u T HE HERALD,†PUBLISHED EVERY FIPIDA I", Is sent by mail or other conveyance when so dc- . sired for ONE DOLLAR per unnum in advance. I Single copies, three cents. THE HERALD will contain all matters of local importance, articles and cmnmcnts on the po- llticu-l events of the day, the lutest‘ home and foreign news carefully summarized, trustworthy market reports, agricultural m utters and general family reading. Advertisers contracting for space on the second third or fourth pages, for a speciï¬ed time, will be charged, payable quarterly, as follows: One Two Three Six One Month. M onths. Months. Months. Year. Column ...... $10 00 $15 00 $20 00 s35 ()0 s69 00 Half 001...... 8 00 '12 00 15 [)0 20 00 3:) 00 Quarter Col. 5 00 8 00 10 00 15 00 20 00 Three inches 3 00 4 00 5 00 S 00 12 00 TWO inches. 2 50 3 00 3 50 5 00 8 00 One rich"... 1 50 l 75 2 00 3 00 5 00 Twelve lines of Nonpareil comprise an inch. Changes allowed in contract advertisements twelve times a. year; each change over tWeive times will be charged extru, st the followmg rate: column, 351; half column, 600; quarter column and under. 35c. The copy for changes of advertisements np- saring on the second or third pages, must reach she oflice on Monday to secure attention the same week. All lengthy correspondence and advertisements must be received at the oflice not later than Wednesday noon, to secure insertion the current week, but short items of local news and adver- Â¥semcnts will be received up to ten o’clock on hursduy morning. bl. H. KEEFLER, ' Editor, Publisher and Proprietor. RICHMOND ‘2: ’f-‘_.__“’ ""_â€"7â€" “V IN TE MP ERANUE . This subject has been brought before the House of Lords by the Archbishop of Canterbury, moving for a select com- mittee to enquire into the subject and how it has been affected by recent legis- lation and Other causes. He was in- duced to bring forward the question by a memorial 'signed by 8,000 clcrgy of the Established Church. The motion was supported by Lords Houghtou, Aber- deen and Belmorc, and the Bishop of Carlisle. Lord Salisbury, whilst cou- fessing that he saw no practical good to be derived from the motion, would not oppose it. He disapproved of paternal legislation, and was of opinion that the most efleclual means of mitigating the evil complained of was extended educaâ€" tion and religious teaching. In the course of discussion, the Bishop of Peter» borough remarked: “ that although llk' might possibly incur fresh unpopulariiy by it, if he were compelled to make a choice between freedom and sobriety, he should choose the former, and‘he never could support unwise and injudicious legislation intended for suppressmg free. dom, even though they might gain the advantage of sobriety. He did not adâ€" vocate intcmperancc, but he must say that when every one was saying ihcyl must do something, WlillIJuL" deï¬ning: what it. was, it behovcd the Government to pause before, they attempted anything: in the shape of crude legislation. The only way of dealing with it was by mak ing it quite free, and visiting drunken ness with severe punishment, or else prohibiting it altogether by a Maine 'Liquor Law.†We feel inclined to think that the views expressed by the Bishop of Pctcrborough are in the main correct, more especially in the view of the experience we have had of what is .known as the “ Crooks’ †License Act, in this province. 1 l From the reports of Inspectors of Mines, for the year 1875, of Great Britain and Ireland, the aggregate num- 7 ber of persons eiupluyeo during the year, , working above and below gmuud in the ‘1 coal, ï¬reâ€"clay, brimstonc and slate mines, were 535,845 ; of these, 427,017 ‘ were employed under ground, and 108,â€" 282 (of whom (5,504 were females) emâ€" ployed above ground, thus showmg, as pompared with the respective number during 1874, v a decrease of 2,984â€" namcly, mnlcs 2,589, and females 395. 