u THE HERALD," PUBLISHED EVER Y FRIDA Y, Is sent by mail or other conveyance when so de- sired for ONE DOLLAR per annum in advance. Single copies. three cents. THE HERALD will contain all matters of local Importance, articles and comments on the po- litical events of the day, the latest home and foreign news carefully summarized, trustworthy market reports, agricultural matters and. general family reading. Advertisers contracting for space on the second third or fourth ages, for a speciï¬ed tune, Will be charged, payab e quarterly, as follows: One Two Three Six One . ' Month. Months. Months. Months. Year. Column ...... $10 00 $15 00 $20 00 $35 00 $60 00 Half 001...... 8 00 12 00 15 00 20 00 . Quarter Col. 5 00 8 00 10 00 15 00 Three inches 3 00 4 00 6 00 8 00 Two inches. 2 50 3 00 3 50 6 00 One nch..... 1 50 1 '16 2 00 3 00 6 00 Twelve lines of Nonpnreil comprise an inch.fl| Changes allowed in contract advertisements twelve times a year; each change over twelve times will he charged extra, at the followmg rate : column, $1; half column, 600; quarter column and under, 85c. The copy for changes of advertisements tip- caring on the second or third pages, must reach ills oflioe on Monday to secure attention the same week. All len th corres cndence and advertisements must begrezeived gt the oflice not later than Wednesday noon, to secure insertion the current week, but short items of local news and adver~ nisements will be received up to ten o’clock on d rn’ . . Thurs 6y m0 mg M. H. KEEFLER, Editor, Publisher and Proprietor. THE HERALD. RICHMOND HILL, JULY 28, 1876. «’58?- 8888 THE YORK MEMBERS. NO. I. We have now had some three years of Grit rule, and the period has been so pregnant with disaster to the material in- tcrests' of the Dominion, that apart from and beyond the natural disgust created by the unmasked hypocrisy of the pre- sent Ministry and their allies, a restless and uneasy desire for some remedial change is manifesting itself in every section of the community. The Mac- kenzie-Cauchon-Blakc Government has yet two years before it ere their reign expires by cfl'luxion of time,and it is dif- ï¬cult to predicate whether they will hang on to the end with the desperate tenacity of men who see nothing in the future but dishonorable extinction, or whether they will make a new departure and go to the country in the hope of humbugging the people once more, and so secure a further lease of power. We are inclined to believe that the ï¬rst course will be chosen. We think they must see the “ handwriting on the wall†too clearly to risk an appeal to the people, although we should confess: no surprise were they to come down pcxt session flat-footed on a measure of pro- tection, it would be only smashing the strongest plank in‘their platform, only going back once more on their principles, to them a congenial task ; moreover, they have become so wedded to a system of hypocrisy and. deceit that they can perhaps scarcely yet harbor a doubt of its eï¬icacy. However, take which course they will, it will be the country’s own’ fault if it is burthened more than two years longer with these men, at once so incapable and dishonest. The issue was fairly fought out in the Ontarios, where in strong Reform constituencies oppon- ents to the Government were elected, despite the strongly exerted influence of both Governments, because Reformers would no longer stand by a Government composed of men openly and shamelessly violating every pledge and profession on which they fought their way into power. Nor is this feeling conï¬ned to the On- tarios; the great bulk of the rank and and ï¬le of the Reform electorate were honest in their faith and ï¬rmly believed in the blatand intriguers who stumped the’oountry for years with loud profes- sions of purity on their lips, but rank corruption in their hearts. And as these constituencies went, so will others go; the people’s eyes are opened, they only want what is right, - and see now how grossly Sir John Macdonald and his as- sociates were maligned by the corrupt ring who now hold thE reins. This then being the situation and present staTe of the public feeling, we propose to con. sider, briefly, the political status and character of the representatives of this county, so that the minds of the people may be turned directly to this question, and their thoughts assume deï¬nite shape preparatory to decided action when the time comes. And ï¬rst in the order of priority, as our senior Member we will take James Metoalfe, Esq, M. P. for East York. Our task in this instance will, fortuna- tely, be a very light one, the portrait, although of life size, need occupy no more space thana minature. In the abstract, we may say at once that this gentleman scarcely possesses the essen- tials of a representative of an enlight- ened constituency. He is neither a man of large intelligence nor even afluent speaker. We believe he never made a remark, moved a. resolution, or brought in a Bill since he entered the House, some ten years since. In one sense, in- deed, he has brought in a Bill, viz: one for his indemnity for loss of time, etc., while serving his country in Parlia- ment , this Bill amounts to upwards of ten thousand dollars, and we should like any man in this riding