Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 6 Oct 1876, p. 1

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"J 0 corner of Yonge 11ml Centre streets, Rich- 'mond 11m. may 1” " My Red personally or by Rotter 011 9,11 disease, ' m. cattle, etc. Horses! -exmniucd us to 5mm m 0), also bought and sold on commission. le ' MIS'I‘S and Druggisbs, cm‘uernf Ynngc :and Centre streets, Richmond Hill. Speciul at- tention paid to presuripbions. v0} Auctioneer fax the, countyuf York, respectâ€" (f'ully smicitvs your patronage and friendly influ- ~once~ Sales uttendud on the shortest notice and :at reasonable rater; 1’“ 0. Address, 131mg. U Auctioneer for the County of York. respect- ‘fnlly solicits your patronage and friendly influ- ence 65mins Extended on the shortest notice, and at was 11:1wa rates ’1’. 0. address, Tcston. U Auctioneer for flu: County 0f ank. respech fully sulic ts yaur \Lmnuge mid friendly iuflu~ «ante. Sales nttomk Im the shortest notice anéi at reasonable (L address, Victoria. tSuno. 1’ - Auctinneor for the counties of York, Peel, Ontario and Simcoe; ulso Valum‘uor and anmisâ€" £1011 agent P. O. Addr '9, â€" B1mwnington. cg." Chancery miles utte fled Le. Purth requir- ing Mr. Patterson’s so vwcs can make arrange manta and obtain particulars at: 11:0 terms, 0:2,, at. 'THE HERALD Oflice. O Dentist, .95 King street East, Taron‘to. Best. mineral teeth inserted in n] nmuuer to suit each pmicnt Particular uttentjan given .to the :preservution and reguluti on of the natural teeth, carefully avsing all unnecessary pain. A. W, SPAULDING, Assistant. 11- Method ef extracting tor/‘1 without pain, by the use cf Ether Spray, xvhich affects the teeth only. The tooth {Ludgum surrounding be,- conxes inscnsible with the external agency, when the tooth can be extracted “with 110 1min and Without endangering the Life, as in tEe use of chloroform. Dr. Robinson will be wt the femaw- fmg places prepared to extract teeth with his new apparatus. All Office operations in Dentistry yerformed in a, workmamlike manner: AuromJ 1513, 31rd, 16th and 22nd 0i each month N ewnmrket .................. 2nd 4.112 Richmond Hill 24th 41 Mt. Albert 15th do Thornhill 23rd do Maple ....... 26th do Burwick . ., 28th do Kleinburg. ,. 28th do ~t\‘obleton . 30th (10 Nitrous 0x163 Gas always on hand at Aurora. U Sur con and 'cnnchnui'. Office, corner of Youge an Centre 53603;, Richmond Hill. MCND Jith will be generally be found at home {rum " 193 o‘clock, p. m. Jâ€" Drngs, 1\[udicincsN “'ines [LIN] Liquors for medicinul purposes, (h‘merio& v‘ ., Thornhill. By Rnyal Letters Patent hm. hm ‘) ‘Lppointcd Isâ€" wvzr of Marriage chenscs. ’ ‘HOMAS CARR, HALE R Drugs. Munliuinos. \ths‘. ms! Limm ANIEL KENNEE. LICENSE!) Auctioneer for the lentv of York. resonat- omc'esi. 3 King street East, Toronto, two doors Eeast: of Toronto street. W. H. BEATTY. \V. NICHOLAS IVIILL-ER. EDWARD M. CIIADWICK. C. R‘ W'. BIGGAH. 1). E. THOMSON. WP JJ GAR. Barristers, Attorneys-ut-an, Solici» turs in Insolvency, etc. REATTY, MILLER & BIGGAR, ’ublic, em J-J RISTERS, etc" Union Block, corner Toronto and Adelaide Sts. (opposite the new Post Oflice) Toronto. F, Usan JAMES BETHUNE. W. G. FALCONBRIDGE‘ CHARLES Moss. N. W. HOYLES. J. H. Tnom. 1 J-J TERS, Attorneys, Solicitors-in-Chu‘ncery, etc,, 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Coxut House), Toronto. V V -., y“--. w .u“ L JukaJ, isters, Attorneys‘at-Lmv, Snlicitors-in~ Chnncary, Conveyancers, etc. Officesâ€"Nos. 2, L and 6 Ontario Hull, Court street, Toronto. THOMAS mevsny . y BEATTY, CHADWICK & BIG- GAR. Burristr-rs AHm-nm-nmtjmv chum: Advertisements without written instructions ‘will be inserted until forbid and charged transient rates. I ’ ' 7 >'} Attorney, Solicitor-inâ€"Chancery, Convey- Lancer, etc‘ OflicebNo 0 Royal Insurance Build- ings, Toronto street, Toronto. ETHUNE, OSLER& MOSS, BAR RISTERS emu Union Rlnr‘lr I‘nrnnr 'Y‘nvnndw Advertisements will be inserted on this page at ‘the following mto ‘ Business Cards, out yen‘r .................. $4 00 Do six months ..... 2 50 Do thl 0 months . 1 50 v'1‘1‘amsitory advertisements. first inserticm ‘ Uo NEWMARKET, Ont, SURâ€" GEON DENTIST, woqu respectfully announce that he will visit Rich- mend Hill the 18th of each month, at Palmer’s Hotel; also attend the follnwing places, profes- sionally, Sundays excepted: Newnmrket.,. Sutton 3rd of each month. 3rd and 4th (10 I’efierlaw 5th do Mount Albert, 8th do Sandford .... 10th do Stoufiville 14th do Markham 16th (10 Aurora. 20th do All branches of Dental surgery attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate. BOULTBEE & EVATT. BARRIS- TER S, Attornnm enunnmumnh"mum. per inch ......... Each snbscqont inset 1011, per mall An inch cmnpriscs twelve lines of Nonpureil. Condensed andvm‘tismncnts, under the headings: “‘ Specialities,” “ SiihLyod," “ Last or Found,” “ For sale 01‘ To Let,” “ \Vuntcr ,” etc., each insnrtiou 25 ‘cents. 