Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 15 Sep 1876, p. 1

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0’ t Auctioneer for the counties of York, Peel, Ontario and Simcoe; also Vnhmtor and Commis- sion agent. P. 0. Address, â€" Blodmington. I? Chancery sales attended to. sParties requir- ing Mr. Patterson‘s services can make arrangeâ€" ments and obtain particulars as to terms, etc., at THE HERALD Ofljce. LJ Auctioneer for the Qounty of York, respect- fully solicits your patronage and friendly influ~ ence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, Victoria Square. - Dentist, 95 King street East, Toronto. Best mineral teeth inserted in a! manner to suit each patient. Particular attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth, carefully [wong all unnecessary pain. A. W. SPAULDING, Assistant. U Auctioneer for the County of York, respect‘ fully solicits your patronage and friendly influ- ence. Sales attended on the shortest; notice, and at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, Teston. ‘JIL'AJ-lv v. u; UALHU, JAL\/fla.‘UflU J Auctioneer for the county of York, respect- fully solicits your patronage and friendly inllu~ ence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates; P. 0. Address, King. ANIEL KINNEE. LICENSED Auctioneer fnr Hm (innan nf Vm-I: mman AMUEL M. BROWN, LICENSED Auctioneer for the (Ymmtv of" ank vnannl', 1- Method of extracting teeth Without pain, by the use of Ether Spmy, which affects the teeth only. The tooth and gum surrounding be- comes insensible with the external agency, when the tooth can be extracted with no pain and without endangering the life, as in the use of chloroform. Dr. Robinson will>be at the follow- ing places prepared to extract teeth with his new apparatus. All office operations in Dentistry performed in a workmunlike manner: Aurora, 1st, 3rd, 16th and 22nd of each month Newmnrket .................. 2116. do Richmond Hill .9th and 24th do Mt. Albert ' 15th do Thornhill 23rd (10 Maple ...... 26th do Burwick 28th do K1einburg.. 28th do Nobleton .. 30th do Nitrous Oxide Gas always on hand at Aurora. «L Drugs, Medicines, Wines and Liquors for medicinal purposes, Groceries, eta, Thnrnhill. By Royal Letters Patent has been appointed Is- suer of Marriage Licenses. AMES 0. STOKES, LICENSED Auctioneer far Hm nmmhr n'F Vma: mmmM WP; U Surgeon and Acéouchem’a Office: Edger of Yonge and Centre Streets, Richmond Hill. , . 7 r; U - corner of Yonga and Centre streets, Rich- mond Hill, may be consulted personally or by letter on all diseases of horses, cattle, etc. Horses examined as to soundness, also bought: and sold on commission. 1- MISTS and Druggists, come!" of Yonée and Centre streets, Richmond Hill. Special ut- tentiun paid to prescriptions. HOMAS CARR, DEALER IN Drugs “fadim'npg xviqu mm Tinnnvu rm I] SANDERSON & SONS, CHE- ' MIS’I‘S n‘hd Dir-noniuta nnrhar nc Vnmnn U MONJ) HILL. will be genemu'y be ifound at home from 2 to 3 o’clock, p. m. U- NEWMARKET, Ont, Sm. GEON DENTIST, would respectfully announce that he will visit; Rich- mond Hill the 18th of each month, at Palmer’s Hotel; also attend the following places, profes» sionully, Sundays excepted: Newmarket. Sutton ..... Pefierluw Mount Albert 8th (10 Sandford 10th do Stoutfville 14th do Markham 16th (10 Aurora. 20th do All branches of Dental surgery attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate. GEO. BROWN, M.D.,'PHY SICIAN Snrrmnn mm Annmmhmw nmnn ANN“. Na . r r r ; U Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, Notaries Public, etc. * » . ‘ Officesâ€"56 King street East, Toronto, two doors east of Toronto street. W. H. BEATTY. W. NICHOLAS MILLER. EDWARD M. CHADWICK. C. R. W. BIGGAR. D. E. THOMSON. U GAR, Barristers, Attorneys-MLuw, Soliéi- tors in Insolvency, etc. REAT‘TY, MILLER 3; BIGGAR, BEA’FTY, CHADWICK & BIG- GAR‘ Rm‘vigtnrn Athwnmvmno T.nm emu.“- U RISTERS, eta, Union Block, corner T1 and Adelaide Sts. (opposite the new Post ( Toronto. V A . F. Os‘LER. ' JAMES BETHUNE‘ W. a. FALCONDRIDGE. ‘CHARTIES Moss. N. W. HOYLES. J. H. T3031. OHN STEPHENSON, CLERK & ‘Treagurer of >Mnfrkhggm Township, Clerk of '1 Treasurer of Markham Township, Clerk of Division Court, Division Registrar, eta, Main St, Unionvifle, will be at Hall‘s Howly Markham, every Monday, from 9 min. to 4 p.m., to attend to business in connection With the Court. , , , -, , _._-.h-v w .‘uJLuuu Barristers, Attorneys-at-Law, Solicitors-in- Chancery, Conveyancers, etc. Oflicesâ€"Nos. 2, 4 and 6 Ontario Hall, Court street, Toronto. THOMAS FERFU'SION, Q.g BETHUNE, OSLER& MOSS, BARâ€" RISTERS. eta. Uhinn 'R'lnolz fil\1‘ha‘~ mnwm», U TEES, Attornéys, Solicitors-in-Chancerg', etc., 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), Toronto. FERGUSON, BAIN & MEYER’SJ Barristers. Attnvnmm.n+_T,nw qn1:,.:a.m...