Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 22 Sep 1876, p. 1

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Auctioneer for the County of York, respectâ€" fully solicits your patronage xuld friendly influ- ‘ (moo. Sgfles attended on the shortest notice and Nut reasonable rates. 1’. 0. address, Victoria. ' Square. U Auctioneer for the County of York. respect- fully solicits your patronage and friendly influâ€" ence. Sules attended on the shortest notice, um]. at reasonable rates. 1’. 0. uddl , Testuu. t’ Auctioneer for the county of York, respect: fully solicits your )(m‘onn‘ge and friendly influâ€" ence. Sales 0.15th ed on the shortest notice mm M. reasonable ruler. 1). O. Addre S, Ki 0’ fl. J - A1101 Wmucr for the counties of York, Peel, Ontario mu: .mcoc; also Valuator mud Commis- sion agent. 1’. 0. Address, v Blomning’onn. l3? Chancery swlcs attended to. I’urties requir- ing Mr. Patterson‘s services czm make arrange- ments and obtain particulars as to terms, etc, at THE HERALD Ofiico. 0 I corner of Youge and Centre streets, Rich- mond HillY may be consulted persmmlly or by letter on all diseases of horses. cattle. otc. Horses examined as to soundness, also bought; and sold on commission. 1â€" Drngtfl, Medicines, \Vines and Liquors for medicinal purposes, Growries, eta, Thornhill. By Royal Letters Patent lms been appointed Is- suer of Marriage Licenses. ANIEL KINNE E. LICENSED Auctioneer for the Countv of York. resnoct- Oflic'esafifi King street East, Toronto, two doors east of Toronto street. W. H. BEATTY. W. NICHOLAS MILLER. EDWARD M. CHADW'ICK. C. R. W. BIGGAR. D. E. THoMSON. U Surgeon and Ac'ouchnpi‘. Oflice. corner of Yonge and Centre S ots, Rmhmond H111. H. J-J ' MISTS and Druggists, cornei‘ of Yonge and Centre streets, Richmond Hill. Special ut- tentiun paid to presuriptluns. AMES Auctim ‘AMUEL M. BROWN, LICENSED k Auctioneer for the (Tunntv of York. resnmatâ€" 1â€") GAR, Barristers, Attorneys-mt-Law, Solici- tors in Insolvency, otc. REVATTY, MILLER & BIGGAR, Public, etc. JJ MON)! HILL. will be generaliy be found at home from 2 t0 3 o‘clock, I). m. ’ HOMAS CARR, DEA Drum. Medicines. \Vinea and ' Dentist, 95 King street East, Toronto. Best mineral teeth inserted in 3.1 manner to suit each patient. Particuler attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth, carefully :woiug ull unnecessary pain. A. W. SPAULDING, Assistant. 1- Barristers, Attorxleys~thâ€"L1LW, Solicitors-in,- Chancery, Conveyancers, etc. OflicesfiNos. 2, 4 and 6 Ontario Hall, Court street, Toronto. U RISTERS, eta, Union Block, corner Toronto and Adelaide SL5. (opposite the new Post Ofllce), Toronto. F. 051 m. JAMES BETHUNE. W. G. 1‘ ALCONDRIDGE. Jmucmas Moss. N. W’. liokLES. J. H. THOM. GEO. BROWN, M.D., PHYSICIAN Surnnnn nnfl Amannphmw nmm nnwmr of n ' Method of extracting teeth Without pain, )y the use of Ether Spray, which affects the death only. The tooth and gum surrounding be- comes insensible with the external agency, when «the tooth can be extracted with no pain and without endangering the life, as in the use of chloroform. Dr. Robinson Will be at the follow- ing places prepared to extract teeth with his new apparatus. All nflice operations in Dentistry performed in a workmuulike manner: Aurora, 15 (3111, 16th and 22nd of each month Newman'th .................. 2110. do Richmond Hill. 9th and 24th do Mti Albert 15th (10 'i‘hornhill 23rd do Diuplo ..... 201:}; do Burwick 28th do Kleilibul'g 28th do Noblebon . 30th (10 Nitrous Oxide Gus always on hand at Aurora. J) TERS, Attorneys, S<>Iicit01's~in-Chancefy, etc., 61 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), Toronto. ALFRED BOULTBEE. WM. WORTS EVATT. THOMAS FERFUSON, Q. ETHUNE, OSLE { 8; MOSS. BAR- RIS’I‘ERS. atom Union Rlnnk ram-um; 'l‘nvnhfn BEATTY, CHADWICK & BIG- GAR. Barristers. Atfrn‘nnx'Qâ€"thm w QnIiz-L Attorney, Solicitofdu-Chrmcery, Convey- ancer,vetc. Ofliceâ€"NOG Royal Insurance Buildâ€" ings, Toronto street, Toronto. BOULTBEE & EVATT. BARRIS- ’I‘RRS, Atmrmmu anmwmva e“ nnmmnm. 4 ERGUSON, BAIN & MEYERS Barristers. Attornmrsmtlmw §I|1inifrxvc m Advertisements without written instructions will be inserted until forbid and charged transient rates. Advertisements will be inserted on this page at the following rates: Business CIL- one year DI) H'V months ".250 Business Cm 4. one year 4 00 Do H'V month 2 50 D0 ' three months . 1 50 Transitory navel-Lisements, first insertion, ' per inch ......... 75 Each subscqent insertion 25 An inch comprises twelve lines of Nonpureil. Condensed advertisements. under tho headings : Specialities,” “ strayed,” “ ert or Fuund," “ For Sale or To Let,” “Wanted,” one, each insertion 25 cents. EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, At his printing offices, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. U- NEWMARKET, 01m, SUR- GEON DENTIST, would respectfully . announce, that he will Visit Rich- mond Hill the 18th of ouch mouth, at Palmer’s Hotel; also mttend the following places, profes- sionally, Sundays excepted: Newnuu‘keh .. Sutton 3rd of each month. 