THE HERALD. CM, his printing ofï¬ces, Yonge Street, Richmond H111, Ontario. ' A dï¬w'l‘isemhlts will ‘be inserted on 031% page at the following rates: . . Business Cards, one year .. 1):) *six month Do three months Transith advertisements, ï¬rst 1115'“ per inch ....... Each subscqent in so 10:1, per inch , Au inch comprises twelve lilies‘of anpureii. Con (longed navel ljsume 1ts,under tho lleadihgs: “ Speciulities,†" El 011 " " L056 01' Found,†“ For Sale or To Let," h“ aimed," eaichvinsertion 25 Cents. ,. Talus 0’: Subscription: $41.00 per amnï¬ï¬ in ‘mlvnnce. Advertisements without written illstrxictioixs will be inserted until forbid and charged transient. rates. - RISTERS, etc.,5U11jonv Block, corner Toronto nnd Adelaide Sts. (opposite the new Post Ofï¬ce), Toronto. ,F‘ Osman. JAMES BETHUNE. \V. G. FALCOXDBIDGE. CHARLES Moss. ’N. \V. HoYLEs. J. H. THOM. V V Attorney, So]icitof-in-Clmncery, Conveyj nncer,etc. Ofï¬ce‘v-Noï¬ Royal Insurance Build- ings, Toronto street, Toronto. J») TEES, Attorneys, ,Solicitorsâ€"inâ€"Chuncery, etc., 64 Adeluide street East, (opposite the Comm, House), Toronto. - G AR. Barristers, Attorneys-ut-Law, Solici- ‘fors in Insolvency, etc. Rummy MILLER & BIGGAR, VVM: MALLOY, BARRISTER, Aitnrnnv, Sn]ir‘ifï¬V-inâ€"(Thnmnarv ï¬nnvnv. ll Barristers, Attorneys-at»Lrnw, Solicitorsvinl- ’Chnuccry, Conveyancersg etc. 0Eï¬ces~Nos. 2; 4 and 6 Ontario Hull, Court. street, Toronto. THOMAS I‘ERFUSpN, Q9 IPuhHo etc. Oï¬icbsAâ€"bï¬ King street East, Toronto, two doors veast of Toronto street. 'W. H. BEATTY. W. Nlrn (VLAS MILLER. IEDWARD M. CHADWICK. C. R. W. BIGGAR. D. l}. THOMSON. I ETHUNE, OSLER& MOSS, BAR- RISTERS, 9170.,{Unjonv Block, corner Toronto MOND HT 4“, Will be generally be found at home from u 3 o‘clock, p. m. U Sm‘gnon uml Accnuchmli‘. - ()ï¬ice. corner of Yonje and Centre Streets, RichmoudHifll. [SOULTBEE & EVATT. BARRIS ’I‘ERS. Attnrueva Salinitm‘s-inâ€"Chrmmwv l§EATTY, CHADWICK & BIG- GAR. Barristers. Attornevs-ut-Law. Solici- d I corner of Ymuzc and Centre stvects, Rich- anourl HilL mey be cnusulted personally or by ietter 0'1 {L11 diseases of horses, cattle, otc‘ Horses examined as t0 suundness, also bought and sold on comwission. ‘ 1 0 MISTS and Druggis’os, corner of Yonge and Centre streets Richmond Hill. Specialâ€"st. mention 1mm to prescriptions. «1 I)"l‘f§S, Medicines, \Vines and Liql‘ors 101‘ mediciull 1!. uses, Grace‘ins, eta, Timmh'fll. “By Rum} Lowers Patent has been upyoinbed Isâ€" suer of Marriage Licenses. H. J Auctimmer for the cmmti’ of York, respect- fully suliqits ypuv paztnuuygo zmd friendly influ- ’FHOMAS CARR, DEALER ‘IN Dvwgs, Medicines, \Vines and Ligl‘ors‘lflr Auctioneer for the County of York, respect- fully Solicits your patronage and friendly influ- 03100. Sales attended on the shortest notice, and at, reasonable rates. P. 0. addr ‘, Teston. IAMES Auctim L) Auciinvccr for the County of York, respect- fmlv bulicits yuur patronage und friendly influ- ence. Sula: attended on the shormst notice and at reasonable rates. 1’. 0. address, Victoria. Squue. rittéï¬d‘cdflnn fï¬e shortest noï¬ice and 1" 0, Address, King. .1 u 01100,. Sale. at reasonable rthL '. ANIEL KINNEE, LICENSED Auctioneer for the County of York, respect- J ' Auctioneer for the counties of York Peelr Ontario and Si11)('0(3;-1L150 VleutLtor and Commis- sion agent. 1’. 0. Address, â€" Bloonï¬ngbon. Li†Chancery sales attended to. Panties rcquix ring Mr. Patterson's services can make urruuge- meats and obtain particulars as to terms, etc., at ‘IHE HERALD Uflice. ALFRED BOULTBEE, WM. Wnn'rs EVA’I‘T. :EpGUSON, BAIN}; MEYERS, , , . ‘v 0 Dentist, 95 King street East, Toronto. Best. mineral teeth inserted in almmnner to suit; each patient. Particular attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth, carefully xwoiug (1:11 unnecessary pain. A. ‘V. SPAULDIN Gr, Assistant. VVF- H. KEEFLER», p U- NEWMARKET, 01m, SUR- GEON DENTlST, would respectfully m zmnmmce that he will visit Rich- mond Hill the lSLh of each month, at Palmer’s Hotel; also attend the following places, profes- sionally, Sundays excepted: Newmurket ...... 3rd of each month. Sutton Petferluw . Mount Albel 8th do Sandford lOLh do Stouï¬ville 14th do Markham, 16th do Aurora 20th do All branches of Dental surgery attended Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate. EATTY; MILLER & BIGGAR, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, Notaries J Treasurer of Markhmn Township, Clerk of Division ()om‘t, Divisiun Hogistrzu‘, utc., Muiu st, Uninuvilln, will 1m :11: Hull‘s Hotel, Markham, every Monday, from 9 mm. to 4 pan, to attend to business in connection with the Court. JOHN STEPHENSON, CLERK & Treasurer of Marklnun fl‘ownship, Clerk of E0. BROWN, M.D., PHY SICIAN H. SANDERRON, V.S., G.T.V.C.