Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 3 Nov 1876, p. 1

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0 ' comer of Yonge and Centre streets, Rich. m'ond Hill, may be consulted personally or by lotto: on all diseases of horses. (madman Horses Wed 1‘: to soundness, also bought and sold on commission. ‘- Drugs, Medicines, Wines and Liquors for medicinal punmsos. Groccrios, otc.. Thornhill. By Royal Lancers l’ubent has been appointed Is- auor of Marring Liconses. I, Auctioneer {or the county of York, respectâ€" Xully solicits your patronage and friendly influâ€" pnco. Sales attended on the shortest, notice and pt. reasonable rates. I’. 0. Address, King. U, Auctioneer for the-County of York, respect- }!tu solicits your patronage and friendly influ- gncq. Snles'atteuded on the shortest notice. and fit Lensounblo rates. P. 0. address, Testou. All-O MISTS nnd Druggists, coruei- of Yonge and Centre streets, fiichmond Hill. Special nt- tontiog paid to prescriptions. U Auctioneer (or the County. of York, respect- fully solicits your patronage and friendly influ- ence. Sales attended on the shortest uotjzu and It. reasonable rates, 1‘, 0. address, Victoria. Square. I, I Auctioneer for the counties .1)! York. Pee], Ontario and Simcoe: also Vuluutor and Commisâ€" sion agent. 1’. 0. Address, â€"- Elomuingmv Léi' Chancery sales attended to. I’m-hos requir- ing Mr. l’uttefsan's services can make arrange- ments nnl obtain particulars as to terms, etc., at. THE HERALD Ofllce. AMES 0. STOKES, LICENSED Auctioneer for the county of York. respectâ€" U Surgeon and Acéouchmn". Office, corner Yonge and Centre Streets, Richmond Hill. H. S; "HOMAS CARR. DEALER IN Drugs. Medicines. \Vines mu! Limmrn for ANIEL KINNEE. LICENSED Auctioneer for thO'COIintv of York. rcsuect- SAMUEL M. BRWON, LICENSED Auctioneer (or the Countv of York. remumt- visit the, following pltww: Richmomi Hill” Markham ..... Stoufivi‘fls Thornhilj Maplq Lt hi: printing offices, Yonga Street; Richmond Hill, Ontario. Term: 0! Subscription: $1.00 per annum in Mvanw. Otficéaâ€"bfi King 5121': at East, Toronto. two doors east of Toronto strewn. W. H. BEAM-Y, W. NICHOLAS MILLER. EDWARD M. Cannva C. R. W. Bmsm. I). E. Taomsox. U MOND HILL. will be gonernlfy be found at home from :2 to 3 o‘clock, p, m" GEO. BROWNx M.D., PHYSICIAN Surgch and Accouchnnr. Omen, corner of I Dentist, 95 King street East, Toronto. Ben mivmrnl teeth inserted in 0.3 lnthIIEr to suit each pr. out. Particular attention given to the presm‘v. inn and regulation of the natural teeth, careful}; mains; Il uuuecesfizu‘y pain, A. W. n“ . .n “nu. U TERS, Attorneys, Solicitors-in-Chancery, etc" 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), 'l‘ormxto. l. Barristers, Afiorueys-utLaw, Solicitdrs-in: Chancery. CT‘VIQyuncers, vie. Officesâ€"Nos. 2, 4 3nd 6 Ontario Hull, Cfiurt street, Toronto. C. ADAMS, L.D.'S.; SURGEON I Dentist. 95 Kim! street East. Toronto. ébfivmwc, A‘ssistuun , , -._. --.. unuv L , gnu-nu.) L uu, ‘ Attorney, SnlicitorJn-Chnncery, Convey- mr, etc. Ofl‘lccâ€"Ne 6 Royal Insurance Build- lnga, Tomato street, Toronto. THOMAS FERFUSFN, ‘“ " tors in 111§€n:u-..:1._ E AT 1‘ Y, llnn‘isters‘ 11- mum of extracting teeth without- pain, by the, x of Ether Spray, which ufl‘ects the toeth 0 Tue tooth and gum surrounding be- comes Ensensime with the external agency, when the tomb cup be extruptml with no pain and without endangering the life, as in the use of chloroform. D1‘.1‘_)'.)insun will be M; the followâ€" iug‘plucns prexnrcnl to extract. teeth with his new apparatus. .11 01)} we npemtions in Dentistry performed in a workmu- like manner: Aurora, Lat, 3rd, 16th and 22nd of each month Newmmkeb ................. 2nd do . Richmond Hill. 91:11 and 24th (10 Mt. Aabert ..- . 15th do Thornhill . 23rd do Maple ....... 26th do Iiurwiuk . 28th do Klaiuburfi 28th do firm-n . 306]; do on: O .0 Gus always on hand at Aurora. THE HERALD. Advertisements without mitten instructions will be inserted until forbid and charged transient rates. U RIS‘TERS, etc.. Union Blor‘r, \ orncr Toronto and Adelaide SL3. (opposiw (511': Law Post, Office), Toronto. F. OsLm-‘z. Jurm BETHUNE. W. G. FALCONBDLDGR. CHARLES Moss. )4. W. Huymcs. J. H. THOM. u BOULTBEE 8; EVATT. BARRIS- TERRA Attm‘nnv: finh‘nifmeVLFh("mm-u PuAbilAic, etcj xx] M. M ALLOY, BARRIST ER Atbomnv. Sn]initnÂ¥Jn.nhnnnnv-v r‘npmm ERGUSON, RAIN & MEYERS Barristers A fh ) r n evaâ€"nhme Rn] im' tm-cJ n BETHUNE, OSLH RS: MOSS, B RIS‘TERS. etc.. Unim! Illnr‘v , nrnm- 'T‘n .U- NEWMARKE’I‘, om, Sun. ’GEON DENTIST, would respectfully announce that; he will visit Rich- mond Hill the 18th of each month. at Palmer‘s Hotel; also attend the following places. yrofes- sionnlly, Sundays excepted: Newmm‘ket 3rd of each month. Sutton 3rd and «1th do; I’etl‘exlmv .. 5th do Mount Albert, .. bill do Snmlford .. 1061) do Wonffville .. 