At his printing ofï¬ces, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Advertisements will be inserted on this page at the following rates: Business Cards, one year 00 Do six months. , ‘1 50 D0 three months . . 1 50 Transitory advertisements, fir insertion, per inch 75 Each subseqont insertion, per inch 25 An inch comprisas twelve lines of Nonpureil. Condensed mivm‘tismnentg under the headings : Specialities.†“ Strrtyefl,“ “ Lost 01‘1‘011m1,"“17‘0r Sale or To Let," “Vv'nnted,†etc, en‘ch insertion 25 cents. Terms of Subscription: $1.00 per mmum in advance. THE HERALD. Advertisements Without Written instructions will be inserted until forbid and charged transient rates. "V Attorney, Solicitoï¬in-(Ih:mcury, Convey}- ancer, etc. OfliceiNo 0 Royal Insurance Build- ings, Toronto street, Toronto. U TEES, Attorneys, Solicitors-i111»mucory, I)IJ{F.("l‘ORS v4 \Villium (loodoyhmu. Geo. W 6110., 64 Adelaide street. East, (opposite the Court, Lewis, Thus. H. Lee, George (loodcrhum, Ron. D House), Toronto. L. Mucphorson, Senator ALFRED BOULTB “7153 \VORTS EVATT- I n . Tr-nrrva 'n 1 171,? hr) a R'I‘YT OULTBEE & EVA’I‘T. BARRIS- TENS. Attorneva Sr >H(',1'tm's-ini(‘,h mmmw- ERGUSON, BAIN & MEYERS, Barristers. Attarnevs-utâ€"Lmv. Solicitorsâ€"inâ€" 1-. Barristers, Attorneys-ubLaw. Solicitorsâ€"ile Chancery, junveyunccrs, etc. Ofï¬cosiNos. 2, 4 and 6 Onttmo Hall, Court street, Toronto. THOMAS FERL‘Uspx. QC U GA‘R. ISIL'I‘riStel‘S, Attin'nCNSJLt-L“AV, Solici- tors in Insmvency, etc. RF‘ATTY, MILLER & BIGGAR, U RISTEBS, ct(;., Union Block,cornm"1‘m‘o:1to and Adelaide Sts. (opposite the new i’oxt (mice), Toronto. F. Osman. JAMES 1’ ".‘HUNIL W‘. G. 1%me mmsu. (hman Moss. N. \V. Heymjs. J. H. THOM. 7 Oflicésâ€"SG King street East, Toronto, two doors east: of Toronto street. W. H. BEA'I‘TY. XV. NIHmLAS MILLER. EDWARD M. CIIADWI(‘K. C. R. W. BIGGAR. J). E. THOMSON. Public, etc‘ MOND HILL. will be generally be found at home from :2 tn :5 O'clock, 1’. m. v Surgeon and Accmlcheur. ()fluc. cm‘nur of Yonge and Centre Streets, Lichmond Hill. ‘J I corner of Yonge and Centre struts, Rich :mond Hi1],mayb0 consulted pel‘mnnily or by letter on all diseases of horses. cattle, va. Horses exmnined ms to soundness, also bougle and sold on commission. H. 1-11 MISTS and Drug: ..L,:, corner of Yonge and Centre streets, Richmond Hill. Special nt- tention paid (20 pro 'l‘iptior-s. Jâ€" Drugs, Medicines. \Viuos and Liquors fur medicinul purposr's. Groceries, o,th 'l‘hornhill.J By Rnynl Lemur» Patent has been appointed Ib- suer of Mur iage Licenses. 1 ’ ‘HOMAS CARR, DEALER IN Drugs. Medicines. \Viuos and Liquors fur 1’ Auctiommr for :fully solicits your 1 once. Sula: :Litomb at reasonable rate. ‘ AMES 0. STOKES, LTCEUSEI) Auctioncr'r for the cmanan ' FR, 1'( 11} Ann mmer for the Cmmh’ of Ym‘k, r9511ch fully solicxts your patronage and friendly influ» ence. Sables nttemlud 011 ï¬lm slmrlnst notiou, and 1L1? reasonuhm rates. 1’. 0. :delress, Tosmn. Auctioneer fm‘ the County of York. reipect» fully solicits your patronage and frinmlly 1mm» once. Sales attended on the shm‘tost 1mm and at reasonable rates. P. O. uddruss, Vlutoria. Square. ANIEL KINNEE. LTUEV Auctioneer for t] LC Com Qf ï¬nk AMUEL M. BROWN, LICENSED k Auctioneer fur the County of York. respect- J ' Auctioneer for the counties of Ym‘k, Pen], Ontario and Simcoc; also Vu-hmtnr “ml Cmmni» sion agent. P. 0. Address, â€"â€"_ Bloomingtan. [:35' Chmmcr) sales attended to. l’ertics requir- ing Mr. Patterson’s suruces cam make arrange- ments and obtain particulars as to terms, 0%., at THE HERALD Oxflc -. ‘ v ' Dentist, 0:3 King street Rust, Toroan Best mineral teeth inscrtutl in :L'i manner to suit; each patient. lï¬u‘tioulnr attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural moth, carefully uvning all unnecessary pain. A, \V. SPAULDING, As "hunt. W n I Method of extracting moth without pain, by the use 01' Ether Spray, \vhivh zxiftacts the teeth only. The, tooth and gum surrounding he,- comes insensihlu with the external agency, when the tooth will be extracted with no pain and Without endangering the life, 11.5 in :he use of (chloroformi J)!\ Robinson will be at the follow» ing places prepared to extract teeth with his new apparatus. All ofï¬ce operations in Dentistry performed in 21 Workmunlike manner: Aurora, lst, 3rd, 16th and :I‘Jlid of each mon L11 Newmarkeb . 2nd do Richmond Hilli 9th and '1 do Mt). Albert; .. do Thornhill do Maple ..... do Burwick do Kleinburb do Noblebon . do Nitrous 0x1de Gas always on hand at Aurora. M. H. KEEFLER, ‘ETHUNE, OSLE R & MOSS, BAR O W.1\ENNFDY, L.D.S., 0 Nlï¬VMAlUiET, Ont, SUR- , ' GEON DENTIST, would respectfully * announce that he will visit Rich- mond Hill the 15th of each month, mt Palmer’s Hotel; also attend the following places, profes- sionally, Sundays e ' eluted: Newmm‘kat ..................... 3rd of each month. Sutton ..... 3rd and 4131) do Peï¬erlmv . l. 5th do Mount Albert .. 8th do Sandford . 