l . a}. M. Teefv_ Esq. VOL. XVIII, NO. 252. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, OANADA. OCTOBER 27, 1876;. THE HERALD. PUBLISHED BY M. H. KEEFLER, EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, At his printing ofï¬ces, Yonge Street, Richmond 1 Hill, Ontario. stung... ' ONEY TO LEND ON FIRST M mission. Apply to BLAKE & KINGSFORD, 10 Adelaide St. East, Toronto. m “HONEY TO LEND.â€"â€"$2,000 TO LOAN 0N FIST-CLASS MORTGAGE SECURI» TYVin sums from $500 upwards. Apply to M. TEEFY, N. LYNETT, (as executors of the estate Terms of Subscription: $1.00 per annum in advance. Advertisements will be inserted ' the following rates: on ï¬ns page M Business Cards, one year $4 00 i of the late Martin Brennan,) Richmond Hill. D0 SlX months. . 2 50 . .Do three month 1 50 Transitory advertisements ï¬r. per inch ........ Each subseqent ins , 1 An inch comprises twelve lines of Nonpareil. Condensed advertisements, under the headings : Specialities,†“ strayed," “ Lost or Found,†“ For sale or To Let," “Wanted,†etc., each insertion 25 cents. Advertisements without written instructions will be inserted until forbid and charged transient rates. gtvgal. MI- MALLOY, BARRISTER, i L Attorney, Solicitoriin-Chancery, Convoy- ancer, etc. Ofï¬ce â€"No 6 Bo 'al Insurance B ild- lugs, Toronto street, Toronth. u BOULTBEE & EVATT, BARRIS- TERSM Attorneys, Solicitors-in-Cliancery. etc., 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court , House), Toronto. ALFRED BOULTBEE. , WILLIS, BANKER. BROKER, ‘ Insurance and Real Estate Agent. DO- posits received, subject to demand, with interest. Loans negotiated. Debentures for sale. 031%, 20; Adelaide street East, Toronto, a few doors west of the Post Ofï¬ce. . EO. EAKIN, ISSUER OF MAR- RIAGE licenses for the county of York, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Parties having farms or lots for sale, or wishing Insur- once on life or property will have their orders promptly attended to by the above. 'Money to loan at 8 per cent on approved freehold security. Oflice, Court House, Toronto. ‘ AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Ofï¬cesâ€"No. 70 Church street. Toronto. Capital, $800,000; Total Assets, $1,906,300; Re- serve Fund, $203,500. ESTERN CANADA LOAN HON. GEO. W. ALLAN, Senator, President. Samuel Platt, M.P., .................. Vice-President. . DIRECTORS â€" William Gooderham, Geo. W. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, George Gooderham, Hon. D. L. Macpherson, Senator. SA VINGO' BANK BRANCH. Money received on deposit, and interest allowed at the rate of six per cent. per annum, comâ€" pounded half yearly. Deposits not exceeding $100 may be withdrawn at call; $100 and upwards subject to thirty days' 3 notice, or a reduction of thirty days" interest, at & BAR_ « the option of the Directors. To be entitled to in» RISTERS‘ etc†Union Block. owner’Tomnto terost, depos1ts must remain in the Company End Adelaide Sts. (opposite the new Post Oflicc), {giflgï¬cmuted from the mm OI‘OD O. , , The Iolc Asset“. of the Company are invested 1;", (gall/E’CONBRIDGE on thegcurity or dual Estate and Municipal Dc- N HO‘YI ES ' bcntures, thereby lIlYlllg tho depositors un- ~ ' ‘ ' doubted security for all money left with this ‘â€" ~u A... a Company. WM. WORTs EVATT. - 1 ERGUSON, BAIN & MEYERS, Barristers, Attorncys-at-Law. Solicitorsâ€"in- Chancery, lonvcyanccrs, etc. Ofï¬cesâ€"Nos. 2, l and 6 Ontario Hull, Court street, Toronto. THOMAS Fniirusox, Q.(‘.. JOHN BAIN. ADAM 1L MYERS. JAMES BETHUNR. CHARLES Moss. J. H. THOM. MONEY TO LOAN This Company advances Money on the security of improved City or Country Property, re-payablc by means of a Sinking Fund. which is found to be the surest and easiest mode of repaying a loan. ,, EATTY, CHADWICK & BIG- GAR, Barristers, Attorneys-atâ€"Law, Solici- tors in Insolvency. etc. EATTY, MILLER & BIGGAR,, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery. Notaries Public, etc. Ofï¬cesâ€"56 King street East, Toronto, two doors east of Toronto street. W. H. BEATTY. W. NIOIIOLAs MILLER. EDWARD M. CnAmvrcK. C. R. W. BIGGAR. .13. E. THOMSON. . Lt? See our reduced loan table. For further information apply at at the Ofï¬ces WALTER S. LEE. Manager. of the Company. gar Sub. m Elliptical. BEAT JOINT SALE OF G 35 Short-horn Cattle, 25 Cotswold Sheep and ‘60 Berkshire Swine, at Thornhill. Ontario, on i v . . . y W ndnosday, N )VOlillJOl 15th, at 1.2 o clock, noon, R. JAS. LANGSTAFF, RICH-k b D precisely. For catalogues apply to F. J‘. D. Smith, MOND HILL, W111 1.0 generally be found , Newtonbrook; M. J. Corkcry, Thornhill; Hodge at home from 2 to 3 o'clock, p. m. & Ketchley, York Mills; Henry Lemon, Thornhill; ..