Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 4 Aug 1876, p. 1

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-â€"_-vâ€"--. - u-.\ V. --, --.v.-..u.uu '- Aucfloneer Im‘ the Comity of Yprkmpect- fully; solicits 'ymn' patronage and ffiendly influ- encew' Sales attended on the shortest notice and a,_t {amenable rates. P. 0; address, Victoria ‘NT 0. ADAMS, L.D.S., SURGEON - Dentist, 95 King street East. Toronto. ,SA'MUEL MLBROWN, LICENSED LII‘annfinv mm u... n,...'.x..v A: in...» nu.” FL U Auctioneer tor thé Obdnty of York, respect- fully solicits your patronage and friend”! influâ€" engo. Sul’es attended on the shortest uotfibe, and at feafibnuble'tates. P. 0. address, Teaton. Aucflonear for the county of York, respect- fully solicits your patronage and friendly influ- nnm.,£ales,attencled on the shortest notice and at‘t‘eaaohfi’oierates. P. 0. Address, King. 0 r Aucsi'oneer far the counties of York, Peel, Ontario anti Simcoe ;‘ also Valuatbr nnd' Commis- sion ‘ agent. ' P. 0. Address, â€" Bloomington. I3:- Changiry sales attended to. Parties requir: ing Mr.'Pfl. te‘rson’s Services can make arrange- ments and. obtain particulars us to terms, etc., at Tm! HERALD Offices. U RIS’I‘ERB, eta, Union Block, corner Toronto and Adelaide Sta. (opposite the new Post Office), yToronto. F. 03mm. J muss BETKUNE. W. G. FALCONBBIDGE. CHARLES Moss. N. W. HOYLES. J. H. THOM. V' ‘0 Dentist, 95 King street East, Toronto. Best mineral teeth inserted in a; manner to suit each patient. Particular attention given to the preservation and reduletion 'of the natural teeth, carefully avoing a1? unnecessary pain. A. W.- SPAULDING. Assistant. Uo NEWMARKET. on, Sun- GEON DENTIST. would respectfully : announce that he will visit; Rich- mond Hill the 18th of each month, at Palmer's Hotel; also attend. the following places, profasv .Uionally, Sundays excepted: AMES 0. STOKES, LICENSED Auctioneer for the cnnntv nf Vm'k I‘nflnnnf. fl - Method of extracting teeth without pain, by the use of Ether Spray, which affects the teeth only. The tooth and gum surrounding be- comes insensible with the external agency, when the tooth can be extracted with no pain and without endangering the life. as in the use of chloroform. Dr. Robinson will be at the follow- ing places pre axed to extract teeth with his new apparatus. olfice operations in Dentistry performed in a. workmaufike manner: Aurora, 151;, 3rd, 16th and 22nd of each month Newmarket .................. 2nd 30 Richmond Hillt 9th and 24th 0 x Mt. Albert 15th do Thornhill . 23rd do Mia ........ . 26th do B‘uzwick . 28th do Kleiaburg... , 28th do “able‘ton . 30th do J- . Drugs, Medicines, Wines and Liquors for medicinal purposes, Groceries, eth Thornhill. By Ba 51 Letters Patent has been appointed Is- suer 0 Marriage Licenses. D‘ANIEL KINNEm LICENSED. Auétioneér for thé Ghfintv of York runner-t; _â€"- ~n.-.w-/-J lI-UVL‘, V .L,h’ U~1.' .Ua, J U corner of Yonge and Centre streets, Rich- mond Hill, may be consulted personally or by letter on all diseases of horses, cattle, etc. Horses stamina! M (.0 soundness. also bought and sold A- A‘..__a-..: A- HALp'u‘AA'KVUL‘ w UVL‘U, Ulllfl’ fl 0 MISTS and Druggiats, cgrner of Yonge and Centre streets, Richmond Hill. Special ab- mfion paid to prescriptions. HOMAS CARR, DEALER 1N Druds. Medicines. VVimaa and Tn'nnnr: fnr U Sur eon and Accoucheuin Office, corner of Yonge an Centre Streets, Richmond Hm. ,.. -u.-.‘-u w uxuuLLLu, ! D Barristers. Solicitors in Chancery, Notaries Public, etc. Offices-56 King street East, Toronto, two doors east 01' Toronto street. W. H. BEATTY. W. NICHOLAS MILLER. E1)me M. CHADwxcx. C. R. W. 1316an. D. E. THOMSON. DR. JAS. LANGSTAFF, RICH- MOND HTT‘T. wm ha dang-'01!“ x". 4mm, U MOND HILL, will be generaliy berféu’xla at home from 2 to 8 o’clock, p. m. GEO. BROWN, M.D., PHYSICIAN finrnnnu and Annnllnhnuv nan,“ -nw“. A: 1) GAR. Bafiisters, Attomeys-ut-Law, Solici- tors in Insolvency, etc. REATTY, MILLER & BIGGAR, i 5th 36 142911111: Albert. 8121: do Smdford ., 10th do Stouflvme 14th do Markham” . 16th do Aurora. . . . V . . , V V , 20th do All bunches of Dental surgery attended. to. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate. JOHN STEPHENSON, CLERK & Treasurer of Markham Townshin. Clerk of .Afivm‘flamants without written instructions «wan be Wed until forbid and charged transient BEATTY, CHADWICK & BIG- GAR. Ban-intern Afifnn1nvc_n+_7.nw can": 1’ Treasurer of Markham Township, Clerk of Division Court, Division Registrar, eta, Main 615., Unionvflle. will be at Halls Hotel, Markham, every Monday, from 0 mm. to 4 rum” to attend to busineog in connection wxbh the Conn}. .u TERS, Attorneys, Solicimz‘éâ€"inâ€"élififiééf}, 6150., 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), Toronto. FERGUSON, BAIN & MEYERS Ban-intern, Atfnmnvamtrnw qn1qnum-:_ l- - 'Bapisters, Aftomeys-athW, Soliéiiér‘isV-ivxly- Chancery. Conveyancers, etc. Officesâ€"Nos. 2, 4 and 8 Ontario Hull, Court street, Torqnto. Tnoms mevspn, Qg ETHUNE, OSLER& MOSS, BAR RIS'I‘ERH. eta“ Uninn Rlnnh mum nv WIN-Md, r ’ ' " “ ~‘1 Attorney, Solicitor-in-Chancery, Convey- mmenetac. Oflicaâ€"NOG Royal Insurance Build ingl, Toronto street, Toronto. OULTBEE & EVA'I‘T. BARRTSâ€" TERS. Attornevs. SO]inih‘n‘flâ€"in-nhnhnnw Adyertisaments will be inserted. on this page at i the following rates : W Cards, one yam- ....... .