-.. r V i ’ fl ‘ A v * g ‘ ' I Attorney, Solicitor-in-Chancery, Convey- ancer, etc. Ofliceâ€"No 6 Royal Insurance Build- ings, Toronto street, Toronto. BOULTBEE & EVATT. BARRISâ€" TEES, Attornévs. Solicitors-in-flhnnnpvv Advertisements without written instructions will be inserted until forbid-and charged transient rates. Advertisements will be inserted on this page at the following rates; Business Cards, one year $4 00 Do 1 six months ,. , 2 50 Do three months 1 50 Transitory advertisements, first 11156111011, per inch ........ 1. Each subseqeut insel‘isiéii;'fié1" An inch comprises twelve lines of Nonpareil. Condensed advertisements, under the headings : Specialities,” “ strayed,” “Lost or Found,” “ For Sale or To Let,” “Wanted,” etc., each insertion 25 cents. 75 25 EVERY FRIDAY MORNING1 At his printing offices, Yonge Street, 1 Hill, Ontario. Terms of Subscription: $51.00 advance. THE HERALD. ALFRED BOULTBEE. WM. Worms EVATT. H. SANRERSON, V.S., G.T.V.C M, PATTERSON, LICENSED 3.93; N s_ 0 NS, L7,.D.S., NEW . JAS. LANGSTAFF, RLCHâ€" M. DIALLOSg,‘ EARRISkTER, Attfiu..-" run,“ LADAMSJ‘L.D.S., SURGEON .H. KEEFLER, VOL. XVIII, NO. 16 W. KENNEDY, L.D.S., ' NEVVIWARKNT, Onf. an. §1wtinnvcm . PUBLISHED BY imam. man} it. Mamas". 1 4th do 5th do 8th (10 10th do 14th do 16th do 20th do ‘surgery ntjzended to‘ J OHN BAIN. per unnum in rner Toronto Post Oflige), 3, Richmond For sale on reasonable terms, the Houses and lot comprising 11qu {L11 acre of land, with excelâ€" lent garden and orchard, lying south of Mr. A. L. Skeelo’s shop and north of Mr. Alex. Moodie’s store, inthn village of Richmond Hill. A good business : I. vml. Sale Without Reserve, as the proprietor, Mr Gormley hos based his farm for a term of years. Also at the same time and place, a House and Lot. at the Village of Cashel, the pro- perty of Mr Colin McKenie, containing about half an acre of land. Sale'at 10 o’clock shary. ECKARDT &, BROWN, Auctioneers. For further particulars see bills. Also the Store and DwellingHouse and Garden, containing half an acre of choice fruit trees, 00- cupied by Mr. A. Moodie, subject to an unexpired lease. Apply to Part of Lot No. 30, 2nd Condession. 125 Acres; 55 Acres under Crop; Living ' Spring ; Possess/ion first April, 1877. Price for IMMEDIATE Sale $2,625; $1,500 payable in 1881. Interest half-yearly. HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE AT RICHMOND II ILL. 1 span Brown Mares, 3 years old. matched 1 span Bay Mares. 5 years old, matched 1 Black Mare 1 Yearling Colt 5 Cows in calf 1 Dry Cow 3 Durham Heifexs, 2 years old, in calf AbovL 1000 bushels Oats 2010113 Hay A quantity of Pease and Potatoes Together With all his Implements, and a large quantity of Household Furniture and sundries. Toronto‘ keeps 'consmntly on hand all kinds of! wood, which will be sold for the lowest market price. Cor. Yonge and Centre St, Richmond Hill. STABLES.â€"â€"Horses and Vehicles for hire‘ Charges 1110(1emte. Opposite Sanderson 6; Sons JOHN BROWN, Proprietor. To be sold by Public Auchnn, on lot 31 rear of 4111 Con. Markham, The following Farm Stock, Implements, etc., belonging to MR. JAS. GORMLEY. ICHMOND HILL 'L IVE RY S’I‘ARLESâ€"â€"â€"Hnrsns mu] Vehinhng fnr hirp On Friday, Sept. 22, ’76, ‘L 0 facturers of and Dealers in [Granite and Marble Monunwnts, Headstones, etc, Ringwood, Ont. Satisfaction guaranteed. P. WIDEMAN is also issuer of Marriage Li- censes. Residenceâ€"Ringwood, Ont. This Company advances Money on the sécurity of "improved City or Country Property, tie-payable by means of [L Sinking Fund, which is found to be the surest and easiest mode of repaying 21.10511. '4? See our reduced 102m table. For further informationrdpfily at at the Offices ‘of the Company. WALTER S. LEE, Manager. WOOD YARDâ€"JOHN BROWN keenfi ‘consmntlv on all kinds of GREAT CREDIT SALE. V V 0 ERS, Richmond Hill, have always on hand the best of beef, mutton, lamb, veal, pork, sausztges,etc.,v and sell at the lowest prices for cash. Also corned and spiced beef, smde and dried hams. The highest, market price given for cattle, sheep, lambs, etc. 1â€" CIAL Land Surveyor, Civil Engineer and Draughtsmun. Orders by letter should state the concession, lot; and character of survey, the sub- scriber having the 01d FIELD NOTES of the late D. GIBSON and other surveyors, which should be consulted in many cases as to original monuâ€" ments, eta, previous (:0 commencing work. Office at Willowdale, Yonge 56., in the township of York. The wholé Assets of the Comprmy are invested .on the security of Real Estate and Municipal De- bentures, thereby giving the depositors un- doubted security for all money left with this Company. “ Deposits not exceeding $100 may be withdrtywn’ at call; 94100 and upwards subject to thirty days’ notice, or a, reduction of thirty days’ interest, at, the option of the Directors. To be entitled to in- terest, deposits must remain in the Company three months. Interest calculated from the first and 15th dgLy pf the n_101_1th. HON. GEO. W. ALLAN, Senator, President. Samuel Matt, M.P., ................. Vice-President. DIRECTORS ~â€" Wflliam Ganderham, Geo. W. