y The farmer sat in his old arm chrir, Rosy and fair, Contented there, "Kate. I declare,†He said to his wife, who was knitting near, “We need not fear The hard ttme here, Though the leaf of life is yellow and sere. ‘I’m the king, and you are the queen Of this fair scene, These ï¬elds of green And gold between. These cattle grazing upon the hill, Taking their ï¬ll, And sheep so still, Like many held by a single will. " These haruyurd fowls are our subjects all, They heed the call, And like a squall 0n fast wings fall, Whenever we scatter for them the grain. ’Tia not in vain We live and reign In this our happy and calm domain. “.And whether the day be dim or ï¬ne, In min or in shine, These lands of mine, These ï¬elds of thine, In cloudy shade and sunny glow, Will overflow With crops that grow, When gold is high and when it is low. “Unvexed with shifting of stocks and shares, And bulls and fears, Stripes and cares, And the affairs 0f speculation in mart and street, In this retreat Sweet peace can meet With plenty on her rural beat.†-‘ Lady Lisgard. as I hope for Heaven, †cried she in anguish, “ 1 am innocent ofthat which you charge me: I am as honest as yourself, Letty. Alas. you shudder, because I dare to compare myself with your pure daughter; you think I soil that name. too, by uttering it. What shall I say by what shall I swear, in order to make you believe me? " CHAPTER XXIâ€"(Continued) Miss Rose Anyton had aimed her blow, and missed: the weapon she had put so much trust. had proved utterly good for nothing. All her schemes ofthe last few months were rendered fruitless, and the discoveries which she had attached such vast importance, and which she had attained to by such mean arts. shewn to be vain and futile. And now that she had humiliated herself by owning this, and thrown herself at this woman’s feet, she would not extend so much as a ï¬nger-tip to help her. “ I would to Heaven I could believe you, Rose, "returned my Lady sadly, touched in spite of herself by the girl‘s yearning appeal. “ If you could erase this damning plot upon 1}}; _sou’a fair _name,_qnd give me back my Walterâ€"~35 I deemed him'but an hour ago: 1 would be so grateful, girl, that [you would ahnost thmk I loved you. †“ You would!" cried Rose thh eager flees; then added bitterly: ‘9 But no; you mean “'1 could say : ‘Your son has never ressed his lips to these, has never sworn to a mine, and mine alone.’ But you would not thank me for merely proving that in this, although he did 'it, he was not to blame.†" What 1 not to blame?†"No, madamâ€"far even for his sake, I cannot longer bear this burden of undeserved shame. Waller Lisgard is my husband. We were married weeks ago,wheu I went to London in the sprrng. " “ Married, married I†gasped my Lady. “Thank God for that! Far better to de- ceive me, boy, than this poor girl. I never thought to say: ’I am glad you are my daughter-in-law, Rose Aynton ;†but I do say so now.†She took both her hands in hers, and gazed upon her downcast face, how overspread with blushes, and tinged for once with genuine tenderness. “It moves you. does it, that 1 am thankful to see the honor of my son preserved at some sacriï¬ce of his prospects. How little do you know me, girl i yet 1 am glad to move anyway. Rose, be a kind Wife to him. I will not. blame you for what has happened, although 1 have much cause I must blame him rather. Who can wonder that. you yielded when he said: ‘Be mine.’ So gentle and so loving as he can be. Now, too, I see it all. When you refused Sir Richard in the library, you were actually his brother’s wife. Ah, Heaven, you must not remain here longer-«not a day. I shall write to Walter â€-â€"-â€" " Nay, madamâ€"mother," exclaimed Rose beseeehingly, "I pray you let me write. I have broken my plighted word. and dis- obeyed my husband‘s bidding: in revealing this. “ To pleae him, 1 had resolved to defend myself this morning as I best might, by returning thrust for thrust, Without using this shield-“my innncence-at all. But your bitter words-~a shower of barbed dram-«drove me behind it. He will be very wrath with me indeed, madam ; but far worse if the news comes from you. He has much just-now to make him {anxious too.†gitmm whammy. “Indeed.