The Rev. Mr. Eicy wili deliver ai lecture in connection with ‘ he Mcclianics7' Institute, on Tuesday evening, the 27th inst. in the Masonic Hall, in this village. Subject: “ Woman’s sphcm and educaâ€" tion." Lecture to commence at 8 o"c‘.ck. i Admission free. This is Mr. Eley’s iii-ski appearance as a. lecturer, and we bcspcak ' for him a full house. i It isr-said the potato bug is being killed by another insect. An exchange says boots is the name of the only insect it knows of engaged in that useful 0111- ployment. Our citizens use tools, Paris green, or anything else lying around handy. A Vaughan man has a machine patented expressly for that purpose. misquitoes were “on the war-path†In this village every evening. What it was a few weeks ago is not known, as their natural enemy, man, has been waglng war upon them ever since their ï¬rst apâ€" pearance in the spring. 5,500,900900,000,oooï¬odobdï¬Ã©bo'gdéé‘ A public meeting of the ratepayers of the Township of Vaughan will_ he held at the TOWn Hall, Vellorc, on Tuesday next, the 27th inst, at 2 o’clock, p. m., for the purpose of taking into consider- ation the advisability of issuing debenâ€" tures to open out and improve highways in the Township. Mr. James Newton, of the ï¬rm of Newton Brothers, Elgin Tannery, left for the Centennial on Saturday last. Some of the stock of this ï¬rm has been made up into satchells and travelling bags by Messrs Clark 8; 00., of Toronto, and is now on exhibition at the Gen- tennial. There’s that Sheppard again. He is always doing something. He has just gone and got a great lot ofStock’s Extra Machine Oil, which he says he will sell. at the bottom price. Grangers or other persons using machinery had better go and see Sheppard about it. In addition to the army of' amateurs already advertised; ' the Independent Order of Templars in this village have secured the valuable aid of Prof. Arthur VVillson, of Eglinton, and that of Mr. J. Sheppard, of Lansing; for the coming festival on Dominion Day. The review of the present quarter’s Sabbath School Lessons, International Series, will be held in the Methodist Church, in this village, next Sunday. The leaf-cluster will be used, and appro- priatellymns sung. Parents and friends are requested to attend. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY At its Book and Job Printing Ofliccs, Yongo St. Richmond Hill, Ontario. A new single colqmn advertgsemcnts will ap- pear on this page, except such as appear only on the ï¬rst page. Local notices in reading matter will he charged one and a. half cents per word, payable when ordered. THE HERALD. JOB PRINTING It is stated that never before this year have the Wild red plum trees shown in- dications of so lintle fruit. They are usually a. large crop. Red plum pre- serves will be a rarity this season. The entrance examination for admis- sion of pupils into the Richmond Hill High School will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, 27th and 28th inst, and not on the 28th and 29th, as stated in last issue. The rapid vegetation, caused by _tho abundant showers, has made the farmers smiling and happy, we mean those who know how to be so. 5‘ THE HERALD,†The Cherrywood Canada Methodist Church hold their anniversary on the 2nd and 3rd of J u}y. “ The harp that once in Tara’s Hull,†etc., accompanied by a scissor and razor grinder, passed through here this week, en route for â€"dimes. The Orillia Packet says: “ the towu pound has not been occupied in a year and a half.†Not so here. “Where shall we go on Domiï¬ibn Day?†is the question now vaguély asked. ' Messrs. Patterson Bros. have upwards of 300 orders for their new patent hay take this season. Victoria Square Mctlmlist Sabbath School annual festival on elm 1st July. Physical and intellectual flush in Capt. Stontenburg’s grove. Cool and pleasant the fore part of this Week. The road work is appraching com pletiou. The photograph car is gone. It. did’nt “catch†many “ shadows.