Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 9 Jun 1876, p. 1

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THE HERALD. Advez visements w“! be inserted on this page at the followhxg rates: Business Cards, one year ..... ~91 00 Do six months. 2 50 Do three months . 1 50 Trimsitoxv alive; Ascments, first inseuiou, per inch .......................... -. ...... ... 75 Each subseqent inseuion, per inch An inch comprises twelve lines of Novnnrefl. Condenssd advel thements.;1uder the headi - I33: “ Snecinmies,” “ Strayed," “LuSL(\2‘FlR1nd,' '."or Sale or To Let," “Wanted.” etc-h, each inset. ion 25 cents. ‘ At his printing offices, Yonge Street, Richmond Hi“, Ontario. Terms of Subscription: $51.00 per annum in advance. Advertisements without v. mm: ’ insh actions 77"} be inserted until forbid and charged transient Attorney, Solicicoizâ€"iu-Chancex y, Convey: ancer, em. Ollie » â€"N0 6 linyul Insurance Build.â€" ings, Tormth strum, Toronu. JJ, TEES, Attorneys, Solicitors-iiâ€"Chancm r, etc.. 64 Adellide street East, (opposite the Con.“ House), Toronto. BOULTBEE & EVATT. BARRISâ€" TEES. AL'mrnevs. Solicitors-i Iâ€"Chmmm ERGUSON, BAIN & MEYERQ, Ban’islers. Attornevs» Fcficiwrs it)» 1V Banisiers. Aitorne5's», Emiciwrs it): 01111 1681‘ y, (gouveyuncers. etc. Olficen â€"Noy. 2, 4 and 6 0 name Ba". Court street, Toronto. ' ‘ THOMAS FEMUspN, (3.9 U RISTEBS, em, Union Block, corner Toronto and Adelaide Sts.(opp031te the new Post Office), Toronto. F. 08mm. J AMES BETHDAE. W. G. FAWONEBIDGE. CHARLES Moss. N. W. HOXLES. J. H. THOM. ETHUNE, OSLE RS; MOSS, BAR- RISTEBS. etc" Uuiml Block comer Toronto U Barrisperé, Solicitors in Chancery, Notarieé Public, etc. Officesâ€"56 King street East, Toronto, two doors east of Toronto siréeL W. H. BEATTY. W. NICHOLAS MILLER. EDWARD M. CHADW’ICK. C. R. W. BIGGA‘R. D. E. THOMSON. JJ GAR, Barristers. Atmrneys-at-Law, Solici- tors in Insolvency, etc. REATIY, ~M_I_LLER__& BIQQAB, EA'l‘TY, CHADWICK & BIG- GAR. Barristers. Attorneva-atâ€"Law. Solici- U Surgeon and Acéovclxeui'. Office, corgcr of Yonge and Centre Sheets, RichmoL-d 1? €“. MOND HILL. v 7‘1 he gruemliy be fm'ml at home from 2 to 3 o‘c‘e‘ck p. nu GEO. BROWN, M'.'D., PHYSICIAN Sargent! and Annmmhmm Offirn, norm? of meewmrmaaes of "REE; ‘cfihléim examined as to sound-Jess, also bought and sold on commission. 1 - MISTS and Druggists, cornei‘ of Yonga rmd Centre street Richmond Hill. Special at tention paid to pre ptmus. HOMAS CARR, DEALER, IN Drugs. Medicines, Wines and Liquors for J Auctioneer for the comny of York, resyoc‘c- fully solicits your pain-ans ‘e and friendly i.1flu- ence. Sales attended on me shot .est notice and at reasonable rates. P. 0. Address, King. 1- Dmgs, Medicines, Wines and Liquors for medicinal purposes, Groceries. etc., Thornhi“. By Born Letters Patent has been appoiuked Is- suero Marriage Licenses. JAMES C. STOKES, LICENSED Auctioneer for the county of York, respect- U Auctioneer for the Covntv of York, respect- fully solicits your pa’ronage and fliendly influ- ence. Sales attended on the ShOI‘LGSb notice, and at reasonable rates. 13.0. address, TeSuQAl. DANIEL KINNEE. LICENSED Auctioneer for the Covntv of York, respect- D Auctioneer fur Lhe County of York respectr fully solicits your pJermgo Mul friendly i'lflU' euce. Sales attended on the shortest. noting and at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, Victoria, AB J 0 Auctioneer for the (‘mU‘iiuS of York. Poet Ontario and Simccc; also Va 1' Mar and Commis- £1011 agent. P. 0. Adam , »â€" Bloominglnu. is Chancery sales auomnd t Pubies re! 'ir- ing Mr. Patterson‘s 901“ ' v' make arranueâ€" meutq and obtain particulars as Eu terms: em, as THE HERALD Office. Square. A. Method of thrnctiug teeth wkhrmt painl by the use of Elmer Spray, w'n ' infects the teeth only. The huh and gun am maing be. comes insenqilxm WiUl me exierua‘ agency. when the tooth can. 1m mgr-Lewd with no pain n-ud without endauxri , me life. as i1 the use ‘1' chloroform. Dr. 1‘;-I-i:.h>mwih he at the follow- ingrplaces pteyuu‘ed no Gwyn-4.1: teeth "\ it'u hisnnv' apparatus. All office operations in Dentistry performed in n Worl: mamike manner: Aurora. lst, 3rd, 16:11.1 and 92nr1d 003]] month Newmm‘keb ................. 21ml do Richmond T-‘till 9th and “411.1 do Mt. A [11611: . um do Thornhiil “ ‘d (10 38111111.!” 2am do But“ it: k 28th do Kleinhurg. 28th do Noblctou . 