10th do Stouï¬ ville 14th (1 0 Markham. 16th (10 Aurora. ...... 130th do All branches of Dmml surgery attended to‘ Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate. EATTY, CHADWICK & BIG .EO. BROWN, M.D., PIIY SICIAN H. SANDERSON, V.S., G.T.V.C‘., JOHN S’J‘EPHENSON, CLERK ‘8; Tre ‘or of Markham Township, Clerk of J Tremuror of Mm];th Tmrnshiy, Clerk of Division Court, Division Registmr, 0120», Main st" Unionville, will be ï¬t Hull’s Hotel, Markham, every Monday. from 0 mm. to 4 p.m., to amend to pqsineee in ccmmzctlcn with fbe Court Banister; Solicitors in Chaucer) , Nomu M‘.†MALLQYL BARRISTER, M. PA'I‘TE "SON, LICENSED VOL. XVIII, N O. 15. . JAS. LANGS'I‘AFF, RICH- SANDERSON & SONS, CHE EVERY FRIDAY MORNING R 0 B I N s 0 N’S, L.D.S., NE C. ADAMS, L.D.S., QURGEON rds, one year . : six month three months advertisements, f1 insurtwn ï¬zzï¬iaucrm ADA); H, Mums h" ' ‘ s 1 ‘1 gflmhmi. PUBLISHED BY :L‘u‘mmsgn ï¬nd hlcndlv {111111- .1011 the shorth nuticu and 1’, O. Alhh'c King JOHN Bux of each mon L11 do do (10 {10 do do do do iVJ- mortgage of farm property, at eight per cen’n. interest, in sums to suit borrowers. No comâ€" mission. Apply to BLAKE & KINGSFORD, 10 Adelaide St. East, Toronto. i‘i LOAN ON I ‘ ‘»(‘LASS MORTGAGE unnum- TYwin sums from $500 upwards. Apply to M‘ TEEFY, N. LYNETT, (as executors of the estate of the lute Martin B1‘enuml,) Richmond Hill. 11- Insurance rmd Real Estate Agent; De- posits received, subject to demand, with interest. Loqu negotiuted. Debentures for sale. Ofï¬ce, 20;; Adelaide street East, Toronto, a few doors west of the Post Oflicc. RIAGE licanses for‘the county of York, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Parties hm’ingfnmns 01‘ lots fur 5210. or wishing Insur- ance on life or property will have thoir orders promptly attended to by the above. Money to 10an um 8 per cent on approved freehold security. Oflico, Court House, Toronto. ‘ L a J L .â€" 2’ h/jO‘lEY TO IEVD 5 ,(00 TO LOAN 0N I‘IS'I‘»(‘LASS MORTGAGE SECURI- ,000: Total Assets,$1,900,306; Re. Capital, 03,500. servo Fund Money received on deposit, and interest {1110de at the, rate of SIX per ccnc. per unnum, com~ poundnd half yem‘l): . , ,.um,, ‘ , n ONEY TO LEND ON FIRST 1 mortgage of farm nronertv. at eight nor D0110 S100 may ho withdrawn at call; ,100 and llvan‘r subject to thirty days’ notico. 02‘ IL l‘udnution of thirty Cm "’ int-(swat, at the option of the Directors. To be entitled to in» fvrcst. deposits must romuin in the Company thran 11101th5. Interest, calculated from the ï¬rst and 15th (1: ' of the month. This Company 2M \‘1LDCCS Money on the SncunLy of improved City or Country Prom, y.1‘e-1myuhle by means 01‘ :1, Sinking: Fund. which 1:; found to he the surest and easiest hunk: of repaying 11.10am. l "’ See our reduced 10th tumble1 1 ho, who] Aswts of the Company are invested on the Secm'it of Row] Estate and Municipal Du- lxentm'os, thereby giving the depositors un- doubted security for L11 money left, with this Company. 1<0r mm 191 m ouï¬iï¬on n;me at m; the Ofï¬ces of the Company. VVALTL‘R :5. LEE, Mmmger. VVESTE A) Part of Lot No. 30, 2nd Concession. 125 Acres; 55 Acres under Crop ,' Living Spring ; Possession ï¬rst April, 1877. Pxice for IM\IEI)1ATE Sale $2,625; $51,500 payable in 1881. Interest halfâ€"yearly. 011 Centre street west, Richmond Hill. Apply to For sale on reasonable terms, the Houses and lat comprising; half an ucrc of land, with e *cel- lent garden and orchard, lying: south of M . A. L. Skeekfs shop and north of Mr. A19); Moodie’s storm int‘he Village of Richmond Hill. A. good bx mess stand. Algn the Store containing: half cupimlb ' ' A lease. 7 ix; 1{\KIOOD YARDâ€"1 keens constantly r H03. GEO. \V. ALLAN, Senator, President. Stunur‘l 1’1utt,M.P., .................. Vice-Tr " Dmr '1'0118'» \Villium Gomlcayhngn. ( Great. Expectations, Sketchvs by Roz, Burnaby Nudge. Old Uuriosity Shop, Hard Times, and other smvies. By Chailcs Dickens. TWENTY - 171w; CENTS EACH. 1E0. EAKIN, ISSUE}; OF MAR F‘ARM IN VAUGHAN; A BARGAIN. STABL “ASEâ€"Horses and Vehicles for hire Charges moderate. Opposaitu Sanderson 6: Sons JOHN BRO“ N, Pronrietmx J" 0 the county of York Toronto. RICHMOND HILL LIVERY g “TABLE S.â€"Horscs and Vehicles for him. \V keeps constantly on hand all kinds of wood, which will he sold for the lowust nmrket price. Cor. Youge and Centre St, Richmond Hill; I - facturersnf and Dealers in Grum‘te and Marble Monuments, Headstones, etc, lmlgwood, Ont. Satlslection glmrnnteei . P. \YIDEMAN is Mao issuer of Marriage Li census. ResidencevRingwood, Out. April 11, 1876‘ \ V ‘ ERS, Richmond Hill. have. always on hand the best of beef‘ mutton, lamb, veal, pork, sausages marl sell at the lowest prices for cash. J so corned and spiced beef, smoked zmd dried hmns. The highest market price given for cattle, sheep, lambs, etc. Address J. R. BHADBURY, Toronto, ‘WO VILLAGE LOTS FOP» SALE, f CIAL Laud Sm‘voyn I Dr:L11gh"<11mn. Orders by] {tor Shuuld state the concesmon, Int