The County Orange 'Lodgemet at Brown’s Corners; on Wednesday last, at '2 o’clock. W. Bro. John Carter, 00. 'M., occupied the chair. General busi- ness was transacted. The District Lodge met at the same time and place. W. Bro. Valentine Kcfl'er, D. M., in the chair. The District Lodge, after some discussion, decided to have no precession on the 12th of July. THE HERALD. JOB PRINTING At its Book and Job Printing Ofï¬ces, Yonge St., Richmond Hill, Ontario. A new single column mlverbysomonts will up ear on this page, except such as appoer only on 9 ï¬rst page. Local notices in reading m utter will be charged one and a. half cents per word, payable when BFdored. 66 THE HERALD," '. The LO. of G.T. committee appointed to selecta si-te‘for the erection of their new Temperance H all, have reported in favor of a lot pleasantly situated on Centre Street West, a few feet from Yonge Street. The report has been adopted by the members of the Temple and vigorous efforts are being made to- ward the erection of the building. A call for tenders will be made next week. The Rev. Mr. Eloy will deliver a lecture in connection with the Mechanics7 Institute, on Tuesday evening, the 27th inst. in the Masonic Hall, in this village. Subject: “ Woman’s sphere and educa- tion.†Lecture to commence at 8 o’clok. Admission free. The entrance examination for admis- sion of pupils to the H igh School will _take place on the 283th and 29th inst. The intermediate examination for promotion of pupils to the ï¬rst form in the High School will commence on the 26th inst, and will last four days. A written examination of all the High School pupils will take place next week, under the supervision of the Head Masâ€" ter, the result of which will be published as soon as known. At the Episcopal Church open air sooial, on Thursday of last week, there was realized $6830. During the past week or ten days croquet hoops, balls and mallets have been unearthed from the obscurity of winter quarters,- and croquet parties are now in order. Strawberries will scan be in season. Mr. \V. F. Milburn announces that he will supply all demands at bottom prices. There is every indication of'a very large yield in all the patches in this neighbor» 'hood. Those of Mr. Milbul‘n, Mr. A. P. Conger and Mrs. Rupert promise to yield :very ï¬ne fruit. ’ This luscious berry is an excellent hygenic article for the table; The Council of this village are aéver- tising for tenders for laying sidewalks, and also for nails. We hope that the removal of those “ corporation boot iacks †is contemplated. The Village Council passed a resoluâ€" tion, on Monday evening last, in referâ€" ence to the ringing of the town bell ; it is authorized to be rung at. seven o’clock in the morninginstead of six as formerly. The School bell has forgotten its merry ring of other days. Impounding oflicers “ on the war-path†nearly every day tlns week. Don’t knock at the door of a printing oï¬ice; walk right: in and pay your DOLLAR. When you are in the village drop and let us know of any local items your localitypr send them by mail. Circulation of THE HERALD rapidly increasing. - . The Fire Brigade Band are engaged to go to Toronto on the 12th of July, to take part in the Orange procession. York Township adjourned Court of Revision todayâ€"Friday. Vaughan and Markham Township Council minutes crowded out. Tea-parties, picnics, and festivals “ o’er all the country side,†on 1st July. The fall wheat in this locality has grown Iapidly, and the heads are fast appearing. a The Schools of the village will close on Friday, 30th inst, and will open again on Tuesday, 15th August. The annual installment of gypsies arrived on Monday. The Young Canadian Lacrosse Club of this village have decided not to accept the challenge of' the VVellingtons of To- ronto for the lst of July, owing to pre- vious engagements of several of the ï¬rst twelve, but. will accept for a week 01‘ two later. RICHMOND HILL, JUNE 16, 1876. OFFICE, » RICHMOND HILL. THE HERALD. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY LOCAL. in The Quarterly meeting of the E York Conservative Association will be held at Millikan, nzxt Wednesday, the 21st, inst. The Rev. Alfred Brown is to be the colleague of the Rev. J. H. Starr for the next coni'crential year. licv‘ M 1‘. Elcy goes to Cooksville with Mr. Kcongh, of Thornhill, who is replaced by the Rev. Wm. Hicks. The ofï¬cers and members of Rich-l mend Hill Temple, I 0 G T, announce that they intend celebrating the annivers- sary of Confederation, 1st July, with a grand temperance festival, in the grove of A. Law, Est}, J. 1)., where a variety of amusements will be provided by the gentlemen, to begin at 10 o’clock, and' an excellent tea by the ladies, to be served 'at halfâ€"past one o’clock. Tickets 25 cents.- At 3. o’elock,_the chair w1ll be‘ taken by James MeMurchy, B. A., Worthy Chief, and addresses delivered by several gentlemen. The proceedings of the day will be enlivened with instru- mental music,_ glees and chorusses by the temple glee,elub ; and will conclude with a ï¬rst-classmusical and literary en- tertainment in the Masonic Hall; firo- gramme commencing at 7:30 p: m; to which the following popular amateurs from a distance have kindly consented to contribute : Mr Reditte, King; Miss Ash, Markham ; Miss Crosby, Unionvillc ; Mrs Thompson Porter, Clairville; Mr McLean, Markham ; Miss Kennedy, Toronto; Mr J E Starr, Deputy Sheriff of Peel. The above named. ladies and gentlemen will be as- sisted by some of the best local amateurs of the village. Admission to the con- cert 25 cents; children under 12 years 15 cents td‘either tea or concert. The Richmond Hill Fichrigade Band will add to the festivity of the occasion by contributing their valuable services. The proceeds for the erection of a Temper- ance Hall. ‘ Pursuant to public notice duly given, in accordance with the statute, the Court for Revising the Assessment Roll of the Village of Richmond Hill was held in the Council Chamber this date, at 8 p. m. The Clerk read a petition from Mr. John Brown, praying for a renewal of his License to keep a Livery Stable. The prayer of Mr. Brown’s petition was granted. Councillor Savage moved, seconded by Councillor Powell, that the Clerk is hereby authorized to. advertise for Tenders for constructing sidewalks in the village; which tenders are to be handed in not later than the 26th June, at 6 o’clock p. m.â€"Carried. Courw'llor Savage moved, seconded by Councillor Crosby, that the Clerk is hereby instructed to write to the pro- prietor of the Photograph Car, now standing on Yonge Street, and request him to remove the obstruction from the public highway at oncc.â€"Carried. The Council adjourned to meet in the Court Room on Monday, tlmQGth June, at 8 o’clock p. m, “ That‘your Committee have caused a bridge on Centre Street West to be re paired by Mr. Hardy, and ï¬nd that there are other small bridges requiring repair. That the streets of the Village West and East of Yonge Street are not in satisfactory condition, therefore your Committee recommend that steps be taken to put them in a better state of repair; all of which is respectfully subâ€" mitted. (Signed) \V. POWELL, Chairman.†Councillor Crosby moved, seconded by Councillor Pogue, that the Council do adopt the foregoing report, and that the standing committee on streets and sidewalks are hereby instructed to carry out the recommendation of the sub-com- mittee by having all necessary repairs completedâ€"Carried. The following accounts were read and ordered to be paid: Mr. Alex. Scott, for printing, etc‘. $17 70 Mr. Duke Hardy, for repairing bridge, 75 Councillor Crosby moved, seconded by Councillor Savage, that the Reeve is hereby authorized to make arrangements for having the Town Bell rung four times each week-day,v12: at seven in the morning, at noon, at one, and at six o’clock in the eveningâ€"Curried. VILLAGE COURT OF REVISION. The Clerk read an appeal from Mr. James Brackin, complaining that he conâ€" siders he is wrongfully assessed for two puppies as two dogs, in addition to one bitch. The Clerk was instructed to alter Mr. Brackin’s assessment, by erasing the entry in the R011 as to the assess- ment for two dogs. Members present : Messrs. William Trench, j1‘., Poguc, Powell and Savage, and being duly sworn by the Clerk, Mr. Trench took the chair. There being no other appeals before the Court; Mr.