u, Teefv Em. VOL. XVIII, NO. 11 THE HERALD} M. H. KEEFLER. EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, At his printing ofllces, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Terms of Subscriptioni 81.00 per annum in advance. Advertisements will be inserted on this page at the following rates: Business Cards, one year Do six months. . De three months , ............... Transitory advertisements, ï¬rst insertion, per inch .................................... .. Each subseqcnt insertion, per inch . An inch comprises twelve lines of Nonpareil. Condensed advertisements, under the headings: “ S eciahties." “ strayed," “Lost or Found,†“For 8 :or To Let,†“Wanted,†etc., ouch insertion 25 can a. Advertisements without written instructions will be inserted until forbid and oh urged transient rates. @cgnt “M. MALLOY, BAIlRISTER, “ Attorney, Solicitor-in-Chanccry, Convey- nncor, etc. GmCU-â€"NO (3 Royal Insurance Build~ lugs, Toronto street, Toronto. BOULTBEE & EVATT, BARRIS- TERS, Attorneys, Solicitorsâ€"in-Chancery, etc.. 64 Adelaide street East, [opposite the Court House), Toronto. Amman BOULTBEE. I 'i ERGLSON, BAIN A: MEYERS, Barristers, Attoriicys-at-Law. Solicitors-in- Chuncery. Cciivcvaucers, etc. ()flieesANos. 2, 4 and 0 Ontario Hall, Court strcot, Toronto. TBOMAs FERFUSON, QC. JOHN BAIN. ADAM ll. Mx'EIIs. BETHUNE, OSLER & MOSS. BAR- RISTERS, eta, Union Block, corner Toronto and. Adelaide Sts. (opposite the new I‘ost Oflico}. Toronto. ' F. OsLEu. W. G. FALCONDRIDGE. N. W. IIOYLES. lgEA'I‘TY, CIIADWICK & BIC. GAR, Barristers, Attorneys-atLaw, Solici- tors in Insolvency, etc. I] A'I‘T Y, MILLER & BIGGAR. Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, Notaries Public, etc. Ofï¬cesâ€"50 King street East, Toronto, two doors east of Toronto street. \V. H. BEATTY. W. NICHOLAS MILLER. EDWARD M. CnAnwâ€"ch. C. It. W. Bream. D. E. THOMSON. rates» .go any") coo b) -1 on m . WM. WnnTs EVATT. f I JAMES BuTunrn. CiHJiLns Moss. (1.11. TnoM. gloriï¬ed. R. JAS. LANGS'I‘AF F. RIOII- IJOND HILL, will be generally be found at home from 2 to 3 o‘clock. p. m. E0. BROWN, M.D., PHYSICIAN Surgeon and Accouohcur. Dillon. corner of} Yonge and Centre Streets, Richmond Hill. H. SANDERSON, VS. G T.V.C., corner of Yonge and Centre streets, Rich» niond Hill, may be consulted personally or by letter on all diseases of he“. s. cattle, etc. Horses examined as to soundness, also bought and sold on commission. SANDRRSON & SONS C I v' MISTS and Druggists, corncrof Youm and Centre streets, Richmond Hill. Special ni~ mention paid to prescriptions. I ow {I i‘i- ’ ‘IIOM AS CARR, DEALER IN I Drugs, Medicines. Wines and Liquors fori medicinal purposes. Groecricrs, etc. Thornhill. ‘ By Roval Letters Patent has been appointed 15â€", suer of Marriage Licenses. globular. IAMES C. STOKES, LICENSED ‘ Auctioneer for the Crlll‘lId'Ol' York. respect- ?ully solicits your patronage and Iricn Ily inllu~ 1 once. Sales attended on the shortest. notice and at reasonable rates. 1’. 0. Address, liing. I . V. v . ‘ . l . . AN’IEL IxINNlth, LICENSED; :1 Auctioneer for the County of York. ‘ :pcct- I fully solicits your patronage and friendly inllu~ ‘ once Sales attended on the shoi’ ‘ notice, and , at reasonable rates. 1‘. O. addrcs I‘oston. AMUEL M. BROWN, LICENSED: L Auclinnncr for tho County of York, r hi ‘ fully solicits your patronage and friend] I enco. Sales attended on the shorto not and ‘ at reasonable rates. P. 0. address. Victoria, I Square. M. PATTERSON, LICENSICD‘ Auctioneer for the counties of York. I’eel,‘ J. Ontario and Siuicoo; also Valuatm' and Commis- ‘~ sinn agent. I’. 0. Address, â€"- Biomninut L'S' Chancery sales attended to. Parties 3' gun ing Mr. Patterson’s services can make arrange merits and obtain particulars as to terms, etc., at , Tm: HERALD Ofï¬ce. ‘ XV C. ADAMs, L.D.S., SURGEON D Dentist, 95 King street East, Toronto. Best mini-ml teeth Inserted in a manner to suit each patient. Particular attention given to the, preservation and regulation of the natural teeth, } carefully avoing all unnecessary pain. A, “1: SPAULDING, Assistant. B O B I N S 0 NS, L.D.S., NEW ‘ Method of extracting teeth without pain, by the use of Ether Spray, which affects the, teeth only. The tooth and gum surrounding; be- I comes insensihle with the external agency, when 3 the tooth can be extracted with no pain and without endangering the life, ats in the use of chloroform. Dr. Robinson will be at the follow- ing places prepared to extract teeth with his'new apparatus. All Ofllce operations In Dentistry performed in a. workmaulfke manner: Aurora. lst, 3rd, lEth and 22nd of each month I l l Newmarket .................. 