and (311' "wtm‘ of survey, the sub- scriber having; the 01d FIJILI) Nowm‘ of the lute D. Gussux and other survcym‘s, \vhivh slmuhl be consuimd in many chseH as to original monu- ments, Btu, previous to (mmmenci'ng Work. 011309 at Willowdule, Yonge st, in the township of York. C ivil En {winner and PE"ER S. GIBSON, PROVIN- CIAL Land Surveyor, Civil Engineer fwd THE NATIONAL LIFE Insur {11100 C oxnpany . CAPITAL, $1,000,000. Surplus, - - $1,528,476. A strong stock company, With low mics, d-fï¬nitc contracts and ' liberal polz'c’ies. Insurance effected on 1:110 11108611130111] terms. VVILLOUGIIBY Ccmrmaa. Agent, Toronto shout, Toronto i I 1 I i I E x UST IN AT THE F1111 information c5: Ofï¬ce, Rlcramond Hill ANT) SAVINGS COMPAN}. Ofï¬ces -' No. 70 Church street, Toronto WILLIS, BANKER. BROKE?» SA VINGS BANK BRANCH. OUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE ‘ AT RICHMOND JUL L. w. JARVIS, SHE RIFFWOF Herald Boo/2: Storm H. 8:; R. PUGSLEY, BUTCH MONEY T0 LOJ N. :ï¬iigttlhï¬ï¬wém to JAMES 3L JENKTNS, La 01' to M. TEEFY, 2131mm. 1nd Dwnfling Emma and Gnrflr‘n, (m were of ulmicu fruit trees, 0câ€" Mood)0,%11bjcct to an unexpired C. WIDEMAN, MANU JAMES W]1)EMAN, 1'[ER.-\T_T) ()ï¬â€˜me 'd at ’13:; HEfx-AL'D JOHN BROWN Ofliceï¬Court House ichnmhd Hill Parties inteudiug to contribute to the “Big Push Defence Fund" will confer 21 favor by forâ€" warding their amounts, Without deluy,.to the Treasurer, JAMES McFEETERS. Bowmanville. N O T I C E . “ BIGPUSH†LIBEL FUND Ward th Bil†mum Parties desirous of becoming members can for. to Advertisements of six lines and less, under this heading: tweniyj‘lvc cents each time. V of the subscriber, Lot 30, rear of the 3rd can. Markham. about the 27th 0f_June, 1L LARGE BLACK SOVV. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses, and take her away. WM BOYN TON. U rear of the 3rd con. Markham, about the 19t1r0f August, 2 yearling and 1 ugod ewes and 2 spring lambs. Any person returning the same will be suitably rewarded. JUST RECEIVED, AL the Herald Book Store, Sir Walter Scott’s 85 Other Novels“. Three hundred pnges. A complete Newspaper Directory Gmntceor of towns in which newspapers are pub‘lished, and including sketches of lending American News- papers, compiled by G60. 1’. lmwcll & (Jo. PRICE BY MAIL, 35 CENTS. Afuh‘ess ROVVELL'S CENTENNIAL NEWS PAPER EXHIBITION, Fairmount Park, l’hilw 'I‘RAYED FROM LOT NO. 27, rem" of the 3rd 0mm Mm‘khmn about Hm AME INTO THE PREMISES of the subscriber, Lot 30, rear of the 3rd Brier root and mhor pipes, shirt collars, lhimbles, etch, ute., etc, delphia. UST RECEIVED AT THE Ifemld boo/c é'fancy store, Warwick and other collars, card board, carbonic paper, Mucilage, eic. : also a few numbers of the Life of ng William III, him 50 cents. “Edith Lyle,†by Mrs. Mary J. Holmes, nulluo ,yof “Temyest and Sunshine,†etc. Price 75 cents. CANADA’S CARTOON PAPER, GRIP.†OCKE T CUT T LE RY, VARIOUS Prims. ut Tm: HERALD book 6: fancy store. Mr John Gibson, President, Millikan 1’ 0 Mr H J mmings, Treasurer, Victoria Square 1’ 0 Mr S '1' Humbcratonc, Sec‘y, Newtmlbrook P 0 RYCHMOND LODGE. A. F. It A. 11., N0 . (i. 13.. C.â€" Moot in the, Lodge Room, Musoni H211], on the Monday on or before full moon, at a O'clock p.111. A. L. ‘kecio, \N'. M. > RICHMOND L. 0. L., No. 77S.iMeets in the T9111- pormice H1111. on the I": idu‘y on or before. full moon, at 8 o‘clock 1) .111. J. R. 13001111 w. W. M. RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, No. 465, I 0. G. T.â€" Meets in tho Temperance Hall, eve VVedncs- (lay evening, at 8 o‘clock. Win. HELI‘I‘ISOII, T. D. CI “sTAL LODGE, N0. 5372, U. T. QA'Moe/ts in the M sonic Hull, every Monday evening at o'clock. A. E. Mortimer, 1’. 7D. FOIINTAIV LODGE, Juvenile No. U. T. QiMoets in tho M! sonic Hull. every Monday Evening at 6.30 o'clocK. A. E. Mortimer, (hun‘diun. ‘ The Methodist Sabbath shool Temperance Asso- cintion issue p10ng curds 0v ‘y Sunday when desired. “'11). Harrison, Supt. . MECHAXICH‘ INSTITUI‘m-Library of~ over 1000 vol- umes open every Tue (My evenings, in the MIL- sonic Hall, from 7 to S o'clock. R. I). Law, Li- brarian. Lectures and discussions periodically. RICHMOND HILL FIRE BRIGADE. Meets for ï¬re prnctice the ï¬rst :md third Monday of each month, at 7 o’clock p in J H Sanderson, Capt. RICHMOND HILL FIRE BRIGADE BAND.