-, A MUEL M. BROWN, IJ[CENSED Nitrous Oxide G VOL. XVIII, N0. 6. M. PATTERSON; LIQLNSED SANDE RSQN "85 SONS, .GHF- EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, R O B I N S 0 N78, L.D.S., NEW JAS. L ADAMS, L.D.S., gURgEQN ï¬nntinmrï¬. C. STOKES, LICENSED ADAva H. BIYFRS. PUBLISHED BY W. KENNEDY, L.D.S-., ' NEVVMARKET, 0111)., SUR- gar/aim]. £32m}; 2nd do 24th do 15th do 23rd do 26:11 do 28th '60 28th do 30th do arms always on hand at Aurora. 9th and ANGS’I‘AFF, RICH- J OHN BAIN ‘iv 1 mortgage of farm property, [Lt eight per cent. interest, in sums to suit borrowers. No cmn- 31355109.†Apply to MBLAI'iE 6: KINGSFOR-D, 10 Adelaide SE. East, Toronto‘ ill LOAN 0N FIST-CLASS MORTGA'GE SECURI- TYâ€"in 5mm: from .700 upwau‘d's. Apply to M. TEEFY, 1V. LYXE'J‘T, (as oxmznmrs of the estate of the lane Marlin Broman Richmond Hill. ONEY TO LEND ON FIRST mor‘rznga of farm Dronertv. at eight her 1:1“. Insurance :1an Real Estate Agent. De. p'OSItS received, s'dij'tt t0 ddmnnd‘, with interest. Loans negotiated. Debentures for sale. Oflicc) 20% Adelaide street E '15 Toronto, a. few doors west of the 1’05!) Oflic HON: Gnu W'. ALLAN S(:1mt01‘,]’r qident. Samuel l’mtt, 31.1%, . , , . . ‘ . ‘ K _ ‘ , Vice-President _ DIRECTORS â€"- \Villiam Go ( i-luun', Green W. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, Geor‘ge Goollerham, Hon. 1). LL Mmpherson, Senator. DCPUMIS not exceeding $100 may be Withdraw at ch]; 5100 and upwards subject to thirty days‘ notice, or a. reduction of thirt r qug’ interegt, at @119 ogtjou of the Directors. A y be entitled to in- e‘reiq, deposits must remain in the Company ï¬fegï¬ Ydepomtg'rmï¬rstili‘emtï¬u hr the Company three m onths. Interest calculated from the ï¬rst and 15th (lav 0f the 1‘1] 011th. h. ONEY TO‘LEND.â€"$2‘00‘O TO LOAN 0N FIST-CLASS MORTGAGE SECURI- _ iN...M3uv “A...†1,“ 1‘ Money received ‘on deposit, and gnterest allowed at the ’ths of $13: 1101‘ 'ccnt, per annum, com~ poundeq half yem‘ly » The WhOIQAsSGts bf the Company are invested on the security of Real Estate mud Municipal De- bentures, thereby giving the depositors 1w~ doubted security for all money left with this Company. _,A.-...-- MA an .4;- This Company ndvtmcm Money 011 L110 Sdcurity of improved City (Er Country Pro MP1; 2 re-pnyuble by means of :L Sinking Fund, whwh 1.5 found {0 be the surest. and easiest mode of repaying :L 01111. La“ See our reducml 10111.1 tublo. For further information :11le at at the OHi'ces of the Conqmny. \VALTER S. LEE, Mamagon At the DOMINION HOTEL Will always be found 11. m'mber of ï¬rsfrclnss “ Rigs." which will be hired out at moderate charges. S. PROCTOR, Ibcbmond Hill. STABLESiHm‘ses and Vehicle; for hire Charges mnderute. Opposite Sanderson 6: Sons J OHN BROWN , Proprietor. \VES (311 Centre street West, Richmond Hill. Applyéo }{ICHMO.\TD HILL LIVE RY S'FABTmSiHm‘seS and Vehicles Im- hire. DGMINION LIVERY STABLES At the DOMINION HOTEL will always b‘ “c itéï¬,‘ soo‘ii’oo; T3t§;_s my mom ergmnd?$263,5m. - S G $ 95319 For sale on rensonublo terms. the Houses and lot cmnprising half an m-ro of land, with excel- lent gmden and 0"churd lyinq south of Mr. A. L. Skeele’s $110“! and north of III. Alex. Moodie's store, 1'.) the village of Richmond Hili‘ A good business stand. Also the Store and Dxml‘linqï¬ovac and Garden, contm‘uinh half nu acre of choice fruit trees, 00â€" cupied by M11 A. h300(1ic.,subject to an unexpired lease. Apply to - HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE AT RICHMOND HILL. ‘/V‘V\JV 4L -u-9.r-v m r keeps constantly on hand all kinds of woml, which will be sold for the lowest market price. 101‘. Yonge and Centre St, Richnwnd Hill. r ' fnct'nrers of and Deniers inuGrzmite and Marble Monuments, Headstones, etc, Ringwood, Ont. Satisfaction guaranteed. P. WIUEMAN is; also issuer of Marriage Li- censes. Residellceâ€"ngxvood, Ont. / ‘ V - ERS, Richmond Hm, have always on hand the best of beef, mutton, lnmb, veal, pork, sausages, etc., and scll ï¬t the lowest, prices for cash. Also corned and spiced beef, smoked and ï¬ried hmns. The highest market price given for cattle, sheep, lambs: etc. W982 CIAL Land Surveyor, Civil Engineer and Draugh‘usuuux. Orders by letter should state the concess‘ron lot and clmrucbcr of Survey, the subâ€" smiber hILViX‘If’: the 01d FIELD NO'I‘ES of the late D. GIPSON fwd other surveyors, W111 11 should be consulted in many cases as to origthml monuâ€" menms. etc“, previous to commencing work. Ofï¬ce at VVi‘Jowdule, Youge st., in the township of York. W. The subscriber begs to return thrmks f0 fhé public for the 11;.tronuge he has received in the pgsbyent‘s While carrying on the strawberry busiâ€" ness, n ‘u (1 would :1111101111"" that 110 is prepared to $11 mfly 1111 demands for ï¬ns delicious fruit duriu'; Lb } reiscnt season, at the bottom price. Orders the })1'CE solicited. " Was $751? 