133,306,485 tons of coal; 1.932294 tons of ï¬re-clay; 12,018,594 tons of brimsicuc, and 442,940 tons of slate, etc, were produced in the mines. Com- paring these ï¬gures with the year 1874, an increase is shown of coal 6,710,377 ’t'ous. The fatal accidents amounted to 92,7, and the deaths occasioned thereby reached 1,243,, showing an increase with the number of lives lost in 1874 of 188. One death happened amongst every 430 employed. I The returns show alcss number of persons employed in 1875 than 187$, but there was an increase of 169 mines working, 'and the quantity of mineral raised exceeded that of 1874 by 6,986,â€" 431 tons. The Convention of the Young Men’s Christian Association met last week in ‘ 'Fl‘Cil'ODlO. There were present delegates from thirty states, provindes, districts "and territories to the number of 350 ; _ representing" 147 Associations, of which twenty-one are in :Quebcc and one in Nova Scotiu. There has been, during the year, a clear gain in properly to the amoun-thof $128,843.;- r'h Forty-four Associatious arc gccumuu luting Building Funds, audzthc lol'tll property of Associations amounts to no less than $2,085,295. It is reckoned ' gone great lengths in fame. Ontario, three 'in' that the members in all Associntlons number over one hundred thousand. Mr. George Wilizims, the founder of these Associations, attended the Con- the greatest enthusiasm, thc whole of the vention and was received Willi membch standing upon his entrance to the meeting. The last, Oï¬icial Gazelle gives the re- turn of Donald Guthrie, Esq., for the South Riding of Wellington, but not a word of the two Gibbs. The Toronto National is once more to the fore. By all appearances it will sustain its old reputation of giving full value for the cost of 1t. We wish the proprietors every success. We beg to acknowledge the receipt of the “ New Dominion Monthly," for July. Conrcuts: A visit to St. Helena; The legend of the happy islands; chumscth Hall; Lucky and unlucky; Chebucto, Laura’s great eflbrt, and other articles. Illustration: The late lion. Malcolm Cameron. Published by John Dougall & Son, Mou- tmzil, at $1.50 per annum. Single copies 15 cents. An excellent. number is Bullou’s Ma- gazine for August. It is so light, so brcczy and cheerful that it is just what is needed in warm wcatbcr to make people forget the heat and discomforts of the season. The stories small of the best, the poetry cxcollcnt. and the illus tratious timely and well executed. It is the best publication of its class in the country, and could be read by all. The table of contents is, as usual, up to the mark. Published bp Thomcs & Talbot, 23 Ilawlcy Street, Boston, at $1.50 per your, postpaid, and sold by all the dealers in the country. CREDIT AND CASH.“ A grocer in the town of Santa. Clara, 03.1., has adopted an original method of business. Each side of the store is ï¬tted up for business on its own account. In the general arrangement each side is a duplicate of the other, the difference be- ing that one side is cash and the other credit. When a customer comes in, the ï¬rst question asked is, “Do you wish to buy for cash or on account 7†If it is a cash customer, the goods and prices on the cash side are shown, but if it is one who wants credit, he is shown to the other side, and made to realize the value of ready money. .- WOODEN PAVEMENTS. l After a suflicient comparative trial, the contest between granite, asphalt, and wood for carriage ways has been decided in favor of the last, and the recent con- clusicm of the Corporation of London ggliulluml. , AWL.» . ADVICE TO YOUNG POULTRY BREEDERS. After years of care and patient watch- ing I am prepared to advisc all to make up their minds as to what they want, to to buy as neurwcs they can, and then undertake to work-up ideal themselves. The men who do this are the successful men in poultry breeding, as well as in all other branches of buincss. There are two productions for which fowcl are always in demandâ€"laying eggs, and for ‘poultry, so it is well to keep the breed ‘in the best condition possible, for one or both of