â€"â€"1\/Ieets for practice every ’l'nesrlu.y and Saturday evenâ€" ing ut 7:30 o‘clock. A. 13.. Mortimer, Loader. Single copies 5 cents ; $2 a year. ST.1\L\RY'S EPISCOPAL earmark-services at 3 p m, 1 Except the third Sunday (if every month, when the service and sucrmnont are held at 11 In 111. Sunday school at 1:30 p 111. Rev B Shunklin, Rector. METHODIST CHURCH OF CANADAâ€"service; at 10:30 {L in, and 6:80 p m ; Sunday school nt _::10 1) m ; prayer meeting every Thursduy evening and S S ’l‘enchers’ meeting an Friday evening. J Herbert Starr,1’ustor. I‘IKNSBY'I‘RnlAN cuttian O‘F CANADA-~30rvice9 at 11 o’clock u in; Bible class 011 Sunday evening at, 6:30 o'clock. Rev J Dick. Pnstor. CATHOLIC CHURCHâ€"services in order as follows: Thornhill at 9:00 IL in, and Richmond Hill at 10:30 a m; the following Sunday ELC Rich- mend: Hill at. ' 0 2L_)}1, d‘Thonihill at 10:3 East Riding of York. NORTHERN RAILWAYâ€"Trains puss Richmond Hill station as follows: movingy south {Lt 9:10 a in, 1.30 p m, mud 82-6 1) m; moving north, at 3211’, a m, 1:30 p 111, und 5:13 p m. Mr Palmer‘s ‘bus meets the morning train moving north and evening 12min moving south. THE PImc'mn STAG)â€, LINIL7DUHS in connection with the Northern Railwny, meeting the mom- ing train moving south 11nd the evening train moving nmfth. Passougers 101m; LlieADomiuion Hotel at 8:10 {L In, arriving in Toronto at 10:20, and 1‘0tm‘ning_lezwo City Hull station at 4'10 IBERAL CONSERVATIVE AS- 00K 01? THE CENTENNIAL pm,n11d Brock street station (Lt 4:25. Single tickets, 50 cents; return,80 cents. S. Proctor, prbprietor. RICHMOND HILL OMNIBUSâ€"Runs daily, leaving the Stage Hotel, Richmond Hill, at 7:30 am, arriving in Toronto at 10:30 a m, and returning, leaves the Cohunercinl Hotel, Jarvis St, at; :p m, and the Buy Horse llotol, Yonge St, at . p 111. Single tickets, 40 cents; roturn, 75 cents. John Palmer, jr, proprietor. POST OFFICE. chmxox'n HILL POST OFFTCE. â€"â€" Mails close n follm. s . Morningwf “mg south, west and cm I, including Maple. Tho; 1111111, Toronto, Markham, eta, 21.13 0:45; going north, 6:45. Eveningâ€"Going south, east and West, m; 6:415. Registered letters mmb be handed in ï¬fteen minutes earlien “H, a 1n, ulterna mg (vii Sunday. xh mil every th ird M Newspaper Exhibition. SO CIATION FOR THE At 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 cents l’ricus, at THE HERALD book 8: fancy store ‘giViléiags Qimimg, Orders received at this ofï¬ce‘ RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, CANADA, SEPTEMBER 8, 1876, gatrm , SOCIETIES CHURCHES TRAVEL V THE HERALD 131301; and J01; Printing Oflice, Whether for printing, advertising or subscriptions to the paper. 1V1 intimate to her pupils and the pghnc that she Will resume her music classes on Frlday, September 15th. l Satchels, sheetubles, belts, violin strings, etc‘ just received and for sale at THE HERALD storo‘ From J as. 1“. Regan, ï¬rm of Regan & Ushers Daily and \Yeekly Trihun'e, Teffersou City, Mo., after renewing a $700 Instrument, says: “Piano reacth us_i_11_ good condition I am ‘1“ Adverlz‘scmcnts of six Imcs and less, under this heading, twentyï¬ve cents each time.‘ GALE, Yorkville‘ TALUE FORXOUR, MONEY AT THE HERALD Book and J01) Printing Oflice, Herald Boo/c and Fancy store. weï¬ iiiégiséa with it to be.†ICâ€"NIC & OTHER BASKETS, Satchels. sbectzmles. belts, violin strings, etc. Mtg receiving 1» #700 piano. “ ‘The Beulah)" received 4th inst», all 0. K., and comes fully up to your representation, and exâ€" ceeds our expectations. \Vhile I don't profess to be a. judge in the 111ntter,Mrs.B. docs, mud pro~ nounces it of very sweet tone; and is very much pleased wish it.†Best inducements ever ()ï¬ered. Money refund- ed upon return of Pimm and freight charges pnid by 1110 (Daniel F. Beatty] both ways if unsa- tisfactory, after :1 test trial of ï¬ve days. Pinnos warranted for six ) am. Agents wanted; send for catalogue. Address, ‘ DANlEL EBEATTY, ISS CAMPBELL BEGS TO intimate to her pupils and the Jmplic RUBBER BALLS AND OTHER FANCY GOODS, At reduced rates, at the BE ATTY RAIN TILE; A LARGE QUAN- TITY 011 hgnd. THOMAS NIGHTIN- {A man who had been nearly talked to death by loquacious barbers went into a shop the other day and handed one of the altists a. card bearing the words: “ Give me an easy shave.†The barber motioned him to ‘a. chair, and then turning around winked at his fellow laborers and said : “ Here’s a. deaf and dumb ’un boys, wants an easy shave.†Well, if you gash him he can’t talk,†replied one who tgas waiting for “ next.†“ No, you ,he can’t,†re- plied . the ï¬rst. ih‘n‘i‘ sy rshave b0 blowed ! ‘Why, he's got bristles like a. Texas boar, and his skin looks tougher than a. canal mulo’s. The boys laughed, and the operator, who had, in the meantime lathered the man’s face, indulged in further comâ€" ments as he urged his razor over the facial territory before him. “ What a nose thatis,†said he. “If he should sneeze, Where would I be 2†~Well, his cheek is harder than a razor hone.†Do you want us to help hold his nose while you go over his lips, Johnny?" asked another of the idle razor wieldors. “ I don’t know but what 1 will want a little help.††Be careful and don’t drop your razor into his ear or you’ll lose it,†admonished another. ‘ What a. dirty head he’s got,†observed Johnny, as he ran his ï¬ngers through his hair. “ I say, some of you fellows write a card and ask him if he don’t want a, shampoo." The card was written and presented to 1 the man, who shook his head at it, and, the job being finished, he arose from the chair. “ it’s all right, boys,†said he, as he laid down ï¬fteen cents. “ I don’t mind your talk any, I can stand it ï¬rst rate so long as you didn’t say anything about base-ball, third term, or the whiskcyhring frauds.