Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 25 Aug 1876, p. 1

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V Toronto. L .r = VOLXVIH, N O. 13. HERALD. I TILE ' PUIIL‘r'simD BY '* ‘ ONEY TO LEND ON FIRST 1 I 11 M' H' K E E F L m B"! mortgage of farm property, at eight per cent. interest, in sums to suit borrowers. No comâ€" EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. mission. Apply to BLAKE a KINGSFORD, At his printing offices, Yonge Street, Richmond 3 10 Adelaide St' Ea“! Turonto' uncommo. . wvv h ONEY TO LEND.â€"$2,000 TO Terms of Subscription: $31.00 per annum in! ' LOAN ON FIST-CLASS MORTGAGE SECURI- hdvance. l . . . TY-in sums from 3500 upwards. A iply to M. Advertisements Will be inserted on this page at TEEFY‘ N. LYNETT’ (as executors o the, estate “m fonowmg rates; of the late Martin Brennan,) Richmond Hill. Busines%Cards, one yank)..." ...$4 00 o2 ittgfiiiionin i 23, WILLIS, BANKE a. BROKER, Transitory advertisements, fl s ion, permph Insurance and Real Estate Agent. De- . . . . 75 osite received, subject to demand with interest. E0011 “Ubseqent Insertion. 1391‘ Inch --------------- 25 Loans negotiated. Debentures foi' sale. Oflice, ,Zfll Adelaide street East, Toronto, a few doors An inch comprises twelve lines of Nonpareil. , . . west of the Post Office. E0. EAKIN, ISSUE R OF M AR- Condonsed advertisements. under tho headings: . S ecialities.” “ Struyed." “ Lost or Found,” “ For : (W 7 RIAGE licenses for the county of York, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Parties 8 e or To Let," “Wanted,” etc., each insertion 25 v . having farms or lots for sale, or wishing Insur- cents. I ance on life or property will have their orders Advertisements without written instructions Will be inserted until forbid and charged transient promptly attended to by the above. Money to A can at 8 per cent on approved freehold security. rates. Ofl‘ice, Court House, Toronto. 0 M. M ALLOY, BARRISTE R, i i Attorney, Solicitor-in-Chancery, Convey- ancer, etc. Officeâ€"No 0 Royal Insurance Build- ings, Toronto street, Toronto. I OULTBEE & EVA'I‘T, BARRIS: TERS,' Attorneys, Solicitors-in-Chancery, etc, 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), Toronto. Amman Bowman. ‘NIESTE RN CANADA L O A N ‘ AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Officesâ€"No. 70 Church street, Toronto. Capital, $800,000; Total Assets, $1,906,306; Re- serve Fund, $203,500. HON. Geo. W. ALLAN, Senator, President. I Samuel Platt, M.P., .................. Vice-President. Dmncrons â€" William Gooderliam, Geo. W. Lewis, Thcs. H. Loo, George Gooderham, Hon. D. L. Macpherson, Senator. I SA VINGS B .1 [VII mm NCH. Wit. Wonrs Evnrr. Money received on deposit, and interest allowed F. OSLER. \V. G. FALCONBBIDGE. N. W. onLns. JAMES BETK‘UNE. CHARLES Moss. J. H. T3011. ATTY, CHADWICK & BIG-I ii I% GAR, Barristers, Attorneys-at-Law, Solici- tors in Insolvency, etc. ‘ EATTY, \l l LLER & BIGGAR, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, Notaries Public. etc. Offices-56 King street East, Toronto, two doors cast of Toronto street. W. H. BEATTY. W. NICHOLAS MILLER. EDWARD M. CHADWICK. C. R. W. BIGGAR. D. E. THOMSON. . y . . E SOKV v BAIN & M EYERSy , at the rate of six per cent. per annum, com- Barristers, Attorneys-at-Law, Solicitors-in- ‘ pounded half yearly, Chancery, Conveyancers, etc. Oflicesâ€"Nos. 2, 4 Deposits not exceeding 3100 may be withdrawn and 0 Ontario Hall, Court street, Toronto. at call; $100 and upwards subject to thirty days’ THOMAS FERFUSON' .C' JO N B . notice, or a reduction of thirty days’ interest, at Ann? R MYEns_ H Am the option of the Directors. To be entitled to in- 1, finest, depolsits Imust remain ind ghe Company , ' irec mont s. ntercst calcu ate rom the first 8;. BAR. and 15th day of the month. RISTERS etc. Union Block corner Toronto 1 T319 Whole {xssgtfi‘fi lag." tcgmm‘ny “"3 inwsmd ‘ .L ‘ ' , ~ . on e sccuri .y 0 ea as a o and Municipal Do- and Adelaide Sts. (opposite the new Post Oflice), I. Dentures. thereby giving the depositors “m doubted security for all money left with this Company. â€" MON/CY T0 LOAN. This Company advances Money on the security of improved City or Country Property, re~pnyablc by means of a Sinking Fund, which is found to be the surest and easiest mode of repaying a loan. I? Soc our reduced loan table. 