2nd do Richmond Hill 9th and 24th 110 Mt. Albert .. 15th do Thornhill 23rd do Maple ........ 26th do Burwick 28th do Kleinburg.. 28th do Nobleton .. . 30th do Nitrous Oxide Gus always on hand at Aurora. W. KENNEDY, L.D.S., 0 NlHVMARKl'YI', Ont, SUR- GEON DENTIST. would respectfully ‘ ‘ announce that he will visit Rich- mond Hill the 18th of each month, at Palmer’s Hotel; also attcnd the following places, profes~ eionodly, Sundays excepted: Newmarkot.. ...... 3rd of each month. Sutton .. .. d and 4th do Pail‘erlaw .. 5th do Mount Alber . . 8th do Sandford , 10th do Stouffville . 14th do Markham .. 16th do Aurora ....... 20th do All branches of Dental surgery attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate. OHN STEPHENSON, CLERK & Treasurer of Markham Township, Clerk of Division Court, Division Registrar, etc, Mom at. ljxonville, wil be at Enfl'e Hotel, Markham, Ewan,ch A ONEY TO LEND ON FIRST . mortgage of farm property, at eight per cent. interest, in sums to suit borrowers. No comâ€" mission. Apply to BLAKE & KINGSFORD, 10 Adelaide St. East, Toronto. 1‘, ONEY TO LEND.-â€"$2,000 TO 7 LOAN o3: HSTâ€"crAss MORTGAGE SECURI- TY~In sums from €500 upwards. Apply to M. TEEFY, N. LYNETT, (as evecutors of the estate of the late Martin Bre ian Richmond Hill. ILLIs, BANKER. BROKER, A W 5 Insurance and Real Estate Agent. De~’ posits received, subject to demand, with interest. Loans negotiated. Debentures for sale. Oflloe, 20.; Adelaide street East, Toronto, a. few doors west of the Post Ofllce. VVESTERN CANADA L O A N AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Ofï¬cesâ€"N0. 70 Church street, Toronto. Capital. $800000; Total Assets, 81,906,306; Re. serve Fund, $203,500. HON. GEO. W. ALLAN, Sena-tor, President. Samuel Platt, MP . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice-President. THRECTORS â€" \Villiam Geoderham. Geo. W. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee. George (loader-ham, Hon. 1). L. Macpherson, Senator. SA V I NGS BANK BRANCH. Money received on deposit, and interest allowed at the rate of six per cent. per annum, com- pounded half yearly. Deposits not exceeding $100 may be withdrawn at call; $100 and upwards subject to thirty days' notice, or a reduction of thirty days' interest, at the option of the Directors. To be entitled to in- terest, deposits must remain in the Company three months. Interest calculated from the first and 15th day of the month. The whole Assets ofthe. Company are invested on the security of Real Estate and Municipal De- benture , thereby giving the depositors un- doubted security for all money left with this Company. â€" NONE ’ ’0 LOA IV. This Company advances Money on the security of improved City or Country Property, repafvab‘ie by means of a Sinking Fund. which is found to be the surest and easiest mode of repaying a loan. LEA" See our reduced loan ta? in. For further information a iply at at the Ofï¬ces Of the Company. WALT i R S. LEE, Manager. alt. gjut 0% rI‘WO VILLAGE LOTS FOR SALE, On Centre street west, Richmond Hill. Apply to JAM ICS W1 DE MA N, IIEHALD 031cc. HOUSES NI) LOTS For. SALE AT RICHMOND IIIL L. For sale on reasonable terms. the Houses and lot comprising half an acre of land. with excol< lent u-Irden and orchard, lying south of Mr. A. L. . Skcele’s shop and north of Mr. Alex. Moodio's store, in the village of Richmond Hill; A good business stand. Also the Store and Dwellingllousc and Garden, containing half an acre of choice fruit trees, cc» ‘ copied loftâ€. A. Moedie, subject to an unexpired lease. Apply to JAMES M. JENKINS, Laskay I’.O. Or to M. ‘EEFY, Richmond Hill. A AA April 11,1870. JUST IN AT THE Hamid Boo/c Store. Great Expectations, Sketches by Rex, Barnaby Nudge, Old Curiosity Shop, Hard Times, and other stories. By C/iailcs Dickens. Twicxrvdhm CENTS EACH. I a I V E It Y . L sTAnLEs. rlIorscs and Vehicles for hire. ('Th'lrrzos I.‘l‘ll"l‘.lll‘.. Opposite Sanderson & Sims. JOHN lil‘tO\‘.‘N, I‘roprxctor. \XTOOD YARD.»