†He disappeared, and those barbers sat down and thought about him. » Umwx 5" A big, green seaâ€"turtle splashed impa- tiently in the narrow limits of a large box in front of a. Madison street eating- houSe yesterday. One eye rested re- flectively on a sign which announced that the turtle which toâ€"day is, to-morrow is cut up and cast into the pot, while the other was closed as if in meditation. The turtle sighed, and a. reporter lemma over the box and gently enquired '. ‘ “Why that sigh ‘2 Is it that you are thinking of the dark blue sea from whence you have been ruthlessly torn ’? Is ‘it that you grieve for an absent turtle maiden, whose eyes has learned to light up with the ï¬re of love at the sound of your gentle jaws as they clashed in greetâ€" ing, 01‘ over Whose cheek the soft rosy blush of affection came at the. tender pressure of your ï¬n ‘l†.~. 1: ,,:11 Grand Sqï¬are and Upright. up With the ï¬re of love at the sound of your gentle jaws as they clashed in greetâ€" ing, or over Whose cheek the soft rosy blush of affection came at the tender pressure of your ï¬n ‘l†“Ah I†replied the turtle, “you will never know the anguish that rends this bosom. tell thee a tale that would make thy heart bleed, of a family proud and. dis- tinguished, for noble blood courses in their veins, but: I will not. I would only have you know that my very shell creeps at the thought of the existence I have V lead for twenty you}‘sâ€"~}o think that I, If thou \voulet list, I could ' On Tuesdny last a large ï¬re occurred at btreetsvillo, destroying: the Globe and Tele- , graph hotels. and other buildings. The loss is said tr) be $20,000 The fire oritri- noted in the stables of the Telegraph hotel I where three men were carousing in the hay llof't, and one of them had been smokinv, and aceidentally set ï¬re to the hay. Tulle tof the men were homny burned, one is not expected to recover, and of the other nothing: was left but a portion of the trunk of his body. On Saturday last at Halifax. at the Nova I Scotia Yacht Squadron race for the Mayor’s I‘..._ 2,], J 'T‘Lnu.‘ “nâ€. A "NJ n 4>‘I\nn a. well meaning turtle, should be forced into the life of a ‘bunko steel-er.†“What mean you i†said the reporter, “Bend lower, while I whisper,†said the turtle, in an agitated voice; “they neVer cook me. Know that for twenty years I have done duty at this place, a. few days to be stared at by little boys and gloated over by gourmands, anticiâ€" pating a. rare meal from my flesh, and then to lie in the cellar for a few days while the public eat soup made from veal and. liver. I cannot stand this life very long. It is bringing me in sorrow to the grave. Herr: the turtle dashed a tear from his; eye with his left ï¬n, silently swallowed a. fly and retired into his shell to mourn alone. h ,,. . " ,r u, A few Canadian Almanacs on hand E. R. BaldridgetBennipgtop Furnace, Pa The Tortures of a. Turtle. " Beating the Barbers. ’iVl‘\7 PI‘QNO 2 waggingmn, New Jersey, U.S.A. ï¬ptciaitiw; It isoï¬ii'y6i1 represented it The New Dominion Monthly for Sep- tember is to hand. Contents: “ The Stoneâ€"Hammer Men and their Succes- sors;†“ A Page from Country Life ;†“ Tecumseth Hall ;†“ Our Three Boys ;†etc., etc. Price $1.50 per annum ; 15 cents per copy. Below we acknowledge subscriptions 1.0 THE HERALD received smce last issue: 962 J M Brown, Laskay, 998 John Evans, Aurora. 968 Edward Sheppard, Richmond Hill. The Young murderers hax-e been re- sentenced to be hanged on the 22nd inst, Our namesake, the Stratford Herald, comes to us this week enlarged, and im- proved in appearance. It is now the largest paper in the county of Perth, and one of the ablest advocates of Con- servatism in the west. It has our best wishes for its succass. Oats are quoted in Kansas at 12 cts. [er bushel. What is to hinder them, under our bestlf‘ul, one sided Free Trade Tariff, being brought into this market to undersell the home article ? Mr. Peter Grow, M. P. P., has resign- ed his seat for south \Vellington, to accept; the shrievalty of Wellington, become Vacant by the death of Mr. Grange, This will necessitate a new election. Mr. Gow has earned the reward thus conferred on him, by the complacency in which he allowed him- self to be elbowed out of the Local Gov- ernment, some time ago, to make way for Mr. T. B. Parder. The West Durham News, sometimel ago called attention to the Dominion,l Government and its agents buying sup- plies from the United States, for Govern- ment purposes, and now it is said that the printing required, calling attention to the Intercolonial Rail-way, has been furnished by a Buffalo printing ï¬rm. 1t is certainly a strange proceeding upon the part of any Government, and one that should not be allowed, this pandering to a foreign people at the expense of our own. On Tï¬e’sday last a. boy was shot dead by his grandfather in Dorchester township. The steam barge. City of Port Huron, of Buffalo, foundered on Monday evening last nem- Sarniu. All her crew of twenty men are supposed to be drowned. The “Standard†of the 22nd ulf. an- nouuccs the arrival of 200 head of Cana- dian cattle in good condition at the MMmp- olilan market, which “were readily sold at full prices.