Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 11 Aug 1876, p. 4

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HERALD. OB PRINTING OFFICE, RICHMOND HILL. “ THE HERALD," PDBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY RB Book mud Job Printing Offices, Yonge St. climond Hill, Ontario. ' new singlo column advertisements will up- p'e on, this page, except such Its appear only on me first page: Lo’culnotices in reading matter will be charged bile and a. hail cents per word, payable when Orders . "any. spam. RICHMOND HILL, AUG. ll, l876. “ The Herald” is moi lcrl ofice by Tl. first fired if it does not reach Jubscril‘ers 2 ‘2 proper time. New music received at Tue HERALD Book Store. this week: “ The three angel visitmls .” ___.___4 Notwithstanding the busy times for work, and .‘Aillness for money, new subâ€" scribes kOc coming in, and some old ones paying up. There are still a num- ‘ber that we expect to call as soon as the rush of the harvest is over, or sooner. .__.._._ .. Remember the lacrosse match to mor- row, (Saturday) at two o’clock, in the fair ground, in this village, between the Young Canadians of this place and the "Wéllingmns of Toronto, for the junior {championship of the north. Brass Band tin attendance. .5. dmissiou to the ground "teu cents; ladies free. We understand that M: L. Steward, Camp Point, Illinois, has been in this neighborhood during the present week, and has made purchases of Cotswold and i‘qmr’tlidown sheep, for which he paid fair 3 ices. lie also took awayaDurham “birllcalf from Mr. Russell's, Lots of “room for more to come. 4â€" A species of red tapeism has, we think. “existed long enough, in taking the mail :I‘hat is made Up at the office in this vil- lage all the way to Toronto, to be there assorted and then to come back again to ~'Tlio'i‘nhill for delivery. It is time this Earrangemcnt was altered, so that the lmtail could be thrown oil at rlhornhill nutrition on the way to Toronto. We notice other papers olfering in- dubcme’ots to subscribers. and as we are determined that ‘l HE HERALD shall have the largest paging subscription list in the bounty by the end of this year, we make the following ofier to new sub- scribers: THE HERALD will be given from the present time until December 315% 1.877, for $1.25 each in advance. ,__._ The E. ‘onoifiiist man thus discourseth in eloquent language on a reaper trial. “ Its origin was One of those simple inotliings from. the result of which nations have been OVIEI‘IDTOWn and the greatest revolutions in Science, and mechanics developed.” 1 l l Barry's gone to be a Crangéy, And with the Grungihrs stand; He has grown eloqucrf’u on reopen; In political language grand. -o . Work has been conmenccd on the iaddition to the Masonic Hall. -1â€" Planks have been delivered for walks at this end of the village. About time. ‘ There ought to be another way of get- ting rid of leather besides burning it. The employees of the Toronto, Grey & Bruce Railway hold their annual picnic at Orangeville on the 23rd inst. The Picton New Nation says:“A barn was recently framed in West York, Ont, belonging to Mr. A. S. Carson, of Picton, in three days and a half, by Messrs. Alex. lVchinnon, Vaughan, (foreman .) J. Brundage, J, McGillvray and H. Mckinnon. The size of the barn is 28x60 . l Yesterday being the village civic holi» day, and as part of our stall of printers went. with the excursionists to Orillia, we are compelled to leave over till next week, the minutes of the Village Coun cil meeting on Wednesday evening, although the same were kindly furnished to us by the Clerk early in the morning; also various other matters held over. 1 â€". There is talk of providing cushioned chairs for the love sick swains who have to wait round the Azetliodist church gate for their inanioratas at the close of the Sunday evening service. Hand in your names gentlemen. l\‘o less than twenty, six of these 'were counted one Sunday evening recently all brought up in regi. mental order. + The late publisher and proprietor of THE YORK HERALD left here this week to take up his residence in the town of Barrie. lle purposes opening in a few days in that place a wholesale and retail book and fancy store. His large experience in that line of business for eighteen years in this place will no doubt‘ {gisnre him success in a larger and wide field ofentciprisct His long residence in this place made for him a ,wide Circle of acquaintance in this vicin .ity who Wm miss [mu from his accus- tomed place behind the counter of the THE ilâ€"JIERALD EOOli Store. H0 carries with him the regerts and at the same time wishes for his 511100955. 