Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 1 Sep 1876, p. 4

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THE HERALD. JOB PRINTING PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY At its Book mid Job Printing Oflices, Yonge St. Diohinond Hill, Ontario. 7 All new _single column, adfiertisemepflg will up- The towh bell has been rung at seven @,clock in the morning since Monday last. "This is as it should be. ' MoZEiliâ€"sâ€"Figeiéizgfiz sâ€"Iféliidérfifipear only 611 he first page. Local notices in reading matter: will be charged on; mad a. mu cents per word, payable when or are . We are given to understand, that it is “the ihtemion of the Reeve of Markham and Mr. Millikan shortly to visit the “Canbennial. u THE HERALD," The village Council meets on Wednes- day evening next. ‘ Owing to an unusual run of job work We are late in issuing this weeks Herald. The Palmer house will be ready for occupation in about a. fortnight. Miss Campbell will resume her music classes on the 15th inst. Tan HERALD is the only Conservw tive paper in this county. Subscribe now. A stout, intelligent boy will at present mevt with a good chance to learn the Qtinting‘business at this ofiice. , On Thursday next, the 7th inst., Mr. " George H. Bath, proprietor of the Thornhill hotel will give a grand hip, to oomme‘nce at eight o’clock. The Victoria Square Grange will hold their first. annual festival on Wednesday, the 13th inst. The first annual picnic of the Lang- stafl” Grange will take place on Thursday the 14th inst. i The members of ‘Crystal Lodge, U. T. 0., visited Napier Lodge at Buttonâ€" ”filk on Wednesday evening last, and " mat an enjoyable time. The Scarboro Council meets on Tues- day next. ‘ A grand panic and harvest home festi- val‘ will take place on 'lot 25, 2nd eon. East York, on Tuesday the 12th inst. Proceeds in aid of the N ewtonbrook brass .band. A petition was in circulation in the viilage last week the object of which was the obtaining of the afternoon mail from the south at. six o’clock instead of half- past nine as heretofore. 101 names were 'signed to the petition, and it was sent. to P. O. Inspector Spry, with a request to forward to the Post Master General. Mr. A. Size, of Unionville, has a sow that he claims, will beat anything in the township or out of it. She is of the Berkshire Breed. We would advise him to send her to the Centennial. A grand Masonic demonstration will be held in the Agricultural Hall, Mark- ham on Thursday, 7th Sept, at which several prominent members of the order are expected to be present and deliver addresses. The usual favor of a “ com- plimentary” has been received, for which our thanks are tendered. RIGEMOND HILL, SEPT. 1,1876. The Richmond Hill Temple, I. O. G. T. will hold a musical and literary enter. tainmeut on Wednesday eVening next, the 6th inst, in the Temperance Hall. Admission 15 cents; children 10 cents. Proceeds in aid of the new temperance hall. A. Wright & Son. The running gear of the new ’bus is well got up and the style ofthe body is airy and can be kept open or closed to suit the weather, but the most- noticable feature of workman- ship on it is the painting. The lettering : “ Northern Railway and Richmond Hill,” “No. 1," and “ S. Proctor, Dominion Hotel,”_ is very taste- fully executed, and the scroll work is exquisite, and would reflect credit on a workman of ye ars of experience though done by a boy still in his teens, William Ashford, My Wright’s sonf On Wednesday morning last there gppeared on the Proctor Stage Line a yerlygnfisounle gmnibq'g.