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, George Gooderham, Hon. D. L. Mucpherson, Senator. ETER S. GIBSON, PROVINâ€" CIAL Land Survevor. Civil Engineer and Money received. on deposit, and interest allowed at the mm of six per cent. per unuum, com- p011nded_l_ha1f_yeurly._ _ * Capital, $800,000; Total Assets, $1,906,306; Re- serve Fund, 203,500. W. RIAGE'licenseS for the county of York, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Parties having farms or lots for sale, or Wishing Insur- ance on life 01' property will have their orders promptly vi ruled to by the above. Money to 101m at 8 per want on approved. freehold security. Oflice, Court House, Toronto. VVESTERN CANADA LOAD AND SAVTNGS (101“) A NV April 11, 1876‘ _?ARM IN VAUGHAN, A BARGAIN. . 7 1° Insurance and Real Estate Agent. De. posits received, subject to demand, with interest. Loans negotiated. Debentures for sale. Oflice, 20:; Adelaide street East, Toronto, a. few doors west of the Post Oflice. GEO. EAKIN, ISSUER OF MAR- TPTAa'liYH/unnqoa fnu 41‘,‘ nA““L" -2 17,,, iV-l- LOAN 0N FIST-CLASS MORTGAGE SECURI- TYâ€"in sums from $500 upwards. Apply to M. TEEFY, N. LYNETT, (us executors of the estate of the late Martin Brennan.) Richmond Hill. i'i mortgage of farm property, at eight fer cent. interest, in sums to suit borrowers. No com- mission. Apply to BLAKE dz KINGSFORD, 10 Adelaide St. East, Toronto. ONEY TO LEND.â€"â€"$2,000 TO T10 AN nw wmrnmr Am: umnm Ann mMfl‘w MONEY TO LEND ON FIRST 111nrtnnrm nf fnvm “rnv‘nv‘wv n; n.‘~\â€"‘& _..__ Address J. R. BRADBURY, Toronto H. & R. PUG-SLEY, BUTCH- JARVIS, SHERIFF OF SA VINGS B ANK BRANCH. & L. 0.7 WIDEMAN, MANU the county Qf Ybrk. Oflice~Court House W ILLIS,’ BA§I§QK.IB1}OI_{E7R, gflimllammm. J'IONEY T0 LOAN my) SAVINGS COMPANY JAMES M. JENKINS, Laskay PD 01' to M. TEEFY, 6. Richmond Hill. gm fink». Emmy. Boss Tweed was arrested at Spain with his secretary by the Governor of Pentened 4011 board the Carmen 41 days from Santiago ‘de Cuba. Tweed was entered on the ship’s ‘, paper by the name of Secor. Bot were immediately secured and thrown into the harness in Vigo. The American minister has I - \arranged for the surrender Qf the prisoner I Tweed to the American Government. ST. M ARY’S EPISCOPAL CHURCHâ€"services at 3 p m, except the third Sunday of every month, when the services and sacrament are held at 11 a, m. Sunday school at 1:30 pm. Rev B. Slmnklin, Rector. METHODIST CHURCH OF CANADAâ€"services M: 10:30 u. m, and 0:30 p in; Sunday school M; 2:30 p m; prayer meeting every Thursday evening and S S Temhers’ meeting on Friday evening. J Herbert Starr, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN 0111311011 or CANADAâ€"services at 11 o’clock D4111; Bible class on Sunday evening at,6:30 o’clock; Rev J Dick, Pastor. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHâ€"services in order as follows: Thornhill at 9:00 a 1n, and Richmond Hill at 10:30 a m; the following Sundoy at Rich- mondLHill at 9:00 a. m, and Thornhillmt 10:30 a m, ulternating with Markham every third Sunday. . FOUNTAIN LODGE, Juvenile No. 35, U. T. 0.â€"Meets in the Masonic Hall, every Monday evening at 6.30 o'clock. A. E. Mortimer, Guardian. The Methodist Sabbath shool Temperance Asso» ciation issue pledge cards every Sunday when desired. \Vm. Harrison, Supt. MECHANICH’ INSTITUTE.-Li1)1‘m'y of over 1000 vol- umes open every Tuesday evening, in the Mn.- sonie Hall, from 7 to 8 o'clock. 1%.E.Lmv,Li- brarian. Lectures and discussions periodically. RICHMOND HILL FmE BRIGADm.â€"Meets for fire practice the first and third Monday of each month, at 7 o’clock pm J H Sanderson, Capt. RICHMOND HILL FIRE BRIGADE BAND.â€"1\Ieets for prnctice every Tuesday and Saturday even- ing at 7:30 o'clock. A. E. Mortimer, Leader. RICHMOND LODGE, A. F. & A. M., No. 23, G. R. C.â€" Mects in the Lodge Room, Masonic Hall, on the Monday on or before full moon, at 8 o’clock 13.11]. A. L. Skeele, ‘W. M. RICHMOND L. 0.L.,No.778.â€"Meets in the Tem- perance Hall, on the Friday on or before full moon, at 8 o’clock p.111. J. R. Boothby, W. M. RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, _No. 465, I. O. Gr. T.â€" Meets in the Temperance Hall, every Wednes- day evening, at 8 o‘clock. XVm. Harrison, T. D. CRYSTAL LODGE, No. 372, U. T. O.â€"Meets in the Masonic Hull, every Monday evening at 8 o‘clock. A. E. Mortimer, P, D. NORTHERN RAILWAYwTrainS pass Richmond Hill ‘ station as follows: moving south at 9:10 8.111, 1130 p m, and 8:26 p in; moving north, at 8:13 (Lin, 1:30 p m, and 5:13 p in. Mr Palmer's ’bus meets the morning train moving north and evening train moving soufih. THE Pnoo'ron STAGE LINE.