these branches of business. And if you can at the same time have them please the fancy of tho fancier, so much the better, as they make boiler customers usual for surplus stock than the butcher. In some localities eggs are worth more than poultry, and it is doâ€" sirablc to have them at :1 particular time of the year. For eggs production the nonâ€"sittch Should be chosen, and they will produce eggs when wanted, and in quantities to suit if properly fed and otherwise cared for. If curly poultry is wanted, the non-sitters of good size are the best to breed from, but if you want to raise poultry to ship late in tall or winter, choose the short-logged Asizitics. I prefer :1 short, stout leg on any fowel. The bodies of such fowcl may not be so stylish, but they mean business, andl keep fowcl for proï¬t. There are several biddics of my acquaintance well up to ten years of agoâ€"of various breeds, and cocks ï¬ve years and more, vigorous as ever. luvariublc such are low and broad, computed with what would be called fancy chickens of some breeds, by fanciergâ€"F’. J.Kinncy, in Poultry Argus. 0L1) IRON. Various good effects are said to be pro- duced by the application of old nails. blacksmith’s waste, iron ï¬lings and the like to the roots of the fruit trees. It is thought. by some to check the black- kuot in the plun, and blight iu the pear. There are wcll»:1tlcstcd instances ofits inducing fruitfulucss in barren trees. It is even said that hanging pieces of old iron in barren trees has made them blos- som and bear fruit. We scurccly bc licvc this, while we have no doubt that the application of old iron waste to the roots of trees as beneï¬cial in more ways than one. It will ccrlainly do good as s mulch, cveu ifit adds no elements of productivcness to the soil. ‘ Ibshkyw, The practical use of fancy work is shown in the dull rooms brightened by gay bunches of wax leaves and flowers ; in the old chairs made fresh and attracs may be regarded as a. ï¬nal COWW‘Wâ€"pmttzpwmught coverings ; in the of that decision. Mr. Heywood, engi- neer for the city, has shown that before a. horse falls he may be expected to travel on granite 132 miles, on asphalt 191 miles and on wood 446 miles; and although between the two last materials there is a. trifling advantage in the cost on the side of asphalt, that is much more than, counterbalanced in other ways. In easy traction and the absence of noise there is no comparTson between wood and granite and since the surface water has been kept out by means of asphalt, wood has become the most durable of pavements. The rapidity with which it can be laid and the ease with which it can be repair- ed are not the least of its merits, while the flooring of planks, which is now laid. as a. superstructure, gives great elasti- city, and, by distributing the weight over the whole pavement, adds to its power of endurance. TURNING PoINrs. From twenty-five to thirty-live is the true time for all the m1ij mi of a, man's best powers, whon pl 0 is at its highcle During: the last of this tlccmle a man should b.- muxluous to construct a system “I yIIJZ-Jsoplhy by which to rule his life, and incoustruct a. chain of habits intelligently, so that they should not sit too tightly upon him, and yet cautiously, so that he should neither be their slave nor too msin cast them aside. The exact proportion of physical and intellectual strength should be gauged, and the coustitutioiml Weak- ness, or, in other words, the «lismse toward which a tendency exists, should be ascertained. Preserve, if possible, the ubsulutc necessity for exercise. Halve your place of business two orihrec miles away, over which let nothing tempt you to an omnibus or car, save rain. From thirty-ï¬ve to forty ï¬ve a mun should arrange with his food and avoid hypo- chond1in. He cannot, it is true, change his predisposition to particular comâ€" plaints, but. he can manage it. The habitual character or food, no loss than its quantity begins to toll whether it charges