‘ built b): Messrs Mrs. G. Trench, formerly Miss Mame E. Sedman, was a few days after her marriage presented with a handsome vol- ume of the Episcopal Church Service by the scholars of her Sunday School class, on the occasion of resigning her position as teacher. Richmond Hill Village is assessed for taxable income more than either the Villages of Aurora or Markham, whilst tbs number of assessed persons is smaller, as; follows: Aurora, 345 persons, as- sessed for $1600; Markham, 212, 81000; Richmond Hill, 137, $1900; OFFICE, RICHMOND HILL, THE HERALD. LOCAL. We notice other papers offering in-1 ducements to subscribers. and as we are determined that 'I BE HERALD shall have the largest paying subscription list: inthe' county by the end of thIS year, we make the following other to new sub- scribers :' TH’E HERALD! will be given from the present time until December 3151:, 1877, for $1.25 cash in advance. Nothing can be fairer than Mr. Daniel F. Beatty’s mode of doing business, ,and which evinces his confidence in the super- iority of his instruments over all others. He warrants his pianos and organs for six years, gives a five day’s test trial, and re- funds money if purchaser is not satisfied. By this means his instuments are brought into competition with others, and invari- ably come out victorious. Address all communications to Daniel F. Bertty, Washington, Warren County, N. J; U. S. A. See his advertisement. Monies required for county purposes fiom the different municipalities, for the year 1876, are as follows : Etobicoke $1,708 61 Georgina 658 10 GwillimburyN 796 08 GwillimburyE 1,852 76 King 3,453 30 Markham 4,089 14 Scarboro 2,424 43 Vaughan 3,882 4‘) Whitchurch 2,279 14 York 4,522 21 Yorkville 1,192 91 Newmarket 76 56 AUTOT‘}. 567 57 Holland Landing 54 99 Richmond Hill 78 61 Below we insert the 27th section of the Weights and Measures Act for the benefit of those concerned : Markham Village 175 69 Sec. 27.â€"â€"Every trader, manufacturer, J carrier, public weigher, gauger, measure!" surveyor, or any other person, who after the expiration of time appointed under this Act for the first inspection in the Inspection divi- sion in which he carries on his business, offers for sale or uses, for any purpose of buying, selling, or charging, for the carriage of any goods. wares, merchandise or thing, or of measuring any work, land, goods’ materials or other things, for purpose of charging for or ascertaining the price to be paid or the charge to be made therefor, any weight or measure, or weighing machine , which has not been duly inspected and l stamped according to this Act, or which , may be found light, deficent or otherwise unjust, shall be guilty of an offence against this Act, and shall on conviction, incur a penalty of not more than fifty or less than five dollars for each such offence; and every such uuslamped, llght, deficient, or unjust weight, weighing machine or measure so used, offered for sale, or found in his posses- sion. shall on being discovered by the Deputy inspector, be forfeited and iorthwith seized and broken by him, without suit or other authority than this Act. On Saturday last, the Live Oak B. B. Club of Patterson. played a friendly game of base ball on the Unionville grounds, with the B. B. club of that village, which resulted in a hard earned victory for Unionville nine by only six runs. A high wind prevailed during the entire afternoon which made it un comfortable both for players and spectators. Shortly after commencing, the first base man of the Live Oaks had his ankle sprained which was quite pain- ful to the recipient and likew1se a draw back to the nine. Some wild throwing on the part of the Live Oaks gave their op- ponents such a start that they could not, with the host playing, regain the lout lground. But notwithstanding those mishaps,they succeeded in whitewashing their opponents three times, and in re- turn receiving one themselves. After the match all partock of a first class supper at the Temperance House; Mr; Braith- Iwaite acted as umpire to the entire sat- isfaction of every one. Mr Andrew »Spalding scored for the Live Oaks. ,Appended is the score: ~ A B Crosby G Braithwafle A G Crosby