â€"â€"Runs in connection with the Northern Railway, meeting the morn- ing train moving south and the evening train moving north. Passengers leave the Dominion Hotel [Lt 8:10 a in, arriving in Toronto at 10:20, and returning leave City Hall station at 410 p m, and Brook Street station at 4:25. Single tickets, 50 cents; return, 80 cents. S. Proctor, proprietor. RICHMOND HILL OMNIBUSâ€"Runs daily, leaving the Stage Hotel, Richmond Hill, at 7:30 am, arriving in Toronto at 10:30 a. in, and returning, leaves the Commercial Hotel, J nrvis st, at 3:20 p in, and the Bay Horse Hotel, Yonge st, at 3:30 p in. Single tickets, 40 cents; return, 75 cents. John Palmer, jr, proprietor. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. â€" Mails close as follows: Morningâ€"Going south, west and east, including Maple, Thornhill, Toronto, Markham, etc., at 6:45 ; going north, 6:45. EveningmGoing south, east and west, at 6:45. istered letters must be handed in fifteen min as earlier. Parties desirous of becoming members can for- WELl‘Cl their names to P OCKET OUTTLERY, VARIOUS Prices. n.t Tum ‘FTmn n.“ him]: It, fn'nnv n‘nvn A strong stock company, With low rates, dvjfim'te contracts and liberal policies. Insurance effected on the most liberal terms. WILLOUGHBY CUMMINGS, Agent, Toronto street, Toronto: Fullinformution can be had at THE HERALD Oflice. Richmond Hill. During his recent stay at Ischl (the East- ern Budget says) the Emperor of Austria. saved the child of a poor woman from a violent death. As he was passing through the Rettenbach gorges, a boy of four years old fell over a precipice, and, his clothes having caught on a. projecting branch, was suspended over a torrent some fifty feet below. The Emperor, whose proficiencv in all athletic sports is well known, jumped across the precipice, freed the boy from his perilous position, and took him back to his mother. T HE NATIONAL LIFE Insur 201106 Company. CAPITAL, $1,000,000. Surplus, - - $1,528,476. \J of the subscriber, Lot 30, mm- of the 3rd con, Markham. about the 27th of June, a. LARGE BLACK SOVV. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses, and take her away. WM BOYNTON. U rear of the 3rd con. Markham, about thé 19th of August, 2 yearling and 1 aged ewes and 2 spring 10.111 3. Any person returning the same will be suitx bly rewarded. CAME INTO THE PREMISES J 7 of ithe subscriber, Lot 80, rear of the 3rd STRAYED FROM LOT NO. 27; rear of the 3rd mm anlzhnvn nhnno- +1“ Advertisements of six lines and less, under this headingr twentyfiue cents each time. JJ TITY on han’d. THOMAS NI'GHTIN- GALE, Yorkville. Mr John Gibson, President, Millikan P 0 Mr H Jennings, Treasurer, Victoria. Square P 0 Mr S T Humberstone, Sec‘y, Newtonbrook P O J-V-L intimate to her pupils and the public that she will resume her music classes on Friday, September 15th. DRAIN TILE, A LARGE QUAN- rl‘T'TV rm hnnfl Turn/Ma nraumrm 1-1 and fiictures of the prémises, situated at the corner of Yonge and Bloor streets, Toronto, for sale. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. Atnflv h. annnn n A1)'\7 n. u, , , . MISS CAMPBELL BEGS intimn‘tn +n ‘I'Hav 1x11vn'1u and um wauvuu guy“ LU). av Apply {0 jéSEf’fiwG’ABY, on the premises Advertisements of six lanes and less, under this heading, twenfyjive cents each time. I EASE, LICENSE. GOODWILL and fiYfzn‘r-nq m? +1") n‘.nm:nnn A; East Riding of York. IBERAL CONSERVATIVE AS- Prices, at THE I'IERALD book 8: fancy étore: SOCIATION FOR THE wmage gummy, POST OFFICE. RICHMON D HILL, ONTARIO, CANADA, SEPTEMBER 15, 1876. 51mia1tiw. CHURCHES SOCIETIES. TRAVEL. @flmg, '1‘0 George Washington McMullen, the notorious has purchased the Chicago Post. Previous to his acquaintance with Lucius Seth Huntington, he could not have mustered one hundredth part of the capital required. Of course he didn’t get anything from the Purists for the concocting of his little story.â€"Strat~ ford Herald. The little knot of self suflieient semi- somethings who have formed themselves into the “ Boston Free Trade Club” are doing their best, and with no inconsid- erable success eitherftomake themselves the laughing stocks of all sensible people. The Chicago Evening Journal thinks the club ought to be fenced in or given to some showman for exhibition. Fence them in by all means, and don’t omit Canada’s member, Mr. Mackenzie, he can be spared gladly.â€" Stratford Herald The Committee have, however. de- cided to pay the first prize to the English crew. ' Resolved-That, whereas, this com- mittee has no other option ihan to abide by the decismn of the umpire and the rules and regulations of the Schuylkill navy, in payment ofprizes, they desire to express the unanimous opinion, that the honors of the international four-oared professional race belong to the Halifax crew. The International Reéattu Committee have received from the Halifax crew a protest against the decision ofthe umpire, in declaring the Thames crew winners of the race with them. The following resolution was adopted by the honorable committee ofthe Inter- national Eegatte :â€" GENTLEMEN,â€"The Queen having been graciously pleased to summon me