†replied my Lady, hastily. "How is it then, that I have heard nothing ofit? I But I forgot; it is you who have his secrete now. _ Yes, you shall write, not I. Tell him that I am sorry-«sorry that he should have deceived me above all ; but thatl forgive hlm freely. He knows that, however, right well. He must not come back to Mirk until he beers from me; and you, Rose, you must join him without de- lay. Every member of this household must learn at once that you are Walter's wife ; but not till you have gone-«for Rich- ard’s sake.†Upon the morning after. the interview between Rose and Lady Lisgard. the latter again sent down Mistress Forest for the letter-hag, and was once more disappointed at receiving no news from Arthur Haldane; not only did the interval of twenty-four hours make this additionally serious and in‘ crease 'her former apprehensions that he had not received her telegram, and might ï¬nd some means of forwarding Derrick’s letter to himselfâ€" since it had certainly not come back to the Lisgard Arms; but there was a still graver cause for anxiety in the-fact that Mary Forest also received no reply from Ralph to that rejec|ion so decidedly yet courteoust composed by her mistress, with the view of taking away all hope, and and at the same time of leaving as little sting of anger as was DOBBIble. Lady Lis- gard would have almost preferred to have received from this man a declaration of open warfareâ€"an expressed resolution of carrying awayMar'y’as his wife, in spite of all obstacles-u rather than this menacing No Answer. VContemptuous silence was not still .thd'natural line for one of his MIRK ABBEY. THE FARMING KING. The time has passed when woman must be pale and delicate to be called in- terestingâ€"when she must be totally ig- norant of all practical knowledge to be called reï¬ned and high bredâ€"when she must know nothing of the current poli- tical news of the day, or be called mas- culine and strong-minded. It is not a- sign of high birth or reï¬nement to be sickly and ignorant. Those who aï¬'ect anything of the kind are behind the times, and must shake up and air them- selves mentally and physically, or drop .under the ï¬rm strides of common-sense ideas, and be crushed into utter insigniâ€" ï¬cance. In these days an active, rosy- faced girl, with brain quick and clear ; a warm, light heart; a temper quickly heated at intended insults or injury, and just as quick to forgive ;whose feet can run as fast as her tongue and not put her out of breath ; who is not afraid of freckles, or to breathe the pure air of heaven, unrestrained by the drawn cur- tains of a close carriage ; and above all, who can speak her mind and give her opinion 0.) important topics which inter- est intelligent peopleâ€"is the true girl, who will make a good Woman. This is the girl who wins in these days. Even fops and dandies, who strongly oppose woman’s rights, like a woman who can talk Well, even if she is not handsome. They weary of the most beautiful crea- ture if she is, a. fool. They, “Aw, yeas, she is a, beauty, and no mistake, but she won’t do for hieâ€"lacks brains,†for which commodity it would seem she could have little use in her association with him. However, to please even an empty-headed fop, a woman must know something. My Lady made certain preparations for that extremity-â€"nay, for the worst that could possibly arise-~chiet among which was the composition ofa very long and carefully- conned epistle to her eldest son, that she put. by in her desk undated and unsealed, so that additions could be made to it at pleas- ure. Then she waited in agonies of sus- pense day after her day; and yet no letter came for her maid from Ralph, or for her- self from Arthur Haldane. Moreover, al- though, in her absorbing anxiety about the more serious subject. this affected my Lady far less than it dld Rose. no communication came from Walter in answer to her long and justiï¬catory letter, acquainting him with the disclosure of their marriage. It was worrnwood to have to say to her mother-in-low every morning: “ He has not written yet,†and thereby to confess that Walter treated with indifference the em- barrassing position in which she was now placed at Mirk Abbey; moreover, she sur- mised that her husband was too much en« raged with her disobedience in betraying their secrets, to write at all. To obtain happiness is the gaol of ex- istence. This