3rd and 4th do l’efierlaw 5th do Mount Albert” 8th do Sundford ..... 10th do Stonffville 14th do Markham 16th do Aurora. .. .l. 20:11 do All branches of Dental surgery attended to. Satisfaction gnmmnteod‘ Charges moderate. Terms of Subscription: $1.00 per annum in advance. THE HERALD. 1’ Treasurer of Markham Township, Clerk of Division Court, Division Registrar, eta, Main St, Unionvflle, will be at Hall's Hotel, Markham, every Monday, from 9 mm. to 4 p.11“... to attend to business in connection with the Court. JOHN STEPHENSON. CLERK & Treasurer of Markham Township, Clerk of M. H. KEEFLER, II. SANQE 1803,13, G.T.V.C., M. PATTERSON, LICENSED isteré, Solicitors in Chancery, Notarieé M. MALLQ‘Y,‘ EARRIsgrER, A uh.» , . JAS. LANGSTAFF, RICH- R 0 B I N s 0 NS, L.D.S., NEW SAN/DERSQN & SONS, CHE- C. ADAMS, L.D.S., SURGEON VOL. XVIII, N O. 17. 0.7 STOKES, LICENSED flnxtiamm ADAM” Mynné gflmimt. PUBLISHED BY £93111. W. KENNEDY, L.D.s., 3rd and 4th do 5th do . 8th do 10th do 14th do 16th do 20th do Dentmmsurgery utfiended to‘ 22nd of each month 2110. (10 24th (10 15th (10 23rd do 201:}; do 28th do 28th do 30th (10 JOHN BAIN. {CALEB IN I W: Also Hm Store and Dwollingfimxsa and Garden, containing hqu an new: of choice fruit trees, oc~ cupicd by Mr. A. Moodie, subjuuc to an unexpired lease. Apply to STABLL §.-'H0rses and Vehick‘s fur hire‘ Charges modumte. Opposite Sanderson & Sons JOHN BROWN, l’mpriotor. keeps constantly on hand all kinds of wood, vhich will be sold for the lowest market. price. (Jar. Yonge and Centre St., Richmond Hill. For sale orireusonable terms, the Houses and lot comprising; half an acre of lnuul, with exceL lent garden and orchard, lying south of Mr. A. L. Skeelc‘s shop and north of Mr. Alex. Moodiu‘s storm in the village of Richmond Hill. A good business smnd. Toronto‘ l I faotm‘ers of and Dealers in Granite and Marble M 1 L‘nonts, Headstones, ctc,1€ingwoud, Ont. Sufi. i011 guaranteed. Money received 011 deposit, and interest allowed at the mte of six per cent. per (minim, com- pounded thlf yearly. Deposits not exceeding film may be Withdrawn at call; $100 and upwards subject to thirty Lluys‘ notice, or a reduction of thirty days‘ interest, {Lt the option of the Directors. To be entitled to iu~ tercst, deposits must remain in the Company three months. Interest calculated from the first mid 15th day of the mnnth. This Company advances Money on the security of improved City 01- Counfry Property, )‘e-pnyable by menus of n. Sinking Fund. whi( is found to be the surest; nnd easiest mode of repaying; EL 101m. L25“ See our reducud 101m table. For further inform :Ltiun apply at at the Offices of the Company. \VALTER S. LEE, Munuger. Part of Lot No. 30, 2nd Concession. 125 Acres; 55 Acres under Crop; Living Spring; Possession first April, 1877. Price for IMMEDIATE Sale $2,625; $1,500 payable in 1881. Interest half-yearly. } OUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE AT , RICHMOND HILL. 1’. \VIDEMAN is also issuer of Marriage Li- censes. Resideuceâ€"rllingwood, Ont. 0 HRS, Richmond Hill, have always on hand the best of beef, mutton, l'unh, veal, pork, sausages. etc., and $011 at the lowest prices for crush. Also corned and. spiced beef, smoked and dried hams. The highest market prin given for cattle, sheep, lmnbs, etc. Samuel Flatt, M.1’., .................. Vice-President. DIRECTORS ~â€" Willimn Goodm‘hmn, Geo. \V. Lewis, T1105. H. Lee, George Gooderham, Hon. D. L. Macpherson, Senator. The \vholé A.,, m of the Company are invested on the security of Raul Estth and M nicipul De- bentures, thereby giving the dep sitors um doubted security for all money left: with this Company. ‘ ICUMOND HILL LIVERY S'I‘AHIJ. L-JHONM :mr‘l Vnhinlns fnv hira VVOOD YARDâ€"JOHN BROWN keeps constantly on hand ull kinds of i CIAL Land Surveyor, Civil Engineer and Draughtsmun. Orders by letter should state the concession, lot and character of survey, the sub- scriber having the old FIELD NOTES 0f the late D. GmsoN and other surveyors, which should be consulbed in many cases as to original monu- ments, eta, previous to commencing work. ()flice at Willowdulo, Yonge st, in the township of York. Capital, $800,000; Total Assets, $1,906,306; Re- serve Fund, $203,500. PETER S. GIBSON, PROVIN- CIAL Land Survcvm‘. Civil Engineer and ‘1 RIAGE licenses for the county of York, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Parties having farms or lots for 511410. 