J Sheffield J Stephenson G Tieelder G Robinson A Ellioti WSize The following cases were up before Mr. McNabb, the prosecution being con- ducted by Mr. William Munsie, the In- spector for W'est York. The parties charged were defended by Mr. T. H. Bull and Mr. N. Murphy. The cases in their order were :â€" James Marshall, Lambton, charged with selling liquor Without license. The acts were charged to have been committed on the 4th and 8th inst., reâ€" spectively. The case was adjourned at defendant’s request till the Blst inst. Wm. McDowell, Humber Mouth, charged with selling without a license on the 18th inst, was fined $30 and costs. Charlotte Phillips, near Kleinburg, was charged with selling liquor on the 13th without’a license. The case was adjourned, to procure the attendance of a witness, till the 31st inst. John Colley, Carlton, charged with selling without a license on the 18th inst, and John Dixon. Lambton, on a similar charge, had their cases adjourned at their request. till the 31st inst. These two defendants have been pre- viously convicted of the same offence and fined. COUNTY LIQUOR CASES. Total UNIONVILLE. $27,725 63 $3,906 00 $7:566 BASE BALL Runs Outs 36 27 E Stewart 5 G Woolford 4 S Savage 4 J Tully 4 G Laird 4 J Tully 2 G Savage 4 E Kendrick 1 H Holliday 2 LlVE OAKS. Runs 1 Total 30 27 Outs The Editor of the Toronto Telegram has been assaulted by the Hon. John Beverly Robinson for a libellous article in his paper. The Toronto Street Railway Company have effected a purchase of the lot on the south-west corner of George and Front streets. from Front to the Esplanade. The intention is to erect a building on the lot, with stone foundation and brick walls, four stories high, for stables, car shops, and workshops, and offices per- taining. The head ofiice will be contin- ued in Yorkville. At present there are two stables, that in Yorkville, and the stable on King-street East, both of which will be given up, and the cattle removed to the new stable on Georgestreet. A track will be laid to the new building along Front-street.â€"â€" Globe. Harvest in this section being mostly“ finished before the latter part of 1113'? week, many farmers were taking a fey”! ‘ days to rest their bodies and “ relax their limbs,” after the hurry and bustle. While thus enjoying themselves they re- mained unconscious of the hardships to which they had been subjected, unLil McCormick & 00., Chicago, brought into the neighborhood a self-binding reaping machine, A trial of this machine came OH on the farm of Mr. Geo. Cook, lot No. 3, 4th concession Markham, on Mon- day the 28th ult- , in a field of cats, heavy in the straw but not badly lodged. l On very short notice a large number of} farmers gathered to witness the trial, and those who had bent under anoon- day sun began to contrast their own labor with that of the driver of the self- bindcr. There they saw one man sit- ting on the machine doing the work of four or five good hands, and that in a most perfect manner. Not a loose straw was seen behind the machine, not a head of grain from a broken hand, no untied sheaves, no sore hands from Canadian thistles. All were delighted with the j exhibition, and some were so much in- terested that they could scarcely keep out of the machine. Such an exhibition is a real delight to farmers, it was right at home and free. Were they all Grangers ‘? After that they may very well dispense with their half decidedâ€" upon visit to the city of “ Brotherly Love.” About half past one o’clock on Satur- day morning of last week. the Public School House at Mount Albert, was dis- covered in flames; and before assistance, to any extent, reachhd the place, the en- tire premiSes were destroyed. There seems no reasonable doubt about it being the: work of] an incendiary. The Trustees have offered a reward for the discovery of the offender or ofienders. We trust