75 25 J Treasurer of Markham Township, Clerk of Division Court, Division Registrar, uLc., Main st, Unicnvflle, will be at Hull‘s Hotel, Markham, every Monday, from 9 mm. 10 4 mm” to attend to bum‘ness in connection with the curt. At his printing offices, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Terms of Subscripnanz $1.00 per annum in advance. OHN STEPHENSON, CLERK & Treasurer of Markham Township, Clerk of THE HERALD. ,‘rEO. BRO WN, M.D., PHYSICIAN ALFRED BOULTB $ERGUSON, BAIN & MEYERS A)? M. H. KEEFLER, H‘ SANDERS-0N. V.S., G.T.V.C. M. PATTERSON, LICENSED BY MEL M. BROWN, LICENSED Burristers, Solicitors in Chancery, Notarieé E O B IN SON’S, L.D,.S., NEW M. M ALLQ‘ IY,. EARRISTE R, A “H”, VOL. XVIII, N 0. 19. JAR. LXNGSTAFF. H [CH- "ERY FRIDAY MORNING NDERSON & SONS, CUE- ADAMS, L.D.S., SURGEON rds, 0GC yem‘ ‘ six months three months .. ...... advertisements, first insurticn fittrtiozmm Anna” H. Mums; fiflrfiiml. PUBLISHED BY W. KEENEDY, L.D.S., £23311. Std and 4th (10 5th do .. 8th do .. 10th do 14th (10 16th do 20th do Degtalmsurgery ailtended to‘ ()KES, LICENSED WM. WORTH EVAT'L JOHN BAL IN For further information apply at at the Offices of the Company. \VALTER S. LEE, Munuger_ RICHMOND LODGE, A. F. & A.1‘. ., No. 27}, G. R. C.- Meets in the Lodge Room, Mum}. ,. 3 [ml], on the Monday on or before full moon, LLL 8 o’clock p.111. Jus. Reynolds, W. M. IUCIIMOND L. O. L., No.779.â€"Mcots in the Tomâ€" merzmme HfllL on the F May on orbefnre full moon, m 8 o'clock p.111. J. R. Buothb)‘. W. M. This Company advances Money on the security of improved City or Country Property, re-puy‘zble by means of u. Sinking Fund, which is found to be the surest and easiest mode of repaying a 1mm. Ida“ See our reduced 10an table. For sale on rem m ble terms, the Hausos and lot cmnpl' "1154 hm.’ v '* '(5 of lund, with excel- lent gunk-,1] and 0min “1, lying South of Mr. A. L. Skuele‘s shop and norm of Mr. Alvx. Moodie’s 1'11 the \‘i1 age of Lichnwud Hill. A good Also the Sfm'b an} 17 velling House and Garden, containing half 1m new of choice fruit trees. ocâ€" cupied by Mr. A. Mqodie, subject to an unexpired lease. Apply to CRYSTAL LUDGJJ}, No. 372. U. T. OvMeots in the BIermic H2131, every Mmiday evening at 8 o’clock. A. E. Mortimer, 1’. 1). ' FOUNTAIN meic, Juvenile No. 3;}, U. T. 0.7Meefs in the Maritime Hull. every "Monday evening at 6.30 o‘clock. A. E. Mortimer, Guardian. The Mebkodisi Sabbath school Temperance Asso- .ciution issue y‘lodge cards every Sunday when desired. “in. Harrison. Supt. MECHANZKUS' INswi’rv'rmâ€"vl’iibmry of over 1000 v01- ‘ ulnes open awry Tuesday evening, in the Mn,» . sonic Hull,fi‘mii 7 to 8 ("clock 1?.E.Lmv, Li- hrm‘inn. Lectures and discussions periodically. RICHMOND HILL Film BRIGADE..â€"Mects for fire practice the first, and third Mandiiy of each month, Mink-jock pm J H Sanderson. Capt. ’CRYSTAL LODGE, U..T.O,.. BAND,~MeeLs for pincâ€" cice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7:30 old] ock. A. E. Mortimer, Leader. ‘ Deposits not exceeding $100 may be withdrawn at call; $100 and upwards subject to thirty (lmys’ notice, or 51. reduction of thirty duys‘ interest, at the option of the Dirnctors. To be entitled to in- terest, deposits must remain in the Company three months, Interest calculated from the first and 15th dgy 95 the month. The Whole Assets of the Company are invested on the scum” v of Real Estate zmd Municipal Deâ€" bentures, 1‘ why [giving the deposit as 111)- doubted sewuty for all money left with this Company. HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE AT 111-71.. , - ‘17) JHLL. ST.MAI\Y’S E'P’ISCOI’AL CHURCHâ€"services at 3 p m, except the third Sunflay of every month, when 1.136 aerlvices mud sacrament are held at 11 :L m. Sunday 5011061 at 1:30 pm. Rev B Shiixiklin, Erector. A METHODIST CHURCH 01! CANADAwseYVXCOF: at 10:30 1L m, and 6:30 p m; Sunday school at 1'30 19 m; prayer meeting every Thursday evening and S S Teachcrs’ meeting on Friday evening. J Herbert. Starr, Pastor, ‘ ~ - EMESBYTERIAN CHUle .OF CANADAâ€"Services at' 9:1 o’clock I). m; Bible class on Sunday evening at 6:30 O'clock. Rev J Dick, Pastor,» ROMAN CATHOLEC CHURCHâ€"services in order .as follows: 'i‘hornhil! at 9:00 a m, and Richnxzmd Hill (Lt 710:3(9 a. m; the foumvving Sunday at. Rich» mondgliill M 9:00 a. m, and Thurnhill at 30:30 a. m, alteamtmg with Mrkhwa every third fitmday. HON. G110. W. ALLAN, Senator, President Samuel Flatt, M‘P.