1 For further iiiforiiuitiou apply at at the Offices 1 of the Company. WALTER S. LEE, Manager. glow gale. rI‘V’VO VILLAGE LOTS T" m . , gflmhwl % FC)R SrkLEL I ._“_____fl_,___”v __h __ 0:1 Cent-m street West, Richmond Hui. Appiym PM JAS- LANGSTAFF. RICH- JAME momma, s MONI) HILL, will be generally be found. at home from 2 1:06 o’clock, p. in. i -._L._ HERALD Office. ‘ E0. BROWN, M.D., PHYSICIAN (I Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office. corner of Yonge and Centre Streets, Richmond Hill. J H. SANDERSON, VS, G.T.V.C.,, 0 corner of Yonge and Centre streets, Richâ€"1 mend Hill, may be consulted personally or by letter on all diseases of horses, cattle, etc. Horses examined. as to soundness, also bought and told 3on commission. SANDERSON & SONS, CHEN - 0 MISTS and Druggists, corner of Yonge; and Centre streets, Richmond Hill. Special at tention paid to prescriptions. OUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE‘ AT RICHMOND HILL. For sale on reasonable terms, the Houses and , lot comprisim‘,’ half an acre of land, with excel- lent garden and orchard, lying south of Mr. A. L. Skeclc's shop and north of Mr. Alex. Moodie's, store, in the village of Richmond Hill. A good 1 business stand. ‘ Also the Store and Dwelling House and Garden, containing half an acre of choice fruit trees. oc- cupied by'Min IL. Moodio, subject to an unexpired lease. Apply to JAMES M. JENKINS, Laskay I’.O. , 01‘ to M. Tani-v Richmond Hill. JUST IN AT THE ’ April ii, 1m. ’ "HOMAS CARR, DEALER IN "#7" Drugs, Medicines, Wines and Liquors for medicinal purposes, Groceries, etc, Thornhill. By Royal Letters Patent has been appointed Is», eucr of Marriage Licenses. , CRYSTAL Loncn, No. 372, U. T. O.A1\Icets in the ‘ FOUNTAIN LODGE. Juvenile No. U. T. O.~Mccts fillttialtics. lAdzwrlisemenIs of six lmes and less, under this heading, twenly-five cents each time. 5 DRAIN TILE, A LARGE QUAN- ‘ TITY on hand. THOMAS NIGHTIN- GALE, Yorkville. , \VAN’I‘ED AT THE RICHMOND , HILL LIVERY STABLES, alive man who I understands the care of horses, harness and bug- ) gies. None else neod apply. J. BROWN, Propr. OCKET CUTTLERY, VARIOUS Prices, at Tun Harman book & fancy store. ‘4' 0 3.412111, Advertisements of six lines and less, under this heading. IwenIy-fivc cents each time. ‘AME INTO THE PREMISES (/ of the subscriber, Lot 30, rear of the 3rd con, Markham, about the 27th of June, a LARGE BLACK SOW, The owner is requested to prove groperty, pay expenses, and take her away. WM OYN TON. O T I C E . a “BIG PUSH” LIBEL FUND. Parties intending to Contribute to the “Big Push Defence Fund" will confer a favor by forâ€" warding their amounts, without delay, to the Tro asurei', JAMES McFliETE RS. Bowmanville. “"'Ti.IIage gloomy, SOCIETIES. Ricmioxn Lonon, A.F. & A. M., No. '13. G. 13.0â€"- Meets in the Lodge Room. Masonic Hall, on the Monday on or before full moon, at 8 o’clock pm. A. L. Skcolo, \V. M. RICHMOND L. O. L., No. 778.â€"Meets in tho Tern- pcrance Hall, on the F iday on or before full moon, at 8 O'clock p.1n. J. R. Boothby, \V. M. RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, No. 40:3, 1. O. G. T.â€" Meots iii the Temperance Hull, every \Vcdnca day evening, at 8 o’clock. Win. Harrison, '1‘. D. Masonic Hull, every Monday evening at 8 o'clock. A. E. Mortimer, I’. D. in the Masonic Hull, every Monday evening at 0.30 o'clock. A. E. Mortimer, Guardian. The Methodist Sabbath shool Temperance Asso- ciotion issue pledge cards every Sunday when desired. W'm. Harrison, Supt. Miir'nAxics' INSTITUTEâ€"Library of over 1000 vol- umes ()pon every Tuesday evening, in the Ma- sonic Hall. from 7 to 8 o’clock. R. 1-]. Law. Li. brarian. Lectures and discussions periodically. RICHMOND HILL an BRIGADE. â€"Mcctâ€"s for fire practice the first and third Monday of each month, at? o‘clock pm J H Sanderson; Capt. RICHMOND HILL Finn BRIGADE B1..\'I).*â€"‘:\IOCLS for practice every Tuesday and Saturday o’i’cnâ€" ing at 7:30 o'clock. A. E. Mortimer, llcadcr, CIIURC IIES. S'r. MARY‘S Errsoor-AL CHURCHâ€"Bowices at 8 p m, except the third Sunday of every month, when the services and sacrament are held at 11 am. Sunday school at 1:30 pm. Rev B Shanklin, Rector. Muruomsr (‘nr'ncn or CANA‘D \~â€"scrviccs at 10:30 am, and 6:30 1) iii; Sunday school at 2:30 p in; prayer meeting; every Thursday evening and S S ’l‘cacliers‘ meeting on Friday evening. Herbert Starr, Pastor. Puusnvrnnnx cnuuou or CANADAAâ€"SOI‘VICCR at ll o‘clock a in; Bible class on Sunday evening at 6:30 o‘clock. Rev J Dick, Pastor. Ilmmx CATuomc (‘HURt‘Wâ€"SRTVICCS in order as follous: i‘liornhill at 0:00 a m, and Richmond Hill at 10:30 a In; His following Sunday at Rich- monleill at 0:00 a In, and Thornhill at 10:30 a ni alternating with Markham every third Sunday. Herald Book Store. O b , , ‘ , ’f' Great. Expectations Sketches by 1307., Burnaby I’udgr’. , Old Curiosity Shop, Hard Times, and other stories. 171/ Charles Dickens. AME? C. STOKES,VLICENSED‘ J Auctioneer for the county of York, respects fully solicits your patronage and friendly influâ€" ence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. P. 0. Address, King. ' ANIEL KINNEE. LICENSED Auctioneer for the County of York, respect- fully solicits your patronage and friendly influ- nonco. Sales attended on the shortest notice, and at reasonable rates. I’. 