Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 1 Sep 1876, p. 3

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” That is true; and, of course, you take the 1awyer,s view ofit. Moreover, when he comes to hear ofthese debts, perhaps his Se- rene Highness may think proper to withdraw his gracmus assis‘ance ” “ You do him very wrong, Walter,”an' swered Arthur with warmth. “ Your trouble makes you say things you ought to be ashamed of~yes, ashamed of. Your brother, with all his faults, is incapable of commit- ting such an act of cruelty. He is quite willing that you should both return to Mirk as soon as you please, but particularly that you should be present at his Coming of Age, which I am sure yon will not fail to be. But if you will take my advice, you will not make your position known at Mirk, for, as I have said before. your mother has had enough to trouble her. You must let Your sporting friends understand it, however, and we must make the best arrangements we can for your paying your debts within a. year ; and for the future. till something turns up, instead of six hundred per annum, you must manage to do on three. Your wife, I am sure, is a most sensible young lady, and will, easily perceive the necessity of econo- my. ’ “ Scruple? Certainly not," ejaculated Walter angrily. “ I confess that. I did not think my brother would have so much pro- per feeling, and Iam obliged to him, of course; but after all, he has only done his duty. What is three hundred a year out of the Lisgard rent-roll ?” “Still he was not obhged to do it1 aerved Arthur drilv. “Thank you,” answered the dragoon, coldly. “ Perhaps you would like to run down to Canterbury, and choosa our lodging for us ; or do you thian we ought to be con- tent, to live in barracks '2 I know that there is a great temptation to insult a man when he is down ; but; for giving unpalatable ad‘ vice in an offensive manner, I do not know your equal, Arthur Haldane. “ Nothing of that sort is at all necessary. Walter,” answered the other quietly. “ Of course, I was not prepared for this very un- fortunate position of affairs. I had brought news then, though, I must say, the very generons behavror of your elder brother your ihcome as a man married would in future be a very tolerable one ; it has been made up to at least double what the interest of the sum you have lost would have pro- duced. Thus, in addition to your pay. yen would have had ahout six hundred a year. besides whatever your wife's aunt would think proper to allow her. Your mother. on the other hand, undertakes, if you should scrnple to accept this kindness at Sir Rich- ard’s hands”â€" “ 0 no, certainly not I was only having a bit of fun,"rejoined the other bitterly. “ I am just in the humor forjoking now, and can’t resist 11. Thousand devils I would you have me go to the workhouae, man, or where ? ” “We”, Waiter, I have said what I thought was right, aniI do not intend to quarrel‘ with you. Ishould wish, on the contrary, to remain your friend, if it were only for deal mother’s sake”â€"-â€" “And somebody else's," interrupted tfie' captain with a sneer. “ No, Walter, I cannot advise you to act in that manner, and I am sure you did not propose it seriousiy yourself- "Yes; for your sister Letty’s, Walter; I frankly own that. Come, give us your hand, mamâ€"Well, another time, then,» when you are more like yourself,â€"But before I go, 1? want to find this man Derrick. 