†The top quotation was 65 to Gs 2d ‘per 8 lbs: In the Isle of Ely, recently, the village of { Haddenham was thrown into aerate of great ' excitement. in consequence of William Elger a. shoemaker, aged 38, having killed his ldaugliter 3939, a child six years old. It lseems that Elger and his wife were having l some words. when he threw an iron poker at ilier. It missed the woman but struck the lCl‘llld. and killed her almost instantly. Elzer l was apprehended and taken to Ely, where l he has been remanded. On Sunday last nearly the whole of St. Hyacinthe was destroyed by ï¬re. The loss is estimated at $1,500,000. Unfortunately. the death of ï¬ve persons is reported as caused by the ï¬re. It is supposed Hint the ï¬re was the result of a conspiracy of’incen- diaries. At the International regatta at Philadel- phia, Hnnlln of Toronto won the single ‘sc‘nll wee. coming in ahead of Coulter, of Pilsburg, by ten lengths. In the fourâ€"omed race. The Halifax Crew of ï¬shermen dis- tanced Illa celebrated (Paris) Crew of St: John, N . B ., also beat the London Crew. On Saturday last at Halifax. at the Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron race for the Mayor’s Cup a and accident occurred. There was considerable wind and heavy rain all day. Towards evening when the boats were return- in; one of them, the Cygnet. was struck by a squall near tne Narrows after coming out of Bedl'ortl Basin, and two men were drown- ed. One was the oWner of the boat, Mr. W'. B. Far, young merchant. the other Mr. Samuel Tupper, Inspector of Inland Raven: ue. Both were married with families. Three others were in the boat were saved. Shorb ‘ly after the accident the yacht Kate went to the séene, and one ofher crew, a young man named Robert Noble, eldest son of Mr. Bob- ert Noble of this city, foolishly jumped over- llwaid to swim ashore and was drowned. None oflhc bodies have been recovered. There IS much excitement, in town this evening over the disaster. Notes and Comments. SUBSCRIPTIONS PAID. Miscellaneous. Of course you can ; but here’s the ,trouble. When he wants a team hitched up he gives it in Latin. You couldn’t understand it and away you’d go. When its time to feed he gives the order in Greek. Yen don’t know Greek and off your head would fly. If I’m down at; the stable and he wants me, he calls out in Spanish or French. You’d stand with your mouth wide open and he'd send you flying. Not one chance in a hundred for you, he said, for 1 can see that you haven't can a ï¬rst-class education. . What has eï¬ucation to do with" groomâ€" mg horses and washing street cars? de- manded the stranger. Well, I can rush as well as any one, replied the six-footer. Not a bit curious, but simply classical. All of us have to write essays, speak seven languages, compose poetry and be able to name every poet and historian for eighteen hundred years back; And how long did it take you to learn? Four years and it cost me eleven hun- dred dollars. A big six-footer appeared at the stable of the Toronto Street Railway, in York- ville, the other morning and requested employment, and added that he had been used to horses since his infancy, His appeal was made to one of the employers instead of the foreman, and the man shook his head as he looked the man over. Nothing directly,;but everything in a general sense. Our foreman used to be a college professor, and he runs these stables on a classical basis. When he tells us to do a‘nything we have to go with a rush. He must be a curious man, mused the stranger. The stranger pulled a splinter ofa salt barrel, picked his teeth in an absent way and said he guessed he’d hire out on the lakes.â€"National. 1' Montreal and Ottawa. ‘000. The agricultural interest in Canada was paramount, and even in manufacturing Eng- land the agricultural wealth was represent- ed at $320,000,000, the other interests only at one third that amount. This was due to the farmers ofGreat Britan having a home market. To get this home market what did England do? She protected and fostered her agriculture maniact'uring interests until she could not supply her own people, and then she threw herself open to the world. Would it not be well for Canada to pursue the same poll cy.See the Unit-ed States and Russia, they are pursuiug the same course, and the former had prOSpered marvellously. The United States had tided overa great. war and had now a debt of over $800,000 Adam Smith says the home markets is the_best of all markets for the products of the soil, therefore let us do all we can to foster home markets. We, to do