14th do ' inn-khan) 16th do Aurom ._., 20th do All branches '0! Dental surgery attended to. dtiltamvion guqxgghod. Choxgou modemxo. BEJXTTY, GAR. T‘ '- ALFRED BotnTBEE M. H. KEEFLER. n, SAN‘QERSONLKS” G.T,v.c,, M. PATTERSON, LICENSED p0: 1-} 0151 N 8.0 N’S, L.D.s., NEW . JAR LANGS'I‘AFF, RICH- VOL. XVIII, N O. 22. ANDERSON & SONS, CHE- t _ Delgtist, residegcept Aurorn,wi,u Smtinmvs. M. WELLS, SURGEON Anni Mn:va imam. ' rs, Attorxxeys-ut-an. Solici, Lc. ' MILLER & BIGGAR, bolicit":s in Chancery, Notaries PUBLISHED BY CHADWICK 8; BIG. gicgal. W. KENNEDY, L.D.S,, 18;); of ench_month. WM. WORTH EVAT'I‘. ' Sm mm 20th 10511 JOHN Buy. do do AR- \VOOD YARDrr-‘JOHN BROWN keeps gpxgsullxply ion hand all kinds of Candidates are reqlmsted to mtg” Mm Chair.- 1 mun through the Hand Master of (In-fir intention to be present, not Inter than the 17th Novmnber; mad the Mnntern nre mquz-md by that] time to Bond rm cnt'mute of the probable imaubcr pf 01m; (11mm: to D, FOTHEBISGHAM, P. S. 1., Aurora. . V V keeps constantly .on hand all kinds of I wood, which will be sold for the lowest market - 1):" Cor, Yonge and Centre St, Richmond Hill. 5 JJ and fixtures of the remises. situated at the corner of Yonge and 1001' streets, ‘l‘oronfio, for sale. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. 1 Apply to JOSEPH GABY, on the premises. Will be comluctnd in the School Buildings of these places renpectively, on This Company advances Money on the Security of improved City or Country Property. ro-pnynble by menus at n. Sinking Fund, which is found to be the surest and emiest mode of repaying a loan. IL? See our reduced 1mm table. For further information I]. )ply at at the Office: pf the company. WALTle S. LEE, Manager TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY The whole Assets of the Company are invested on the security at Real Estate and Municipal De- bentures, figmehy giving the depositors un- doubted security for all money left with this Gompwy, Toronto‘ 1" STABLES‘al‘Iorses and Vehicles for hire‘ Charges; moderate. Opposite Sanderson dz Sana JOHN BROWN, Proprietor. ' I, Treasurer of Markham Township, Clerk of D‘W'sion Court, Division Registrar, etc, Main St, Umonville, will be at Hull's Hotel, Markham, avnry Monday, from 9 mm. to 4 mm, to attend to business in connection with the 001111. ANT) sAV ‘NGS COMPANY: Off; cos-IR). 70 C urch street, momma, Capital, SSf ' ‘00; Total Assets,$l,99fl,3f}§; Re< eerva Fund, Z. ’00. J» ' facturers 01 and Dealers in Granite and Marble Monuments, Headstones, etc, RingwoodJ Ont. Satisfaction guaranteed, Deposits 11m: ox: ’r.” film may be Withdrawn at (mu; .3100 an! 1 unit: su‘u‘wt in thirty days’ nntice, or IL rednr‘ m of t)1irL_ (luys' intorwst, at the option of the uircctors. '10 1-0 (:ntiblcd to in- terest. deposits must ramuin m the Company three months. Interest calculated from the first and 15th day of the month. VV - 122s, Richmond Hill, hm: always on brad the 1H r-‘tof beef, mutton, lamb, veal, pork, " ctr ., and sell‘at. ghc‘ 1_0qut prjccfz in): ' N. GEO. W, ALLAN, Seggqtgr, President. .- : gel Plath, M.P.. .................. Vgpng’resident Damw'rons ~â€"- William Goadorhum, Goo, W‘ Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, George Goodprhsm' 3011. D‘ L. Macphorson, Senator. ‘ RICHMOND HILL ‘L I VE RY STABLES.â€"~Hnrfinn and Vn‘hinlnn (nr hhm P. VVIDEMAN is also issuer of Mmmgo L'L- censes, lieszLquaaâ€"llingwood, Oat. J-V-l- LOAN 0N_1- 'LASS MORTGAGE SECURI- TYâ€"in sums from r 00 upwards. Apply to M. TEEFY. N. LYNETL, (us executors of the estate of the lube Martin Bronmm,) Richmond Hill. 1‘ Insurance and Real Estate Agent. De- posits: received, subject to demand, with interest. Lmus negotiated. Dabanturas for sale, Office, 20. Adelaide street Bust, 1‘propto, a few doors West, of the Post 011300. Money rmeivflcd pn deposit, and interest {mowed at tho mtg 0' RN per cent. per mmum, com- poundeq hm' " High Schools at Richmond Hill and Newmarket, JOHN STEPHENSON, CLERK & Treasurer of Markham Township, Clerk of cam. WAI'W' cvx-rned and spiced beef, fixfioifigkl Emil ' " ‘ux ‘15. The highest market pnco ngeu for beef, lambs, etc. 1- (5'1. LL Land Surveyor, Civil Engineer and Draymhtsmnn ,Oxdors by letter should state the con qsion, lot and character of survey, the ml)â€" ~ r having the 0141 FIELD Names of the 1th0 _;.q and other surveyors, which should be 0011511 ‘d in many cases as to original monu- nwnfi, 0., previous to commencing work. Office at Willowdalu, Yonge at” in‘tpeiowuship of York. 1‘1 mortgage of (arm; Ly, at £5 t m cenfinberest, in sums to suit gonnwers’. 1%,; com! mission. Apply to BLAKE & KINGSFOBD‘ 10 Adelaidu St. Emit, Toronfio. _ M03913 -L ING, with Post Office, in Purplevilln, lot 25, rear of 6th Con. Vaughan. Immediate posses- sion if required. Enquire of Mrs McCartney, l’urpleville. 