0. address, Tcston. Two‘er ~ Fiva CENTS Eicu. fishy-alliances. W. JARVIS, SI] E {{IF F. OF 0 the county of York. Office-~Court House, Toronto. I ICIIMOND HILL L I V. E R Y STAIlLESâ€"Horsos and Vehicles for hire. Charges moderate. Opposite Sanderson & Sons. JOHN BRO\VN, Proprietor. ‘VOOD YARDâ€"JOB N BROWN keeps constantly on hand all kinds of wood, which will be sold for the. lowest market price. Cor. Yonge and Centre St, Richmond Hill. I) & L. C. WIDEMAN. MANUâ€" ' facturcrs of and Dealers in Granite and Marble Monuments, Headstones, etc, Ringwood, Ont. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1". WIDEMAN is also issuer of Marriage Li« censes. Residence-Ringwood, Ont. AMUEL M. BROWN, LICENSED Auctioneer for the County of York, respect- fully solicits your patronage and friendly influ- ence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, Victoria Square. M. I’A'I‘TE IISON, LICLNSED ‘ Auctioneer for the counties of York, Peel. Ontario and Sin 0043 ' also Valuutor and commis- sion agent. Address, â€" Blnoniington. 33' Chumceryisalcs attended to. Parties requirâ€" ing Mr. Patterson’s services can make arrange- ments and obtain particulars as to terms, etc., at THE }IERALD Oflico. .C. ADAMS, L.D.S., SURGEON ' - Dentist, 95 King street East, Toronto. Best mineral teeth inserted in a. manner to suit ,éach patient. Particular attention given to the preservation and revulation of the natural teeth, ,carefully avoing all unnecessary pain. A. W. .SPAULDING, Assistant. 1' \K,‘ II. & R. PUGSIiEY, BUTCh. I ' EDS. Richmond Hill, have always on hand the best of beef, mutton, lamb, Veal, pork, sausages, ctc., andscll at the lowest prices for cash. Also corned and spiced beef, mocked and dried hams. The highest market price given for TRAVEL. Nonrunnx R.\vr.w.\v*'l‘rains pass Richmond Hill station as follows: moving south at 0:10 a in, 1:30 p m, and 8:2"- p in; moving north, at 9:13 am, 1:30 p in, and 5:13 p in. Mr Palmer‘s ‘bus niccts the morning train moving north and evening train moving south. THE Pnoc‘rou STAGl‘. lamaâ€"Runs in connection with the Northern Railway, in coring, the iiiorn- iug train moving south and the evening train moving north. Passengers leave the Dominion Hotel at 8.10 a in, arriving in Toronto at 10:20, and returning lenvo City Hall station at 4'10 pin, and Brock street station at 4:25. Single tickets, cents; return, 80 cents. S. Proctor, proprietor. RICHMOND ll’im. Oriynmsvnuns daily, leaving: the Huge Motel. Riclmiruid Hill, at 7:30 am, arriving in Toronto at 10:30 a in. and returning, leaves the Commercial Hotol,.larvis st, {H.330 p in, and the 13 av Horse Hotel, Yonge st, at 3:30 p m. Single ticlmts. 40 cents; return, .3 cents. John Palmer, jr, proprietor. POST OFFICE. chuiicmn HILL POST OFFYC‘E. -Mails close as follows: MorningflGoing south, west and cast, including Maple, Tliornliill, ’l‘oronto,41\1arkham, 910., at 0:43; going north, 0:45. Evening vGonig , south. east and wcst, at 6:45. Registered letters must be handed in fifteen minutes earlier. WW. .. mml’ifl Scared Away Sister’s Young Man. [From the Atlanta Constitution.) A young man born of poor, but 1103- ost parents, went to see his sweetheart on Thursday night. Her youngest brother, during the “ primeval interval” entertained the beau as follows : “ Sis says she‘s goin’.ter shake yer, she is 1'” . “Ah,’ exclaimed the astonished young cattle, sheep. lambs, etc. E’I‘ER S. GIBSON, PROVIN- CIAL Land Surveyor, Civil Engineer and Draughtsman. Orders by letter should state the concession, lot and ,dgtu'twter of survey, the subâ€" scriber having the old FiELD Novas of the late D. GiBsoN and other surveyors, which should be kOBINSONs,LDs,uEW A? ;Method of extracting teeth without pain, , by the use of Ether Spray, which affects the, teeth only. The tooth and gum surrounding be- comes insensiblc with the external agency, when the tooth can be extracted With no pain and man. “ Yes, she is ; her slate for a grand bounce, she has “ \Vhy, how I” “ Well, now, tlier ain't no use for you to chew dictionary ’bout it neether, she’s got you down Yo’n without endangering the life, as in the use of chloroform. Dr. Robinson will be at the follow- ing places pro aired to extract teeth with his‘ncw apparatus. office operations in Dentistry performed in a workmanlike manner: Aurora, 1st, 3rd, 10th and 22nd of each month ,consultcd in many cases as to A original monu- ments," etc., previous to commencng work. Office at Willowdule, Yongo st, in the township of York. Newxnmket ....... 2nd do ' “ldfigfifim-"m‘md fig: g: IBERAL CONSERVATIVE AS- librnhill II 23rd do soCIA'rION FOR mm Maple. ..... 30 _ ' f X, k » rwick . .. o .o r . , fifoinburg. 