†It has been estimated that Last week RICHMOND HILL, JUNE 23, 1876 Fall wheat in head. OFFICE, RICHMOND HILL. THE HERALD. LOCAL. The petitions praying for the opening of sideline from the 701 to the gravel road, between lots 10 and 11, were again taken up. The project; iwas again dis- cussed at some’length‘, ï¬ll the members taking a part therein; after which Mr. N. C‘ Wallace made the following mo- tion, supported by a number of remarks regarding the bad condilion of the town- ship roads, their'immodiaie improvement and the exislmgrneoessity. {0}" new pnos to be opened out: “That the petition of Archibald Cameron and 200 Oll’l{‘1‘S,l‘£li(- Moved by Mr. Reumun, seconded by M r. Chapman, that the Treasurer be re- quested to have the County of' Bruce Debentures, amounting ,to $1.600, paid as soon soon as ithey mature, cu, the lat of July, and placed to the credit of the Township.â€"Curried. A communication was read from Messrs. Ferguson, Buin & Myers in re- ference to the arguing now} going on of the Town Line suipystating, ,that the decision ‘in anprobï¬biIitywwould be in favor of the Council. / Moved by Mr. Chapman, seconded by Mr. Webster, that this Council do not consider that there is any sum due to the Public School Board of Richmond Hill from this Council for the year 1874, and cannot therefore comply with the _deu1aud.~Cal‘ried. Moved by Mr. Chapman, seconded by Mr. {caman that the Room b.e_ and is hereby authorized‘to grant a certiï¬cate and Send Frederick Mattocks tb'the ’ll‘oronto General Hospital.â€"Curriod. ‘ Moved by Mr. Chapman, seconded by Mr. Remnan, that the .Ticasurcr be and is hereby authorized to pay J. Thomp- son the sum of$12 for trouble and 0x- pcnsc in taking care of a. foundling child.â€"Carried. “ Moved by Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr. Rcumzm, that alterations be made. in Road Beats No.14, 55 and 56, as fol! lows : That the name of Daniel Korse Ville be inserted as pathmastcr in Road Beat N0. 14, in place of A. Prentice; that James Somorvillc be allowed to flo 'h'isyork for ï¬le \Vcst 70 acres lot 19 in ‘thc 8th concession adjoining sold pre- mises; also that George Harvey’s name be inserted as patllmastcr in Road Bout N0. 56, in place of David Robinson, who has left the beatâ€"Carried. Another “View wagon †aroundvyos- tcrday. The Rev. \V. ‘V. Carson was in town a few hours on \Vcdnesdny evening. He IS at present visiting- Thornhill. To morrow Libeing the festival ofiSt. John the Baptist; the Richmond Lodge, A. F. & A. M., will install their ofï¬cers, after which they will adjourn to the lower hull for refreshments. The lodge will open at G p. 11].; tea at 9. ’ The Court thén closed and the Council met forgenctal business, with the Reeve in theehait‘. Mr. Chapman, that the Assessmeth Rolls,‘ as revised, be ï¬nally passed by the Court; and certiï¬ed to by the Clerk as so passed, and that jl’lshall be vallid and binding on all parties concernedrnot- withstanding; any defect or emoticon)â€" mitted‘in 01‘ With regard to the said roll . â€"â€"Carried. ’J‘he‘min’utes of last meeting were read and approved. ' The quarterly meeting of the Liberal Censervative Association of East York was held at Milliken’s Corners, on \Vedâ€" ncsduv last, the President in the chair, and the various Vice-Presidents present and reporting. The meeting; was large, influential and most enthusiastic, much good ’Work being done, and the prospects of the party reported excellent. The membership of the Association ' is in creasing, and it is free from debt. Bl-itn‘stbggï¬ and; Robt, ‘ Hui-l, "Toronto; anideo nVW. Elliott, Richmond Hill Several names were struck