â€"JOIIN BROWN ' hoops constantly on hand all kinds of! wood, which will be sold for the lowest market price. Cor. Yinng and Centre St.,1?.ichn10nd Hill. i) A: L. C. WIDEMAN. MANUâ€" ' funiurcrs of and Dealers in Granite and Marble. Monuments, Ileadsioncs, etc, Ringwood, Ont. Satisfaction guaranteed. P. W’IDI‘I‘ TI is also issuer of Marriage Li- censes. Ito c‘cncvâ€"Ilini;\vood, Ont. \V’ H. & ll. PUGSLEY, BUTCH- - E1tS,lIivlnnon<l Hill, have always on hand the best of beef. mutton, lamb. veal, pork, sausages, etc, and sell at the. lowest prices for Cash. Also corned and spiced beef, smoked and (Iriwi hams. The highest market. price given for cattle. sh. p, lambs, etc. IJE'I‘ER S. GIBSON, P R O V I N- CIAL Land Surveyor. Civil Engineer and Draughtsman. Orders by letter should state the concession, lot and character of survey,th sub- scriber having the old FI .LD NOTES (ii‘ the late. I). GIBSON and other surveyors, which should be COllflllllml in many cases as to original monu- ments, etc, previous tO commencing work. Ofï¬ce at Willowdulo, Yongc st, in the township of York IBE RAL CONSERVATIVE AS- A sOCIATION FOR THE East Riding of York. Parties desirous of becoming members can for- ward their names to Mr John Gibson, President, Milliken P 0 Mr H J enniugs, Treasurer, Victoria Square P 0 Mr S 'I‘ Humbcrstono, Sec'y, Newtonbrook P O VFHE NATIONAL LIFE Insurance Company. CAPITALâ€"31,000,000. A strong steak company, With low mics, deï¬nite contracts and liberal policies. Insurance effected on the most liberal terms. WILLOUGHBV CUM’MINGS, Agent. Torento street, Toronto. Full information can be had at THE HERALD Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill. UST RECEIVED AT THE Herald 600/; Q†fancy store, board, carbonic paper, Mucilage, etc. : also a few numbers of the Life of King William III, Price 50 cents. "Edith Lyle," by Mrs. Mary J. Holmes, author of “Temrest and Sunshine," em. I I I every Monday, 130:: 9 5.13:. to A pr“ ,to atten’i in business in sonnet-tier: with the . our? Price 75 cents. ..-~i.. v 7» -th g ~ g... . 3 . Surplus, ~ fits1.552834%.i ,‘IICHMON D HILL, ONTARIO, CANADA, AUGUST II, 1876. I I... .l 0. pursuits. Adva‘tisemenls of six lmes and loss, under this heading, twcntgï¬ve cents each time. RAIN TILE, A LARGE QUAN- TITY on hand. THOMAS NIGHTIN- GALE, Yorkville. PIC-N10 & OTHER BASKETS, satchels, spectacles, belts, violin strings, etc. ust received and for sale at THE HERALD store. OCKET CUTTLERY, VARIOUS Prices, at THE HERALD book 6: fancy store. gm.†W Advertisements of six lines and less, under this heading, [weary-ï¬ve cents each time. ‘AM E INTO T HE PREMISES J of the subscriber, Lot 30, rear of the 3rd con, Markham. about the 27th of June, a LARGE BLACK SOVV. The owner is requester] to prove ropcrty. pay expenses, and take her away. WM OYNTON. N 071' l EL. “BIG PUSH†LIBEL FUND. Parties intending to contribute to the "Big Push, Defence Fund†will conicrafavor by for- warding their amounts, without delay, to the Treasurer, JA MES McFEETERS, BoWni unvillo. Tillage gummy. SOCIETIES. RICHMOND Lunar, A. E. & A. l\1., No. 23, (4.11.0:â€" Mccts in the Lodge Room, Masonic Hall, on the Monday on or before full moon, at 8 o'clock pm. A. L. Skoele. w. in. RICHMOND L. O. L., No. 778.-Meots in the Tom» pcrance Hall. on the F. iday on or before full moon, at 8 o'clock p.m. J. R. Booihby, \V. M. RIK‘IIMOND HILL TEMTLE, No. 405, I. O. G. '11â€"» Meets in the Temperance Hall, every \Vodnos- day evening, at 8 o‘clock. Win, Harrison, T. D. CRYSTAL 1.0mm, No. U. T. (Iâ€"éï¬eets in the Masonic Hall. every Monday evening: at S O'clock. A. E. Mortiincr, I’. 1). FOUNTAIN LODGE, Juvenile No. U. T. (kwmicf‘tis in the Masonic Hall, every Monday evening at $.30 O’clock. A. E. Mortimer, Guardian. .,., 2, Z The Methodist Sabbath shool Temperance Assoâ€" ciation issue pledge cards every Sunday when desired. \Vm. Harrison, Supt. Miccimmes’ INSTITUTE.â€" Lihi" ry of ov umcs Open every Tuesday evening. sonic Hall, from 7 to 8 O'clock. R. Ia. Law, Iiiâ€" brarian. Lectures and discussions periodically. RICHMOND HILL Finn BRIGADE. â€"IlIeCtS for ï¬re practice the first and third Monday of each month, at7 o’clock pm J H Sanderson, Capt. Ilicnnoxn HILL I‘m?- lluioAnE BAND. â€" Meets for practice every Tuesday and Saturday even- ing at 7:30 o'clock. A. E. Mortimer, Leader. cribacnns. . ST. MAav’s EPISCOPAL environâ€"services at p m, except the third Sunday of every Ir-Onth, when the services and sacrament are held at 11 e. m. ‘ Sunday wheel at 1:30 p in. Rector. METHOIusT environ or CANAnAwserviees at 10:30 a In, and (5:30 p in ; Sunday school at 2:30 p in ; prayer meeting; every Thursday evening a'iid S S 'l‘cachers' meeting on Friday evening. J Herbert Starr, Pastor. Pniisnvrunmx enuucn or“ CANAnAâ€"services at ll o'clock a In ; Bible class on Sunday evening at 0:30 o‘clock Rev J Dick, Pastor. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH â€"services in order as Thornhill at 9:00 a m, and Richmond Ilill n.t10:30 a in: the following Sunda y at l‘tich- 1’11011d;,:I'Iill at 9:00 a m, and ’I‘hornhill at 10:30 a In, alternating With Markham every third Sunday. ' Rev It Shanklin, ‘I'RA VEL. NORTHERN RAILWAvâ€"Trains pass Richmond Hill station as follow : 1:30 p m, and 81‘." p m, moving north, at 8:13 am, 1:30 p m, and 5:13 pm. Mr Palmer’s ‘bus meets the morning; train moving north and evening train moving south. Tim T‘Roc'ron STAGE LINE.7IIIUIS in connection with the Northern Railway, meeting the morn- ing train moving: south and the evening train moving north. I’n. W lï¬t‘d's leave the Il()ll"llll(lll Hot-cl at 5.10 a m, airiviuu in Toronto at 10:20, and returning: louvc City Hall station at 410 pn1,.'ind Brock 'ri-ot station at »l :, single tickers ~50 vents; return, no cents. S. Proctor, proprietor. RICHMOVI- HILL O‘uvmi's «Ruins daily. leaving tho St'um Hotel, Richmond Hill, at 7:30 a in, arrivtn i in Toronto at ll'lflw‘ll a m, and returning, leaves the. Commie ‘ tial Hotel, Jarvis st, at. 3:20 p In, and the Ray Horse Ilotcl, Yonge , at 3:30 p m. Single tile'cls, 40 cents; return, I5 cents. John Palmer, jr, proprietor. POST OFFICE. RICHMOND IIILL l’osT Oriucu. â€"» Mails close as follows: Morniugrifloiiur south, west. and east, includi ' uple, Thoruhill. Toronto, Markham, etc... at ); going: north. 0.4.3. livening~Going south. east and west, at 6:15.. Registered letters must be handed 1n fifteen minutes earlier. SEED WHEAT. The Silver Cliaff FALL WHEAT Is HARDY, standing the winter even superior to the Salmon. or Clawson, has a large smooth head and me- dium straw. Its kernel and chard are both white. The Seneca. (CLAWSON) Is a einooth~headed white wheat with red chaff; ‘very 1â€"1 ardy, Productive, and of exellent quality. Also DEIHL, Gold IVIedal, Midge Proof, SCOTT, Trea dwell, Turkey, eto., WIâ€"I E AT 3/ FOR SEED Se .i W W'heut circular, Free. Seed Store. Jarvis streets, T 0 1% O N T O . .. /\.‘\A -- James and Patrick Henley, labourers father and son. were brought up on Wednes lday moring at Durham Assizes to receive Warwick and other collars, oardsentcuce for conspiracy to murder Police- ISergeant Welsh. at Hougbtou-Ie-Spring, m Prosecutor held a. warrant for the 1 June. apprehension n f the elder pris. ner's son on 1000 vol- . the Ma I moving: south at (1:10 am, ‘ nd foI' my Fan Corner of Adeem'de (ft \‘ BORN. At Yorkville, on the 4th inst, the wife of Mr George Crawford, of a daughter. DIED. At Newtonbrook on the 4th inst. Mary Ann Munro, aged 26 years, daughter of Robert Munro. At Yorkvillc, on the 4th inst, Charles Albert, son of Elizabeth and Wm. Nelsen, aged 1 year and 22 days. Our attention has been called to the bad state of the sidewalks on the main street in this village with a request that we should give the matter an airing through the columns of the press. NOW, we suppose our Village Fathers understand their business and knew the wants of the community without our ‘iuterference; yet, at the same time, it does seem necessary that something should be done in making good what is bad and out of repair. We are modest and unassuming, and do not wish to be thought presumptious in so soon begin- ning to ï¬nd fault with the manner in which the public servants of the people perform their duties. We, therefore, throw out the suggestionï¬n all liumility,to , the dignitaries who rule over the destines of this corporation, that they should,with- out delay, begin to alter their ways by .repairing and pulling in proper order gtbe sidewalks on Yonge street, as soon I as possible. I I The Mail newspaper Of the 3rd inst. 'Ouly reached us on the morning ofthe 5th. What is the cause of this delay. I @mmuvImitation. _,.._ ...... . ._._ #L To the Ediler of The Herald. DEAR SIR,â€"Would you kindly per- :mit me to use the columns of THE :IIEIIAIID for the purpose Of asking a question of Mr Sillcnee, which was asked 1the other evening and answered, but in Isucli an indeï¬nite manner as to throw no light whatever upon the subject. Mr 1Sillen'ce, upon the occasion referred to, gstated that an hotel keeper found giving ‘liquor to certain persons who are in the ' habit of becoming intoxicated, after being notiï¬ed by any person not to do ‘ So, was liable to prosecution. Upon being asked where this clause of the Li quor Aer, reiluiring to prosecutions in such cases, might be I'Oundwreplied ': I“ In the Provincial Statutes of Ontario.