1' have a letter for him of imporhzmce from Mistress Forest." “You had better ask as you go down stairs, Mr. Haldane; I know nothing about him.” .And with that, Captain Walter Lis- gard deliberately turned his back upon his visitor, and looked gloomily out of the win- dow ; while his white hand stroked his sil- ken 'moustaches as though it were a pum- micestone, and it was his intention to stroke them off.” " She must know it sooner or later, man. even if she doesn‘t read it in the papers. When your Turf gentry do not get paid, they make a noise about it, you see, that be- ing all they can do. I’ve a precious good mind to take myself ofl“ to Cariboo-that’s where this fellow Derrick made his moneyâ€" the climate's good, and with a little capital, one may do a good deal. Why should I not go there, and never let them have a penny ‘2 The law looks upon it as a swindle, you know that well enough; and it was a swin- dle, by Jove. Come, you’re a barrister, Haldane ; now, what do you say about it ?” Arthur made his inquiry of the servant who opened the hall-door £0 let. him out. “ Mn Derrickâ€"if that was the genfleman with the large beardâ€"- had come and gone within in the last quarter of an hour, while he (Haldane) had been talking with the other gentleman upstairs, He had called CHAPTER XXIV ~(Continued) “We must keep this from your mother somehow. Walter. film has been sadly tried, and I doubt, whether she could bear it.” Only the roseâ€"all bridal-robed w I. In her snowy fawn ; Only the roseâ€"~31 l diamond-decked \Vith her dewy cmwn ; Only the roseâ€"so White and sweet, ,a Bending shyly down ; Only the rose is waiting. What I Surely not a fmwn 9 ’ Only a. little smile I ask ; Is it such a. boon ‘l ,- ‘Vhat does a my of silvery light l Cost yon far-off moon 1 \Vho would any that its pallid beam '. Mockml the fervent moon ! Who could think that its gracious smil. Brightcnod earth too soon 1 Only a little sigh I craveâ€" / “mm is in a sigh 7 Only the breath of summer breeze Em the mans die ; . Only 1hr) rustle of Love's wings . :1” As he passns nigh ; Oul v the fluttering robe of Hopeâ€".1 ope, that cannot fly. ,‘ Only a. little word, In sweet-â€" Low, and kind, an clear; Only a word will gladdon earth. .‘ And brin e‘en heaven near; Onlv a war . and love is thmned ' a King of Hope and Fear ; ‘ Only a wordâ€"what is in, sweet 1 ' .y None but the roses hear ! fOnIy the moonâ€"tbs silvery moonâ€"q" _ Pale. and pure, and high ; _' .Only the tiny, twinkling stall . i Trembling in the sky; { V0n1_ the braeze that rustle: on ‘ l L In a fragrant sigh ; (- Unl the roses, white and IWM ' I T ese, and you, and I. LN But, ah ! the moonâ€"she hears us no‘l Ber path is far away ; _ The little stars are timid things. ; \Vlio always hide by day; The bronze must wander on and on,‘ And cannot si r11 to stay; ‘ Onlv the rose~t le White. sweet rose- Lista to what wa say. ‘ gitmm mmmw MIRK ABBEY. ,- tmmm mm: ROSE?" -._ AI,_ .1. ,, , m Queerun 7! ob‘ MACARONI SOURâ€"A small shin of beef is pnt in three quarts of water, boiled four hours, then strained through a colander- The following day skim the fat. off. Boil a teacupful of canned tomatoes (or four whole ones), three chopped onions, 3 httle minced parsley, salt and ‘pepper, in one pint of water; let it boil for half an hour, then add it to the stock. Half an hour before serving put in a handful of macaroui. OATMEAL BISCUIT.-â€"W01‘k “ B ” oatmeal into cold oatmeal mush, until it can be made into biscuit. in the hand. Have them well covered with oatmeal, and bake in rather a moderate oven until the moisture is well dried out. They may be served either cold or warm, and if made quite dry may will keep some weeks. JCLIENNE Soreâ€"Put a piece of butter, the size of an egg, into the soup kettle; stir until melted; out three young onions small, fry them a nice brown; add three quarts of good, clear beef stock. a little mace, pepper and salt; let it boil one hour. add three young carrots and three turnips eat small, a. stalk of celery out fine, a pint. of string beans, 9. pint of green peas. Let this boil two hours; if not a bright, clear color. add a. spoonful of soy. This distressing complaint can gener- ally be relieved by soaking the feet in very Warm water, in which a. spoonful of powdered mustard has been stirred. Soak as long as possible, 01- till the Water gets cool ; it draws the blood from the head Another quietng remedy is to scald sour milk till it wheys ofi'; make a bag of flu'n muslin, and strain it 0H, not very dr ', and put the curd in the bag, upon the head, as warm as it can be borne ; it will relieve the pain in a. V few moments. Some suah simple rem- I edies are far preferable to drugs or to doctors’ presciptions ; they relieve as quickly, and are cheaper, as well u more readily applied. . BOILED BREAD PUDDIxa.