n. i HE HE EAL D5,†PUBLISHED EVERYFRIDA Y, is sent bynmil or other conveyance when so de- sired for ONE DOLLAR per annum in advance. single copies, three cents. TI'EIE‘HERA'LD will contain all matters of local Importance, articles and comments on the po- litical events of the day, the latest home and foreign neWs carefully summarized, trustworthy market reports, agricultural matters and general family reading. Advertisers contracting for space on the second third or fourth pages, for a speciï¬ed time, will be charged, payable quarterly, as follows: One T we Three Six Column ...... $10 00 $15 00 Half 001...... 8 00 12 00 I5 00 20 00 35 00 Quarter Col. 5 00 8 00 10 00 15 00 20 00 Threeinchcs 3 00 4 00 5 00 8 00 12 00 Two inches. 2 50 3 00 3 50 ï¬ 00 8 00 One inch"... 1 50 1 76 2 00 3 00 00 Twelve lines of Nonpareil comprise an inch. Changes allowed in contract advertisements twelve times a year; each change over twelve times will be charged extra, at the following rate : column, $1; half column, title; quarter column and under, 35c. ' The copy for changes of advertisements ap- pearing on the second or third pages, must reach the office on Monday to secure attention the same week, All lengthy correspondence and advertisements must be received at the ofï¬ce not later than Wednesday noon, to secure insertion the current week, but short items of local news and adver- tisements will be received up to ten o’clock on Thursday morning. M. H. KEEFLER, Editor, Publisher and Proprietor. THE HERALDI RICHMOND HlLL, SEPT. 1,1876. m MAKE A “BIG PUSI .†iâ€"-â€"-._. The season for picnics, in another One Month. Months. Months. Months. Year. .520 00 $35 00 $60 00 â€"â€"There is no time spent so stupidly as that which inconsiderate people pass in the morning between sleeping and waking. He who is up may be at work or amusing himself ; he who is asleep is receiving the refreshments necessary to ï¬t him for action ; but the hours spent in dozing are wasted, with- out either pleasure or proï¬t. The earlier and more regularly you leave your bed the less often you will be conï¬ned to it. â€"Many a man lives with a. woman half a lifetime without ever suspecting that the wife of his bosom has really forgotten more than he ever knew. M any a. carpet knight who plumes himself on his wonderful skill in smashing hearts, is being mentally measured and intellect~ ually turned inside out by the smiling girls whom he thinks he is captivating. Many a veteran beau, who pulls on his gloves to depart, feeling proudly consci- ous of having made a profound impress- ion on the susceptible soul of the belle, who has endured him for an evening, would be wonderfully enlightened, if not ediï¬ed, could he hear the sigh of relief which escaped her lips when the clang of the door announced his departure. â€"Young men you are wasting your time in dissipation and folly, you who sneer at the foibles of women, and say you cannot marry because you cannot afford the luxury of a wife, reflect a little ; think of the money you foolishly month or so, will be as a thing of tliel throw away every week ; think of the past. We have had picnics under every style and name this summer. otherwise called a picnic, was held at St. During the past week, a political .gathering, bad habits you are formingâ€"of the res- train, a good wife w’culd be upon folly ; then go and prop-.759 t0 the moat semi' ble girl you know. If she says yes} tell her how much your income is, from grgrlwhtmt Our Allies Against Insects. THE TOAD.â€"I had a. plant dreadfully infested with wood lice, almost destroyed by them, and a toad located itself close by as its protector, and in order to be ready in an emergency, he made in the mold a. hole all but deep enough to hide himself in, but not deep enough to pre- vent his having a thorough good View of the plant : and when a wood-louse, beetle or anything of the kind appeared near him or the plant, out he came and poun- ced upon itâ€"“You are mine I†This was wholly his work. I only watched him sometimes, greatly pleased at his success. Another time, as I was one day walking along a. path in the garden, I saw a toad approaching; the pace was quick for a. toad, but I soon saw what he was after. Just on before him was a. beetle which I expected to see caught, but ere there was apparently time for them to meet, the beetle had disappear- ed, so quickly that my eye was not quick enough to see it taken, but no doubt it was in the toad’s mouth, for I heard a click which told a tale of capture. Two other toads seem to have concerted between them how to not one evening so as to take a. border regularly, and in order to do their w01k well it appeared to be arranged that one of them should go on the border and the other stay out- side, having tlic box edging between them ; and so did their work of