†I Would like Mr Sillcnoe, if it were not too much trouble, to refer the to the par- ticular chapter, section, etc, of the said ' Act. By Complying with {be above request, he will confer a great favor on His repcctfully, A. ‘Vriglit. Richmond Hill, August 9, 1876. Summary of News. Parliament is still further prorogued to meet at Ottawa, on ï¬le ISIII Sept. A farmer was shot in Belleville by a man named Ilumphrs in a wrangle over buckle- berries. Tlie Dunkin Act has been carried Lamblon by 146 Majorijy. The by-lnw is to be protested. Field-Marshal Wmugel will celebrate on llie link of next month the eightieili anniâ€" versary of his entry into 1118 Prussian army. The tenth annual convention of Ontario Teachers Assoeiatiou will be held in the Normal School Building Toronto on the Tuesday next. A despaich has been received at Ottawa from the Vice Regal party, announcing the arrival of his Excellency and party at Ogden on Monday. The ionruey from Omaha to Ogden through the Indian territory, the scene oftbe late troubles, was safely accomx plished. The party left for Sim Fancisco today, where they were due on Wednesday. The Union between the British Templars and the British American Templars and six other Temperance orders in the British possession was consumafed at London, Ont, last week, under the name of “ United Temperance Association. †This is a purely national instinnion and will push the Temperance work vigorously throughout the Birlish possessions. PEACE HATH HER TRIUMPHS.†A man rushing down Main Street ran against another man, and knocked him over. The victim leaped up , and strik~ ing at the other, said 2 “ What did you push me over for l†“ Don’t talk that way to me I †roared the ï¬rst man strikingr back. “ I’ll knock your head off I †“ You can‘t do it I †“ I can whip you blind, so I can I†“ You can’t lick it flee ! †, At this juncture a. third man appeared, and, knowing them both, said : “ Here stop this ! Mr. Blank here is going down the street to avoul a doctor’s collector, while you Mr. Dash, are going up the street to get away from a tailor I †‘V‘ Then I beg your pardon," said Mr. = his coming out OfDurharn Gaol, and thetwo I prisoners were overheard planning the mar I der of the prosecutor by shooting hin~ Each was sentenced in ten years“ renal sei- , viie‘ne. Blank. “ Then I beg yours," said Mr. Dash. Then they shook hands. and white- rcbed peace Burg her Forge ri j'y, , commissioners , David Bycr. 58 yds.; P. Wide1nan,b2 I. MARKBAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL The Markham Township Council met at Size’s Hall, Unionville, on Saturday, July 29th. The membens all present. The Reeve in the chair. The minutes Of last meeting were read and continu- ed. The Treasurer read his report of receipts and disbursuient from January lst. to July 1st. Receipts . . . . . Paid... . . . . . . . ......$150772 Liabililies..... .. $1103 00 $26l0 77. $3I78 24 Balance on hand......... $567 ()2 Petitions presented 2 By Mr. Daugherty from T. Shaw, President, and T. J. Dougall, Scc‘y of Stouffvillc Association for the Appre- hension of Felons, asking, to be partial- Ily reimbursed for expenses incurred in arresting Miller and Udell. Their ex- penses being 3560. They therefore ask the municipality to grant S25 toward paying said expenses; said arrest having been made emirer in die interest of the public as the property was principally stolen from non members Of the society. Communications received : From J. Palmer. Esq., Principal of the Ontario Institution for the Deaf and , Dumb, Bellville. intimating that accord ‘ing to the census 0le71, there are 42 males and 48 females. Total 90 Deaf and Dumb persons reported in the County of York; ‘22 of which have been in the Institution. He wishes the Counâ€" cil to report the number and names of dcafmutcs between the ages of '7 and 21, within the municipality, on receipt of which the said principal will send in- formation necessary to procure their admission to the institution if desired, I The following applications were made for the ofï¬ce of collector: Thomas Thomson, for west half, and John Koch, east half. Mr. Marsh, seconded by Mr. Dough- erty, moved that the following sums be paid to the parties herein nzuncd,viz: A. Rcesor, for material and building three culverts in road division. NO. (ii, the sum of $24 ; WI Iiam Willinot, for plank for bridge in Bultonville, the sum of 37. Mr. Marsh, seconded by M r. Rccmr, moved that the sum OI'SBO, be and is hereby granted for the purpose Of build~ ing a bridge in front Oflet NO. I, in the 2nd Com, and that H. IV. Harper, and Wm. Keith be and are hereby appointed to expend the same; said sum payable on order of commis- sioners when the work is completed. Mr. Marsh, seconded by Mr. Dough- erty. moved that the sum Of $3 be paid to F. Button, jr., for the use of ball for holding municipal election for 1876. Mr. Iiccsor, seconded by Mr. Millikcn, moved that the sum of 535 be and is hereby granted to build a culvert on the townline cast of the 10th Com, the. municipality of Searboro having granted a like amount; said sum