‘ charged. puyflb “- ‘IlE HERALD,†PUBLISHED EVER Y FRIDAY, Is sent by mail or other conveyance when so de- sired for ONE DOLLAR per cnnum in advance. Single copies, three cents. I ultan will Contain all matters of local importance, articles and comments on the po- litical events of the day, the latest home and foreign 'news carefully summarized, trustworthy market reports, agricultural matters and general fun y reading. vertisers contracting for space on the second tflrd or fourth pages, for a speciï¬ed time, will be e quarterly, as follows : 'One - Two Three Six One Month. Months. Months. Months. Year. Column ...... ‘6 10 00 $15 00 $20 00 $35 00 $60 00 ' Half Col.'..'...' 8 00 12 00 15 00 20 00 35 00 1001.‘ 600 800 1000 1500 2000 inches300 400 500 800 1200 Two'lnbhes. 2 50 3 00 8 50 5 00 g a One nob.....150. 175 200 300 Twelve lines o! Nonpurell comprise an inch. 0 allowad in contract advertisements twelve cs 3. year; each change over twelve times will be charged extra, at the followmg rate : column or half column, 60c; quarter column and under, $50. , The copy for changes of advertisements ap- ion the second or third pagesfmnst reach We on Monday to secure attention the same week. All lengthy correspondence and advertisements must be received at the oflice not later than Wednesday noon, to secure insertion the current - mk.‘butshort-items of local news and adver- . airmen“ will be received up to ten o'clock on . ' d' morniu . 1 ay’ ' g M. H. KEEFLER, Editor, Publisher and Proprietor. THE HERAE). v r gRLGHMOND HILL, AUG. 4, 1876. 5â€"? , 4'4 .HAGGLERS' PARLIAMEN T.†Abovezis the caption of the leading article in the Globe of the ‘22nd of July. In addition to its malvcrsation on the question of frotection, it now boldly states that any man holding an opinion in favor of the above subject is not mor- ally ï¬t to occupy a seat in the Legisla- »tion of the country, from the fact that being selï¬sh he is the subject of bribery and corruption, and the sole.object of the protectionist is a game of grab, which would constitute a haggler’s Parliament, and, as a consequence, all and sundry having any interest in the following in- dustries of the country (must stand aside in favor of free trade) : Millers, salt, coal, icon and steel, hardware, woolen, cotton, shipping, sugar, saw, leather, im- plements, foundry, etc. While none of the above trades and callings may claim ,a seat, we are glad to notice there is one industry not enumerated that may fairly .claim a representation in the Council of the nation, the “ Agricultural Interest," and if We mistake not the signs of the times there will be more farmers occupy- ing seats in the immediate future, than at present, in the House. of Commons. According to the Globe’s way of think- ing no protectionist can be a patriot or is true lover of his country, but what will it say of the late Horace Greeley, of the United States, who did more than - a tow rds inau uralin the present “protectivcwolicy c that country. ‘ from the opposition of the Mail and the Millagihh-Globe editors are having their hands full of work, seeing that two members from the dusty fraternity were elected .iu .the Ontarios and nearly a ,third in South Wellington. The people, ,We areiuclined to think, from their late ,nction,,sre not in accord With the free- ,trade miter of ihe Globe. 1’] 0.1871 G S . a. Picnics of a political kind seem to be cropping up more and more every day, ,nnd we are glad to see that the leaders of the Liberal Conservative party are, through this means, making themselves more acquainted with the great body of .tbe people. The time was when the gen- tlemen who now occupy the benches of the Treasury at Ottawa, thought it not beneath them to attend these kind of gatherings all over the country ; but mowâ€"it may beâ€"they think they are in a pOSition to dispense with them]. ,On the 27th of last month, a magniï¬cent gathering of the Liberal Conservatives of the County of Northumbcrland was bold in a beautiful grove ,to the north of the village of Colborne, at which it isos- present. The proceedings were enliv- cncd by the band of the 40th Batallion. After an address was presented to (S'urJohn Macdonald, to which he made a suitable reply, Mr. G. Cochranc was called to the chair, when speeches were made by W. H. Gibbs, W. H. Scott, lion. Wm. Macdougal, Sir John Mac ,donald and others. The whole affair seems to have given satisfaction to the vast crowd that assembled, and cannot ,but tend to have its client upon the minds of those who listened to the sev- cral speakeis who addressed ,them. When will the Liberal Conservatives of the West Riding of York have pluck ,enough to get up a similar turn-out ? ‘ sundry complaints received from our subscribers from different parts of the county, upon the non-receipt, in good _time, of 1 the papers that are published ,at this oï¬icebu Friday of each week; ,more especially is this the case from those whose papers Ihavc ï¬rst to go to 'l‘oroiito to be distributed. 