01' Wishing Insur- ance on life or property will have their orders promptly attended to by the above. Money to loan at 8 per cent on approved freehold security. Ofljce, Court House, Toronto. THE NATIONAL LIFE Insurance Company. CAPITAL, $1,000,000. Surplus, - â€"-_$1,528,476. A strong Moeâ€"k company, l. Insurance and Real Estate Agent. De~ posits recuivnd, subject to demand, with interest. Loans negotiated. Debentures for sale. OflieeY 20;; Adelaide street East, Toronto, a. few doors West of the Post Olfiee. i'i mortgage of farm property, at eight per cent. interest, in sums to suit borrowers. No com- mission. Apply to BLAKE «K: KINGSFORD, 10 Adelaide St. East, Toronto. iVl LOAN ON mmmmsss MORTGAGE SECURI~ TY~in sums; from 35500 upwards. Apply to M. TEEFY, N. LYNETT, (as execumrs of the estate of the late Martin Drcnmum Richmond Hill. IV 1'! h low rates, dqfim'te contracts and liberal policies. Insurance effected on the most liberal terms. WILLOUGHBY CUMMINGS, Agent, Toronto struet, Toronto: Full information can be had at THE HERALD Office. Richmond Hill. GEO. EAKIN, ISSUER OF MAR- RIAGE licenses for the county of York, W Parties desirous of becoming members can for- ward their names to OCKET CUTTLE RY, VARIOUS Prices. at THE HERALD book dz fanev store. T1111“. HERAEAD 13mg; and Job Printing Oflice,’ phur; find its overflow found exit by Whether "or rin ing, a vertisin orsubscri )tions 1 ' ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ~ to the mper g l - {Ngbetfgll of great heuht. “AA... ‘. a," “y- MONEY TO LEND ON FIRST ' mortgage of faxfm pygmrty, at eight per IVIONEY TO LEND.â€"â€"$2,000 TO LOAN ON FISTâ€"(WASH mnwmxrm snnrmn April 11, 1876‘ _?ARM IN VAUGHAN; A BARGAIN. HON. GEO. \V. ALLAN, Senut0r,1’residenh Address J. R. BRADBURY, Toronto, Mr John Gibson, President, Millikan P 0 Mr H J onnings, Treasurer, Victoria. Square P 0 Mr S T Humberstone, Soa‘y, Newtonbrook P 0 IALUE FOR YOUR MONEY East Riding of York. IBERAL CONSERVATIVE AS- 011109st 0. 70 Church street, Toronto SA VINGS BANK BRANCH. W. JARVIS, SH E RIFF OF ESTERN CANADA L 0 A N & L. C. WIDEMAN, MANU WILLIS, BANKER. BROKER, Prices, at THE HERALD book & fancy store‘ SOCIATION FOR THE the county of York. Ofliccâ€"Court House H. & R. PUGSLEY, BUTCH- (‘4' 5&1 ifievfilzmrmzfi. MONEY T0 LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY. JAMES M. JENKINS, Ln‘skuy P.O Or to M. TEEFY, 6. Richmond Hill. gin» $2119. gaunt/g. {ALD AS- l for- 5P0 P0 >US tore. AT The discovery of a. boiling lake in the island of Dominica. has excited much 1 scientific interest, and investigations 0! ’. the phenomenon are to be made by geo- ')ogists. It appears that a. company exj r ploring the ste’ep and forest-covered mountains behind the town of Rosseau ' came upon the boiling lake, about 2,500 feet above the sea level, and two miles in circumference. On the wind clearing away, for a moment, the clouds of sul- phnrous steam with which the lake was ‘ covered, a. mound of water was seen tan , feet higher than the general level of the surface, capsed by ebullition. The nur- } gin of thebiake consists of beds of sul- a RICHMOND LODGE, A.F. & A. 1\I., No. 23, G. R. C.â€" Meeta in the Lodge Room, Masonic Hall, on the Monday on or before full moon, MS o’clock p.111. Jus. Reynolds, W. M. ' RICHMOND L. O. L‘, No. 778,â€"Meets in the Tem- pernnco Hull, on the Friday on or before full moon, at 8 o'clock p.111. J. R. Boothby, W. M. RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, No. 465, I. O. G. T.â€" Meots in the Temperance Hull, every 'Wednesâ€" day evening, at 8 o'clock. Wm. Harrison, T. D. CRYSTAL LODGE, No. 372, U. T. O.»Meets in the Masonic Hull, every Monday evening at 8 o’clock. A. E. Mortimer, 1’. D. FOUNTAIN LODGE, Juvenile No. 3.3, U. T. 0,â€"Meets in the Masonic Hall, every Monday evening at 6.30 o‘clock. A. E. Mortimer, Guardian. The Methodist Sabbath school Temperance Asso- cintion issue pledge curds every Sunday when desired. \Vm. Harrison, Supt. MnenANIcs’ INSTITUTE.â€"Libl‘a-I‘y of over 1000 vol- umes open every Tuesday evening, in the lVfIL- sonie Hull, from 7 to 8 o‘clock. R. E. Lmv, Li- brarian. Lectures and discussions periodically. RICHMOND Him. F1111: Rhiannaâ€"Meets for fire practice the first and third Monday of each month, utT o’clock 1) in J H Sanderson, Capt. CRYSTAL LODGE, U .T.O., BAND.