. All this isthemm‘e humiliatingwlmtwe remember that in natural resources Catta~ da is not behind the United States. 0m country abounds in ores of ("very variety, and gt‘Pttt liCilllPBS: phosphates, alkaline earths. salts. (-oal 820., and yI-t with a p10, tective tariff altogether insufï¬cient, our ï¬eig‘hbma taiw the raw material from us, and nehuy i'. la large advance in tin: Eitdbt at manufactured article. Laughing at our strutge mditi’erettee, Bro. Jonathan sends us his manufactured goods and .’ pocket; the, proï¬t while we sit still \i‘ith the poor cnnsrlatio‘n: "Protection is a great evil." Meantime their great cenv tries of trade increase in population and wealth, already their exports exceed their imports. and soon that great country will‘ become still greater in tlte monuply of the great industrial enterprises ot" the world. Says Mr. Baumgartin. ' "'Making every allowance for the super- ioi' taste in the display of their productions. which is apt. to prejudice in their favor, the coal, imiuartial observer and technic, after comparing prices and "inspecting Amelie-an mayut‘uetuwng rstablishmems, will come to ~[he conclusion that. our neighbors have The great cities of the United States owe their prosperity largely to the fostering cure bestowed upon manufacturing interests. It is all very well for some of our wise-acres to tulli about the United States being pro- tected to death. The country has suffered from the throes of a mighty ï¬nancial revo- lution. affecting all classes of society; but. doubtless will come forth more prosperous than ever. The words of the author of the pamphlet in question are worthy of 56110115 consideration. Dun’tatlossnmny are, trusted by the idea that Ftee dee meat z: cheap iiving; but it is :1 poor .morsgl .of Comfort {or the tanu'kfng man and indusu-iuus mechanic to It}! them that Free Trade moans cheap living when all industries are prostrate, and withnnt work (:0 money to pulclmse food, even though food be cheap. 0 LC {not is obvious that the prosperity of ‘ country depends upon the growth and development of its great centres of trade and commmcenits towna 'and ciderâ€"then the' ï¬trmor ï¬nds a mar- ket for produce at. remnnemtive prices, and the working? man and mlisan employ- menLatgood wages, and not (My so but the value of farm produoo, and the wages of the workman increase in the same ratio with the enlutged pt‘ospctity of those centres. There is another fact equally obvious, that the growlh and develoinnent of great centres of 'trade depends upon the growth and developmem of industxial 11nd manu- facturing inlei‘esls. Suppose a new country should do nothing from yearto year. but exfor’l ils' productions; my Iumbm and cereals and import manufactured articles, the imports largely exceeding the exports there might be a (summary growlh in its leading towns and cities and imaginary prosperity; but the end could be only 'Itagnaiion and ruin. In many of those productions they have invenlvd entirely r-ew mellmds. (In "" ilv guarded mumxfncturin: {ABCID‘H for difl}. 4:2 pwpm'mions, from uhich some Europozm nmnnfncturcrs drew great fortunes. me xml seczem to them any longer. Such as the lnnnufewtuxes nt'Quinine, Momhiue. Cum- phnr’, Vermillinn. mm. in which amides they have outdone Europe." “Since the war Americans have started in all possible branches, and we ï¬nd them now the largest mnuufnclm’ers of mineral acids. tartaric, citric, ncelic, oxalic, and chemically pure acids, ()Q‘Ihe Alkuloids and all kinds of chemiculaI Eyeing and photo- graphic prepurmions, fertilizers, drugs, m‘neml and orgumc colors, pmnta and var- nishes, etc. _ Advertisers contracting for apnea on the second third or fourth pages. for a speciï¬ed time, will be charged, payable quarterly, as follows: One Two Three Six One Month. Months. Months. Months. Yum. -‘ Protection or Free Tuade †is just now the