The Richmopd Hill Tenipl<3.1'.O.Gr.'l‘,y intend dedication their new ball on \Ved- n V nesday next, 1st prox. The dedicatory ‘services will commence at twelve o’clock, noon, and will be conducted by Bro. T. W. Casey, G. W. 800., who will also After the deliver the inauégral address. ceremony an excellent dinner will be served by the ladies of Richmond Hill. At 3 o’clock P. Patterson, Esq, M.P.P., - will take the chair, whenï¬w Rev. W.B. Aï¬ieck, a gentleman recently from Eng. land, whose world-wide celebrity as a speaker on the subject of temperance is justly merited, will deliver an oration. There will alao be present other rev. gentlemen and able advocates of the cause.“ The day’s proceedings will con- clude with a grand musical and literary v entertainment, conmiineing at 7 o’clock, 'criritributed to by the Rev.W. B. Aï¬â€˜leek; .Meaars. J'. E. Starr, of Brampton ; ILL. Thompson, elecuiionist, of Toronto; A. L. Wilson, of'Eglington ; Miss Ash. Mr. , "McLean and the Glee Club, of Markham I“‘AV‘illageg. *Mis‘s Crosby, of Unionville, and other amateurs equally popular. ‘ THE HERALD - JOB PRINTIN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY At its Book and Job Printing Ofï¬ces, Yonge St. Bichmoad' H1111 Ontario. - “THE HERALD," Iiocal notices in reading mutter will be charged 0119 any! a half cents per Word, payable when Bidered. Mr. Simon Beattie, of Scarboro, has sent forward a shipment of cattle and horses, to be shipped from Montreal to E'pglaild. ~ Mr. J. M. \Vells, surgeoudcntist, has again commenced visiting this place in his professional capacity, and will be found at the Palmer House on the 18th of each month.w . v And now the warm weather that Vennor said we were to have, will retard the sale cf flannels, etc. Mr C Raymer showed- at the Mark- ham Exhibition lhis full, some specimens of enamelléd wife made by Mr Bowlings at the Mount Joy pottery. He obtained the ï¬rst prize. Mr Raymer has some very nice ornaments in the shape of dogs, vases, etc. Mr Raymer’s son Samuel an amateur sculptor, moulded Without pattern, some well shaped reposng lions. Mr. John' Palmer, jr., will put a new omnibus on the road, the ï¬rst trip being ’to take the village band to Aurora, next; i‘lIonday afternoon, and next. week will run regularly to the city and back This is» by far the best ’bus that has been got up in this village as yet. The wood and iron work, got up by Mr. Wm. Trench, jr., is well done, and though very strong in all points, does not present a clumsy appearance; but the general gossip is about the painting, done by Mr. Robert Willson. a noted adept as a carriage painter. There is a British Coat of Arms on either side, and a beaver, with a maple leaf in its mouth, on the door behind, and “ Bob's †letter- ing is “ boss.†The inside of the ’bus is‘ï¬riely grained, and 'thc trimming is of the bes‘t quality. All new single column advertisements will up- )eax on this page, except such as appear only on she ï¬rst page. The following are our prices for , osters: whole sheet, the size of THE ERALD, $5 per 100, $2.50 for 100 half-sheets, and $2 for 100 quarter-sheets. Parties getting auction sale bills printed will do well to make a note of this. A notice of the sale will be given free in THE HERALD to all who get their bills printed at this oï¬ice. Mr. Daniel F. Beatty, of Washington, N. J., ‘the energetic and persevering manufacturer of the Beatty Piano and Golden Tong‘ue Parlor Organsï¬dcservcs ‘the Iï¬ghest credit for having produced the most perfect musical instrument combined with the utmost beauty and chasteness of design yet oï¬ered the musical public. See his advertisement- in another page. Address Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. J., U. S. A. We have received an advertisement announcing that a new “ Historical and Topographical Atlas of the County of York †is in course of preparation, by Messrs. Walker & Miles, publishers of the “ New Standard Atlas of Canada.