off the list for various reasons. No special authority havingtheen; assigned either by the ses sions oiiib’y' statute to the High Con- stable of York, other than thoSe assigned to every other Constable, the meeting proceeded to consider a report of a Com- mittee dctailen to suggest rules for ‘the deï¬nement of that ofï¬cer’s duties. The report recommended that he should be chief of the County Constables, and should co-operate with Magistracy in the conservation of the peace, and thathis salary should not be less than $800 ; also that he should devote his whole time to the duties of that oflice. After a lengthy but exceedingly fruitless discussion the report was rejected and the Sessions adjourned. ' Moved by‘Mr.‘ Webster, seconded by M 1'. Reamer), that the following alter? unions be made in the Assessment ‘Rolls for the present year; that David Burns be relieved of forty acres of West part of lot 27 in the 2nd com; that Charles Cooper's name be inserted in place of Peter Milne, and-that John‘ Allen’s name be inserted as owner ofpurt o{ the South- West quarter; oflot; 21, in the 10th eon- cession.â€"Carried. Mmvar-RoamreeMfl YT? A meeting of County Magistrates was held in the Court House, on Tuesday last, with ColfDoniSon in the Chair. On motionof M‘ruArch. Baker, seconded by Mr. J. 1’. Bill], a vote of condolence to the widow Sand family of the late Judge Duggan was unanimously possed. The following were placed in the list of County Constables: Iich..Bu1‘ling, Ket- tlcby; J. T. Stegman, Toronto; Wm. The minutes oflast Cou-rtqwmte. read. by the Clerk and declared v approved. On Tuesday, 13th, the above Council met at the Town Hall as a Court (of lic- vision, pursuant to adjournment. The members all present, with Mr. N. C. Wallace, ï¬rst Deputy Reeve, in the chair. - A~ - VAUGHAN COUNCIL Some of the members of Headford Temple, 1. 0. G. 'l‘., visited Unionville Temple last Week. A pleasant evening was spent; , , Tho - Canada Methodist". Sabbath School here will hold :1 t’czkparty and strawberry festival on the 5th July. ' The members of Prohibition Temple> purpose holding their annual strawberry festival, on Deminion Day. July, 1st. Strawberries served at 12 o’cl0ck.‘ after which addresses will be delivered by the Rev. Messrs Harris,‘Bennet, and-others, interspersed with music by the Carrville choir. Various amusements, such as croquet, cricket, foot ball and other games, will he provided. The Thorn hill brass band have been engaged to en- liven the proceedings. There will also be a 12;; ical and literary entertainment, under the auspices of the Carrville choir, in which amateurs from Toronto and surrounding district. will take part. Chair to be taken at 8 o’clock, p. 111. On motion, the Council adjourned, to meet on the 29th of Juiy next.â€"â€"»Eco710- mist. Mr. Milliken, seconded by Mr. Marsh, moved that the sum of $20 [)0 grszcd in addition to the sum already granted for the (purpose of cutting: down the hill on Cln’lrch‘strcet. 0n comition that the parties interested contribute an cqual ainouu‘t; sajd‘grant payable tqthe pre- _sent comm xssxonersfl ‘ On motion, the Court offlcviaion ad- journed sine die. ' The‘CounciI resumed. Mr. Marsh, seconded by , Mr. Dough erfy, moved that the'sum of $18 be and is hereby granted for the purpose of im- proving the sideroad between Lots 25 and 26, in the 2nd concession, and that Messrs; T1103. Boynton, R. Dickson am} D. Eyer ‘b’o commissioners to CXand the same; said sum payable to tho onion of' the commissioners quor the work is com- plated. On motion of Mr. Marsh, soeomled by Mr. Dougherty, Bylaw 273, for regulating statute labor, was read a third time and passed. payers of this Township, asking to have the sideline between lots 10 and 11,f‘1'om the 7th concession to the gravel road opened out, be granted, and that steps be immediately taken to carry the work into Clicct.