0f many in this county. lNe trust filial he “’lll “Oi altogether forget us but Will make“ convenient ‘to visit us occasionally 50 that women get argliniyisc ofhis fimiling countenance: ‘ On Monday evening'last, the night of regular meeting of the‘Crystal Lodge, U. T. U., No. 372, a public temperance meeting was hold in the Masonic Hall. Although the notice given was short, there was a good attendance. The Rev. J. Herbert Starr occupied the chair. The meeting was openen ‘by singing “Hurrah for Prohibition,” and prayer by Mr \V E L Silence. A few pithy remarks were made by Mr P II Stewart, Treasurer of the National Lodge,U.T.‘O., and Mr Sillcncc, Special Beputy of the ‘Grand Lodge, but the attraction of tho evening was a lecture by the Rev B F Austin. Grand Lodge Lecturer, entitled " My rights and thine.” Our space will not pcimit us to do justice to the manner in which the lecturer handled his SUbj‘ccl. He said that evch man had certain GOd- given rights, of which no o.'|0 had any right to deprive him, viz: life, liberty, and the rightito hold property, and do as he pleased with it. Society r.‘?q‘ll"0d certain 'rcstI-ictucss to be placed upon Nothingicau be fairer than Mr. Daniel T. Beatty’s mode of doing business, and "which evinces his confidence in the super- eiority of his instruments over all others. :He warrants his pianos and organs for six years, gives a five days tcst tric’l, and re- lfunds money if purchaser is not satisfied. 'By thismcans his instumcnts are brought into competition with others, and invariâ€" ably Come out victorious. Address all' communications to Daniel F. Berttv, Washington, Warren County, N. J; U. ..S. A. rec his advertisement. . 'On Tuesday forencon last, about half- t'pnst eleven o’clock, a fire was noticed in the-clearing on the farm occupied by Mr. Jas. Rumble, near the village of Patter- son. As 'thc fire was spreading very trapidlv, placing the adjoining bush and 'ficld reps in great danger at a dry time {like ih': present, the employees of Messrs. zPa‘tsrsm Eros were ordered Out, who *dlég around tl'v raging clement and conâ€"i - t to a fi’l" 3“ space. 'l here was no ‘0 done. The fire is supposed to originatrr'. from a tramp who had been smoking in the clearing. m The follmvingr are the names of the candidates who received certificates as Public School Teachers at tlie into cxami nation before the York County Board of Examiners :~â€"3rd classâ€"Ophelia Born- gasser. Agnes Coultcr, Annie E,(‘urtis, Minnie Emery, Kate Franks, Emma Langton, Annie L. Langton, Emma Mainprizc, Kate Mellon, Sarah McClel~ land. Maw sic Milne, Phoebe Moore, Bella Nudel, Susie Page, Ida Page, Annie S. Gray. Maria Langton, Maggie Mitchell. Louisa J.Ross. Emilv F,Stowe, Mary J. Tracy, Amelia TJVatersou, Joseph Bale- man, Wm. Bonner, E. J.Bl‘é‘,€n, W. L. Burton, WV. S. (Jody. l’iobcrt Conway, Thos. Crawford, L. Davidson, D. Don, oghne, .Ias. H. Dunn, J. W. Franks, J. K. Johnstoue. A. W. Law, L. I]. liccsor, II."-arrrpson. RR. Stewart, WJ. Tracey; 'W. E. IVyli’c, \V. A. Wilson, W. H- WVhite, James Brackin, \Vm. Brown. Joseph Law, Henry Love..Iohn McLean, W. J. Phoenix, A. M. Sinclair, George Stewart. Second class, trade A-- Allen illc' Lean, Henry J. Mullen. these rights in any way that wonl.'l ln' jnre or interfere‘witli the rights ofothi ‘TS- These ideas were ably carried out, and fully supported by arguments drawn” from every day life. There was a liberal collection at the close. SCHOOL MEETING. The Board of Education for Rich- mond Hill met at the School Room, at two o‘clock pm. Rev. J Dick in, the chair; also present: Rev. J H Starr. Messrs It Marsh, See. J