‘ .................. Vice-President ])IR]EI"I’CUV~Z â€"- \Vinizun Gander]an Gun. \V. Lewis, ‘l‘hos. H. Lee, George Goodm‘ham, Hon. D. L. Mucphersou, Senator. Money received on deposit, and interest allowed at the rate of 51x per cent. per annum, com- pounded half your} RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, No. 46:3. I. O. G. Tr. Macks fin [the ’1‘empurunce Hall, every \Vednes- day evening, at 8 o‘clock. ‘Wm. Harrison, T. D, Capital, $800,000; Total Assets, $1,906,300; Re- serve Fund, $203,500. \J RIAGE licensvs for the county of York, Real Esmto and Insurance Agent Parties having farms or lots for sale, or Wishing Insur- ance on life or property will have their orders promptly attended to by the above Money to loan at 8 per 00111; on approved freehold security. Oflice, Court House, Toronto. ’ NORTHERN RAILWAYâ€"Trains pass Richmond Hill station as follows: moving south [it 9:10 a. m, 2116 p m, and 8:26 p m: moving! north, at 8:13 a 1.1], 12:40 p m, and 5:20 p in. Mr Palmer's ‘1)115 meets the morning train moving north and evening train moving soutlL THE Pnoc‘mn STAGE LINE â€"Runs in connection with the Northern Rail“ y, meeting the mornâ€" ing truin moving south and the evnning tmin moVing north. Passengers leave the Dominion Hotel at 8:10 am, arriving in Toronto at 10:20, {1nd returning leave City Hall station at 410 p m,‘nnd Brock street station nt 4225. Single ticl'uts, 50 cents; return, SOcents. S. Proctor, proprieton. 1' Insurance and Real Estate Agent. Deâ€" posits received, subject to demand, with interest. Loans negotiated. Debentures for 31110. Office, 204 Adelaide street East, Toronto, a. few doors West of the Post Oflice. 1-71 LOAN 0N FIST-(TLASS MORTGAGE SECURI- TYâ€"ill sums from $500 upwm‘ds‘ Apply to M. TEEFY, N. LYNETT, (us executors of the estate of the late Martin Broman Richmond Hill. GEO. EAKIN, ISSUER OF M AR RIAGE licensvs for the county of York IVIONEY TO LEND.â€"â€"‘2,000 TO LOAN rm FISTâ€"I'LASS \mwwumc mrmrnr. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. â€"- Mails close as follows: Morningâ€"Going south, west and east, including Maple, Thornhill, Toronto, Markham, etc, at 6:45; going north, 6:45. Evenmg~Gomg south, must and west, at 6:45. Registered letters must be handed ,in fifteen minutes earlier. \RZESTERN CANADA L O A N AND SAVINGS COMPA NV, 7 ULot, 6, rear of the 3rd (1011. Vaughan, two dry cows. One came about the 1st, inst, and the other on the 17th. ’1‘hoowneror ownurs are re- quested to prove proporty pay expenses and take them away. JOHN GIBBS. 11 old, chme into my promises about 7th Sept. lot 28. 2nd Concession Vuughun. The owner will please pay expenses and take her uwuy. W. GLASS. U 1). piece shaved off ouch horn, from Brown’s Corners, about the 15th inst. $3 reward will be paid for her recovery. JOHN OSTER. CAME INTO MY PREMISF Tmfi, fi ranv nf Hm .‘Ew‘l (Mm Advertisements of'six lines and less, under this heading; twenty-five con/s each time. TRAYED, A ROAN 00W, WITH n.1n’nmx Rhuvnfl nf‘F mmh 1mm. April 11, 1876‘ WHMOND HiLL OMX’TBUS‘RUIIS daily, leaving the Stage Hotel, Richmond Hill, at. 7:30 am, arriving in Toronto at 10:30 0, 1n, and returning, leaves the Commercial Hotel, Jarvis st, {Lt 3:20 p m, and the Bay Horse Hotel. Yonge st, at 3:30 p m. Single tickets, 40 cents; return, 75 cents. John Palmer, jr, proprietor. AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Ofl‘u‘esgxu. 70 Church street, Toronto SA VINGS BANK BRANCH. WILLIS, 135mmeg BROKER, RED HEIFER ABOUT 3 YEAR (131mg: Qimtm‘y, MONEY T0 LOAN'. JARLFS M. JENKINS, Laskuy I’.O (Fr m M. TEEFY, 6. Richmond Hill. gut fink. POST OFFICE. ~C-H‘U RC HES. gfluxwg. SOCIETIES @fitrm , TRAVEL. In speaking of' the political situation, the London Herald truthfully says:â€" -“'l‘he organs may rave as they like. Under the Administrations of Sir John Maedonald the county was wealthy,.pros- perous, and happy. Every year saw a ,surplus at the bottom of the Public Ae- ,counts. It is all changed now. The change dates from Cartwright’s first budget speech. Since that time we have 'spent thousands , on our Emigration ‘Bureau, and yet the population 01‘ the ‘eountry is nearly a quarter of a million ‘less than it was four years ago. Our lskilled mechanics have all gone to the other side. Those that remain are for- ‘tunate if they can work on half time. We do not care wether this is caused by the Free Trade proclivities of the present fGovemment or by its corruption. All ithat we know is that the country re- quires a change. The sooner it comes jthe better,” creditors ofthe said ompany, and to ex- end the same to such of them as have not yet accepted such arrangements ; and to confirm gmnts of station accomodatiou, and other rights made to the said ompany by other Railway ompanies, and for other purposes. Toronto. 