the perpetrator of the deed may be discovered and punished. Some time during Sunday night the lock-up at Newmarket was broken open to release two lewd girls who have been prowling round the village for the last week or ten days. They were taken prisoners on Sunday. The lockup is under the process of being moved to another location, and during its moving, which commenced last Friday after the discharge of the boy McDonald, several prisoners have been locked up in it‘i'or sundry ofl‘ences. It stands now partly on the thoroughfare on Water street, waiting till the Council finish negotiating for a proper place for it. J. Fleming, Esq., of the town of Brampton, has been appointed Deputy judge of the County of Peel. The Yorkvillians pay $80 per year for having a bell rang thrice a day. In Richmond Hill they do things cheaper, being only about $10 per year for hav- ing a bell rang four times a day. Mr. St. Just, Minister of Agriculture, is said to have accepted the Lieutenant- Govem orship of the new territory of Keewatin. The Yorkvillians when they travel in England or on the continent always hail from Toronto. They are either ashamed of their own classic suburbs or they are small enough to take advantage of being thought to belong to Toronto, Without being willing to be annexed. Just now, when chemical fertilizers are creating so much attention, it is of interest to note that Mr. C. T. Hayward of England, has apparently succeeded in preventing potato blignt by supplying the mineral elements of potato plant food to his garden, which had previously been well dressed with nitrogenous man- ures. He claims to have secured a better crop, the tubers more even in size, smooth skinned, and free from disease ; while the market gardners about him suffered heavy losses from the potato disease. An emergency meeting of the Ashlar Lodge was held in the Yorkville Town Hall on Monday night. The question of finding other accommodations for meeting will soon have to occupy the at tention of the Lodge. Why not build? There is some talk of starting an or; gan here to be edited by gentlemen who are interested in preventing the spread of' the annexation fever, and to offset the influence .of the Globe upon this subject. The prisoners, the two Youngs, will be brought to Toronto in a few days on a writ from the Court of Queen’s Bench. (From our own correspondent.) City Items. North York. Peel County. Millikan. Yorkvflle. - During the dry season of late sum- mers, every country resident should secure several barrels of road dust. It is worth many times its cost as an absor- bent. Those who keep poultry secure by its use a valuable fertilizer, nearly as strong as guanofwith hone of its agreeable odor. Place an inch or two of road dust in the bottom of the - ban-cl ; then, as the pOultry house infregulsrly cleaned, deposit an inch thick of the cleanings, and so on alternately, layers of each till the barrel is filled. The thinner each layer is, the more perfect will be the intermixture of the ingro- dients. ’ . ,.,_ Flourâ€"Spring- Wheul.......4 r Fall Wheat extru' ' ' ‘ - 4 80 Wheatâ€"Spring. per bus-11..» Fall....... . . ... Bm~ley........ ‘ ..... (we 0 00 OatS............ $039@ 04 Peas . . . . . . . U70® 075 Potaloes. par hush. .. .. . .. 0 40 @ 0 50 Apples per barrel........ . ... 1‘25 @ 175 DrJed Applenperib......... 007R? 007 Hayperton................ 1200@ I400 Straw " ..........u.... 00“@ 0(‘0 Butler, 11; rolls. . . .. 018 @ 0 27) large rolls. . . ¢ - 017 @ 0’8 Egcsmerdoz ..... . ....... .. 012m) 0 l2 Dressed Hogs, per 100 lb: - . . . . ‘3 50 ff? 3 75 Bac'on, Prime...“.........a10 (JO/('1) 12 00 Hams, Cured.............. 