-Meets for prac- tice every Tuesdny xunl Suturdiw evening at 7:30 o’clock. A. E. Mortimer, Leader. ST. MARY'S EPISCOI’AL CHURCHâ€"services m: 3 p In, except the third Sunday of every month, when the services nnd sacrament are held «'Lt 11 n 111. Sunday school at 1:30 pm. lev R Shuuklin, Rector. METHODIST mnmcu OF CANADAâ€"SGI‘ViCCS M1030 IL 111, and 0:30 ]) m; Sunday school at 2:30 p m; pruer muetjng evory Thursday evening and S S Teachers’ mc mg on Friday evenin". J Herbert Starr, 1”: PRESBYTNRIAN C H 01’ CANADAâ€"services nlt ll o’clock a. m; iuhle class on Sunday evening at 6:30 o‘clock. Ruv J Dick, Pastor. ROMAN CATHOLIC (‘HURCHHSCI‘ViCCS in order as follows: Thornhill {Lt 9:00 a 1n, and Richmond Hill :Lt10230 a. 1n ; the following Sunday {LL 1: i011- 111011(1“Hl11 at 9:00 n, 111, 11nd ’J‘hornhill’ at 10:30 a m, alternating with Markhsz every third Sunday. Is hereby given, that the Toronto Gre}7 and Bruce Railway Company, will apply to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario, at; the next session thereof for an Act to amend the several Acts relating to the said Com- puny ; and to confirm the arrangements made Wllll the Bondholders, and other Creditors ofthe said Company, and to exâ€" tend the same to such of them as have not yet accepth such arrangements ; and to confirm grants of station uccomodatlon, and other rights made to the said Company by other Railway Companies, and for other purposes. Toronto, 1911:, September, 1875. W. H. BEATTY, Solicitor for the Appellants. Nom‘nmm RAILWAYâ€"Trains puss Richmond Hill stution as follons: moving south at 9:10 am, 1:30pm, and. 8:26 p m; moving north, at 8:13 a m, 1:30 p m, and 5:13 p in. Mr Palmer’s ’hus meets the morning trziin moving iorth and evening tmin moving south. THE Pnocron STAGE Linnâ€"Runs in connection with the Northern Railway, meeting the morn» ing train moving smith and the evening train moving north. Passengers leave the Dominion Hotel tit 8:10 :1. in, arriving in Toronto at 10:20. and returning leave City Hall station at 4'10 17 m,zind Brock street station at 4:25. Single tickets, 50 cents; return, 80 cents. S. Proctor, proprietor. RICHMOND HILL OMNIBUsâ€"Runs daily, leaving the Stage Hotel, Richmond Hill, at 7:30 am, arriving: in Toronto (Lt 10:30 a in, and returning, leaves the Commercial Hotel, J {Lrvis st, at 3:20 p In, and the Bay Horse Hotel, Yonge stY at 3:30 p 111. Single tickets, 40 cents; return, 75 cents. John Pulnler, jr, proprietor. of the subscriber, Lot 30, rear of the 3rd can, Markham. about the 27th of June, a LARGE BLACK SO\V. The owner is requested to prove property. puy expenses, and take her away. W'M BOYNTON. U rear of the 3rd con. Marklmm, about thé 19th of August, 2 yearling and 1 aged ewes and 2 spring lmubs. Any person returning the same will be suitably rewarded. NOTICE VL'ot, 6, rear of the 3rd Gen. Vaughan, two dry cows. One came about the lst inst, and the other on the 17th. The owner or owners are re- quested to prove property pay expenses und take them away. J OHN GIBBS. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFTCE.â€"-1\I[Lils close as follows : Morningâ€"Going south, west and cast, including Maple, Thornhill, Toronto, Mm‘khmn, etc.. [Lt 6:45; going north. 6:45. Evening~G0ing south, east and west, at 6:45. Registered letters must be handed in fifteen minutes earlier. CAME INTO THE PREMISES ‘ pf ‘tLho sulgscribgr, A119}; 39,}(3111‘ 0f_t1_197 3rd Advertisements of six lines and [633, under this heading; twentyg‘z'vc cents each time. AME INTO MY PREMISES, Lht. 6. rear of thn grfl firm, Vnnnhnh ¢wn (“h-v TITY on hand. THOMAS NIGHTIN- GALE. Yorkville. JJ and fixtures of the premises, situated at the corner of Yongo and Bloor streets, Toronto, forsule. Sntisfuctm‘vreasons given for selling. Apply to JOSEPH (’1 A1,; Y , on the premises. J-VJ intimate to her pupils and the public that she will resume her music classes on Friday, September 15th. MISS CAMPBELL BEGS 'l‘O intimate to her pupils and the public Advertisements (3)" six lmes and [53.9, under this heading, twentgjiue cents each time. RAIN TILE, A LARGE QUAN- TT'I‘V nn Tman ’I‘TTOM’AR NINTJ’FTKL TRAÂ¥1§_D »F_RO)'1"LV(V)T NO. 27, EASE, LICENSE. GOODWILL Svfiltagc Qircttnm, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, CANADA, SEPTEMBER 22, 1876. A‘Bofling Lake. fipwiauiw. POST OFFICE. CHURCHES. 3mm, SOCIETIES. TRAVEL. It remained for the “ celebrated " Glass at the Watford meeting to give such a demonstrative opinion of' protec- tion as must have astonished his listeners. Why says he “ supposing they gassed a “law in the United States, that every “ man should break a dozen windows “ who wont ever there, then should we “ pass a law compelling every man who “ came here to break 11‘ dozenhvindows ?” This is Mr. Glass definition of'proteetion, and the only inf'u'enee for any sensible person to draw from the simile, would be that a pane of glass is smashed in his skyâ€"light. Our cotcm., the Woodbridge Free Press, is coming a little ofi‘ the fence. In its last issue it has an article on Pro- tection. Though lather non-commital, the following will show the leanings of the editor. Better come out in your true colors at once : The Wool Interest is coming to the front in consequence of the demand made on the part ot‘a portion of the Ontario Press that Australian wool should be admitted free, so that the twccds the Australians want, and which they can probably buy from us, may be made and sold to