to the House of Peers, 1 return to you the trust which, for so many years, you have confided to me as your member in the House of Commons, an assembly in which I have passed the greater part of my life. It has been a period of trying occasions and memorable events, and if I have been permitted to take some part in their management and control, next to the favor of our Sovereign, I am deeply conscious I am indebted for that opportunity to the fidelity of your feel- ings. Throughout my public life 1 have aimed at two chief'results. Not insensible to the principle of progress I have endeavored to reconcile change with that respect for tradition which is one of the main elements of social strength ; and in external affairs 1 have endeavored to develop and strengthen our Empire, believing that combination of achieve- ment and responsibility elevates the char- acter and condition of a people. It is not without emotion that I terminate a connection endeared to me by many memories and many tles; bnt I have the consolation of recollecting that, though I eeaSe to be your member, I shall have the happiness of living among you, and that, though not directly your represent- ative, I may yet in another House of Parliament, have the privilege of' guard- ing over your interests and your honor. â€"Your deeply obliged and ever faithful servant, B. DISRAELI. Mr. Disraeli has issued the following address :-â€"- ‘ To the electors of the county of Buckingham. Mr. Ray M. P., of Annapolis, Nova Scotia, has been appointed Collector of customs at that Port. Mr. Ray was one of the gentlemen who crossed the floor during the excitement anent the “ Pacific Scandal” in 1873, and now has his reward in a fat berth. A» Centennial excursion train from St. Thomas met with an accident no lives lost. The Citizen Publishing Company, of Halifax, is composed of Mr. Vail, min- lister of Militia, Mr. Jones, M. P., for l Halifax, and the Hon. James Cochrane‘ a member of the government of Nova Scotia-, &c., &c.; and yet according to the post ofiice report for 1875, the am- ount of Dominion printing received by this Company amounts to $0174.74; being more than the whole printing re- quired by the provinces of Ontario and Quebec, by nearly $3000. This is a nice way of carrying out the Independ- ence of Parliament. After all the blow and talk about purity and morality upon the part of Mr. Mackenzie and his friends, it is somewhat humilating to find that they are no better than other people. INDEPENDENCE 0F PARLIA- MEN T Below we acknowledge subscriptions to THE HERALD received smce last issue: 983 S T Humberstone, Newtonbrook 965 A Mc'l‘aggart, KIeiuburg 980 J Carter, Ufiionville 983 W M Button, Markham 983 A Kirby, Richmond Hill 945 Mr Baxter, Toronto 946 Mr Tonlman, Yorkville 979 John Bond, Headford 983 John Jones, Carrville MR. DISRAELT’S VALEDIC- TORY ADDRESS. SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED Also they said to their jewelers; “ In- stead of making five watches make nine. The cost of making nine is not more than five, by very much. Sell five to us at the usual price. Then sell four to the Northeudians very cheap. This will soon kill out watch-making trade." 'N ow the Southendians were the largest family and the richest. And, since the desire for pelf grows bigger and bigger as the store of pelf' gets more and more, they determined to take away all the more profitable trades from their poorer and honester and stupider neighbors the Northendians. And so they put one of the cunningest fellows they had where the road ran through the two farms and said :-“ When any Northendians come to peddle any of his boots and shoes or tweeds or flannels among us, make him pay yor fifty cents for each dollar‘s worth of goods he has, and say that it goes to keep up the general expenses of our family.” So in a very short time all the men of Northcnd who made watches, boots, jew- elry, shirts, gololshes, mirrors, glue, mowing machines, and paper had to turn farmers again, or go and live am- ong the Southendians. And then pres- ently a dreadful thing took place. The farmers at Northend had found that the most profitable point of their crops con- sisted of things that cost but little la- bour and fetched a high price. Ten bunches of radishes fetched as much as a whole bushel of corn. Four good to- mato plants brought in the price of a whole ton hay. But all these‘things got wilted and spoiled before they could get them to the Southendian homestead. And then came something worse still. It was worth $5 to team a loaded wag- on from Northen to Southend and bring it back. Now hay was selling at $11 a ton at Southend. So when the wagoner had sold a ton of Northend hay he kept $5 for himself and the poor Northend farmer only $156 while the Southend far- mer got $10 or $10.50 for' his hay. But when the wasoner had put $1,000 worth ofjewelry and clothes on his wagâ€" on, and sold at Northend, he