†It will be in book form, and besides the mere maps of the townships and plans of the villages, will contam a large amount of information respecting the County and the Dominion at large. The adver- tisement is crowded on: this week, but will appear in our next. Attention is directed to the advertise ment of Mr. Wm. MeMaster, Jr. form- erly of Newmarket, who has opened out an immense new stock of staple and fancy dry goods, at; 206 and 208 Yonge street, (west side, a few doors north of Queen street). His stock has been selected with especial reference to the farming community. Mr. McMaster has been doing business for the past twenty years in this county, and is well known ; the farmers and others who visit Toronto will therefore do well to give him acall. RICHMOND HILL, OCT. 27, 1876. OFFICE, RICHMOND HILL. THE HERALD. LOCAL. From circulars issued by the Secretary of the Printers’ Pension Corporation itappears that they suggest celebrating the 400th annivei'snry of theintroduction into Britain of the art of firintiug. It is intended to hold the pelabmtion in‘ 'Noyember, 1877. Richmond Hill juniors beat Patterson juniors, at base ball, on Saturday last, by 5 runs, ' ' Thursday next, the 2nd prox., is Thanksgiving Day; Mr. Stephen Lawson, of Victoria Square, goes to the Centennial this week. Business has been gradually improv- ing for the past few weeks, and our mer- chants are in hopes of doing a thriving trade through the fall and winter months. Weather wet and roads “'hashy.†Mixedly yours, The Canadians at the Centennial car- ried 011' the national prizes for sheep. Mr. Marsh, of this village, took a large number of prizes for Sheep. The Orangemcn open their new ball to morrow evening with a grand soiree: A number of the prominent members of the Order are expected to deliver ad- dresses. As I have not received a “pass†I will not be able to give you the par- ticulars in my next, unless I can beg borrow or steal a report from some at" our “ locals.†Mr. Henry Dewsbcrry. late of Wil Iowdnle, and formerly of this village, has purchased the harness business of Mr. W, H. Myers, and will carry on the business in the same place. " Mr. Wm. Gamble of this village has taken a number of prizes this fall for his boots and shoes. He took the second prize at the Provincial Exhibition at Hamilton, 1stat Markham, 1st at N‘Vood bridge, lst at Newmarket and at Aurora. The Rev. Mr. Fraser, Presbyterian minister of this place, having accepted a call from the St. Thomas congregation, preached his farewell sermon here last Sabbath. Mr. Frazer has been con» nected with the Barrie congregation for the last; nine years, and was highly es- teemed, not only by his own people but by all other denominations in this place. Presbyterian Church, services at 11 o’clock mm. ‘ ' Episcopal Church, servwe Sermon by Rev. B. Shanklin rUnion Temperance Prayer Meeting, of the friends 01" temperance, in the new Temperance Hall, at_1:30 p.m., led by the Rev. J. I]. Starr. Methodist Church, services at 6:30 p.111. Sermon by the Rev. J. II. Starr. Doctor Tupper has taken up his rcsi deuce in Toronto. The Hon. E. Blake, has arrived in Toronto. The irrepressible local of the Advance ï¬nding “localisms†rather scarce last week, attempted to get oif a joke at the expense of one of our prominent citizens. He succeeded. In fact his success far ‘excccded his expectations, forthe object of his little joke, on reading the article, armed himself with a good stout cane >and meandercd forth in quest of “ye local.