0: Wm. Danton, Merchnnc. Gurrville. no. MAKIN, ISSUER 01? MAR- RIAGE licenses for the county of York, Adveriisement: Qf‘ six hues and less, under this heading, twentyjivc eenis each time. TO RENT A STORE & DWELL ING. with Post Oflinn in Pnrnltnn'lln Int 95 IVIONEY TO LEND 0N FIRST mortgage of £urm.m£v. at defiant m NOTICE Is hereby given, that the Tomnlg Grey and Bruce Railway Company, will apply to the Legtslature of’the Province of Ontario. at the next session thereof for an Act to amend the several Acts relating, to the said Com: p281” and to confirm the arxangemems made With the Rprldholders, 'attd other W. Credims ofthe said Company, and £10 ex- tend the same (039011 of them as have not yet a'ccep‘. i' such arl'nngemegfis ; and to confirm q; s ofstation accomodmfiouhund other rights made to the said Company by other Railway Companies, and {or other purposes. ‘Tdronto, 191b,.Sc-plember, 1875. W. H. BEAT’I'Y, \VESTERN CANADA L O A N AN T) SAVINGS COMPANY. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. Tho Examination of Cnndidutes for admis- sion to the The 19th and 20th December, 7 H: PUGSLEY, BUTCH- EASE. LICENSE. GOODWILL E’I‘FCR Si GIBSON, P R O V I I? WILLIS, BANKER. BROKER, SJ VING’S B J NET BRA NEH. & L. 0.7WVIDEMAN, MANUâ€" W. JARVIS, SHERIFF OF the county of York. Officeâ€"Court House, fifitimlmncmw. Beginning at 9 o'clock mm. MONEY TO LOAN. Smiattitfi, TE??? gummy. ‘Solyicitor for the Apélicauts. END.â€"82','000 RICHMOND LODGE, A. F. J: A. M.. No. 23, G. R. C.-" Meets in the Lodge Room, Masonic Hall, on the Monday on or before lull moon, at 8 o'clock p.rn. Jns. Reynolds, W. M. Bxcmiosn L. 0. I... No. 778.»~Moats in the Tom- perance jinn. on the Fyidny on or hoi’ore full’ . moon, at 8 o’clock p.11). J. B. Boothby, W. M. RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, No. 465, I. 0. G. T97 Meets in the Tempernncp Hal}, every \Vodnes- day evening, at 8 o'clock, Wm, Hui‘ison, T. D. CRYSTAL Lona», Np, 375.2, Ugl’l‘, DJâ€"«Mccts in the Masonic Hull, ovary Monday evening M; 8 o'clock. A. E. Mortimer, 1’. D. _ ' ‘ . FOUNTAIN LODGI’.,Jl1Vefine No. 35, U. T. 0.â€"Meets - in the Masonic Hull, every Monday evening at 6.30 o'clock. A. E. Mortimer, Guardian. The Muthodist Sabbath school Temperance Asso- ciation issue pledge cards every Sunday when docked, Wm, Harrison, Supt. MECHANICS” INSTX'I'U'rE.â€"â€"Librnry of over 1000 vol- umes open every Tuesday evening, in the Mn‘ sonic Hull. from 7 to 8 o'clock. R. E. Low, Li- brarian. Lectures and discussions periodically. RICHMOND Him. an BmGAnm~Mcets {or flu) practice the first and third Monday of ouch month, at 7 o'clock p in J H Sanderson, Capt. CRYSTAL LODGE. U.T.O., Baumâ€"Meets for prnc~ him every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7:30 o‘clock. LE. Mortimer, Leader. ' ST.1\IARY'S Ermammn CHURCHâ€"services M. 3 p m, except the thin: Sunday at every mpnbh, when the services 0.11.1 sacrament are heid at 11 n m. Is‘unduy school at 1:30 p 111, Rev B. Shunlilin, ector. METHODXST CHURCH OF CANADAâ€"Bandage M. 10:30 in m, and 6:30 p m; Sunday school at 33:30 p m; prayer muting every Thursday evenly}; and S S Tcnchcrs’ meeting un Friday evening. J Herbert Starr, Pastor. PRESBYTI’HKAN CHURCH OF CANADAâ€"services at 11 o‘clock um; Bible class on Sunday evening at 0:30 o'clock. Ite'v J Dick, Pastor. ROMAN CATHOLIC (‘HURCH~ services in order a: follow : Thornhill at 9:00 a. m, and Richmond Hill at 10:30 11. m; the following Sunday at Rich~ mondglhll at pzoo ah], gyd"1"homlxill‘nt 10- 0 “SW mm BATTLE, Also the Store and Dwalling House and Garden, containing half (m acre of choice fruit trees, oc- cupied by Mr. A. Moodie, subject to an unexpired louse. Apply to For sale on reusollmfile terms, the Romans and lot comprising lull: m; acre of land, with 0x001- Xent garden and orchard lying sqygh pf Mr. A. L. Skeele'a shop and noiti‘i pf Mr. Mex. Moodio's store, in the village of Richmond Hill. ‘A good business stand. _ , Nonmnnx RAILWAYâ€"Trains puss TLLhmond Hill station as fallows; moving sGuth at 9:10 am, 2:10 133%an 85263) ' movng north at 8:1 1)_I_;; .. L..- The. nhovo are all puma bred stock and well worthy the attention of Agricultural Societies and live farmers, including ma’the‘y do, Centennial and nmny otlun; p1. ze Winners. They haie 12mm bred, not. with :L view to fash'ou only, t the usz-ful ‘qxialim-g m‘ beef and mi k, wool am mut- iioy, and cheap pork product-ion. Sale positive and without reserve. TERMS :~$50, zmr‘l 'vrdnv, Crush ; over that. sum eleven months' crudib on zwurnvnzl joint notes, with a discount :11. 1.11.; grate 0.1 19 per cent per 9.1L uum for cash. For Cutgloguea apply (0 F. J D, Snm‘u, Newton Brock. M Gunman 2'. Thonxhill. 1: dz KE'I‘CHLEY. York Mills. Y LEMON, ‘i‘homhill. ' ' us. ARMSTRONG, Aurora 0n Centre street swat, Richmond Hill. Appiy ta Wmnsmm, Nov. 15, 12 o’clock. noon, precisely.â€" Gmut joint sale of 35 Shprtvhoms. 