†Further discussion Followed, and the motion was not seconded, a new scheme having been originated for making im- proircments on roads throughout ihe township, and opening out new roads where needed. Moved by Mr. \Vullucc, seconded by Mr. Webster, that the Reeve be author- ized to call a public meeting of the rate- paycrs at an early date to consider the propriety of improving the roads and bridges of this E'oxi'nsl1ip,nnd to rziisc a sum 01" money for that purpose by the issue of debentures.â€"Curried. Phillip Pinglc, assessed too high, re duch $200. Moved by Mr. lVallaee, seconded by Mr. Chapman, that the Clerk 130 mu- thorized to notify Messrs. Goodel'liam and W'Orts that it is the intention of this Council at its next regular meeting, on the 11th day of July, 1876, to intro- duce a bylaw to open the road allowâ€" ance between lot 10 and 11 on the 7th t0 the gravel roml, in accordance with ap- plications to that effectâ€"Curried. On motion the Council adjourned, to meet again on the 11th day ofJuly next. 1' rec Press . A communication was received from J. W. Colhns, Clerk ofthe Municipality of Whitchureh, stating that that Muni- cipality had granted the sum of $50 for the purpose of gravelling" the towuliue between-M arkham and Whitehurch, be- tween the 7th and 8th concessions, on the usual terms; Messrs. M. Jones, John Jamieson and George Sharp, .commis- sioners. Pe‘sitious pre‘aeutcd: By Mr. Dougherty; from Darius Olen- dlnning and seven others, asking a grant to gravel and otherwise 1‘epai1‘7llle th coucessitm road allowance in Beat N0. 59, the road being almost impassable. Mr. Dougherty, seconded by Mr. Marsh, moved. that the sum of $75 be granted for gravelling and otherwise re- pairing road Division N0. 59, and that Darius Clendeeiiig‘,J. Hoover and the mover be and are’hereby appoiuied com- missioners toexpend the same; said sum payable on the order of the commission ers when the work is completecL Several changes were made not ma terially effecting the general assess ment. I - The Markham Counell met at Size’s Hall, Unionville, on Wednesday, the 31st May. Members all present. The Reeve in the chain, The minutes of last meeting: were read and conï¬rmed. HIOVOdeTlï¬ th'é ï¬Yj'qunp bf‘ Fpnight Son, being for 516 feet plank for road Division 56, also 1000 feet ('01; rand DiVision 57, amounting to $15.16 be paid. The. Council went into a Comb of Revision. Mr. Reesor, seconded by Mr. Marsh, moved that Messrs. Robinson, Milliken and-the move): be appointed a committee to meet ’21 committee appomled by the Scarboro’ Council, to examine and ascer- tain as to the best means of cut‘ying down and repairing the hill at thexbase ofthe 10th concession, on the, townline between this Municipality and Scarboro’, and the Clerk do notify the Clerk of Searboro’ of the passing of this resolu- tion. ' MA RKHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. fl;:§_lï¬ljl}il<en, seconded by Mr. Recsor, Unionville. Garrville. We have been requested to call the attention of the proper authorities to a vacant lot on Scollard street, that is allowed to be made avreceptacle for ï¬lth and refuse, and which has become an eyesore and nuisance to those living in the neighborhood. Owners of vacant lots should be made to fence them in, A nice pastime for the youths of Yorkville is every summer to make balls of brick clay to daub the doors and fronts of houses in the Village. This kind of thing hitherto has been done with impunity, but we think it is about time a stop was put to it. Alittie punâ€" ishment, righteously administered, we‘ doubt not; would have the desired effect. I The Free Press editor reports himself “ iudisposod.