†After a short search he came in contact with the “ quill driver†on the main street, and proceeded to fondle his back with the cane in a manner that would have done credit to a country school teacher. There was a trial at the police court next morning, the result of‘ which was that- a worthy citizen paid twenty cents for amusing himself with a reporter. This ought to serve as a warning, but whether it applies to local reporters or cane manipulators, 1 leave you to decide. Hon. Peter Mitchell and the Hon. David Mills are in the city. Saturday is the last trip for the steamer C-lty of Toronto this season. Mr. J. Cooke of Davisville met with a sad accident last week, the result of which has proved fatal, he having died On Wednesday. The prizes won last week in the sports of the Collegiate Institute, together with the School prizes, were presented on Wednesday by Miss Macdonald. Mr. George Lewis, of Messrs. Rice Lewis 8; Son, has returned from Europe after a trip of six months. Alderman Turner' has refused to be a candidate for the ofï¬ce of Clerk of the City Councxl. The Mayor has purchased a handsome drinking fountain, which he intendsZto present to the city, » 7 (From our own correspondent } Those interesting little'news hams; so dear to “ ye local,†and newspaper oer- respondents in general, are ‘at a discount here'a‘t present, so mth ‘50, in fact, that I fear your humble correspmdent will ï¬nd it a difï¬cult matter to furnish any- thing that will interest the readers of THE HERALD. In this progressive no well regulated journal should be with- out a good number of correspondents, and if my feeble eiforts in this line adds 0ne_ mime name to your subscription list, 01‘ ‘Qneurs a $50,000 libel suit, I will feel that my labors have not been in vain. THE HERALD only $1 a year. Oct. 24th, 1876 THANKSGIVING DAY, NOV. 2x1). City Items. BARBIE. servwes at 3 p.111. QUILL. V THE HERALp Boqk um} Job Printing Ofï¬ce, wheth or for printing, advertxsmg or subscriptions to the P317011 ' " “ . ALUE FOR YOUR MONEY AT 'I‘nn Hwnnm "Rnnk :mfl .Tnh Pr€ntinn nm on All lengthy correspondence and advertisements must be received at the ofï¬ce not later than Wednesday noon, to secure insertion the current week, but short items of local news and adver- tisements will be received up to ten o’clock on Thursday morning. M. H. KEEFLER, The following pupils of the Newmarket High School have matriculated in Universities at the late Examination {â€"â€" Thomas Bolton, in McGlll University; William _Widdiï¬eld, in Toronto Univers- ity Charles McCraken, in the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. This last: examination, that of Charles. McCraken is accepted by all British Universities and Medical Schools as: equivalent to their matriculation exam-‘ ination in Medicine. Thomas Bolton and William Widdiï¬eld will be regarded as having passed the Intermediate Exam- ination of last June, thus making ï¬ve in all who passed the “ Intermediate.†The School was lately visited and exam- 1ined by J. M. Buchan, Esq., M. 'A., High School Inspector, who expressed himself as highly satisï¬ed with the attainments of the present pupils, espec- ially in Mathematics and Classics. The Fall Term hasjust opened with an attend- ance of about 36. The copy for changes of advertisements ap- pmu‘ing on the second or third pages, must reach the oflice on Monday to secure attention the same week. Advertisers contracting for space on the second third or fourth pages, for a speciï¬ed time, will be charged, payable quarterly, as follows: ' One Two Three Six One Month. Months. Months. Months. Year. Columnâ€. $10 OI) $15 00 $20 00 $35 00 $60 00 Half (101 ...... 8 00 12 00 15 00 20 00 35 00 Quarter Col. 5 00 8 00 10 00 15 00 20 00 Tllrcoinchcs 3 00 4 00 5 00 8 00 12 00 Two inches. 