22mm: "W0 VILLAGE LOTS FOR ~‘SALE, April 1] , 1871i. ‘OR SALE AT A BARGAIN, VFEACHERS’ EX. MINATION‘ 1 Kitchen Cupbeai‘d, 1 Kitchen Table, 1 Kitchen Lounge, 1 Box Stove. 1 Bedstead, For Ana All candidates must send in to the presiding inspector before the 293m J 11119, applications for admission (forms for which can he obtained from the Inspectors), also certiï¬cates of good moral character und tempamto habits; and those ap- plying for H. or 1. Class Certiï¬cates, must in ad- d'ition, send in satisfactory testimonials of suc» 0955 in teaching DAVID FOTHERINGHAM, Chairmqu of Board Examiners. Monday, -10th, July, 1876 . WILLIS, BANK}? 1;. BROKER.-, AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Ofï¬cesâ€"F0. 70 Church street, Toronto ETER S. GIBSON, PROVIN: TRAWBERRIES. AppIy 10 Aurora, June 5th, 1876. & L. C. WIDEM The unminl examination for: 72.14315, Second and Third Class Certiï¬cates the County of York, will be conducted in the sTERN v CANADA L o A N 613116? H. & R. PUGSTJEY, BUTCH- MODEL SCHOOL, MONEY T0 LOAN. ï¬limcllzmcnw. Ten Cents a Basket. W, F. MILBURN JAMES M. JEYKIN‘S, Lnskny RC 01‘ to M. T1617 ‘V, YARD T'JOHN BROWN 6. Commencing at 9 u.m., on gimiw. in again. gitmwg. JAMES W 1 DEMAN, HERALD Ofï¬ce. urmfm U TORONTO, ALEX. SCOTT, Richmond Hill AN, m’ud Hi1] M ANU‘ W. C. ADAMS, L;D.S., 9'5 KING STREET, EAST, TORONTOb Tenders his thanks to the public for their patronage during the past 22 years that he has been in his present stand, where his now increased facilities, by the adoption of all themodern appliances in Deutrist'ry, especially avoiding all un- necessary pain, together with his mark ed success in the treatment of diseased Teeth, and the insertion of artiï¬cial denthres, Warrants him in premising satisfaction in all departments of his pro- fession to those WhQ may favor him with their patrtin'age. ' P.S;-â€"â€"The suffering need not wait to procure the money, but come atvonvce and gen felief._ ‘ ‘ ' ~ TOROTO, 30th June, 18%. CHANCERY SALE VALUATBLE VILLA, Pursuant to a decre‘e in Laidlaw M. Jackbs, there will be sold by auction by F W OOATE (a 00, VT 1 ixrvhole is well worthy the abbentinn’of either farmers or speculators {1.5 it is rureiy such a pro- ‘pqvty ' ' flared for gsale. At their Auction Rooms, in the City of Toronto, At One o’clock, p. 111., South half of Lot No 2, lst concessionlwest of Youge street, in the to‘wnship of York, 106 acres, of which 96 acres are cleared, and 10 acres partially timbered. On Saturday, 22nd J Lily, There are on the property {L large brick dwell- ing house, with outbuildin’ts. bares, sheds, &c., necessary for the In‘rposes of the form, two other dwelling houses, :1, good orchard and a large nmnv ber of ornmnenml and other trees. It adjoins the Village of Eglington, and fronts on Yonge street, and is distant about two and one half miles from the Yonge street terminus of the Toronto Street Ruilmw Company. The property is eligibly‘ situated {LS n. farm, and [L considerable portion of it could with advantage be divided into building lots 1m (1 into ï¬ve or ten acre plots for nmrket . . ,, -u 7â€,†,,n,, ...,,,i.,, L: 1 be offered in one parcel, subject to {L reâ€" served lr'id ï¬xed hy the Master, and in default of its bringing which, it: W111 then be offered at same 61mg and place in four parcels (each subject to a. reserved bid), us_ fo‘flqws: fronting on Yonge street, comâ€" mencing at the southeast corner of the said hqu 10b, turd extending north on Yonge streeb 152 fc‘et, “11,11 IL depth of 682 feet, or thereabouts, to the ‘01‘éhnâ€˜ï¬ fence; on which meï¬wo smzï¬ï¬‚ houses. The pol mon adjoining on the north of the said pared, one'hav‘inr; u frontage on 'Yonge street 0 152 feet, by a depth) of about 632 feet to the 'orchâ€" ard fence. _ [L (Myth of about . ’ feet t6 ï¬le are Lira fehc ‘ on which are [L brick house and buildings con- nected therewith. 716 contains about; ï¬vermcros: The portion adjoining parcel 2 to the 11011511 an extending to the lane on northern limit of the 14 .' . ' Leï¬ï¬Ã©iï¬aetowywfleï¬Ã©ï¬‚ The remainder of the. said half lot, with orch- md, hm‘ns, stable, sheds, ($0., and {Lil buildings on the property. excepting those on parcels one and three, contains about 94 acres, and has access to Yongc street by KL lime to the north of parcel 3, which will be sqld wig) parcel 4. RICHMOND LODGE. A.F. & A. M., No. 23, G. R. C.