clearing, keeping just opposite the one to the other, though they could not see each other, and l was watching from the win- dow above. I wish we could all not with good feeling toward such useful. creatures. They do much good and no harm. Sick Canaries. A The following treatment has complete- How to make Hose water-tight. A method has been brought forward in Bavaria. for rendering the hose of ï¬re engines completely water-tight, so as to enable them to withstand the greatest pressure to which they may be subjected, and greatly increase their ï¬tness for wear and service. In this case the hose are, after having been cleaned and dried, im‘ pregnated with a. mixture of 100 parts of glycerine, of 24 degrees R., and three parts of carbolic acid, which may be done either by drawing the hose through the solution, or, which is still more eff- ective, by brushing it well in. Thus certain amount of dampness, without, however, being in the least degree lia- ble to rotting, and so suffer deterioration in quality and durability, as is known to be the case when some other sub- stances are applied to leather. The brass ï¬ttings of the hose are attacked only imperceptibly by the acid contained in the composition ; but even this may be easily prevented by giving them be- fore impregnation a coat of weak shellac varnish, or by greasing them with tallow. The hose must be cleaned every time they have been used, dried, and impreg- nated anew with the liquid. As frost does not effect the mixture, hose thus prepared do not freeze easily at low tem- perature. How to Break oï¬â€˜ Bad Habits. Understand the reason, and all the reasons, why the habit is injurious. Go and study the subject until there is no lingering doubt in your mind. Avoid the places, the persons and the thoughts that lead to the temptation. Keep busy â€"1dleness is the strength of bad habits, Do not give up the struggle when you have broken your resolution once, twice â€"a thousand times. That only shows how much need there is for you to strive. \Vhen you have broken your resolution, treated the hose are found to preserve a - THE FIRST FALL ARRIVALS! Tweeds Sultable for the Fall Trade. Ladies’ & Gents’ Ties & Bows RECEIVED AT THE CONCRETE. m P R I N 'I' S 2 A Splendid Assortment of New Fall Prims. BLEACHED cor-rem .A Large Stock, Extra Value ! IN GREAT VARIETY. WM. ATKINSON CONCRETE HOUSE, Richmond Hill. AT THE “BRITISH FLAG STAFF†The subscriber is selling off the remainder of his sleek BARGAINS To suit the times. “TI-IE HERALD†IS PUBLISHED BY M. H. KEEFLER, At Ins Printing Oflices, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Every Friday Morning. ONLY ONLY ONLY AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! The stock being all new, consisting of Dress Goods, Wlmcg/s, Prlncs, Shlrtlngs, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR! Parasols, Ladies’ and Misses" Hats, Fans. Also, Canadian and American Cottons, bleached and unbleached, 'l‘weeds, Cottonades, Cotton Bags. ONE DOLLAR PER YEA R: (latherines, under the auspices of the Tiberal Conservatives of Lincoln, at which, it is. supposed, six or seven thou- sand people must have attended. just think the matter over and endeavor to understand why it is you failed, so that you may be on your guard against a recurrence of'the same circumstances. Do not think it an easy thing that you what source derived, and tell her you i I.,,St0,.ed a ï¬ne singer for me, WlllCll I Wlll divide your last shillin with her 37-“ wired about, as he had been g qlllile deep- and love her with all your heart. And “"ths : Leave 0E sick and silent If†mâ€- . . f t then keep your promise. My word for seed entirely. Make .2 [Paste 0, “799 Speeches were made by the leaders of the party opposed to the present so- cnlled reform government, and everything went off in a most enthusiastic manner. We believe that much good will arise from these gatherings of the people, as it has given those who have been mal- , igned through the columns of the gov- ernment press an opportunity of placing before the people an explanation of theil‘ conduct whilst in ofï¬ce, as also to 550W app the short-comings of the profession- ";sth 1 of purity and morality in their true it, she will live within your income, and to your last hour you will regret that you didn’t marry sooner. Gentlemen, don’t worry about feminine extravagance and feminine untruth. Just you be true to her, love her sincerely, and a more faithful, fond, self-denying slave you will never meet anywhere. You will not deserve her, we know, but she will never know it. Now, throw aside selï¬shness and see what will become of it and you. m-w V Lâ€. A Happy Couple. milk and bread crumbs, 5.111017ng th? crumbs into the milk while boilng, an“ stir until quite smooth ; add a pinch o. cayenne pepper, varied occasionally by some ï¬nely-mingled clove of garlic; dis- solve in the drinking water a little black current jelly, abit of fig, or half a potash lozenge. I used all these and my bird is well ; so to which the preference should be given I know not, though I incline to the jelly. It may take a long time to cure the bird, and if the trouble arises from the hardness of the tongue it must be painted daily with strong borax water. If he sneezes, a little olive-oil must be gently put up his nostrils. He should have plenty of tepid water to bathe in, celery, sweet apple, or lettuce. But by ‘ l have undertaken. It is folly to expect fo break off a. habit in a. day that may have been gathering for long years. “P‘â€" ï¬~â€"»Aâ€"â€". Eppsys CU‘CUA.