2 50 3 00 3 50 5 00 8 00 One inch..... 1 50 1 75 2 00 3 00 5 00 Twelve lines of Nonparcil comprise an inch. Changes allowed in contract advertisements twelve times 8. year; each change over twelve times will 1:0 charged extra, ut the following rate: column, $1: half column, 60c; quarter column and under, 350. THE HERALD will contain nbmatters of local Importance, articles and comments on the poâ€" liticul events of tho day, the latest home and foreign news cnrafully summarized, trustworthy market repurts, agricultural matters and general family reading. Is sent by mail or other conveyance when so de- sired for ONE DOLLAR per annum in advance. single copies, three cents. The Hamilton T {mes speaking in reference to the hint that Speaker Wells of the Ontario Legislature is among the number who ï¬gure unfaVorably in con- nection with N. R. transactions calls upon that gentleman to resign ofï¬ce. It says :â€"There is no special evidence to the fore that Mr. Wells is an angel of purity, but there is a strong opinion afloat that. if he is man enough to resign the Legislative Speakership‘ next session he will be warmly thanked, and that if he is not, there mayâ€"as there should be â€"â€"some member of the Reform partv who, by. plain resolution, will request from the House that Mr. Wells may have permission to resume his seat on the floor of the House .I-Ie does not look well in his Speaker’s hat, and the party in general would like, on account of his personal appearance, to see 'him parade the House in the costume ofa gentleman. THE HERALD is the cheapest local paper in this county. Send us your name and $1 for one year. Corrected by Mr Isaac Crosby, Grocex. and dry Goods Merchant. Fire Proof Slore. EPPS’S COCOA. -â€" GRATEFUL Am) COMFOR'I‘ING. â€" “By a thorough knowledge ofthe natural Iawswiiichgoverntheoperalions ofdigestionand nutrition. and by acnreful ap. plication of the ï¬ne properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’bills. It is; bv the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attackwhereverthere is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortiï¬ed with pure blood and a properly nourished lrame.â€â€"~ Civil Service Guzctla Sold only in packets labelledâ€"“ JAMES Epps & (Jo . Homeopathic Chemists. 48 'l‘hremlneedle Strect, and 170 Piccadilly, London.†“ rl‘HE HERALD,†PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDA Y, 9r'qss’elï¬i Sf}; '13.} 311916;]. ï¬acou. Prune. ........'.... Hams, Cured. . ..........- Full wheat, $1.06 to $1.08; spring Wheat, $1207 to 31:10. I" - FlourOTSprilm Wheatextra . . $4 large Kellen. . . . . . . . 0 Eggs,perdoz.............- 0 Dressed H ogs. per IOU lbs.. . . 6 Bacon . . . . . Prit::e......,... 000 Hamsâ€"Cured. per ï¬y . . . . . . . . 0 Woolâ€"perlb' . . . . . .......... 0 To‘rmm'o Mm-keté "Corrected from Torinto Dames every' Thursday morning. " g:‘ 4 RIU Superiér extra. . . TORONTO MARKETS. I! MOND HILL MARKETS; North York. Editor, Publisher and, Proprietor. @@@@@@@@ 20.30) )8 7376Mflwh~l QOOOIOOO $5 00 5 75 o 00 o 90 $4 80 5 70 4 65 3 25 0 85 0 40 0 75 0 65 0 26 0 2'2 ,0 2| ($75 0 00 0 00 0 28 DANIEL F. BEATTY The Right Goods BEATTY AT THE RIG-HT PRICE. Entirely New Stock GLASSWARE, TINWARE, ETC. And hopes by strict attention to business, and selling goods at the lowest, remunerati've rates, to merit a share of public patronage. Highest liarkBL Prjc‘e Given for iWï¬d, ,, V Farm Produce. Remember the place, Waterhouse’s 01d stand. Announces that he has just opened out an mansï¬iï¬légént Designs & Finish, And Wonaeyful variety of their combination solo stops. If? Beautiful new centennial styles now ready. Address, DANIEL F. BE-ATT'Y. These remarkn‘ble instruments possess cape.- citiea for musical effects and expression never before Mtained, adapted for amateur and ptbfes- sionn}, and an ornament in any parlor. Excel in Qualify of :I'an, thorough_ Work- Printin Oï¬ces, Yonge Street, Ric mend Hill, Every Friday Morning. DANIEL F. BEATTY’S FLOUR AND FEED, Grand Square and. - Upright. 