kept $5 for himself and gave the Southend jeweler and olothier $995, so that he never felt the “ Cost of Transportation.” And then the rich treasury of Southend paid their sugar boilers money, to help them to undersell the sugar makers of North- end and so kill out their sugaries. And this destroyed a very profitable trade which the Northedians had had with the sugar cane growers of the Islands of the South. And so the whole of the North- end bought a poor harmoniun at twice What it cost to make from Yeasty & 00., down South, and sat down together and sang the song of “Hard times come again no more.” And at last some of their meanest Sachems rose and said let us ask the Southendians to make one family with us. Then the great Sachem awoke in ter- rikle wrath and said. “ Not so I Never ! lest we learn their tricky ways. No, my children. Death before dishonour. Northendia expectq every man to do his duty. Ne plus ultra / E pluribus zmum / ! Let us try “ tit for tat. ” And so they tried tit for tat and lived happy ever after.-â€"(]anadian Ill. News. Now they both very soon found that the easier the work, the more the pay. The farmer sons had to sweat all day to earn a dollar while the doctor would charge a dollar for twenty minute’s thought, and the lawyers sometimes got $5 or even $20 for a half'hour's pleasant chat with their clients. The shoemaker earned his $2 the clothier $3 and the watehmaker $5 for a day’s work so light that when the “ ox-loosing ” came, and farmers went to do their chores, their mechanic brothers could sit down and enjoy book or music. But when chores were over the poor farmer was too tired and swinked to read a newspaper, and was only to glad to tumble into bed. At meeting of Leicestershire employers ou'J’uesdav, a. deputation representing a large number of men now idle, attended and snbmitted a. proposition from the col liers to the effect that they should be allow- ed to resume work at the former rates. The employers declined to deviate from their agreement wnich involves a ten per cent. The men being aversem any reduc- tion, the dispute continues. Let us suppose that two families, the Northendians and the Southendians, live side by side. Both originally were far- mers. But in course of time some of the sons had to act as doctors, watch- makers shoemakers, clothiers &c., for it was found that by division oflabour they could work more profitably for all. Grip THE STATE AND THE FAMILY. THE LATEST INADVERTENCE. Mist be Inadvertefice. Cash goes carelessly about To supporters, there’s no doubt, Dtm’t tell this-«I let it out ' Oh, 13y madverténce! Why is he not on the way Back his ill-got cash to pay, _Sileut iigepS-fl _can_not say. No, just Inadverteuce. Speakers certainly must know Goverments should not do so, Ask y01_1>yvh_y he tqok it, though 7 Jhst an Inadvertence ‘I What it not a Clear Grit sheet In the country thought it meet, To remark? was it deceit? SUM} BY G. B. What if Speaker ANGLIN got Certain money he should not? Clear eight thoysandâ€"was it not J ust by Inadvertence. If two first-class crews had just finished their work two equally good were right at their heels. Pink-shirted Halifai was first on hand,and a little later comes Paris down the course, for she had a preliminary spin about the marshy Peter. Paris (for the St. John four won that name at. the French Ex- position iii 1867)has the pole and does 'not regret it. Now the interest is at fever heat, for one look at those eight sturdy, bony men tells that it is to be a battle of the giants. Now they are in line for a__m0ment, and all is still. Out rings the word ofcantion, then of command, and they leave that starting line with a terrific dash, an altered crew, now hitting it clean up to forty-eight, and that crew Paris, while the stalwart Blue Noses are content with forty-two. Again the one at the slower stroke goes past the one of the quicker. Yes, the far-famed, the world-renowned Paris four, who rowed Rent'orth to death, who once beat the Wards, but could not do it now---and it’s a shame ‘ they have not the chanceâ€"yes, they have found their match, for these four quiet fishermen, who never pulled a race together in their lives , are drawing rapidly ahead, and look as if they could last, too. At the Bachelor’s barge, at the island top, they have a half length to the good, and both ‘ steering well and free of each other. The Scots are clean at the half; but can they stand the pace any better than did New York, for she had done all this? “Yes, indeed, 7’said the Nova Scotian commission- er at our elbow, “ ifthey could do this you need’nt fear for the rest. Paris never; gave us a chance to test her before now ; we’re all right,” and the quiet confidence in his tone was certainly very assuring. Yes, sure enough, they can.stay, and they are staying; and if anybody is getting tired it is in the other boat, for at the three- quarlers the lead is a length and a