to point out the value we have received for this large sum, nay, can any man point out when and where we have received value for a tenth part of it ? We sent him to Ot- tawa to represent the country at large, and this riding in particular. What has he done for either ? Would not the country and East York have been as well oï¬â€˜ without him during all these years ‘2 and the ten thousand dollars saved. These are plain questions, let each elector apply them to himself; and then work out the answer. There can be nothing gained in sending to Parlia- ment a man who knows nothing of the businbss of the country, it only exposes the constituency to ridicule. That our member is in this position we take it for granted. or his yoice would have been heard at least occasionally on our behalf, through all these years so fraught with questions of vital interest, but he was either unable to deal with these questions or took no interest in them, in either case sure a. most objectionable representa- tive. We are aware that it is often urged against an indictment like this, that the representative, inefï¬cient in re- spect of natural ability or acquired know- ledge, is yet a square, honest man who always makes his word good and votes right. Well, we readily grant the im- portance of selecting an honest man, although we fear there is but little ad- vantage to be gained if he is either un- acquainted with or unable to deal with the duties he is engaged to fulï¬ll. If we hired a man to drive our team, and had to employ a second to hold the reins, there would be but little consolation in discovering that the ï¬rst was toohonest to embezzle the horse feed. Yet failing in any better, we are willing to submit Mr. Metcalfe this test, and in ï¬xing a starting point, we may assume that a representative would be considered hon- est who acts up to the pledges he made while seeking election. When so situ- ated, our member’s principal war cry was against the extravagance of the late Government. Has he ever raised his voice against the present men, while they increase the expense of every de‘ partment, adding three millions to our taxation. No contract, said he should be entered into without having been ï¬rst approval of by Parliament. Has he ever lifted, up his voice against the action of the Ministry in taking power to deal with millions without this safe- guard. He denounced coalitions as an unmixed evil, fruitful of every political sin. Has he ever condemned the pre- sent unholy combination of Mackenzie, Scott, Blake, Cauchon and the rest, on the contrary. he is the servile supporter of this corrupt ring. We use the term advisedly, because they have been separ- ated during their life time by opinions and principles as widely sundercd as the poles, united now, not by agreement on, but by a sacriï¬ce of, cardinal principles, power and pelf',be1ng their sole incen- tive in combining to, betray and defeat the late Government. Tried, therefore, by this test, we ï¬nd our member utterly wanting, and we submit that as the time approaches when we must again select, we should cast about in good season and choose {a man who will do us credit, either as possessing ability or honesty. Why not both? in choosing anew we may surely do much better while we have the comforting assurance that we can in no case do worse, CON SIS TENT IN THEIR INâ€" C ON SI S TE N C Y. The time was when the Toronto organ of the present Government was made a common sewer for the receptacle of all the ï¬lth and dirt that could possibly be heaped upon Sir dohn Macdonald (when he was Minister of Justice) by the country press, then opposed to him and his Government. Now, forsooth, some of that same press ï¬nd it very convenient to crawl out of the vicious assault made upon Mr. Justice Wilson by the Globe, by ï¬nding fault with strictures made upon the conduct of Mr. Blake because he is Minister of Justice, and, therefore, out of the reach and above being found iault with, altogether ignoring the fact that there is a great difference in the positions of Mr. Wilson and Mr. Blake, the latter being amenable to the popular vote. When our Judges come to be elected by the people that diï¬erence will cease to a great extent, but we question the holding of such language, under any circumstances, as the following, taken from the Globe’s attack on Mr. Wilson : “We cast back on Mr. Wilson his indolent and slanderous interpretation. The letter was not written for corrupt purposesâ€"it was not written to interfere With the freedom of electionsâ€"it was not an invitation to anybody to concur in committing bribery and corruption at the pollsâ€"and be he Judge or not who says so. the statement is false.†Whilst at the same time we believe no man’s acts, however high his position may bc,arc above a just and fair criticism. We conclude with giving our readers.I the beneï¬t of the following choice morsel clipped from a county paper : to the smallest penny whistle denounces in unmeasured terms the strictures of the Globe on J udga Wilson’s action in the suit of Simpson vs. Durham News, and the friends of these journals take up the bowl. While on the other hand the Mail can and does accuse the Minister of Justice, (who is at the very front'of our judicary) of all kinds of partiahty and favoritism and comments very se- verely thereon. If it is wrong to criti- cise the actions of aJudge it must be equally wrong to censure the motives of a Minister of Justice. But it is a case of “ your bull gored my ox,†which naturally alters the case.