1n the store fOrmerly occupied by Mr John Waterhouse, “ The: Herald!†DRY GOODS, Washington, New Jersey, USA, M. H. KEEFLER, PARL'OR ORGANS. A. J . RUPERT Groceries, Provisions. A’T MAPLE; Washington; New Jersey, U .S.A. IS PUBLISHED BY Crockery, BEST IN USE. PIANO ! As the Turnip and other Roots have not attained their full growth when the Fall Exhibitions Are Held, I am pleased to an- nouilce that 9. Root Show will be held at the ROOT SHOW, RUBBER BALLS AND OTHER FANCY GOODS, > At reduced rates, at the Herald Boo/c and Fancy store. Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store, Cor. Adelaide and Jarvis Streets, Toronto, When the ‘the following Prizes for the Six Heaviest Roots, of each variety, shall be awarded to the successful compemors: lst Prize MPrim Ronnie’s Prle Swede Turnip $5 Long Bed Mangle Wurtzel Yellow Globe do 5 White Belgian Carrot 6 Long Red do 5 On Wednesday, 15th Nov. 1876, And for the Heaviest Collection, (6 roots of each,) not necessarily additional, I will give M. H. KEEFLER' ALL ENTRIES FREE. The Seed must be procured from my Establishment. All Roots to reach me, notlatel may Tuesday, '14_th quembpr. The Judges will commence their duties at 11 o’clock mm, on the day of Exhibition. IN. B.â€"Roota mast; be cleaned and trlmmed. Persons out of employment, male or female, will be registered and acquainted of ï¬rst Opening for employment on recelpt of 50 cents. Sure to s‘ecure a. situation. Persons requiring the services of mechanics, laborers of any kinds, buuse maids, sewing of other females, will be furnished a. list of thole registered with us on receipt or 50 cents. Sure to secure the desired person. Addrpï¬â€"«DOMINIQN LABpR AGENCYL IMMINIDN LABOR AGENCY. SITUATIONS GUARANTEED. Parties desirous of becoming members can for- ward their names to From Ins. F. Begumï¬rm of Regan & Cutenpuba ï¬shers Daily and Weekly Tribune, Teï¬'erson City, Mo., miter receiving u. $700 instrument, says: "Piano reached us in good condition. I am 36%)] pleased with it. .It is all you represented it o 6." From E. R. Baldn‘dge, Bennington Furnace, P3,, after recelving a. $700 piano. “ ‘ The Bentty’ received 4th inst., 511 0. K., and comes fully up to your re )resentation, and ex- ceeds our expectations. W Iile I don’t profess to be a, judge in the matter, Mrs‘ B. does, and pro‘ nounces it of very sweet tone; and is very much planed: wjth it." Live Newspaper Topics of the Day, Local Dwell’igence, Complete Market Reports, Good Selections,» Agrwultural Matters, Etc, Eta, Etc. Best inducements ever offered. Money refund- ed upon return 0! Piano and freight charges paid by me (Daniel F. Bentty) both ways if unsa- tisfactory, aftar a. test trial of ï¬ve days. Pianos warranted for six years. Agents wanted; send for catalogue. Address, DANIEL F.»BE_ATTY, BEATTY A. Gold. Medal, A few Canadian Almaï¬acs on hand. Box 170‘ (Open to the Dominion of Canada») Mr John Gibson, President, Millian P 0 Mr H Jennings, Treasurer, Victoria. Square 1’ 0 Mr S T Hmnberstone, Sec‘y, Newtonbrook P 0 Grand Square and Upright. “ The Herald 1 †East Riding of York. IBERAL CONSERVATIVE AS- Advertisers will ï¬nd the use of our columns a beneï¬t. The Publisher is determined to SOCIATION FOR THE Specimen Copy Free. Editor, Publisher and Proprietor Washington, New Jersey, U.S.A. Valued at $25. ON THE make it a WM. RENN IE, PIANO ! Bnocxvzmm, ONT. POCKET CUTTLERY, VARIOUS Prices. at Tm: HERALD book'dz-mncv store. This instrument is the most Imndsome and. best Piano ever before manufactured in this country or Euro e, htwipg the greatest possible depth, riches an volume of tone, combined with a. rare brilliancy, clearness