†There also appears in his colums the announcement “ Great excitement over the temperance question†What that has to do with his “ indispo- sition †we know not. The Public School here has been re- ported in excellent standing by the In ~specter. The Railway Station grounds are being improved here. The Mount. Joy Sabbath School hold a pic-mic at Mussalman's Lake to-day. Capt. R. Reesor, of this place, and Mr. R. Graham, ofPickering, have gone to England to import pure bred horses. The Ladies’ Aid Society in connection with the Methodist Church propose cele- brating our l,)on’2ininn holiday, July 151;, with :1 grand lesiivul and apron bazaar, in the Victoria Hall. The festival and bazaar will commence at 3 o’clock, p. m. Refreshments will consist of strawberries, oranges, ice cream, lemonade, etc. In Lhe evening will be a grand concert of' vocal and instrumental music. Several amateurs from a distance are expected. ’Tlie Thornhill brass band have also kindly promised to assist on the occasion. Concert to commence at 8 o’clock. The Masonic concert, dinner and games, arranged for in this village, have been postponedfrom July lst to some time in September next. As a sign of improvement here we observe four new brick buildings and some wooden ones going up, besides sev- oral extensive improvements to others. Before a magistrates court here, on the 17th inst, was the case, R. G. Arm- strong vs. J. J. Barker and S. Cope; H. A. Beesor, Toronfo, for the prosecutor; A. Boultbee, Newmai'kct, for the de- fence. This is an, action to recover damages to sheep worried by dogs, the amount assessed being $160. After hearing: several witnesses the case was adjourned till the 26th inst. The North York Teachers’ Associ ation will be hold in iiwlligh School at Ncwmarkcf, on the 7th and 8th July. A good programme appears on the oil'â€" culzu's. The Hon Adam Crooks has promised to attend the Convention and address :1 public meetng in the Mechan- ics Hall in the evening of the 7th at 8 o’clock. It is said that the village council hmie held several meetings within the last few weeks, but there has been no report of them in the “ loeal papei," neither has there been any notice when ‘the meetings were to be held. VVond'er what these unpublished meetings are held for? is the Council helping the Clerk to get his ï¬nancial statement prepared to lay be- fore the public? Well, even if it takes the Clerk, the Auditors and the, Council to ï¬x them up, the i'ate3payei‘s would f'eel much relieved to see them ' in some shape, . Mr: Jos. Flcury, of’ Aurora, is cnlarg ing his work shops. ' Aurora Methodist Sabbath School pic- nic on Dominion Day. The ï¬rst sod. of the Lake Simcoe Junction Railway is to be turned on Do- miuiou Day at Sutton. On Tuesday last the wood yard at. the Aurora station, N. R». 0., took ï¬re about 2 o’clockp. In. It was with con- siderable effort extinquished, but not until :1 large quantity ofwood was burnt. An engine was brought from Toronto to assist the Aurora engine. The Aurora Fire Brigadé worked nobly. A grand base bull tournament will take place at Aurora on the same days as the Turf Club races, 30th inst. and July lsh, when 3560 in prizes will be competed for; open to Simcoe and North York. , Kettleby Sons of Temperance tea- purty, had -bad weather last Saturday. The attendance was notneurso large as former years, there being only one thous- and people present. Three brass bands werein attendance. The annual meeting of the North York Mutual Protection Society takes place at Newmal‘ket to-morrow. The Queen’s Hotel, at Aurora, pre- sents an improved appearancounder the “re organization†of Mr. John Vclie, late of the. Robin Hood Hotel, Richmond Hill. The following ofï¬cers were elected at the rcorganlmtion of the Aurora cricket club recently: Dr. Strange, President; M, B. Irwin, Treasurer, and Geo. Pep per, Secretary. Markham Village. Woodbridge. NOrth York. Yorkvflle. Thornhfll. Can be obtained at the HERALD Book Stare atthe following reduced prisonâ€" ' 10 cts. 20 cts. 30 as, 38 asâ€. 