-Powell moved, seconded by Mr. I’ogue, that the Assessment Roll, as revised, be now ï¬nally passed and dulyeertiï¬ed by the Clerk, in accordance with the statute. in such case made and providedâ€"Carried. Councillor Powell, as chairman of the sub committee appointed at the last meet- ing of the Council,'f0r the purpose of re- pairing the bridgesng to report on the condition of the streets, handed in the following report : Minutes of the 8th May road and conï¬rmed. Pursuant to adjournment on the 8th May the members of the Council took their seats. The Reeve in the chair. Councillors present: Messrs. Crosby, Pogue, Powell and Savage. The Court adjourned. M. TEEFY, Clerk. June 12, 1876 Mr. Samuel Lukcs intends opening a flour and grist mill at Aurora. On the 3rd inst, Newmarkel voted $35,000 for the erection of a High School building. Aurora has a Christian Total Abstin- ence Society, being four temperance soâ€" cieties it that place. Annual excursion of the North York Agricultural Society to Orillia, Barr-i0, and return to-day, Friday. Aurora raccs'on Friday and Saturday the 30th inst., and July 1st. Newmarket IS to have a big temper- ance demonstration ‘ on Dominion Day, under the auspices of Star Lodge U.T.O. The Hon. A. Crooks, Minister of Education, is expected to address the Teachers of North York at their Conâ€" vention to be held at Newmarkct some txme next month.â€"â€"Ba'mzcr. ‘A young man engaged in manufactur- ing soda Water at Aurora, had hls arm badly cut on Saturday last, by one of the bottles bursting. One of the arteries in the upper arm was cut open. A meeting of the Yorkville Council was held on Monday night. Councillor Walker, in the absr‘nce of’ the Reeve and Deputy, occupied the chair. A petition was read lrom a number of the residents of Hazleton Avenue, asking for the con- struction of a drain on that avenue. After transacting some other business of' not much moment, the council adjourn- The Court of Revision for the village of Yorkville met on 'Jhursday of last week, to hear appeals against assess- ments, the Reeve, Mr Severn, in the chair. The members present were Councillors Walker, Dain and Crown. The following reductions were made in real property assessment: 'l‘ J Hall from l . . . . . . . . . $3 900 to $ 800 Mrs Jane Gray from . . . . . 1.600 “ 1.000 R Donald from . . . . . . . . . . 5,200 “ 4,600 John Clews from . . . . . . . . 4,000 “ 3,500 l’nlrick Dorman from. . .. 9,000 “ 6,000 T G Raynen from . . . . . . . 1,000 “ 800 G B Crown from . . . . . . . . 1,200 “‘ 1,000 Mrs Sarah Shaw fromr . . 1,050 “ 1,000 John an two lots on Be- (,‘I‘J verley street. from . . . . . 525 “ 450 A base ball match took place at Aurora on Saturday last, between the Aurora and the Markham Clubs. The game was well played on boll) sudes, and reSuIted in favor of the Aurora Club, by nine runs. It is said that the Yorkville Council is about to grant $500 tomlrds making a drain on Hazleton Avenue and Wil- iam street out ofthe general funds ofthc corporation. The reason given is that the place is so genteel that it is nothing but right. The building occupied by the late New Connexion Church, in Aurora, and purchased by the Primitive Methodist Church, will be opened for public wor- ship on Sabbath, June 10th, when three sermons will be preached, in the morn- ing by the Rev. W. Reid, and in the afternoon and evening by the Rev. Geo. Lamb, of Leeds,'Englnnd,- President of Conference. Time of service, 10:30; 2.30; and (3:30. On Monday 19th, din- ner will be served in the Mechanics Hall from 12 to 1; and tea from 6 -t0 7. EX- eellent music will be furnished by the Carrville Choir. Addresses will be given by the Rev. G. Lamb, \V. Reid, G. J. Reeve, and other ministers. Robt. WalkelyEsqu of" Toronto, will occupy the chair. Tickets 25 cents each; chil- dren under twelve, 15 cents. Father Chiniquy gave a temperance lecture in Yorkville Town Hall on Sun day afternoon. It is said premises on Yonge street were entered early one morning last weck,but did not learn whether any» thng was abstracted. It is rumored that. beer had something to do with it. The oflicers and friends of the Metho- dist Sabbath School, Victoria Square, Markham, intend holding