25 Cohawolds, and 60 Berkshires, at Thornhfll, Levi Fair- banks, Auctioneer. Tmmsng‘z. Nov; 9, at 1‘2 o'clock, noon, precisely.â€" Credit‘. sale of 1mm) Stock, Implements, etc., 0;; the fun; pi Mrs. Thomas Dewsberry. Wilâ€" lmtvdaie, ange street. S. Eckurdt, Auctxoneer. mu pun, wuu. 9.,“ In”, “mum, “Wm, .. V.-- a m. 1' p m, and 5:20 1» in, Mr Palmer's 'bus meets ‘the morning train moving north and evening train moving south. Tim I’nom'on STAGE LINE.â€"R1‘lns in connection with the Northern Rnilwny, meeting the morn-' ing train moving; south and the evening train moving: north. Passengers leave the Dominion lion-,1 ut 8:10 a m, n‘rriving in Toronto at 10:20, mid returning leave City lIxLll station nt 410 1) m, and Brock street; station at 4:25. 'Sinleo iinkotn, 50 cents; retum, 80 cent-s. S. Proctor, proprietor. Ricmmwp HILL OnmmUsâ€"Jmns daily. leaving tho Stage Hotel, Richmond Hill, at 7:30 (1 m, arriving in Toronto at l0:30 n in, MM returning, louvos the Conmterxciu] Hotel, Jnixm at, (163220 p in, and tho Buy Home Hotel, Yonxzn M, at, 3:30 11 in. Single 4. zkr'ts, 40 cents; return,75 cents. John Palmer, 11', proprieto- Two VILLAGE LOTS F o R s A L E , 83 Short Horns, 235:3 CotsWolda AND 69.}3ersh1res. HOUSES AND LOTS FOR. SALE AT RICHMOND HILL, WEBEESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, Bxcumoxr. 751; . PM“ OFFN‘E. Mails close a.“ follows Alor‘fin doing (south. west and c“ H, includinr aple, ",hm‘uhill, Toronto, Markham, etc., :11 ‘ going with, 6:45. Eveningâ€"Guru; south, CPU-L .uld wosfi. M fig-L5. Register'ad lav-“VP must be handed in fifteen minutes earlier. AT THORNHILL, ONT., GEE AT JOIN '1‘ SALE OF r “I’ll bet a. hunch-pd .dollfira 1" ‘called the 01d lady, in an ,excited ” voig9_â€"~‘-‘).’ll bet a hundmd ‘dofim mat mm HP half the night befoxje packing m y ’_a grown .59 339'? is» gs ‘ :1” -â€"In a. streetcar, recent]y,.some men ware-talking about the nerve of William Tell inshooting an apple ofi' his son’s vfhead. To vex an old lady who was list- gning, one of the men said : pnulg uuv Lu uuw gnu» opuu . “"’1at waa Mr. Tom. But what did his wife amount to? Why don’t history mention her 1” - ‘ ' April 11, mo. ijl‘l-éi'zigtifi-SV {61;}; Mhrklmm every third Sunday. COTSWOLDS SHEEP, UCTION BILLS PRINTED AT phjs qflice will be noticed M under FREE. And Berkshire Swine. The undersigned will offer {or 3510 Tweive miles uoxth of Toronto, on 331112132 gummy, At twelve o'plock, noon, precisely. 3mm “gtgifitcr. RICHMOND HILL; ONTARIO; CANADA, NOVEMBER 3, ‘1876. JAMES M. JENKINS, 1mm P.0‘ Or to M. gnaw, LEVI FAIRBANKS, ,xucgjiougsx. gar 51:12. 41‘ OFFICE. CHURCHES. SOCIETIES. JAMES wmmzm. TRAVEL. nichmdnd Hill. J A .the amonage. ‘Sbouflvillo. on the 29;): pct.I by 1310 figmid B: Moore; Mr. Walter ~A.’Penraon, Q (:9. Miss J 855107-31. Mwhen, All-oi Aurora: [911 the mus-Och, at tho'residenco of the bride's" atrhcx. by the Rev; Dr. Castle, G60.'L Hudson, of glam}: "e, to June, dgughtey 01 Join; Sovem, 01 or v e. may do as theyvplease, afifjf mako' no difi‘erence, They‘rmakcsdg. great mis- take. It pauses all thadifl‘aefle -in the world. Women sllgpkd gr wumoxe de- votpd and men more fond a; it matriage, if they‘have the sljghtest‘ikl‘éai‘o’f being happy as Wives and husbankdfiw It is losing sight' of hhis .funglgrggxfial truth which leads to lumdfiods 6f divpl‘cg's. Yet 4 many a. man will : scold 1‘J‘fiia'fi ivife who would never thin}; of breatlmtg’ifa harsh word to a sweetheart ;‘an§,;;mmy..a :wife will be glum and m9f080,,_'9!i\7_*h0_r has: band’s return, who‘ Hut" bfi‘fi tin-Kile: 'and yards of cheer for him when hehv‘vu rher ‘ suitor. How can such pééialb Expect to he happy! â€" v - Although (he Ti‘x-‘rks. have not gfitig‘ely ceased fig-Ming, flmré’fié very little news about actual h. 'iilties. fit it: post 'iéady £591.; finjgfig. by of broken law ,; itihro’suléjea binfiwfih stern voice, and pun-933;!“ I‘gntgnbe ‘on the Wagmsor 5 it i]: infinfibeot'.‘frio‘nd or higdreadfulvenexny, «A-gyél‘lwrpris 3 top turn of regret £51; for gril‘dggdig,’ neglect- ad duties, corrupt/6d ‘ wanted lives, which, in deplh- npdkeenneu, sure» passes all other annexing, ‘14 "It, minim 3 man everywhere; It lis‘zb‘fig'ma kindled with his will, which infiardly torment-l and consumés'him, It iuan etemil {act that he cunnot reject tho“ guardian cfgrn of conscience, or escape pa'ina Obits" Hanging lash. It is {gnawing worm, which gestatier prey. on his vitals, Though it: avenging power may not be felt at once, and thongfifile may sin and seem to prosper, and be absorbed in the engrossing excitemenfis pf the world, despise demands upon 'fiii pntil ,we think we have conquerfil eongoienge, it .will come and have its d'eb't. or us, and it will claim its prerogafiifg fit willgralrp over the ashes of our ’ingiifl'erengg, and rekindle the “angel-hid“ fire. inf-om lesson of thoughtfulnesg‘l: in mine (19, of disappointment gnd‘ffoublp, when on! vanities and prifle-ar'fa' till-own 11059215 some restlesp-hour, when blepp fiiel from: the pillow, when gain and ambition mun; fail to excite and satisfy? glie heartbflut anoraged friend will riao‘up and do its office, and lift. it: gvengihg'hmd. _ Joniicloneo iii; ion; fiathcr a nice little fortune for a man with; small family-m» ‘_ _ ~ ' ' Beiow we acknowledge subscriptio‘ns to Tu: Hmnmmceived smce 26111 ML: 1001 Hodge.