“34 00 Do six months.“ . 2 60 Do three months ............ . 1 50 Twiqu advertisements, first inselfion, per inch ....................................... 75 In}: mbseqent insertion, per inch ......... 25 1Lth comprises twelve lines of Nonpm-eil. A Condensed advertisements. under the headings : Y' eclalities." " strayed," “Lost or Found," “ For “in! To Let," “Wanted,” etc., each insertion 25 EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, as his infing offices, Yonge Street Richmond Pr Hill, Ontario. ’ Tm of Subscription: $1.00 per annum in sauna. ~ THE HERALD. Nitrous Oxide Gas always on hand at Aurora. yeywkefi ‘ ALFRED BOULTBEE. WM. WoR'rs EVATT. H. SANQERSON, G.T.V.0 .‘7".7P'A»T'IV‘E RSON, ‘ LICENSED ROB} N s 0 NS, L.D.S., NEW SANDERSON & SONS, CHE Ms“ MALLOY, BARRISTER VOL. XVIII, N O.’ 10‘ . H. KEEFLER, @mtinumfi. ADA»? ii. ané; gnaw. PUBLISHED BY gammy, L.D.s., 3rd of each month -d and 9;; do Joazi BAIN. ‘ De osits not exceeding $100 may be withdrawn at ca 1; $100 and upwards subject to thirty days' notice, or a. reduction of thirty days’ interest, at the option of the Directors. To be entitled to in- terest, deposits must remain in the Company three months. Interest calculated from the first i and 15th day of the month. ~ [ The whole Assets of the Compan are invested on the security of Real Estate and Iunicipal De- ! ‘ bentures, thereby giving the depositors un- I- doubted security for all money left with this 4 i Company. VI 1 ,_ V1 STABLESâ€"Hm‘ses and Vehicles for hire Charges moderate. Opposite Sanderson & Sons JOHN BROWN; Proprietor. keeps con§tu‘ntly on hand all kinds of wood, which will he 591d for the' lowest mm'kac price. 061'. Yonge 'atid Céhtre St, Richmond Hill. l 0 ftbctm'ers of and Dealers in Granite and Marble Monuments, Headstones, etc, Ringwood, Out. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1 CIAL Land Surveyor, Civil Engineer and Draughtsmml. Orders by letter should state the concession, lot and character of survey, the sub- scriber having the 01d FIELD NOTES of the late D. GIBSON and other surveyors, wruch should be co‘nsulted in many cases as to original monu- ments, etc.,‘previous to commencing work. Office at Willowdale, Yonge at, in the township of York. I’. ‘VIDEMAN is also issuer of Marriage Li- censes. Residenbeâ€"Eingmmd, Ont. V I ERSY Richmond Hill; have always bn hand the best of beef, mutton, lamb,'veu.l, pork, sunsages,etc., and sell at the lowest prices for cash. 'Also corned and spiced beéf, smoked and dried hams. The highest market price given for cattle, sheep, lambs, etc. Also the Store and Dwelling House and Garden, containing half an acre of choice fruit trees, oc- cupied by Mr. A. Moodie, subject to an unexpired lease. Apply to Parties desifcus 01 becoming members can for- ward their names to‘ Mr John Gibson, President. Millikan 0 Mr H J ennings, Treasurer, Victoria Square P 0 Mr S T Hu‘mberstone, Sec'y, Newtonbrook P O For sale on reasonable terms, the Houses and lot comprising half an acre of land, with excel- lent garden and orchard, lying south of Mr. A. L. Skeele's shop and north of Mr. Alex. Moodie'a store, in the village of Richmond Hill. A good business stand. Great Expectations, Sketches by 1302, Barnaby Nudge, Old Curiosity Shop, Hard Times, and other stories. By Charles Dickens. TWENTY‘~FIVE CENTS EACH. ICHMOND HILL L I VE R Y STABLESAâ€"Hm‘ses and Vehicles for hire. ETER S. GIBSON, PROVIN- CIAL Land Survevor. Civil Engineer and THE NATIONAL LIFE Insurance Company. CAPITAL, $1,000,000. Surplus, - -7$1,528,476. A strong stock company, With low rates, dqfinite contracts and liberal policies. Insurance effected on the most liberal terms. WILLOUGEBY Cummas, ent. Toronto street, 'oronto. Full information can be had. at TEE HERALD Office. Richmond Hill. 011 Centre fittceb west, Richmond Hill. Apply to “7001) YARDâ€"JOHN BROWN keeps constantly on hand all kinds of HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE AT RICHMOND IIILL. This Company advxmces Money on the security of improved City or Country Property, re-puyable by means of a Sinking Fund, which is found to be the surest and easiest mode of repaying uloan. [3? See our reduced 101m table. For furtherr midfifiéfléflififiy at at the Offices of the Company. WALTER S. LEE, Manager. W. Warwick and other collars, card board, carbonic paper, Mucilage, etc. : also a few numbers of the Life of ng William III, Pxice 50 cents. ” Edith Lvle,” by Mrs. Mary J. HoImes, author of “Tempest and Sunshine," etc. Price ‘75 cents. Money received on deposit, and interest allowed at the rate of six per cent. per annum, com~ pokundeq‘hulf yearly,“ HON. GEO. W. ALLAN, Senator, President. Samuel P1att.M.P., .................. Vice-President. DIRECTORS â€" William Gooderham, Geo. W. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, George Gooderham, Hon. D. L. Macpherson, Senator. Capital, $800,000; Total Asse 1 9063 - . serve Fund, $203,500. “'3 ' ’ 08' Re J 1- Insurance and Real Estate Agent. Deâ€" osits received, subject to demand; with interest. Bonus negotiated. Debentures for 8916. Oflice, 20.; Adelaide street East, Toronto, a few doors west of the Post Office. TEEFY, N. LYNETT, (as éxecubora of Hie estate of the late Martin Brennan) Richmond Hill.â€" “’1 LOAN 0N FISTâ€"CLASS MORTGAéE SECURI- TYâ€"in sums from 3500 upwards. A ply to M. T‘E‘I‘EFXAN.‘ J‘YNEET, (as exgqugora o ithe estate iV-A mortgage of farm pro erty, at eight per cent. interest, in sums to suit orrowers. No com- missioy‘; Apply to BLAKE & KINGSFORD, 10 Ademide St. East, Toronto. :NIONEY TO LEND.â€"$2,000 TO LOAN 0N wm'r‘_nr..\nq anmurm £11311th April 11, 1876. ONEY TO LEND ON FIRST -_ I mortgage of farm property, at eight per ‘VESTERN CANADA LOAD AND SAVINGS: nmmrunv ,USI ,_1N_,AT F I HE ‘wo VILLAGE LOTS ' F o R s A L E , UST RECEIVED AT THE Herald book é‘ fancy store, IBERAL CONSERVATIVE AS f H. &”R. 'PUGSLEY, BUTCH- East Riding of York. SOCIATION FOR THE & L. C; WIDEMAN, MANU- SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. AND SAVINGS COMPANY. V Officesâ€"No. 70 Church street, Toronto. WILLIS, BANKE R. BROKER Herald Book Store. “gtimllnnmnfi. MON}? T0 LOAN. JAMES M. JENKINS, Laskay P.0‘ Or to M. TEEFY, 6. Richmond Hill. 5m 3m. JAMES WIDEMAN, HERALD Oflice gammy. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFYCE. â€" Mails close as follows: Morningâ€"Going south, West and east, including Maple, Thornhill, Toronto, Markham, etc, at, 6:45; going north. 6:45. Eveningâ€"Going south, east and west, um 6:45. Registered letters must be handed in fifteen minutes earlier. NORTHERN RAILWAYâ€"Trains pass Richmond Hill station as follows: moving south at 9:10 am, 1230 p m, and 8:26 pm; moving north, at.8:18 a In, 1:30 p m, and 5:13 p m. Mr Palmer's 'bus meets the morning tmin moving north and evening train moving south. THE Pnoc'ron STAGE LINE.â€"Rllns in connection with the Northern Railway, meeting the morn; ing train moving south and the evening train moving north. Passengers leave the Dominion Hotelut 8:10 a. m, mrivmg in Toronto at 10:20; and retumiug‘leove ‘City gall staition My 4'10 proprietor. RICHMOND HILL OMNIBUSâ€"Runs daily, leaving the Stage Hotel, Richmond Hill, at, 7:30 am, arriving in Toronto at 10:30 a m, and returning; leaves the Commercial Hotel, Jarvis st, at 3:20 p m, and the Bay Horse Hotel, Yonge st, at 3:30 p 111. Single tickets, 40 cents; return, 75 cents. John Palmer, jr, proprietor. to a ten foot lever 'with its bearings in the middle;- At the end of the lever was a‘tin milk pail, and set above the pail- was an- ordinary funnel Supplying the bottom to a. bushel box filled; with fine sand. This sand was allowed to run into the pan ; and when the pressure was sufficient to mm'e the lever, a string unloosened the funnel, "and the balance of the sand dropped suddenly into the pan, moved the lever, and so the board ignited the matches, thus firing the barn. A belated traveller passing“ discovered the thing in working order, rushed in and saved it, and presented it to the in- surance adjuster as an evidence of the ingenuity of man. The Hartford Phoenix Insurance Com- pany lately unearthed the latest incen- diary device in connection with an $1, 000 barn loss in Sclmharie county,.NeW York. The apparatus consists of ‘a bdzii‘d Covered with sand paper that” faces another board filled with matches, set in a parallel position so that the 51114 phur of the matches can rub against the sand; These were set against a hay mow z‘md with thematch-fllled board attached The matter of advertising, as 8. ha:- iness is often misunderstood. It is an undeniable rule of the trade that ad- vertising pays. Of course the same judgment and prudence must be exer- cised in advertising as in any other part of one’s business. If that is not done, instead of paying it may become a; source of loss; It is more necessary to advertise now than it was fifty or one hundred years ago. People are more busy now than they were then. They have less time and leisure to look about for what they want. They look to the newspapers to learn where their wants can be supplied, and they accept it as a settled rule that a man who advertises the commodities which he has to dis- pose of, instead of waiting for people to find out the fact for themSelves, Is the best man to deal with, and most likely to give satisfaction. W ST. MARY'S EPISCOI’AL CHURCHâ€"services at 3 p m, except the third Sunday of evary month, when the services and sacrament are held at 11 a 111. Sunday school at 1:30 p 111. Rev 1“. Shanklin, Rector. METHODIST CHURCH OF CANADA-891‘Vices at 10:30 a m. and 6:80 p m; Sunday school at 2:30 p m; prayer meeting every Thursday evening and S S Teuchers‘ meeting on Friday evening. J Herbert Starr, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADAeservices at 11 o’clock u. 111; Bible class on Sunday evening at 6:30 o‘clock. Rev J Dick, Pastor. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHâ€"services in order as follows; Thornhill at 9:00 a m, and Richmond Hill at 10230 a m; the following Sunday at Richâ€" mond. Hill at 9:00 a m, and Thornhill at 10:30 1). ml alternating with Markham every third ,,_,7 A.._, 2 A. L. skeeIe, W. M. RICHMOND L. O.L.,No.778.~Meets in the Temâ€" porrmce Hall, on the Friday on or before full moon, at 8 o’clock p.n1. J. R. Boothby. W. M. RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, No. 465, I. O. G. T.â€" Meets in the Temperance Hall, every VVednesâ€" day evening, at 8 o‘clock. Wm. Harrison, T. D. CRYSTAL LODGE, No. 372, U. T. O.-Meets in the Masonic Hall, saggy Monday evening at 8 o‘clock. A. E. Mortimer, . D. FOUNTAIN LODGE, Juvenile No. 35, U. T. O.â€"Meets in the Masonic Hall, every Monday evening at 6.30 o‘clock. A. E. Mortimer, Guardian. The Methodist Sabbath shool Temperance Asso- eiution issue pledge cards every Sunday when desired. Wm. Harrison, Supt. MECHANICS‘ INSTITUTE.~Librury of over 1000 vol- umeq open every Tuesday evening, in the Ma« sonic Hall, from 7 to 8 o’clock. R. E. Low, Li- brarian. Lectures and discussions periodically. RICHMOND HILL FIRE BRIGADE.~M661§S for fire practice the first and third Monday of each month, at 7 o’clock I) In J H Sanderson, Capt. RICHMOND HILL FIRE BRIGADE BAND. -Meets for practice every Tuesday and Saturday even- ing at 7:30 o‘clock. A. E. Mortimer, Lender. We should make it a; principle to ex- tend the hand of friendship to every man who discharges faithfully his duties and maintains good order, who mam- tests a. deep interest in the Welfare of society,» whose deporiment is Upright, whose mind is intelligent, without stop- ping to ascertain whether he wings a hammer or draws a. thread. There is nothing so distant from all natural claims as the reluctant recognition, the backward sympathy, the forced smile, she checked conveisation, the hesitating compliance, which the wellâ€"OE are apt to manifest to them people lower down. RICHMOND LODGE, A.F. 6: A.M., No. 23, G. R. C;â€" Meets in the Lodge Room, Masonic Hall, on the Monday 011 or before full moon, at 8 o'clock p.m. 1‘0 arty. pl 0 N TON. \J of the subscriber, Lot 30, rear of the 3rd con, Markham. about the 27th of June, 8. LARGE BLACK SOW. The owner ilsrgeqyested to prove “whumt... .ww. .- __.,__ _,.,1 ____ Advertisements Qf six lines and less, zmder 1711's heading, fwentyjive cents each time. AME INTO THE PREMISES J of the subscriber, Lot 30. rear of the 3rd Advertisements of six (mes and less, under this heading, twenty-five cents each time. TITY on hand. THOMAS NI'GHTIN- GALE, Yorkvillo. - LREHH Bro‘ék street sfiution at 4:25. Single lcketg, 50 cents; returu,SO cents. S. Proctor, Sunday. RAIN TILE‘ A LARGE QUAN- ’I‘T'T"V rm ‘hnnd THOMAS: maumrm, AN INCENDIARY MACHINE. rerty gay expensés, andrfiiié‘hetvaway. rWM ’me x HOW TO ADVERTISE. 5137mm}: flix'vctury, ‘ RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, CANADA, AUGUST 4, 1876. POST OFFICE. fipwiattim. CHURCHES. TRAVEL. gm: , SOCIETIES. A maniin Mitchel who hadlg‘ndorsed' for another that had absconded, 160k it so much to heart that he died. L ,Johg’ Gustavus” Emir, Has bega'appéiu-ied' Suhécdlector fox2 V'?cthޤ1,‘B.LC.‘; in H. M. Cust'oms. 7' ' "5 ‘ “Chas. .R. _1\'I_.'_S"e§g1:-I._'tg be Sgr‘geydgapd Measurer bf shippingffé'r' the pdh of'IikiEhiL ton,u0_r;_t. Joseph ClqunL of’ S1. Hyacix} 11m: Province of QuebAechto 136, b Cglleclopin H. M. Customs? In no'rth‘Pelham, Wellami; some Farina-a are plo‘wing lip their pomth brop (Ming (‘0 the vines being destroyed ’byT-i'he' bugs. Mr. Chief Justice Richards will act as the xepresentativé air the Goixé'rnor-General durxng his absence on a visit to the Pacific coast. ' The day appointed for the hanging of the Youngs having bEen allowed' to go past wilhout being enlarged it is;now a. question whether-they can be legallyhan‘ged. During last month Caligula attracted a large number of immigiafits, thn total number of arrivals being 1,067,0f these Were '751 Icelanders ahd 144 Merlnonili- es, who choose Manitoba as the place of their future abode; 145 English,95 Irish, and 40 Scotch, who all remained in this Provmce. George E. Cann has been appointed Hal;- her Master for the Port of Yen-mouth, N. A train ‘running Between" Tuu'hton and Bristol gut. ofl’ the track, kiili’n’g theiengineer and fireman and a number of passengers. Joseph Warren, of Pembroke, has been appointed Sub-Collector in H. M. Custbms. A druggist and M D., of Almonle, has been fined for selling liquor without. licence. Napoleon Bourasm has been Appointed H'éx‘rbOr'LMlastér; fax 92111:: .port-OfTSt. .Jphu’s, Quebééi f > h “V” ) a 7"? Mr. Justice Johnson, of Montreal, has de- cided that manicipulities have the light to impose li'cenée fees on butchersror others. At the Hull sessions, on Thursday, George Spiuk commer'ial traveller, Leeds, pleaded guilty to an indictment charging him with embezzling over‘ £29; the proper of Messrs. J. Dalton find (0., provision merchants, Bull.