28th do Eabt Bldlng 0 01" r Nebleton ' ' 30th do Parties desirous of becoming members can for- Nitrous Oxide Gus EQQVEYS 911 hand at Anton" ward their names to Mr John Gibson, President, Millikcn P 0 Mr H Jennings, Treasurer, Victoria Square 1‘ 0 Mr S T Humbcrstone, Sec'y, Nowtonbrook P 0 w. Kearney, L D.S., ' NEVVMARKET, Ont, SUR- Guox DENTIST, would respectfully " . . . announce that he will visit Richâ€" m6n‘d Hill the 18th of each month, at'Paliner’s Hotel; also attend the following places, profes- sionally, Sundays excepted: THE NATIONAL LIFE gnaw“- "éi‘d‘lfiai’l‘fid “at?” Ins,“ ance Company. tasks... a: 3: . â€"â€" San'dfor‘d 1.1 10th do CAI’I I‘AL, $1,000,000. g3 S 1 _ V28 4:76 Aurora . . . . . . . . . . 20th do 111T) 1189 ‘ so -. - All branches of Dental surgery attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate. A Strong SIOCR Company. With low rates, dffim'te contracts and liberal policies. _..._,» _â€"â€"~ JOHN STEPHENSON, CLERK & Treasurer of Markham Township, Clerk of Division Court, Division Re streake‘tc, Main st, Unjonville, will bb'st Ha s Hotel. Markham, every Monday. fmr‘n'v am. to 4 .13)., to attend to bugmooa in connection Wifb W9 OM Insurance effected on the most liberal terms. WILLO‘UGIIBY Commas, A cut, Toronto street, orontc. Grace. Richmond an}. X Full information can be had at T3}: HERALD Sitting Bun during the ’cause there ain’t no discount on Sisâ€"_ she’s a lie .ole gal when she starts 7” “ My goodness gracâ€"l" I ‘ “ She sez she goes out with you an tramps ’round jes as lonesome as some ole married cow, an' when yer treat it ain’t ter nutliin but cheap ole sody water at or nickle a quart E" The young man sighed and reached for I fan. “ She sez she wants a fellow that’s got some stile about him, an’ kin set up a. ville, complain of not receiving THE , IHERALD for one or two weeks past. As ’ c we check off the names after ad dressmg. had formerly opened the Court, the pro- clamation appointing the commissioners ‘ do so without delay. .ablc to do this. DIED. Died at his residence, Nebo Lodge. Nassaul street, Toronto, at eleven o’clock p. m., on Monday, 213i. inst, ofparelysis taken whilst proceeding to St. Georges church, on Sunday morning, 'Iune 11th,l Lieut -Col. Ogle Robert Gowan, J. P., formerly M. P. for Leeds and Grenville, son of the late Capt. John Hunter Gow- ! an, J. P. He was born at Mount Nebo, County Wexford, Ireland, on 13th July, and :emigrated to Canada in 1829. He was. Assistant Grand Secretary of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland in 1814, and was the founder, father, and first Supreme Grand Master and Sover- eign of the Loyal Institution of British America, under the superintendcnceof which Order, and by his request, his funeral will take place on Friday after-. noon, 25th inst, at two o'clock‘ I ' Notes and Comments. The Governor General and suite are at present in British Columbia. See advertisements of Robert Evans, of Hamilton, and Wm. Rennie, of Toronto, for seed wheat. We can recommend the rye bread to be all the Messrs. Steele Brothers claim for it in their advertisement. Returns of the elections held in Prince Edward Island for the Local House, which took place last week, gives the Free School men 17, Sectariaus I3. Mr. Locke and Mr. Hutty, of York- thc papers, the fault cannot be ours, but must lay with the Toronto or Yorkvillc l’ost Ofliccs. l The commissioners appointed to inves- tigate and report on the affairs of the Northern Railway Company, met on .‘louday morning, at the Parliament Buildings. After the commissioners was read, when the meeting adjourned. This is the way the Grit Government attends to the business of the country. The following ministers are at present absent from Ottawa: Mr. Laird, Min- ister of the Interior; Mr. Vail, Minis- ter of Militia ; M r. Smith, Minister of Marine; Mr. Bur-poo, Miuzstcr of Cus» toms; Mr. Scott, Secretary of State; Mr. Cartwright, Minister of Financli, and Mr. Blake, Minister ofJustice. __â€"_...eâ€" In the County of York there are six papers published, four'of which claim to be “ Reform,” one Independent, and one only, this journal, Conservative. IVc, therefore, think we are asking not too much of the party that this journal favors, to hear us in mind and assist. us in extending its circulation ; to take the trouble to forward as items of local and county interest; to obfain for and give us job printing, which we pledge our selves can be done not only as well, but in some respects better, than by anv other office in the county, We believe we have the sympathies of s. large num- ber both in the East and “70st Ridings of York, and we now ask those who have not already Subscribed for this paper to‘ It is our object to make. the paper second to none, and ac- cording to the support