and perfect evenness throughout the entire scale, and above 8.11 a. sun. prising duration of sound, the power and sympu, thetic mmlity of which never changes under the most (M mte or 1)oWerful touch; space forbids a. full description of this magniï¬cent instrument. Agents discount given WhereIhave no agents. Remember you take no risk in purchasing one of these CELEBRATE!) INSTURMENTS. If after (5) days test trial it proves unsatisfactory the money you have paid Will be refunded upon return of instrument and freight charges paid by me both yiunos warranted for six yenre‘ Address, j Single Tickets, 50 cents a Return “ 80 cents. 1001bs baggage allowed with each passenger. Express parcels to and from Toronto will be carried at the following rates: 101135, and under, 10 cents; over 10 lbs and up to 251m, 15 cents; heavier weights in the same ratio. These rates apply only to parcels addr $66. “per express to Richmond Hill village,†a ‘d parcels from the village. Village parcels delivered. RICHMOND HILL TIN SHOP. Chas. Mason Announces that he keeps constantly on hand and makes to order all kinds of Tiuwaro. For further information apply to F. CUMBERLAND, SIMON PBOOTOR Mun. Director, Dominion Hotel, N.R.R' Richmond Hill. BEATTY At_ lower rates this tall, and as low as Tomn pnces. - Fares from Elgin corners and Bichmgng 3311 Village: Repairing of all kinds of Tim and Copper Ware promptly at- tended to. This stage leaves Elgin Corners and Richmond Hill Village every morning (Sundays excepted) as follows: No longer necessary to endure the discomfort of; a long drive to and from Toronto in a close 3 age. AT J . BROWN’S THIS DAY: Our samples now before you and in quality and shape, we guarantee to ï¬t you well, and make you like our stock. Prootor’s Stage Line Groceries Glassware And Crockery ’ A‘t Toronto prices. To arrive 11113 week; do not fail to ask prices. Good flour for $5 per barrel ;‘ Lard, Bacon, hams, potatoes, peas, oats, bran and shorts. Remember T will not be nndersold. Call and leave your orders. . Richmond Hill. .T- RROV HO FOR TORONTO I The Old Route Re-opened, Quick Time, WhmAdvenusing CBntracts can be made. Train leaves City Hall amnion ...I “ Brock at. station ' Connect, with, stage...“ .......... ...'. Arrive at Richmond Hill Village ...... Giving SIX HOURS time in Toronto. I Leave Elgin Corners .......... “ Richmond Hill Village -- A ~ Connect with N R Express Tmi .. 9 :0 Arrive at Toronto, Brock st. station ..10 06 " “ City Hall stution..10 20 COMING FROM EORON‘I‘O. Train leaves City Hall amnion 4 10; “. Brock Sigfltwï¬m -'. .4 25; Grand Square and Upright. HARVEST TOOLS, NORTHERN RAILWAY. Prices, at Tm; HERALD book'dc iancy store. DANIEL F. BEATTY'. THIS PAPER IS ON FILE WITH All sizes, the cheapest in the village. Eavetroughing supplied to order. A large and well assorted stoek'of Flour and Feed. Boots and shoes. 206 STREET, 208 Who has been doing business for’the past 20 years in the County of York, respectfully intimates that in order toeï¬ectively serve the community with He has removed to the City 'of Toronto, and will be found at N 05. 206 and 208 Y'onge Sh, (west side, a few doors north of Queen St.) Where he has OPENED OUT NEW AND CHEAP Goons, An Immensa New Stuckuf Staple» and Fancy Bry Quads, Selected with especial reference to the wants of the farming community. To quote prices would be superfluous; the only real test is to call and examine for yourselves. Vl’hogyer calls once will be sure to come back, as his goods for Are not surpassédrif equalled, in the Dominion. An early gall is solicited. Remember the place, 206 and 208 Yonge St, Toronto. WM. MCMASTER. Jr. VARIETY._QyAL"IerYAIEDIQHEAPNEsg} STOVEPIPES Washington, New Jersey, U.S.A. M. MCMASTE‘R, 'JR‘" NAILS, G‘o’mmiw, ctr. GOING TO TORONTO