their annual festival on Dominion Day. Neighboring schools are cordially invited to attend and form part of the procession. which will be headed by the Richmond Hill Fire Brigade Band; and will leave the Meth- odist Church at 11:30 51111., and march to the beautiful park of Captain James Stoutenburgh, where the physical feast will be both ample and choice. After doing justice to the confectionery pre- pared by the ladies, the intellectual feast may be expected from several reverened gentlemen, who have kindly consented to be present and address the audience. ll P Crosby, Esq‘ has been invited to take the chair. Proceeds for the beneï¬t of the school. The annual meeting of York District Lodge United Temperance Order, was held at Aurora last Friday, the Presi- dent, Bro John Cook, in the chair. The usual routine business was gone through with, andlnatters ot'iniportanee to the Order discussed. The attendance of delegates and visitors was good, twelve Ledges being represented out of twenty- ï¬ve._ The following are the names of the principal eflicers elected for the en- suing year: Pres, D A Peregrine; Vice- Pres, Mrs A E Mortimer; Sec’y, Geo H Fox; Trees, Clark Playter; Lee, AE Mortimer; Coun, Mrs Long; Ohap,John Stewart; Fin See’y, F Boake; Asst See’y, A Cook; M, Jos Swain; D M, Miss Clarkson; P P, John Cook. Thanks were tendered to the retiring President; also to the Aurora brethren for hospitality. Lodge adjourned to meet at Richmond Hill the third Mon- day in September. Victoria Square. North York. Yorkvflle. The Toronto 'I‘ypograpbical Union cxcurt to Oakville tomorrow. ’l he Hon . E . Blake has been elected Chancellor of Toronto :University, and has signiï¬ed his intention of donating $200 a year for scholarships during his term of olï¬ce. Excursion to Niagara Falls by steam- cr City of Toronto todayâ€"Fridayâ€" under the auspices of the Washington Sunday School, Scarboro. Al prices and on terms hitherto unequalled. Parties wanting pumps will do well lo cousul' m9 before purchasing. Richmond Hill, March 24 ’75. A picnic under the auspices of the public schools in the township of Sean here, will be held on Friday, 23rd inst, in Mr Gates’ grove, Scarboro’ Village. A number of speakers, including Prof. Goldwin Smith, have consented to be present and deliver addresses. The proceedings will be enlivened by the Markham Brass Band.â€" Economist. N reference to the above notice of Dissolution, (he undersigned would announce that he is now ï¬tting up New and Improvgd Machinery Driven by ample Steam Power' and intends! manufacture a Mr J Elliott, blacksmith, is putting a new outside to his residence, and other- wise improving his place. A new side- walk shortly for the south side of Pine street, one for Wallace street, and one fer the eighth. The road master for the eighth informs us that the statute labor in his district Will be expended this year in gravelling King street. â€"-Iree Press. Pump Works, A large campmeeting wiH be held in a grove near Woodbridqe, commencing the 23rd inst. There have been no material changes in the markets during the week. Wool is sel- ling at from 27 to 29 cents per lb for new fleeces. Calves range in price from $2.75 to $10 according to quaiity. ~ OalmoaIL..." .. Cornmeal........ Bariey........... Oats........ ...‘ Pense........,. . Potatoes.perbus‘. Appleb. per barrel Butterâ€"1h rolls... large rolls. . . Eggs, par doz. . . .. . Dressed Hogs, per] Bacon. Prime. . . . . Hams, Cured. . . . . Toronto Markets corrected from Toronto Dahies every Thursday morning. Flour (-Spriqg Wheatexlra . . $4 Corrected by Mr Isaac Crosby, Grocer. and Dry Goods Merchant. Fire Proof Store. Roarâ€"Spring Wheat. . . . . . . Fall Wheat extra' ' ' ' Wheat-Spring. per bush. . . Fall......... . .. large K0â€F..... 0 l5 {(7) 016 Eggs,perduz.............. ï¬ll/(3 013 Dressed Hogs. per IOO lbs... . 7 50 ra B 50 Bacon . . . . . I’rime......... 10 00@ 10 50 Hamsâ€"Cured.perlb........ 013(1) 013 Woolâ€"Derlb............... 026@ 099 “THE HERALD†SUPERIOR ARTICLE List of pfices sent 3n applisation. THE CIRCULATION RICHMOND HILL S T E A M LIUHMOND HILL MARKETS INCREASING. Superiér extra. . . . TORONTO MARKETS. (ï¬munmcial. Woodbridge. City Items. RAPIDLY Scarboro’. per 100 lbs.. . . 