Duncan, M 'l‘ecfy, J M Lawrence, W Patterson and E. Sheppard. The Secretary reads communication from the Clerk of the Village Council ,in reply for interest of the Clergy “eserve Money; also one from the Clerk of the Vaughan Council in regard its the same matter. ‘llovcd by M 'Fecfy, seconded by ,E Sheppard, that Mcsbrs D_Boyle, J Dun- can and It Marsh be appointed a com- mittee with authority to take legal advice upon the matter rcfcrrcd to in the above communications just read. and it shall be the further duty of the said com- il'l inister of Education, and make-enquiry; i For Teachers’ Salaries,. $775 For Caretaking, etc.,............... 165 For Repairs and Improvements,... 120 $1,060 And that the Secretary be and is hereby instructed to furnish the Clerk of the Corporation of Richmond Hill with a copy of this resolution, which shall be his suflicient authority for collecting the above sum of $1,060 from the ratable property owners of this School Sectionâ€"- Carried. Moved by I M Lawrence, seconded by Rev. J H Starr, that the sum of $100 be the estimated amount required by this Board for the maintenance of the High School Department, and that the Secretary furnish the Clerk of the Rich- mond Hill Council with a copy of this re- solution, which shall be his authority for collecting the said sum from the High School Sectionâ€" Carried. Moved by E Sheppard, seconded by J M Lawrence, that the Secretary of this Board be and is hereby instructed to communicate with the Council of the Corporation of Richmond Hill, to know what they purpose doing with the interest derived frOm the Clergy Reserve Fund, so far as regards the Public School â€"â€"Carried. The Board then adjourned, to meet at the call of the Chairman. Carrville The following members of Prohibition Temple, No. 661, I.O.G.'l‘., were elected and installed as officers for the ensuing quarter,by the Temple Deputy : \V C T, A C(ombs; W V '1‘, Mrs Gardiner; W S, Wm Tester; W F S, Wm McDou» gall; W 'l‘, Ann Grainger; W M, ll Jones; W O G, E Pnider; Vi" I G. N Sheppard; \V A S, M Demon ; W D M, Alice Coombs; W C, G Baker; P W C T, also 1‘ D for the current year, E Gardiner. City Items. A petition, signed by about (300 ratcâ€" pziyers, is to be presented to the Council asking that the bylaw providing for the poisoning of dogs be repealed, and that they be impounded, enacted in its stead. The estate of Messrs. Lash & Co. has been Sold to Messrs J. G. Joseph & Co., for forty cents on the dollar, and thirtyâ€" five cents for book debts. The stock is valncd at $41,000 and the fixtures at $5,000. ‘ License Inspector Armstrong, of To route, has admitted purloining $644 from the License Fund ~thaiiks to the Globe for the information. The audi~ tors of' the city find a deficit‘of $544 in the Inspector’s returns, against which he holds the Treasurer‘s receipt for $520. Moralâ€"Never copy from the Globe about a political opponentâ€"Truth. On Tuesday last a woman named Wood who lives on Lumlcy Street had occasion to go into the yard for a pail of water. There was a game rooster 1n the yard, and on her trying to drive him away he flew to her shoulder, and before she could shake liirn oil he had his strong beak inflicted a severe wound on her check, which required the services of a doctor to stitch up. The changes and improvements spoken of as determinedupon in the Court house on Adelaide-street, are being proceeded with. Windows in the south walls of each of the Courts have been opened, a great and very beneficial change in the wholesomencss and comfort oftlic rooms. The atmosphere will be also greatly im- proved by the placing of ventilators in the balls. The rearrangement of the smaller rooms and offices for juries and officers of the Court will be found con- v enicnt as, compared with the former posi- tions. There is one observation that should receive attention about the cumb- rous s eating for the audience and juries. Lfghte,' seats on the fluor level would loo moistpmfwablc. And in tlicwcst county court room and Court of Assize thc derk’s seat should be raised, to place that officer, within easier reach of the judge on the bench The work will be complct. ed before the opening of the Courts in September. Early Sun-day morning information was brought to the Central Station that. burglars were attempting to break into Ellis’ jewellery establishment on King street. Dctcctivcs Brown and Hodgins hastened to the place and in the rear they found two men acting in a very suspicious manner. As soon as the detectives ap- pearde. the thieves ran eastward along (.