we get will be Remember our price is one dollar per year, payable in advance, A meeting of merchants, and others interested in the promotion of a direct trade with Australia, was held on Thurs- day of last week in Toronto, at which the Hon. Mr. Morris (one of the Com- missioners that represented Australia at the Centennial Exhibition) spoke of the advantages that would be derived, and benefits that would be conferred upon both countries by opening upa new trade, and showed conclusively that we could do a large share of the trade square meal ter his gal when he takes her a. gallavautin', she does 1" i j The young man rummaged for his handkerchief, _ “ I tell yer wot it is, boss, my 815 ain’t no slouch, an’ when she gets la. crank in her lied dad says she grinds. it iwuss nor our ole hickory cofl'ee mill. She’s goin‘ for yer' an' she’ll tell all the other gals ter shoot the miser, an yer ‘ jess bet they’ll do it, ’cause they cant ; go back on Sisâ€"not much l:’ I The young man was climbing down the front steps. Just then Sis entered, and Johnny exâ€" plained how he had “ giv’ the ole, dugâ€" out a bi wabble.” But Jghnnie’s opinion, since his “dad” . let go of him, is that, if he had been erformanoe, he ifi'erent locality. 1 Id now be acre in a .sv-.-.~ ‘ that is now done by the United States With the colony of New South Wales. SO impressed was the meeting with the able speech of the honorable gentleman, that a motion was carried that a meet- ing of manufacturers be called, and that three gentlemen be appointed with power to charter a vessel and solicit consign- ments of the various manufactures of Canada with a view to bring about a practical result. pointed a committee to visit the Ottawa Government and consult as to what The meeting up- SAD OCCURRENCE. on Monday morning a sad affair took place on the farm of Mrs Robinsou,jusl north of this village. Thomas Robinson. eldest son of Mrs. iobiuson, was found drowned in a pond about two feet deep- Dr. Lungsteif was immediately summoned but life was extinct. Dr. Rupert, Coroner, held an inquest in the afternoon, at which the following evidence was elicited: Mrs Georgina Robinson, mother of the deceased, sworn and saith. Deceased lived at home all his life; found him about half- puxt six this morning in the pond; sent for Dr Langstaff, but too low; water two or three feet deep; laid close 10 the fence on his face, in the water ; aged 29 years; been cripple 24 years from spinal complaint; has always enjoyed good health; seemed as well as over last night; went to bed about. 8:30 o‘clock last night; slept with his bro- xlier, 14 years old; he must have got up about 4 o’clock; seemed to be always right in lils mind; think he must have been fixing the fence to prevent the geese from gelling into the pond; laid with his feet 10 file west side ; his but and crutches ou the same side _: could not walk without his crutches; thinks he fell off the fence and was stunned. William Robinson sworn and saith. Am brother of deceased; about 14 years old ; slept with him last night; spoke to him upon going to bed; asked if his mother was in; woke liirough the night. and asked if he had any quilt. over him; generally calls me upon geliing u'), but did not do so this morning; I got up about 5:30 ; sur- prised to find my brother up and he not cal- ling me; he laid near the fence; his head was under some rails; his feet luv to the noriliswesl; lie was down near the place where he met death before he went to bed last night; he left his- crutclies on the hill and crawled down a distance of about 40 feet, noticed nothing Unusual in his appear- ance. in answer to the foremauwalways called me when he got up, The following is the evidence Of Dr. Joe. Lmigstaif who made. ihc post moriem cx- amiuution. I found the sufacc ofthc body presenling signs of suffocation such as accrue from drowning, being dark and blue. Whole in health it would be red. 0n opcu~ in}: lhe bond I found the veins wilhin the crunium extreme qorged with fluid blood. and uniformly so, but the brain substance healthy. About two quarts ofblood ran from the sinuous of the brain durng its ex- mniualiou. The lungs were of a dark mahogany color, and uniformly so, but not , consolidated. The heart was empty, {irisâ€",5 ing from the blood having been drained off? through lhc brain, and from the blood running out ofit on raising it up, as ilic subject lay upon his back the blood of the whole body being perfccily fluid. The right. vcntncle was placid. but the left conâ€" iracled, small, dense. and thick. 