-â€"GRATEFUL AND "- thorough knowledge COMFOR'I‘ING. â€"“B_V n th V s oftheuatural lowswhicthve‘m 90Wâ€8 '0“ by acareful ap- ofdigesliouand nutrition, ano. ' ‘ d plicalion of the ï¬ne properties ol'v.'e'|‘so “‘8 cocoa, Mr Epps has provided our x. tables will) a delicately flavored boyf'ï¬'i‘le which may save us many heavy doctors’bhï¬- It is by the judicious use of such ariicles of" diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist ovary tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to atlnckwherevertbere is a weak point. We may escape mnuv a fatal SUITS MADE TO ORDER. ONE DOLLARPER XCEAR,u Staple and Fancy Groceries. A QUANTITY OF ROOlVI PAPER AT COST. GOODS DELIVERED. ALEX, lflOODIE, "reakfast ; Something New and Startling! AT THE FIRE PROOF STORE. Shorts, Bran and Cats- . . I v . no means hang him close to the window, . , ‘ H I . h «00101 '5. But 1t Will not do to stop half A man should always be a. little older, the cold is too severe, even in a, moder- shaftbliv' lacevliug Ourse'lves W‘fl'h‘e‘grm‘; “f,†_ t ' ' ' . ~ -, mm 00 am a "-0 er} nouns e. - \.ways; The men who believe the preSent braver, and a, little stronger, and alittle ately warm room, for a bud 1n delicate loin†Sow,“ 011,203,, sold only in PM]th N e W P r .1 n S , govern, ment to be unï¬t to rule the des- tinies 0,? this fair Dominion must push on and :3 “big Puflh†it must be. What we Propoï¬e is that a meeting or conven- tion be held in some central spot of the whole Dominion, and that representative men be elected from every riding and electoral division to afctend this meeting so that some united action may become to of not only Ontario but also of the other provinces. If the Dominion is to prosper as a. whole, sectionalism must be wiped out and. difl'e-rent parts of the Do- minion must give and take, so that some means may be arrived at by which a policy that will be for the beneï¬t of the Whole Dominion can be inaugurated and discussed. This plan will also be the means of getting men from different parts better acquainted with each other, and go a great way to allay any ill:f'eel- ing that may now (xist. A “big push†and grand rally and let each person come down handsomely, and the thing can be done, even if it takes twelve months to accomplish the object in view. If the state of trade is bad in the United States it is equally as bad in free In South Wales, Scot- land and the North of England, the deâ€" Work is not only scanty, but unrcmunerative, and failures on a large scale are on the inâ€" In Staï¬'ordshire and the mid- land districts generally the iron works The large trade England. pressicn is terribly severe. crease. are scarcely half employed. cutlery houses keep their band together , by ï¬nding them partial employment. The railway branches are quiet in spite of the lowncss of prices, the English ‘ companies ordering sparingly and the The shopkeepers and small traders generally are therefore suffering severely from the difï¬culty of collecting accounts as well ibreign customers refusing to buy. as from the smallness of business. Mr. J. C. Bi‘ydges, Superintendent of the Inter-colonial Railway, has forward ed as an offer of a complimentary pass If the Grand Trunk Railway would“ also do so we might make a “big push†to accept the offer to We tender our thanks for the offer made us. over that line. see our friends down by the sea. The Aurora Banner has a dish of Sir John matter for its readers in its last The stuff must be getting unï¬t to swallow as it had been reâ€"has‘ned up in every conceivable shape for the past issue. three years. Mr. Alex Fraser, a clerk in the Globe ofï¬ce has been appointed Assistant lic- cciver G cncral. wiser, and a, lime more in love with her than she with him. A woman should always be a little younger, and a. little prettier, and a. little more eonslderate than her husband. He should bestow upon‘, her his worldly goods, and she should take good care of them. He may owe her every care and tenderness that affection can prompt ; but pecuniary 1n- debtedness to her will become a. burden. Better live on a crust that he earns, than a. fortune she has brought him. Neither must be jealous, or give the other cause for jealousy â€" neither must- encourage sentimental. friendships with the opposite sex. Perfect conï¬dence in each other, and retiseence concerning their mutual affairs, even to members of their own families, is a. ï¬rst necessity. A wife should dress herself becomineg whenever she expects to meet her hus- band’s eyes. The man should not grow slovenly, even at home. Fault-ï¬nding, long arguments or scolding, ends the happiness that commences with kissing and love-making. Sisters and brothers. may quarrel and “ make-up.