‘olbornc street. the detectives in pursuit. The officers called on them to stop, and they not doing so, Hodgimc fired on them, and fearing they would be 311"”, they FHF’ mittce to call upon Dr. Hodgin‘s, Deputy rendered on reaching Cliii."<3l1 street. They were taken to the Ccntrut‘ Siam)" picked a hole in her forehead and with ‘ ofliim in rcgaid to a telcgram dated 8th Where they gave their names as Henry 1 Dec., 1874. sent by him to W S Campâ€" Alder, an American, aged 24. a charm)?“ bell, the Clerk of the County of Perth, lit‘r maker by trade, and John Tracy. an which reads as follows: “Every High School district must he formed of "a vil- lage or town and the whole or part of the adjoining township. No town or Village can be High School district.” After some discussion on the above, in which various opinions were expressed, it was moved and seconded that the above communications and resolution lie over for father Consideration, On motion it was ordered that the account of Mr. Charles Mason for $5 55 be paid. The committee appointed at a forinci-l meeting, to take into consideration the, the advisibility of building a new wood- shcd for the use of Schools, was not pro ‘ pared to report. Moved by Rev. J H Starr, seconded by Mr. Patterson. that the followingl sums be the estimated amount re‘quired I Grade Bâ€"szc Lawlor, Emily Fanny. Jane Spence, Adam A. Ross, Henry A. ' II. J. "I‘rrry .Jos Watson â€"â€".l/m'l. by this Board for the Current expenses. of the Public Schml Department for the present year : l linen out of employment, Irishman, aged 33, a mouldcr by trade. They were brought before the Police Magistrate on Monday. Both the pri- soners are unknown to the policeâ€"- Leader. North York. On Sunday morning last about three o’clock a fire was discovered in the plan ing room of the large agricultural and sewing machine works of Mr. Jos. Fleury, Reeve of Aurora. The alarm was at once given but owing to the quantity of dry timber in the mom the flames spread so rapidly that it was impossible to check them or even to remove anything, and in a very short time the entire works with the exception of the moulding and blacksmith shops (which are built of brick) was a mass of ruins. The destruction of these works will be a serious loss to the vill~ age. as it will throw a large number of All the todlsl of the workmen were destroyed. There was no insurance on the building or stock. The loss w'ill'ber$75,000 or $80,000. It is not known whether Mr. Fleury will rebuild or not. The fire was no doubt the work of an incendiary. We have been informed that the dastardly act has been traced ‘0 the perpetrator. Scarboro’. As the result of an ungovernable temp- er, an unfortunate affray Occurred at the Village ofNorway on the Kingston Road, we are seldom called upon to ~chronicle. A man named John Swallow, who keeps a saddler’s shop at the above-named place, and who bore a good character up to the time of this occurcnce, has been living for some time past (in bad terms with his wife, it. being said that he was unwilling to have her flit her relatives, on account of which lie was continually threatening to dcprhe her of her children should she do so. He finally left her and moved into a house on the opposite side of the road, where he lived for a few days until a reconciliation taking place, he returned tohis former home. On Saturday morn- ing, disagreeing again. Swallow fastened the doors, deliberately drew a revolver from his pocket and fired three shots at the woman. Tlio first. shot entered the scalop on the right side of the head, inflicting a painful wound; the second one entered her right arm below the elbow, before the next shot she raised her arm. as if to