â€"-Crumb your stale bread in a pudding pail, and cover with sweet milk, and set by the stove to warm and soften. Then to every quart of the mixture add two well beaten eggs, :3 cup of sugar, and a handful of raisins or sweet dried fruit of any kind. Do not have your pail full, as it needs some room to xise. Put the cover on tightly, and set it in boiling water; and do not allow it to stop boiling till done. if you try that once you will never make a baked pudding again, LIGHT Tm B1scu1r.~â€"Two quarts of best sifted flour,- one pint of sweet milk, in which melt one quarter of a. pound of sweet butter, one' teaspoonnt of salt in the. milk, one tea.- cup of fresh yeast. Make a hole in the cent- er, pour in the yeast (well shaken) stir diligently with a. fork. Let the milk, etc, be just blood warm (no more), then knead as bread‘. Got it across, through and through, with a. knife. Let it rise six or seven hours, as it may require. Take from the pan, knead it well, cut in small cakes, and put to rise in a pan an hour before baking. This recipe, with additional sugar and suit- able spices, makes excellent family dough- nuts. If you have been picking or handling any acid fruit and have stained your hands, wash them in clear water, wipe them lightly, and while they are yet moist strike a. match and shut your hands around it so as to catch the smoke, and the stains will disappear. Before fruit juice dries, it can often be removed by cold water, using a. sponge and towel if necessary. F or returning stains from the hands there is nothing better than the juice of a tomato. Rubbing the fingers with the inside of the parings of apples will remove most of the stain caused by paring. Ink, also, if washed out or sopped up from the carpet with cold water immediatly when it is spilled, can be almost entirely removed. Ink spots on floors can be extracted by scour- ing with sand, wetted with oil of vitriol and water. When the ink is removed, rinse with strong pearlash water. She should be firm, gentle, kind, al- ways ready to attend to her child. She should never laugh at himâ€"at what he does that is cunningâ€"-never allow him to think of his looks, except to be neat and clean in all his habits. She should i teach him to obey a. look â€" to respect gthose older than himself; she should never make a. command without seeing that it is performed in the right manner. Never speak of the child’s faults, or re- peat his remarks before him. It is a sure way to spoil a. child, never reprove a. child when excited, not let your tone of voice be raised when correcting. Try to inspire love, not dreadâ€"respect, not fear. Remember you are training a soul for eternity. Teach your children to wait upon themselves, to put away a thing when done with it. But do not forget that you were once a child. Coveton---yes, {hat is {flat place where m)" Lady came ashore from the wreck oflhe “North Star.” Arthur Haldane stooped down and read the address on the portmnnteau-â€"-Mr. R. Derrick. Coveton; then stepped very thoughtfully into the roaring street. “I don’t know exactly why, and I certainly have no desire to know, muttered the young barrister to himself; " but of all the bad news I have learned to-night, I fear ma mere will consider this the worst. Why the deuce should this fellow be going to Cov- eton, of all places least calculated to attract such a scampish va‘gabond ‘I Coveton, “ No. He had left directions that it was to be sent on to him in a week. or so to some place in the South. He had said that he should be walking, and therefore would not be there himself for several days. He had taken a. knapsack with him as for a regular tour. He was a