â€" hleebs in the Lodge Damn, Masonic Hall, on the Monday on or before full moon, at 8 o’clock p.111. A. L. Skeeie, \V. M. IUCIIMOND L. 0. L., No. 77S.â€"â€"Moets in the Tem- perance Hull, on the FI idny on 01‘ before full moon, at 8 o'clock p.111. J. E. Boothby, \V. M. RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, No. 4&5, I. 0. G. T.â€" Mcets in the Temperance Hull, every \Vedues- day evening, at 8 o’clock. Wm. Harrison, T. D. CRYSTAL LODGE, No. 372, U. T. 0.â€"Meets in the Masonic Hull, cveryfl‘londay evening at 8 o'clock. A. E. Mortimer, P. D. FOUNTAIN LODGE. Juvenile No. 35, U. T. 0.â€"Meets in ihe Masonic Hal]. every Mondi evening at 6.30 o'clock. A. E. MortimerY Guardian. 1 The Methodist Sabbath shoal Temperance Asso- ciation issue pledge cards every Sunday when \ desired. Win. Harrison,Snpt. 1. MECIINXICS’ INSTITUTE .wLibrary of over 1 000 volâ€" nmes' oven every Tuesday evening, in the Mn.- sonic H1111, from 7 to 8 o‘clock. R. E. LILW. Li- bra rian. Lectures and discussions periodically. RICHMOND HILL FIRE BRIGADE.â€"-1\Ieets for ï¬re practice the ï¬rst end third Monday of each \ month, MY o’clock p In J H Sanderson, Capt. “ RICHMOND HILL FIRE BRIGADE BAND. â€"Meets for prectiw every Tuesday and Saturday even- ing at 7:30 o‘clock. A. E. Mortimer, Leader. ST. MARY‘S EPIsmPAL CHURCHâ€"Seryiees at 3 p 111, except the third Sunday of every month. when the services and sacrament are held at ll'iL 111. Sunday school (Lt 1:30 p m. Rev B Shunlfliu, Rector. METHODIST CHURCH on CANADAâ€"services at 10:20 a, m, and 6:30 p 111; Sunday school at 2:30 p m: prayer meetng every Thvrsdxny evening and S S Teuchors’ meeting un Friday evening Herbert Starr, Pastor. 4 ‘ PRESBYTERTAN CHURCH OF CANADAâ€"services at 11 o’clock a. m; Bible class on Sunday evening at 6:30 o'clock. ReV'J Dick, Pastor. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHâ€"Sel’VicCS in order as follows: Thornhill at {1:00 m m, nnd Richmond Hill at 10:30 [1‘ m; the following Suude at Richâ€" mond Hill {Lt 9200 [L in, and Thomhill at l10:30 ‘ [L in, alternating with Markham every third \ Sunday. FARM PROPERTY, :1 YONGE STREET, adjoining the Village of EGLINGTON. NORTHERN RAILWAYâ€"Trains puss Richmond Hill station as follows: moving south {Lt 9:26 am, 2:10 p :3, and 8:26 p m; movng north, at 8:13 n. m, 12:27 1) in, and 5:13 p In. Mr Palmer’s "Jus meets the morning; train moving noth and evening train moving south. RICHMOND HILL OMNIBUsâ€"«Runs doilv, leaving the Stage Hotel. Richmond Hill, at 7:30 (L111, arriving in Toronto at 10:30 u, m, and returning, leaves the Caimnercinl Hot01,JarVis st, at 3:20 p m, and the Buy Horse Hoteli Yonge st, at 3:30 p 'm. J 01111 Palmer, jr, Proprietor; RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. â€"- Mails close as follows : Mornianâ€"Gning south, west Imd east, including Maple, 'i‘hornhlll, Toronto; Murkh um, ctc., 8.1: 0:45; going north, 6:45. Evexxinngning south, oust and west,_nt 6:45. . Registergg letters v 7 T11 n IIEJLALD Book and Job Printing Ofï¬ce, whether for printing, advertising or subscriptions to the paper. 7 ALUE FOR YOUR MONEY AT 'l‘nn IIEJLALD Book and J 01) Printing Ofï¬ce, must be handed m ï¬fgéen minutés earlierl 6ngun ï¬nk. at}qu flirvmg, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, CANADA, JULY 7, 1876. SOCIETIES. POST OFFICE- CHURCHES. AND TRAVEL. Advertisements of six hues and 1613-3, under {his heading, twentyfï¬ue cents each time. ING House, with ï¬rst-rate garden, to rent for a. term of yams. Good 30‘) 3mg business hns been done. Apgly to TIIOS. STEEL; Green Bush Hotel. If by letter to Newton Brook P. 0. U MAX ,(‘iothes VVringer. Best in use. See it and Try it hefom purchasing. 0. E. SHEPPARE, Agent, Dominioh Tea House, Richmond Hill; Advertiscmcnts of six lines and 2038, under this heading, twentyfï¬ue vents eaéh time. FARM of about 100 acres. Address, with particulars, J. W., Box 161, Thornhill, Ont. Vï¬lgéï¬Ã©iiimbly réwurded‘ 1-4 inst, a. small SCOTCH TERRIER DOG1 answers to the name of “Curlyf’. Any one mid- jgg l‘mdgtf‘tu‘rping himï¬Â§qlb. CURTIS, Oak Ridges, .