the system with fat, muscle, sincw, fibre, or watery particles. From forty~fivc to ï¬fty-ï¬ve tho recuperative powers should be encouraged and develop- ed. There is nothing like work to keep an old horse. ' A rest deal of talent is lostin the worl for the want of courage. Every day sends to the grave a. number of obscure men, who have only remained in obscurity because their. timidity has pre- vented thcm from making a. ï¬rst effort and who, if they could have been induced to begin, would in all probability have to do anything in, the world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and the dungcr,but just jump up and scramble through as well as we can. It will not do to be per- petually calculating tasks and adjusting nice changes. It did very well before the flood,where a. man could subsist his friends upon ' an intended publication for a. hun- dred and ï¬fty years,p.nd then live to see ituuccess..aftcrvvard. But at present a ~Juan. waits and doubts, hesitates and con- sults his brother, and his un'clc,a.nd par- ticular friends, until one ï¬ne day he ï¬nds he is sixty years of age, that he has lost so much time in consulting his ï¬rst cousin and puriicu'ur friends that he has no more to follow their advice. , , SicILl vigor ‘ The fact is, _ I save the wages of one man hard sofas rendered inviting by sleeper!- ticing pillows ; in the eyes saved from aching by cunningly-contrived lamps screens ; in the colds prevented by the warm lounge blankets: in the pepch kept in order; in the simple wall ports ' folio, and in the small but tender gift which no money could be spared to buy. ‘ It nccd be only the idlcst of idle hour] that are given to fancy work, and yet a great deal that is charming and useful can be created. Every housekeeper, with limited means and artistic tastes knows what such work can do for her rooms. .Evcry girl Whose life is trying and hard is conScious what a. real luxury it often is to fashion with (left ï¬ngers some dainty knick-kuack. To begin fancy work,with any deï¬nite time for ï¬nishing it, is to make labor out of what should be recreation ;but to have it lying on the table, to catch it up for ï¬ve minutes before tea, or during a neighborly call in the evening, is the way to do it enjoy- .3131]! A... Every housekeeper should have her own recipe-bcokâ€"a book of her own making, of general growth and proved, cxcclleuccâ€" and we propose to show our lady-readers how to make one. In tho i ï¬rst place, buy a. blank book, and write your name and the date on the ï¬rst leaf. Divide the book into as many dc» purtments as you wish, heading each page with the department to which it be: longs, as follows :â€"Recipes for gleuning, recipes for soup, recipes for cooking mea‘ts, recipes for cake, and so on all through the family cooking. Then come cooking for the sick, care for the sick, and all the various things that are a part of woman’s duty, and for which, unfortunately, there is no school but ex- perience. Number your pages if it has not already been done, and make an in- dex, leaving blank spaces in the index to correspond with the blank pages bctween departments which you do not expegt to ï¬ll immediately. Write down under these diï¬â€™ereut heads every recipe which you have actually tried, or the result bl , which you licvc seen in the houses of your friends, and enter the page in the . indfir‘: \ I l “I love no time to read,†is a. com- ;mon complaint among farmers. It is true that for a large portion of the your tlicrc appears to be but little time for a. continuous course of reading, but it’s a. ,great mistake to suppose that nothing ‘ can be rend. Quito much teal good , often comes of some idea. caught in an 1 odd moment, and pondered over until : thorougth digested, as that derived from more continued reading. It light, g cm; toil and quickens the brain to thus 3 work out from some slight sulrgestion a. substuntiul clear deï¬ned conclusion. It ‘ is from the habit of reading and think- ing rather