0 13‘ .........]0 00k? ........ 01‘2@ H, MILLER. 5. 8714f 870.303 11.1701 @@ @@@ @@ @@@@@@ 5 55700840002 3%3200 111501 0001090000800 $ 1 l 0 @@@@@@@@ wmn%mnmn 00001000 $5 00 5 50 0 00 n 00 $4 35 5 10 385 '4 00 0 65 0 40 074 0 40 2 50 0 22 016 013 DOMINION '1! HOUSE. Richmond Hill. lO cts. ‘20 ct;. 30 cps, 38 cts, 40 em. 60 cts, 75 cts and 90 cts. Can be obtained at the HERALD Book Store at Elle follggving rgfiucedjrices :â€" ' NOTED FOR THE Best and Cheapest Teas Of Every Line. Best 50 cent Tea in the Vallagc COFFEES AND SPICES WESLEY HYMNS Flour and Feed constantly on hand. Crockery, Glassware and Tinware. All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange. Goons DELIVERED. CHAS. E. SHEPPARD. “ THE Phiii'iï¬ï¬hï¬limhv [HIT '1‘ 0 B A C C 0 . New article for the Lufh‘es, . Schepp’sCocoanutforpuddmgs, pws, ctc. JOB PRINTING Boots and Shoes of all kinds and sizes, at prices that all can buy. SEEDS! SEEDSII SEEDS!!! AT THE BOOTS AND SHOES, Clover, Timothy. Flax Seed, Tares Fine New Teas, Sugars, Cofl'ecs, Spices, Cun‘ants, Raisins, Rice, Orange and Lemon Peel, and all kinds of Canned F rnit. A Large Stock always on hand. Flour. Oatmeal. Cornmeal, Buckwheat Flgur, Cragked Wheat. Opposite Saidcrson (Q Sons. Richmond Hill. J. Baéon, Hams, Potatoes. Apples, Peas; Oats, Corn, Bran and Shorts. Parties wénting to Buy would do well to give me a call, as I am determined to sell Cheap for CASH. Boneless Cod F ish, White Fish mid Salmon Trout. Very Choice. Corn}? of angg and Ceph‘e Sts Good livery Stable in Bunnectiun. All kinds of Farm Produce taken and Fair Pyices pai_d. Ranging in price from 30 cents per 1b. upward. And all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds of the very best selection. RICHMOND HILL Always fresh and direct; from the Mills. ONTARIO HOUSE, Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire I’roof Store, RICHMOND HILL. ‘1‘; FLOUR AND FEED. A LARGE STOCK OF Just opened to-day TWO LARGE CASES HERALD ï¬rmmm, m. GROCERIES. SOMETHING NEW, Also a ï¬ne assortment of I? Remember the place, TEAS, OFFICE, ON TARIO‘ BOOK OF THE CENTENNIAL. A complete Newspaper Directory szameér of towns in which newspapers are published, and including sketches of leading American News- papers, compiled by Geo. P. Rowen & Co. Address ROWELL’S CENTENNIAL NEWS- PAPER EXHIBITION,.Fairm0unt Park, Phila- aélphia. l3? CAUTIONfâ€"The large and increasin (la- mmud for DR. BIciGHT’s PHOSPIIODYNE has ed to several imitations under similar names; pun chasers of this medicine should therefore be careful to observe that each case bears the British Government Stamp, with the Words DR. BRIGHT’S PHOSPHODYNE engraved thereen (white letters on red ground), and that the same Words are also blown in the botttle. Every case beats the trade mark and signature of Patentee. The public are also particularly cautioned against purchasing spurious imitations imported from the United States, and are requested to note the directions for use are printed in all the languages as above, without which none can possibly be genuine. , EXPORT AGENTS. MEDICAL HALL, Norton, Watnoy & 00., 107, Southwmk Sn, Lon~ don, S.E. , Evans, Lescher & Evans, 60, Bartholomew Close, London, I‘LC. GEORGE RANKIN, IS SOLD ONLY IN CASES AT ‘10s. (in. BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PA- TENT MEDICINE VENDERS THROUGHOUT THE GLOBE. Full Directions for Use, in the English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Danish, Russian, Turkish, Persian, Hindustani, Madrasse; Bchgiflec, Chinese and J apahese Lam- guuges, accompany each case. Finally, the Phosphpr‘lyne m nintziins a certain degree of activity in the previously debilitated nervous system; its use enables all debilitated organs to return to their sound state and perform their natural functions. Persons suffering from Nervous Dehility, or any of the hundred symp‘ toms which this distressin disease assumes, may rest assured of an effectua and even speed cure by the judicious use of this most invn. liable remedy. Physicians Prescréptions and Family Recipes carq/ull‘z/ prqmrcd. The beneï¬cial effects of the Pliosphodyflo are frequently shown from the first