__M I I _ , M Thos. Armstrong. Aurora. G E0. BROWN, M.D., PHYSICIAN Surgeon and Accouchcur. Ofl‘lco, corner of Tonga and Centre Streets, tichmond Hill. '1‘WO VILLAGE LOTS F O R S A L E, On Centre street west, Richmond Hill. - H. SANDERSON, V.s., G.T.V.C., 0 corner of Yongo and Centre streets, Rich-1 Inond Hill, may be consulted personally or by letter on all diseases of horses, cattle, etc. HGrses examined as to soundness, also bought and sold on commisswn. SANDERSON & SONS, CHE- ;0 MISTS and Dmggists, corner of Yonge and Centre streets, Richmond Hill. Special at- tention paid to prescriptions. ’FIIOMAS CARR, DEALER 1N1 Drugs, Medicines, Wines and Liquors for,l medicinal purposes, Groceries, ctc., Thornhill.‘ By Royal Letters Patent has been appointed Is- suer of Marriage Licenses. glutinous. Apply to JAMES W l DEMAN, HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE AT RICHMOND IIILL. For sale on reasonable terms, the Houses and lot comprising half an acre of land, with excelâ€" lent garden and orchard, lying south of Mr. A. L. Skeelo‘s shop and north of Mr. Alex. Moodie’s store, in the village of Richmond Hill. A good business stand. Also the Store and DwellingHouso and Garden, containing half an acre of choice fruit trees, 0c» cupicd by Mr. A. Moodie, subject to an unexpired lease. Apply to JAMES M. JENKINS, Laskay 17.0. 01‘ to M. TEEFY, Richmond Hill. AMES C. STOKES, LICENSED Auctioneer for the county of York, rcspectâ€" l fully solicits! your patronage and friendly influ- ence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. P. 0. Address, King. ANIEL KINNEE, LICENSED Auctioneer for the County of York, respect- fully solicits your patronage and friendly influ- ence. Sales attended on the shortest notice, and at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, Teston. AMUEL M. BRWON, LICENSED April 11, 1876. Tillage shimmy, SOCIETIES. RICHMOND LODGE, A.F. <9; A. M., No. 23, G. R. C.â€" Meets in the Lodge Room, Masonic Hall, on the Monday on or before full moon, at 8 o‘clock pm. Jas. Reynolds, W. M. RICHMOND L. O.L.,No.778.â€"~Meets in the Tom- ' mortgage of farm property, at eight per cent. interest, In sums to suit borrowers. No com- steam: $251151ch7. AUCTION BILLS PRINTED AT this ofï¬ce will be noticed as under FREE. Great joint sale of 35 Short-horns, 25 Cotswolds, and 60 Berkshires, at Thornhill, Levi Fair- banks, Auctioneer. THURSDAY, Nov. 9, at 12 o’clock, noon, precisely.â€" Credit sale of Farm Stock, Implements, ctc., on the farm of Mrs. Thomas Dewsberry, VVil- lowdale, Yonge street. S. Eckardt, Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 1, at 1 o’clock, panâ€"Credit sale of Horses, Milch Cows and sheep, at the Palmer House, Richmond Hill, the property of Spailtltits. Adveriz‘scmcnls of six lmes and less, under this heading, twenty-ï¬ve cents each time. T0 RENT A STORE 8; DWELL- ING, with Post Ofï¬ce, in Purplevillo, lot 25. rear of 6th Con. Vaughan. Immediate posses- swn if required. Enquire of Mrs. McCartney, Purpleville, or Wm. Dcnton, Merchant, Carrville. I EASE, LICENSE. GOODWILL J and ï¬xtures of the premises, situated at the corner of Yonge and Bloor streets, Toronto, for sale. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. Apply to JOSEPH GABY, on the premises. gillsccllmwous, M' WELLS. SURGEON J" Dentist, residence at Aurora, will Visit the following places: Richmond Hill .. 18th of each month. Markham ...... 8th (lo Stouil‘ville 10th do Th oi‘nhill 2061.1 (10 Maple ...... 22nd do r~ Mï¬~dqmmma>molr~o ' Egoâ€Â§ dsgg'sggngï¬zg .8 ‘0 'E‘“ï¬m'.:>x~~:o:;m:â€"W’sd C 4'1“ (f. "'gc-éggdmgâ€â€œm Egan-ESGB. p . m 5â€â€œ. H ï¬'"so~«l‘r~'§:“55<9Ҥ3 esbï¬ï¬‚egwhogggaoa>p§hu 2 “02h 3'“ “‘3 vszvommfloass a DOST-1:4: CPUHLONDON («Jonahfl Bâ€"‘asuHa ._. UP, mg m sflmï¬E'ï¬.‘ '5' Osï¬m-PECD Hmm 833:.7’75 .20 dinwflqï¬ :33 ’3 “‘5 Uflowhu "roman £1.95: H: 0 not)? on?" .HPJL .4 E.â€"O.~u .. cï¬iva pâ€"leâ€"J .503 "43;.“5-4'40‘: ssgcris"‘l~’ Qm’F-lw LL ggsugssé ggsosï¬ssso‘ <2 mgh¢uBmH.-4:Salï¬nszsa F W. JARVIS, S HE RIFF OF - the county of York. Ofï¬ceâ€"Court House. Toronto. CHMOND IIILL L I V E R Y I R STABLES.iHorses and Vehicles for hire. Charges moderate. Opposite Sanderson & Sons. JOHN BROWN, Proprietor. .