012@ 015 Flourâ€"Spring- Wheul. . . . . . . Fall Wheat extra; ' ' ‘ Wheatâ€"Spring. per bush. . , Fall....... v . .. The Mark Lane Expresskin its view of the corn trade. says :â€"â€"“ Harvesting is progressing satisfactorily, and the bulk of the grain crop has been secured. The wheat yield will be less than an average, and probably not larger than that of 1875. This result is disappointing. However, the quality is fine and the weight heavy New barley is satisfactory.” Flourâ€"Spring- Wheul. . . . . . . I Fall Wheat extra; ' ' ‘ - Wheatâ€"Spring. per bush. . , . Fa”. . . . . . .v . Barley.......... . . . . . . . . . . . OatS........... . . . . . . . Peas . . . . . . . Potaloes. par hush. .. .. . .. Applesper barrel............ DrJed Apples perib......... Hay perlon...............- Straw " ..........u.... Butter,ibrolls.............. largerolls...«..~....~.. Eggs,perdoz . . . . . .......... Dressed Hogs. per 100 lbs” . . Col‘recled by Mr Isuap Crosby, GroceJ, and Dry Good”- ;vlorcffan', Fire Proof Sgore, Toronto Markets corrected from Toronto Dailies every Thursday morning. Flame-SpringWhgatextra“ $4 35 Superior ‘ extra. . . . Ommeal... 1 ..... .1 CornmeaI ..... Bariay... a... Oats........ .... Peasa........-- Potatoesmerbur .... Applea.per ban-EL. .... Ballastâ€"lb rolls. v........ huge Rolls-x. . . . . Eggs. per dOZ'........... Dressed Hogs. per IOU lbs Bacon . . . . . Prime. . . . . . . . Hamsâ€"Cured.per H: . . . . . Woolâ€"perlb............ SEED WHEAT After very careful and ei'tensive enquiry through- out the Province of Ontario and adjoining states of New York and Michigan, we hswe the utmost confidence in offering the above varieties as the most reliable kinds of Full Wheat for Canada. AT THE ONTARIO SEED STORE. Egyptia'h _ From the great reputation of this grain and its splendid appearance, we have been induced to import a. small quantity, which we now ofier at 50 cents per pound or three pounds for 31,30, postage prepaid, to any part of Canada. It is said to have grown successfully Wherever it has been tried, (one bushel was harvested this year from one pound of Rye sown in Harding county, Ohio). It yields 75 bushels per acre, and makes a superior flour, bread from it being unsurpassed by the best \Vhes’c. PLEASE SEND FOR CIRCULAR. N.B.â€"New Crop Timothy Seed and thé best and Cheapest. Cotton Bag: in the city, ranging from Three Dollars per dozen upwards. STEELE BROTHERS, 23 East Market Square, Toronto. CHOICE WHEAT. I have five hundred bushels to dispose of, which can be relied on as being me as I grow no other kind. Persons wantin t is Wheat for seed can have it at $1.50 per bus 61 by applying to I have grown this wheat for three seasons and find it to be a. Good Hardy Wheat. u-vv- ... 1--.", v- - ,7, manlhip, Elegant Desfgfi;& Finish, And Wonderful variety of their combination solo stops. LE?" Beautiful new centennial styles now ready. Address, DANIEL F. BEATTY. CLAWSON, Is less liable to be winterkilled than any other, yielding from fifty to sixty bushels per acre, has a good stifi' straw, and is a thrifty grower. The Farmers’ Advocate, Is devoted to the interests of Farmers, and con- tains articles by experienced editors on agricul- ture, horticulture, thorough-bred stock, the dairy interest, poultry, markets, hygiene, etc. Termsâ€"$1.00 per annum in advance; single copies, 10 cents. Address, Farmers’ Advocate, London, Ont. These remarkable instruments possess cape.- cities fqr musical effects and expression never before nktabled, adapted for amateur and profes- sional, and an ornament in any parlor. Excel in _Q_ua1_!§y of _'1‘_gne!, @horough Work- . , A ._ n:_.l_1_ DANIEL F. BEATTY’S IC-NIC & OTHER BASKETS, satchels. spectacles, belts, violin strings, etc. I satchels, spectacles, belts, violin strings, etc. just received and for sale at THE HERALD store‘ MAMMOTH NEVADA RYE. Thornhill, Aug. 16, 1876. For sale by ROBERT EVANS, Market Square, Hamilton, Ont. The Best Variety yet introduced, ENECA ’OR CLAWSON WHEAT RICHMOND HILL MARKETS. WILLIAM WELD, PARLOR ORGANS. TORONTO MARKETS. Gala Medal, Clawson or Seneea‘ THE SENECA .u..