day of its admi- nistration, by [L remarkable increase of nervous power, with a feeling of vigor and comfort, to which the patient has long been unaccustomed. Digestion is improved; the appetite increases wonderfully; the bowels become regular ; the eyes brighter; the skin elem and healthy, and the hair acquires strength, showing the importance of the action of the Phosphodyne on the organs of nutrition The Phosphodyne gives back to the human structure, in a suitablu form, the phosphoric or aninmting element of life, which has been wastod, and exerts an important influence directly on the spinal marrow and nervous syst01n,0f a nutritive, tonic und invigorating character, in nintuining th at. huoyunt. energy of the brain and muscular sys- tem which renders the mind cheerful. brilliunc, and energetic, entirely ovcrcmning that (lull, in- active, and sluggish disposition which many per- sons experience in all their actions. This Pliosphutic combination is pronounced by most eminent; members of the Medical Profession to be unequalled for its power in replenishing the vitality of the body, by supplying all the osâ€" sentiuJ constituents of the blood and nerve sub- stance, and for developing all the powers and functions of the system to the highest degree. Businéss Nervous Debilitv 71371 all Sick Headache its Stages Lassitudo Premature Decline And all morbid conditions of the system arising from whatever cause. The action of the Phospho (lyne is twofoldâ€"011 the one hand increasing the principle which constitutes nervous energy, and on the other the most powerful blood and flesh generating agent known: therefore, a n1 arVellous’ medicine for renovating impaired and broken- down constitutions. It quickly improves the func- tions of assimilation to such a degree, that Where for years an emaciated, anxious, cadaverous, and semi-vital condition has existed, the flesh will rapidly increase in quantity and ï¬rmness, and the whole system return to a state of robust health. The Phosphodyne acts electrically upon the organization; for instance, it assists nature to generate that human electricity which renews and rebuilds the ossoous, muscular, nervous, membranous and organic moms. It operates on the system without ever Jug care or thought upon the individual as to the process. It moves the lungs, liver, heart, kidneys, stomach and im testiucs with a harmony, vigor, yet miIdness un- paralleled in medicine. NDER DISTINGUISHED P RONAGE. DR. BRIGHT’S It is agreeable to the palate, and innocent in its action, While retaining £1.11 its extraordinary pro‘ parties; and as a. speciï¬c, surpassing all the known therapeutic agents of the present day for the speedy and permanent cure ofâ€" Nervous Prostmtion Shortness of Breath Liver Complaints Trembling of the Hands Ptnlpitation of the heart and Limbs Dizziness Impaired Nutritfan Noises in the H‘ml and Ment 1:“... 11d Physical Dc- 7 EMS V ' Loss of Energy and Ap- petite Hypochondria. Female Complaints General Debility Indigestion Flntulence Incaiyuqity for Study or PHOSEHODYNE. The ZVcW Curative Agent, and only 136 liable Remedyfor Nervous and Liver Complaints. Protected by Royal Letters Patent. Dated October 11th, 1869. Dr. Bright’s Phosphodyne Newspaper Exhibition. IVIAIN STRETET, PRICE BY MAIL, 35 CENTS. Dispensing Chemist, (OZONIC' OXYGEN.) Three hundred pages. MARKHAM. aflml'rititml. MA RKHAM. stxhges only) Timidity Eruptions of the Skin Impaired Sight and Mc- mory Nervous Funnies Impovcrished 1310011 Neryouï¬ Debility 1‘11 an pression _ I Consumptiox} (111 Its ï¬rst AT- “THE HERALD W M. H. KEEFLER; At hrs Printing Oï¬ccs, Ymrgs’ Every Friday Morning. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR; LARGE CIRCULATION ! 3S $|$|$l$|$l$l$ Live Newspaper Topics of the Day, Local Intelligence, Complete Market Ii‘cpmts, Good Selections, Agz’zcultural Matters, Etc, Eta, Etc. Low Bales of Advertising. Advertisers will ï¬nd the use of our columns a beneï¬t. M. H. KEEFLER, Will pay for it one year. The Publisher is d‘eterm-ined' to» Sh‘cet, Richmond Hill, Specimen Copy Free. Editor, Publisher and Proprietor. IS PUBLISHED BY ONE DOL LA R IN ADVANCE. IN ADVANCE. IN ADVANCE. ONLY ONLY ONLY make it a ON THE