them still cheaper. And we are not sure that the Wool growers would object if all other things were made duty-free as well, But it will not do to favor the \Voolieu manufacturers at the expense of the Wool growers. Suppose all our principal products and manufac- tures and last year been protected by an additional 20 per cent., the Australian Commissioners would never have found cheap clothes and cheap machines among us. To widen our market is our obvious policy; and it the Americans will not admit our products, why, other countries willâ€"- and we find, that with our low duties, we can undersell the Americans. \Ve presume no objections can be taken against private gentlemen ; going pionicking, if they thmk proper to do so; they do not do it at the expense of the public same as Mr McKenzie and the rest of the Ministry are now doing ; with their obsequious followers, revolving round than In the opinion of the Coboizrg Sent ind, toll gates are‘ the remains of a barâ€" barous age; of an age when cities, towns and rural castles were barricated by meats and stone walls, and shut in by gates of iron and brass. They are a great hinderance to that local freedom of trade which is so desirable, and they are a continual check and obstacle to the growth and prosperity of Coboug. Sir John A. and two or three of his satellites are still Plc-Nicing (Y) in vari- ous parts of this Province.-â€"-.Aurom Bamzcr. The Grit organs are down on Judge Maedonald because he said at Welland the other day, in trying a liquor case, that the Ontario License Law was bad to work and impracticable, and he did not think it would do any good. The Grit organs say that it is none of the Judge,s business whether the law is good or bad, and that it is simply his business to administer it. If it had been one of Sir John’s laws we should hate had the the whole pack howling over it by this time; but the gadflies must not light upon the work of the Pairty’s anointed. The best proof that the law is bad is that the organs are ashamed to have it e1'it1zed.râ€" West Durham News. A comparative statement of the lum- ber passed through the Chaudiere slides from 1872 to 1876, shows a very large increase over the quantity any of the preceding four years. Coupling this circumstance with the Fact that a fair market has been found for the timber manufacture of this season just closing. It is evident that the lumber trade is reviving. 0n the 13th inst, John Hogg, Postmaster of Don, aged 50 years, eldest son of John and Janet Hogg, formerly of Stonehouso, Scotland. Eelow we acknowledge subscriptions to THE HERALD received smce last issue: 962 John Gibbs, Comm-d. 978 Joseph Gaby, Yorkville. The Secrefary of the Central Exeeu tive of the Reform Association has his head ofi’ioe at Toronto. But by some means not yet explained, his hindquarters were on the Conservative pic~nic plat- form at Ingersoll the other day. First we find Jas. young, a Grit member, invi- ting himself to speak at a conservative gathering at Uxbridge, and then we find the Secretary of the Grit head-centre taking forcible possession of a Conserva- tive platform at Ingersoll. The cheek ofthese fellows would bring a blush to the face of a book pedlcr.â€" West Dur- ham Nam SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED Notes and Comments. DIED. Mrs. Grey $5; R. D. Lang 8510; Jas. Henry, for G. Taylor and wife $6; J. \V. Cook, for burial of John Collins, pauper $12; A. Gordon, for boarding 11‘. Mattocks, sick and indigent $10; Edward Shepherd, for delivering found ling child to its mother, E. Hardy $9. District No. 1.--N. Stephenson, grad; ing hill on 2nd qoncession,$9 00; Jacob Line, 101 loads ofgravel, at 10 cents, $10 10. Moved by Mr. Wallace, seconded by Mr. Webster, and carried, That the treasurer pay the following road ac- counts, the same having been certified as correct by the road commissioners: District No. 2.â€"J Hutchins, lumber, $1 00; J. Brown, repairing Cockbum’s bridge, $11 25; John Jones, 476 feet of lumber, at ten cents, $4 76; Peter Frank, ditching road, $10 00; Wm. Long, stone, and building abutments, $34 00; Wm. Johnston, getting out stone, $1 25; John Bland, atone for culverts, $6 25; Wallis Armstrong, 1 A14 nn stone, $1 25; . culverts, $6 2‘ gravel, $11 30. Byâ€"Law‘No 340, appointing Charles Nixon as Colletor for the first five con- cessions, and William Patterson fer the remaining concessions of the Township, was read and passed. By-Law No 341, to assess the ratepayers of certain'School Sections in the Township for School purposes, was read and passed. By’Law N0 342, to grant and determine the yearly salary and allowance to be paid the Treasurer of the Municipality as Sub-Treasurer of School Moneys for the same, was read and passed. Town Hall, Sept. 12, 1876. Council met. Membcts all present. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Moved by Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr. lieaman, That John Allan be appointed pound keeper for district No. 3, in place of Richard Beamish, who has removed from the township.â€"â€"Car- ried. Moved by Mr. Wallace, seconded by Mr. Chapman, That the following sums be granted for charitable purpose, in accordance with petitions presented, and that the Treasurer pay the same quart- crly. District No. 3.-â€"Jac0b Rupert, lum- ber $8 92; Alex. Bryson, lumber and logs, $3 75. 'l he second day of the Provincial Ex- hibitiou is over, and every thing is now pretty well arranged, and in some classes the Judges have got through with their workâ€"whilst in others it will take them the most of today to com- plete their duties. All of the classes, seem to be well filled upâ€"and the show of live stock far surpasses that of any f'ormcr exhibition, although the herds, of several of the leading exhibitors are not represented on account of their best animals having been sent to the Cen- tennial. The show of sheep is very large in all the classesâ€"and I notice that Mr. James Russell and Robert Marsh, from your neighborhood carry oh" the majority of the red tickets for Cotswolds and Southdowns. The horses Will be in the ring, when I hope to have an op- portunity of seeing them, at present they are locked up in their stables. The show of implements, is also very large and very good. The other depart- ments, I notice are fully up to their usual standard. The number of visitors yesterday was not very large, but if the weather be fine to day, the number will be greatly increased. Moved by Mr. Penman; seconded by Mr. Webster, That the Treasurer pay to James Mann the sum of $59 for print- ing Votcrs’ Lists and advertising same. â€"â€"â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Chapman, seconded by Mr. \Vallace, That the Treasurer pay the Managers of Toronto General Hos- pital the sum of $39, for care of Fred- erick Mattocks, to the lst of Sept.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Wallace, seconded by Mr. Chapman, That the sum of eleven dollars be paid to Mr. I). Kinnee, for restoring deserted child to its parents at Dundalk, and that the Treasurer pay the same.â€"-Carried. . Moved by Mr. 1Wallace, seconded by Mr. Chafiman, That the Clerk be in- structed to notify pathmasters to have all unnecessary obstructions removed from the road allowance in their various beats.-â€"â€"Carricd. Moved by Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr. 1103mm], That the Treasurer pa Mr. Ezra Clubine the sum of'$10, being two thirds of his claim for two sheep killed by dogs.â€"~Carried. Council then adjourned to meet again on the 10th day of October next. Next week we will issue a large sup- plement to THE HERALD, which will contain a full account of the Provincial Exhibition. Hamilton, Sept. 20th, 1876 To the Editor of The Herald. @mmmmfiimm VAUGHAN COUNCIL. Yours &c., A novel swimmmgr mgtrcjrmggggl Bridge to Greenwich took place on a : day' the swimmers being J. W. Lawrence, of Lambeth, and H.J. Cook, of Soulhwark, each of whom has but one arm. Lawrence reached the goal, a flaH-bom moored below the Fisgard, in 1h. 9min. 355%., being about 600 yards ahead of his opponent. Bilance'in the hands of the Receiver- General to‘the credit of P. 0. Savings Bank account, on August 318:, $2,755’849.90. Notes in circulation, $15,606,031”. Specie held, $3,!80,716.83; excess over percentage on circulation required to be held, $152,021.83. The ninth annual convention of the Young Mens Christian Association, of On- tario and Quebec, will be held in London, on the 19th. 2011], 21st and 22nd days of Octbber next. Of all the ills that earth or society are heir to, that of the newspaper borrower is the mot obnoxious. Neawpaper bon- rowers have no sense of respect, no idea of honor, and are totally devoid of mo- desty. They are a class of people who may justly be termed vampires, who feed upon the fruits of others. They prefer to borrow your newspapers but then if they cannot borrow they don’t hes- itate. to steal it. As an article of value, they think a newspaper is worthless, and The great international rifle shooting match has concluded with a1 victory for the American team. Our riflemeu'have mains tained their hard earned reputation very handsomely, and the exciting contest closes with the best possible feeling on the part'of visitors and hosts. Five teams engaged in the friendly strife, and the result for the two days’ shooting is as i'ollowszâ€"Ameri- cans, 3,126 points; Irishmen, 3,104; Scotchmen, 3.063; Australians, 3,062; Canadians, 2,923. Looking into partic~ ulars, we find that on the first day’s shooting the Scotchmen led with a score of 1,586, out ofa. total possible aggregate of 1,800. The