strange gentle- man altogether.” “ Then he must come back for that,” ex- claimed Arthur eagerly. for his bill, and paid it, and packed his portmauteau, and there it was in the passage at the present moment.” :3 ‘x 6f film 9.”: g USEFUL RECIPES. Duties of a. Mother. To Remove Stains. (To BE CONTINUED.) Sick Headache- Warwick and other collars, card board, carbonic paper, Mucflage, etc. : also a few numbers of the Life Of King William III, Price 50 cents. “Edith Lyle,” by Mrs. Mary J'. Holmes, author of “Temfest and Sunshine," etc. Price 75 cents. DANIEL F. BEATTY BEATTY OF PEOPLE are hopelessly suffering from Deblhty. Nervous and Liver Com ylaints, Depression of Spirits, Hypochondrm, "lilnidity, Indigestion, Failure of Hearing, Sight and Memory, Lassitude, Want of Power, eta. Whose cases admit of a per- manent cure by the lnew remedy PHOSPHODYNE (Ozonic Oxygen); winch at once ullays 1111 irrita- tions mad excitement, imparts new energy and life to the enfeebled constitution, and rapidly cures every stage of these hitherto incurable and distressing nmlmlies. Sold by all Chemisti and Druggists tllg‘oughout tigealobe. [3’ CAUTION.- The large and increasing de- mand for Dr. Bright‘s Phosphodyne has led to several imitations under similar names; pur- chasers of this medicine should therefore be careful to obsarve that each case bears the Gov- ernment stamp, with the words, Dr. Bright’s l’hosphodyne, engraved thereon, and that the same words are also blown in the bottle. Every cuse bears the Trade Mark and Signature of PIL- tentoe. Export Agentsâ€"Morton, Wutney & 00., 107. Southwerk St, London, SE. But the sun comes down and fries the back of their necks. and they get three headaches in the party, and they all get cross and scold at the fish like so many mngpies. If an unwary chub dare show himself in the water they poke at him with their poles, much to his disgust. Finally they get mad all over and throw their polas away, hunt up the lunch basket, climb up into the woods, where they sit around on the grass and caterpillars, and eat; enough of dried beef and rank and hard boiled eggs to given. woodhoroe the nightmare; after which they compare notes about their baaux until sundown, when they go home'und plant envy in the heart- “ Ill Shir muslin do laino friends by telling what "jut I mloudid timo’flthox had. :4”... J OXYGEN IS LIFE.â€"-â€"DR. BRI GT'S PHOSPHODVNW --T\.TYYY.VPTW‘nhvu J ust the“ me sunny wriggles 03' the hook and diaappeam between two logs into the water, and the girls try for another bite. Then they seamper over the rafts until they find a shallow place where they can see the fish and shout :â€" “Oh ! I see one." i‘, i : “Where 2" ,1 “O my, so he is." ' f “Let's catch him." ‘ “Who's got the bait l" “You lazy thing, you’re sitting on my pole-" ' “Show me the wroteh that stole my worm." All the exclamations are gotten off in a tone that s ends every fish within three acres squnre into galloping hysterics. Then the girls, by superhuman exertions, manage to get a worm on the hook, and “throw in" with a splash like the launching of a wash-tub. and await the result. When asilver-fin comes along, and nibbles the bait they pull up with a. jerk that, had an un- fortunate fish weighing less than fifteen pounds been on the hook, would have landed it in the neighborhood of three or four miles out in the country. After a. while a feeble-minded sunfish oontrivus m get fastened on the hook of a timid woman, and she gives vent to her tongue : “Oh ! smnething’s got my hook !" “Pull up, you little idiot! shout five excited voices as they rush to the rescue. The girl with the bite gives a spasmodic jerk, which sends the unfortunate sunny into the air the full length of forty feet of line, and he comes down on the near- est curly head with ndamp flop that sets the girl to clawing as though there were bumblebee- in her hair. “ “Oh! take it away. Ugh, the nasty thing !" Then they hold up their skirts and gather about the fish {as it ships over the logs, one all the time holding the line in both hands, with her foot on the pole as though she had an evil- disposed goat at the other end, They talk over it. "However will he got off 7” “Ain‘t it- pretty 3" “Wonder if it ain't dry 1" “Poor little thing ; let's pnt- it back." “How will W0 get the hook fmm it." “Pick it up," says a girl who backs rapidly out of the circle. “Good gracious, I’am afraid of it. There, it's opening its mouth at me.” ' There’s generally shout six in the bunch. with '3“ dream on, end Huey have threeepokq with 'as may hooks and lines, among them. As m be they get to the river they look‘ for I. good ‘ lace to get down on the rafts, and the most ven- turesome one sticks her boot hes] in the bank and makes two careful steps down ; then she sad- denly finds herself at the bottom with both hands in the water, and a. feeling that every one in the wide world is looking at her, and she never tell. any body how she got there. The other girls pref- iting by her example, turn round and go down the bank on their hands and toes backward. UST RECEIVED AT THE Herald book é‘fan’qy store, Grand Square and Upright. Washington, New jersey, U.S‘A. 5m @1113ng finfikfi. BRI GT2S PH_OS]?H012YNE.--MULTITUDES The Girls A-I BEST IN USE. PIANO ! A! prices and on terms hitherto unequalled. Parties wanting pumps will do well to consul, me before purchasing. N reference to the above notice of Dis. solution, the undersigned would announce that he is now fitting up New and Improved Machinery Richmond Hill, March 24 ’75. 151: PRIZE Pump Works, Three hundred pages. , A complete Newspaper Directory Gamteeer of towns in which newspaper}; are published, and» including sketches of leudmg American Newsâ€" papers, compiled by Geo. P. Rowen dz Co. PRICE BY MAIL, 35 CENTS. Address ROWELL‘S CENTENNIAL NEWS- PAPER EXHIBITION, Fairmouut Park, Philaâ€" delphiu. Pump Works, Driven by ample Steam Power. and intendst manufacture a The undersigned respectfully begs to an- nounce to the inhabitsiuts of Richmond Hill and vicinity that he has returned to this place and purchased the Excelsior Pump Works.- 0N CHURCH STREET, Formerly carried on by Mr. John Hall, and hopes by striet attention to business, combined with the best material to merit a continuance of the patronage bestowed on his predecessor. Well curbs constantly on haul." Wells sunk on the shortest notice.- Address stating depth of well, REU. PHILLIPS, Richmond Hill, Best inducements ever offered. Money refund» ed upon return of Piano and freight charges paid by 1110 (Daniel F. Beatty) both Ways if unsu- tisfactory, uftcpu. test trial of five days. Pianos warranted for six years. Agents wanted; sand for catalogue. Address, DAMEL F._BE_ATTY, From J as. F. Regan, firm of Regan & Carter, pubâ€" lishers Daily and Weekly Tribune, Tefierson City, Mo., after receiving a. $700 instrument, says: - “Piano reached us in good tofiaition. I am email lz’leused with it. It is 11.11 you represented it o 8. From E. R. Baldridge, Bennington Furnace, Pm, after receiving a $700 piano. “ ‘ The Beutty' received 4th inst, all 0. Kr, and comes fully up to your representation, and ex- ceeds our expectations. While I don’t profess to be a. judge in the matter, Mrs. B. does, and pro- nounces it of very sweet; tone; and is very much 1)I§&S9d_ thh it." f This instrument is the most handsome and best Piano ever before manufactured in this country or Europe, having the greatest possible 1 depth, riches and volume of tone, combined with l a. rare brilliancy, eleerness and perfect evenness throughout the entire scale, and above all a. sur- * prising durutim of sound, the power and s mp3.» thetic quality 0 which never changes um er the most delicate or powerful touch; space forbids e lfull description of this magnificent instrument. ‘Agents discount given whereIhave no agents. 