'Wc presume the gentlemen who have the handling of . ,themails in the Head Ofï¬ce imagine it ,is notofmuch consequence what delay timated some seven thousand people were are ï¬nder our comm: I ,We have already called attention to; is put on a. country weekly; if such is their opinion, we begto assure them lhcy never. made a bigger mistake in their lives. If our subscribers do not, after this, receive their paper in time, or do not receive them at all, will take the trouble to drop us a postal card or letter stating such to be the case, they will greatly oblige, as we are determined, if possible, to ï¬nd out where the wrong lies, not only to ourselves but to the public. A late Sheï¬ield paper writing upon the state of trade, holds out no hopes of the prospects of trade improving, neither the bountiful harvest of last year nor the considerable reductions which have taken place in prices have had any con- siderable effect in stimulating the de- mand for goods. It is of opinion that it is futile to look for a revival of trade until prices, wages, and the cost of pro- duction generally, have sunk to a much lower level than they have yet reached. The English iron trade is very dull, and though ironmasters are making very small proï¬ts, and .in some cases losing money, it. Is impossible to keep up prices. Local barriron of common quality is quoted as low as £7, 55, per ton. The armour plate mills are, however, Well employed, turning out very large plates, and there is a good demund for gun-barrels. The war branches being the only departments of the heavy trade in. which there is any activity. Ship building is quiet, both on the Tyne and Clyde. The saw and edge tool trades, the joiners' tool makers, the Britannia metal and plating, and other branches of trade are all very dull and not much doing. After a strike of four months, the scissor forgers, like the smiths, have re- sumed work at the old rate of wages. He that will believe only what he can fully comprehend must have a very long head, or a very short creed. Many gain a false credit for liberality of sentiment in Icligious matters, not from any tender- ness they may have for the opinions or consciences of of other men, but be- cause they happen to have no opinion of their own. The Hon. Mr, Laird is one of the talent men in Canada, be is nearly seven feet high ; that is seven ordinary feet-â€" he is not more than four of Brown’s. Strat/‘ord Harald. Despotism can no more exist in a nation until the liberty of press be de- stroyed, than night can happen before the sun is set. gigolmlmml. if Timothy seed has been and still is very scarce and high. A crop of timothy that could not be out early enough for hay had better be left for seed. Cut it with a reaper and bind it into sheav- es. Killing weeds is one of the most im- portantlabors on the farm, at this season. None should be suï¬'ercd to go to seed, if it can be avoided without too great expense. At anyrate, not a weed should he suffered in corn, potatoes, and other hoed crops. Summer fellows for wheat are apt to be neglected this month. A good ploughing or cultivating during this dry, hot weather, will kill every weed that has germinated. Heavy,cloddy land that can be reduced and pulverized when com- pletely dry, will not forget it for years. The sickness and death of stock con- stitutes one of the greatest losses and discouragements of the farmer. The immediate cause of their death maybe beyondour control, but in nine cases out often, the disease, if we searched back for enough, might be traced to dyspepsia, derangement of the bowels, and general debility. Improper and irregular feed- ing, over work in a hot sun, going to long without water, and then giving too much, are among the causes of bad di- gestion and general illheulth, but they Almost every man sets out with a. de»1 termination when a. certain sum has been accumulated to retire from the cares of business, and enjoy the balance of his days in retirement on some sunny farm or rural retreat, his vision has planned. This is wrong. You should commence the «business of life with the determine.