‘ 00D YARDâ€"JOHN BROWN kceps constantly on hand all kinds of wood,wliich will be sold for the lowest market price. Cor. Yonge and Centre St, Richmond Hill. 13 & L. O. WIDEMAN, MANU- 0 facturors of and Dealers in Granite and Marble Monumcnts, Headstones. ow, Ringwood, Ont. Satisfaction guaranteed. P. VVIDEMAN is also issuer of Marriage Li- censes. Residenceâ€"Ringwood, Ont. I“; II. a R. PUGSLEY, BUTCH- ERS, Richmond Hill, have always on hand the best of beef, mutton, lamb, veal, pork, sausages, etc., and sell at the lowest prices for cash. Also corned and spiced beef, smoked and dried hams. The highest market price given for cattle, sheep, lambs, etc. PETER S. GIBSON, P R O V I N- CIAL Land Surveyor, Civil Engineer and Draughtsman. Orders by letter should state the concession, lot and character of survey, the sub- scriber having the old FIELD NOTES of the late 1). (i InsON and other surveyors, which should be consulted in many cases as to original monu- ments, eta, previous to commencing work. Oï¬icc at \Villowdalc, Yonge st, in the township of York. NOTICE Is hereby given, that the Toronto Grey and ’iruce Railway Company, will apply to the Legislature oflhe Province of Ontario, at the next. session thereof for an Act to amend the several Acts relating to the said Com- pany; and to Conï¬rm the arrangements made wuh the Bondholdcrs, and other Creditors oflhe said Company, and to ex- tend lhc some to such of them as have not yet accepted such arrangements ; and to coullrm grams of station accomodatiou, and other rights made to the said Company by perance Hall, on the Fliday On or before full ‘ ' f h f . Aucmonem or t 6 county 0 York' reaped} moon, at 8 o’clock p.111. J. R. Boothby, W. M. fully solicits your patronage and friendly influ» ence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and . . . . . RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, NO, 460, I. O. 0.1.â€" M' rellsonï¬â€™ble rates' P’ 0‘ address’ thona' Meets in the Temperance Hall, cvcryVVcdncsâ€" squme' day evening, at 8 o’clock. W’m. Harrison, T. I). CRYSTAL LODGE, No. 372, U. T. O.~l\lccts in the Masonic Hall, every Monday evening at 8 o’clock. A. E. Mortimer, P. D. FOUNTAIN LODGE, Juvenile NO. 35, U. T. O.â€"4\Icets in the Masonic Hall, every Monday evening at 6.30 o’clock. .A. E. Mortimer, Guardian. The Methodist Sabbath school Temperance Asso- ciation issue pledge cards every Sunday when desired. Wm. Harrison, Supt. MECHANIos’ INSTITUTE .â€"Librnry of over 1000 vol- umes open every Tuesday evening, in the Mn.- sonic Hall, from 7 to 8 o’clock. R. E. Law, Liâ€" brarian. Lectures and discussions periodically. RICHMOND HILL FIRE BRIGADH.â€"â€"Mcets for ï¬re practice the first and third Monday of each month, at 7 o’clock pm J H Sanderson, Capt. CRYSTAL LODGE, U.T.O., BAND.â€"l\leets for prac- tice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock. A. E. Mortimer, Leader. CHURCHES. ST. MARv‘s EPISCOPAL CHURCH~SerYlCCS at 3 p 131, except the third Sunday of every month, when the services and sacrament are held at 11 a or. Sunday school at 1;30 p 131, Rev B Shanklin, Rector. METHODIST CHURCH OF CANADA~Serviccs at 10:30 a m, and 6:30 p 111; Sunday school at 2:30 p In; prayer meeting every Thursday evening and S S Teachers’ meeting on Friday evening. J W M. PATTERSON, LICENSED Auctioneer for the counties of York, Peel, Ontario and Simone: also Valuator and Commis- sion agent. P. 0. Address, â€" Blooniington. '3’ Chancery sales attended to. Parties requir» ' ing Mr. Patterson’s services can make arrange- ments and obtain particulars as to terms, etc, at I 'THE HERALD Ofllcc. C. ADAMS, L.D.S., SURGEON ' Dentist, 95 King street East, Toronto. Best mineral teeth inserted in a: manner to suit each patient. Particular attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth, carefully avoing all unnecessary pain. A. W. SPAULDING, Assistant. R 0 B I N S 0 NS, L.D.S., NEW ' Method of extracting teeth without pain, by the use of Ether Spray, which affects the teeth oniy, The tooth and gum surrounding be. (comes inscnsible with the external agency, when the teeth can be extracted With'no pain and Iwithout endangering the life, as in the use of bhloroforin, Dr. Robinson Will be at the follow- ;hig pl arcs pre , ared to extract teeth with 1118.118“! apparatus. ll ofllce operations in Dentistry Performed in a workmanlike manner: urora, 3st, 3,111, 16th and 22nd of each month Herbert Starr, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADAVSeerCOS.flb 11 o’clock a 111; Bible class on Sunday evening at 0:30 O‘clock. Rev J Dick, Pastor. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHâ€"services in order as méwnmrkeh “ """ and do follows: Thornhill at 0:00 a m, and Richmond Bichmond Btu ’ “fl; and 24th do Hill at 10:30 a In; the following Sunday at Rich- Mt' All)?