~'l‘he Rgcorder, lifter re- marking upon the'ssano'siliion lin' which a professronal man like the pisoner had played himself, sentenced him to 511 monllns' 1m- Prisonment. It is said the midge has totally destroyed the full wheat. in the vicinity ofHamilton. A powder magazine at Toulouse has blown up with great loss of life. Colonel Valentine Baker has accepted a commission in the Turkish army. ,The hop ctjop in Watgrlcéislgjotrigorled, wm yield 1,000 poufids lo lhév‘flCIEs ‘ The race f'or the Goodwood cup has beEn won by New Holland. Six horses ran. John _ Whyte has beenlappointed Official Assignee for the City of Montreal. Quebec is greatly scandalized by a fierce hand to hand encounter. between lhe Hon. Joseph Cauchon, President of the Privy Council, and his son-in-law, Mr. Jos. Gauv- reau, late engineer of the North Shore Railwad. Mr. Gauvrea, whose arrest was caused by Mr. Cauchon, threaxens strange and startling developments regaxding some of his falhex-in~law’s election exploits‘ The canse of the trouble was the entrance of a suil, by Mr. Gauvreau’s wife for». separate maintainance on the ground ‘ of cruelty. M. Cauchnn has. been sued for slander by his son-in-law, who lays his damages at $25,000.â€"Nalional. The Irish Rifle team leave for New York on the 24th inst. An effort. is about to be made to expel the Jesuiis from France. John Callaghan has been committed to Welland jail for the murder of an Italian. We have received u. circular in refer- ence to a contemplated memorial fund to ’be raised In this country and Greet Blitain. to the memory of Captain Joseph Brant, the Chieftain of the Six Nation Indians. We need hardly any that the movement. meets with our entire sympathy. and trust it may prove a success. Subscriptions may be sent direct to A. Robertson, Esq., Bank of British North America, Brnntford, andi any fnrther information given on application 1 to Mr. C. A. Jones, Secretary of the Com- miltee, Brantford. We regret to say the-t the illness of Arch- bishop Uonnelly, of Nova Scutia, which we noted in our last issue, terminated fatally at his residence in Halifax. His death has cast a gloom over the whole community in which he lived. He was a man of generous disposition and respected by all classes it'- respective of creed or country. Hiqfuneml took place on Monday last. On Tuesday the in: inst, at 28 James street, Yorkville, Fre Bishcip, youngest child of Oswald F. and Mary Foster, agedSmonths and 2 weeks. There is talk in South Ontario ofa pro‘ fiest against the Bob. T. N. Gibbs. Notes and Comments. Summary of News. DIED. It is gratifying to observe that, al l though the Government organs have not yet done with the “ Pacific Scandal,” they are beginning to be ashamed to mention it. Even the Globe is growing apologetic on the subject; yet We m‘nst protest that it is somewhat late in the day to tell its readers that it has “ no desires to revive dead issues as they are called.” What, in the name of' goodâ€" ness, has it being doing besides ever since Mr. Mackenzie took office ? The strategy of the party has been consistent throughout and may be summoned up ina few Words â€"- living on the sins and shortcomings ofjits predecessors; We haile'had “'Paéific'_ Scandal 7’ ‘on the‘ half shell, raw, st’eWedpscollop‘ed and fried. It seemed a strange way of vindv icating the good name of the existing Governmentybut it appears to have been the only one open to the organs. What the people desireflis a defence of the pol- icy“ of,the ins on'its oWn merits, not a stale rehash of the'delinquencies of the nuts. They have ceased to care about the Cartier-Macdonald fiasco. the ver- dict ofthe'cOuntry ‘was pronounced upon it and the delinquencies of the cit-Minis- ters‘ba‘ve been amply punished. People are heartily sick of the subject and Would vety‘ much like it it' the present Administration could coutrive to stand on its owu bottom. But, quot-h the- Globe,‘ Sir. John will not let it alone; he made a speech about it at Uxbridge, prior the South Ontario election. Did he? Pray.’ is that the first time the unâ€" savoury subject has been inenlionedl during the past year ‘P We think not; l but we do think that a semi religious; journal should be .more truthful. Then l follows a passage which our readers may ‘ langh at when they having nothing bet- ter to do 1â€"“ The question is not a motel election cry (l) as the organs of the late Government seek to make it. It is one that needs to be viewed in all serious- ness.” rl‘he time For seriousness with the “ Pacific Scandal” is long past and the farce is now going on.