‘3 ises of the subscribers; Richmond Hi11,on Monday, 26th June, TWO HORSES AND ONE MARE. They are both black; b'oth 15; hands high; both have hair clipyed close on legs; the horse has on one hind foot afnw grey hairs; and the Ila-i" thin on shouldch from blistei'mg. Any person deliyering them, or giving such informaâ€" tion as will lend to their racovery, will be suitably rewarded. Rom}. HOPPER, GEO. SOULES. In £713 niaz'len of the Estates (2f Alemanï¬er Robb and Robch Robb, deccaSed. The descendants of Jean Leadbetter o'r Wilson, who a e entitled to a distributive share In the estate of Alexander Rohh and Robert Robb, both deceased, me to send notice of their claim to William Blackwood of peebles, Scotland. solicitor, or to Alex: ander Gillespie. of 44 Finsbnry Circus, London, England, Solicitor, on or before the first dav of August, 1876. The said Jean Leadbetter or Wilson was the daugl‘i ter of Charles Leadbetter and Agnes Tait, Charles Leldlhetter being a descendant of Helen Robb or Leadbetter, daughter of James Robb of the Foulage. in the Parish and County of Peebles. Scotland. The said Jean Leadbetter was married to (me VVilspn, and died at Richmond, in the Pro- vincé‘ofOntario, Canada, about; theqear 1843i ’ ANTED T0 RENTâ€"A GOOD FARM nf about. 100 acres. Address. with Si? W11 ter Scott’s 8; Other Novels, At 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 cents. Brier root and other pipes, shirt collars, thimbles, etc., etc., etc, JUST RECEIVED, Manufacturer of Doors, Sashes, Blinds, ï¬louldings, Lalh, Shingles, 6136., Richmond Hill, Unt. Lumbe Tongued, Grooved and Surface Planet“ “1 short notice. Lumber cut 1mm 36 feet down, to order. Bill Lumber attended to. CLODE & HOOK, BENT FELLOES, SHAFTS, CUTTER and SLEIGH RUNNERS, N THE HIGH COURT OF JUS- A LARGE STOCK OF EAVE-TROUGHS, Is sent by mail or other conveyance when so do- simd for ONE DOLLAR per annum inladvnnce. SingJS comes: three cents. THE HERALD will contain all matters of local importance, articles and comments on the po- ]ibicnl events of the day, the lutest home and foreign news carefully su minimized, trustworthy (ob reports, agriculturle matters and general ily reading. OMETBING NEWâ€"THE CLI- “- ‘HE HERALD,†1’ UBLISIIED EVER Y FJUDA Y, A dvertisers contracting for space on the second ‘ third or fourth pages, for [L speciï¬ed time, will ho charged, pï¬ynble quarterly, as follows: One Two Three Six v Bne ’7 Month. Mouths. Mouths. Months. Your. 001“th “10 00 $15 00 $220 00 {$35 00 $60 00 Hull" COL. .. 8 00 12 00 15 00 20 ()0 35 00 gummy (101. 5 00 8 00 10 00 15 ()0 20 00 hreo inches 3 00 4 00 5 00 8 00 12 00 Two inches. 2 50 3 00 3 50 i) 00 8 00 One 11ch..... 1 50 l 75 2 ()0 3 00 5 00 Twelve lines of Nonpnreil comprise an inch. Chanqu allowed in contract advertisements twelve Lime-s rL your; ouch change over twelve times will he charged extra, at the following rate : column, $1; half column, 60c; quarter column and under, 359. ’E‘RAYED FROM THE FREMâ€"l Dated this 15th_day of June, 1876- OST ON OR ABOUT THE 28th The copy for changes -of advertisements up- pearing on the second or third pagesi must. reach the ofï¬ce on Monday to securé uttentxon the same Week. ‘I‘ICE A11 lengthy correspondence and advertisements must be received at‘the ofï¬ce not later than \Vednesduy 110011, to secure insertion the current Weelgbut short items of local news and adver- qi§emepts “"11 he received up to ten o’cluck on Thursday morning JACKSMITH SHOP & DWELL- Attemion is directed to our directory of‘churches, societies, etc. IOHMOND HILL Sash and D007~ Factory. gm gamut. Chancery Division; ALFRED QUANTZ, KEPT ON HAND, Thornhill, Ont. Wand aï¬urk. gpmï¬um. ORDERS SOLICI’I‘ED. MANUFACTURERS OI? aï¬autvd; 35mg; °' M. H. KEEFLER, Editor, Publisher and Proprietor ALSO, M. Teefy, Esq. On Saturday, July 8, on Lot 20,3111 con. Markham, at Heudford Mi‘ls, snTe of sthk, implements, tools, W001 goods, household furniture, etc., the property of the late Alexungler Muckiq ; sale at one o'clock. Salem Ecknrdt, auctioneer. Chancery sale of valuable villa on Yonge street, adjoining Eglin',t0n, on Saturday, 22nd July, at one o’clock ,p n), at the auction rooms of F W Comte and 00, Toronto. ‘â€"-_Bills printed at this oflieo'ï¬'ill be noticed as above free of charge. On the 23rd u]t., at Fair View Farm, But: Lonvflle, the wife of Joseph Wilmott, of a daughter. At Rmhmond Hill, on the 2nd wife of RobertGlen of a son. At Richmond Hill, on the 4th inst, the wife (if Mr. Wm. Hutchinson, ofé. Son; MARRIED. -AtRi('X\n10ndHiI,l, on the 4th juiy. By the Rev. James Dick, Mr Rober. McKean of‘the Citv of Toronto. to Miss Agnes Dick. T116 hit‘én't'ien of aaverï¬aers is Aireéted 1'0 our advertising ‘mtes, which appear on the ï¬rst, sernd and fourth pages. Consider- ing the increased and rapidiy increasing cir- culation of THE HERALD they are ï¬xed at a low ï¬gure. in fact considerably lower than many country papers of no larger circulation, M. H. KEEFLER. 