†Pm do mond,Hill at 9:00 a m, and Thornhilli at 10.30 $11,],Oï¬ghlh g: a. in, alternating with Markham every third Jiufwick 28a; do Sunday. Kleinburg . 28th do TRAVEL. élobleton 30th do NORTHERN RAH.w.Avâ€"â€"Trains pass Richmond Hill station as follows: moving south at 0:10 am, 2:10 p in, and 8:26 p m; movmg north, at 811.5 a. In, 1:2:10 p m, and 5:20 p 11L fSâ€"itrous Oxide Gas always on hand at Aurora. . KENNEDY, L.D.S., with the Northern Railway, meeting the morn- ing train moving south and the evening tram moving north. Passengers leave the Dominion Hotel at 8:10 a In, arriving in Toronto at 10:20, mend Hill the 18th of each month, at Palmer's ’ Hotel; also attend the following places, profes- sionally. Sundays excepted: NPWIDWkOt" ------- 3rd or each month- and returning leave City Hall station at 4'10 Sutton “SN and 4th do 1‘ ‘1,ll.1’l(l Brock street station at 4:25. Single PEï¬ngaï¬ï¬ t I g0 Ll..liCl.S, 50 cents; return, 80 cents. S. Proctor, Mon“ 0" -- ’ 0 ll‘( n‘ietor. Sm‘df‘ir-d ’ go RIIC‘IflllIOND HILL OIINIBUsâ€"Runs daily, leaving Stallkfï¬me " 16th (12 the Stage Hotel, Richmond Hill, at 7:30 am, glaomam†' 20th do arriving in Toronto at 10:30 a In, and returning, All branches of Dental surgery attended to. 1)! , Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges†moderate. p p in. . John Palmer, jr, proprietor. POST OFFICE. r F-uâ€"pn-ar: â€"â€" J Treasurer of Markham Township, Clerk of Division Court. Division Registrar, etc., Main st., Unionville, will be at Hall’s Hotel, Markham, every Monday, from 0 am. to 4 p.m., to attend to business it; cvmvvtivn with 03 Court. follows: Morningâ€"Going south, west and east including Maple, Thornhill, Toronto, Markham must be handed in fifteen minutes earlier. Mr Palm er's ’bus , O moon 0 morning train moving north and' O NEVVMARKET. Ont, SUR- eve; rraiumoving south. . , GEON DENTIST, would respectfully V, I, , ,‘ ‘ Y _ . . "If; p mmmmce that he will visit Rich. THE PM. « .e STAGE LINE. Runs in connection leaves the Commercial Hotel, Jarvis st, at 3:20 ill: I. \210 Bay Horse Hotel, Yonge st,_at 3:30 I 316 tickets, 40 cents; return, To cents. OHN STEPHENSON' CLERI< & RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE.~â€"1\Iails close as etc., at 6:45 ; going north, 0:45. Evening~Going south, east and west, at 6:45. Registered letters other Railway Companies, and for other purposes. Toronto, l9lh, September. 1875. W. H. BEATTY, Solicitor for the Applicants. PIANO 1 Grand Square and Upright. Endorsed by the highest musical authorities throughout the world as THE BEST! From D, Bodine, Stockton. N. J., after receiving a $500 Beotty Piano, says: “Not only myself and family, but every one who has seen it is satisï¬ed in regard to its supe- rior quality.†From B. H. Cormony, Esq, Chambersburg, Pa, “The Beatty Piano came to hand one week ago It has thus far given entire satisfaction." H. Holtzburgcr, Tyrone, Pa, says: “The Piano came at hand in good order, and proves satisfactory, both in tone and ï¬nish." Agents wanted, male or female; send for cata- logue. Address, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey, U.S.A. The Farmers’ Advocate, PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY WILLIAM WELD. 1s devoted to the interests of Farmers, and conâ€" tains articles by experienced editors on agricul- ture, horticulture, thoroughbred stock, the dairy interest, poultry, markets, hygiene, etc. Terms-$1.00 per annum in advance; single ' copies, 10 cents. Address, Farmcrs’ Advocate, London, Ont. VVEDNESDAY, Nov. 15, 12 o’clock, noon,»precisely.â€" . BORN. At Richmond Hill, on the 20th inst, the wife of Mr. George B. Newborry, of a daughter. 0n the 2lst inst, at 71 William street, Yorkville, the wife of Mr. Howard Bryant of a son. At Markham, on the 22nd inst, the wife of Mr. George Digby of a daughter. DIED. At No. 2 Gwynne street, Yorkvillc, on Monday, 23rd inst., Mary. relict of the late Thomas Arm- strong, in the 70th year of her age. WW SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED ~â€" Below we acknowledge subscriptions to Mr. George Nichols. Button 65 Brown, Auct’rs. THE HERALD received smce 20th inst; 956 D. Hislop, Richmond Hill, 990 John Palmer Sr. “ 952 W, Killop “ 987 A. L. Skcele. 988 J. Heise, Fall City, Nebraska. 1003 Peter Stover, Gormley. 983 S. Savage, Patterson. 963' W. J. Mitchell, Armadale. 