& Ketchley, fork Mills. 982 M. J. Corkery, Thornhill. 981.'A. Hendrick, Headt'ord... . . 957: T. Stockda‘e, Richmond“ Hill. ‘ " ' Just so " Big Push” was his vopponeng‘. in 1867 ; and it is said Ibis election (xx penscs, Were over 830,000 on that occas- Serle seems to be beaten to such an cztepi that the war‘may be said to be virtually over as ‘far‘ns she is concernedl and the Russian volunteers are leaving her army, and not likely to return to fight fp; her. I The eicgtion expenses of the respective candidates’in the recent contest in South Ontario has §usb been published. Mr. J. D. Egar’s amounted to $434: 79 ; and the Hon. '1‘. N. Gibbsto '37. IT would be interesting to know what. the present members egrpenses were when he carried ghe Riding in {867. We are incand (6 think is. may“ make a large- fortune for a man with agpa’ll family. â€"-North York Reformer. The latest news from tile East gaping to shqu‘ that {he Bgrte Ihas«cc-opted, Russia‘s ultimatum of a two months’ armistice, with the immediate suspen- sion of hostilities. _ . ' A member of the 375% Scfitia Gfivernr mcnl has been accu‘géd‘bl‘ vlfii’fi‘ng lmusga of ill fame, and being in 7; Hints: of zlrunk- enness; The Chrmzicle (organ of the Gown-mum.) calls f0;‘13 clmnge' in the Ministry, acknowledging the correctrlgss of the statement. The man’s antépe- dents were well-lmoyng‘before he évpr entered the Cabinet which be has been allowed to disgrace. >_ i The libel suip’of Sefiator Simpson agaiast the proprieto; :of theWcst Dur- ham News comes 0593 thc eighth of this month. . ' , lIan'ied people should treat each other like lovers all their livaqrthen. they would be happy. Blckeri‘g and quarn reling will soon break all all lqve of; faigs; consequently lovfék‘fi iiidfilge such only to a. limited extent. But some" peopleâ€"men and wonlggzfl'tbothâ€"when they have oppe’ golf 'marrigg‘fch'igk they. SUBSCRI PTIONS RECEIVED Notes ‘ andi figmments. animus or 692:1). THE EAST. MARRIED. u ....... slvvnl) uvn llldll nvuurpu, .ILUW any a. caress, how many a kind Word,[ . how many a promise has been broken how many a heart has been'wrecked, how many atloved one has been lowered into I this narrow chamber, how many a babe ‘- has' gone from earth to heaven, how many a crib or cradle stands silent now f which last Saturday held the rarest of all treasures of the heart, A week is a life. V A week is a. history. A week marks events of sorrow or gladness of which ‘ people never have heard. _Go home to the family, man of business 1 Go home i you-heart erring wanderer 3 Go home to " Lcheex those who await you, wronged ‘ waif of life’s breakers ! Go home to than you love, man of toil, and give one r night to the joys smd comforts fast flying by 3' Leave ' your book with complex figures, your dirty, workshop your busy . store. Rest with those you love ; for God only knoWs what the next Saturday night will bring you. Forget the world I of care' and the battle of life, which have ‘fllrrowod the week. Draw close around tho family hearth; Go home to those you love, and-u youbask in the loved presenu‘vand meet to return the loved ombra‘co of yourhenrt’u you, mm to be . 9W?” MEL" ". ” Accident on the New Jersey Midland .Baituaywbyuwhidrmrnl gmploypea of the road were kifled. ‘ ‘ Mqutreal is crowded with fiouyisps from'all pans of we world; ' ' " Preparations are going on. for: the closing ofthe Centennial Exhibition. The Week’s News. .3..â€" TM Blrbadoes ribtern are on their trial. Printers wages have been reduced in New York. There has been a printers strike at Wash- ington. 77,333 paupera are reported in London, ‘n one week. A and cue of suicide! is reported from Ushuwa, Some 3,900 men have been sent to the shumjes on the Uuawa this spnson. 3,000 barrels of apples were purchased ir, Harchh Township aqd shipped to Glasâ€" 30w.- The civic and military firemnn have bad a row, upon the question of right to put on! a fire at Halifax. 