payable on ‘orâ€" dcr of the commissioners. Mr. Milliken, seconded by Mr. Marsh, moved that the sum of {55 be granted in addition to the amount already granted for repairs done to the bridge On the 5th COIL, Opposite Lot No. 9; said sum payable to the order of the present cominissioaeis. Mr. Millikcn, seconded by Mr. Marsh, moved that the sum Of €530 be granted to improve the hill on the cast and West banks offlie German Mills stream, 0n the townline between Markham and York, on Condition that. the municipality of York grant an equal amount, and that Samuel Wilson, and Wm. Hood be appointed commissioners to expend the same ;said sum payable on order Of the commissioners. Mr. Dougherly, seconded by Mini Marsh, moved that the following bills: from pathmustcrs be paid to Mr. Bar- key for gravel taken out Ofliis pit; said sums payable on order of the mover :â€"~ In‘ I yds,; A. Widomzm, 3l5 yds.; Samuel Miller 64 yds.; Jonas Miller. 81 yds.; John Burner, 72 yds.; Saml. VVidcmzmI 59 yds.; Aylmer Vanzant, 23 yds.; I. Lownsbrouali. 57 yds.; Joseph Piphcr, 143 ydsn, W. H. Ratcliife, 21 yds.; at 8 cents per yard, $75.60. Mr. Millikeu, seconded by Mr. Ree- sor, moved that the further sum of 555 be granted for digging ditch on 5th COIL, opposite Lot No. I): said sum! payable on order Of‘commissioners. Mr. Marsh asked leave to introduce a by- law to appoint collectors. Leave given. On motion the byâ€"law was read a ï¬rst and second time, the bylaw was amended by inserting the names of Thomas Tompson for the west half and Juliet Koch for the east half, and on motion was numbered 274, read a. third time and passed. Mr. Douglicrt , seconded by Mr. Marsh, moved hat the sum 0f$6 be paid to O. L. Hoover on order, for one road scraper. Mr. Marsh, seconded by Mr. Dough- erty, moved that Mr. Wm. Spoilbrd be allm‘ved seven days towards his statute labor for this year, be having: paid for that number Of days in removing snow from Off the road in division No. 37, during the month of February A D. 1875, and test the Clerk of this Muni- cipality be and is hereby instructed to notify the patbniastcr of said division of the action of the Council. Mr. Milliken, seconded by Mr. Marsh moved that the account of the Toronto General Hospiisl for minteiusnee ofthe lnralids, James Baits-n ani Isser Rob ‘ erts, amounting to $91 up to July 2nd be paid and that the Secretary be in- structed to discharge Isaac Roberts, as this municipality will no longer be re- sponsible for his support. Mr. Recesor, seconded by Mr. Marsh, moved that Messrs. Wm. McDonald, A. McKinnon, Win. L. Stolts, and the Reeve be appointed commissioners to examine and repair the bridgcon the 7th 0011.. Opposite Lot No. 0. Mr. Milliken, seconded by Mr. Dougbcrty moved that Messrs. Marsh, Lane and Harris be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to repair the bridge on the Pomona Road near Thomliill. Mr. Millikcn, seconded by Mr. Ree- sor, moved that the account Of Spciuht & Son, amountingr to $4.50 450 feet of plank, for road division 50, be paid on order of the Reeve. Mr. Millikan, seconded by Mr Marsh, moved that the sum Of Si be paid to the order of the Reeve; said suui being for aiding Robt. McLeanan, a blind man. Mr Ileesor, seconded by Mr Milliken, moved that the sum of 5,514 be granted to A. B. l’smer for keeping a sick and destitute woman named Forster. Mr. Marsh, seconded by Mr. Dough- erty, moved that the Itceve be midis hereby authorized in conjunction with the corporation of Markham Village to have the contract for cutiinbrr down the hill and otherwise improving the road at the Presbyterian Hill, between Lots 10 and 11, in the 8th Con, completed forth- with ; and if the present contractor is not prepared to do so, the commissioners may re-lct the said OOnIract, holding the Present 001.. motor responsible for all losses that the municipality may sustain through such rig-letting, Col. Button was heard relative to payment for drains put across the side- rond parallel with his farm. Mr Marsh, seconded by Mr Doughâ€" crty, moved that the sum of $12.50 be paid to Mrs. Paterson, for 2‘50 loads of gravel, at {'3 ccnis per Inn], for the imâ€" provement 0f the road in Division NO. If); said sum :payable on order of Wm. Wilmot, Esq , 'I‘hc poundkecpors bylaw Was read, rc- viscd, and on motion conï¬rmed. In. I On motion the council adjourned,f0 meet on Saturday, the 26th of August; EIJROPEAN. ., A†_..V.,.. ..n . _ ._ _h EASTERN WAR DISPATCIIES. LONDON, Aug. 7.