gretlt question, engaging the attention of the thinking minds of our infant. Limxviu~~ 30h. It is not wethm‘Gmnt Britain, with, her monoply of (Tl'lnln bunches of indus- try, needs the prntvctiun nt'llwse industries - it. is not how much the limited States of America luv 0. been 5 u" 1'" by carefully proteclir‘; Yeti: ; u. mnwï¬tcmriug in- L dustliw 5 but (in the industliul interests 01 our own country: must of :1 I m in meir in. fancy need :1 jhdlCltrliS but stringent Pro- tecxive turft‘ tor thrir development, and would such :1 tmill‘pmducmhe largest bencv ï¬ciul xcsulls to all classes at" the commun- it)". Indush'ial Canada is Ibe designation ofn pamphlet. from Ihe pen of A. Baumgurteu Ph. D. ofMontveul. Mllengthy correapondence and advertisements must be received at the ofï¬ce not later than Wednesdtty noon, to secure insertion the current week,but short items of local news and adver- tisements will be received up to ten o'clock on Thursday morning. M. H. KEEFLER. Editor. Publisher and Proprietor. Column ...... $10 00 Half'Col ...... 8 00 uarter Col. 6 0,0 hreeinches 3 00 Two inches. 2 50 unrter Col. 6 0,0 8 00 10 00 15 00 20 00 hreeinches 3 00 4 00 5 00 8 00 12 00 Two inches. 2 50 3 00 3 50 .5 00 8 00 One inch..... 1 50 1 75 2 00 3 00 5 00 Twelve lines of Nonpareil comprise an inch. Changes allowed in contract advertisements twelve times a year; each change over twelve times will be charged extra, at the following rate: column, 31; half column, 606; quarter column and under, 350. The copy for changes of advertlsementï¬ ap- pearing on the second or third pages. must reach the omce on Monday to secure attention the Hume week. II sent by mail or other conveyance when no de- sired for ONE DOLLAR per unnum in advance. single copies, three cents. . . anagram!) will concuin all matters of local 03811109, articles and comments on the po- litlcql events of the day, the latest home and fan!ng news carefully summarized, trustwor'uhy market reports, agricultural matters and geuoral family reading. u. ‘HE HERALD,†’PifBZ'ISHED EVERYFRID. RICHMOND I-HLL, NOV lOih,187G. THE HERALD. IND USTRIA L 0.4 NADA. $20 00 15 00 10 00 s35 00 20 00 15 00 '11 Iâ€, $60 00 35 00 20 00 12 00 8 no 5 oo under the British flag have their "‘ riglg.‘ is freemen†and it, is one of those 1-iglr‘ ~ which appuren‘ly they have not the sense :1p[!l’cCiulL',-â€"-llttlt we wish to give to them, nay. we u '4 fln‘ce them to exemim their "rig/Lt of z‘.:ll‘;'nge†Wlilcl} is one or the most glorious which the constitution can has.th upon them. ls it not the of fir. y munâ€"mud (I which he snouy .29 pone, to almre in the :uvernrn-p' LEA coun'i-y,’ yet the prlvrlege in disco-"7d, and the duty shirkeol bythose ~31, mtuse to come to the polls. They’ui 3n; zmother renaun for doing so; the corruption which prevails at elections. Then let all honest. men rise and combine to wipe-out ’hose wrong-doings of which‘they complain inv stead of sitting by their ï¬resides : nd with a long face declaiming against these acts, whiletdoing nothing to counteract‘ ‘0: crush them. Again, it should be a. weight} matter to us, and one which we ought to consider, Although this is a subieet which has never been deemed worthy. to any extent, of public consideration, as not having much weight. on political uï¬â€˜airs; perhaps a full investigation might; reveal points which have such force, that the desirability of the movement would be owned by all who- reviewed the subject rightly. We advo- cate it on the ground, that, all taxation should have 7'rprcsenlation, ,which, in the present state of utfairs it has not, for though ratepayers have a right to represent then property, many of them will not exercise it, through the feeling that. they cannot be bothered with politics, or for private reasons of whlch, we know nothing. The evils of this may easily be perceived. The repre- sentative government, is not representative, ‘ or rather is only so of half the people,‘ whilst the men who have not taken part. in; the installation of it; grumble ut the laws1 “hit-h they term unjust, yet will not. help 10‘ alter them for ones more in unison with their fee‘ings. To have the State repre sented, we must not, be guided by the views of some of the members, but. by the majority oi the whole. The opprsitton which is rnised In this is “you infringe upon our rights as freeman, in not leaving: us the op- :ium ot'ucting in accordance with our own views.