than from the time consumed that gcod is to QUIHO. Knowledge in made up of items, which, if taken alone sccm insigniï¬cant, but when put to» gctlier form a. mine of wealth. The odd moments we are inclined to squander, or devote to physical rest, if properly improved, would soon run Into hours , and days of inculculable value. , , , Housesâ€"The use " of three-horse tcuius is often a. great saving of labor. Thrco horses with a double furrow plow or a wide barrow, 'will often do as mucli as two two-horse teams separately, and CRACKED WHEAT PUDDING. " , CONCRETE HOUSE. SELLING OFF! SELLING OFF! AT COST AND UNDER. I take I. largo coffce~cupfu1 of boiled crncked wheat, four eggs, four heaping tublespoonfuls of coffeeâ€"sugar, on. pull} , of new milk, one piece 'of butter of the size of a walnut, end one fresh lemonâ€"â€" if I can get it. Much the wheat with the potatocâ€"masher (to avoid the lumps) ; add the yolks of the eggs and sugar well beaten together; the butter after it is melted, then the milk, and lastly three or four Slices of the lemon, being careful not to allow the seeds in, as they will make it bitter. Berke oneâ€"half hour or until the custard is set, stirring once or twice after it becomes heated to prevent the wheat from settling to the bottom. Beat the whites of the eggs to a. stiif froth, add a little pulverized sugar, and flavor with the juice of lemon that is left, Vi’hen the pudding is baked spread this, on the top, return to the oven and brown lightly; serve hot, with cream ;or it is equally good when cold. Cracked wheat simply boiled. is a. daily dish on our- brcskfast table ; and as it is almost im- possible to cook just enough, we often licvc I small Iaucerful left. In two or three day: enough will hove accumulated to make this puddingâ€"and to use these precious bits I have improvised this, which has now come to be on. of our- It-andard puddings, and which I now offer to your readers in return for the may practical hints I have received through the columns of your valuable phpeB. fry-fl- as???“ Ants in the House. M :7... “ THE HERALD †, IS PUBLISHED BY W A. has concluded to sell the balance of his Summer Dress Goods, etc†etc, at Cost and under. Now is the time to make your Purchases. M. H. KEEFLER, « queived Tour-day, a. Large, th of Ladieg’ Fana' At {223 Printing Qfllces, Yang‘s: . Street, Richmond Hill, -â€"<:â€"â€"-‘ Another large lat ill Choice will be received his Weak. Enamelled and and Brass Pwserving Kettles, Glass and . f, Stone Preserving Jars. Every Friday “mullingQ All of which is offered as low if not lower than by any in the trade. WM. ATKINSONl CONCRETE HOUSE, Richmond Hill. In some localities small, black ants. are very troublesome, early in the sum- mer. They get into every sweet and sweetened thing to which they can ï¬nd access, and though they tumble into the syrup and commit suicide, in droves as It were, by droves are their lessening num-. bers reinforced. Do they smell out the sugar, and molasses, and preserves 1 Give. them something else to smell. Lay sage leaves or tansy leaves upon your pantry shelves, or in the cupboard, where the sweet things stand, and the fastidious invaders of your sugar-bowl will prefer to go elsewhere in search of food. Only the tightest ï¬tting covers can keep them out. But I am told by one who says she has tried it, that a. little line drawn with chalk on the shelf around an open sugarâ€"bowel proves an impassible barrier to the ants. A dish set into a saucer or plate of water is protected from ants. There is a. little red ant found in some places, which meddles with all kinds of. grease, as well es, With sweets. AT THE “BRITISH FLAG STAFF†A new addition of Dry Goods recaived, consisting of ONLY ONLY ONLY Dress Goods. Prints, Tweeds, Cottonades, Ribbons, Laces, Ladics’ and Misses’ T rimmed and Untrlmmed Hats, Uoitonudes for Boys’ Suits, SUITS MADE TO ORDER. Field and Garden Tools. Scythes, Snaiths, etc. