011 Mid (ash generating agent known; 1: erefof’c, it mui‘Ve one medicine for renovating_.ini1mired and brokenâ€" down constitutions: 113 Quick y i nproves the func- tions of assimilation to such a. egl‘e‘c, that Where fol‘ years an emaciated, anxioue, catilt'vei‘ous, mid senii-vit 1 condition has existed the flesh will rapidly ici‘euee in quantity and fii‘niness;,end the who a ay’js‘ténn fetiirn (% a. state of] robust health. The .l’hos hddy'ne ac '5 electrics. ‘ upon the organization; 01‘ instiaime. it assists‘ nit nr'e to genemt t at human e ect'ricity which renews and re ii‘ ds the osseous, muscular, nervous, menfifihnous and organic systems; It 0 erates on t ’8 system Wit out exciting care or t ought uqu the individu as tothe pl‘octlEs; It moves the, ungs, liven, heart; kidneys; stomach and in- testines with it harmony; vigor, yet wildness un- pai‘lilleled ili mediblnes their natural functions. Persons sufle $15; from Nervous Debility, or any of .the hiihdlfe' symp- toms‘ which 1; is distressln 'diéemsb ussumes, may rest assuied 0 an efiechm and even speedv cure by the judicious use 'of this most invaluable remedy. IS SOLD ONLY IN CASES AT 10s. (in. BY ALL CfiEmsTanD PAL TENT MEDICINE VENnEns THnthHUUT THE GLOBE. ,Full Directions for Use, in the English; French, Gennan, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Pdrtnguese; Danish, Russian, Turkish, Persian, Hindosih'ni, Madmsse, Bengalee, Chinese and Japanese an: guages, accompany each case. The Phonhodyne gives back to the ‘hli mn étrfictm‘e, in a suitable form, the phosyh‘dl‘ c or animating element of life, which has been wasted; and exerts mx important influence directly on the spinal m arrow and nervous system, of n. nutritive, tonic and invigorating character, maintaining that buoyant energy of the brain and muscular sys- tem which renders the mind cheerful, brilliant, and energetic, entirely overcoming that (lull, in: active, an sluggish disposition which many per- !3'mis fix‘pfii‘ Slice in all their actions. The beneficial efiécf§ U? the thphqdynefire frequently shown from th'é first [My 61’ ms admi- nistration, by a. remarkable increas‘é‘ bi iiei‘vous power, with 'n. feeliugof vigor and comfo‘rt,to which the patient has long been unaccustomed; Digestion. is V' n} rove ; the appetite increases wonderful] '; {if ofiie a beche regular ‘ the eyes brighter"; t 19 s in ciefl and healthy; and the hair acquires strength, showing the importance of the action of the I’hosphodyne on the organs oi nutrition Finaliy, thaflhosphydyne maintgins a certain degree of n'ctiv1ty in ‘he prevmits debilitated nervous system; its use enables a] debilitated arggus tq rett‘lrp to their sqynd state .g‘nt‘imerfpm fiance, and for developing 11.11 the "1560‘er Valid :uncflb‘ns 'of £1111 system t0_the highest degree. SUPERIOR ARTICLE List of p-rices sentan application. Protected by Royal Letters Patent. Dated October 11th, 1869. ‘EFO‘RE GOING ELSEWHERE, Dr. Bright‘sfiosphodyne RICIiMOND HILL 5 T E .A. M C'tm'stuntly on hand, a huge as; sbrtment of RONAGE‘ (OZONIC' OXYGEN, DISTINGUISHED PAT- gamma BRIGHT’S H. MILLER. 5. 8714f M. H. KEEFLER; “THE HERALD” At Ins Printing Ofices, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Every firidajf Morning. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, LARGE CIRCULATION I Live Newspaper $ $I$I$I$l$l$l$ Topics of the Day, Local Intelligence; Complete Marisa Rvpm £§, Good Selections, Agrtcuitural Matters, Eta, Em, Etc. Low Rates of Advertising Advertisers will find the use of our column: a benefit. M. H; KEEFLER, Will pay for it one year. The Publisher is determined to make it a Specimen Copy Free. Editor, Publisher and Proprietor» ONE DOLLAR IS PUBLISHED BY IN ADVANCE. IN ADVANCE. IN ADVANCE. ONLY ONLY ONLY ON THE

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