†But this is not 80. Every sultjeetK under the British {lag have their "‘ riglgr ms The above is a strong commentary on the manner in wlnch our beautiful Govern- ment, treats our manufactures, and manu- facturers. and plroves conclusively, that support to home productions, does no? at. all events, always enhance the price to con- snmew. Fox: Tm: HERALD. “ The manufacture of buntng was un- known in this country until after the close 6f the war, so that no American ship ever fought under a yard of American bunt- ing. One or two attempts had be’en made to make it. in Animism which had failed. It wua snbslanliniiy n monopoiy of a. few ï¬rms in Bxyiford, England; and nlzhuiuh it cost, in the w. i, Engiislinicn to inniqu it. no more than nuw. they pui up the p. ice upon us to $3 gold per piece. In 1805 - Cause I lived in a mnnni'nctnring on; was icqucsamd by the Navy Depnitmen-‘L examine inlo like subject and SP3 if it COIL" he made here. 1 consuizrd, \v‘fih sr . iriends of mine in Lowell and “HRH: in them in the subject, and they agmm in make an unempl, provided I wqud furnish part oi the capital, which I did. After many experiments, amended by very cm ‘ embie expense, and ‘by employing Emimiz machinery, an amide of bunting was mmlv, which, upon competitive trial with the Ellgv lieh, was pronounced by aboard of expert: to be superior. The demand for the article is very limited, except in presidential years and the Centennial year. There are now thtee or four other establishments which manufacture hunting in the country, besides the one at Lowell. It is said by a news- paper that the tariff is mete than the cost, leaving the inference that, that is added to the ptice. The effect of the manufacture ltete. has been that hunting is produced at $10 a piece, gold, as against $36, which our government paid for 11,000 pieces yearly diningy the war.â€-American paper. We consider Mr. Baumgarteu‘a pamphlet a most timely production, and bespeak for it a wide circulation. And if the men hOW in power have neither the heart nor the head to conserve lhe interests of their u'urn-y in the time of great diflicuhics and dang-ere; let ihom be removed, and other men more competent put in their place. The day is past when the prosperity of‘ this country, can be maintained by the ex. port of our natural productions in their raw state, and the import of manufactured goods in return, the proï¬t oftlie manufacture going into other bands; and this can only be accomplished by giving the men who are willing to risk their money in manu- facturing enterprises, a. Protective‘tariii‘, sntï¬cienlly stringent and absolutely certain. Then will our centres of popnlation increase in number, intelligence and wealth. The agriculturalist will ï¬nd a market for his produce; and all parties steady and re, muneralive employment. Toronto will be- come the London 0! our great Dominion, and with prosperity at. hnme, and respect abroad, the Dominion will wax stronger and greater. This conclusion must. receive a sound corroboration by the last smnstics, which Show in'tbe United States an excess of'exe pox-muons over importations durng the 1am six months. ofuineteen million dollars.†real'w become the most successful and en- terprising manufacturers, and are dangerâ€" ous competitors in almost every industry in the world. MANUFACTURE OF B UNTING. 