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR: ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR,\‘ Canadian and English Cottons Very Cheap. Good strong cotton Bags, 3. Good Bargain. PtOOM PAPER. FRUIT JARS. Always on hand, a choxcc selection of Fresh Groceries. Flour and Feed for cash. Farmers’ produce taken in exchange at the highest market price. GOODS DELIVERED. IN ADVANCE. IN ADVANCE. IN ADVANCE. A LEX. MOODIE. El’PS’S COCOA. â€"â€" GRATEFUL AND Comrou'rmo. â€"- “By a thorough knowledge ol'ihe natural laws which govern theoperallons ofthgzosiiouaud nutrition. and by ac rcful ap- plication of the fine properties of wel selected cocoa, Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy dociovs’bills. M. H. KEEFLER, It is bv the judicious use of such articles of diet lhal a cousiilutiou ma} be graduallydbuili , l n 'l s - m oi ouch to resisteverylcu ency m f V ilildhdiiset.’Ollluuilrcds of subtle maladies are (SUCCEh-DOR T0 ALEX. SCOTT) floating around us ready to almokwherevsrthere Is a We-ak point, We may escape many a filial shall hv keeping ourselves well fortiï¬ed wuh pure blood and a properly nourished lramc.â€â€"- Civil Sui-vice (:‘uzntlc Sold only in packets lal)nll€dâ€"" JAMES I‘lrps S2130 . Homoeopathic Chemists, 4S 'l'hroadgesdle Shoot, and 170 l’mcadillv, London.†The Publisher is determined to muke it a, Publisher and Proprietor of “ The Herald.†. Live Newspaper ON THE BOOK AND JOB PRINTING NEATLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED. Topics of 1716 Day. Local In (ell'igencc, Rich 0nd H111, entariou Cowwletclllarkctb’qmns, CARRIAGE BUILDERS, RICHMOND HILL, Begs to announce to the inhabitsnts of Richmond Hill and surrounding neighborhood, that. he has built a new Hearse and commenced the UNDERTAKING BUSINESS. Good Selections, Agricultural Matters, .WVL...L“';:L_.W..,...7.râ€"...Â¥L .._...~_.r.-»‘..4 Elf)†Eli/X, Eh?! C H I N E S u A FINE NEW HEARSE FOR HIRE. Funeral Furnishings, Cofï¬ns and (Junkets in every style. Funeral Furnishings supplied at FROM 10 T0 100 DOLLARS. Garden Powder. This reliable preparation cï¬cctuclly DESTIB 0 Y8 INSECTS, GR UBS, D 0L AND CA TERI’ILLA RS, SEEDS: ENNIE’S CATALOGUE, fin mum), GARDEN and FLOW- E It SEEDS, 820., &c., will be forwarded FREE to all intending purchasers on ap- plicaliou. ON FLOWERS, CURRANT BUSI-IES AND C'ARPISN PLANTS. $ $l $| $l $| ll $l $ Full directions for use accompanies ouch box. The several De- partmeuls are ex- ienswo and very complete. c o m -_- Prico 25 Cents. For sale by Druggists und stprckecpors. PgsggETABLE » .HUGH MILLER CQ- Will pay for it one year . A“) 167, King st. East, Toronto. : I ‘ .\.‘. 1-.â€" _m ‘ N _ ‘ . _‘ _m-u FIower Seeds, “ * "" ‘ ““ “M‘ ' fl Pure Grain and Agri culture; Seeds, Newest Potatoes, ac..&o. ol‘ Superior Qual- ity and worthy the attention of pur- chasers. "Special atten- tion is directed to Glover and Something New and Startling! AT THE FIRE PROOF STORE, LARGE CIRCULATION , N e w P y i t s , _ English and American. . Timothy New Dress Goods ‘ S_eed,Hunga»l plan; guild Fancy, man, Taro ' ’ ‘ Miliinery, ' is 1' YL IS H. PARASOLS, TIES, .LACES AND GLOVES In Great Variety, 81.0,, 850., Spot-131,! Inducements to Dealers. Agricultu- ral Societies, l‘urmers’ Clubs. Glniigos, And tillers coloring large quantities. “ SEED STORE †Corner of Adelaide 8:. Jarvis Streets ‘ WM. RENNIE, Toronto. Low flutes of Adwrlz'sing: 1 Torou o. For. 22. lSTV". . 8 'r ' t A u m HOSIERY’ 8' Large Assortment Advertisers will ï¬nd the use of our: c b . New Tweeds, Wbrstexls, Bloc/s Broads, lilac/p Docs, etc. mumps a 6mm DUPLICATES g .____ l 0‘“ ICLGTHINQ MADE TO ORDER Wood or Other Cuts â€"â€" . MADE M SHIRTINGS, ENGLISH AND CANADIAN. . HALF THE USUAL Cosr, Specimen COPY F1994 COTTONS, Bleached. end Unbleached, And with great expedition, at the Staple and Fancy Groceries,0¢'ocliew , Hardware, Etc. ISAA C CROSBY, ,Firc I’roof Store, Richmond Hill. Dominion Stereotype Foundry, ARNPRIOR, ONT. M. H. K EEFLER,’ Send. proof for price, Editor; PUbli.Sh91‘and PF‘QPl‘lBlPL i.‘ \1