shield herself, and received the ball in her hand. She then ran towards him and throwing her arms around him, succeeded in wrcstiilg tlie revolver from his hand. In the struggle Swallow threw his wife on the floor, and placed his knee on her breast, and declaring that he would cut her throat, took a large jack knife from his pocket, and making an ineffective attempt to open it. he seized a. flat iron and commenced beatinghcr with it, when her screams for help attracted the attention of the neigbours, who rushed in and rescued her from her perilous attention. the would be murderer was brought before major Norris, J. P , and committed for trial. Examination of Mrs Swallow’s injuries showed that they were very severe, but the last report is that the ‘ balls had been extracted, and that the injured woman was progressing favourâ€" ably. ’Thornhill. “A FIGHT Wiru KING ALconoL.” On Monday Evening last Mr. Hind- man Barney, of New York, delivered a Temperance lccturc from the above- iiamcd subject in the Victoria Hall, 'l’liornliill. There was a crowded aud- ience present, who seemed intensely in- terested in the speaker, whose narration of the many incidents which he had dissipated life, afforded but another solemn warning to the many who trifle with the intoxicating cup, under the pretext of being- moderate drinkers. Mr. Barney is considered a good speaker, and treated his subjectâ€"so much hack- . ncvcd â€"in a manner which frequently clicitt‘d the plaudits and manifest sym- pathies of his audience. The discourse was followed with several recitations, rendered also by tl e lecturer in a super- ior manner. At the close a liberal col- lection was taken up. and an urgent reâ€" quest tendered Mr. Barney 10 repeat his interesting lecture in the same place at a future period. Yorkville. The stores lich following the early- closing movement of the city close at seven p.m. The Davenport Road Mission School acknowledges the receipt of $25.30 from Mr. A. Gunther. On Saturday a. match between the Acnies. of Yorkvilc, and the Young Canadas, of Toronto, was played on the Toronto Cricket ground, for the lacrosso junior championship of Ontario. The Acmcs succeeded in retaining the championship, winning three straight games, which occupied 8, 45, and 10 minutes respectively. (I‘rom our own correspondent.) Since the passing of the byv-law granting a license to our village council to throw away thirty thousand dollars more to enlarge that beer vat, things have gone on about as usual, every one now who was either too lazy or too in- difi'crcnt to cast their votes against the by-law regrets not having done so. There is some talk about getting up a petition to present to the next meeting of the Legislature praying to be annexed to the City, but I question very much whether such petitions will be forth coming as no one so far as I can ascer- tain has the pluck to undertake it, they would rather be governed orjockc} ed by ,3 set of wire-pullers who manipulate corporation matters to suit their own ends and scheme and manoeuvre to pull the “~00; over the eyes ofa too confiding public, For the first time an advertise- mom, in the Mail newspaper appears advising the ratepayers that the Voters list for 1876 is posted up in the Oflice of the village clerk for inspection so that the names of those who may be left off or otherwise wrong may be corrected, I trust that all parties may take advan- tage of this, as hitherto they have been kept in ignorance as much as possible on this Score. There is some talk of haying a Civic Holiday here this year of our own to show our independence of the City and not wait until the City has one and then follow suit. Attempted bank robbery took place at Windsor, on Monday, withou success The on Saturday forcnoon, the like of which, I Commercial. niciiMONn HILL MARKETS. Corrected by Mr Isaac CrOsh’y. Grocer. and Dry Goods Merchant. Fire Proof Store, M Fiourâ€"Spring Wheat. . . ... «4 $4 35 Fall Wheat extra"". 485 Wheatâ€"Spring. per hurling. 000 Fall......... . not) Burlev................ ..... 000 000 $032@ 040 Pea-“u”... ............... 070m) 075 Potatoes.pcrliush..... ..... 