00M} PULSOIB Y VOTING. Mr, Daniel 1“. Emmy, of Washington N. J., the energetic and persevcriu;Y mauuflccurer 6f the Beatty Piano and Golder, Torgue Parlor Organs, deserves the hi;_ credit for having producéd the mosst‘pcrfecc musical instrument combined with the’h‘hhost'beauty and chasmuess of design 1 yet offered the 1’, .::usic;xl ptblic. Seé his adVertisement in auc; page. Address Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. J., U. :5. A. An important case in which Agricul- tural Society Directors will feel interest- ed,was lately decided dy Judge Hughes. The Malahide Ag. Society sued Mr. J. Gillott. for ‘20 cents, being the amount claimed for admission to the last show. Mr. Gillott considered he had a right to enter the grounds as often as he chose, For one price of admission. Judge Hughes decided‘hehad not, and gave judgment and costs against Gillottâ€"and added, that all 13%me and Rules of a Society. passed by Directors, have the force of Municipal Council laws, it‘udopto ed within the scope of the Agricultural ’Act- -â€"Honest poverty should rarely be t bar to wedlock. Granted that two per- sons are to existvin this world, they can commonly live as cheaply and comfort- ably in one home as in two separate homes. Tens of thousands happy and holy marriages have been consummated n.“ :‘0 no “cards†were issued, and no 1.1mm! gifts bestowed, CXchui an honest hand and loving heart. 'Ihr man not- withstanding, should have the ‘prospect’ of being, Able to support a wife before asking he): ha? :1. h M-..“ .--;~- A is.._. .n h.“ We noticed in the Globe a few days ago an article entitled "’ Charaster no Object,†and naturaliy supposed it to be a fresh inducement vâ€"u sort of moral, or immoral bonus to attract laborers to the Reform vmeyard. After all. it meant that character is a mostimpormnt (Ling, if it be a Gritchamcter, but, of no value, if it be aConservative. Itisvmywicked t0 slander a gout} Reformer, but quite ullowablc to 2151mm the character of a 'J'ory.â€"l\"a!wmu’, Indrpcndent. People who have to pay for these trips of the diflercnt members of the Govern ment to the Old Country are anxious to know What it is all about. The latest is lljl'.C«';‘-'tWI‘lglll7,Wl10 started the otherduy on a mission across the water ; but the " ae‘pcople must wait. the pleasure of' those who in times past were so eager to fawn on them. Times are now changed. The Collvqnwod Enmzzrlse states that the stony in go " TecumsethԠar- rived there 1mm Chicago with 30.000 bushels 01 wheat ; also the sehooncr " Lotus †and propeller, “ City of' Owen Ilound, †with similar cargoes. This jg vei'y g1-:gil};n.,; .0 7111' as the shipping {if theiccuntry is (ti-Gem'an ; but. is it'fuir to our farmers ll-at wheatlshould be allow- ed in free of duty from the States whilst an impost is put on similar mticles from this side when going into the States. that whilst choice is left us as to whether we will cast our vote or not, that the Gov: ernment of our country is influenced by such a contingency as the state of the weather, for when the day of election is ï¬ne nhinbera turn out, who, when it happemrto be wet mmain at home, Can we call our Govern- ment representative 7 can we be content with laws which are influenced, by such slight. occurrences ? 1f the movement which we advocate ever gains force, we shall Bee every man availing hiinself of his fran- chise, his opinion will be brought to bear for the good of his country. the man chosen by the peopleâ€"and not by the few who call themselves so,â€"will take his seat in Parlia, ment, the feelings of a}! who placed him there will be rcitexatcri by him (we have no right to elect. a man in whom we cannot place implicit confidence) and the sentimentn of the country “ill be represented to their ctedit or otherwise, nnd 710116 can rightly complain, about the choice of a true ma- jority. Things are difl‘erent when “ leading Liafurmers " ma in power and when they (Ia: sweets of ofï¬ce seem to : wows mam. varzom 511159098. ‘ E f_r ‘ "t > H > '9“: Lnxitl‘ LIEJXL‘J :‘uCLtn “re flantux'exxlarkably silentâ€"about ihat .3“ Concern It. is about time steps so taken, to at 23' events, to gradually .