'Two whiskey deiectives have been mob- bed in Merriam); England consumes 500 millions of fresh eggs in one year. ’ The report of a proposed Fenian Raid into Canada is denied. Great sufi'eriug from famine is reported in some mm of the East Indies. A mogt destrpptivg Cyclone swept over some parts of Ceutml America. Frontenac county is going to pay the K and P Railwny Company $10,000. Gen. Dix has been nominated for the mnyoralty of New York 9;; the Republican ticket. A convict. escaped from the Kingston penitenjarx. He had twice before escaped, and been taken again. Newt York city waan more reservoirs, water 13 getting scarce. “A shipment of cattle {10m Montreal on Saturday for England, valued $38,000. inches New-11a million dollars worth of cod liver oil is shipped from Newfpundlund to England. Slade the American spiritulistghgs been sentgrlced to three mouths‘imprig‘opment at hard labor. During a fine glnrm panic in a theatre in San Frandgco twpmy pgoplp were lmden to death. ' ’ Many damaging Vgnies have taken pine? in the West Indies, causing much damage “3????”in 1"? T‘rénty- pf pence hns'been signed between the United Stalgs Commissiouur and the Indian Chiefs, A young child child seven years of age, was killed through drinking whiskey in To- ronto the other day. wig-1nd accident occurred on a Centennial :boqn’d (min on Mdnday night, seyeral per- aorfg' killed and injured. Twenty-seven news have Mex; 535ml: off during flle scrutiny in {he Lincoln election case,1lla other side will be heard when tbirtydhrge has been reached, ’Mnny deathg‘are taking placejn Nov» Scplin from diptheria. Snow fgllin the gorth yostern Hart of gntario, gt; Frigay' pqxhg dppxh of four Mr. Delormp M. 1),, is reported as likely to have ibe You. {akin} vacant'byjhe resig- tinlipn of Mr GeoEfr-ioh. ‘ Ibe youngest son of Major White, Sgcrelary of the Post Office Department at Ottawa, lost his life by drowning. Hus Honor Judge Mackenzie has revoked a license granted last May, on the ground that 11 was obtained under false pretences. While-st? the Rev. Mr. Chiniquy was preaching at. Montreal on Sunday night, stones were thrown inio the building, nearly striking some of the inmateg. 'The’ British Ame Expidilion under Cap- tain Nares, comprising the naval ships Alert and Discovery has arrived at Queenstnn. Noland could be discovered norxh of the highest latitude reached. xmmgly 83.20. hut ip_.:(¢t,he‘r neap’ects' the expidition was suc- cessful. - The Premier was interviewed at Montreal nponrthe question of prohibition; but poli- tical reasons prevented him giving much satisfaction Lo the interviewers, ‘ Value of goods Impm'ted for the month of Semem‘ber, $10‘013,960, of which $307,809 were dulialfle goods. on which duties to the nmonm of $1,248,524,_26 were collemed. An extraordinary letter was written by the chief of the French Commission to the Centennial Exposition, accusing the Ameri» ‘cnnsof having set fire to the buildings con gagingheCEmey cases of French goods. ‘ 11....__< V. 7..__..,...-, WSAmbiAY Nzam.-'â€"How many a kin} rhu been‘ givena how many auqugse, hoyr, The following instance of practical sympathy is related by a Scotch paper : poor man who had a. large family broke his leg, and as he would be for some time destitute of the means of grace, it was proposed to hold a prayer- moc‘ting at his house. The meeting was led by Beacon Brown‘. A loud knock at the door interrupted the service. A tall, lank, blue-{rocked youngster stood at the‘donr with an ox-goml in his hand, and asked to 800.1)02l0011 Brown, ‘V‘Fnthor could not attend this meaning,” he said, “but he sent his prayers, and they are out in the cart." They wcre'bronght in, in the shape of putatues, beef, pork and corn. The mowing ‘xn‘oLo up without the mediciiun. “ l A correspondent at Constantinople reâ€" ports the following conversation ,with one who has long been a. resident there, and who has an acquaintance with Turk- ish life and manners. He says: “And how are the Siiltans'b'uried 7” I asked.â€" “I will tell you,” was the reply, “what was told me by a Turk among Turks.â€" one who knew and would tell the truth. The dead Sultans have always been buried like dogs. The great thing is to get rid altogether of the idea of a Sultan; for never was there a people among whom is literally carried out the idea that “Le Roi no meurat pas.” When it is quite certain that a Sultan is about to die those around him hardly wait for the breath to leave the body. Most of them run away to be ready to do homage to the new occupant of the throne. Then follows anodd arrangement : All homage is due to the living sovereign ; nothing muse interfere with that, not even the corpse of'the late sovereign. ' So one or two of his old servants only remain the body, and whqn it is quite dead the roll it up in straw matting and ‘prop i. up behind the door of his room, to be as much out of sight as possible, and when night fails it is carried of the palace and buried very quietly.’ N0 tram of mourn- ing coaches here in Turkeyâ€"btit; then, they never are used in Turkey; no elabor- ate preparation for the last resting place of one allâ€"powerful a few hours before. With us, in tact, a. Sultan is nobodyâ€"his sacredness has descended to his succes- sor. To him we turn our thoughts. We Osmanlis could not do as you Franks (loâ€"have a. grand lying-in-state. We should bewail at the sight, and that would be incongruous with the rejoicing demanded of us on the accession 'of our tow sovereign, and would be displeasing him. Therefore the custom of bury- ing the Sultans in this manner has never been interfered with, and it is best so.” “ But how are grandeos buried in Turkey '3” I continued. “Ah !” was the re 1y, “I myself saw the funeral of Ali Pasha, Faud l’aphe, and Djemil racha, so I‘can make you understand what the ordinary Ceremony is at the burial of a person of rank. Neither Turkish ladies nor Turks ever wear mourning ; that they dispense with. I will tell you about the late Fuad Pasha’s funeral, 'Minister for Foreign Affairs. VVeIl, he, you know, died in Italy, and his body was brought back to Stamboul for burial. They dug three dill‘crent graves for him, because in preparing the first they came upon some animal (a scorpion I believe), and it was thought that Turkish ground (sacred in the eyes of Turks) would not receive the body of he who had died amongst unbelievers. The second grave was not empletcd when they found water, an again in this way it was believed the earth would not let the body lie therer-‘cBut the third time no such impediment ap- peared, and the grave was dug in a hill within Stamboul, in a desolate place, on a. site once occupied by houses and be- longing to a mosque '; but this great waste place had been devastated by one of those great fires that are so common to Constantinople, 1n the burial, first chill the body is taken to a mos uel Over the simple coflin of cypress hail; contains the body, magnificent shawls are thrown, many sent by friends of the dead pasha. Several pashss help to carry the body to the grave, and as! the procession goes on every one rushes for; ward to holp'bear the coffin for a moment “this is thought to be holy work. He had been to the theatre and had improved the long waits between the acts, and when his street was reached he rose on his feet, straightened his legs as well as he could, adjusted his hat, look- ed up and measured for an instant the distance to the bell strap, made a. dive for it, caught it at the third attempt, pyt his entire weight on it, and of course rang hoth bells violently. “Here! here !‘ what’s the matter with yer i” yelled the conductor. “\Vhat are yer ringing the hell at both ends for i" -‘~‘Becanse,” reâ€" plied the passenger, with great contempt, “because (hie) 1 want both ends of the (hie) car to stop.” ‘ You 3,06 that a. "pulls. 11.2}: a respect Paid him of a ccremgnious burial {but {II for the Sultans, they me got 01.3 of light as spee pdguieflyru pouible, Referring to the singular sagacity 01 these little creatures, a. story is told 01 Huber, the younger, who one day took an ants’ neat to populate one of those glass contrivances which he used. for making his observations, and which con- |sisted of a sort of glass bell placed over ‘the nest. He sat at liberty one part of the ants, which fixed themselves at the foot of a. neighbouring chestnut tree. The rest were kept during four months in the apparatus, and at the end of this time Huber moved the Whole into the garden and and a few ants managed to escape. ,Having met their old compan- ions, who still lived at the foot of the chestnut tree, they recognized them. They were seen, in fact, all of them, to gestulate, t0 caress each other mutually with their antennae, to take eech other by the mandibles, as.if to embrace in token of joy, and then they reentemd together the nest at the foot of the chestnut tree. Very soon they eome in a crowd to 1.;ok for the other ants under the bell, and in a few hours our obserâ€" vers appm-atus was complotly evacuated by its lfiisoners. / ,_-. E? How STREET CAR 'VAGARIES. ‘3, Intelligence of Ants- A hutmrfly two hundred miles M m9 is certame é phenomenon. Mr. MT." Dasent write; to “Nature,” from Nov'r Zealand, that gu .the voyage to thgt colony his ship was one morning visited by an grangcbmgm butterfly, which thq passengers endeavored to capture, with- out success. At 'phe time the vowel wt: two hundred mug; gamut from St. huh? Rock, the 1:93:95} ad mainly by the amalgamation of . distinct stocks ; one of which, styled-by} Mr. Grifis, the Yamato, from a. provinofi of that name in Central Honda, cunt; up arently from the south, ma, long; b on the Christian era were in pg‘s'séufi sion of the southern islands, from‘whichi they'set out for the conquest of Hoficlb,{ which, with Yezo, was peopled by a min contemptuously styled ebiahn, or “bar- barians,.’