30m do ALFRED BOULTBEE. WM. Won'rs EVA'M‘. M. H. KEEFLER; _\J. N \VMAKKE'E‘. nu (1310:; DEREISL‘, would m mrmmc“ that he “in \-' A moud Iii]! me ISlh of eurh month. 111, PMueez's Howl; also attend the Inlluwing place.» yroies- sio‘lally, Sundays excel-tut NeWmm‘kot Sutton 3rd of each month. .6111 and 4m (10 Petferlaw iuh do Mount Albert. 8th do Sandford 10th do stoufivi‘ha 14th do Murkhwn 16th do Aurora. .. .. 20th do All bmn‘ches of Dental surgery attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate. RICHMOND HILL L I VE H STABLES.â€"Horses and Vehicles iqr _hire. WgTABLilS.â€"Horses and Vehicles for hire. Charges moderate. Opposite Sanderson & Sous. JOHN BROWN, Proprietor. DOMINION LIVERY STABLES. At the DOMINION HOTEL rwill MWqu be Tfiofnhm . and do ‘Mn] 1 .0 S‘Bth do But“ ick 28th do Kleinhurg 23th do Noblctou 301 ‘u d o Nitrous Omde Gas alwa; s on hand at Aurora U At the DOMINION HOTEL will always be found anumber of first-class “Rigs.” which xx ' v be hired out gt moderate charges. [5. PROCTOR, Richmond 11.71. H. SANpERsomdvsfi G.T.\[.c_., M. PATTERSON, “1115193339 corner of Sigma andfiqntre 'stregjas, Rith VOL. XVIII, N0. 2. ,MUEL M. BRQWN, LICENSED . JAS. LANGSTAFF, RICH- SANDERSON & SONS, CHE- R 0 B I N s 0 N's, 1.3.5., NEW MAQLQY,_ gARRISerR, EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, gmfiwmfi. W. K EN NEDY. L. 0.8., 0 NENMAKKET. U-n. Sx'n- A UM; I-I. ané PUBLISHED BY inedical. 35ml. gram. gimm. ml 4th (10 .. iuh do .. 8th do .. ‘lnth do .. 14th do .. 16th do 20th do Dogtalmaurgory attended to. JOHN BA lv-l mortgage of farm properbv, at eight per cent. interest, in sums to su-in borrowers. No com- mission. Amply to BLAh E dz. IS XGSFOBD, 10 Adelaide st. East, T01 who. MONEY TO LEND ON FIRST mortmge bf farm nrbnerbv. at eiqht Der iV-L LOAN nw FIST-PLAh‘; MOT’Tc-A- 1: mac: w:- '1Y-J'1 sums mm: 5500 unwarm. Al».qu to )l. TEE! Z', N. If XE”) 'I‘, ( \s e :(-( 11' ms m the 8502ch of the late Mu “'1Bx“ - ’L] liicnmond iii". lVlONEY TO LENDâ€"s L-‘iAN' m: FIST-OLAh‘i MO 110 Insurance and Bean Es. w sltyrecvived. sifldect to fiemaal " ' . . mm,ne.ak¢.utefl. Delmtwves 1w sn’o. (mice, 20; Adelaide greet East, thrown, a. tow ,dours west or the P051: Olfice. J Treasurer of Markham Tommhip Clark of Division Court. Division Begiiztrnr, etc. ‘Iuju‘ 3L, Uniom i7'e, W5“ be at Ham; 'Hotel, Markham, every Monday, from 9 mm. to 4. p.111., tr: attend to business in connection with the Com t. keeps corzsv- Es" O'jifiIUH-l Am kinds of Wood, which will be J-"ul for tho Suwert market pxlce. Cor. Yongo and Centre St.,1:ichmon,d 11m. WOOD YA FER-J OIIN BROWN keens cor:s;-' =6 oi limnl a”. kinds of e :< wd W,“ wad; name-911.. 'n Khxlfil‘ an” .‘ -'(\A'U-'., 01., P. \VJUIJM \ § :4 ri .30 L‘- ( 0x 11mm ' JOHN STEPHENSON. UTFRK IE Treasurer of Markham To“ 1).:le; ‘ (flex-k m 0 E IS Richmond Hi” have :I‘u'm'»; n1 him the besbof beef 11) -: ‘nmb. wr. Inn vwâ€"z Les, ebc.. and he“, at. rlv owes: ' 1. Mac (zoned a ml spiced ' d hams. The hi: text mm e, sheep. bulbs Ln ,. 1“ fl ‘ltl 'en ft -r 0! En' In; or and me the the .912» the 1am 1» C‘AL Laud Sn'rvcmr, 3' Drn'vghmuru. Order: ‘-v l.-i1~r Lat-fluid come .~ 1911,1017 Ind oh: 'nc‘ ‘1‘ at bnrvv‘ scxi having the 01d 1“ n . .s D. (- :30}: fluid otherwr mym‘gwl'i H mm“! “C consumed i: m...ny ca 4 ,3 1r uri it 1 month moms, eta, nrevious m mull”? 1 ~; \\ ark. (Wire at: Wiilowdme, Yonge 312., m the x y , Ship of 3.0m. 1» C‘AL Land Sn'rvcmr. Drn'vr'hmuru. Order: ‘.-v I.- uonve 1011,1017 and ou‘. a scxi'cr havi: thy old 1“ Hm: GEO. \7'. AM AV, Sc. Kymnel Plum. M‘l' ......... . ' "Pro Jhnmmmcs -~- \Vil‘imu Gn'ulcr : 11, GM Lewi- Thus. H. Lee. Gen 'ge Gouderhum, H‘ L.Macphcr:.un,&$eu ' r. 31', Preside?! <1 Capitfl, Total Assets, 91,906,306 serve Fund, 820: 0'}. Money received {at fly went, and fixtm'esb Mlowed 1L!- (11¢ mm m‘ 3,1 x “or curt. yer :v. mam, con;- puu‘tfizv 11:.‘7 yt .1“ ‘ DL-nwitk‘ “1". L.. at 011'; >100 :mni noticu or :L rle-li the 0anle (J (In: Direrurl tench». (‘81)(‘ai‘w5‘ \flii-T. v‘ n thrae momhs. Int-meta r and 15th «lav of the nj'njtu 0 1 the secvriq; of Re mm M 'uljluvirinnl De- ‘geupurqs. tnereby_ guq g Lhe (lepnsi This Compmw advrncva’ Monev 0‘; the aecmity of improved (31“; 01' (fl-nv‘rrv Pro vex-.7, re-payahb‘ra 11y menusot’ a Sin N Pu: d \\ hich is inund to be the surest and e 4x t, m wluuf repayiugua‘om'. [3' See redno l lu.