3 Remember you take no risk in purchasing one of these CELEBRATED INBTURMENTS. If after (5) days test trial it roves unsatisfactory the money you have paid Will be refunded upon return of instrument and freight charges paid by me both weys. Pianos warranted for six years Address, FOR HIRE. Funeral Fumishingfi, Cofiins and Caskets in Every style. Funeral Furnishings supplied at Begs to announce to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and surrounding neighborhood, that he has built a. new Hearse and commenced the BEATTY A FINE NEW HEARSE A_WRIGHT & SON, CARRIAGE BUILDERS, BEATTY SUPERIOR ARTICLE List of pi'icos sent an applisation. Grand Square and Upright. 00K OF THE CENTENNIAL Newspaper Exhibition. Grand Square and Upright. IIIOHMOND HILL DANIEL F. BEATTY, UNDERTAKING BUSINESS. FROM 10 TO 100 DOLLARS. Richmond Hill. Washington, New Jersey, U.S.A. Washington, New Jersey, U.S.A. RICHMOND HILL, 3mm, Corner of Adelaide (fa Jarvis streets, W H E AT FOR SEED Send for my Fall Wheat circular, Free. Very Hardy, Productive, and of excellent quality. Also DEIHL, Gold Medal, Midge Proof, _ SCOTT, TreadVvell, Turkey, etc.. (CLAWSON) Is a. smooth-headed white Wheat with red chaff ; FALL \VHEAT Is HARDY, standing the winter even superior to the Seneca. or Clawson, has a large smooth head and me. dium straw. Its kernel and ohufl are both White. The Seneca SEED WHEAT. The Silver Chalf William Bennie, Seed Store, 3 PIANO I H, MILLER. S. 971-“ Vile and spurious imitations of ” Holloway‘s Pills and Ointment," are manumctured and sold under the name . of “Holloway & C 0.," b y J. F. . Henry, Curmh & Co.,Druggists, f New York, with an assumed bro. d e m a. r k, t h u s â€"-â€"â€"â€"~â€" the principni l e rs in‘ t h e s e Lyman, Clark & ,H I . Northru and Lyman, and Lyman rothers & 00., who obtain them 9% very low prices, from J. F. Henry. Gun-gm ‘& Co, of New York and this trash is an plied w unprincipled retail, vendors, who sell 6 same as in genuine Pills and Ointment, which are menu natured only at .533, Oxford Street, London. and may be obtained from the following Firms, viz. :â€" Messrs. Evans, Mercer & 00., Montreal. Messrs. Avery, Brown & 00., Halifax, N. S. Messrs. T. B. Barker & Sons, St. John, N. B. Messrs, Elliott 6: 00., Toronto. Who import them direct from here. Wholesale Dea- Counterfeits are Each Pot and Box bears the British Govern- ment Stamp, with. the we dag “HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND OIN’I‘MENT, 0NDON," engraved thereon. 0n the label is the address, 533, Oxford Street, London. The Pills purify the Blo‘dd, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females.- The Ointment is the Only reliable femedy foi' Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers of how- ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Diptheria, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. the Uxiiiséd' Sia’t’e’é‘ I deem it my duty to state thm: my Pills and gingpqpt‘agg peither manufactured nor sold in THE GREATEST WONDER OF MODERN TIME S. ' fiâ€" â€" â€"* I-v'a- and save one-third the ' ~ ' cost 0 ' j n‘ a paint that is much hand-Chemlcal P alntsomerfgzltéiilgagilgwi: as long be any other paint. Is prepared ready for use in white or any dolor desired. Is on many thousands!“ the finest building's of the cougry, many of which have been painted six years, and now look as Well as when first. painted. This CHEMICAL PAINT has taken First Premiums at twenty of the State Fairs of the Union. Sample card of colors sent free Address, Miller Bros. 109 Water St Cleveland 0.- or N. Y. Enamell’i t 00., 103 Chambers St, NY. ’ ’ ’ ’ a n ARE YOU GOING TO PAIN'ITTP Then. Buv MILI. mp mt, Ag. BEATTY [SUCCESSOR TO ALEX. SCOTT,] Bookseller, Stationer, Printer, Publisher and News Agent Richmond. H111. Ont. LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE CHEAP FOR CASH A chance once 1n 100 years. Selling ofi‘ Room Paper at Centennial Prices. Usual stock of Groceries always on hand. TO THE CENTENNIAL AND BACK STOVES FOR WOOD AND COAL, 533, Oiford Street, WE ' London, April Int, 1876: ; gleam-it my dglty to state phat m_y Pills and HOLLO W AY’S PILLS AND OINTMENTJ He is under the impression that those favoring him with u call will be prices asked. He also offers an assortment. of AUTUMN AND WINTER GOODS! QUMINABLH GUUNTERPBITS. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. - AT FALCONBRIDGE’S~ Is much larger and of better quality than any ever before displayed in Richmond Hill Richmond Hill, July 17, 1876. BEWARE OF VILE AND MODERN TIMES. Grain Bags at Greatly Reduced Rates. The stock will be found large, well assorted and low in price. The supply of FLO UR AND FEED ALWAYS ON HAND. AS HIS GOODS HAVE ALL BEEN BOUGHT CASH ONLY, J‘J.‘ .8. ‘- .BEST IN "ESE: DANIEL F. BEATTY. itmtirzinal. Of all sizes, at Toronto Prices for Cash only. Intends to give all a Chance to The subscriber begs to announce that he is now receiving Vg‘IIEIOMAS HOLLOWVAY‘ .H.KEEFLER, 0f the best quality constantly in stock. Ready-made Clothing G. SAVAGE CALL AND SEE HIS STOCK 0F GROCERIES J. K. FALCONBRIDG-E. Washington, New Jersey1 J- aud Wagon Maker, Unde'rttiker, etc. Residenceâ€".Neurly opposite the P636 Office: Richmond Hill. CANADA’S CARTOON MPER, “GRIP.” THOMAS SEDMANfCKfiEEéE and Wm‘mn Mnjmv Yan‘nv-O-nI’nu -A- From Geo. E. Letcher, firm of Wm. H. Letcher 65 Bro., Bankers, Fa ette, Ohio. “ We received to piano an think it a. very fine toned one out here. Waited a short time to give it a good test. If you yvish a. word in favor of it We will cheerfully give 1t.” James 3%. Brown, Esq., Edwardsville, 111., snvs: James K. Brown, Esq., Edwardsville, 111., says “The Beatty Piun'o‘ i‘ecéiva’d given entire satis- faction.” Agents wanted; send for catalogue. Address, BEATTY PIANO ! “THE HERALD” Single copies 3 Cents ; $2 a. year Orders received at thiu oflice. Grand Square and Uprigifii: BAND AND ORG-ANS TH E CIRCULATION DANIEL F; BEATTY IN CREASING; Inaâ€"fill I, \‘V-aEhEgton, New Jersey, USA RAPIDLY satisfied with the p Mugs, TOYS. ML. FUR SALE AT (ha HM: Ll) Rnnh mom J. San er & Sons, 1. 0, A , , G. Our ing & 00., 30, St. Mary Axe, London, EC. Stone & 00., 16, George st, Mansion Ho‘use,E.C. E%mnpbell 65 00., 158, Leudenhull St, London, Boxlnevaflle & 00., 2, Brnbuntlet, Thilpot Lane. London, E.C. Culley & 00.,19, Gt.\Vinchester st,)Lon<lon,E.C. R. Brooks_& 00., St. Peter‘s Chambers), Cornhill. London, E. C. ‘ EXPORT AGENTS. Norton, Wutnc‘y & (30., 107‘, Southwark st, Lon- don, SE. Evans, Lese‘nm' & Evans, 60, Baitholoilisw Close, London, EC.- Burgoyne, Bm‘bmdge & 00., 13, Coleman‘ St. London, EAC. ‘ _ Mawson & Thonumou, 12, Aldersgate st, Lon- don, El}; Barclay & Sons, 93, Fmfingon st.,Londoh,E.C. Newberry & Sons. 257, Newgme st, London, 13.0. .T Rnnanvky ana 1AA nwchun ..L -_.. IS SOLD ONLY IN CASES AT 109. 6D. BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PA: TENT MEDICINE VENDElcs THROUGHOUT THE GLOBE. Full Directions for Use, in the English, French. German, Itnlinn, Dutch, Spanish, Portugueee; Danish, Russian, Turkish; Persian, Hindostani; Madrasse, Bongzilee, Chinese and J upmese Lani gnages, uccompfiny each case. IS” CAUTIONâ€"The large and ih‘c‘reasin'g‘ ales mend for DR. BRIGHT’S PHOSPHODYNE has led to several imitations under similar names; pin“ Chasers of this medicine should therefore be careful to Observe that each case bears the British Government Stump, With the words .Dn‘. Bmenw’s PHOSPHODYNE engraved thereon (White letters on red ground), and shatthe same Words! are also blown in the hotttle‘. Every case been the trade mark and Sigimture of l’ntentee. The Imbh‘p are (Lléo particularly cautioned against purchasing spurious imitations imported from the United States, and are requested to note the directiuns for use are minted in all the Ian m‘ges as above, without which none can poss'fily be genuine. The beneficial effects of the Phosphodyne are frequently shown from the first day of its mimi- nistration, by {L renmrkable increase of nervous power, with n. feeling of vigor and comfort, to which the patient hue long