.”who had descended from the Northeast of Asia, and are identified! with the Ainos, remnants of whom are Etill found unmixed in Yezo, and m ocgaaiqngllyjo be met with in the capi- Axum The #:Panw m ? mind rm» ml. M'rfGrifhs 'gives a characteristic: portrait of one one of these. The com- plexion is a ‘dark brown ; the eyes not set obliquely ; the nose low, with‘ rounded lobes ; the menth large; tho hair black and abundspt, clipped short in front, but falling in ‘ebundant muses over the back and shoulders; the beard. and mustache: unusually long and thick. They are emphatically a. liéJii-“y’race, tho entire body of the males being lomn- times covered with a. fell of hair which long. The A'ifios age the stock upon which the other races have been "sited, and whose language forms the ' “not the Japanese of to-dey, compelling the numerous words which have been adopt- ed from the Chinese to conform to it; own laws of construction, somewhat u the Saxon masters the latter element of the English language. “The Japanese vocabulary," says Dr. Hepburn, “has been greatly enlarged and enriched by the introduction of Chinese words, all taken from the written language, and not from the colloqual, {which has never. been spoken in Japan. Sq extensively iiave these words bsen introduced that or almost every native hold the Japan- ese have an equivalent Chinese word.â€"- But in common usage the ’ hmes of things, family relationships; tie word: which express their wants, feelings, and concerns of every-day life, are for the most part netive words, while the techni~ cal, pliilosolyhical, and scientific,th are Chinese.” ' ' ' The day had been set and Hm you; man was happy. When his father fail in business he collected together all fit. pink love-letters, the lock of hair, the faded amiiet, etc, and started for her father‘s mgnsion. He was high minded and hpnorable, and felt in duty hound M; release hm- frnm hur engagement. If“; he felt faint as he was ushered mm 9}”; parlour. Such love as his w01111Qu‘t,uy' crushed. ,1 ' “Gworge! dwenr ngrgel” 3119 ex- claimed as he entered fine putter“, bud? seized his hands. ‘ A correspondent writes :â€"I especially noticed in Berlin the extreme case of en: trance into the royal palaces, ant}. the very open and thorough way- in ‘fihicli the whole thing is shown you. There is aniarlged difference in this respect boo tween Prussia. and other countries. The Emperor William does not seem to have anything he wishes to conceal. I spent a very pleasant hour in passing through the palace, which is his constant city res- idence. It is not very grand, "or even sumptuous. But enter it ‘and you at once feel than you are in the home of a soldier. It is almost an'arsenal, it is so warlike in every way. Old armour and new armor, fragments of shellsâ€" the momentoes of battlesâ€" models of the different kinds of soldiers in their sppro: priete uniforms, models of various guns, great relief maps of battlefields and fort~ resscs â€"â€" these are everywhere about. Almost all the pictures, too, are martial ‘ battle scene after battle scene ; some 0 older conflicts, others of the modem fights in which the Emperor himself in the centralfigure.-, 'I went into the Em- peror's private study and library. Isaw the chair in which he sits, the desk is; which he writes, the pile of des atches awaiting his attention, the books he use; the papers fresh from his hands. It manifestly a workmnn's place â€" this study, The grim old Emperor is evidep: tly no idler. He keeps his land or} things. 1 am told that he is at his mbip regularly every morning at six. fi’p'll, no one can lielplhonoring the fearlpfiohi fellow amid sncx proofs. of hips; " ievotion to duty, 1 . ‘ '1” w ‘ -Some girls woula hairq set the dog on hlm not having a business father to makq due explanations. " “Arabella, I am here to do my duty."- he smd as he rose up. . “\Vâ€"Whafi‘s the matter?” she ukod. ' “Hâ€"h'zwn't vou heard ofmv father's “‘VJVhafi‘s the ma‘tter?” she ukod. ' “H-ll’zwn't you heard of my father's: failure?“ he inquired, his heart beating painfully. ' “I am glad of it, that’s all, she cried. “You are?” ' “Of course I am. I was talking with ffler, and he said that if your father hart L‘LUCd for $60,000 he’d make at least 350,000 out of it, and of poyrse you’ll {swioe as much as you counted org!"- The distinctive types of the two men are still apparent among the Japanese.- In the upper classes we see the fine, long, oval face, with prominent, well-chisled features, deeply sunk eye-sockets, ob~ lique eyes," long drooping lids, elevated and arohegl gyebrows, high, nan-ow, forehead, round nose, budâ€"like mouth and pointéd chin; contrasting strongly with 'the Lround, flattened face, less ob- lique eyes almost level with the cheek; and straight noses, expanded and turneé 'up at the roots, which prevail among £110 agricultural and laboring chum, _ ,3.» ." V “\Vhfl' yes, dwcar Gworge, and what of it?” fffkren} yninâ€"‘nfontr yonâ€"glut, isâ€"I" WHO-LE. N 0-. 954-. {From the Dch‘qjj, Free Pusan.) No DIFFERENCE. The Kaiser’s Palace. flask? 1 who Japanese. V

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