19th, September, 1875. W. H. BEAT’I‘Y, Solicitor for the Applicants. Mr. Mackenzie accused the Opposition leaders of stirring up sectional jenlousies by advocating incidental protection for the producers and nmnui'ne-urers of; Ontario and Quehic, which would assur-‘ cdly dcstloy the shim)?" * and importing interests of the M «dune Provinces. The Opposition contended that a fiscal policy which should place Canada in a position of independence in her trade relations must prove benefimal to Canada as a} whole, fostering interâ€"previncizil trade, and encouraging the Dominion to I become her own carrier by opening upI direct. trade with other colonies and nations, which now obtain our products through Yankee middlemen. Commer- c1nl ixiontreal and Toronto, manulactur- ing Hamilton, agricultural Ontario, have endorsed the Opposition polisy; and now maritime Nova Scotia has rejected the brother of one of Mr. Alaekenzie’sl Ministers, to record its approval of the‘ true national policyâ€"Grillia Packet, DUULXCU UH E511“. LU " WHICH Ills poor." M. A. J. Notes and Comments. 1 The Daily Mail on Monday last is- ;sued an eighteen column supplement 'containing the speeches delivered by the 1 Right Honourable Sir John A. Macdon- ‘ aid and the Honorable William Macâ€" idougall, at the Norfolk demonstration held last week at the ’town of Simcoe. Sir John's speech occupies nearly ' ten columns. 7 I. For the information of a good many people who do not appear to have a knowledge of' the law bearing on taking I up Estray Cattle, or how to proceed in ‘order to recover expenses, we subjoin ‘the following digest of the Municipal l Act :â€"â€" J- (YIAL Land Surveyor, Civil Engineer and Draughtsumn. Orders by letter should state the concession, lot and character of survey, the sub- scrilmr having the old FIELD NOTES of the lute l). (in:an and other surveyors, which should be (msultvd in many (311,505 11‘s to original monuâ€" ments. etc“, previous to commencing work. Olfice :Lt \Villowdulu, Yonge st” in the township of York. NOTICE Is hereby given, that the Toronto Grey and Eruce Railway oxlipany, will apply to the Legislature ofthe Province of Ontario, at the next session thereof for an Act to amend the several Acts relatingr t0 the said om- pauy; and to confirm the arrangements made With the Bondholders, and other V V I EDS, Richmond Hill, have always on hand the best of beef, umtton, lmnh, veal, pork, magma, etu‘, and sell at the lowest prices for sh. Also corned (Llld spiced beef, smoked and dried hmns. The highest market price given {or cuttlv, sheep, lmuhs, etc. We quite agree with The Zliluil when it says that tne ll’eckly Globe, compiled for the use of farmers, is the most mendaeious sheet in the country, with the exception of the Daily Globe. The Mail has an unpleasant way of telling truths. Some people have the impres- sion that the weekly edition of the Globe is printed from the same type as the daily. This is not so. The type for the weekly 18 set up especially for the latter; and many instances have occur- red wherc editorials in the Weekly have read very difierent from What they did inthe daily. The reason of this is plain. The Government wish to reach the farm- ing community with false and flagrant assertions, which they dared not make every day for fear of detection. in this way are the..fatmers.being educated in the politics of their country.â€"â€"Welland chgraph. keeps constantly on hand all kinds of wand, which will be sold for the lowest nmrkct price. 001‘. Yonge and Centre St, Richmond Hill. P 8; L. C. WIDEMAN, MANUâ€" fncturors of and Dealers in Granite and Marble Monuments, Headstones, etc, Ringwood, Ont. Sntisfactiun guaranteed. P. WIDEMAN is also issuer of Marriage Li- censes. l‘ucsidonceâ€"Bingwood, Ont. STA-BLESâ€"Horses and Vehicles for hire Chavqu moderate. Opposite Sanderson :Sz Sons‘ JOH N BROWN, Proprietor. Toronto iV-L nmrtgnge of fmm pro )orty, at eight per cent. inturcst,i11 sums to suit )orrowors. No com- mission. Apply to BLAKE 36 KINGSFORD, 10 Adelaide SC._E fist, Toronto. VVOOD YARDâ€"JOHN BROWN) knons‘ mmstmfilv nn 'hmwd 11.11 kinds of and fixtures of the premises, situated at the corner of Young and Bloor streets, Torunco, for snln. Satisfactoryreasons given for selling. Apply to JOSEPH GABX’, on the promises. RICHMOND HILL LIVERY R'l‘A-RTAWS,â€"T-an§es n‘nfl Vn‘hir‘lna fnr him W. MONEY'TO LEND ON FIRST nmrtgnmx, of finwn hrnnnvtv nf. m'nhf. nor Jâ€" ING, with Post (mice, in Purpleville, lot '25, rear of 6th Con. Vaughan. Immediate possesâ€" sion if required. Enquire of Mrs McCartney, ‘l’urplevillc, or \\’m. Denton,M0rchunt, Uurrville. Advertisements of six lines and less, under this heading, twenty-five cents each time. T0 RENT A STORE & DWELLâ€"J ING wifh 'Pnnh :m‘mn in annnvmn 1m on i)ETEI{ S. GIBSON, PROVIN- EASE, LICENSE. GOODWILL W. JARVIS, SHERIFF OF the county of York. Ofiice-Court House, H. S; R. PUGSLEY, BUTCH- Elimvmummufi, fipwialtiw. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, CAN ADA,‘ OCTOBER 6, 1876. For the information of a good many people who do not appear to have a knowledge of' the law bearing on taking up Estray Cattle, or how to proceed in order to recover expenses, we subjoin the following digest of the Municipal Act :â€" “At once, as aoon as the beast is taken up, word should be sent to the Clerk of the Township; and then, if a public journal is at all convenient and likely to reach the section from which such beast is supposed to have come, an advertise- ment should be inserted describing the time the beast was taken up, and its color, etc., so as to lead to its recovery by its owner. If this course is pursued there will be found no difficulty in recov- ering reasonable charges, but it is run- ning considerable risk to keep a beast for two or thee weeks or a month or two, then advertise, and when it is claimed, present a bill for all the keep consumed.” It is now four months since we took charge of THE HERALD, formerly known as the YORK HERALD, during which; time we have been necessarily subject to heavy expenses in changing and improving the paper, which from being formerly what is called a, “patent l‘outside” is now printed at home and although to the present time the circulation of' the jour- nal has increased one fourth, yet there is still room for more subscribers, and We beg to ask our friends personally and politically to aid us in extending our boundaries: To those who have to the present time so generously assisted us by their support and sympathies, we tender our grateful thanks and acknowledge- ments, more especially on this score is our thanks due to thelf'riends who keep us posted on matters of local interest. The following, taken from the Oshawa Vindicator, tells its own story and should be a warning to the Conservatives of all the York Ridings, to bestir them- selves in the matter loOking after the Voters’ Lists of their different munici- palities. “ The Voters’ Court for Oshawa was concluded on Thursday last. The Con servatives had entered 75 appeals, on which they had 45 names put on, 13 struck off, and abandoned and dismissed 4. The balance was for technical cor» motions. The Government party made 64 appeals on which they had 7 names struck off, 9 placed on and no less than 48, or three fourths, were abandoned or dismissed. The result is a Conservative gain of 42. This speaks volumes for the fairness with which the assessor, Mr. Bailes, a Conservative, did his wmk. The Retormers have been urged to look after the rolls, and the Globe daily dinned the exhortation into the ears ofthe party. Its effect was to arouse Conservatives and in'luee them to push the work and see what could be made ofit, and they have gained in East and West Whitby and Oshawa 79 votes,” On the 4th inst, at the residence of the bride’s father, Currville, by the Rev. G.J. Reeve. G. J. Cook, Esq., of the firm of Cook Bros, Currville, to J rule, second daughter of \Vm. Denton, general merchant. Below we acknowledge subscriptions to THE HERALD received smce last issue: 963 Geo. Stevenson, Thornhill. 9 :3 Rflblpson, Richmond Hill. 011 the 27th of 861717., the wife of Mr. T. F. “ralâ€" lnce, of the firm of Messrs. Wallace Bros. of Woodbridge, of :1 son. On the 23rd Sept” the wife of Mr. John McCal- lum of Woodbridge, of a. daughter. 1008 D. B. Wiumoz; Richmond Hill. Their prayers to man unhee‘ded falls, And naught of succour gives them he; Of his slumbering babes he thinks, And “ never gives id cli§rififl Then what reward in Heaven for him, Fran: heaven what Should he implore Wlm 1km ignores his Savxor’s words; Spoken on earth to “ watch 1113 poor.” ’Tis Autumu, and the Winter’s blast Will soon howl fierce on rich and poor; The rich around their friends, Will never look beyond the door. They do not look to wretched homes, And starved children in their sleep Shuddering with cold, and starting now. The wind is cuttingâ€"coals not cheap. The father gazing on his child, Sit rocking in his seat. with woe : The mother prays to God and man, But knows not where. for help to go. Gold is the blast, and through the cracks It whistles cuttiugito the bone; But there is 2none to hear their prayers, None but their God and he alone. SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED @rigizmt 3mm. TVrittcn for The Herald. MARRIED BORN. X Best 12 roots Greystone turnip, W. W. i-Tgule,.Â¥9§kyille. $1.50. Bridal boquet, C. Skinfier, Davisville, 2nd. ' ' - Best 3 heads Brussels sprouts, G. Vair; 3rd W. W. Tattle. 3 heads red cabbage, G. Conp er, 3rd. Best 3 heads St. Dennis cabbage, J. Nic- holson, Leslxeville. Best onions white, J. Nicholson, Leslie‘ ville. Best potatoes 6 varities, W, W. Tattle; Yorkville. Best. 3 dgstmgt stoveplauts, G. ,Vair, York‘ ville. ' . . . s Best collection of Dahlias, Leslie &,Sons, took nearly all the prizes. ’ â€" ' Best floral design, C. Skinner, Davisvilie. Wreath of flowers, 0. Skinner, 2nd. Best H. P. cutflowers, Leslie & Sons. Kidney beans, W. W. Tattle, YOIkville, 2nd Onions pickling, W. W. Tattle, York- ville 2nd. ' » A meeting of the friends of temperance was held at. Sunderland last Monday, to take steps towards petitioning the County Council to submit the Dunkin Act to this County. Mr. St. John was ap- pointed President, and Mr. Cockburn, Secretary.» A Vice-President was ap- pointed in every municipality in the rid- ing, Whose duty is to takevnecessary steps towards effecting a thorough cau- vass. The Vice-Presidents are Mr. McClung, Brock; Mr. Cockburm, Ux- bridge; Mr Watson, 'l‘horah, and Mr. McNabb, Beaverton. The Association is to meet again at Uxbridge sometime in October.