â€"-National. ; In Algeria. there is a. river 'of genuine Ink. It is formed by the union of two streams, one coming from a. region of ferruginous soil, the other draining a. beat swamp. The water of the former is strongly impregnated with iron, that of the latter with gallic acid. When the the two waters mingle the acid of the one unites with the iron of the other; forming a true ink. \Ve are familiar with a. stream called Black Brook in the northern part of this state, the inky color of whose water is evidently due to like conditions. The attention of advertisers is directed to our advertising rates, which appear on the first, second and fouth pages, Consider- ing the inereased and rapidly increasing cix- culation of THE HERALD they are fixed at a low figure} in fact considerably lower than many country papers of no larger circulaticn. It is not for us to blame the people at Servia if they make a renewed attempt to free themselves from the remnant of Turkish authority which afiiicted their fore-fathers for generations; and if , Russia can only be restrained from an attempt to extend her sway to the injury ‘ other, neighbours and of civrlization, we should be very well content to see all the Countries on the eastern side ofthe Black Sea formerly severed from the Turkish Empire, and become free and independ-‘ ent states. “ Turkey in Europe ” is an anomaly. and the prejudices and habits of the Mussulmans, whose power ot‘the sword is departed, should no longer be allowed to interfere with the prosperity of'large and fertile, though thinly peopled countries. As amatter of'neighbourâ€" hood, Austria has much more to do with these provisions than Russia. The Austrian frontier stretches along the north of Croatia, Bosnia, Servia, and Wallachia. The Russian plea rests mainly on the pretence of religious sym- pathy, that being a mere attempt to pass herself off before the world as the representative of the Eastern Church, as the Pope represents the Latin Church; and such atrocities as those reâ€" cently reported from Bulgaria, must naturally , raise the indignation, and stimulate the fears of the surrounding States. It may seem rather impertinent that a little State like Servia should take upon itself to disturb the peace of the world, should stir up anxieties in the cabinets of Great Powers, and should threaten to scatter the sparks of the in- cendiary far and wide. But little States, like little men, have often a high idea of their own importance; and if' they cannot ,do much good, they like to make the ‘ world feel their power to do evil. " Ecr via. might fight Turkey now as long as 1 she fought in her war of independence, which took place when Europe was en- gaged with Napoleon I, and we should have no objections to see her incorporate with herself the countries lying between her and the Adriatic, thus bringing her Within reach of the civilising influences of commerce. At present she is thinly peopled, poor and in accessible; and men’s minds naturally revolt at the sight of' the fine countries lying between the Adriatic and the Black Sea, remaining semi-barbarous and unproductive, while commerce is seeking new developments in the most distant regions of the earth. Butjttrar is not the best civiliscr. If Ser- via would devote herself to peaceful in- dustry, she would make her way in the world much sooner than by becoming the cat’s-paw of Russia. m *ANA .. TURKEY A ND SER VIA . A RIVER OP INK. DEAD ISSUES. On that occasion we remarked that this class had iuVolved Great Britain in more than one unjustifiable centest, the lightest part of the burden of which, if any at all, was only borne by them. We now republish on another page from Broad Arrow of 10th June, an article entitled “Securitiesâ€"Political and Commercial’Ko-one paragraph of which is of such an astounding character as to c-inse the reader to pause and ask can human villainy possibly dccend to the depth portrayed by the writer?â€"--yet there it is, and public documents up~ pealed to in confirmation of the most atrocious of human crimes. the commercial class will) referenCe to Mr. Biassey’s committee on naval affairs; and the declaration made by Broad Arrow that. the oWners of'tlic mercantile marine of Great Britain would not submit to measures that would in any Way interfere with the 'unre- striated pursuits of their own intgrcsts. We had occasion in a recent issue to motion the outcry made in the British 0%. W917 Yr It was long a matter of Wonder to the student of the strategy of the Crimean war why the Isthmus of Perikop, conâ€" necting that peninsula with the main land, was not seized by the British as the direct road to Odessa, and Kherson ran through it, and all the supplies as. weIl as reinforcements for the Russian army passed over it. Its occupation by the Allies would have insolated Sebasn topol, While the possession of the Sea ol’ Amt, 'which was effected at the close of the war, would haVe rendered the siege Unnecessary and have insured the cap- ture of the fortress asvwell as the Sur- render of the Russian fleet without. the loss