Irishmen came next, with a total score 0i 1,582; the Americans third. with 1,577; the Australians next, with 1,545 points, and the Canadians last, with 1,490. The second day’s shooting showed the following result: â€"Americans, 1.549; Irishmen, 1,522; Australians, 1,517; Scotch, 1.477; Cana- dians, 1,438 . Thus the Scotchmen led the next best team at the close of Wednesday’s shooting, by 4 poims; but the Americans led the second best on Thursday by 27 points. The Americans led on Wednesday in the firing at 800 yards, the Scotch led at 900 yards, and the Scotch and Irish teams were tied at 523 in the shooting at 1,000 yards. Yesterday, the Americans and Scotch-men were tied in the firng at 800 yards; the Americans led in the 900 yard range, and the Irish did the best shooting at 1,000 yards. â€"Lcader. Parliament is further adjourned till Oc- tober 27th. ;' THE UNITED sums rnnsmme’o'r. 1 One of the longest linen clusters of the season, coupled. with the worst looking pair oi boom seen in Detroit for 3 years, entered the Central Station yesterday and halted before the Captain’s desk. As that official looked up the stranger inquired in a, sepulchral voice : “ Vi been nominated at St. Louis 3” “Guess not,” was the reply. “The balloting hasn’t commenced yet.” “ Have the papers said anything about me ’1” asked the old. man. “I’m going to sit. down in the ally out here to eat a herring and saw on a button or two. If you git any news ’bout my being nominated, gallop out and whoop for me I” OTTAWA, Sept. 16â€"The official Gazette ofto-duy contains the appointment of Henry Desclmmbcault. as Preventive officer in the Customs. ict'th ey will lie, 2:116 if needs be, commit y to becomepoaseased of it. Any number of figures you may wish to ‘ multiply by 5 will give the same result ; if diwded by 2â€"â€"a. much quicker opera- 1 tion ; but you must remember to annex ‘ a cipher to the answer, whenever there is no remainder, and when there is a. reâ€" mainder, whatever it may be, annex a. l 5 to bho answer. Multiply 464 by 5 and the answer will be 2,320; dividing the same number by two and you have 232, 1 and, as there is no remainder, you add a ' cipher. N ow take 357, and multiply by ‘ 5; there is 1,785. Divide the same ‘; number by 2, and. you have 178 and a remainder ; you therefore place a. 5 at the I end of the line, and the result is again ,1 1,785. dle ans uns the gm we! in 1 and aim “ Haven’t seen anything. Are you a. Candidate for t110_Pre§1(}¢ncy 7”! The old man placed his hand on heart,‘ rolled his 501-61111}? fyqs aground, a, bi n3 in}, deep voice said “ fair 1” There was a moment of silence so deep and profound that it could have been hit with a crowbar. Then he un- rolled his eyea, let his hand fall and con- tinued : Last week Messrs. Carley, of Orillia, completed two large row boats for Mr. Stephenson, a government employee at Thunder Bay. They were shipped to Toronto, 100 miles; thence to Sarnia, 257 miles, to go by “ my brother’s "line to Thunder Bay, when they could have been sent direct from Orillia to Colling- wood, 57 miles, and shipped from there ; or better boats could have been built at (lollingwood for, we venture to say, less money, and all freight saved. There is no freight so difficult to handle as these heavy and unwieldy boats; and once damaged, a plank or two split in transit, or the back broken for want of proper staying on the cars, they would not be worth much at Thunder Bay. Truly this is an economical Government.â€" Eoztemrisc. THE RIFLE MATCH AT NEW YORK Binzuhr Mathematical Pact. Newmaper Borrowers. Another candidate. In February, 1798, the Postmaster-u I General issued the following placard respect» ing a. robbery in Yorkshire :â€"“ Generah 1Post Office, Saturd 1y, February 24, 1798. iThe posi-hoy carrying the mall on horse- ‘buck from Selby to York on Thursday evé- ning, the 22nd inst. was stopped between gsix and seven o’clock by a. man on foot with a gun in his hand, between Barlby and Ric. call, who asked him if he was the post-boy. and at the same time seized hold of the bri-- die of his horse, and without waiting for an : answer told him that .he must immediately unstrap the mail and give it him, Boimjng ltlle gun at him at the Kaine time. The boy- }gnve him the bag with which the robber went awav. He is described asnstout mun, I in a drab jacket, and had on a cloth apron. land from the appearance of his but and him clothes is suspected to be a flaxdresser o: rope-maker. The bill goes on 10 offenm tewmd of £200, a free pardon being ‘ofi‘eiedi to any accessory. Nothingr was heard the matter. though susPicion pointed to» some of the principal inhabitants of Selby lnt the time. A fetv days~ago, howeVer, on“ n. public-house situated on the Chuxchhill, Selby. being pulled down. a suit of clothes, a soul-waster, and an old