2% THE EAST. . Q‘ The news from the East yesterday proves less exciting than 1361‘ some time past. More ï¬ghting is reported, beingL favorable to Turkey. . The Porte consents to the six weeks armistice, but Russia is not likely to consent, with the conditions with which the consent is given. Warlike preparations are going on actively in England. The ï¬nancial difï¬culties in Russia are said to be very great, and creating serious embarrassment. A correspondent of' the Times states that there are thousands of men women and children naked, and literally starv- ing in the country between Paratyin and Deligrad. Notes and Comments. â€"â€" The Brampton Coservator ‘comes to us this week enlarged and improved. May it go on and prosper.â€"- The Hon., the Postmaster-General has given not-ice that hereafter registered letters on which, both the postage and registration fee are paid by registered stamp only, cannot be forwarded to destination, but will be treated «as unpaid,†and sent to the Dead Letter Office. Registered stamps arelto be used ex- clusively for . the 'pi‘epsgmentneflfdhe registration fee on such letters,‘ and can- not be accepted as prepayment of postage. In the hurry of going to press, two or three annoying mistakes appears in our leading article. No» one regrets this more than the proprietor, but if any gentleman imagines he can run a news‘ paper without these things sometimes taking :placc, we are willing to knuckle under for a week or two, and allow him to try his hand at the business. We shall reproduce the article next week, together with an article upon the last appointment to the Senate. __â€"â€"-â€"- In the year of grace, 1809, when trade was better and money more plenti- ful than now, he Sandï¬cld Macdonald Government increased the indemnity to members of the Local Legislature to $450. That section of the Liberal Party now in power objected to this in- crcase, and the reform press of the Prov- ince re-echoed the sentiments of the Globe in denouncing that vote as an ex- travagant one; but now" that our polit- ical friends have nearly doubled that indemnity, in the face of hard times, extreme stringency in the money market, and depressed trade, is it any wonder that the great bulk of the reform party in this Riding take strong exceptions to the $800 salary grab? Extreme par- tizans may seek to palliate the voteâ€"â€" may even go so far as to attribute personal motives to those who take exception thereto; but men who value their political consistency will be found just as ready to endorse the following, paragraph today, as when it appearéd‘ in the Globe in 1869 :â€" “Our economical Premier has, out. of his great liberalily, determined that our legislators shall each receive, as a slight IItmoran'mn for their many and important services during the present session, the sum 6 a day. if it close in less than thirty ‘ Established in 187s. , Believing it to be by far the best parlor and i Orchestral Organ mmuufacturr‘d, we challenge l any manufacturer to ("v illll them. The celebratâ€" ,cd' Golden Tongue Bonds in il‘“ junction with the perforated Iced boards, pro- duce sweet, pure and powerful tones. Superb cases of now .' Ml elegant designs. Ministers, teachers. (31111" , schools, lodges, etc., should send for price ! ~.nd discounts. Dealers will ‘11."! it to their advantage to exa- mine this einstrument. It has improvements found in no other; correspondence solicited. Best offer ever given. Money refunded upon return of organ and freight Chargrs mid by me both ways if unsatisfactory, after 21. est trial of ï¬ve days. Organ warranted for six years. Agcnis discount given everywhere I have no agent. Agents wanted. Address, DANIEL F. BEATTY, y PARLUR DREAMS Washington, New Jersey, U.S.A. tending. â€"Era Aw. mu 5 , ,- and if it 81". more than that period, Ion the sum is to be made a. lump one, and z 150 goes to each. “That is not bad pay as things go. “ We suppose we must reckon this among 0‘14“ mom“ the other feats of economy we have heard of. If it is so. we rather think a good number of peeple will fail to see it.