7 The Yprk Herald '--- The Yorkflerald has passed Into the hands of Mr M H Keefler. who, if he may judge By the improved ap- pearance of 1110 paper and the freshness of its edltm'iul columns, is a live newspaper man and one who will win for the Herald a front platie in Canadian journalism. We wlsli our Richmond Hill namesakea pros"- perous careeréuStratl‘brd Herald. ELECTIONS FOR THE COM- - JWONS. The result of the elections On Wednes; day last has been a strong condemnation ’of' the ï¬olicy of the Brown-Mackenéie Government, and it may be that they ‘will take a hint therefrom and bhunge their mode of playing into the hands of the neighboring Republic. Both North and South Ontario have returner] mem- bers to oppose the present Government. The former by a majority of 86. Brock. - Reach . Thorah Scott . . Uxbridge Township Port ‘Perry . . . . . . Scugog . . . . . . . . . . Mara . . . . . . . . . . . Rama . . . . . . . . . . . . Majonty for Mr. W. H. Gibbs. . . The latter by a majority of'41. MR. 9333’ MAJ'ORI‘I‘IES. Wbixby Town. . . . ‘ . . Oshawa . . . . . . . . . . . . iolumbus . . . . . . . . . . Raglan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13"ookliu . . . . . . . . . . . Austin’s School House Kinsule . . . . . . . . . . . . Orange Hall . . . . . . . â€". Harmony _ . . . . . . . . . . Thornton’s Corners. . Toll Gate .. Ashburn . . . . . ' . . . . . . Dufï¬n’s' Creek . . . . . . Brougham . . . . . . . . . . Cluremont . . . . . . ; . . . Dumharton . . . . . . . . . Whitevale . . . . . . . . . . Altona. . . . . . . . . . . . . Majority for Gibbs . . . . . . . . . . . 41 In South Wellington the Ministerial Candidate has been elected by a major- ity of‘155â€"a falling off sinCe last elec- tion of 1044 votes. Mr. Stirton having been returned by a majority at that time 0f1199; Truly how are the mighty fallen. We, on personal grounds, regret that Mr. Edgar allowed himself to be fooled by the Browns. The Liberal Conservative picnic, at Uxbridge, on Dominion Day, was a grand succeSs; it is reckoned the num- ber exceeded four or ï¬ve thousand. Sir John A. Macdonald was presented with an address by the President of the Liberal Conservative Association of North Ontario, to which he replied in suitable terms. hit. William Hamilton, of Uxbridge, was appointed chairman, and speeches were delivered by Sir John A. hiacdonald, Doctor Tripper, Hon. W. Macdougall, Hon. M; C. Cameron and Mr. James Young, M. 1)., who hap- pened, Very accidentally, to be upon the grounds, and who thought it not beneath his dignity to address a public gathering, got up under the auspices of the Conâ€" servative Association of Toronto, and at which no one but those in sympathy with the Association would have desired to take a prominent part. @mtiim gingiï¬ter, MR. W. H. Glnts’ MAJORITIEH MR. EDGAR'S MAJORXTIESi cunmu’s MAJORITLES. Notices; Bim‘as. insts, the 27B 47 77 17 23 468 o 82 291 250 Mr. Justiee Wilson has given judg- ment in the Simpsoni‘Wilkinson suit, on the application for airule’for a criminal information against the defendant. The‘ application was based on three different articles published in the defendant’s newspayer on the 5th; 12th and 19th of «November last.' As regards the article that appeared in the paper of the ï¬rst date, the rule was not granted ; but as to the articles contained in the papers of the 12th and 19th; charging Mr. Simp; son with having bought up Members of the Commons during the crisis in No- vember 1873, the Court held that they were libellous,'and that the application should be granted with regard to them. In the judgement; given,«l\’lr. Simpson got roughly handled for interfering with the election of a Member for the Comâ€" mons, seeing that he is a Member of the Senate and head of a large monied in' stitution. ’ I Thé Hon. A. N. Richards, Q. C. has been appointed successor to ‘Mr. 