mail‘bag marked. H Selby” were found in the root. There in» little doubt. that these were the clothes worm. by the robber on the occasmn, and the bag' is the one which was stolen. In digging into the foundations several coflins’ contain» ing bodies'in a good state of preservation, have been found. A Siandard’s telegram from Alexandria, dated August 20, says :â€"-Walda Mikael,‘ the insurgent chief, has defeated tne Abyssinian General at. Zakraga. The combat was of six hours’ duration. Fifteen villages were burned, and 1500 men, women, and children were massacred, among them being I! Swed» isil missionary, one English, and two Greek subjects. At the Leeds Infirmarynn Sunday 8 patient, received in the institution on the 18th, inst. died in agony from the effects of a scratch from a can. The man’s name was William Wilson, 9. riveter, aged 22, of Drake's ym‘d, High street. About Whitsuno lidu he found v. kitten manning wild _and brought itihenwwulhe kitten scratched him and several otherl members ofthe family and then disappeared. Wilson’s wound healed, and he felt; nothing until last week, when he was troubled with an itching sens:- tion in his fingers. He gradual] became worse, and was removed to the nfirmary, where he mewed like a cat, and skewed a great aversion to water. The King of Dahomey threatens to be troublesome. He won’t pay a fine of palm oil, he will imprison all the whites he can lay his hands on, and is just as likely as not to carry "out his threat and sacrifice the whole of them to his fetish. Under these circumstances the situation on the Gold Coast is uncomfortable. Neither English men nor Frenchmen are particularly attach- ed to thatfilor n oft'e t‘h ftvcrad by hispéble Majesty and with much unanimity they up» peal tor help. As the correspondent ofthe, Manchester Guardian puts it “ some way' out of the difficulty may be tound." “liar tolerany evident that there is a prospect.’of another tiresome inglorious and expemtvo war on our hands. With Dahomey us with Ashantee we shall encounter savages.~cun-- ning and blood thirsty, who have very lit» tlc conception of the powers of England and. very great confidence in the difficulties with‘ which the climate and other circumstances~ sunottnd them. The British Government have decided to send assistance to the sick and wounded m the Tux-k0 Servian war. Sixteen packages, marked with the red cross of Geneva, were despatched from Woolwich Arsenal. The Hackney Board of Guardians have decided to place alcoholic liquors strictly within the category of medicines, and to require the medical officers in all cases where they think it right to prescribe wines and Spirits for the use oflhe sick, to state The petty kind of presents distribu- ted by the Prince of Wales in India in exciting astonishment and dissatlb- faction in that land of magnificenw and pomp. Among the articles given: in return for presents which impover» ishcd princes were clasp knives, drink-u ing horns, opera. glasses, and pencil cases. An Indian newspaper thinks. that “the purveyor of this extraordh ' nary cargo, has apparently been guided in deciding what the Indiant -‘ would probably like by the works of Fenimore Cooper and reminiscence! OI Catiin's exhibition‘” The Buckinghamshire papers state that A reqlusilion has been sent to Mr. Joseph Arch, the well-knewn agitator, to come {on ward as a candidate for Aylesbury at the next general election. The Admiralty have directed that the armour-plated ship Alexandra is to be arm- ed wiéh two 254ml guns and ten IS-ton guns, besides smaller ones, making her one of the most formidable vessels in the navy. on the prescription paper the exac’t (iixantit-y to be given by the dispensers in computedt‘ ounces. The Hon. Thomas F. Framanfle, ofSth bourne, Bucks. son of Lord Cottesloe, has issued an address to the electors of Bucks. LONDON, Sept. 20.â€"A despatchto Ren- ter’s Telegram Company, from Belgrade, says that the Servian Note, handed to the foreign consuls yesterday, complains 111” the Turks have violated the suspension of hostilities at, Ynnkown and Klaussoura. It it stated that they have destroyed and burned Snitschar and crossed the nver Timok. It is reported that the Servians. by order of Prince Milan, have re crossed the Drina and re-occupied their formerposi~ [ions on its western bank. PAms. Sent, 20.â€"â€"Le Temps s9. 3 that. Prince ()rlufl‘, the Russian Ambussa or here, has assured President McMahon that Prince Milan being proclaimed King has produced a very bad impression at the Russian Conn. Russia, although determined to defend vigon ously the rights of the Christians in Tur‘ key is in no way disposed to support the us cessive pretensions ofServia. EASTERN WAR DISPATCHES. WHOLE N0. 948. EUROPEAN. British and Foreign

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