-_- LIMA", .i‘orx'urther’ iv, _ at at the Ofllces of the Company. . Ac b. LE ).,1‘.Izmu';‘er. ‘VESTERN CANADA L O A N AND SAVINGS COMPANV. The subsciber has arrived v.ith his Photographic Cottiagé at RICHMOND HILL, and intends to remain on1y for a limited period. A‘lwho wish a. First-class Photograph Should call Without delay. COURT OF REVISION, To 211' who u ,1 2M. .3" 01“}:9 i ‘ - .5L 9 :Xc‘o'r'h 1 t.B.EL 4'5“ Crmr“ an. "R we Tu.‘ man L‘, "n x the New“ ‘u be guel‘mki not later no hi;c$1ux'§'fl“6 1m r m1 es~ mate of the ,1 dates Lu N ‘ R 1 N P. I 9 E H T um: 0!: and u. ‘u unt. the sum in: rmm, v'" .2 Amer-Emu 50¢ m Do :‘iuc at Do 200 at John Brown, haac Crosby, ‘Wm. ALkiuson, P. G. Ravage; Alex. Maudie, Chas. E. Stepping, H. Sanderson & San, Wu'. Ba: 1501!, Jess-e Guam. Wm. H. f‘ugs’ley, George Soules, J. K. Falconbridge, Robert Siver, Riclimoml Hill, 3i TUE *1 DJ». 1’ AN D W ED; ESDAY, 0‘“ J (rxs, ELIE ‘3 ‘i ‘3" PATENT EAVE-TROUGH AND WATER SPOUT FOR 'IH‘. DUM‘JS 103', At $6 per hundred feet. A150 Flooring and other lumber dressed; sap buckets. pails, cider m" ~. washing machines, shingles. lellom, sh“. u mud BENT maisrinl for buggies amt Sleight). Zr‘ or pm V-icultus address JOHV L AIGS’I‘ ‘ WT. Steam Mil. ', Lang. I .‘ f. ECURE YOUR SHADOW 1.11» y ON MA: ETER S. (HERON, PRO V 1' N: WILLIS. BANKER. BIB-3mm, STRANGE EXL: AND SAVINGS COWU’AN". Officesâ€"No. 70 Church street, Toronto. SA VINGS I} A NK B R ANC’T’T. & L. C. WfDEM'AN, MANU- RICHMOND BILL. Public Noifce 21's hweby Given H. 8; R. PUGSLE‘Z, RUTC _ Ere the Substance Wrstes. gflifix‘tiazm-ngs, MONEY (/10 LOA N. gum”. D. FCTTF E111"! m J“? {It "4» 3 at 1-5: D" C. FERGUSON. 1:4. ‘i ,'|'!‘-.(. at " :m:« m l Loin- v‘run-‘vl 3'21 (llv: t..‘| 19.131»an ‘50 ‘c Len 1mm the first I‘m“ u and ‘12 9‘1 ‘v‘r' ,u. l ' jam Gamblel i. : u'r.~.‘ev, ‘38 Mason, H. H. CF/mkef F. &, J. (lusgmve, JOMJ J’mer’ R. E. Law, Robert Hopper, W. H. Myers. ~ H29" 111:; {mt meet- ' «yr .m 111220 of mm m" 5H 01-,” N‘ .‘hn \‘TL Em- uv - of film} 'Emj mark; 3, 1876, H' V , mobonaghy, 7% inim‘m/ ’ ulhz,‘ fm EFON. r'l’ro Mont. G4 0. \V. n, Hon. D. Av (:09 [LU 'I‘c 1.00m U item the founmh. The best going dvfi 'g the “ heated term,” at SAVDEBSON'S. on‘!‘ PA ‘IS GREEN and HELLEBORE, cheap and {goodâ€"warrantedâ€"at H. SANDERSON & SONS drag store, lichmond Hi“. PARKLING ' SODA WA T E B. 2mm the {Unfit-5'1. The best going duvi 'Iz U MAX Clothes \Vringer. Best in use, See it and '1‘ it before urchasing. C. E. SHEPPI 'ID, Agent, ominion ea. House, Richmond Hm. NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE vnrr PA ‘IS GREEN and HELLEBORE. For " 70 on reasonable terms, the Houses and IN N u. saw; half an acre of land, with excelâ€" h "t . t and c. chard, lying: FouLh of Mr. A. L. r’ 4» r. 5 km;- A ud noun of Mr. Alex. Moodie’s s, n 111w a Unfi u] Richmond Hill. A good 3, \ :nâ€"~s Bland. ' ‘ Wnre and waflling House and Garden, - hm‘l‘ un acre. uf choice fruit trees! 00: act Adm-17'? vmrnts qf six hues and less, under this heading, twenty/give cents each time. SOMETHING NE Wâ€"THE CLI- MAX Clothes \Vrinzer. Best in use. See it 'HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE AT 1 - ' RICHMOND HILL. RICHMOND HlLL I." chat Tongaefl Grooved and Surface Plnnefl. ' 1 and: *. gmiw. Ln-nber CM; 1' om 36 feet dew.) ) older. Bill Lumber attended to. Manufi'rcétmr of Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Mouldings, Lath, Shingles, eta, ’ Richmond Hill: Um. A LARGE STOCK OF EAVE-TROUGIâ€"IS, CLODE & HOOK, BENT FELLOES, SHAFTS, CUTTER and SLEIGH RUNNERS, <eut by mail or other conveyance when :0 r‘eâ€" {for ONE DOLLAR per ammm in saw «:9. Me c0,-i€~s, Lm'ee (en Ls. THE ernm wi‘t crx"',vi)1 9.11 mn‘.be‘rs 02 load imnorb.;nce, uu‘ic‘m a-nl ca\.1..1e..-m on the ,:o- c"! eve-its of the dam, {no Incest hone n‘ .d .meim' new; 0:; -: 7 v a a n 113-" an i ‘Llwo '4" 'm We; remove. a; cvum JlmflLLBLS a'm‘ gage.le l \ Jiiv readivf. .1“- ~‘ VEI'HSQ‘ s conimcti mg for smce on the second 1'“: G. m‘ImHJ-‘n wages for a. i;~(*.(“-‘)5:fl.i-i1ne wi‘l be c\.a..'c;ecl,1)ayaple gum ne‘iy, m, "o-iows: One Two Tbvee Six One Month. Months. Mouths. Months. Your. .. $10 00 95-15 00 $1.0 00 $35 00 $00 00 H‘ (05 8 00 12 00 15 00 20 00 3.3 00 ' 5 00 8 00 10 0') 15 00 20 00 '1 v'cr'un nes 3 00 4 00 5 00 8 00 12 00 TWO i (fixes. 2 50 3 00 3 50 5 00 8 00 n.. Sui-h 1 50 1 75 2 00 3 00 5 00 3 00 3 50 5 00 8 00 0'29 im- 1 75 2 00 3 00 5 00 'I welve lines of Nonparefl comprise an inch. (‘Anmr 01 n"owed in contract m've) u‘sements m» * t“ res 11. yea“; elch (mange over twelve . -- "‘ be 0111‘ med e:;.."a. at the fo‘mwia: mue: " ‘alf calrun. 