â€"A letter to the Daily .News. timed II‘IIiloppopolis, July ï¬llet, says; “ Investigation into the recent atrocities is proceed-mg. It. will probably be reported that sixty villages have been burned, and 12,000 persons killed. Mr. Scliuylau thinks the Ieporls of Ike atrocities commilied by [he Bulgarians are unfounded. There are horrible scenes at Butok. Seven thousand bodies have been lying there. since May IZIh, rolling: m the sun. No crime invented by Turkish ferociiv has been left uncommitted. There is urgent need of assistance for the starving families.†Au indignant farmer recently cnioreda newpapcr ofï¬ce in this cvmnly and ordered his power stopped because. he differed from the editor in his views regarding the advan- tages oi subsoiling fence. rails. The editor, of course. conceded the man’s right to stop his paper; but he remarked, coonlookiug over his listâ€" ‘ Did you know .Iiui Sowdms. over at IIardscrnlilile?†" Very well,†said the. rum. "Well, he stopped his paper bccarse I llmuglii a farmer was a great fool who did’m know that timothy was a good thin;r tn graft nu hucklcberry bushes, and be died in four hours.†Lor, is that so?†said the astonished gran" ~. “Yes: and you know Old George Erickson. down High; A land Crook? “ Well I've heard of him.†his paper because I said he v as (be Imme father of twins, and cmmralulmed him upon his good fortune so late in life. He fell dead within ‘10 Ininuici. There are lots of other similar cases ; but it don’t matter, I’ll just cross your name (If; tlidugli you don’t look strong, and there's a. had color on your nose.†" See, here, Mr. Editor,†said the subscriber, l()()l(lll;.{‘ somewhat alarmed. " “ I believe I’ll just keep on another year, ‘causc I always (lld like your paper; and come to think about it, you’re a youg man, and some allowance Orter be made.†And No class of people can inflict such ma’râ€" tyrdom on their associates as those Who are given to the habit Of reminding others of their failings or peculiarities -Ymi are never safe with such a. person. -â€"\Vhen you have done your very best to please, and are feeling,r kindly and pleas-- antly, out will pop some bitter Speech some underhand stab which you1 alonb comprehendâ€"a sneer which is masked . 1 but too Well aimed to be. misunderstood because 11‘: is afraid you are too happy or too conceited, and ought to be “taken down a peg.†Yet they are worse than So many blows. How many sleepless nights have such moan attemth caused tenderâ€"hoartel idiotsl How, enter: them, one awn.ch with aching eyes and head, to remember that speech before any thing elscâ€"â€"~tli:‘.t bri: ‘it, sharp, Wall» aimed 11cc .le of a speech that probed the very centre of the soul. There is only one comfort to be taken. The. repetition of such attriclw soon wean your heart from the attacker; and this once done, nothing he can say will ever pain you more. \‘v‘liile, as for him, one friendship after another, mortally stung by his sarcasm, dies and he ï¬nds himself at last alone and frienrlless was he deserves to be. Setting aside the un- kindncss of the. habit, and looking at it in an entirely worldly pomt of View, it does not pay to My disagreeable things to theses/11': 1779118. as N: ll in the anti rel-nil upon ourselves. not fire “ W ell.†said the editor, gravely,“lielstcpped' he departed,salisï¬ed that he had made a‘ , narrow escape from death. Only half a. dozen Words, spoken merely , British and Foreign. The Duke of Connaught, says the IVOI'ltl has proposed to Princess Mary Of Hanover. He is to receive his answer at Gmunden in August. A bronze statue of Lord Byron is to be erected in the Green Park, London, Opposite the house wlieie he wrote “ The siege of Corinth.H The Admiralty have invited tenders for the construction of six unmmourod screw corvctrcs, each to carry 14 0~i«pounder guns. At Wimbledon this year, instead of the review with which the meeting has usually terminated, there will be a series of athletic sports. New swimming baths have just been added to Rugby School, at a cost of between two and three thousand pounds. They are the gift of Dr. Jux Blake, the head master. A boiler explosion took place on Monday at Dawson's liuiile Inanui'aclory, Branch road, Blackburn. The explosion blew the engine shed to pieces, and killed two persons on the spor. A woman named Stout, and her baby, were drowned on the Thames, near Thames Dillon, on Monday nigbtby the upsetting of a ferryboat. Two men have been killed at Txumping ton, near Cambridge, by earth falling in upon them while working in a coprolite pit. John Williams, pitman, was sentenced to death at Durham en Wednesday for the min- der of his brother-in-law by shooting him. Alike London Guildhall, on the 51k, Jolm Walton, oI‘Ncw Ymk, was charged wuh