justice to Canadian farmers, should shut the Ameri- cans out. The Americans have found a. market for 3518000000 oftheir agricultural products in Canada. and all we can force into their country 0f40,000,000 people was $12,000,000. There was $0,000,000 against us. If a Canadian farmer took a horse to the United States to sell he would ‘ havevto pay a tax of $40, but. the American can bringr a horse here and sell it wtihout any itnpost. If a Canadian farmer sold ï¬ve hundred bushels of wheat in an Ameri~ can market he would have to pay close upon $100. so with their barley. but the Americans could bring)‘ their grain hero and not pay a cent into the treasury: It, was but fair that the Canadian farmers should be protected in the markets they had as sisted to build up. He had been asked by a Reformer today, whose name was James N. Miller, to answer a few questions: the ï¬rst is: “ Is it true that live hogs come in here from the United States?†He could answer that. for $400,000 Worth of live hogs came into Canada annually from the Western States, and were sold in Toronto, They paid no im- posts. These live hogs sold as fresh meat. There is also an immense amount of cured SPEECH OF DR. ORTON AT THE HALTON PICNIC‘ tgainst us. lfa Canadian farmer took at iorse to the United States to sell he would iavevto pay a tax of $40, but. the American :an bringr a horse here and sell it wtihout " my impost. If a Canadian farmer sold i ive hundred bushels 'of wheat in an Ameri~I can market he would have to pay close Jpon $100, so with their barley. but the Americans could bringr their grain hero and not pay a cent into the treasury: It was but fair that the Canadian farmers should be protected in the markets they had asui sisted to build up. He had been asked by a Reformer today, whose name was Jamost N. Miller, to answer a few questions: the, ï¬rst is: “ Is it true that live hogs come in I here from the United States?†He could' answer that. for $400,000 Worth of live hogs came into Canada annually from the ‘ Western States, and were sold in Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa. They paid no im- posts. These live hogs sold as fresh meat. There is also an immense amount. of cured ‘ meats brought in the same Way. $1,700- 000 of cured meats are hroughtin and sold. l The whole of the lumbering district ofI Ottawa is supplied from America. He was also asked “ Is it true that milliors of bush- els of corn are brought in annually and inâ€" , ‘iure the sale of farmersl coarse grain.â€l From six to eight millions and as much as nine million dollars worth has been brought. into Canada. A large amount has been consumed in our CliSllllPl'lt‘S and in the, cities and towns and lumbering districts so' as to seriously injure the the sale of the coarser grains. (Applause). The United States have placed a ï¬fteen per cent taxl upon barley going into their country, and}; why should we not place a tax upon their lndian corn? It was important that cattle should be fed upon the farms. It is well known that it is not proï¬table to send Can- adian to the United States. They are‘now producing cattle so cheaply, that they can send their (-heapfed Western cattle into our markets and seriously affect the cost of our beef. It is time we are getting,r an external marth which will he (enlarged. He referr- ed to the market with Great Britan. He was also asked if it was true that Amereian wheat is brought into Canada and ground in our mills free ofduty. This wastrue, and and Canadian tnillersio the deteriment of our brands. mixed inferior Western wheat. with ours. It was a shame that the Americans should supply the home markets. lVe should demand protection from the Government. The oaseot' Morlevv. Wigginton has been heard at Nottingham assizes. This was an action for breach of promise of marriage. The plaintifl‘, Annie Morley; a very interesting young woman, 22 years of age, daughter of' a,postmaster atNewa ark, becameaequainted some years ago with the defendant, who was a chemist» also at: Newark, of the age of 31. There was no dispute that there was an engageâ€" ment. and the defendant gav‘ethe plaifk tiï¬ an engagement ring, though he hesi- tated for some time to do so, thinking it unlucky. Other presents were remitting-- ed, the conple were photographed. in 'a' group, they went on expeditious together, and things for a time went on smoothlyt‘ The parents of the young lady took no notice of the courting, but the friends of the defendant were not. so indiï¬erent. Meetings did not occur at either of the houses, but in public, or at the houserbf a mutual friend. The defendant wanted. the plaintiff to go to America to be mar: ricd, but she refusing,r to do so, the defen- dant became cool, and when taxed with it said that his mother objected to the match, and that she was as hard as! a stone. The plaintiï¬' asked whether she was not. considered good enough, and was told she was not, because she had no fortune. The mother then went to speak to the defendant, and he said he did not intend to marry poverty, adding, “ You don’t know what povertv is l†The defendant has since married another woman, said to be rich. . . For the defendant it was contended that the young lady had released him from his promise because she once found him tipsy. 