fact leads us on to the dis- cipline which is the true kernal. “’9 are so restless that we must plan a little more than we can execute. It is imperâ€" ative, too, that we have occupationâ€"an abiding interest in others. We are apt to hunger for that which we have not ; there is ever something unanswered in our Strong desires ; a yearning, an up- ward glance. There is a shivering of the soul which all'rights us, but it does not last. We are never morally nor physically dead; we are in straitsâ€"under ~L cloud. It maybe we are one of those wno, for feverish excitement, help in the appropriation of a third of the large quantity of opium annually imported. Desperate as the condition is, it is not be- yond the pale of remedy. Emancipation is ever possible, and what we cannot do do for ourselves lies in the keeping of those subtle enough to reach us. If we fail to recover an erect posture and drop our shell, there is yet an egress, and kind assistants to lead us forward. The Worst case is not unapproachable ; there- fore let us take heart and hope. Marry your daughters ofl‘, advises a rich man. Don’t put the barrier of your wealth between them and less wealthy suitors. I want gentlemen for for my sons-in-law, but I do not care whether they are poor or rich. 1 made my way in the-world without help-â€"they can do as much with help-â€"and I’ll give it them if they’re deserving. Better do that than support a houseful of discon- tented woman. Nowadays people expect their daughters marry well; consequently unless they are Madonnas in beauty, or the father immensely rich,Lhey do not marry at all. Give the poor gentleman encouragement, therefore, ï¬nd husbands f or your girls, that they may do the work Heaven assigned them to do, and lead happy, contented lives. This money aristocracy is simply barbarous when ap- plied to matrimony. I gave my oldest daughter to my head clerk ï¬ve years ago, and they’re a superlatively happy couple; but he would never have dared to ask for her had I not given him encouragement. I have four more daughters coming 11p, and unless they are married during the next ten years, I shall endeavor to provide husbands for them myself. Rich or poor husbands they shall have! violent character to take, if he had decided to treat her waiting-woman’s letter as ï¬nal. He was more like in that case to have penned a. tornado ofinvective, and hidden both mistress and maid to have gone to the duce. It was only too probable, then, that he was determined--- as he had threatened, to take no denial; and that he would re- turn in person, sooner or later, to Mirk, to prosecnte his suit. Be industrious; the world is already burdened by loafers, idlers and non-pro- ducers, all of whom have to be support ed by those who work. Begin early to teach your children the value of labor and industry. Make your calculations ’to be busy and usefully employed as long as you live. The idea of living the ï¬rst half of one’s life under double pressure, and then, after getting a competence, re‘ tiring from all active life, and living easily upon the capital, is the height of folly. It is contrary to nature, and must work disastrously both to the body and the mind. Be industrious at some pay- ing branch of business, and earn money to use as well as to keep. As we look around among the farmers of our am quaintance, we see many who spend most of their rainy days and evenings at the village store and post ofï¬ces, discussing the weather, the crop prospects, the gen- eral news of the village, and sometimes a little politics. As a rule, one had bet- ter be at' home, attending to the plans of details of his business, or reading books or papers that would teach more valuable lessons than can be learned at t1; comer grocery or at the village post- 0 ea. 2 ' e r THE GIRL WHO WINS. (TO BE CONTINUED.) HOPE EVER “ I have no money 3†the mortiï¬ed man shouted, ready to sink into the earth ; while the people all around him and especially the‘three girls he had treated, were giggling and chuckling uudibly. “ But the young man gasped out, “ 1 have no moneyâ€"" “ Go Monday ’1†queï¬ud the deaf cashier. “ I don’t care wlwn you go. You must pay and let those other penplu come up.