63c; quanoer column L V9 0 téé ofiMozxduJ to seer The British judges are to make the 2').- wards in the Canadian department of the Centennial. April 1 11:6. Orangemen from ail paris of the world wi‘l celebrate the 11th of July at Philadei- phia this year. VT‘ue attendance on the Cenlennial grounds on Monday was 40,999, while on Tuesday it was somewhat. Eesz. A kinde. garten school has been opened 16?..." the women’s Pavillleu on the Centenn- i..1 g Quads at Philadelphia. ' The Hon. Jumes Skead, of Ottawa, is one of .lie lumdec judges at the International Exhibition now being held at Philadelphia. A Princess over three thousand years old is vkitlng the Centennialâ€"in the shape of a mummy. Thegsay they have Adam‘s gum- fzulxcr there too, which Adam we do not know. The adm?ssions to the Centennial last Friday were exhibitors, attendants and complimentary 13,167; cash $27,637. The attendance on Saturday was as gloat if not greaw: than Friday. The no :y for changes of advetfisements up- ' '1 01 the set-0' 1a or t]r‘"d jmjes_ mqst reach A .n 1} Mir-thy ralsesponflenee and adve: £1710an ‘ J he rereived at "ne olfice not later tilu'l eit‘ny 120ml, to secure fusextion the cun‘en'u .z-t sno uitems of local news um‘ adver- .ts “ "‘ be waived up to ten o'clock on The Quebec Government has ncgo’ tinted its loan of $4,000,000 for the construction of' the Quebec, Montreal and Western railway through the Bank of Montreal at par with five per cent. interest. The Kingston Council sat on Monday night. tiEZ 12:45 3.121. The city takes possâ€" essron of the market ballery. The Street Railway By-law was read a first time. The City Engineer was dismissed for neglect of duty. The rest of the evening was taken up with r: eei malters. n- PUBLISHED EVER Y FRIDA Y, Sash and Door Factory. ALF RED QUANTZ, 1mm 0N HAND, Thornl) 111, Ont. 0 un ’uucxp'ired C‘entennial Notes. 31800:! $18,011:. ORDERS SOLICITED. JAM ES M. J h A VS, Laska‘y PD. Spociaitiw. MAX 5 FACTUBEJS 0F gm $3112. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, CANADA, JUNE 9, 1876. Miscellaneous. " M. E. KEEFLER, Ed'WOl, Pub" ' sher and Proprietor‘ 0r to k. '; :-ZF.FY, .uéulwuond Hill‘ A LS 0, '6 RM ,te’ntion the same The story called “Mix-k Abbey,” having been commenced in the YORK HERALD, we have thought it but tight to give the readers of that paper the continuation of it in THE HERALD. It will be found on the third page. We have placed the infernal management of the ofi‘ices of this paper under the con- trol of Mr James Wideman, who, as a general printer, cannot be beaten in the province. Our facilities for job‘printing are superior having also made additions to type already on hand, and we trust that. old and new customers will favor as with their sup- port. Our endeavorslo cater to the public will, we trust, be acknowledged in the im- proved appearance of the paper in ‘ the short space of one week. 0n and after the lot of July, the sub- scriber will take charge of the store now conducted by Mr. A. Scott, and will con- tinue the selling and supplying of Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods. etc. The present subsciibers to the different magazines, pe- riodicals and weekly newspapers, will be supplied as‘usual. The favor of the public patronage given to the present proprietor is kindly solicited. ' -- .-.-â€"- The deaths of Mr. Adam Gordon and the Hon. Malcolm Cameron leaves both the South and North Ontarios unrepreâ€" sented in the House of Commons. The latter gentleman has been ailing for some length of time, and it was hardly looked for that he Would recover. He was born in Three Rivers in 1808, of Scotch parents. He was first returned to Par- liament in 1836. He. was a member of the Lafontaine-Baldwin Administratidn, and of the Hincks-Morin Government, .from 1851 to 1854. In 1862 he was sent to England by the British Colum- bians; he then and afterwards sought the LieutenantrGovexnorship of that Proxlnce, but was unsuccessful. In Morgan he is set down as “an advanced “Liberal. Bemg one of those who are “ never afraid to express their opinion, so “ that every one {nay know what they will “ do. He has no hesitation inzsaying he “is a pronounced friend of Independence; rfimefiinnnffiffinfly, 53‘ he is sa- ‘ “ tisfied with things as they are, but he i thinhs thingsâ€"we are ‘ nearing our majorlty. ‘ Both Mr. Cameron and Mr. Gordon were strong advocates for the cause of ‘ Temperance. The Hon. Oliver Mowatt is attending the Supreme Court at Ottawa. The Hamilton and Northwes? 