'i‘rutch, whose term of ofliee has expired as the ï¬rst Lietenant-Govemor of British U01â€" umbia. Correspondence is solicited from Mark ham Village, and from the villages in Scarboro, Vaughan, Xork and Markham Townships; Thé Rxchmond Hill Tract Society will hold their annual meeting in the Methodist Church here, on Wednesday evening, the 12L!) instsm't-I chair taken at. 7:30; ' Nd'va S‘cotia has sent a vessel with $62.4, 000 "worth of canned lobsters to England". A grand dinner has been given at West'- minstbr, London, by the American Lega- lion. ‘ Jolin Flynn, 0F Aricimt, in ilie Proâ€- vince of Nova Scotia, has been appointed Collector of Custom3.. ' ‘ A daughter of Hon. M. 0. Cameron Was marri‘e'd on the 4th inst. to the son of Rev? Mr. Darling, Toronto. The Khedlve of Egypt iss'ending soldiers to the Sultan of Turkey, several regiments having already sailed from Alexandria. A proclamation in the Gazette still fur. ther pgorogues the meeting oï¬I’arliament from the Ist July ‘to ninth day of August. Turkey and Servia have had a brush, lat- ter reported retreated with loss of 2000 mén. IL is said Russia. is making. great prepara- tions for war. About a month ago goods to the amount of $400 was carried off from Hon. M. C. Camerdn’s‘house; the robbers have not yet been discovered.~ The Governor of the Dutch East Indies conï¬rms by telegraph the report of the loss ofthe steamer LicuLiGeneraI Kroesen’ in the Straits of Sunda. Two hundred and thirty persons were drowned. - A cbllision between freight trains occur; ed Wednesday on the Great Western near Appiri. The engines and cars were Wreck ed. Through an open switch eleven cars were thrown from the track of the Windsor and Annapolis road yesterday and badly smashed. Mr. K. Hartley, Inland Revenu‘e Inspect»: or, seized two illicit stills in Mono, recently, E and also one in Erin and one in Caledon,: A great deal of the ï¬ery. illrrecliï¬ed tangle“, leg, which people have been gulping dowgi in th's neighborhood for tlie last year orl two, was doubIless manufactured at. these‘ miniature distilleries. An AssociatedPress dispatch gives the ‘ news of an attack on an . Indian camp by1 United States troops, under General Custer, when the latter were defeated, with 300 killed. It is reported that Custer, his two brothere, a nephew and brother-itï¬law all killed, and not one of his data -hment escnp~ ed. The Indian loss cannot. be estimated, as they bore off most of their killed. Lieut. Crittenden, son of Gen Crittendem is among the killed. Below we give a few of the flattering no- tices given to the improvements we have made in the appearance and management of THE HERALD: “ The York Herald †has been Consider- ably improved by its new proprietor, Mr. M. H. Keefler, and in his hands promises to become a. very creditable jmn'nnl. We wish our cotem suecess.--Wuodbridge Free Press. We notice Um! “The York Herald†has passed into new hands, but will continue to represent Conservmive inlerests‘ The paper presents a decidedly improved appearanceâ€"â€" Bolton Standard. * The Richmond Hi“ “ Herald †comes to us this week presenting a different appeaï¬ ance from the Patent Outside ofolher days. he. new proprietor†and editor seems to Enter upon his dudes with considerable energy. As heretofore, the “Herald†will continue in the Conservative interest. Mr. M. H.‘ Kocflnr is the successor of Mr. Scottâ€"'â€" Newnmrket Era. Notes and Comments. NEWS SUMMARY; WHAT THEY SAY OF US; Mr. Walter Woodrtho second Consérvai Live candimte for Pembrokeshire, has with: drawh from the Contest mtherihan place the seatin danger of being lost to the party. The Shefï¬eld makers of drmodrlplafé‘é; shot, Shell, and large guns, are reported as “ exceedingly busy.†Colonel Baker’s sentence éxpiréé {BE month. It is Stated that at léast 100 Con§erVaï¬ye M.P.’s have promised to Vote fo'r the Colonial Marriages bill, the object, ofwhich is to‘l'egaliz'e marriages betWeÃ©ï¬ leqqisl‘ts' ahd their sisxersiinâ€"law. V ' . The English operative laboured in th’é builï¬ihg trade, who number nearly 200,000 workhmn, hai’e decided to federate thé whole of the existing distribt and local unions into one national association. Theré is to be a congress of delegates in L’o‘udo‘n‘ on the 7th of Aï¬â€˜gust. The’Rev'. Sydney Turner", la‘le' Dean of Riponi and till recently Inspector of’IndusJ trial and Reformatorv Schools, has been presented with a silver salver and a: purse of £1,000 as a mark of regard for him 0d his retirement. The pwsentution tdok place at the house of the Earl of Lichï¬eld. Unusual activity is, according to aBeriiri (elegram to the Morning Posf,‘ reported from ï¬le Russian dockymds at Ci-OIistandt‘, where all availule hands are mild to be em; ployed day and night.iu orderto pntthe Russian fleet in readiness. The rule admit 4 ing strangers to the d‘oc’kyards has been sus: pended. The eliqlwtle ol‘the kitchen daily gravid more 'complicated. A wellleown noble; man recently engaged a. cook. who gave him warning at the end of two or ihree days because she found that he dealt at coloperal tive stores, He accepted the notice, and informed hey that‘ she could go atfth'é end of her mouth. She insisted on leaving it once, as she “could not remain in the houaé wi\l1 people who did such things.