†“ sze money ’I" the cashier said. “Of course 'you (loâ€"two dollars and seyexlty-ï¬ye cents}: That all the girls used to be in love with him. That all the widows are now. That if he Were a widower he could marry again whenever he chose. That all the other fellows are fools. That he wouldn’t introduce any fellow he knows to his sister or his daughter. That his wife is a little jealous. That she used to be a pretty girl. ' That his mother could make good bread ; that his wife cannot. That he would not trust most women. That if he could ever speculate he would make his fortune. ' That he would enjoy a country life. That his mother-inâ€"law may be a ï¬ne old lady, but~ That smoking never hurt a. man yet. That his shirt buttons are grossly ne- glected. “Oh, yes plenty. of fun,†the deaf man replied, growing tired of the conversa- tion, and noticing the long line of people waiting with money in their hands. “ But I haven’t got time to talk about. it now. Please settle and move on.†“ Oh ! don’t want no change ’1" the deaf man cried gleefully. “ Bleeged to yeâ€"bleeged to ye. ’Tain't often we get such generous donations. Pass over your bill.†“ I can’t pay ! †the youth screamed, and by turning his pocket inside out, and yelling his poverty to the heavens he ï¬nally made the deaf man under- stand. And then he had to shriek his full name three times, while his ears fairly rang with the peals of laughter that Were breaking out all around him, and he had to yell out where he worked and when he would pay, and he couldn’t get the deaf man to understand him until some of the church members came up to see what the trouble was, and recognizing their young friend, made it all right with the cashier. z‘ Chanvge two?†chirped the deaf man. “ Oh, yes, I can change a. ï¬ve if you giant it.†awayâ€"‘7 causeâ€"-†“ No, no " tho ouno‘ man ex Iained. “ ) a I have no fundsâ€"†That people think too much of the looks of that Missâ€", who would not be called handsome if she did not mak‘xe herself up. The young man with his face aflame, bent down. and said softly : “I am ashamed to say I have no change withâ€"’ “ Hey 'I †shouted the cashier. “I regret to say,†the young man re- peatel in a. little louder key, “that I have unfortunately come away without clzange toâ€"" , 7. “ N o,†the young man explained in a terribly penetrating whisperâ€"for half 0. dozen people were crowding up behind him, impatient to pay their bills and get That all "her lady friends are ï¬ve years older than they say they are. That. she has a, very ï¬ne mind. H That if her husband had acted on her advice, he wmfld be a rich man to-day.‘ People have noticed that one of the handsomest young men in this town has Iuddenly grown bald, and dissipation is attributed as the cause ; but that is not true. He went to a. church social the other week, took three charming girls out to the refreshment table, let them eat all they wanted, and then found he had left his pocket book at home, and a deaf men he had never seen before was at the cashier's desk. Then the young man went out into the night and clubbed himself, and sheared his looks away until he was as bald as an THINGS a married man cannot help thinking : That with a little management the ser- vants would always do well, and never gig; warping. That she was very pretty at sixteen. That she had, or would have had, a. grin}; mapy oï¬â€™grs: That her mother-in-law is a very trying woman. ought to be pulL down. . That her girls are prettier than Mrs. A's girls. That she would like to know where her husband spends his evenings when he stays out. That her eldest son taken after him. That he is gning to throw himself away on that Miss Scruggsl That Miss Scraggs set her cap for him, and did all the courting. v That he is going to make his fortune some day. That he Slespisgs cld Pachelors. . Things that a. woman cannot her think- 1ng_; That her servant-girls are the worst ever known. That she has a good temper. That she pities old maids. N 0 love is so true and tender as thv' love our parents give us, and for non: are we so ungrateful. ‘We take it as : matter of course as something we de» serve; Especially may our nuthers toil and deny themselves, think all night om, labor all d9. 