- tiou $0 work as long as you live, and you can do this ,if you Obey the laws of health as related to your physical and spiritual nature. Your business, if ï¬tted to your capabilities, will in the doing and right management of it, be to you a great pleasure, an intense buppinoss, and there- fore should be continual as long as you live in this world. Commencing business with this end in view will prevent you from falling into the feverish, exciting,_ unhappy and slIOI‘t~lived results, that be- long to the men who wish to rapidly ecâ€" cumulate a. fortune and retire to enjoy it. These men are not happy while counting their proï¬ts, and certainly can- not be happy when they retire to enjoy them ; for it Is an established low of na- ture that can in no wise be slighted, that labor is a. necessity to perfect growth and true unalloycd happiness. A wise man will never rust out as long as he brcatllesihe breath of life ; he will be doing something for himself, his country or posterity. Howard, Franklin, New- ton und scores of other famous men, all were at work almost to the last hour ‘of their existence. It is a foolish thing ,to think that we must lie down and die simply because we are old. The man of NEW ROOMS FROM-OLD ONES. My wife, says a correspondent, has a wonderful facility of making the most of a few things in the room, and l have been analyzing her management to see what there is in it that makes everything about the mom take on so fresh an ap- pearance occasionally. It is certainly not by bringing in now things, because the condition of the family pocket-hook would not tolerate so rash a proceeding. She acts upon the principle that “ a fair exchange isno, robbery.“ The articles of furniture in position give ohm‘uci‘cr to a. room, and it is not Often that the most costly articles make the moss pleasing eï¬â€˜ect, showing that the position Often has most largely lo do with their inâ€" fluence. Is is from this belief that she makes occasionally those beautiful trans- formations.- by which our home seems to take on new attractions and give new pleasures. Even the exchange of couch and stand upon (liil'crenl’ sides of the room has a good effect ; the truth is, we are all children in one sense and are dc- lighted with new things; even if they are intrinsically no boitor thaw. the old ones. The removal of u vaseof flowers or plant from a. bracket to the stand fore day, is a. pleosing change at limos. .Wo enjoy the alivcrution of looking at things in the distance and then viewing them close at hand, Those who have not tried these experiments have lost an endless source of delight. I am aware that some of the lords of creation :ch strenuously , opposed to transfornmtions of this sort, and althOuglI they practice the same thing out of doors with evident satisfac- tion, they are “off the hooks†at once if the least change is made in the old or- rangcment in doors. The oulv thing I can say about these specimens; Is that their forms of crystallization are wrong, and they must be melted over again. The women know how to do this best. EXTERMINATE THE MOTES. Early in the spring of the year small moths may be seen flying about the dwelling-house. Some are of‘ a light, silvery gray color, while others are of a. cream color. Let these be caught and crushed, and you will not be troubled with moth-eaten garments. The moths lay eggs in your furs and in your. cloth. ing. The eggs hatch, and larva: or. little grubs are produced. Those little grule are the posts which do the mischief. \Vhon you light I» lump at evening, you ‘ will frequently. £1ll11ll, silvery, Willilsll Inillers flitting slu _'v about the light, just slow cnou u tinir iié- ' Acnsily clapped 1...“ oer. ‘tuo made in the form of bats ()1' 1):} in each hand. Thuir lit. cases should also be , .. strayed, llon Contain the Oh . which will eventually tulic wings . to your wardrobe, whore tl M will de- posit their eggs. After the posited there will be no use in (lusting every article with insect powder. This ) must be done to ropcl the mother moth. | It is usually supposed that moths will not flourish in cotton and linen fabrics. But a merchant writes that on one oc- casion a. box in his store, containing pieces of canvas, pudding, and cotton flannel, which .had been for four years undisturbed, was finally removed in making some improvements. On ex- amining its contents, hundreds of moths were found in it, and these had scor d the l woolen, forming their cylindrical cases out of one kind as freely as another, the only diii'erence being that they did not cut through the linen and cotton as they did through the woollen. Ordinarily, however, moths