in blood, treasure, and prestige the operations actually undertaken involved ; but new ’t turns ‘out that all this was rendered impossible beca‘use some Eng- lish merchants owned valuable property on, ihe Isthmus and were afraid its value would be licensed 771ililary oper- ations were carried on there. To the lasting disgrace and eternal shame of the Ministry of the Day those reasons Were allowed to prevail, and no attempt. was made to close the only high way the Russian Emperor had to his be- leagured fortress, kept only for him by the rascality of‘the Mifiistry and the cupidity of English speculators. We question very much whether the pages of history furnishes an instance of deeper villany. Those menâ€"Ministers and Merchants~are answerable for the blood needlessly shed on this occasion, and the latter are the men the English press would make the World believe to pe the representatives of the British race. The word can well understand why the Tory premier gave the English workman household suffrage. If’this other contest which is impending, and is direct outcome of the imbecility and treachery detected, comes oflLit is to be hoped the present Ministry will not only disregard mercantile interests, so called, but will make the class feel that those interests are no longer apart from tnose of the Empire.-â€"- Voluntccr Review. The Paris correspondent ofthe Standard reports Austria has been strenglhening the garrison 0f Semlin in view of possible events. Russm is sending troops to lhe frontier. The Eastern prospect again looks gloomy. Large sums of money from Russian Com» mitlees have been received. Three Russian Countesses are serving in the hospitals. The Standards Vienna despatch says :â€"â€" The Turks have placed a corps of observaâ€" tion. 6‘000 strong, on the Danube, opposi'e Boumunia. LNNDON, Aug. 3.â€"-A Router telegram from Belgrade says :â€"'l‘he defensive posi- tion of the Seivians at Suitschar is repro. senled to be impregnuble. The Sex‘vizm left wing, under Cholakamish, has taken Bielopo‘je, and seriously rhreatens Sienitza, the bombardment of which is expected to begin within two days. The lurks are ex:- trenched at Izvor. CONSTANTINOPLE, August 2.â€"An official despatch received here confirms the report of lhe advance of Ahmid Eyoob Pasha and Suleiman Pasha. into Servia, and their junc- tion near Rougazerats or Gurgusnmlz. The Serviuu general ’J‘clnrerayeWS army is stated to be at Gurgosoratz. A battle is 1mmiu~ ent. The Standard's Paris desputch saysit‘ is stated that Murad has signed his abdication. The old Turkish party, led by the Sultan presumptive, is showing hostility to the pro- posed constitution. Midhut Pasha threat- ens to resign. Another revolulion in the Divan is anticipated. Abdul Humid has declared that as soon as he has ascended the throne he will take supreme command of the armies against the Sclaves. Loxnox. Aug. 1. A special to the Times from Ragusa says Muhhtar Pasha, with the remainder of his army, variously estimated at from six to nine battalions, has arrived at 'I‘rehinze, havmz evacuated Belek immediately after the battle of Arbiza. The Ottoman authorities here admit their-In net. to be: Two pashas-viz., Selima Pat rm. 1 killed, and Osman Pashataken prisonerâ€"two colonels, three lieutenant-colonels, and seven majors. Two battalions ol’iufuntry and one of Clmsseurs were destroyed to the last man, and all the other battalions suffered more or less. The Turks confess that they‘ losses from 1.200 to 1,300 men. Their realt loss is probalyfrom 5,000 to 6,000 menu The Montenegrins state that the number of rl‘urlx'ish inferior officer killed is enormous. Pursuit was continued to the wall of Belek. The correspondent adds: "My informant says corpses are lying thickly in the road before the citadel. Besides artillerv and trains, the Montenegrins captured 400 horses and an a immese number of arms. All :10 counts show that the Turks were greatly outnumbered. EASTERN WAR DISPATC HES. EUROPEAN. A. Grovrs,26, spinster,u‘as indicted furl stealing five pairs of kid gloves and twin pairs of silk gloves, the property‘o‘t“ Messrs. Henry Wigfield and (30., draper, Rotherham, on the 23rd of May, 187th Mr; Baker prosecuted. Each of the witnesses was cross-examined by the ‘ oner at some length, and her q “7 I V Were of a pointed charactcr.~0u 4hr: conclusion of” the case she addressed the jury, and impressed upon them what she considered to be the weak parts of ,the- prosecutionâ€"Elie Chairman expressed an‘opinion that the prisoner had‘ con‘ ducted her defence quite as well as counsel would have done, and some of her points had been been Very cleverly put. The prisoner was found guilty, and she then admitted to have being, previously convicted at. Winchester (m the 20th June. 1871, in the name of Louisa Ann Martin.