half, and the glaring lack of unformity in the other boat becomes every minute more painfully apparent. The ponderous Fulton at strokes sits canted slightly forward, and swinging his body just a little gives the peaceful water forty-four Vicious daps per minute. Behind him sits a man who hates to reach too far forward ; but when he gets hold his back goes on with a tremendous , wrench, his head even higher than (Jam- bridge Penrose's, and he plainly doing , harder work than any other man in the boat. Short and snatchy to the last de- ; gree, but terribly in earnest are the how men, and no man who saw these four at work toâ€"day could say they could of gone ‘ faster had a kingdom been theirs to win. Thev have rowed a mile and the rugged Acadians ' have sent them all three lengths astern, while the galloping horsemen on the towpath and the carriages in the park meet them and cheer them on to the turn. Now Halifax works east and crosses to her flag; but, look at that? for. as her star- board oars hold hard and dip down deep for the turn, up shoots a mass of water off their blades all of three feet, and she is about in ‘a twinkling, while the watch marks 8m. 45s. to the turn, twenty-three seconds more than the British watermen in the previous race. Twenty-four seconds later camehhe men of the swift St. John, their stroke now slackened, but only to forty-two. As they came about they sweep out and across their opponent’s wake and now both lie well to the westward. The second parisian is tired now, but the two aft men Stay prodigiously, and if any screw goes loose in the other boat the race may be theirs yet. But that is not to come to-day, for the burly, hardy, bright-faced men trom the finest harbour an this contin- ent. are flying along at a. great pace. never below forty, and opening that gap all the time, while they steer as if by mstinct. So they row off home, beating their world re- nowned rivals very myny lengths, and ruth- lessly terminating that renown in 18 m., 113. eight seconds faster than the Thames men. ' Hon. Adam Crooks paid an Official visit to Napauee on Saturday. The Oriole yacht won at the Niagara regatta by 38 minutes beating the Brunette and Cuthbert. Mrs. Woodhull of Free Love and Beecher Scandal notoriety lectured at Hamilton on on Tuesday night. The total revenue and expenditure of the Dominion of Canada. shows a. balance against the former, to the 31% August of $706.261.59. ' “The above is an extract from the speech of that great and wise Statesman Hou. Oliver Mowat, at the banquet of the Ontario Rifle Association. Perhaps Mr. Mowat would oblige the Volunteers at large by giving his reasons for such a proposition, as the Volunteers(who, in the main, are truely loyal to the (lrown of Great Britain) are always ready, as‘ has been already proved, to fight in defence of their country. I would like to know What killing the Indians, who have been treated worse than ever Were slaves in the Southern States,-â€"yes, I would like to know what patriot-ism it would be to send our Volunteers to find something to do, to help to destroy the victims of as unjust a tyranny as ever existed, and help to build up the power of a grasping Democracy, who, if they had the least chance, would gobble us up into the insatiable maw of the great spread eagle. Hoping that light will be given as regards the annexation tend- ‘ eneies of one who offers a gross insult to the whole Volunteer force of the Dominv , ion .â€"Leader The Campaign of General Crook and Terry against the Sioux seems to have come to end. To have gone up without accomp- lishing the end that they had in View. Sitting Bull’s Warriors have escaped the terrible punishment. they were to receive perhaps until Mr- Mowat takes them in hand. Referring to the remark of Mr. Mowat at the meeting of the Rifle Association if we must find something for our Volun- teers to do, perhaps it would be as well to olfer their services to them to put an end to their Indian war. One who signs himself “Reform” writes to a contempr orary as followsâ€" VOLUNTEERS AND MR. MOWAT ST. JOHN V. HALIFAX. Miscellaneous. The revenue of the colony of South Aus- tralia for the year ended June 30th amouutr ed to £1,316,800. which is largely in excesa of the estimate. One hundred and twenty miners ofMessi-s. Dickinsun’s colliery. Annfield Plain, Dur- ham, have received notice to leave on account of the continued depression oftmde. On Saturday the colliers at New Engine Colliery, Forest of Dean, were dischafiggd under notice‘ it being discon- Linue coal getting. The shafts, however, will be extenmd. So large a number of Warwickshire min ers have acceded from the‘ union that the allowance for widows and orphans, as well as s1ck benefits and superannuation grants, have had to be temporarily suspended. A Sn. Peiersburg telegram says there is no trqu in the report thata rising has broken out among the Mahommedan pop- ulation of the