†“ The Opposition press from the Mail,1umtmted New“ THEN AND NOW. On the let of June, 1864, the Globe thus writes of Mr. Carwright’s speeches on the ï¬nances: “Since the member for Lonnox and Addington has, bye little ï¬guring, succeeded so much to his own satisfaction in confuting his own gest tlmt he should keep himself at the ï¬guring business. His party is just now in need of the services of aman good at mixing and muddling ï¬gures. The Weekly Globe of the 24th of July, 1876, thus discourses of him: “ The Finance Minister’s speech on in- troducing lllS Budget was certainly his ï¬nest effort, and completely carried the House with him.†What a vast differ- ence it makes to the Globe when in op- position to, a in favor of, its friends. A Supreme Court J edge in the States, suggests a plan to prevent drunkenness by allowing every person to sell as much liquor as he pleases without license, but would require those who drink to apply for a license, and to give notice for such application by publishing it for one month in some oiï¬cial or county news- paper, and then if there is no objection to enter into a bond for good behavior before the authority to drink is granted. This plan is worthy of the support of those who desire to suppress the uses of the intoxicating cup, and recommends itself to the support of the pressin the shape of additional advertising being necessary. The Free Trade speakers and organs, which contend that the importation of Wheat from the United States to Canada does not lower the price of wheat pro- duced by the Canadian farmer, are. re- quested to consider the following facts furnished by‘the Essex Times : “A short time since, Mr. Mark John- son, of Comber, took a load of wheat to the Chatham market for sale, having been informed that the market price for the quality he had was $1.05 per bushel. On reaching Chalham be, however, found that the leading grain buyers of the town had just received a cargo of 16,000 bushels from the United States, the importation of which had affected the price of Canadian wheat seven cents less than it was worth two days previous, i before the United States’ cargo came in. ’ This is a fact which cannot be contro- verted, ,and as an ounce of practice is worth a ton of theory, we commend the example to the farmers of Ontario ask- ing them to carefully consider it. CHEESE MAKING IN 0 But a few years since hardly a cheese factory could be found in a week’s travelling the country, but at the present time there is hardly a county in Ontario in which there cannot be found several which annually turn out thousands of pounds. The process which the milk undergoes while being made into cheese is interesting to one who sees it for the ï¬rst time. The farmers either sell the milk or take a share in the cheese which is made at the factory the milk being taken up every morning, and at some factories both morning and evening. The milk when received is weighed, then run into a vat where it is heated to a certain temperature, and by the action of renet the curd is separated from the whey which is drawn oil the curdâ€"the the curd is then dipped into the zincs when it is salted and thoroughly mixed by hand and where any whey which may still remain in it drips through the ï¬ne sieve like bottom of the zinc. After being thoroughly mixed in the zines the the curd is ready for the wrappers and pressers which shape the cheeses After remaining in the press for about twenty- four hours, the cheese is taken from the press and Stored in the curing or drying room where they remain from two weeks to a month, or longer, when after being A FINE NE W and its particular brann marked on it and boxed, the cheese is ready for mar- ket. At the present time a cheese is made about ï¬fteen inches in diameter and weighs, when fully cured, about ï¬fteen pounds; formerly the cheese were made larger, but of late years have been made the size stated. The season com- mences at the factories about the ï¬rst of May and with most closes during Oct. though some continue longer. It takes about ten pounds of milk to make a pound of cheese and while some of the farmers only send from 50 to 60 pounds of milk a day to the factory some send as many as 600 or 700 pounds, or even more than that, A great deal of cheese which is manufactured in Canada is shipped to England and France. Our Canadian manufacturers of cheese have made a creditable exhibition of cheese at opinion of a year ago. We would Bug‘. the Centennial Exhibition, and we hope they make a still greater show in Oct., when another exhibition of cheese takes place at the Centennial.