7, without receiving an) thanks whatever. From the day when she walks all night with us, while we cry. to the day when she helps to make om wedding dress and gives us these cherish- ed pearls which she wore in her girlhood, we do not half recognize her love for us. Never until we are parents ourselves do we quite comprehend. Yet is them any- thing like it? The love may desert us for some brighter beauty; the husband grow indifferent when we have been his a. little while ; the friend he only a. sum- mer friend, and fly when riches vanish, or when we are too sad to amuse; but our parents love us best in our sorrow, and hold us dearer for hny change or disï¬ trement. There isn‘t much of heav ven are on earth, but what there is of it is chiefly given in a parent's. lore. 'luat her sisterdn‘law takes airs, and A DEAF CASHIER. 1 don’t {vaht any change, Be- I’ARENTAL LOVE. Interesting. just left Easton, and the conductor was making his ï¬rst round, when he observ- ed a. small white dog, with a bushy tail and bright black eyes, sitting cosin on the seat beside a young lady so hand- some that it made his heart roll over like a lopâ€"sided pumpkin. But. duty was duty, and he remarked, in his most de- prgcgtory manner : ' “I’m 'very sorry, madam, but against the rules to have dogs in Pa§§99gercm31 ' The young lady pouted, but the brake- man reached uver and picked the canine .‘lp as tenderly as though it was a two~ weeka’ baby. But, as he did so, a Immge expression came over his face, like a wave of cramp colic, and he said, hastily, to the conductor: - “Oh, my ! is that so ’1" and she turned up two lovely brown eyes at him beseech- ingly. “What in the world will I do? I can't throw him away. He’s a. Christ- matLpresent from my a11np_.j’___ But he "was ï¬rm, and sang out to the brakeman, whowas playing a solo on the stove : “H'ei'e, you just hold him a minute, 1i“ 1 1}u_t this polfelj away}: BNPOROING THE RULES. 5; It happsned the other day on the Le- pigh_V:allgy Railrogd._ The_ train had “By no means, m'iss. We’ll put 111m ina. baggage car, and he’ll be just as haggx‘ag {3. robin in syringf" And he laid the Christmas dog down in the owner’s lap, and walked out on the platform, where he stood half an hour in the cold, trying to think of a. hymn tune to suit the worst sold man on the Lehigh Valley Road. CANADA’S CARTOON PAPER, “GRIP.†Single copies 5 cents ; $2 a. year. “I’m awqu sorry, miss, I do assure. you, but the 11165 of this company are as inflexible as the laws of the Medes and them other fellows, you know. He shall have my overcoat to lie on, and the brakemzm shall give him grub and waitgrï¬very time he opens his mouth†“I just think it’s awful mean, so I do ; and I know somebody will steal it, so they vyil} l" And she showed a. half motion to cry, that ngarly bque the conductor’a heart. A:in he trot‘t'ed o’ut a’E the car door and held on to the brakeâ€"wheel, shaking like}; man»with ague. The conductor no sooner had his hands on the dog, than he looked around for a hole to fall through. “Wh-wh-why, this is a. worsted dog I†“Yes, sir,†said the little miss,demure- ly. “Didn’t you know that ’I" ' “No 2 I’m 'most awful sorry to say I didn‘t know that !" “Here, Andy, take this dog over into the baggage car, and tell ’em to take just the best kind of care of him.†“What! put my ni-ce WVhite dog in n nagg, stufllytflusty baggage Earl?" COLORED (Printed by a Process peculiar to our Chromatic Printer) J OB PRINTING WWW '; ' HOMAS SEDMAN, (3ARRIAGE and Wagon Maker, Undertakonetc. _ A l and Wagon Maker, Undértakor. etc. ’ Residence â€" Nearly opposite theoPout Oï¬ce Richmond Hill‘ Where Advertising (:3an can "be nude. THIS PAPER IS ON FILE WM RICHMOND HILL5 Orders received at 'this ofï¬ce. HERALD POSTERS. OFFICE, ON TARIO. AT THE it‘s the The subscriber will sell out the balance of his stock of SPADES, long and short handled SHOVELS and IRON RAKES, at a discount of 15 per cent FOR. CASH ONLY. Dry Goods, tdgether with Sugars, Tobaccos, and other General and Fancy Grocerles, Is extensive and at very low ï¬gure. A fresh supply of FRUINARS . K , J ust Received, a Large Quantity of ‘Genuine’and ‘No. 1’ White Lead. [SUCCESSOR T0 ALEX. SCOTT,] ‘ Bookseller, Stationer, Printer, Publisher and News Agent, Richmond Hill, Ont. Something New at the People’s Store IN MACHINERY OILS. Anderson’s Lightning Lubricator This Machine Oil will neither gum nor freeze at a temperature as low as zero. The Steam Reï¬ned Pale Seal Oil is a ï¬ne oil that