Caucasus, though Turkish emissaries have been endeavouring t9 foment one. The box wood used by engravers is brought from ibe region of the Black and Caspion seas, and IS said to grow in perfec- tion nowhere else. A cubic foot of it weighs seventy-five pounds, and the prices range from $75 to$250 a ton. The Cologne Gazette says that Frau Theresa Fledler Von Hulsentine, who dxed a few dvxys ago at Prague, had attained the age of 119 years. She was born at Ham- burg in 1757, and was in her youth a. maid of honor to the Empress Maria. Theresa. Three hundred colliers at Stonehill Col~ Iiery, Farnworth, near Bolton, have struck work against a. reduction of wages. On the lst of next January it will be seventy years since the Emperor of Gerâ€" many enteied the Prussian Army, even before he had accmnplished his tenth year, The usage now is that the Prussian Prmces enter the army after completing their tenth year. Fifteen years ago there were only sixteéfi thousand Jews in Paris. There are now over fifty thousand. Herr Krupp, the gun-maker, is reported to be the richest man in Northern Germany. Educmion is being made compulsory in New Zealaud. The members of the Keighley Board of Guardians have at last found that law in stronger than opinion, and they are now all lodged within the confines of York Castle, there to rmnam-n'hnuid no unexpected hiatus bring nimut their release-«until the 2nd Novcmhw Lexi, when they will be brought before rho Queen’s bench divmion of the High (Hurt ofJustice, to answer " Certain trespasses and comempts.” The names of the bix guardians are Messrs. R. A. Milner (chairman). J. B. Sedgwick, David Normâ€" ingmn, Titus Ogden, Hezekiah Tempest, and James NewboUId. The first ground has 'been broken on the Champ de Mars for the Paris International Exhlbitlon of 1876. The King of Denmark has opened an Industrial Exhibition at Aarhuus, thelar- gest town in Jutland. A shocking outrage, which will in all prob-(llv‘lity end fatally, has occurred at Brampton Barracks, Chatham. Early on Monday morning Private Thompson. Royal Engineeis. was found in a courtyard of the ban racks in mi insensible state. Upon medical examination it was found that his skull was fractured, his right arm and leg broken, his flaw smashed, and his teeth knocked out. ()n somewhat recovering he said he was 1111'own out ofthe Window whilst asleep by his comrades, and a. number of them, including a noncommissioned officer, are in custody. During the inquiry on Wednesday, one of the witnesses was ordered into custody Torfalse swearing. British and. Foreign Street tramways are about to be laid in Adelaide. I An inquest was lteld at woolwich, on Wednesuay, on the body of Ann Downer, 17 months, who died after three weeks’ ill- ness from sczirlet fever on Tuesday. The parents, who are working people, belong to‘ the sect of the “Peculiar People,” and will have no medical advice. The jury, after hearing evidence, returnedn erdict of manslaughter against the father. John Robert Downer, who was committed fox trial at the next Old Bailey Sessions. The Belgrade correspondent of the Daily News is informed thatover 3,000 Russians of all grades are in Servian army. LONDON, Sept. 13~The Standard's despatch from Belgrade says the answer of Turkey concerning the conditions of peace has been received, but has not yet been officially communicated. Russia will not permit Servia to accept Turkey’s terms. The question now is, when will Russia. throw off the mask and openly prosecute the war that she is actually waging, while pretend- ing to be merely Servia’s friend? l BELGRADE, Sep. 12.~--Otflcial despatches say there was severe fighting on Sunday and Monday between Deligrad and Alexiuatz in consequence of the Turks attempting to throw a. bridge across the Novara. They were. unsuccessful. This movement indicates that the Turks despair of taking Alexinatz by direct attack, and are seeking to get to the rear of its fortified lines. The Servian garrison at Alexintttz numbers only 6,400 men, but the Turks uscd the place as a base of operations against Deligrad, and for the preservation of their communication with Nisch. Horvatovitch with 12,000 men has retired from Gramada and joined Tobernay- eff at Deligrud. Yesterday they gained the Turkish rear when a combined attack was made on the Turks by the two generals. Fighting ceased at night-fall without decis- ive result, and was renewed tosday. N 0 later advices have been received. Nothing is known hem respecting peace negotiations. Popular feci g still favors the continuance of the war in preference to accepting humili- ating terms of peace. meu, Sept. 12.â€"â€"Prince Gortschakofl‘ has again renewed his proposals for a com gress of Powers, with a. view to a peaceful settlement of the Turkish question; but France and Austria decline to take part in it. EASTERN WAR DISPATGHES. WHOLE N O. 947. EUROPEAN.

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