are rather nice in their tastes, for we have found the softer and ï¬ner fabrics more liable to their infesta. tions than those of a coarser and harder quality; but, where opportunities for this discrimination do not exist they will attack anything and everything that is woolen, and rather than starve they will also appropriate linen and cotton, unless the surface is too smooth and hard. I TAKING- A COLD. The human frame was intended for activity, but it must be managed. A locm‘notivc can run very fast, but if shopped instantaneously, when going at a. high rate of speed, it is injured ; so a skilful engineer tones down his speed gradually. In this lies the whole secret of not catching a. cold. After walking, 01' running, or dancing, or any exercise that quickeus the circulation, a. little from an open door, fora. few minutes, just to cause a. chill, is sure to produce a. cold. Merely stopping on 'the street in a current of air will do the job. After exercise, always seek res-j, in a sheltered place, where you will be warm, never being busty to remove but, gloves or cap. let perspiration subside bciorc disrobing if in-doors,ond if out-doors always keep gently nwving until the usual condition is attained. 0 Experience continually contradicts the notion that a poor young man cunnot rise. If we look over the list Of rich men, we ï¬nd that nearly all of them began life with little 01' nothing. To any one from iliar with tho millionaires of the United States, a. score of examples will occur. 0n the other bend, the sons of rich men, who begin life with the capital which so many poor young men covet, frequently «lie beggars. It would probably not is going too far to say {but a. large majority of such monicd individuals, either fail outright or gradually eat up the capital, with which they commenced their career. And the reason is plain. Brought up in expensive habits, they spend entirely too much. Educated with high notions of personal importance, they will not suc- cccd, as they are passed in the race Of life by others with less capital Originally, but nure energy, thrift and industry. For these virtues, after all. are worth more than money. They make money, in fact. Nay, after it is made, they en- able the possessor to keep it, which rich men pronounce to be more diflicult than the making. The young man who be- gins life with the resolution always to lay by a portion of his income, is sure, even without extraordinary ability, gradually to acquire a. sufï¬ciency, espec- iully as habits of~ economy, which the resolution renders necessary, will make that a competency for him which would be quite insufï¬cient. for" an extravagant person. It is really what we save more than what we make, which leads us'to fortune. He who enlarges his expenses as fast as his earnings increase, must al- hope and energy is not old, it is only he who suffers his energy to become motion- less, on whose hands the hours hung heavily. , L44.-.†4. ~â€"~“‘ A ways be poor, no matter What his abilitâ€" ies. And content may be had on comé paI-atively little. It is not in luxurious ping that men ï¬nd_r.ca1 happiness. 1" j . ‘ _..__...A-" ldiuenund cotton material as well as the current of air from a window, a. crevice ' -' rOURING m. At; " The “Housekeeper†says :â€"â€"There is more to be learned about pouring out ' tea. and coffee than most ladies are willing to believe. If these decoctions are made at the table, which is by far the best way, they require experience, judgment, and exactness; if: they are brought on the table readyâ€"made, it still requires judgment so to apportion them that they CONCRETE HOUSE. SELLING OFF! SELLING OFF! “THE HERALD†. . . _ ‘ AT COST AND UNDER. †shall prove sufï¬cient In quantity for the family party, and that the elder members should have the stronger cups. Often I A. has “Included to sell the balance of Summer D7983 )ersbns pour out too. who not being at in aware that the ï¬rst cuf. is the weak- Goods, etc†etc., at 003! and under. est, and that the tea. grows stronger as you proceed, bestow the poorest cup upon the greatest stranger and give the j strongest to a. very young member of the family, who would have been better without any. Where several cups of equal strength are wanted you should pour a little into each, and then go back, inverting the order 335 you fill them up, and then the strength will be apportion- ed properly. This is so well understood in England that an experienced pourer of tea waits till all the cups of the com- pany are returned to her before she fills any a second time, that all may share