â€"-Canadian When people feel the need of an acid, if they would let vinegar alone, and use lemon or sour apples they3wpuld‘feel just as well satisï¬ed, and recieve, no injury. And a suggestion may not come amiss as to a good a plan when lemons are cheap in the market. A person should, in those times, purchase several dozen at oncecnd perpare them for use in the warm days Of spring and summer, when acids, especially citric and malic or the acids of lemon and ripe fruits. are so grateful and useful. Press your hand .on the lemon. and roll it backand forth briskly on the table to make it squeeze more easily; then press the juice into a bowl or tumbler, â€"never into tin; strain out all the seeds, as they give a bad taste. Remove all the pulp from the peels and boil in water,â€"a pint to adozeh pulps,â€"-to extract the acids. V A few minutes’ boiling is enough, then strain the water with the juice of the lemons, put a pound of white so at to a pint of the juice, boil ten minutes, bottle it, and your lemon- ade is ready. Put a tablespoon or two of this lemonvsyrup in a glass of water, and you have a cooling, healthful drink. “The ï¬rst bird ‘1 shot in Ameriky,†said an Irish sportsman, "was a pork line. I (reed him under a hay-stack, shot 1m with a barn-shovel- The ï¬rst time I hit him I missed him, and the second time I hit. him In the same place where I missed him the ï¬rst time. EPPS’S COCOA.-â€"GRA'I‘EFUL AND Comroa'rluc. â€" "By a thorough knowledge oflhenaturnl|awswhichgoverntheopcralions ofdigeslionand nutrition. and by nonreful ap- plication of the ï¬neproperlies of well-selected cocoa, Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet lhnl a constitution may be gradually built up until slrong enough to resist every lendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are ï¬onlingarouud usl'endy to atlackwhereverthore is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shall by keeping ourselves well forliï¬ed with pure blood and a properly nourished lrame."-â€"~ Civil Service Gazelle. Sold only in packets labelledâ€"°* JAMES [Cops & Co . Homoeopathic Chemists. 48 ’l‘hcendneedle Sheet, and 170 Piccadilly, London." giantess. BEFORE GOING ELSEWHERE, TRY THE lsT PRIZE sanans ESTABLISHMENT, Richmond Hill. Constantly on hand, a large as- _ N ,5, sortment of SINGLE ll llllUllE HARNESS AT ALL PRICES. WM. HARRISON. THE CIRCULATION OF mm “THE HERALD â€, RAPIDLY INCREASING. A.WRIGT & SON, CARRIAGE BUILDERS, RICHMOND HILL, Begs to announce to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and surrounding neighborhood, that he has built a new Hearse and commenced the UNDERTAKING BUSINESS. __ FOR HIRE. Funeral Furnishings, Coï¬ins and Caskets in every style. Funeral Furnishings supplied at FROM 10 To 100 DOLLAFS. DUPLICATES Wood, or Other Cuts MADE AT ‘ HALF ,THE USUAL Cos'r, And with great expedition, at the Dominion Stereotype Foundry, ARNPRIOR, ONT. Send proof for price. GOODS DELIVERED. N e W P 1' :I. n t S , English and American. New Dress Goods, CONCRETE HOUSE. SELLING OFF! SELLING OFF! “THE HERALD†AT COST AND UNDER. IV. A. has concluded to sell the balance of his V Summer Dress Goods, etc†etc., at Cost and under. Now is the time to make your Purchases. Received. EEOâ€"day, a. Large Lot of Ladies’ Fans. Another [alga lul of Choice llgE will be received this Week. Enamelled and and Brass Preserving Kettles, Glass and Stone Preserving Jars. ' All of which is offered as low if not lower than by any in the trade. WMr ATKINSONI IS PUBLISHED BY M. H. KEEFLER. At Ins Printing Oï¬ices:Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, CONCRETE HOUSE, Richmond Hill. . ' AT THE “BRITISH FLAG STAFF†A new addition of Dry Goods received, consisting of Dress Goods, Prints, Tweeds, Coltonaoles, Ribbons, Laces, LadiesY and Misscs’ Trimmed and Unm'mmeol Hats, Uottonacles for Boys’ Suits, SUITS MAbE To ORDER. Field and Garden Tools. Scythes, Snaiths, etc. Canadian and English Cottons Very Cheap. Good strong cotton Bags, 9. Good Bargain. ROOM PAPER. Always on hand, a choice selection of Fresh Groceries. Farmers’ produce taken in exchange at the highest market price. ALEX. MOODIE. M. H. KEEI‘LER, (SUCCESSOR T0 ALEX. SCOTT) Publisher and Proprietor of “ The Herald.†BOOK AND JOB PRINTING NEATLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED. Richmond. H111, Ontario. CHINESE Garden Powder. This reliable preparation effectually DESTROYS INSECTS, GRUBS, AND CA TERPILLARS, 0N FLOWERS, CURRANT Busnns AND GARDEN PLANTS. - Full directions for use accompanies each box. Price 25 Cents. For sale by Druggists and storekeepers. HUGH MILLER 8; C0. 167, King st. East, Toronto. Something New and Startling! AT THE FIRE PROOF STORE. Plain and Fancy. New M1111nery, ' .S' T Y L I S H. w In Great Variety. HOSIERY, a. Large ASsortment. New Tweeds, Worsteds, Black Broads, Black Does, etc. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER SHIRTINGS, ENGLISH AND CANADIAN. COTTONS, Bleached and Unbleached. Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Etc. ISAAC CROSBY, Fire Proof Store, Richmond Hill. FRUIT JARS. Flour and Feed for cash. TIES, LACES AND GLOVES ONLY ONLY ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. IN ADVANCE. IN ADVANCE. The' Publisher is delex‘mined/ to make it a Live Newspaper ON THE Topics of the Day, Local Intelligence, Complete Market Hepmls, Good Selections, Agricultural Matters, Etc, Etc., Etc. ONE DOLLAR $$I$I$I$I$I$|$ Will pay-for it one year LARGE CIRCULATION 1 Low Rates of Advertising. Adverlisers will ï¬nd the use of our columns a beneï¬t. Specimen Copy Free. M. H. KEEFLER' Editor, Publisher and Proprietor.