â€"Gleaner On Thursday afternoon last Mr. Andrew Lowes, a farmer residing near Derryville, was in a field setting fire to some stumps accompanied by his son aged about four years, when by some means the clothes of the child caught fire, and in his fright he ran towards the house. In doing so he passed close by a stack of peas, which took fiire, and was totally consumed, together with the barns and all this season’s crop. The little boy was so badly humid that he died the next day. Mr. Lowes’ loss on his barns and crop we have not learned, though we believe there was some insur- ance.â€"-Gleancr¢ Best apples Northern Spy, G.Cooper, 500. Best pears 10 kinds, G. Vair, Yorkville, $3.50; 2nd Leslie & Sons, $2. » Best pears Barletts, Leslie & Sons, 50c. hBest plums Golden Drop, Leslie & Sons, Best grapes Black Hamburg, Leslie & Sons, $1. . V Best grapes any kind, G. Vair, 50c. Best green flesh melon, J. Cobper, $1. Best red or scarlet melon, J. Nicholson, Leslieville, $1; 2nd C. Skumer, Davisville, 50c. Best salsify, J. Nicholson, Leslieville; 3rd W. W. Tattle, Yorkville. Sweet corn, Gr. Cooper, Leslieville, 3rd. Tomatoes red, P. Armstrong, 2nd. Best tomatoes yellow, J. Nicholson. Tomatoes any kind, Parker Wiles, York- ville, 3rd. Best vegetable marrow, G. Leslie & Sons. Best rag mat, Miss West, Thornhill. $4. Best plums Damsons, W. ~Tattlev Yorkville. ~ ' - ' Best 6 exotics, G. Vair,» 'Yorkvill'e. " King and Whitchurch Union Show, at Aurora, on Thursday and Friday, 10th and 11th October. ' Best apples Gravenstin, Leshe &, Sons, 50c. 500. Hanging baskets ofplants, G. Vair, York- ville, 2nd. ' - Township 01‘ Pickering, at Brougham on Wednesday 0nd Thursday, 11th and 12th October. Scarboro Township, at Woburn, on Friday, 13th October. Best apples Pomme Grise, G, Murray, 50c. Best bushel Carter potatoes, P. Arm- strong, Yorkville, 75c. , Best apples 20 varities, Leslie & Sons, $6; 2nd Geo. Cooper, ' Best apples 4 varities, Leslie & Sons, $3. Beat apples fall pippins, Leslie & Sons, $5. _ _Best apples snow, G. Murray, Yorkville, 50c. 500. Onions yellow, G. Cooper. Leslieville, 2nd. Best span of walking or farm horses, A. Doherty, Scarboro. $10. Best bushpl Garnet Chili potatoes, W. W. Tattle, Yorkville. $1.50. Best farm or general purposes horses, J. Whlteside, Agincourt, $10 ; 2nd A. Do- berty, $8; 3rd J. Roach, York Township, $5. Best heavy draught horses, Jas. Lawrie, M'zillverpl $10 ; 2nd Dugald McLean, York Mills, $8 Best carriage horse, G. W. Regme, Les- Iiev1lle, $4. Best stallion heavy draught any age. Jas. Lawrio, Malvetn, $8. The following are some of the prizes given at the Toronto Electoral Division So- ciety‘s Exhibition held in the city last week. Besé carriage stallion any age, J. W. Regme, Leslieville, $10; 2nd I. Breakey, Don River. $8. Best water melon, P. Armstrong, $1. Best crabs 3 kinds, Leslie & Sons. $1. Onions red, G. Cooper, Leslieville, 2nd. Best apples [Eso pus, G. Cooper, 50c. Best apples Seek no Further, G. Murray, Best grapes grown under glass, G. Vair, M. Teefv, an. TORONTO EXHIBITION. Ontario County. FALL FAIRS. The reportvfrom Vienna that Russia and the United States have concluded a treaty by which the former ceded the Port of Ohko'tsk to the latter, 4:0,, is news to the Departmen! of State, which never heard of such n. Mum” excepting 111101131]: [D9 news- papers. The war news from the East are very critical, Russia is makingr great preparations and the Austria. government has called in recruits earlier than usual. England has in- timated that she neither approves of nor will co-operate in a military occupation of Turkey, but will be governed solely by her own interests. A despatch from Burcharest states that Mr. Abbot, brother of the German who was assassinated at SalonicaY has been mur- dered, together with his family. Timothy Warren Anglin, the Speaker, says it is all a mistake about him having received a printing contract, by which he made $8000, from the Government. He says it is another man by the name of Timothy Warren Anglin, ajob printer. They both came from the same town and both go to dinner in the same boots, but at the same time they are totally differ- ent people. What bothers us is to know how that one knows when it is time for him to assume charge and attend to bus- ness that does not belong to the other. It must be very inconvenient, butlike every- thing else we suppose they get used to it. As Toodles used to say this, dual Timothy may be “ a very handy thing to have in the house,” but it doesn’t detract any from the illegality of the fraud. Speaker Anglin should step down and out.