-=;.- zzwny widl a CCL‘Hu: that has lived uuL its usefulness. An agitation is again being revived favoring the abolishinent of the Book Concern in connection with tne Educa- tion Ofï¬ce, Toronto. Years ago leading reformers agitated for the discontinuance of this open door to corruption; and when the clerkI George Barber, robbed themstitutionï¬yaï¬'audulentahstraction of a quantity of books, four years since, thntagitation was again renewed, An investigation was clainored for; but the occasion was allowed to pass, and the Book Depository is still continued. Let us hope the new Minster of Education will have something to offer to the Leg- islature at; its :tfrpt'onching session, look. ing to the realizmion of hopes the party have tons: contended for â€"â€"Era. Flour and Feed constantly on hand. Crockeyy, G Tyne and 'lfiuwzu'e. . ’ . A ‘ inds of Farm Produce taken in exchange. GOCL‘S DELIVERED. _ . . New article for the I fuiics, Schepp’sCowuuut for 1214101.: )1 gs, pic‘s, ci‘c‘ Best and cheapest Teas ‘ _ 01‘ Every. Line.. . Best 50 cent Tea m the Vallagc OFFEES AND SHOES DOMINION 61! HOUSE. léi'CAuTmN.â€"«The large and increasing de- mand for Dr. Brighh‘a I’lumphodyue has led to several imitations under Mmiltu' unmos: pur- chasers of this medlchm should therefore be careful to observe that (mph case beam the Gov- ernment atump, with Mm words, Dr. Bright‘s Phosphodyne. engraved t)1r‘rc"‘, and that the same words are also blown in \' ‘ bottle, Every case beBJ‘S the Trade Mnrk 1v: ‘ mtum of Pu.- tentee. Export Aaenm~Mori :x'. .v away :3: 00., 107. southwm'k at, London. "HO 'NE.-J\'IULTITUDES ' 1g l'm'n Debmty. _D01.ressi0n of ' v «3, Indigestion, - '1ory,Lansitude, .1 admit of a per- ' PIIOSPIIODYNE U BRIGHT'S PH 1 OF PEOPLE are hopul Nervous and Liver C ,1 spirits, Hypochorylriav, Failure of Hearing, Sight - Want of Power, 910., whnsu C " mnnent ours by the new ) (Ozonic Oxygen), which at; ( tious and excltement,inmn. s new cum "v and life to the eniecbled constitution, and ‘ _ cures every smm- of these hitherto incur:- I uud distressing mnludlw. Sold by all Chummtl and Dj-uzgists :hgoughout uqulo'be. X'YGEN IS LIFEâ€"DR. BRIGHT'S PH 1% ’HODYNE.--l'IDLTITUDE Pnrtip 'd the desirous of becoming members can for- uzmles to ' . SOMETHING-NEIM- - ’1 STUUK’S EXTRA 'MAGEEII} 1m. annors are acgop that deserves more attention' tlmn it receives, tor its value as a. healthful fond. fur gill kinds of stock. A prejudice exists Jagainst it, on account ofits slow germination, which enables weeds to get the start of it ; the length of the roots and the need for clean cul- ture. By sowing some radish seed m the drill with it, and having the soil deeply plowed and mellowed, and rich,‘ and ’procuring the seed of the Shay]; Horn variety, these difliculties will b6 I’GDIOVr 0d The radish will start and make the rmv visible, when the horse hoe can be used before the carrots are seen. The foster radish crop is Consumed by the flies, or easily when out by hand, when it Sill pay for the trouble! THE rROLLER should be used with judgment. It is a valuable in‘xplement, but sometimes it is used inj uriuusly. It is most effective upon glry soils ; when the soil is damp, clods fie easily crushed but the surface is packed and crusted“ Meadows on the contrary, should lm rolled when moist and grit, that? stones. and “ugh places may Lu: pressed into the soil, and the suriam cllgd for the mower. Fall grain may rolled with advantage, the day after in is burrowed, if rain has not fallen. CLEANLINESS is imperative everywhere about the