40‘ MS. 60 ea; 75 NS and 90 (:15. ‘ ' WESLEY HYMNS The Don Mount Methodist Sabbath School pic-nic was held on Wednesday last. A large number of tickets were sold. “THE HERALD†RAPIDLY INCREASING. The Public Schobls of this Township hold a union pic-nic; in Mt. Gate’s grove, Searboro’ Village, to-day. ALSO, A LARGE STOCK 0F EAVE-TROUGHS, Lumber Tongued, Grooved and Surface Named in short notice. Lumber cut from 36 feet down, to order. Bill Lumber attended to. Flourâ€"Spring Wheat. . . . .. . Fall Wheat extra" ' ' Wheatâ€"Spring. per bush. . . Fall......... . .. Barley................ Nashâ€... Potatoes. par bush..... Apples per barrel........ Dried Apples peri’b..... Haypertom............ Straw " .... ...... Butter!!!) rolls .....'. BENT FELLOES, SHAFTS, CUTTER and SLEIGH RUNNERS, CLODE & HOOK, Corrected by Mr Ilrsaiac‘Cy-osby, Grocel. and Dry Goods Merchant. Fire Proof Store, 1Uu2111ï¬1(:t117'el' of Doors, Sashes, Blinds, JIouldings, Lath, Shingles, etc“ Richmond Hill, Unt.‘ Superiér extra. . . Oatmeal.............-. Cornmeal............. Barley.............. Polatoes.perbns'...... Applesmer bun-61.. ...... Butterâ€"1b rolls.,......... large rolls... Eggs,per doz..‘............. Dressed Hogs, per 100 lbs.. . . Bacon. Prime. . ..... ......4 Hams, Cured............-- Toronto Markets corrected {rpm Toronto Dailies every Thursday morning. FlourfSpriog Wheatextrav. . $1 large Rolls...u .. . . EggS. per do: Dressed H eggs, per IOU lbs... . Bacon . . . . . Prilne........v.. flainsf-Cured. per 1b. . ._ . . . . . Woolâ€"per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Physicians Prescriptions and Family Recipes carefully prepared. A complete Newspaper Directory annteeer of towns in which newspapers are published. and including sketches of leading American News- papers, compiled by Geo. P. Howell & Co. _ Address ROWELL‘S CENTENNIAL NEWS 1343mm EXHIBITION, Fairmonnt Park, mum. delvhia. GEORGE RANKIN, MEDICAL HALL, BOOK OF THE CENTENNIAL THE CIRCULATION ICHMOND IIILL MAIN STREET, Sash and ‘Door Factory. RICHMOND HILL MARKETS. Newspaper Exhibition. PRICE BY MAIL, 35 CENTS. KEPT 0N HAND, Thornhill, Ont. Dispensing Chemist, ALFRED QUANTZ, TORONTO MARKETS. you!" UAL|u--..... u....-.-n~-.-.-no~ .l............ «no. n‘unco-n I. o...---.....--u o9 ,perbns'........... Der bun-61.. ........ lb rolls.,........... urge Rolls..." rdoz.............. Hogs. per IOU lbs... . ,..Prime........v.. 3nred.per 1b........ erlb . . . . . .....'..... ~ 'ca-c--.. ...~v too-Io...- ...... -. ;c-. .0 per bush rbarre|.. .... plesperi’b......... '1'1-.....-u.....n rolls. . . . . {9 rolls. . . doz. .‘. WWI work. ORDERS SOLICIT“). aï¬nmmmial. MANUFACTURERS 01“ Three hundred pages‘ MARKHAM. MARKHAM. Scarboro’. cu... liiï¬l UUU UVU $032@ 040 070m) .075 030@ (L40 125@ 175 now» 007 1300@ l600 norm» 000 017@ 009 DIS-@r low more) on lOOlbs..... 85Ufï¬) 875 .........4.1000@1-200 012@ 015 $5 25 5 75 u no (I 00 u 00 0 00 FOR THE DOMIXION, At $6 per hundred feet. ' Also Flooring and other In 1) rdresse‘d' rsrupdyucl‘cetsgquls, cider millsl lumber dressed; sup bucketsizmils, cider mills, washingaggqhgrgesushmgles; «911mg; 3mm†and ““\1m . PATEN T EAVE-TROUGH Alex. Moodie, Chas. E. Sheppard, H. Sanderson & Sons; Wm. Harrison, Jesse Grant. Wm. H. Pngsley, George, Soules, J. K. Falcoabridge, Robert Siver, Richmond Hill, May 15, 1876. We, the undersigned business men of the vil- lage of Richmond Hill, in ViU\V of tho depreciated value of American silver, the same entailing a. heavy loss in business transactions, have resolved that on and after Monday, the 23nd of May, 1876, that the said silver be