alike. " IS PUBLISHED BY ' Now is the time to make your Purchases. â€"â€"7â€"-. ..._... Received Eco-day, a Large Lot, of Ladies’ Fans. ._â€"â€"â€" AnolheI large [at of Choice Sugar will be received his Week. Enamelled and and Brass Preserving Kettles, Glass and I Stone Presorm'ng Jars. M, H, KEEFLER, A: Ins Printing Oflices, Yonge ‘ Street, Richmond Hill,“ ~cher expect great things from a p , Every Friday Morning, 21,02:,3,n;:gggalgeggjgï¬igfs Semï¬olzaiï¬gt, -- All of which is offered as low if not lower than by any in the trade. A p ' duce powerful results. d M. S: p A EPPSYS 0000A. __ GRHEFvL A“, CONCRETE HOUSE, Richmond Hill. Comros'l'lse. â€" "By a; thorough knowledge ol'thc natural lawswhichgoveru theoperelious ofdigesliouand nutrition. and by acarel'ul ap- plieullon of lheï¬neproperlies of we|l~selocied cocoa, Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tables with n delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a conslilullqn may be gradually built up until strong enough to resistevery tendency [0 disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies me floating around us ready to suackwhcrc numbers is a w--nk point. We may escape many a fatal shall by keeping ourselves well forlifxed with pure blood and a properly nourished mime."â€" C-‘ivil Service Gazelle Sold only in packets lubellcdâ€"" JAIIIIcs lirrs $11.70 . Homoeopathic Chemists. 48 'l‘hrendnoedlo Street, and 170 Piccadilly, London.†__ ._._:_.= s -.-. -~__.â€"T........ ONLY ONLY ONLY Something New and Startling! AT THE FIRE PROOF STORE, N e w P r 1 n t s , English and American. New Dress Goods, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, ‘ Plain and Fancy. ° New Mininery, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, STYLISH. ONE DOLLAR PER IKE-AIR ._._._.__ PARASOLS, TIES, LACES AND GLOVES In Great Variety. glances. IN ADVANCE.- IN ADVANCE.- IN ADVANCE. BEFORE GOING ELSEWHERE, HOSIERY, a. Large Assortment. TRY THE 1ST PRIZE HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, New Tweeds, lVorsteds, Black Broads, Black Does, etc. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER SHIRTINGS, ENGLISH AND CANADIAN. ' ’ d H'll, Rlchmon 1 COTTONS, Bleached and Unbleached. The Publisher is- determined to? Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Etc. ISAAC CROSBY, Fire Proof Store, Richmond Hill. â€"‘ Live Newspaper ‘k 't Constantly on hand, a lmge as- ma 9 l a sorlmenl of SINGLE & llllUllE HARNESS g.- A}? ALL Fumes... . . . . , , . HARRISON. ON THE M-H.KEEFLER, Topics of the Day, (SUCCESSOR T0 ALEX. SCOTT) L lI f 11‘ oca no zgcuce, THE Complete Market chmta, Publisher and. Proprietor of “The Herald.†Good Selections, OF Agricultural Matters, Etc, Eta, Etc. “THE HERALD†BOOK AND JOB PRINTING RAPIDLY , ' NEATLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED. ONE DOLL/11g INCREASING. Richmond H111; Ontario. l 5 $ $| ll $1 $| $l $| $ CHINESE . v_ _ ‘ Garden Powder. , .‘ \ 1†pay for It one year This reliable preparation effectually DESTROYS INSECTS, GR NBS, AND CA TEBPILLARS, CARRIAGE BUILDERS, RICHMOND HILL, Be 3 to announce to the inhabitants of Richmond Bid and surroundng neighborhood, that he has built a. new Hearse and commenced the CNDER'I‘AKING BUSINESS. [A FINE NEW HEABSE FOR HIRE. Funeral Furnishings, Cofï¬ns end Caskets in every style. Funeral Furnishings supplied at FROM 10 TO 100 DOLhAltS. LARGE CIRCULATION! ON FLOWERS, CURRANT Bosses AND GARDEN PLANTS. Full directions for use accompanies each box. Price 25 Cents. I For sale by Druggists and storekeepers. upon MILLER A co. 167, King st. East, Toronto. Low Rates of Advertisipg, AT THE f‘BRITIsn FLAG swan†A new addition of Dry Goods received, consisting of DUPLICATES . OF V Dress Goods, Prin/t‘s, Tweeds, Coltonaflcs, Ribbons, Laces, Ladies' and Advertise.“ Wm ï¬nd’ "1° u," of 00d. 01' Other Missed, 717????"le ï¬idBIigifugzï¬l liars, Uattonades ' columps c beneï¬t. I I ‘ MADEAT I ’ I Field and Garden Tools, Scythes, snaiths,’ etc. HALF ‘THE UsUAL Cosr, And with grout expedition, at the Dominion Stereotype Foundry, ARNPRIOR, ONT. Send proof for price. Canadian and English CottOns Very Cheap. . good strong cotton Bags, a. Good Bargain. Specimen Copy F ['ROOM PAPER. FRUIT JARS, ' " Always on hand, a choxce selection of Fresh Groceries. ..Flour and Feed for cash. Farmers’ produce taken in exchange st the higheshmcrket price. GOODS DELIVERED: ALEX. MOODl-E. M. H. KEEFLER- .Editor, Publisher and Proprietor V ALUE FOR YOUR MONEY AT Ems HERALD BOok qnd Job Printing Oflice, whether for printing, , advertising or subscriptions to the Ila/Perv .