0n open- ing the abdomen the liver was found en- larged from" engorgment of the vessels of. the abdomen. The stomach contained about g pint of clear water, and some clear‘ water had run out of the month before opening the abdomen. Ifnund no mark of violence or signs of disease upon or within the body. I am of opinion that death resulted purly from drowning. The remainder of 11m evidence was unâ€" important, corroborating that already given. Verdict: Accidentally drowucd whilst fixing the fence. SHOCKING MURDER. Some time during Sunday night Inst near a small country hamlet. named Ballinafad, Some six or seven miles was! of Georgi"- town, on the seventh line of the township of Esquesiug, a brutal murder was comâ€" minod, Everything that adds a double horror lo a deed always horrible was prcs~ cut. The viciim, Robert Whiteside, was a man bout nearly double wilh age: the deed was committed at the dead ofnight, in a place which even iu the quiet country is very lonely; ‘11.: old man was cruelly struck down by a repeated blow on his head with Ilie back of an axe, which was found near his body; there had apparently been no struggleâ€"fliers could be Iiille; and. lastly, there was every reason to suspect that some one who knew the premises well was the murderer, and that money was the motive which prompted the deed. Two persons, one the deceased son have becu arrested on suspic'on, Lut. Ihere is very little evndcucc against Iliem as the whole affair is shrouded in mystery. We observe that from the Globe down the organs account for the enthusiasm at the Fergus picnic by the insinuation that it was caused by something stronger than water. We need hardly say that there IS not the slightest foundation for this cowardly misrepresentation. A finer or more sober body of man never were gathered at a political demonstration. These organs have also a fashion of belit- tling the speeches by the same sort of sneers. It is not for us to suggest to such newspapers how best to meet opponents, but we presume they consider if they cannot answer speech by fact and reason, it had better be met by succrs, misrepreâ€" sentation and false suggestions, rather than not In meet them. They know their readers, and can better judge of the effect of such a course, but may we be permitth to suggest that it comes with very bad grace from the party that bows to the lush of one of the sleadicst drinkv ers in Canada. that adores a government, one member nf'wliicli brought disgrace upon himself and his position by his con- nection with a common bur-room row, and another has a facility for getting under the table on set occasions, which the presence of distinguished strangers does not always restrain, and that as a party. is distinguished for its hypocrisy on temperance and prohibition? When the time comes that the Government organs can witness a dinner of the load. incr men of their party Leld in the city choronio’ without a considerable por tiou of them being under the table before a toast has been drunk or a speech dcâ€" measures are best to be taken to obtain the object in view. I livered, they may take upon themselve FALL FAIRS. East Riding of York and Markham Agricultural Societics’ fall show at Markham village, 5th and 0th of 0c- tobcr. Provincial Exhibition. at Hamilton, September, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22. North Ontario, at Port Perry on Sepâ€" tember 27 and 28. ' North York Fall Show at Newmarket, October 3rd and 4th. Guelph Central, at Guelph, Ogtobcr 3, 4, 5, and 6. ‘ - may EUROPEAN; EASTERN IVAR Boron/ms, Aug 22.--An official despatch received here claims that the Turks were repulsed twice during Monday“ Despite ilieir numbers they were unable even to ap- proach the fortifications 'of Alexineiz and only succeeded in burning Some Christian villages. " ' ' ' V ' IL is officially announced that the Servian troops under General .Eorvatovitch jester; day recaptured Gargoso'vaiz and occupied Tresibaba." ' ' " Loxoox, Aug. 22.73A despatch from Smlinsays; Itis stated in 'well informé: Pickering fall fair at Brougham, October II and 12. A few nights ago, Mr. Robert Bates, at presnct stopping at the “ Dufferin House,” Orangevillc, got up from his bed during sleep, and going to the winâ€" dOW, which unfortunately happened to be raised,jumpcd to the ground, adis- tanee of nearly 14 feet. He came with a thud to mother earth. and was soon released from Morpheus” embrace. I‘lc escaped unlzurt, beyond getting the soles of his feet a little bruised with stones. and returned to his room, where he was soon again in the land of pleasant dreams. This might be an interesting question for our Grit friends to work out just now. If the Grit majority in every county where they olcct a. member be reduced by 113, as it was in Glongarry, how many will they elect at the next ‘ election ?â€" Simiford , Herald, 31*:- W’ The Wealth of Brazil.’ “1 All intelligent travellers who have vis- ited Brazil speak in the most glowing terms of the country. Professor Agas- siz regarded it as the most productive and interesting country on the globe, and the one in which it is easiest to ob- tain a livelihood. Some who have sailed .up the Amazon declare that a vessel can be loaded with Brazil nuts at an expense of only a few cents per bushel. These constitute a valuallle article for commer- cc, while the oil extracted from them is very desirable. All the tropical fruits are produced in Brazil almost without cultivation. The soil in many parts of the country will produce twenty success- ive crops of cotton, tobacco or sugar cane, without the application of manure. N 0 country in the world approaches the land of Dom Pedro in the variety of its forest productions Professor Agassiz states that he saw one hundred and sev- enteen different kinds of valuable woods that wereout frame. ' ‘ half a. mile square. They represented almost every variety of color, and many of them were capable of receiving a high polish. One tree furnishes wax that is used for candies ; another a pitch that is used for food ; and still another yields a juice which is used in the place of intox- icating liquor. There is a single variety of palm from which the natives obtain food, drink, clothing, bedding, cordage, fishingâ€"tackle, medicine, and the mater- ial they manufacture inio dwellings, weapons, liarpomis and musical instru- ments. Doubtlcss the day is not far disâ€" tant when the valuable woods of Brazil will be used for various useful and ornas mental purpose-s. ___________._....â€"~â€"â€" ‘ Married in the Snow. _â€" A writer tells a story of a runaway :ouple who reached the parson’s house in the dead of night, when the snow lay on the ground, and the winter winds howled an anthem for the wedding march. They succeeded in arousing the person, who had been snuggly tucked in his warm> bed for several hours. The good man reluctantly raised the window, and ask- ed “ Who is there 1" With chattering r teeth, the would-be bridegroom anno- unced his errand. Not even the piety. of the parsou prevented his uttering a few“ impatient growls at this unseasonable in- terruptiun of his dreams. He d1d not tarry to but on the wedding nor any othv ‘ cr garment, but, in thundering tones, ordered the shivering couple to stand .u mar-1‘ ’ -.«- .7r4vé“ circles that the Seryiru Prime Minister Kesiris recently interviewed 'M. Carizoff. Russian representative at Belgrade, on‘lhd llth inst, and appealed to the gelierositylof- the Russian Government to permit Russian officers and soldiers to enter the Serviau army. Heialso asked for pecuniary assist- once, as Servia had determined to continue the war. The Russian Government replied, granting the above requests under certain conditions. In consequence ofthis arrange- ment the Sclavonic Committees in 'Ru's‘sid have commenced cendiugfunds in large amounts. Russian officers and subofliicers in parties of- ten each to Belgrade almost ‘duilymassiug through Roum'auia unhindered. The officers give their services gratuituonsly. A number of other ofliicers are expected shortly. ‘ ' ' London, August '23.â€"â€"A special despaich from the Bucharest. correspondent of tho, Daily News, who accompanied Mr. Schu let. in his tour of invcstigaiion, says Mr. ar: rings’ report OfGO villach burned and 12,000 pesous killed by theTurks in Bulgaria does not include ihe outrage .commitied'in' the district north of the Balkans, nor in the district of Sophia; forty villages were burn: ed North of Belkuns and seventy South. ' Mr. Schuyler has not. completed his investi- gation, butlzc estimates the number killed at 60,000 in the district of Phillppopolis alone. The regular troops are more cruel than the Bauhi Bozouks no doubt the mas,- sncrcs were committed with the sanction Of the authorities. The outrages continue to occur. The Governor of Philllppopolis wants cavalry to quell the Mussolinans. Schuyler thinks there is immediate danger: of additional massacres. He will suggcst 10 his Government the following measures; â€"â€"The hanging of the four leaders in these atrocities, the disarming ofihe Mussolinan and rebuilding of the burnt villages at the Government’s exppnse. as these measures, cannot. be left to the authorites Mr. Schuyler will propose a Foreign Commissionm see that they be executed, British and Foreign, A: the Cork ussizes, on Tuesday, William Crcwe, aged 63, was tried and convicted of the murder of John Hyland, near Mitchel;- town, in March last, and sentenced to death. J 01m Williams” coaimine-r, was executed in the ymzd of Durham prison at eight, ococro ,n, ,.N. murder of his wife’s brother, John Wales, on 23rd June last. A singular disease, called .cInu‘lmnJ has appeared on several Iiish fame in County Cork. Several miic’n cows on dififepeut farms were all attacked the same day, and died. one