cannot be beat in the market. Barnum’s Chariot Axle Grease. Sole Agent for Anderson’s “Family Safety Illuminating Oil." Also a Large Stock of Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil, Turpentine, White Lead and colorings, Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, Striping Brushes, Putty, and Glass of all Sizes. A Large Stock of Fruit Jars. A Fresh Supply of Groceries. A Large Stock of FURNITURE kept Constantly on Hand. ‘ LOUR AND FEED! and save one-third the ' ' cost of aintin and et a paint that is much hand-01191111031 Palntsomer. grid will .gast twice as long as any other paint. Is prepared ready for use m white or any color desired. Is on many thousandslol the ï¬nest buildings of the country, many of which have been painted six vears. and now look as well as when ï¬rst painted. This CHEMICAL PAINT has takén First Premiums al twenty of the Slate Fairs of the Union. ‘ Sample card qf colors sent free. Address, Miller Bros., 109 Water St, Cleveland, 0., or N. Y. Enamel Paint 00., 103 Chambers St., N Y. RE YOU GOING TO PAINT 9 A Then Buy MILLER BROS. The remainder of SUMMER DRESS GOODS, viz, Grena- diues, White Checks, eta, AT COST. ; Vila and s urious imitations of †Holloway‘s Pills and 0111 want," are manufactured and sold 3 under the name . ‘ of “Holloway & ‘00.," by J. E. . _ Henr , Curran dz Co.,Druggiats, of aw York, ‘with an assumed (:1- n. d e 'm a r k, bhua â€"~â€"â€"â€" 7 â€"In Canada, the principtfl « Wholesale Den- ‘ I era in t h e a e Counterfeits are The Pills purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers of how- ever 1011 standing. For Bronchitis, Diptheria, Coughs, olds, Gout, Rheumatism, and 1111 Skin Diseases it has no equal. I deem it my duty to state that my Pills uï¬d Ointment are neither manufactured nor sold in the United States. Each Pot and Box bears the British Govern- ment Stamp, with the words “HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND OINTMENT, LONDON,†engraved thereon. 0n the label is the address, 633, Oxford Street, Lodou. HE GREATEST WONDER OF MODERN TIMES. Lyman, Clark & Cb": Northru and Lyman, and Lyman rothers dz 00., who obtain them at very low prices, from J. F. Henry, Curran & Co, of New York, and this trash is supplied to unprincipled retail venders, who sell the same as m genuine Pills and Ointment, which are manu natured only at 533, Oxford Street, London, and may be obtained from the following Firms, viz. :â€" Messrs. Evans, Mercer 6: 00., Montreal. Messrs. Avery, Brown dz Col, Halifax, N. 8. Messrs. T. B. Barker & Sons, St. John, N. B. Messrs, Elliott & 00., Toronto. Who import them direct from here. THOMAS HOLLOWAY. J UST RECEIVED, At the Herald Book Store, Sir Walter Scott’s 85 Other Novels, At 10, 1'5, 20, 25 and 30 cents. Brier root and other plpes, shin collars, thimbles. nun, em, 61“, Richmond Hill, July 17, 1876. EOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND OINTMENT. 533, Oxford Street, W.C. London, April lat, 1876. BEWARE OF VILE AND ABflMINABI-E BUUNTERIBITS. Also a quantity of HAY RAKES, at 106 and 13¢, worth 13c and 17a. AT FALCONBRIDGE’S All of which will be sold at the Lowest Possible Rates for Cash. Good quality afllow in price, in the course of a few days. M. H. KEEFLER, i‘maiciual. REDUCTION IN PRICES. COTTON BAGS THE GENERAL STOCK 0F J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. P. G. SAVAGE. MEDICAL HALL, MARKHAM. GEORGE RANKIN, BOOK OF THE CENTENNIAL Newspaper Exhibition. Three hundred pages. A complete Newspaper Directory Gazateeer of towns in which newspapers are published, and including sketches of leading American News- papers, compiled by Geo. P. Rowell & Co. ' PRICE BY MAIL, 35 CENTS. Address ROWELL'S CENTENNIAL NEWS- ?APER EXIIIBI'I'IONVFEkmonnt Park. Philaâ€" Physicians Presum'ptions and ~Family Recipes ca-rqfullg prepared. aéiphia. Dispensing Chemist, MAIN STREET, MARKHAM. The beneï¬cial effects of the Phosphodyne are frequently shown from the ï¬rst day its admi- nistration, by a rem urkmble increase nervous power, with a feeling of vigor and comfort,to which the patient has long been unaccustomed. Digestion is improved; the appetite increases wonderfully; the bowels become regular; the eyes brighter; the skin clear and healthy, and the hair acquires strength, showing the importance 0! the