-,t nun-u .14.- ...o.. . . t . . . . o.- con-til... . - . . . . . . -.o .uas...-iua.n perbusn.....c..~. n harreL. ........ roHs.1........... 'ge Kolls..... .... logs.per1001bsn.. .. Prhnau........ fired.perib . . . . . . .. rlb............... SAMPLES BY MAIL. Qfinmmrcial. Washington, New Jersey, U.T.0. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY G EORGE WELDRIUK, a. .14.. Lot 35, let con. Vaughan @@®@@@@@@@@@ 05550 0 0 53730%2H0MM% 000000000000 s4 35 515 4:0 350 055 036 076 049 000 027 021 PAINTS 1 Something N8w£heap Humble IN THE PAINT LINE, Barns, Sheds, Fences, Roofs, and all outside work. These paints are Fire Proof, being me« tallic, and will wear as long as any paint in use. Our supply 13 large and well assorted. Stone Drab, Pink Drab, Dark Drab, Yellow Metallic, and chocolate, Which we will sell at prices varying from 5 cts. to 7 cts. per 1b. Also White Lead and all other colors. Boiled and Raw Oils, Vamishes constantly in stock. A can is solicited to examine goods and prices. H. SANDERSON 81 SONS. Chemists and Druggists, Corner of Yom’e and Centre St. East, Richmond Hill. ELEGANT STYLES, with Valuable Im- provements. New and beflfflvmflu 5010 “OPS- Over One Thousand Organism 511d Musicians endorse these organs and recommend them as Strictly First. Class in tone, Mechanism and durability. Warrented for six years. Mos-t Elegant db Latest Improved. Have been awarded the Highest Premium in competition with others for Simplicity, dyrabzility, promptness and pmno-‘hke actwn, Sweet, Pure and Even-balanced Tone. Or- cheural Emma. and Instantnnoom Access which may be had to the Reeds. Send for price list. Address, Manufacturer of Doors, Sashes, Blinds, .Mouldings, Lath, Shingles, ttc., Richmond Hill, Unt. Lumber Tongued, Grooved and Surface Planed in short notice. Lumber cue from 36 feet down, to order. Bill Lumber attended to. CLODE & HOOK, BENT FELLOES, sums, CUTTER and SLEIGH RUNNE RS, A LARGE STOCK 0F EAVE-TROUGHS, COLORED Dealers will find it to their advantage to exal- mine this instrument. It: has im ovementl found in no other; correspondence 5 icitecl Believing it to be by far the best parlor and Orchestral Organ manufactured, we challenge any manufacturer to equal them. The celebrat- ed Golden Tonale Reeds in this organ incon- junction with t a perforated. reed boards, proâ€" duce sweet, yum and powerful toms. Superb cases of new and elegant designs. Ministers, teachers, churches, schools, lodges, etc, should send for price list and discounta. Beet offer ever given. Money refunded upon return of organ and freight charges paid by me both ways if unsatisfactory, after a. test trial of five days Organ warranted for six years. Agents discount given everywhere I have no agent. Agents wanted. Address, BEATTY’S JOB PRINTING (Printed by a Process peculiar to our Chromatic Printer) DANIEL F. BEATTY. ICHMOND HILL Sash and Door Factory. DAME}. F-.|_3EATTX: EATTY’S PARLOR G R G A N S. E RICHMOND HILL ALFRED QUANTZ, KEPT ON HAND, Thornhill, Ont. Washington, New Jersey, U.S.A. wand 318%. HERALD Washington, New Jggsey, U514. PA mars: . PAINTS r ORDERS Somon'sn. MANUFACTURERS 0P POSTERS. OFFICE, ONTARIO. AT THE "l' PARLIJR UREANS ALSO, Established in 1W6. BEATTY’S We, the undersigned, citizens of Wash ington, New Jersey, take pleasure in stat- ing that we have been personally acquaintv ed with Daniel F. Beatty for a number of gears, and are confident that. he is strictly oneet, upright, and a perfectly responsible man, and that his instruments are what he will represent them to be. James} H. Qrofl‘, Major-find Vice-President First National Bank. Judge P. H. Harm, Cashier of First Na- tional Bank‘ J V Carter, Teller of First National Bank. Hon Jos B Cornish, (State Senator) Merv chant In order to banish any doubt in regard to my responsibility, I have given you the names and occupations of a few of the many persons who