3m Rail- way 00. have received permission fxom the Government to bridge the Bufl‘ng- ton Canal. Mr. Scatchard (Grit) has been re- turned for the representation of North Middlescx in the Commons by a majori- ty of 182. In South WeHington on Tuesday next, the Ministerialists meet in convention to nominate p. candidate in the room of Mr. D. Stirton, resigned. A Grit convention is to be held at Sunderland, on Wednesday next, to select a candidate to contest North 0n- tario for the Dominion Parliament. The Ottawa Free Pv-css publishes al hologram from a reliable party in New York in reference to the rumors conâ€" cerning Trotter and the murder of the late '1‘. D'Aicy McGee, as follows : “ We‘ “learn after em‘eful enquiry, that no “such person as Trotter has been con- “ vieted of murder in New York city or “ state. The story is doubtless a cool “ ward.” We notice also in the Toronto papers :1, letter from one Trotter stating that {he Trotter referred to in the report is now lix’ing in that city, and that the report has been circulated by some mali- cious person or persons. The July number of Ballou’s Magaâ€" zine is superb, for it contains such a large variety of reading matter that. all must be pleased with it. In additionto the stories there are quite anumber of excellent engravings, some of them of a handsome character, and all worthy of particular notice. There is a“ continua- tion of the great serail called “That Taylor Boy,” by M. Quad, of the De- troit F ree Press, and it grows more and interesting as it advances in the plot, a ‘ spirited sea story by a well knowu writer, and quite a number of domestic tales of interest. Published by Thomes & Tal- bot, 23 Hawley s‘rcet, Boston, at $1.50 per year, postpaid. ’ . i Notes and Comments. THE ONTA RIOS. HERALD. Notices. M. H. KEEFLER. M W The Magdalen Islands herring fishery has been' vex y successful. The ses‘ hunt has not been remunerative. The Emperor of Russia and Germany meet at Ems on the 14th of this month. A Russian Prince has arrived in Paris, it is supposed on important business. The Rothchilds are sellers of Console 10 the amount of nearly a. million pounds sterling, which transaction is supposed to be based on the knowledge that the political situation in Europe is likely to grow worse. The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of British America met on Tuesday. in the Court Room, atCobourg, the Most Worship- ful Grand Master, Brother Mackenzie Bowel], M. P., presiding. The attendance was unusually large. over One hundred dele- gates being present at the opening. The Grand Master delivered his annual address, a very able and arpropriate one, and the Grand Secretai y and Grand Treasurer read their reports, both showing increased Osange prosperity, not. orfly in Canada but also in the Mother Conntsy and the Colonies and in the United States. The British American Chapter of the Blank Kiiights of Ireland held its meeting at the same place, simultane- ously with that of the Orange Grand Lodge. The lacrosse teams played on Friday last at Hurlingham, England, before a brillant and distinguished company of the aristocra- cy. The weather was splendid. The Can- adians took three games, and the Indians one. The game is much admired; and lac. rosse clubs are being formed in various parts of the knigdom. The teams have played at Glasgow, Edingburg, Newcastle, and Sheffield. Everywhere enthusiasm has been shown tor the game and players. The Ca- nadians are in the best of form, and the Indians are not likelyto win many more games in England. There was a polo match after the lacrosseâ€"England against Ireland. The Prince of Wales was indis- posed, but promised to attend the lacrosse mhtch ‘at hurlington next Saturday. Jarrett & Palmer’s fast overkxnd train arrived at the end of Oakland whai‘, which is wI..1_;iu the city limits of Sin Frrncisco at 9.25 o’elouk last Sunday mcz'nft‘g, havhg run from New Yeah in 84 hours, less 26’ m‘uutes. At 9,25501e passeuéem aiighted in the court of the Paiace Hoeel in good; hea‘th and spirli}. ConsiCei-able trouble‘ wm experienced my the 0:335:11 Paciflc‘ 1‘10“) the wearing out of the bi-akeshoes on the Pennsyivaxria cars, and in the moun- wins the Central Company put on two of their own coaches to in-eak the train The‘e was no accident. of any 1‘in though out the rip. Shady aaer the Luival of the train, breakfast was sewed, to which prominent citizens, a1my ahd navy officiu'q, and the Mayor of the city we;e invited. A saiute of thirteen guns was fired from the roof of the palace on the arrival of the ar- rival of the trg': at the wharf.