ofihem in four hours its stomach was given to fowls, which fell dead directly after eating it. The surgeon-tried Meedmg the animals, but found the blood was the color and consistency of tar. The carcasses were buried very deep, by order ofthe police. The Government inspector has visited the afflicted farms. In the Divorce Court, .on Tuesday, Lady, Claude Scott. obtained a decree for 'judicial‘ separation, on the ground of her husband‘s cruelly; The adjourned inquest an the body‘of Mn. Blank, engineer of‘llie Vesuvius Torpedo, who was killed by an explosion on board on‘ the 213i of June. was concluded on Moan m I-luslav. Evidence was given showing. that since the past meeting the air pumps; had been taken to pieces, and n brtalt on, fracture discoveredwhich would allow, a sud-. don burst of air in the Water chamber, ‘ sufliccntio cause the explosion_ Verdicti' " Accidental death.” ‘ Some remarkable disclosures were. made: on Tuesday at the? nquest on Game.'llhoznas,~ who lhrew hersell‘iuio the Thames.» Illa" George I‘mwriug‘, 01'13. Brumu street; ndmifi‘ ted that deceased had lived with: hiin.;;'l‘he ' forcinun of jury said he had known the de- ccsead 1‘2. mmnhs as a i-espectablycondu‘cief well off in the i‘noonlight, and clasp hands. Then he demanded their names. “John Williams,” he said, “do you swear in the presence of God, as you will answer in the day of judgemcut, that you Will take Eliza Catherine to be your own, your true and only wife, and that you Will freeze to her so long as you both shall live I” The promise was given, but the odd was growing so intense that“ the lady was spared the. question that ,had been given to and answered by the man. “I. pronounce you man and \l‘lIe, and the biggest fools I have ever met 1” con- cluded this brief and all-suffiment cere- mony. The banging of the closing win- dow intimated to the loving pair that they had nothing more to expect from that quarter, and they soon disappearch wondering at the strangeness of tho situ- ation, and doubtful if they were as much married as they might have been under more favorable circumstances. Respect Due to ,Wives, :v- ' D) not jest with your wife upon a subject in which there may be dang-0r of wounding her feelings. Remember that she treasures every word you utter. Do not speak of great virtues in another man’s Wife to remind your own of a fault. Do not reproach your wife with personal defects, for if she has sensibility you. inflict a. wound difficult to heal.- Do not treat your wife with inattention in company ; it touches her pride and she will not respect you more or love you better for it. Do not upbraid your wife in the presence of a third party ; the sense of your disregard for her feelings will prevent her from acknowledging her fault. Do not entertain your wife by praising the beauty and accomplishments- Of other women. Do not be stem and to criticise the habits ofthcir opponents. â€"--03.72mrr1. Viudf'rq/xjr. ‘ (or sociability elsewhere. ,, silent in your house, and remarkable, girl. She was highly educated; and used 10 tell him, with tears in her eyes, that the had been betrayed while in site"lelegraplr' office by a gentleman in Chambers. ~â€"The (‘Oroucr said he was not satisfied ~wi'h evidence before him. He was Ioldih'at' de- ceased was highly connected, but that on one would come forward, but he was deter- mined to sift. the ease to the hollow. ------ The; I inquiry was adj‘numied. .1 l .m l , I, The Little World of‘hondon.‘ v Here are curious statistics about L9_n_-_ " don, from one of the papers issued by. one of the London City fission : ' It covers within fifteen milcsiradius. of Charing Cross nearly seven hundred, square miles. " ‘ 7 ‘ 1t numbers within this boundry four million inhabitants. ‘ ‘A i It comlrises one hundred thousand ._ foreigners from all parts of the globe. ‘ I It cuniains more Roman Catholics than Iloiyio itself, more Jews than the: .whole of Palestine, more Iris 'than‘ Dublin, more Scotch than Edinburgh; more Xhlclsliiiisn than Cardiff and moral. country 1min persons than the counties of Devon, Warwick'sliirc and Durhanr‘ combined. ' ' 4 ‘ ‘ It has a birth every five minutes, a death every eight minutes, and seven ac: cidents every day in its 7,000 miles of: Streets. It has an average of twenty miles 92. streets opened and six thousand new houses built in every year; " ' " ' It has' one thousand ships and nine, thousand sailors in its ports each day. ‘ It has 117,000 habitual criminals on, its police register, increasing at an aver: age of 30,000 per annum. I It has as many beer-shops and gin: palaces as would, if placed in a fowl side by side stretch from Oharing Cress to Portsmouth, 3 distance of fortyvthree miles. , , ' ' Pg; {N

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