house, oat-house}, barns and stables ; health is generally valued much_ when it is lost, and the quickest way to lose it is to neglect cleanliness. .The health of the farmer, as well as of his stogk, is a. matter of money to him, and economy, if nothing else, should induoa him to care for it in evcry‘ possible way, CLOVER, .8531) takes bust upon good soil, that has been hairy-men? and fresh- ened up previously, mid fails must fre- quently when sown upon poor sml. and on bare hard surface that ms. buc'H Lawle- ed by LLB winter’s storms. This old careless way 05 Spoiling ought than to be abandoned, along with the hop: uf get- ting a stand upon Soil too pour to grow anything else. \Ve have never failed of a. “catch,†by smviigr whom the {gm-t1: was full of litli'.) cracks madc by a slight freezing ; the 1" 2min; earth covers the seed. Clove is a good thing with which to {u - and. kaStOFG a. soil, but land can L'gislly gut beyond recovery in this way. ' BA}:an AND Ous can be sawn upon a ï¬all plows-d out at bble, as soon as the surface is dry, and us, by plo wing the ground in the fall, a. gain of valuable time is madts in‘ the spring. Those far,- mers who are not fomed to Wait for the ground to ‘dryhe‘fore it can be plowed, may learn a. hint for the next season. WEEDS are the farmer's most inveter- ate enemies. They look very harmless 3 but if we recall the appearance of the ï¬elds last fall, the tax they drew frdm the crops may be easily appreciate}. As a beginning of flu; season’s wow, 'et us resolve to let no, weed escape, and let the word weeds be noted in the men‘nr- undum book in lax-gt; letters, at the head of every page. Then let “r113 ques- tion how to keep the weeds down he the- subject uf study, . . . u .31;me (33.4135 are best t0 15.0 50W“ early, but what is early depends greatly on thg nature and condition of the soil. There are early Sells, light, warm, and naturflly draith ; on these, barley and oats my be sown several dayS' 3001161‘ than m1 culd, heavy clays, As 2; ml“, our earlier gown crops have been t-hu best, even upgn our heaviest ï¬elds, and to have the work well forward, is a temptation to hurry the seed. into {he ground as soon as the 301 is in a proper conditiun for it, but not sumzer. Mr JohnGibson. Preaidmï¬, Milliken P 0 Mr H J eunings, Treasurer, Victoria Square 1’ 0 Mr S T Humberstoue. Sec‘y, Newtonhrook P 0 Which will be acid at the lowest rates. East Riding; of York. Always fresh and direct from the Mills. IBER AL CONSERVATIVE AQ- SOCIATION r01: THE - ichrnorid’ Hi. NOTED FO R. THE "AGRICULTUMLIJ CHAS. E. EBEPPARD. Publisher and Propriétor of “ Thé Hérald†A QUANTITY OF xvi-SM PAPER AT COST, GOODS DELIVERED. A? MOGDIE,‘ 4.2. Specialitiesâ€"Ladies" and :nis‘ Kid 1d Cloth Glovus and Mitts; Mens’, Youths’ and Boys’ Felt I’ '1 ms, Cloth and Fur Caps Clothing mach.) to order ,On the premises and a Good Fitguarauteed. Under Clothing i in great variety. AT THE BRITISH FLAG STAFF AT- GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! Kills the Ticks: Enriches the Quantity and ’ Quality of the Wool, and improves the condition of the sheep. ITS USE COSTS LESS THAN TWO CENTS PER SHEE‘ HUG-II MILL-Esa- do 00., Agricultural Chemists, Toronto TICK DESTROYER The stool: bring all» min, bonsfsling of ress Goods, Parasols, Ladies’ mu! Misses’ Hats, Fans. Also Cations, bleached and unbleached, Tweeds, CM Choice Groceries and all kinds of Hardwzx always on hand The Concrete, noted for Fashionable Goods at Popular Prloes To the (Sonoraâ€"3’58 House for Dry Goods $13111 continues. In Ham Bonn Dress Goods in all 111;: LADIES’ DRESS GGODS; GREATER. BARGAINS. EVE In Stapleand Fancy Dry Goods, moths, Tweeds, Esnts’ Fumishings, Headymade Clulhing, ALL NEWEST STYLES IFAQLCONBRIDG-Ev Richmond mu, H.013, 1576; ’ NEATLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED. Richmond H111, Ontario ALSO, Fresh. Groceries, 6‘6!" 