‘ The re- mainder of the day was devoted {o needed rest. The excursiouists were sesenaded in 1 the evening. Patel-borough is about organizing a Board of Trade. The merchants of [Guelph are served with noifces to remove all their varandahs and awnings under a recent by-Iaw. The trial of James Ryan, who stabbed his wife fatally on the 8th uit. iu Peterboro', will not come on until the fail assizes. The Vanderbilt interest is in contro lof the Canada Southern, that ticket being elected at the annual meeting of Directors on Wed- neaday. The Directors of the Grand Junction Rail- way propose amalgamation with the Mid- land as soon as the former line reaches Pe- terboro'. The County Council of Wentworth have decided not to pay any more bills incurred by grand juries for cabs when visiting the public institutions. Rev, Ambrose Hunt was deposed from the mmistry and expelled from the church by the Londm) Conference of the Methodist’ Church on Wednesday. On Sunday afternoon or evening Dr. Ram- say’s house, 0; illia, was entered and a num- ber of Masonic works and manusc ~ipts stol- en. Nothing else. was \3an from the house. There is :10 ("1118 to the perpe'u'ators of this extraordinary theft. Canadian Villages far and near have at last. got the fever and are oi- have deter- mined to receive Unitet States Silver at 20 per cent discount. It'wuuld have been bet- ter had the example of the cities and large towns been foliowed'a few years ago. Owing to the high water in the livers a. great deal of the timber f0: Quebec wiil be one month )ate in reaching that market. On the other hand, owing to ice in the GuH‘, the majority of the lumber vessels have not yet been able to reach Quebec. More than half a. dozen Grangm s’ picnics were held in the Province on the 2nd inst. The nttendafice at all of them was large. All along the line an attack was made on middlemen and pedlars. Several Speakers, however, referred to a belter.nnders12mding between melchants and dealers md the Pm. rons having been arrived at. News Summary. Dominion Items. Sumâ€"The recent Queen’s Birthday, on which was ‘held the annual exhibi- tion of the Yonge Street Agricnitural Society, deserves a passing comment on the order and sobriety which characaerized the day. There is always more or less drinking on such occasions, and those in whom bibulons tendencies have become chronic, look upon fair days as special occasions when their morbid propensities must be permitted an extra. indulgence, but thanks to the numerous temperance organizations springing up around us, intoxication is becoming disreputable, So that even he whose thirst forthe inebriating cup is almost irresista‘nle is compelled to put the checke in upon his imperious master, and keep it Within the bounds of what society by common consent admits to be propriety. The Mahomedan kingdom of Turkey is fast dissolving. According to cable dispatches affairs in the East are be- coming more and more complicated, 9nd may perhaps involve Europe in a Wr“. Last week the Sultan was detlwoned; and his nephew declared as his succes- sor, which news is followed a few days after by the announcement of the death of the ex‘Sultan, which, according to physicians, was caused by his own hand, although" it is generally reported that the only' evidence they had was the position of the cuts in his arms, which appear to have been made with a pair of scissors, and the statements of attendants. It is believed in Erance, Italy and other places that he Was murdered. We give the following account of Us rely from the Mail : To the Editor of The Herald. Added to the temptations of an annual Fair as a further inducement to step aside from the paths of sobriety. ws-s the ‘fact of its being the Queen’s Big-1h- day, the day on which hundreds of en- thralled victims of intemperanee love to chant from many a bar-room the chorus ‘ “Britons neVer, never shall be slaves.” Brit notwithstanding all the popular in. oeniives to transgress the usun‘: limits, and all the facilities too readily aflhrded to tempt. men to swerve from the. line of reetimte. The Queen’s Birthday in this village and the fair passed off with a freedom from intoxication and dis- order, which pointed unmistakeobly to a great advancement in temVperanee senti- ment in this locality. The eX-Sultan ,whose reign was so sum- marily closed on Tuesday last ascended the Ottoman throne on the death of his brother, Sultan Abdul Medjid, June 25 1861, accord- ing to the Mohammedan law of seniority. He was born Feb. 9. 