been unaccustomed. Digestion is improved; the« appetite increases wonderfully; the bowels become regular ; the eyes brighter; the skin clear and healthy, and the hair acquires strength, showing the importance of the action of the Phosphodyne on the organs of nutrition Finally, the Phosphpdyne maintains a certain degree of nativity m the previously debilitated nervous system; its use enables all debilitated organs to return to their sound state and perform their natural functions. Persons suflering from Nefv’ous Debility, or any of the hundred symp- toms which this distressing disease assumes, may rest assured of an effectual and even speedy cure by the judicious use of this most invaluable remedy. The Phosphodyne gives back to the human structure. in a, suitable form, the phosphoric or aniumting element of life, which has been wasted. and exerts an important influence directly on the spinal m arrow and nervous System, of a nutritive, tonic and invigorating character, maintaining that buoyant energy of the brain, and muscular sys- tem which renders the mind cheerful, brilliant, and energetic, entirely overcoming that (hill, in- active, and sluggish disposition which many per- sons experience in all their actions. M van. v; unUAA‘ down constitutions. It quickly improves the funcâ€" tions of assimilation to such a, degree, that Where for years an emaciated, anxious, caduverous, and semiwital condition has existed, the flesh will rapidly increase in quantity and firmness, and. the Whole system return to [L state of robust health. The Phosphodyne acts electrically upon the organization ; for instance, it assists! nature to generate that human electricity which renews and rebuilds tlie osseous; muscular, nervous. membranous and organic systems. It operates on the system without exciting cure or thought upon the individual as to the process. It moves the lungs, lint)“ hem'f, kidneys, stomach and in- testines with [L harmony, vigor, yet wildness un< paralleled in medicine. i“ -..‘_L“,~VLmucu LIAUU\l fiusiness Nervous Dobility in all Sick Headache . its stages Lassitude Premature Decline And 1111 morbid conditions of the system arising from Whatever cause. The action of the Phospho dyna is twofoldâ€"mu the one hand increasing the principle which constitutes nervous eney‘g , and on the other the most 'pirwerfu] blood an; flesh genernting agent known; therefore, a, marvellous medicine for renovating impaired and broken- down cpnstitutions. It quicle imbrovnfl Hm. funnâ€" Ears Loss of Energy and Ap‘ petite . Hypochondria. Female Complaints Geyeral' 'Debility Indigestioxi Flntnleqce 11102394 yflfor Study or It is agreeablerto th'e palate, and innocent in its action, while retaining all its extraordinnry pro- perties ; and as a specific, surpassing all the known therapeutic agents of the present day for the speedy and permanent cure ofâ€" Nervous Prostmtion Shortness of Breath Liver Complaints Trembling of the Hands Palpitation of the heart and Limbs Dizziness Impaired Nutrition Noiigs in the Hem] and Mentrailiand Physical De- This Phosphatic combination is pronounced by most eminent members (If the Medical Profession to be unequalled for its power in replenishing the vitality of the body, by supplying all the es- seutial constituents of the blood and nerve sub-; stance, and for developing all‘ the pewers and: functions of the system to the hlghest degree. “W” The New C’Mmtivie Agent, and‘onlg 1w. liable Remedy for Nervous and Liver Complaints. NDER DISTINGUISHED PAT- RONAGE. PHOSPHODYNE. Dr. Bright’sâ€"firmsphodyherm the HM! w Bank Sim-a Protectedby, [fag/q] ng‘ters Palem- Dated October 11th, 1869. DR. BRIGIâ€"IT’S (OZONIC’ OXYGEN.) stages only) Timidity Eruptions of the Skin Imyaire‘d Sight and Me- mory Nervous Fancies Impoverished Blood NervousA Dobility in all pression Consumption (in its first: 6 regular ; the eyes althy, and the hair importance of the on the organs of

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