â€"â€"-â€" West Durham News. On Monday and as long as the weather was favourable yesterday, the sun‘s disc was carefully scanned by parties at the Magnetic Observatory and at various other points thoughout the city who were watching for the transit of the sup- posed new planet ‘Vulean, but nothing was seen that would indicate the pres- ence of the planet, the existence of which is doubted by many astronomers of the present day.â€"Mail The. Bond Eau News has been en- larged from twenty eight to thirty-two columns. “’0 will send THE HERALD to any any person’s address for the sum of twenty cents received with the order, from now until the epd of the yeah The fall Assizes opened on Tuesday, at Lindsay, before Mr. Justice Patterson, among the cases are two of attempted trainâ€" wrecking. ' A meeting: of the English Cabinet was held on Tuesday. Important action was taken in relation to the Eastern question. Ari-American correspondent at Constant- inople states ihaL the situation is so critical that he thinks an American fleet should be sent to the Bosphorous to protect the lives and property 'of Americans. The news from the East is still very far from being re-assuring. Earl Carnarvon gives it as his opinion that Europe is not far from being on the brink of war, and even well-wishers of Turkey are forced to admit, in view of tlie Porte’s vacillatory policy. that persuasion is not what is needed to bring the war to a close. Servia. has de- clared her intention of yielding only to foreign intervention, and Russia is already making extensive preparations for a possible descent upon Turkey by way of Boumahin. Austria, however is reported to he opposed to Russia's intentions. and the Austrian, as well as the German press, breathes a very general spirit of hostility to the Czar. Another massacre is reported from Salonica Messrs. Lount & Lount, of Barrie, have been engaged to take proceedmgs against the County Council for appro- priating to themselves, contrary to law, twclve dollars additional sessional allow- ance.â€"S. S. Nuns. There is some difficulty between the Great Western Railway and the Hamilton and North-western, a. writ of injunction has been taken out by Ike former against the latter. Mr. Coulson of Montreal has been ap. pointed to succeed Mr. Hague as cashier of the Bank of Toronto, Toronto. The Egyptian bondholders in England have requested Mr. Guschen, M. P., to pro- ceed to Egypt and look after their interests- Mr. Goschen has accepted the mission. An attempt was made on Sunday morn- ing to fire lhe dwelling house of Mr. Mc- Crea, police magistrate at Chatham. Charms are being made out of clay dug out of sewers in Winnipeg, which are said to be very pretty. The Bishop of Ontario, confirmed thirty- six applicants for the rite at. Thomasburg’ on Sunday last. Mr. C. C. Wynyard the paying-teller of the Bank of Montreal, has mysenoualy dis- appeared at Hamilton. Mr. Jefferson Holden fell from the steeple ofa Methodist Church Hamilton, by which he met his death. The man Sweeney who was shot at Ham- flton, by a man named Sparks is yet. in a dangerous condition. Mr. Ritchie has been re-elected as Mayor, for Halifax without opposixion, the election took place on Monday. The death of Mr. Sampson, late financml editor of the London Times, is announced. Unsuccessful attempts have been made to assassinate the President. of Hayti. Two hundred Spanish soldiers have been captured by Cuban insurgents. There has been a run on several saving Banks in New York. The first snow of the season fell on Lake Superior ou the 28th uh. The Week’s News. The ancient church of All Hallows in Road street, London, is to be pulled down. Mil- ton was cluistened in It, and in 1555 the rector, Lawrence Saun’ :d for heresy by order The family of Sir Isaace Newton is at the present’duy legn'iisvnted by the Earl of'Porh smouth, whose {inr‘gsflorlnzu'l‘ied a daughter of the philosoplmz-‘s niece, and a mass of Newton’s mmnuwripts have been flcareflflly preserved at Hurslboume. The Times Berlin correspondent gives substantially the same account of the L'zar’s letter to the Emperor of Austria and that. given by its l" is correslaondent, and pub- lished this may ug. He also sayszâ€"Tbe Czar also pi‘op‘ has that. Servia shall retain her present. iudspcudcnce under Russian Generals. Sunday trading in Leather Lane, London, has been all but abolished: m; fiéli‘yeafii'r'ep fit- ish Railway shows a 4, against an eXpenmre o r .o ,o . he net revenue available for dividend is £337, 955. That is evidently a paying institution. There is residing in Revis Marks, an elderlyvlady, hale and hearty, and m posses- sion of all her faculties, who was born