1830. The seclusion of the harem obscures his early life. but his taste for agricultural studies is known through his establishment ofa model farm near Constantinople. He began his reign with his declared intention to refotm the many abuses in the public nfl‘airs oi‘ the Empire. He dismissed the corrupt Minister of Finance, Riza Pasha, cut down the civil expenditures, abolished the seraglio, promised to refrain from polygamy, and seemed quite desirous of bettering the con- dition of his people. He visited England, Rance, Austria, and other European count- ries, with the design of introducing into the Empire the civilization that made European nations contrast so strongly with his own. He met with strong opposition from the tanatic'sm ofthe MChaDlmC‘dfl-US, who grad- ually became disaffected toward him, put he succeeded in securing to Eurug'eans ."or the first time the privilege of holding real (\sfate in Turkey. He founded a pn' iic high ‘ school on the French system at CUIlSltitlefr epic and established several scientific insti- tutions in that city. He endeavoured to "(- form the administration of justice by eSlitlJ‘ lishing a civil code, which he ordered the Supreme Court to prepare, but his efforts in this direction were by degrees overborne by the rigidity of custom and the jettfuusy of any intrusion upon the privileges utthe rel- igious OJdetS. Among the leading acts of his reign in relation to other nations were the recognition of the independence and unity of Italy, the negotiation of emnmei ctnl tr-eatEGs with France and England. the treaty ,f lmt- don deiicnt,.tthzittg the Black Sen. Dt.2'ing his reign the Montenegrins rehviltul ( 8 fl) and were reduced to subjection at‘tc-rsmb born resistance. The U tetan itisltJ‘T‘tlut‘ of 1868 also disturbed the internal utiitivs of the Empire durithr his reign. His :eht- tions with Egypt gave him gave annoyance, but in CODSldPI‘itllOD of :t lwge indemnity hr- granted the Viceroy. {stunt} Pasha, the tight ofsut cession to the throne of the delwtrtulency in a direct. line from forth» to son tit'e of Khedive. He also rt‘cug :ietl as a matter of policy, the accession of l‘ 2, ct: Charles of [{OheliZ‘lllCt'll to the iiutlu‘lilulnu throne. The question oftho succession to the Ottptnan throne, homww. occupied the mind of the late Sultan must. fully. Ambi- tion f0r his immediate family and the per- manence of its rule prohah‘r prompted this but the belief that the succession of the oldâ€" est. male deceudant ofOttutnuu is sanctioned \by the, Koran aroused the opposition of the .t7: the fanatical and stmngest «.etnent in the Tut-it- ish clintacter. Mme than one scheme for fixing the suc0essinn in accordance with the wishes of Abdul Aziz f'ahed, leaving a strong feeling, against, him in the middle ot’ the orthodox Mohammedans. 'lhe recent dis: tnrhauces in Turkey and the tributary pro- vinces show a growing i't-el'ng of opposition to Christians, and probably ecce.e.::ted the crims itt wit-ch his reign (‘idSt‘Ll, to be lifâ€" lo‘ved within a week by death at his 0\ t. hands. ' SUB. Richmond Hill, June 5, 1876. @mmmummmm. THE 24TH OF MAY. Yours, etc., THE EAST. The Municipal Councfl of the Town- ship of Vaughan met at the Town Hall, on Tuesday, the 30th day of May, 1876, at 10 a.m., as a Court of Refision for the present year. The members having subscribed to the out-h of ofiice, proceeded to business, Mr. N. U. Wallace, on motion, taking the chair. -. . The most. important ap 1 was made by Mr. Thomas Riddle, y a stated that his deed called for forty acres, but that he was assessed .