6136.. ata- CALL AND SEE, I .AT. FABULOUSLY Low PRICES. GENTLEMENS" FELT HATS; BOOK AND JOB PRINTERY Staple and VsnoylGrocemfs Selected wirh Cmf-ucial reference go the wants of the] farming community. To quote prices would be superfluous; the only real {631 is to null and examine 531' vonrmlvcs. \‘y’hoevm‘oalls once will be sun? to C‘IE'N back, as Lia: goods for VARIETY. Oil/Alli"! .1.“ CHEAPNQTSS! Who has been doing business for the past 20 years Sin of York, respectfully intimates :hat in order to effecting. v community with He has removed to the City of Toronto, and will be found a: N05,. 206 and 208 Yonge Six, (west side, n few doors north of Queen 3!.) ~ where he has OPENED OUT 206 -YONGE STREET, 203 __wm._ MCMASTER, an, Are :1: I, mrpassed, equ solid iiculcmber the An Immenge Nave Stack 0f Staph-and 55:“; iéimds. FEW 4N1?“ Q3311? $007533, W. A, having increased his stock, is offering SEASONABLE GOODS. To suit the times. The subscriber is selling oï¬'lhe remainder of his stack TY. qumerv CHEAPNESâ€" in {he :Luxninion. '-, 206 and 208 X'W‘» ~ ‘ ‘a'v’erI, 33/1031:ng rpassed, ii equ :' liemcmber the }.1 A n 6.9:», a: -.. 51v ‘. u h, lug 3! all. Jr. 1+ ReeeiVGQ. this day 81%. THE 11. FRESH ASSORTMENT 0F- Groceries. Famfly 1310111988 p’ér Barrel. {*hnrffl, Bran and Cats. MILLER’S v 1 01's, Bf'nbons, Laces, Trimmings etc. J“. K. FALCQNBRIDGE AND OTHER and sh'xdes, extra value. Persona requiring laborers of any kiL-C other 1'9 109, will 7 mgisiwh with us 01: sepgxrn'fhe dem‘red p9 ' CANADA’S CARTOON PAPER, RIP.†Purser will be re for emph. - secure a siwutloi t of émpbyment, male or flung“, wfl End ncquflin’ed of ï¬rst openmg ‘ r-I‘ rl-L-rE‘“ cf 50 cums. Sure to Single copies 5 cents ; $2 a year. Orders xmlvod at this 99599. BE FOB TIâ€, 13 'JM IXIUN, At a“ per hundred (net; Mm Flooring and other! lumber dressed; sup buvkm s, pulls. cider mills wugnmg machines, shingles, ly‘ellm, , suwn and BENT material for buggies and sleighs. ‘ for particulars address JOHN LANG STAFF. team Mills, Lnugstutr l’.0 Lumber Top in short :10 to onion We. the‘undemigned; ciYI‘Ze'ï¬EKfl Wash. ington, New Jersey, lake pleasure in slats ing (hut we have been persnnally acquaint: ed with Dï¬niel F. Realty fox-'a number of 'ears, and are ccuï¬dent that. he is strictly unempupuight, and a perfectly responsible man. and that his instruments are what. he will reprpseut them to he. Jamng, Qroï¬â€˜, Mayor Vand Vice-Pxesident Money refunded) upm; i-eilurn of inslrua mean, and freight. chmm mu] by me both _waya if in any wafunszu hum-yaflex ï¬ve days teat trial. Best om ever given now randy. Address, CLODE &. HOOK, BENT FELLOES, SHAFTS, CUTTER and SLEIGH RUNNERS 3 ALSO,‘ ‘ A LARGE STUCI? ma ; E AV E 2 ECU I JIan‘Lï¬thrr/r nor; .Uo‘uldulgs, Lat/L. , Riufzmond Ii ’ ‘1 I" ‘ ‘ BLAME Firs: National Bank. Judge P. H. Harm, Cashier of First lional Brink. ' ‘ J V Curler. Teller of First Nalionul i’;m;;;. Hon Jos B Garnish, (Stale Senator) MCK‘. chant. , ~ « ,Iu orderlo banish any doulzt'irr regard to my responsibility, I hmefgiveri‘ymi the names and occupations-of 'a law m' the many persons who have tendered ' me their names as reference, I could add many more, but it is uniieoessary,.mid in concim gin" will any you can refer Many of them, aud'l will not desigmte any particular one. “\r 9.1 Busineé-és ‘stimonials. ITUATIONS GU! ANTEL' DANIEL F.V_BEATTY, Fume“: ESTABLiaHED’lN 1856. ATEN 1' liAVE-TRQUG [I Grde Square and Upright. Best (1"7132' ever given new 'rmfly. n'xmtfp mum? "9.15;; and Door Factm‘; _. \VATER SPOUT 12:“ ON HAND, * 1111.11, Ont. inglon, New Jelscy, ALFI’HW A41) QUANTZ ? Washington, New Jérsey, U.S.A, 21mm 318%. MANUFACTURE RE} 0' 4m 601.1011“). ., T Bal (3:33“??? Afï¬frï¬,‘ Celebrated Golds): ‘ Tgflgg Barlor xices of mechafca, 1e maids. SP“ 1': ‘nd a. list n 50 c ,1: AGENCY, LILOCKVILLE, ONT mic ry‘n/‘eru mu‘um mi, Li-J‘v'a;