†We endorsed the above extract when it ï¬rst appearedâ€"Leo did the reform parly of the Riding and the country; and for the same reason, we condemned lhe vote for still further increase last scsssion as a direct violation of the principles of political economy for which the party had been for long years con- W , , SC ARBORO FALL FAIR. Hither to the fairs in Scarboro have been conï¬ned to the farmers and others of the township, but this year the gentle- men who manage matters in connection A with the Society, have proved themselves more liberal minded by throwing open the exhibition to outsiders. The result has proved their wisdom by the increase in exhibitors, and consequently an increase in entries in all classes. r The fair of the 13th we are gratiï¬ed to learn was visited by no less than 5,000. May their next fair prove still more satis factory, is our sincere wish and desire. PRIZE LIST. DRAFT HORSES. Judges: Mr. McLean, York; John Coxworth, Markham; R. Crawford, Agincourt; D. Brown, Whitevale; J. -Stong Vaughan: lst Thos Chum, 2nd â€", 3rd James Lawrie. Draft brood mare and foal, J Weir. DRAFT HORSES, CANADIAN BREED. Draft colt, 2 years old, Jas Carnaghan, 2nd James Burrows. Draft colt, 2 year old, Henry Mason, 2nd R Reid. Draft brood mare and foal, 1st and 2nd W Crawford, 3rd Jno Neilson: Draft ï¬lly, 2 years Old, James Weir, 2nd Thos Ma- son, 3rd Jerry Annis. Draft spring colt or ï¬lly, 1st and 2nd W Crawford. Draft horses in harness, Canadian breed, Geo Miller, 2nd A Dohcrty. Draft horses, Canadian bred, special, Jas Lawrie. Best draft mare, special, Jas Lawrie. General purpose colts, 2 years old. T Gibson. GENERAL PURPOSE HORSES. General purpose colt, 1 year old, An- drew Hood. General' purpose brood mare and foal, Jno Neilson, 2nd James Maxwell, 3rd John Law. General pur pose ï¬lly, 2 year old, A Doherty, 2nd Wm Carrie, 3rd John Ross. General purpose ï¬lly, 1 year old, A Doherty, 2nd F Armstrong. General purpose spring colt or ï¬llv, Jas Maxwell, 2nd John Neilson. General purpose horses in harness, span, Jno Canning, 2nd Jno Whiteside, 3rd E Pickering. Buggy horses, Simon Beattie, 2nd Lewis Secor, '3rd Wm Meek. Saddle horses, Simon. Beattie. Colt or ï¬lly foaled after the 1st of March, 1876, 1st and 2nd Wm Crawford, 3rd Jas Maxwell, 4th John Neilson. Imported horse, Bloomï¬eld, prize by Jas Lawric. Colt, any .age, EAndrew Hood. Filly, any. age, Wm Crawford. AYSHIRES. Judges: W Armstrong, Belford; W Somervilleï¬fhos Hardino’. Bull. 2 years, J P Whaler. Bull, 1 year, I P Wheler, 2nd Jas LaWrie. Bull calf, J P Wheler, 2nd J Lawrie. Milch cow, 1st and 2nd J Lawrie. Heifer, 1 year, [st 2nd and 3rd J Lawrie. Heifer, 2years, J Lawric, 2nd I P Wheler, 3rd J Lawrie. Calf, spring, lst and 2nd J Lawrie. GRADE. Milch cow, John Wilson, 2nd Jos White, 3rd Jno Wilson. Heifer, 2 years, Geo Miller, 2ndJos Torrance, 3rd H Eby. Heifer, 1 year, lst and 2nd G Miller. Heifer, spring, Geo Miller, 2nd L Secor. ‘ DURHAM. Bull, 2 years, R Craig, 2nd Jas Bur- rows. Bull calf, Geo Miller. Bull 1 year, Ist and 2nd Geo Miller. Mith cow, lst and 2nd Geo Miller, 3rd J Carnighan. Heifer, 2 years old, lst and 2nd Geo Miller, 3rd J Taber. Heifer, 1 year, 1st and 2nd Geo Miller. Heifer, hey, and Neilson. spring, Geo Miller. ler. Fat oow, Geo Mil- LONG WOOL SHEEP. Judges: J Carter, H Jennings, T Swales. Ram, 2 shears, J G Thomson, 2nd. H Lemon, 3rd J P Wheler. Raml shearling, Hall & Burrows, 2nd H Lem- on. Ram lamb, H Lemon, 2nd Hall & Burrows. Pair ewes, 2 shears, H Lom- On, 2nd J P thlcr, 3rd T Davidson. Pair ewes l shear, 1st and 2nd H Lem- on, 3rd Wm Bell. Ewe lamb, George Weldrick. Pen of sheep, 3 rams, 6 ewes, H Lemom. SWINE. Boar, large breed, over 1 year, Geo Weldrick. Boar, large breed, under 1 year, Geo Weldrick, 2nd Jos Thompson. Sow, large, over 1 year Old, J White, 2nd Geo Weldrick. Sow, large breed, under 1 year Old, Jos White, 20d Geo Weldrick. Boar, small breed, over 1 year, JP thler. Boar, small breed, under 1 year, Hall & Burrows, 2nd Jno Torrance. Sow, small breed, over 1 year, 1st and 2nd J P Whelcr, 3rd Jas Lawrie. Sow, small breed, under 1 year, John Taber, 2nd J Lawric. POULTRY. Ceese, D Johnston, 2nd J Torrance. Turkeys, Wm. Bell, 2ndJ Elliot. Ducks, 1st and 2nd D Johnston. Variety poul- try in one pen, W H Churchill, 2nd .I Taber. GRAIN. Judges : W Helliwell, Highland Creek ; A M Sccor, VVoburn, W Braw. Fall wheat, (Judges think ï¬rst prize old,) Geo Weldrick, 2nd Julius Breuls, 3rd Geo Elliot. Spring wheat, Robt Neilson, 2nd Jonathan Baird, 3rd P Gorman. Large peas, R Neilson, 2nd D Johnston. 3rd Geo Elliott. Small peas, John Heron, 2nd Julius Breuls, 3rd Jas Duncan. White oats, Jes Dun- can, 2nd John Heron. j__Black oats, (Judges think ï¬rst prize old.) Jos White, 5 Barley six rowed, . 2nd David Johnston. Jos White, 2nd John Heron, 3rd Robert N eilson. Elliot. BOOTS. 3rd WH Churchill. Turnips Swede, Jas Maxwell, 2nd Jos Dufl', 3rd W West- ney. Turnips, gray stone, James Weir, 2nd Jos Thomson, 3rd W 11 Church- hill. Mangles, globe, Wm Oliver, Mangles, long, Jos Armstrong, 2nd J Baird, 3rd WOliver. Carrots white, Jas Weir, 2nd Wm 'Westney. 