040@ "50 Applesperbarrel............ 1‘25@ 175 Dried Applesperlb......... “(firm 007 Hayperton................ 12 00@ I400. Straw ‘° .........-...... OOIlfiD “('0 Butter.lbrolls.............. 018@ 029 “frowns-Na... .s.. Ill7@ 018 Eggs,perdoz . . . . . . . . . . only?» 01-). Dressed Hugs, per 100 lbs . . . . . ‘35“@ 975 Bacon. Prime...............lO(than12ml Hams, Cured............-- U 12@ 015 TORONTO MARKETS. Toronto Markets corrected from Toronto Email. Ho FOR TORONTO! i Proctor’s Stage Line In connectiOn with the NORTHERN RAILWAY. The Old Route Bea-opened, Quick Timr, Cheap Fares, No longer necessary to endure the discomfort of a. long dilvc to and from Toronto in a. close stage. This stage leaves Elgin Corners and Richmond Hill village every morning (Sundays excepted) as follows : Dailies every Thursday morning. Flour »Sprinngieatextra.. $4 35 Superior extra” . . . . . 5 l5 Oatmeal. . . . . . . ..... n... 4|0 Cornineal....... .. . . . . . 350 linrle\'........ 0 50 (lb 0 oats.'....... u3-2ro 033 l’ease..................... 075/1? 079 Potatoes. per hus' . . . . . .. . . .. ll 35 fit) 0 4O Apples, per barrel.. . .. . . ... ll 00 fr? 0 (ll) Butterâ€"lb rolls,,....,.,.... (Mild? 02] largo l’tclls . . . . . . . . . 0 [5 {(2 015' Eggs.perdoz......... ..... Ullftb ni~2 Dressed Hogs. per IOU lbs... . O 00 ((3 0 00 Bacon . . . . . Prime . . . . . . . ... U 00 ftb 0 (l0 Hamsâ€"Cured. per lb. . . . . , . , 0 ()0 [(3 0 00 0 28 Km 0 528 VVoolâ€"Der ll). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XYGEN IS LIFEâ€"DR. 131': 1G T'S PHOSPHODYNE.â€"-MULTITIIDES OF PEOPLE are hopelessly suffering from Debility, Nervous and Liver Complaints, Depression of Spirits, vaochondria. Tiinidity, Indigestion, Failure of Hearing, Sight and Memory, Lussitude, Want of Power, etc., whose cases admit of a pork muuent cure by the new remedy PHOSPHODYNE (Ozonic Oxygen), which at once alloys all irrita- tions and excitement,imparts new energy and life to the cnfcebled constitution. and rapidly cures every stone of these hitherto incurable and distressing maladies. Sold by all Chemists and Dr'uggists throughout the Globe. Iii" CAUTIONâ€"The large and increasing dc- inand for Dr. Bright‘s Phospliodync has led to several imitations under similar names; purâ€" chasers of this iricdicine should therefore be careful to observe that each case hears the G ov- crnment stump, with the words, Dr. Bright’s Pliosphodync, engraved thereon, and that the same words are also blown in the bottle. Every case bears the Trude Mark and Signature of Pa.â€" teiitee. Export. Agentngorton, \Vutney <9; (10., 107, Southwurk St., London, SE. PAINTS! PAINTS! PAINTS! himself experienced during a course of Something lleiillleap ll lluable IN THE PAINT LINE, Barns, Sheds, Fences, Roofs, and all outside work. These paints are Fire Proof, being me. tallic, and will wear as long as any paint. in use. Our supply is large and well assorted. Stone Drab, Pink Drab. Dork Drab, Yellow Metallic, and chocolate, Which we will sell at prices varying from 5 etc. to 7 cts. per lb. Also White Load and all other colors. Boiled and Raw Oils, nourishes constantly in stark. A call is solicited to examine goods and prices. II. SANDEIISON av SONS, Chemists and Druggisls, Corner of Yoncc and Centre St. East, Richmond Hill. . . Sgtttupfi, RICHMOND HILL S T E A M Pump ~"Works, N reference to the above notice of DlSsolution. the undersigned would announce that lie is now fitting up New and Improved lilaclu'ucry Driven by ample Steam Power, and intendst manufacture a SUPERIOR ARTICLE At'piiccs and on terms hitherto ii ncqnalled. I’arlies wanting pumps will do well to consul, me before purchasing. List of prices sent on application. ll, MILLER. Richmond Hill, March 24 ’75. 9714f 15%. ARISE. Pump Works, Richmond Iâ€"I ill. The undersigned respectfully begs to anâ€" nounce to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and vicinity that he has returned to this place and purchased the Excelsior Pump Works. ON CHURCH STREET, Formerly carried on by Mr. John Hall, l and hopes by strict attention to business, combined with the best material to merit a contim‘iance of the patronage bestowed on his predecessor. Well cuibs constantly on hard. Wells sunk on the shortest notice. Address stating depth of Well, , REU. PHILLIPS, Richmond Hill. i GOING TO TORONTO. Leave Elgin Corners ........................ 