~â€"The Chairman observed that the prisoner appeared [6 have commenced her career' uf‘ crime very early. > On the 2nd of August; 1867, she was sentenced to twenty.cigl.n days imprisonment or. two charges 'pf larceny. (hi the (Jr-h (,fJimuary’ 1859‘ She was Odnl'l‘ifi’d of' larceny and Limits“ mitted to {£08} for twelve months;and}:1 on the 14th of January, 1370, she was again SON to prison for six months for“ larceny» On the 18m of'August’ 183m," as a rogue and vngubond, she was 50123 tenc'ed to six months’ imprisonment 0n' three charges; and at the Hampshire session on the 27th of June, 1871, Shu‘: had pleaded guilty on three different. charges, and was committed to‘ penal servitude for seven years, and sew” en years' police supervison. She was however, liberated at Workingr on' a ticket of'lenve on the 4th of April lust, and yet. on the 23rd (Jr-May she com? mitted the offences of' which she hilt} now been found guiltyâ€"«Sentenced t3 ten” years’ penal servitude. and tire yenrs’ police supervision. The other changes of obtaining stamps from the Crown Hotel, by false pretense, WHO not‘p‘rol eecded “ith. " "w >,- ' l 1119 AScois-man of yesterday saysthe late Mr. James 821er has left> £20000!) to the Church ofScmland. and £20,000 each to the Universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow. He, has also left funds to endow two chairs in‘ Glasgow University to be Called respectively Ihe Baird _Chair of Architecture aud tbe' Baird Chair in Geolngy. Munificent be= quests have also been left to clmrltlesin the west of Scotland, and large funds to estubfi lish popular lectureships in natural science. No less than'eleveu deaths are leported From drowning Scotland in one week; The' list includes the loss of a. man and a boy 1n the Clyde near Rutherglen ; two brothers in the Forth, near Bringe of Allan ; u. ‘mmi‘in the harbor of Glasgow; 3 boy in Loch Earn. Perthshir; ~51 young man in theUrr, in Dumfi'iess‘hue‘; a boy ‘in the Ta} Locks; and losses also in the Tyne, Tees, and Ouse. It would be intersting to knew if these {rm timely deathswere due to not knowing how to swim. 'The singular neglect ' of this branch ofphysirul education alwg'ys bears its crop of fatalities about this season Ofthe year, when bathing commences. H Mill, Saltaire, and on being got out was tak- eu to the Rosse Hotel, where it Was identi- fied as that 0t Rosina Young, a domestic servant ‘iving with Mr. Brailsford, of Vic. Iona Park, Shihley. Letters Found upon her referred to quayrels film In“: L54 v.35- lhe cook, and also maxcaéedflmt for 50139 time she had been unhappy. Ou Thmsday {he body 0! ayoung woman was found floating in the canal near Hurst ’l'he rise of soldiers from the ranks to he commissioned oflicers is no longer an unknown thing. Sergeant Wilson has done it in three years. He joined the 84th Regiment in 1873, He was made lance- sergennt six months later. He gztvellim- self up to study, worked hard and manifestâ€" ed mnrhcd ability, until he found a sub- lientexmnlcy in his graspâ€"this in three years. Snchisthe effect of the abolition of purchase. An accident, which resulted in the dent!!! of a young man named Joseph Cbeetham, occured at the Oncnmvr; colliery on Thurs- day night, nrlont eleven o’clock. Cheetham appears to have been engaged at his work as u nightman, when a portion of the roof of the pit fell upon him. He was extricated as soon as possible, and conveyed to his home, at Darnell, where he (lle shortly afterward. Deceased was an eldery man 60 years ofage. ' The Prince of Wales,accompanied by the Empress Eugene and lhe Prince Imperial, the Princess Louise, the Duke and Duchess of Teek and children, visited the scientific loan collection of his Royal Highness’s Indian presents at the Indian Musuem, yesterday afternoon. The caplian's good service pension of £150 a year, vacant by the promotion of Captain Charles Fellowes, C. 13., to he raw admiral, has. been conferred on Captiam George A. C. Brooker. I . There are more than a hundred applications for the vacant editorship of a London morn- ing paper, comprising members of parlia- ment, numerous barristers, several half-pay military oflicers, and other professors of lit.- eraIure. I hear that Mr. Ripley continues to receive letters from members ofthe Reform Club congratulating him on the independence he has shown. and lamenting what they call the' misdirected activity of the Club Commitee. He is a hero and martyr. The miaers employed by the Liversflgs Coal Company have consented to continue work at refsflfivmi 0 per Cent. upon their «4222551!- ‘ Atb ne Leeds School Board. 54 pm“ were yesterday fined in penalties varyihg; from 23. 6d. to 53. in each case,.for 11a: sending their children to school. ' Mr Neville Grenville, one of the com- ative members for Mid Somerset, is 516$} recovering from 3. very serious illness. ’ H's has bad a paralytic seizure, but the worst symtoms are abated - M4 Mr.» James Mom'am. Q.‘ C., has belen. appointed Judge of the Birmingham Coumy Court. Princess Marguerite, wife of Don Carlbs, has given birthio a daughter. WHOLE NO. 941. British and Foreign‘

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