†Upon this his lordship asserted his legal claim, and made her pay him a month’s wages, whlcli he sent to St. George’s Hogpital; A large body of men, Royal Engineers and others are working night; and day. Suns days and week days, to get, the Russia Fort Gibrullkrr, which éom‘mands the Straits ami entrance lo the bay, ready for the mounting of its heavy guns, peremptory instructions to that effect having been sent out from tflé 'War ofliice. Matthew Noble, the Well-known Engliin sculptorY is dead. He was born in 1820‘, and was a pupil to John Francst The Manchester monument of Wellington;‘ con? sisting of a colloan statue in bronZe of the Dulce, with ï¬gures representing Wisdom, Valor, Victory, and .l’ea’ce, ï¬rst brought him injo notice. The work cost £7,000, In 1855 his statue of Wellington was placed in the Court mom of the East India. Coin; puny in Leadeuhull street. In 1864 be com2 pleted a statue of Lord Canning and a bust: of Garibaldi in 1867, both for the City of London., He also executed a. large mum; ber of other works, mme of which were en: gt‘uved for the Art Journal. ‘ An extraordmary attempt at snicide is re‘- ported from a village called Mrlesford, in Suffolk. A tradesman’s wife got up in thé night, and going some distance from her house, placed halfn. pound of gunpowder in a circle around her, and set ï¬re to it, but it did not injure her. She then proceeded to her shop, obtained a 1 lb. cannister, placed it in a bucket. and held her head over it; and i'zmted the powder. The result: wa$ that the Outhouse was blown to pieces, and the woman was {rightfully burned in the face. Foiled in her attempt to destroy her life, however, she procured asho‘emaker’s knife, and stabbed herself 1n the throat. The villagers whovhad assembled attempted to secure her, when she turned upon one, and followed him some distance. Medical assistance was obtained, but; the woman lies in a dangerous state. u» \v A special telegram to the Times from Calcutta repm'ts that Golwoori, a village of 200 people, on the Bombay and Baroda lrailway. has been the scene of the most _ charge of bigamv. _ ‘18 somewhat p00“i1tu‘. frightful outbreak of cholera ever known; Over halt‘ the population died in three days: The disease appeared at noon on the 4th, and before ,day )tealt next morning there' had been 57 deaths. On the 8111 halfthe survivors fled, but were refused admission by the adjacent villages. The diSease dis; ‘ played extreme virulence, some cases prové ing fatal in twenty minutes. In these cases the ordinary cholera symptoms were absent, and the body at the ï¬rst, stroke of the dis; ease became livid, couvulsed. andxhruuken. There is no resident, doctor in the village, and medical help was some time in arriving. Gross negleLt of sanitary measures is the apparent cause, as it is stated that the peep; 1e were living in inconceivable ï¬lth; The Motherwell police have apprehended a. miner named Andrew Robertson on a 'l‘he history of the case In August1850 be was married in Glasqmv, and some years subsequently, while his ï¬rst wife was still alive, he entered into a matrimonial connect; ion with another woman; For this crime he was charged at the Glasgow Circuit Court on 14th Octoder 1869, and sentenced to eighteen mouths’ imprsioument. 0n gaining his liberty, it is alleged, he married for a third time. the Woman in this case subé anuently Living. lle then came to live in Quarter with a widow, whom he married in the month of'tlulv 1874. The pair did not. live happily together, and a separation took place in about a war. His fourth wife disz Covering a few days since that the ï¬rst one was still alive. brought the case before the police, who are makingr the necessary in-' vestigatious. He was eXamined before Sheriff v)pens on Monday and committed for further examination. THE HERALD.†Ihcummh Humâ€"This; paper takes the place ofthe “York Herald,†and is the property nfM.H. Keefler, Esq. The internal arrangements of the Printing Establishment are undgr the czire and man- agement of Mr. Jas. Wideman, who fora“. long time was one of our employees. The' make-up, and general reading: mattef is good. and the improvements already commenced on the paper, WIN. no doubt. draw new cue: :nmors, I’rotcaiion. as we deï¬ned it, will be udvooated. Tn panties it is Conservative; although its [roprietm‘ is a “Progiessidï¬- isl,†and as such it, has our supple and wellâ€"wishes.â€"Coolislown Advecaté. WHOLE N0. 937’. British and Foreign;