‘for fiftyâ€"seven. Moved by Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr. Remnan, that this Court cannot entertain the appeals bf Thomas Riddle and A Serbner; and that no alterations be' made in the i'ollowi‘no- assessments: the dog tu‘: of Geo. fiallow, Daniel Kinnee. Mrs. .P. Spen and Jus. Culliue, that J as. Culfine’s assessment on personal property be' reduced $100; that Henry Sutton’s name be inserted in place of John Brown, for 122 acres on lot 4 undlfi. â€"Carried.' Members present: Messrs. Wallace, Webster, Chapman and Reaman. ‘ The Court then 'xfdjonrned till Tues- day, the 13th of June. - Afier a short reéi=sé, the Council met for general business, w1th Mr. N. C. Wu‘fiace m the chifr. Cl'he minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Several petitions were presented. The following abomnts were ordered to be paid: James Mann. of the‘ Wood- bridge Free Press, for p: inning and adâ€" vertising, $41 ; Michael Cater,~ 81,50 per week for twenty-one weeks, for nurs- ing and taking care of Mrs. Owens, an inva'fid; J. Jones, for lumber furnished Road Commissioners of Vaughan Towa- ship, 3541,74. Moved by Mr. Ream'm, seconded by Mr Webster, that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following road accounts, the same having been certified as correct by the sever-01 Com. missioners: Dist. No. 1:- John Jones $41 74 “ “ D. S. Reaman 8 25 “ “ A. II. Coombs 34 00 “ No. 2.â€"â€"B. Kaiser 4 00 "‘ No. 3.â€"D. McGiiiivray 3 56 Moved by Mr. Reaman, seconded by Mr. Chapman, that Anthony Bowes be appointed patbvnaster in beat No.‘ 15, in- stead of Michael ,Eisher, who refuses to act.â€"Ce*ried. ' A communication was read from the President of the Vaughan Plank Road Company, to the efi'eet that the Company by special Act had been freed from the maintenance of that portion of the Albion road lying between the Townships of Vaughan and Gore of Toronto, between the townline and lot No: 3, in the 9th Con.. and that the samewould therefore devolve upon the two townships. A communication was read from the Clerk of Toronto Gore Township Council drawing the attention of this Council to the impassable condition of a portion of 'the Plank Road in the Vloinit of the village of Claireville. The’C erk» was authorized to reply that the matter will be attended to forthwith,’and the Com- missioners with the I’athmaster were re- quested to meet with the Commissioners and Pathmasters of the Toronto Gore Townahip, and have the road attended to. A numerously signed petition to have the road opened between lots 10 and 11, from the 7th to the gravel road was read by the chairman, and the project discus- sed again at some length by the whole Council and several other gentlemen. Moved by Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr. Chapman, that the petition asking to have the sideroad‘ opened between lots 10 and 11, from the 7th Con. to the gravel road, be laid over till next meet- ing of this Council: tbeBeeVe not being present._â€" Carried. _ II“ Moved by Mr. Chapman, seconded by Mr. Reaman, that the Pathmaster of road beat No; 15 be authorized to expend One-thixd c!‘ the statute labor in his beat in the Cf=u~xtruction and maintenance of side .valL \.â€"~ Curried. Move-l by Mr. Reamau, seconded by Mr. Webstnr, {Ln/t the Treasumr be and is hereby authsrized to pay Messrs. Fer- gusnn, Buin & Meyers, the sum of $200 to apply on costs in the case of Queen vs Jackson, in th townline suitâ€"Carried. and by Mr. Chapman, seconded by Mr., that; the Clerk be and is Mbe m'tlmrized to pay Mrs. Greaves rho sum d' $3 per month for nursing a. Ahmad}ng child; to Mr. Reaman, for Mr. F. Matmcks, 3n *inVaIid, the sum of $20; to John McKinnon, for Dougall McCalIum, am indigent person, the sum of $15.â€"â€"Chapman. Moved by Mr. Renman, seconded by Mr. Chapman, that tie commxmicati'on, 3? Robert Marsh, Ea‘q, Secretnry of Richmond Hill School Board of. Educa- tion, be left; over for consideration till next meeting of this Council.â€"Carried: On moéioQ, the Council adjourned, to meet again on {he 13th day of June, at ihc hour of 10 a, m.-â€"-Frce Press. The Metropolitan Bank. of Montreal, in in difficulties. Ila ,stock is to be reduced and amalgamation with some other bank is proposed. Serious charges are made against'flie duectors by Mr. Rhodes, of Quebec. who claims $10,000 damages, ow- ing to his! being deceived into buying the siock of the bunk ibrough highly colored dov-umenla issued by the Board. He also charges the directors with using the banks' money fortheirowuends m sums contmry to the law. WHOLE NO. 933. VAUGHAN COUNCIL.

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