3111 W Oliver. Carrots red, J C Jennings, 2nd WOIiver. Blood beets, WOliver, 2nd Geo Geoper. , FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. Judges: J Park, Toronto; ' D Stotts, Markham; W Strachan, Toron- to ' Variety of apples, Thos Young, 2nd Martin Taylor, 3rd James Lawrie. Six sorts apples fall, M Taylor, 2nd George Cooper, 3rd, T A Forfar. Winter ap- ples, G Cooper, 2nd T Young, 3rd M Taylor. Fall pears, W Oliver. Winter pears, W Oliver. Peck onions, lst and 2nd George looper. Cabbage, George Cooper, 2nd J Dimma. -, Pumpkins, mammoth.J Brucls, 2nd D Johnston. Pumpkins,small, JBreuls, 2nd J G Thomson. Citrons, Julius Bruels. 2nd Wm Hutchinson. Grapes, 1st and 2nd Josc p11 Armstronv. ‘ DAIRY PRODUCE. 20 lbs butter, '1' Barry ; Mrs J Ross: 20 lbs butter, Mrs Johnston; Mrs H Mason. 10 lbs butter, Wm. Lumber; Mrs J Ross. 4 lbs butter, Mrs H Ma. son, 2nd Mrs J Ross, 3rd JDimma, 4th Miss M Lawrie. Cheese, J Bruels, 2nd Geo Elliott. Bread, J Bruels, 2nd Wm Mason, 3rd G Elliot. Honey in comb, JSterling 2nd T H Hall. IMPLEMENTS. Judges: W Hood, Markham; Jas Leys, Ellesmere; J Shackleton, High- land Creek. Barrows, iron, William Brotherston. Double waggou, lumber, Speight ,& Son. Single or double light wagon, H B. Wales, 2nd A W Forfar, Buggy, H R Wales, 2nd R Crows; Cutter, H R Wales. n IscsLLANsous: Set team harness, J Digby, 2nd A Helliwell. Horse shoes, Wm Brother-l stem. 6 yards flannel, J Breuls. Clothv full, Mrs Breuls. LADIES nrrimnrxr. Judges: Misses Crawford, S West-- Specimen braiding, Miss Ann Johnston,» 2nd Mrs W Fleming. Dress cap, Mrs Jno: Tagciz. Clrochet worké'Mrs Joe M Secor, 2n iss chug entwmer-id Vi mus- lin, Miss A JohrlElOn. Eï¬broi erynl‘ln‘silk, MissA Johnston, 2nd Miss K Johnston.: Embroidery, Worsted. Miss A Johnston, 2nd3 Miss K Johnston. Feather flower, Miss J: Keelcr, 2110 Miss Mary Heron. Bomï¬el, Mrs W Oliver, ‘2nd Miss S POI-far. air flowers, Mrs W Fleming. 2nd Miss A John- ston. Paper flowers, Miss Lasksy, 2nd Miss C Cranston. Lace work, Miss A Find- lay, 2nd Mrs S R Richardson. Rag carpet, Miss M Lawrie, 2nd Mrs W A Fox-far. Hat Can. straw, Miss Horsey, 2nd Mrs JBruels. Hearth rug, Mrs Geo Weldriek, 2nd Miss K Johnston. Fancy knitting, Miss A John' ston, 2nd Mrs J Burrows, 3rd Miss John- ston. Quilt in knitting. Miss E Lawrie. Quilt in piece work, Miss M Lawrie, 2nd Miss A Johnston. Quilts in silk, Miss A Johnston, 2nd Miss Horsey. Telling. Miss Johnston, 2nd Miss K Johnston. Berlin wool raised, Miss Anm's, 2nd Mlss A Find- lay. Gent’s shirt, Miss A. Malcom, 2nd Ml's Jos Armstrong. Gent’s shirt flannel, Mrs Malcom, 2nd Mrs Jos Armstrong. Worsted work, raised, Miss A Crawford, 2nd Miss A Johnston. Coverlet, woven, Miss A Thomson, 2nd MrsJ Bruels. Mono- chromatic drawing, Miss H Horsey, 2nd Mrs H G Thompson. Crystal painting, Mrs Fleming. Colored chalk drawing, Miss Horsey, 2nd Miss J Tabor. Farmers’ wreath, Miss Mary Heron, 2nd L Annie. Moss work, Miss A Johnston, 2nd Miss J Thomson. Socks, Mrs W Hutchinson, 2nd Mrs Fleming. Mittens, Mrs W Hutchin- son. 2nd Mrs J Bruels. Cone work, Miss A Johnston. 2nd Mrs W J Thomson. .Bead work, Miss A Johnston, 2nd Miss K John- slon. Pencil drawing, Miss E J Thomson. 2nd Miss H Horsey. Gent’s dress shirt, Mrs J Armstrong. Driving mitts. Miss L Anuis, recommended. The Oï¬â€˜icial Gazette of Saturday con- tains the appointment of Kenneth Mac kenzie to bc County Judge, vice Dug- gan, deceased. Excess of specie $31,549.41. Balance in hands of Receiver-General on 30th September, to credit of depositors in Post Ofï¬ce Savings Banks, $2,729,572.88. \Vell done for Canada. Sixty-eight horses were sent to the Centennial show from this Dominion. Of these, ï¬fty-two took prizes, and thirteen were sold. One span of geldings brought $1,500 in gold. Since the exhibition of horses, the fruit show has taken place there; and in speaking of the display made in this department, the New York Graphic sayszâ€"“Probably the ï¬nest show Of' various fruits is made by the Fruit Growers Association of Ontario.†The same journal addsâ€"“ The present dis- play occupies the entire north side of the Promological Building, and is com- posed of' 100 plates of apples, 200 plates of plums, 200 plates of pears, 90~plates of crab-apples, 25 varieties of peaches, 153 plates of grapes, and a variety of nuts.†Canada not only carried off silver medals for plums, but also a number of prizes for apples, and pears. The Yankees are astonished at the fruit of this “ frozen country.