7 50 a. m “ Richmond Hill Village S 10 " Connect with N R Express Train 9 10 “ Arrive at TorontoJirock st. station ..10 08 “ “ “ City Hall staticn..10 20 “ COMING FROM TORONTO. Train leaves City Hall station ......... 4 10 p m “ Brock st. station 4 25 p In Connect with stage... ................... . 5 20 p In Arrive at Richmond Hill Village ...... 6 00 p m Giving SIX HOURS time in Toronto. Fares from Elgiu corners and Richmond Hill Village: Single Tickets, 50 cents: Return “ 80 cents. 100 lbs baggage allowed with each passenger. Express parcels to and from Toronto will be carried at the following rates: 10 lbs, and under, 10 cents; over 10 lbs and up to 25 lbs. 15 cents; heavier weights in the same ratio. These rates apply only to pamols addresser “per express to Richmond Hill village,” and parcels from the village. Village parcels delivered, For further information apply to F. CUMBERLAND, SIMON PROCTOR Man. Director, Dominion Hotel, N.R.R. Richmond Hill. (limo rim, ctr. A’l‘ J. BROWN’S THIS DAY: A large and well assorted stock of HARVEST TOOLS, At Toronto prices. Groceries, Glassware And Crockery At Toronto prices. NAst, All sizes, the cheapest in the village. Boots and shoes. Our samples new bcfore you and in quality and shape, we guarantee to fit you well, and make you like our stock. Fruit Jars, To arrive this week; do not fail to ask piices. Flour and Feed. Good flour for $5 per barrel; Lard. Bacon, hams, potatoes, peas, oats, bran and shorts. ea...â€" Remenibcr I will not be niidci‘sold. Call and leave your ordcrs‘. Richmond Hill. J. DOMINION HIE HOUSE. Jtichrnoncl Plill. \\'I.'EA-\ 3 a; (Ii THE E) g g “is E A g a \ EHEST. NOTED FOR THE Best and Cheapest Teas , Of Every. Line. Best 60 cent Tea in the Village COFI’EES A N D S PICES Always fresh and direct from the'Mills. New article for the Ladies, Sclwpp'sCocoamrtfiwpuddings, pics, etc. Flour and Feed constantly on hand. Crockery, Glassware and Tinware. , , All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange. Goons DELIVERED. SO ME T1] 1 N G NE IV, sriiiiii’s sxriiii MAIIIINI iiii. Which will be sold at the lowest rates. CHAS. E. bIlEPPAflD. “stunt sari: ‘_- RICHMOND H l LL .6. Sash and Door Factory. ALFRED QUANTZ, illavtzi/irchircr of Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Mouldings, Lath, Shingles, (to, Richmond Hill, (mt. _ Lumber Tongned, Grooved and Surface Pinned In sliprt notice. Lumber cut from 36 feet down, to order. Bill Lumber attended to. Ounnus SOLICXTED. CLODE & HOOK, MANUFACTURERS or BENT II‘ELLOES, snAFTs CUTTER and SLEIGII RUNNERS, ALSO. A LARGE STOCK OF PATE N T EAVE-TROUGH ANT) \VATER SPOUT EAVE-TROUGHS, KEPTONHAND. FOR THE DOMINION, l At $611M hundred feet. Also Flooring and other lumber dressed; sup buckets, pails, cider mills, washing machines, shhiglcs, Fellces, sewn and BENT material] for buggies and sleighs. For particulars address three men who attcmped it Were captured aftci on exciting {‘ll‘dfl". u I JOHN LANGSTAF’F. Steam Mills. Langston PO whether for printing, advertising or subscriptions to the paper. Thornhill, Ont. V THE HERALD Book and Job Printing Oflice, l I l l , . “THE HERALD” Is PUBLISHED or M. H. KEEFLER. At his Printing Oflices, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Every Friday Morning. ONLY ONLY ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, ONE DOLLAR PER {EARg IN ADVANCE. IN ADVANCE. IN ADVANCE. The Publisher is determined to I; make it a. Live Newspaper ON THE Topics of the Day, Local Intelligence, Complete Mar/set Reporta, Good Selections, Agricultural Mutteri, Eta, Elm, Etc.w ONE .0012 EAR, situations Will pay for it one year LARGE CIRCULATION: Low Rates of Advertising. A'dVei-‘tiaers will find the use of our columns a benefit. Specimen Copy Free. ALUE FOR YOUR MONEY AT , M: KEEFLER“ Editor, Publisher and Proprietor

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