†Lovers are lovers no longer when disturbance occur, and married people who are not lovers are bound by red~hot chains. If a man admires his wife best in striped calico, she is silly not to wear it. A Chinese Market. As I believe in the old theory which teaches us to judge man’s civilization by the food he consumes, I repaired to the market place. For fully half a mile the street was literally crowded with articles of food. Fish, pork, fowls, ducks, veg- etables of many kinds, and the fruit of the season lined its sides. Mushrooms were abundant and excellent, as I after- wards proved by having some cooked. Frogs seemed much in demand. They are brought to market in tubs and bas- kets, and the vendor employs himself in skinning them as he sits making sales. He is extremely expert at this particular branch of his business. He takes up the . frog in his left hand, and with a knife which he holds in his right, chops off the fore part of its head. The skin is then drawn back over the body and down to the feet, which are chopped off and thrown away. The poor frog, still alive but headless, skinless, and without feet, is then thrown into another tub, and the operation is repeated on the rest in the same way. Every now and then the artist lays down his knife and takes up his scales to weigh these animals for his customers and make his sales. Everyâ€" thing in this civilized country, whether it be gold or silver, geese or frogs, is sold by weight. Tea leaves, just as they come from the bushes, are sold in the markets, and those who have no tea. farms of their own can buy the raw material and prepare it to suit them- selves. How to Study to Advantage- Any man who is really anxious to study can do so inï¬nitely better byl himself, with the help of books, than he can possibly do by' attending any lectures that may be delivered. It is hardly possible for any man, unless he attends a long course of lectures~which ' a. thousand unforseen accidents may pre- vent him from doing â€" to study in that manner any subject systematically and consecutively ; and, moreover, inasmuch as the lecturer has to address himself to a. very large number at once, and of different capacities, he most address himself in such a manner as to be under- stood by all. But a man who studies. and roads for himself can pick out for his reading that class of information ; which he is most capable of assimilatiug \ perfectly tight. snd digesting. health. Paste must be fresh daily. A». . Flowers are Pleasant. Amongst all' the pleasant things of life -â€"â€"-and the all-bountiful hand of Provi- dence has scattered the path of our days with innumerable pleasant things, if man would but enjoy themâ€"amongst all the pleasant things of life, there are few more pleasant than a. walk .in the flower- garden before breakfast on a sunshiny morning. To see those mute and still, though not motionless, creatures â€" we mean the blossoms, opCITTf‘L’, “1011‘ _13€\}11t bosoms to the beniliccnt rays which gi‘re them their color, and their loveliness, welcoming the calm blessing of the light, as if with gratitude, and seeking, in their tranquil state of being, for nothâ€" ing but the good gifts of God, might well afford a monitory lesson ; for everything in nature has a. homily, for us, the eager hunters after fictitious enjoyment. How calm do they stand in ihcir loveli- ness, how placid in their limited fruition of the elements that nourish themï¬how, in their splendid miment, do they spar- kle in the sun, how do they drink up the cup of dew, and gratefully give back honey and perfume in return ! , First Floor Bedrooms. If we had a house with a bedroom on the ï¬rst floor, we would at once abolish that room as a. sleeping appartment, be- cause we are satisï¬ed that it is a wrong custom, it being much healthier to sleep upstairs. Many a family of which the members were suffering and weak in gen- eral, have been restored to a. vigorous and healthy condition by following our advice, which was to remove their bed- rooms upstairs ; to have their beds, summer and winter, exposed the whole day to fresh air from open windows (excep tof course, when there is rain or mist), also to have during the night one window