â€-â€"Era m Indian corn,‘J Breuls,,2nd G Potatoes. Jas OmerOd, 2nd or Eby, ' WHOLE; N O. 953. The Week's News. Small pox in Chnéievoise county. Snow at Thunder Bay on the 143th. Contractors are swarming into OMaWI. The yellow fever at Savannah. has abated. ‘ Fire at San Francisco, less about 200,000., Holland is suspending the coinage of oil-, ver. There has been a revolution in San Dem _ ingo. Barque Ocean Gem has left Montreal for -. Australia, The gold miners in the Black Hill: In doing well. Mr. David Mills has the Senate. L. N. Heuanct, :1 Quebec merchant, It" been arrested. been appointed in Lumbcriug Operations are imp the Oltawarowion, » ’0 Two ladies have applied for the errata! a Montreal pawnbroker. I The Liberal candidate has “been ed for Beauce, Quebec, ' ‘ roving in reins . H. A conclave of Cardinals, is expected be held'at Rome shortly, The Express ofï¬ce at Duunville, was robbed on Sunday night. Four Generals implicated in a conlpim in Spain, have been arrested. The Russia: court, returns to St Peter}- burg, on the 17th November, . Gold has been discovered in large quan- tities in Lake Superior region, The Scrutiny of votes in’l‘lhe? Lincol election, _commenced on Tuesday. - A riot has taken place in Switzerland, be; tween Liberals and Uhramoutaues. The Turks are reported to have taken lljuuis, on Monday, after hard ï¬ghting. Dr. Slade the American Spiritualist, h“ been arrested in England as an impostor. :, Ross of New Brunswick is willing to try I race with Hnnlou, .the Toronto Oarsmen. Some merchants at London. have been ï¬ned for exposing goods on the aide walks. The Oran gemen of Ottawa, intend mercbo. iug in procession on the ï¬fth of November. James McCrca who was tried at Belle- ville, for killing Joseph Murphy, has been acquitted. In case oi‘war, some enthusiastic volnne leer ofï¬cers, think of raising): regiment at Montreal. _ Twentyrï¬ve Halifax merchants. hove agreed to try the feasibility ofshipping : at Halifax. The Berlin Chamber of Commerce, I!!! decided in favor of representation at the > coming French Exhibition. The West Virginia Legislators prohibit. the sale of liquor, the day before, the d. of, and the day after an election. 53 A *Tn‘vavwemm‘ m †" 3 on Monday, from his visit to the Canal!!!- mal, and‘metwith B grand reception. The county council of Simcoe has MM ed to submit the Dunkin Act, until further petitions are received in favor of doing so". The jury upon the inquest of Jsï¬â€˜en‘on, killed at Hamilton, have returned a verdict of murder against Aldon, the party who shot him. Miss Lea of Philadelphia, has accepted an invitation from Lord Dull'erin, Governor General; to paint a portrait of Lady Duf- fenn. Halifax is agitating to be made the win- ter port of call, for the Mail steamers, in- stead of having them as hitherto made to . call at Portland. . u - The Irish are indignant with President Grant, because he has refused to receive" Ireland's Centennial address, except through a the British Minister. ".‘J: British and Foreign - " Mr. John Lock, one of the few survivor! ofthe battle of Waterloo, has just died in the films-house at Rochester, at the age of 84. ‘ I l The Earlof Wharnclifl‘e, and 11021110, Duke of Marlborough, as previously state ., will succeed the Duke of Abercoru as L0! Lieutenant of Ireland. " Mr. John O'Couor Power, M. P , arriv- ed in New lurk on Saturday. He brings with him the Centennial address of the Irish people lo the President. ' ‘ The Cornell University Boat Club lined,on cided to challenge the winnerin the Cambridge race next March to a (on: race over the English course. ' One of the Prussian provincial mems has prohibited pigeon shOoIlnj matches. on the ground that they «:0qu der the deï¬nition of cruelty to animals. Intimalion has been given inlhe , Gazette that degrees conferred by University of New Zealand will be entitled to rank with degrees granted by any haircu- ity in the United Kingdom. According to an intimation in 3 city paper supposed to be in the secrets‘ of the Ministry, the Lccal Legislature of Ontario will not meet for the dispatch of business till after the holidays;â€" probably on the ï¬rst Thursday in Jena- ary. We remember when the nine journal had considerable fault to 5114;“ delays Of this kind, during Sandï¬eld Macdonald‘s reign, on account of due House interferriug with the otherâ€"â€" persons having business with both, not being able to attend at Toronto ind Ottawa at the same time; but the in» ï¬nished’ stain of the Conmliditgg Statutes. and the unsettled issues have.†Ontario and Quebec, regarding ï¬fe boundary and other question, has deta- mincd the Ministry to assume the responsibility of delay in the hope of die- posing of these matters next nationaâ€" Newmcwket Era. ., . ' . - . _ ‘ M