have tendered me their names as reference. I could add many more, but it is unnecessary, and in conclu- sion'will say you can refer to any of them, :and I will not designate any particular one. Money ref'undei upon 're1um of instru: ment, and freight. charges pan] by me both ways if in any way unsatisfactory after five days test trial. Best oHer ever given now ready. Address, Business Testimonials. Proctor’s Stage Line HO FOR TORONTO! No longer necessary to endure the discomfort of a-long drive to and from Toronto in 8.01059 stage‘ Thié stage leaves Elgin Corners and Richmond village every morning (Sundays excepted) us 0 ows 1 T he Old Route lie-opened, Quick Time, Fares from Elgin corners and Richmond Hill Village: Single Tickets, 50 cents ; Return “ 80-cents. 100le baggage allowed with each pessanger. Express parcels to and from Toronto will be carried m: the “following rates: 10 lbs, and under, 10 cents; over ‘10 lha and up to 25 lbs, 15 cents; heavier weights in the same ratiol These rates apply onl ' to parcels addressed “per express to Richmon Hxll village," and parcels from the village. Village parcels delivered. For further information apply to P. CUMBERLAND, SIMON PROOTOB Man. Director, Dominion Hotel, N.R.R. Richmond Hill. AT J. BROWN’S TIâ€"IIS DAY: V THE Hmmm) Book and Job Printingpmce, whet-her for printing, advert-isng or subscnptions to the ypaper‘ Our samples now before you and in quality and shape, we guarantee to fit, you well, and make you like our stock. Flour and Feed constantly on hand. Crockery, Glassware and Tinware. All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange. Groozns DELIVERED. ~ VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY AT THE Hnnnm Finn]: and Job Printing Office. To arrive this week; do not fail to ask prices. Groceries, Glassware And Crockery At Toronto prices. Remember 7 will not be undersold. Call and leave your orders. Richmond Hill. J, DOMINION Good flour for $5 per barrel; Lard, Bacon, hams, potatoes, peas, oats, 'bran and shorts. Be st and heapest Teas Of Every Line. Best 50 cent Tea in the thlage COFFEES AND SPICES Always fresh and direct from the Mills. New article for the Lax-fies, . Schepp’s Cocoan'u tforpuddmgs, Ines, etc. DANIEL F. BEATTY, Leave Elgin Corners ................ .. " Richmond Hill Village . 8 10 " Connect with N R Express Trmn 9 10 ” Arrive at Toronto, Brock at. station ..10 06 “ “ “ City Hall stationlo 20 “ .7 50am COMING FROM TORONTO Train leaves City Hall station ...... “ Brock 5:. station Train leaves City Hall station , . . . ‘ . . 4 10 p m “ Brock 5:. station . 4 25 1: m Connect with stage.. V 5 20 p m Arrive at Richmond Hage‘ 6 00 p m Giving SIX HOURS time in Toronto. NORTHERN RAILWAY. HARVEST TOOLS, SOMETHING NE.W, STflflK’S EXTRA MAGHINE BIL FACTORY ESTABLISHED m 1856. All sizes, the cheapest in the village A large and well assorted stock of Which will be sold at the lowest rates. , Flour and Feed. Boots and. shoes. Washington, New Jersey, U.S.A. [NION III HOUSE Richmond Hill. GOING TO TORONTO NAILS, In connection with the (firutcrivfi, m NOTED FOR THE Fruit Jars, AL Toronto prices 35mm. CHAS; E. SHEPPARD. 0â€"ii'G A N S. celebrated Golden , Tyne!!! Pm“ Cheap Fmes, “THE HERALD” At hzs Printing Ofiices, Yzmgc Every Friday Morning. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. Live Newspaper M. H. KEEFLER' $$l$l$l$l$|$l$ Topics of the Day, Local Intelligence, Complete Market Reports, Good Selections, LARGE CIRCULATION M. H. KEE FLER, Low Rates of Advertising. Street, Richmond Hm, The Publisher is detefmined to Advertisers wiH find the use of our Will pay for it one year Specimen Copy Free. IS PUBLISHED BY IN IN IN ONE DOLLAR Editor, Publisher and Proprietor columns a benefit. ADVANCE. AD VANCE. ADVANCE. ONLY ONLY ONLY make it a ON THE Agricultural Matte", Eta, Eta,

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