partially open, even in winter, so as always to inhale the fresh, cool air from the outside, but using at the same time the precaution to have sufficient bed covering to secure warmth. A You can close cracks in a. cast iron stove by using wood ashes sifted through a. ï¬ne sieve, to which is to be added the same quantity of clay ï¬nely pulVerized, together with a. little salt. The mixture is to be moistened with water enough to make a paste, and the cracks of the stove ï¬lled with it. The cement does not peel offer break away, and assumes an extreme degree of hardness after being heated. The stove must be cool when the application is made. The same substance may be used in setting the‘ plates of a stove, or in ï¬tting stove- pipes, serving to render all the joints A gentleman in Burlington, Vt, of an quiring turn of mind, determined to try a game with the rats in his house. He purchased a supply of coal tar at the gas works, and" placed small quantities of it in the rat holes in his cellar and elsewhere in their runways. The rats bedaubing themselves, became disgusted with the manner of their entertainment, and speedily left the premises, and have not been seen or heard from since. -â€"A Glen’s Falls man has patented a machine for sharpening horses’ shoes without removing them from the feet. labellrdâ€"" JAMES l‘lPPS 5L (‘0 . llomazopaihic Chemists 48 'I'hrearlneedle Street, and 170 Piccadilly, London.†BEATTY“ MARIEâ€"i Grand Square and Upright. Endorsed by the highest musical authorities throughout the world as T H E B E S T- i From D, Bodine, Stockton, N. J .. after receiving a $500 Beatty I’iuno, says: “Not only myself and family, but every one who has seen it is satisï¬ed in regard to its supe- rior quality." From B. H. Germany, Esq, Chambersburg, Pm, “ The Boutty Piano’cmne to hand one week ago It has thus far given entire satisfaction.†H. Holtzburger, Tyrone, Pm, says: “The Piano came at hand in good order. and H G proves satisfactory, both in tone and ï¬n1:;‘h.' C L O T I N M Agents wanted, male or female; send for cata- logue. Address, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey, U.S.A. TW: BEFORE GOING ELSEWHERE, TRY THE IST PRIZE! HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, Richmond Hill. Constantly on hand, a huge as- sortment of SINGLE 8: UUUBLE HARNESS AT ALL PRICES. WM. HARRISON. PATENT EAVE-TROUGH ' AND WATER SPOU'I‘ FOR THE DOMINION, At $6 per hundred feet. Also Flooring and other lumber dressed; sap buckets, pails, cider mills, washing machines, shingles, Felloes, sawn and BENT Inaterial for buggies and sleighs. For particulars address . JOHN LANGS’I‘AFF, Steam Mills, Langstah‘ P.0 BEATTYPIANO Grand Square and Upright. Best ofcr ever given now ready. DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey, U.S.A. The main part of the machine is an em- JUST RECEIVED, ery wheel revolving rapidly on a flexible rod, so that it can be readify turned in any direction and brought to bear on any side of the foot, and any desired place on the shoe, by which the calks can be repeatedly sharpencd until entire- lv worn down. * At the Herald Book Store, Sir Walter Scott’s 85 Other Novels. At 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 cents. Brier root and other pipes, shirt collars, lhimblcs, etc., etc, etc, English and American. New Dress Goods, Fla in and Fancy. New Millinery‘, S T YL IS 1!. Family Flour $5 per Barrel. IN ADVANCE. IN ADVANCE. IN ADVANCE. The Publisher is determined to make it a PARASOLS, TIES, LACES AND GLOVES Live Newspaper JVew Tweeds, Worstcds, Black Broads, Black Does,lctc. Topicsoftlchay, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Etc. Publisher and Proprietor of “The Herald.†BOOK AND JOB PRINTING Richmond 2131111, Ontario. In Great Variety. HOSIERY, a. Large Assortment. SHIRTINGS, ENGLISH AND CANADIAN. COTTONS, Bleached and Unbleached. _. .g__ - __... __»._._‘ _....__.__ M. H. KEEI‘LER, NEATLY AND EXPEDlTIOUSLY EXECUTED. ISA A C CROSBY L‘ Fire Proof Store, lichmond Hill. m“ “Ada. A, v- A A, ,A A _ _-_~__: ._ -_: BEATTY CHINESE Garden Powder. This reliable preparation effectually DESTROYS INSECTS, GRUB, AND CA TERPILLARS, ON FLOWERS, CURRANT Busnus AND GARDEN PLANTS. Full directions for use accompanies each box. Price 25 Cents. For sale by Druggists and storekeepers. HUGH MILLER & CO. 167, King st. East, Toronto. PIANO! GRAND SQUARE AND UPRICHT. (13? Agents wanted everywhere. DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersay, U. S. A. Address ON THE - Local Eilelllgeitce, Complete Market Reports, Good Selections, 1197' Lcultural Matters, Eta, Em, Etc. ONE DOLLAR $$I$I$I$I$I$l$ Will pay for it one year x LARGE CIRCULATION Low Rates of Advertising. Advertisers will ï¬nd the use of our columns a beneï¬t. Vt Specimen Copy Free. M. H. KEEFLER' Editor, Publisher and Proprietor