Aug. ust 25th, 1776, and who therefore, hat,» com; pleted her 100th year. Nearly the whole of herlit'e has been spent in the city of London. Notwithstanding the serious steps taken by her, there is a. pretty general conviction that Russia. does not wish to go to war. A report comes from Vienna. that Rusuia has concluded a. treaty with Ihe United States ceding a portion of Okhotsk, in Siberia, in return for iron-clads. The rumour is circulated by the Vienna Freic Presse. Lord Russel has entered his 85th year. He began his Parliamentary career (53 years‘ ago. having, almost as soon as he had at- tained his majority, been rem'ned t0 the House of Commons by Tavistock, one of the burghs whosa representation was controlled by his father John Bright addressed a meeting of the Manchester Reform Club on the Eastern question. He spoke strongly against the support of Turkey by British arms. and ex- pressed a belief in the desirability ofconvolt- mg Parliment tor the purpose of discussing the Ministerial policy in this direction. Another addition has been to the British peerage in the person of Lord Bury, who will take his title from his father’s barouy 0i Ashfnrd. The new Earl began his po- litical life as an extreme Liberal, but of late years he has been verging strongly upon Conservatism of a very pronounced type. {15 a power in politics he disappointed the expectation of his friends. It, is imnoe'rible to exaggerate the intense~ feeling of ll 'tiatiOIi which swells the heart of Great l i; :1 on the subject ofthe Turkv ish atl'0('lLi in Bulgaria. Nothing com- parable tn ' as occnred within the present getiex‘atitiiti \zblic meetings are being held throughout t1 country protesting against the crueltieé‘, denouncing the inaction of the: Govemment, and devising means tor the reâ€" lief ofthe sufferers. Mr.Gladstone has added. fuel to the fire by the publication of l pamphlet'which contains a. formidable indict-- ment against the Goverment. There is a strong demand foi‘ an autumnal session of Parliament to discuss the matter. A special despatch from Berlin to the Times says that considerable portions of the Russian army have received orders to be ready for immediate concentration. The cavalry and field artillery are now on a War footing and the infantry are ready to march. The Egyptian Goverment has paid over to the International Commissional the sum of £650,000 account of the coupon due on January 15le next, and it is armcipated that. the amount required for the payment of the whole interest will bein the hands of the Commission on ,the lst of December. LONDON, Oct. 2.â€"-A telegram to the= Times from Belgrade says: A deapatchx from the head quarters of the army of tho~ Moravia announces that on Friday the Turks for Schiljegowatz attacked 1113‘- Servians on two sides. On Friday evening both sides maintained their positions. The» fighting was resumed on Saturday. The’ Servians sustained heavy loss. The Rus- sians displayed great bravery. Two Sew vian and thirty Russian officers were killed. The same despatch says a rumour has reached Belgrade that Turkey will accept the peace conditions, provided Servxa be made to so likewise; Four hundred Rus~ sians arrived at Belgrade on Saturday. Mr, Bright, M. P., wrote a letter from Scotland, expressing his inability to attend” the Birmingham meeting. The right hon. gentleman said: “Iznn glad to hear of~ your meeting; it. will be a strong manfesta- tion of opinion I do not doubt. The excite- ment which now prevails will, I trust, en- tirely change the policy of England in re- gard to Turkey. The eu-ors and the crimes of 1854-56 have borne their natural fruit“ and the result has done much to open the eyes of our countrvmen. The future ought to be wiser than the past. LONDON, Oct. 2.â€"-'l‘he Times” corres- pondent at the Turkish headquarters says Thursday’s battle, both as regards. home and numbers engaged, was ', .edly the greatest of the whole war. In ont tow~ ‘urds Moruva the Servian attack ‘ _ merely- directed against the Turkish brill” . The main attack was against the Tugish left- wing under Builz and Ali Pasha, 1 ordeu. t0‘cut otf the Turkish retreat to Nisch, Morava. at Drahevoe, and advanced by way of Jesiva against the Turkish wing and Fal- sey De Pasha. This double flanking move- ment completely failed and the Servians by- noon were driven back at all points with great loss. They subsequently renewed the: attack against the Turkish left three times” but were on every time repulsed with great: loss, the Turks having kept in the defence“ Their loss was only 350 wonnded havmg been brought in. Amongst the dead, on the Servian side, are many Russian oflicers., The officers had to drive the Servian soldiers, to the attack at swords’ point. EASTERN WAR DISPATOHES. WHOLE No. 950. British and Foreign EUROPEAN:

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