taken by us at the follow. ing rates, viz.: American 500 at 400. American 10:: at 80. Do 250 at 20c. Do 50 at BC. Do 200 at 160. Do 39 at 20. John Brown, William Gamble, Isaac Crosby, R. Pugslev, Wm. Atkinson, Charles Mason, P: .G. _S_ava_ge, H. Clarke, DOMINION III HOUSE. THE SILVER NUISANCE. Best and Cheapest Teas Of Every Line. Best 50 cent Tea in the Village COFFEES AND SPICES 0N CHURCH STREET, Formerly carried on by Mr. John Hall, and hopes by strict attention to business, combined with the bust, material to merit a continuance of the patronage bestowed on his predecessor. Well curbs constantly on hard. Wells sunk 0n the shurtest notice. Address stating depth of well, REU. {grasps N 7 New article for the Ladies, Schepp’sCocoanutforpuddings, pies, etc. LENT Iaterial for buggleg ï¬ndglgï¬ghs. . a.†Forp rticulars address; ’ ’ . , I " ‘ r JOHN tANGSTAFF, | Steam ,MiJls, Langsï¬aï¬ I’KO. Flour and Feed constantly on hand. Crockery, Glassware and Tinwm‘e. ' All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange. GOODS DELIVERED. Excelsior Pump Works. , 151: PRIZE Pump Works, Richmond 14111. The undersigned respectfully begsto an- nounce to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and vicinity that he has returned to this place and purchased the Richmond Hill, March 24 ’75. Clover, Timothy. Flax Seed, Tax-ea Boots and Shoes of all kinds and sizes, at prices that all can buy. A! prices and on terms hitherto unequalled. l’arlias wmling pumps wall do well to cousul' me before purchasing. BOOTS AND SHOES, IN reference to the above notice of Dis. solution, the undersigned would announce that he is now ï¬lling up Driven by ample Steam Power, and intends! manufacture a Fine New Teas, Sugars, Cqfl'ecs, Spices, Cmmrnts, Raisins, Rice, Ornge and Lemon Peel, and all kinds of Canned Fruit. Pump ,Works, New and Improved fllachinery All kinds of Farm Produce" taken and Fair Prices paid. Parties waming to Buy would do well to give me a call, as I am determined to sell Cheap for CASH. Richmond Hill. Baéon, Hams, Potatdes, Apples, Peas, Oats, Corn, Bran and Shorts. Bond livery Stable in Connection. Boneless Cod Fish, White Fish and Salmon Trout. Vary Choice. A Large Stock always on hand. ,‘ Flour, Oatmeal. Cornmeal, Buckwheat Flgur, Cragked Wheat. Corner of Yonge and Centre Sts Opposite Sanderson (2' Sons. SUPERIOR ARTICLE List of prices sen 1 3n appiization . SOMETHING NEW, STDBK’S EXTRA MAEKINE flIL And all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds of the very best selection. » EEDS! SEEDS! I SEEDS! I 1 AT THE RICHMOND HILL S TE .A. M AlWays fresh and direct from the Mills. ONTARIO HOUSE, Which will be sold at the lowest rates. -WATER SPOUT FLOUR AND FEED. Richmond Hill. Just opened to-day TWO LARGE CASES TEA 03mm, etc. GROCERIES. NOTED FOR THE Lat" Remomber the place, GHEST. TEA. CHAS. E. SHEPPARD. 3mm, AND S. Proctor, Francis McConaghy, A. Scott, M. Teefy, John Palmer, R. E. Law, Robert Hopper, W. H. Myers. William Gamble, R. Pugslev, Charles Mason, H. H. Clarke, F. & J. Cosgrove, American 10:: at 80. Do 50 at 30. Do 39 at 20. J. BROWN. Richmond'HiH. H, MILLER. 3. R711“ MVH'; KEEFLER; “THE HERALD †LARGE CIRCULATION ! At has Printing Oflices, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, $ “$l $| $l$l $| $l $ Every Friday Morning. Live Newspaper ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, Topics of the Day, Local Intelligence, Complete Market Repo; Is, Good Selections, Agmwltuml Matters, Em, Eta, Etc. Low Rates of Advertisin 0'. Advertisers will ï¬nd the 'use of our columns a beneï¬t. Will pay for it one year M. H. KEEFLER‘, The Publisher is determined to make it a Specimen Copy Free. Editor, Publisher and Proprietor. ONE DOLLAR Is PUBLISHED BY IN ADVANCE. IN ADVANCE. IN ADVANCE. ONLY ONLÂ¥m VONLY‘ ON THE