action of the Phosphodyue on the organs of nutrition - Finally, the Phosphpdyne maintains a. certain degree of activity in the previously debilitated nervous system; its use enables all debilitated organs to return to their sound state and perform their natural functions. Persons suffering from Nervous Debility, or any of the hundred symp- toms which this distressing disease assumes, may rest assured of mu eï¬ectusl and ‘even weed cure by the judicious use of this most mv usblo remedy. ' Ia? CAUTIONâ€"Tho large andincreasing de- mand for DB. BRIGHT’S PHOSPHODYNE has led to several imitations under similar names; pur- chasers of this medicine should therefore be careful to observe that each case bears the British Government Stamp, with the words DR. BRIGHT's PHOSPHODY‘NE engraved thereon (white letters on red ground), and that the same words are also blow-11in the botttle. Every case bears the trade mark and signature of Patentee. The public are also particularly cautioned against purchasing spurious imitations imported from the United States, and are requested to note the .a:..,...u.w.- tn“ .m.‘ m." “-."“LAJ _.‘ .11 1.1.4 xâ€, m, , NDER DISTINGUISHED PAT- RONAGE. ' DR. BRIG‘T‘IT’S petite Hypochondria Female Comï¬lainta Geflera} .Deb ity Business ' Nervous Debility in all Sick Headache its stages Lassitude Premature Decline And all morbid conditions of the system arising from whatever cause. The action of the Phospho dyne is twofoldâ€"on the one hand increasing the principle which constitutes nervous ener , and on the other the most powerful blood an flesh generating agent known; therefore, a marvellous medicine for renovating impaired and broken- down constitutions. It quickly improves the func» tions of assimilation to such a degree, that where for years an emaciated, anxious, cadaverous, and semi-vital condition has existed,‘ the flesh will rapidly increase in quantit and ï¬rmness, and the whole system return 0 a state of robust health. The Phosphodyne acts electrically upon the organization; for instance, it assists nature to generate that human electricity which renews and rebuilds the osseous, muscular, nervous, membranous and organic systems. It 0 crates on the system Without exciting care or t ought upon the individual as to the process. It moves the lungs, liver, heart, kidneys, stomach and in- testines with a harmony, vigor, yet mildness unâ€" paralleled in medicine. Bur'goyne, Burbridge & 00., 16, Coleman It, London, E .C. This Phosphatic combination is pronounced by most eminent members of the Medical Profession to be unequalled for its power in repleni the vitality of the body, by supplyin all the es- sential constituents of the blood an nerve sub- stance, and for developing all» the powers and functions of the system to the highest degree. It is agreeable to the palate, and innocent in it: action, while retaining all its extraordinary pro. perties ; and as a speciï¬c, surpassing all the known therapeutic agents of the present day for the speedy and permanent cure ofâ€" Nervous Prostration Shortness of Breath Liver Complaints Tremblin of the Randi Palpitation of the heart and L mbs Dizziness ' Impaired Nutrition Noises in the Head and Mental-and Physical Do- Ears preeaion Loss olqunergy and Ap- Consumption (in its ï¬rst Indigestion Flatulence Incaimcjty for Study or The Phosphodyne gives back to the human structure, in a. suitable form, the phosphoric or animating element of life, which has been was and exerts an important influence directly on the spinal marrow and nervous system, of 9. nutritive tonic and invigorating character, maintaining that buoyant energy of the brain and musculamsys- tem which renders the mind cheerful, brilliant, and energetic, entirely overcoming that dull, in- active, and sluggish disposition which many per- sons experience in all their actions. 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PHOSPHODYNE. ’FW' The Arew Curative Agent, and only Ito- h'able Remedy for Nervous and Liver Complaints. Protected by Royal Letters Patenr Dated. October 11th, 1889. Dr. Bright’s Phosiphodyne AMES. TOYS, &C.¢ FUR F the HVP Ln Book Stor- (OZONIO OXYGEN.) ’ EXPORT AGENTS. ’ stages only) Timidity Eruptions of the Skin Impaired Sight and Me- mory Nervous Fancies Impoverished Blood Nerypusl Debility In all {88