Fruit Jars, In connection with the At Toronto prices. /" , o‘ï¬m‘m Max:131. ’53:??in PIANO 3 J. BROWN. Cheap Fares, 7509411 Vile and spurious imitations of “Holloway: Pills and Ointment,†ere manufactured and sold under the name of “Holloway & C 0.,†by J. F. 5 Henry, Cur-mu & Co.,Druggists, of New York, withuu assumed trade mark, thus â€"In Canada. the p ri n c i p a1 '- Wholesale Dean 1 e r s in t h e s o Counterfeits erg Lyman, Clark & 00., Northrup and Lyman, and Lyman Brothers & Co., who obtain them at very low prices, from J. Henry, (Jurar At Co, of New York, and this tras is su plied to unprincipled retail venders, wh sell t 9 same as my genuine Pills and Ointment. which are manufactured only at 533, Oxford Street, London, and may he obtained from the following Firms, viz. :-â€"- Messrs.~Eysns, Mercer & ('10., Montreal. Messrs. 'Avcry, Brown & 00., Halifax, N. B. Messrs. T. B. Barker «51 "ions, St.J01:ml N. B. Messrs, Elliott 6; 00., '1‘ uronto. ‘ ' Who import them direct from here. Each Pot and Box bears the British Govern. ment Stame, with the words “HOLLOWAY'H PILLS A}; 1) OIN’I‘MENT, LONDON," en ved thereon. (m the label is the address, .533, yard Street, London. the United States I deem it my duty to state that Iggy gills gum Ointment are neither mzunufaotm; 'nor soldfgt u. A “mum- ,1 CARLA†The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for. Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, of how; ever long standing. For Brunchitisd Dipthe ‘8.l Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rhetmuttiysgl uyi Diseases it has no equal. The Pills purify the Bland, coxrect an disorder of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and queis, an Eire iIiszlunbla 19 all complaint; ixlcidental tq GmlL OB. “THE HERALD‘ THOMAS HOLLO Y. 533, Oxford Street, W.C. WA ‘ ‘ London, April lst, 187 6. $ $1 $1: $1 $1 $1$1 $~ mg}; GREATEST WONDER OF LARGE CIRCULATION oils that others mayknow s of your (hms’rl’l‘U’l‘lONAl V011 what it Dea A .â€"â€"]Eoing «l ,. something ofiho men CATARRII REMEDY, 1 ni>h Io inl'un" has done for um. I am tw " ty-nizvo are old; had been out «1‘ health for wt Iivo ;, rs. I had employed (lime or four (1 rout doctors, and tried various nwlivinos, without reaching any perm» , hut contimml rather to $1 ow worse, . all, when I had hvcmno so )ml as to be unable to do an hmn ’s work at n, time. 11ml scvore sorbness and pain under the shoulder blades and through ,the shoul'h‘i's, with wry lame hack, and a feeling in my right, lung as though there was a Wei ht hearing it. down, with continual dm ping in t 0 throat and down upon the lungs. Sue was my condition when I cmnuuuicml to take your @3- M‘h Remedy, one bottle of whivh eased my pains and ave 1nd an improved up mlito, and after tab Eng our bottles I was rosmrml to health so as to 556 abls to endure hmfl and Continued labor. such as chopping and clearing land, at which I have been engaged the past snason. My recovery I at- uribute solely, with God’s blessing, to the use of your Catarrh lien i r J v. , ) ours truly HENRY SNIDKR ', l’tioe 61 per bottle ; For sale by all Druggista. FiveYears’ Sickness Cured by Four Bottles of Bunstitutinnal Gatarrh Remedy. ‘ Paln In Shoulders, Back and Lungs, an aropplngs in Throat Disappear. , .1 ST. ARMANI», 1’. Q., Sept. 12, 18‘"?! MRI. J. B HARDING " HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND OINTMENT.’ I ABDMINABLEï¬ï¬iINTERPEITS. Low Rates of Advertising. CAN‘NOT BE CURED BY Snufl‘s, Washes, or Local Appli- cations, Thousands of cans, ‘some of forty years standing, ~ “l; have been Entirely cured by the Great Ccrs‘ituticml Catanh Ramady.‘ For Q lo, by all Drugglsts. bendSlnn-p fox-'1' utise on Cat- BEE-TAKE OF V'ILE AN); Will pay fOr it one yeau MODERN. ONE DOLLAR Eflmlitimzl. TIMES.