'l'he plaintiff was crossa examined as to whether she had not had other admirers ; it was further implied that the costs of the action were found by the solicitor ; and, in mitigation of damages, the insigniï¬cauce‘of the defem dunt’s own fortune was urged. It turn: ed out that the defendant had prepared an assignmcnt of his property to his mother before this action. which Was not executed, and that there had lately been The Eastern question is becoming more and more complicated. The intervention of other powers in the Servaurkish War is imminent, and may result in a general European war. The Turks have been ge nertu victorious and have hemmed the Servians in on all sides. EUROPEAN. Yorkville. The meteorological system in Canada is now in the ï¬fth year of its existence and has produced results which render it a matter of national interest and import- ance. The central ofï¬ce is at Toronto, under the superintendenee of Professor G. T. Kingston, M. A, a gentleman ot‘ recognized scientiï¬c repute and a most zealous ofï¬cial. The internal work of this oï¬ice consists in the construction of the necessary apparatus; testing instru- ments before issue; compiling monthly, weekly and occasional reports from all points in the Dominion, and correspond- ing both with the Canadian stations and the Weather Bureau at Washington: Another chief function is the issue of storm warnings. A storm warning is a publication of an opinion to' the effect that shortly after a time speciï¬ed, or 1m- plicd, a storm will probably occur in some portion ofa certain region within a radius ot'lOOlmiles of the port warned. The port which receives the warning must be regarded as merely a convenient point for advertising a fact which is applicable, not to it alone, but to the whole region. In~ deed, if it were certain thatthe port in question would be exempt, the publica- tion of the warning would be proper either to deter ships from running inlto the storm, or to prepare them to encounter it. A warning, or more strictly a prediction, is said to be veriï¬ed when a gale of strength suflicient to be dangerous occurs within the prescribed limits, either'at the place indicated or within the distance above named. Warnings were issued on 55 days in the course ofthe year 1875. In the vast majority of cases the warn~ ings were veriï¬ed, a satisfactory evidence of the advance of meteorological science and the competency of the men at the central ofï¬ceâ€"Canadian Ill. News. An oï¬icial despatch from Constantino- ple announces that Sultan Murad Ef- f'endi has been deposed, and that. Abdul Hamed, (who is his younger brother),has been proclaimed Sultan. The event is not among things unexpected ; it has been foreshadowed during these few weeks past aslikcly to happen. Reports from various sources have been to the effect that Sultan Murad had become a wreck both in body and mind, and in some oft hem delirium Iremens has been mentioned as the immediate cause of the anticipated catastrophe, the certainty of which is now announced. The reflection will come to us; howaver, that Constanti- nople is not a good place for ascertaining the foal truth as to the condition of the occupant of the throne while he remains such, or yet as to what actually becomes of him after he has ceased to occupy it. ‘And on some points relating to the rise, the reign, and the fall or disappearance of many of the successors of Othman‘ western curiosity receives but scant satis- faction. In another column we give a. sketch of' the new Sultan, originally published in a German-papersâ€"fllail“ l CANADIAN METEOROLOGY. For the defendant it was contended that the young lady had released him from his promise because she once found him tipsy. The plaintiff was cross‘ examined as to whether she had not had other admirers ; it. was further implied that the costs of the action Were found by the solicitor ; and, in mitigation of damages, the insigniï¬cance‘of the defem dunt’s own fortune was urged. It turn. ed out that the defendant had prepared an assignmtnt of his property to his mother before this action. which Was not executed, and that there had lately been a curious hitch in completing a partner- ship with his. father in‘law. BREACH OF PROMISE CASE. The judge, summing up, told thejury they had only to consider whether the contract was reminded by mutual con. sent, and, if so, what damages they should give in the circumstances. The character of the plaintiff had not been damaged, although she had been examin- ed closely as to the events of her life. The jï¬ry found a verdict for the plain- tiï¬â€™ for £200, ‘ WHOLE NO. 946. SULTAN ABDUL HAMED.