defrauding the British and Foreign Inveslmcni Ilnnk by altering a cheque from £19 to £1000. ’I'Iie prisoner was remand- (9d. At Manchester, on Tuesday, a man new cd Horridge was conmiilted for trial for trade outrage. by cutting several smillis’ bellows belonging to his employer, Mr. Colliuge. At the Oxford Assizcs, John Tingewiclr, twenty-six years of age, was convicted of having placed a number of stones upon the Great Wosicvn Railway, at Steeple As- Iou, with intent. to upset a train. He was sentenced IO be kept in penal servitude for seven years. At BchOI-d Assizes on Monday, Lucy Lowe, a married Woman, but ,livivg a pelt from her husband, was charng with the murder of her child, aged Ii' days. at Stag- sden, a village near Bedford, and sentenced to death. Alike Durham Assizes, before Justice Lush, Willam Davidson, pilot, was found guilty of nttempiihg to murder another pilot, named Fairley Downes, at Sunderlaud, on the l8lll Of April last, and was sentenced to Ieu years’ penal servitude. A grinder named Murry (lied Ili Glasgow on Sunday morningr from injuries inflicted by 1113 wife on the previous night. Both had been drinking, and his wife unsolved deceased \vitha fair of tongs. She is in custody. At the London Guildhall, on Tuesday, 0. Puwcslatnd, invmcxly n. luwu Couiicillui of High Wycombe, was charged und‘e‘r life lankrupicy Act with unlimfully selling goods of the value of £40,000 which he had obtained on credit. Two soldiers oI'llIc 951i) Regiment, named Johnson and Philips charged wnh coming and with having in their possesion, st Per.- ally barracks, instrumean for the manufac- ture of base coin. have been sentenced at Pombrokeshire assmes to tivelve months’ hard IaIJJr. A goods train from Bristol to Salisbury ran off the line on Sunday at the Batbampton Junction (II the Great Western Railway. at the point where the accident happened lost year. There was no accident to life or limb but great damage to the permanent way. On receiving a telegram announcing the accident the. inspector oudutyatBnlh station dropped down dead. The failure was announced in Dundee, on Wednesday, of an Amcrcian import house, with liabilities in Dunfermliue district alone amouniing to £25,000. The failure is also announced oI'Ivlcsm-s. Campbell and Gordon, jute spinners. Dundee, with considerable Jiobilitics. A ï¬fe mnnfacturcr has also in- timated his inability to meet the claims on his estate. At the Nottingham County Hall, on Wed- nesday, the lcv. III-my JeIIOuIe. Vicar of Burton Joyce, and his son James Stanllope Jeuoure, a jmllll, “me. chm-yell, the last named with having, on the 28th of June, assaulted William Brett, a farmer. at Bnr- Ion Joycc.nnd the other aiding and abetting. 'l he Vicar was further charged with bsin; I threats towards Mark Baggally. a farm bailiff at the same. place. On the 28th of June the complainants were shooting in a ï¬eld known as Crow Park, rented from the Earl oszrnarvou by a Miss 'i‘omImsOn for whom , Daggalley seas. The rcv. gentleman, it I seems, has also a kind ofright to shoot over : the same land. and on the (lay named, when he saw the defendants sporting, he ordered them 00' Mr. Brett said he refused to go, and the Vicar went towards him saying he would make him. He, however, returned to his house. which was close by, and said to his son, “Stan, go into the house and fetch the gun, and shoot him.’y The son cent as his talker (II-sired, brought a loaded ,gmi, and Lil. skargcd it at Mr. Brett, at the I distance of III) yards. OIcourse, no injury was done a1 ilmt, distance, but the shot fell all roundllix Iireit Hesaid to MI-Jenoure, , “ Ilo you in [I to shoot me," and the elder defendant said, " I thought it was Bag~ glaIICV.H-Tlle Bench lined the defendants £5 each. CANAIIIAN CATTLE is ENGLAND. The lollowiuur lellel appeared in the London papers offlie 237th " Sir, Yesterday ‘r‘pzit'e a sensation was causr .l in our millh: znaikct by the arrival oi'l02 Canning) cattle, splendid animals. in line condition, equal In Our best Engliin breeds; llicy curnc to Scotland from Ment- trcul, shipped by Mess Barbour St Coghlin. e do consignment of Messrs. Richard Hull? and sons, of Liverpool, who have thus Opens ed out another source of our food supplies. They were ï¬fteen days On lhc journey, and were landed of Thames Haven without a sin: ale accident. 'I‘liey realized 65.10 65 Ltd. to sink offal, and will no doubt result in a. very large and regular supply, and thus tend to lower the price OI that prop of Old Eng- landwroast beet. Yours faithfully, a , WILIIAM MALIHMM. 'I»Ietr‘c;~r~l:tau Hear Market. Smhhï¬e‘d, .Ta'vv 251i). . i «45