THE HERALD. EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, It hit: printing oiï¬ces, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Advertisements will be inserted on this page at £116 following rates: Business Cards, one year Do Six months Do three months Tiansitory advertisements. ï¬rst insertion. Terms of Subscription: $.00 per annum in Idvanco. JJ mow) 1mm, will be generally be found .at home from V “a 3 o'clock, p. m. ‘ por'inch‘,V.....,..,.......‘.: ........ Each Eu! :eqent insertion, per inch An incu comprisos twelve lines of Non-pawn. Condunsod .ldVOI‘tiSOHIOUtS, undor the headings: Specmlities," “ Struyed," “ Lostorlï¬ouud,†“ For 1510 or To Lot." " Wanted,†eta, ouch hmertion 25 coma. 75 25 GEO. BROWN, M.D., I’HY SICIAN Elm‘m‘nn r" ‘7 Anommhnnv, (VHr-n (am-“pr nf Advortineménts without written instructions pe inserted until forbid and churng transient Atto'rney. SoliciLorain-Chancery, Convey‘. uncenotc. Ofï¬cevxnï¬ Royal Insurance Build- ings, Toronto street, Toronto. U TEES, .Attm‘nnys. Soliciï¬orsâ€"in-Chuncory, eta. 64 Adelaide street East; (opposite the Court House), Toronto. U RISTERS, 010.. Union Block, corner Toronto and Adelaide SLR. (opposite the new Post Ofï¬ce), Toronto. F. Osman. JAMYZS Brz'rnnmc; W. G. FALmmeDGE. ('JxxAlun-zq Moss. N. W. Hoymss. J. H. T110312 01110097756 King street, East, Toronto, two doors cast of Tomn‘m street; W, H. BEATTY. W. Nxcnnmm MILLER. EDWAM) )L Unknmrm C. R. W. BnmAn. D. 1“. 'I‘nmmsox. ‘ mu! Ccntte streets, Rich- t/ed personally or by 9. cattle. etc. Horses .lso bought and sold a 0 corner (If .ijs mond Hill, may be u ’ letter on all diseases of ‘0 examined 1:3 to mundm on commissinn. Public. etc. BOULTBEE & EVATT, BARRIS- TETLS Attm‘nnva Rrflinitnrainl‘lmnnnrv l Barristers. Attonm} ut-an'. Solicitors~in~ Chmncory, Cunvcymxcors. etc. (“CicrsANox 2, 4 and 6 Ontario Hull, COurt street, l‘omnt THOMAS qu-‘vsox, Q (‘ U Surnmn rn ‘7 Acmuchonr. Ofï¬ce. corner of Yonge and Com: ‘ Street/e, Richmond Hill. BEM‘TY, CH ADWICK 8: GAR Barrm "'8. Attornevs-ut-Lm 41’ Avmtignmcr for the county of York. respectâ€" fully s dial .v 'mn- patronage and friendly influ- ence. Salt“: attmded on the Rhurteat notice and at reasonable rut- 4. 1’. 0. Address. King. k3 Auctioneer for the County’of York, respect- :‘tuFIy solicits your patronage and friendly influâ€" nnw. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. 1‘, 0. address, Victoria Egan/3:0. U Auctioneer for the County of York, i'espcct~ fully solicits your pntmnrgu nud friendly influâ€" anco. Sales attended on the short ’5 notice, and at reasonable rues. P. 0. uddrm- , 'i‘eston. Jul ' MISTS and @mggim, mm“ of Yonsjn and Centm streets, Richmond HilL Spacial m tuntion paid to llrescrjptions. l Drugs. Medicims. Wines and Liquan for medicim-l purnnnr‘s, Hrmnrjes, (at-0.. ’I‘hornhill. By Royal ‘ "Hers “ LL-am has’hoen appointed Is- suer 0! M " ANIEL K13 NEE, LICENSED Auctioneer for the County of York, respect~ J 0 Aucmmxee)‘ for the counties of York. Peel, Ontario and‘Simcoe; 81w Vuluutor mid Commie» sion agent. P. 0. Address, â€" Bloomiugton. 33' Chancerysules attended to. Parties requir- ing Mr. Patterson's marvicos cam make arrange- ments and obtain particulars as to terms, etc., at '1‘ch HERALD 0mm, visit the foï¬owing place's Richmond Hill Markham ... Stoutfvillo Thornhil) Maple. .. “W .0 Dentist, 95 King street East, Toronto. 1&8 “. miueml teeth inserted in a.) manner to suit ‘m‘fghputient. Particular attention given to the preservation rmd re VuliLtion of the natural teeth. Icarefully avoing a1 unnecessary pain. A. W. SPAULDING, Assistant. 11. Method of extracting teeth without pain, by the use of Ether Spray, which affects the teeth only. The tooth and gum surrounding be» comes insensihle with the ext ' 'nnl ugency, whom the tooth mm be chtractcd win no pain and without endungox' !g the lii'o, », in (.110 use of chloroform. h".] insonwill «- at we follow- ing places m" mred 'to extract tur‘th with his now appnrutn: ‘11 once in Dentistry pariorxnm i" r, vorkmayuhke manner: Aurora, 191. :m1,115th and 22nd of each month Nmrumrium 2nd do Richmond Hill ,. do '1“ t. Albert, do Thornhill do meln ....... do Burwick . do Kleinnurg, do Noblcton .. do 2301le C. STOKES, LICENSED ALFRED BOULTBE M. H. KEEFLER, "- U- NE\V!\TATT{E’1‘, 02m, Saw 6130}: DEN"'1-u, would respectfully announce 1,1122: will visit Richâ€" mond Hill the 18th of onci‘ uh :1th, at Palmer's Hotel; also attend the following places, grotes- uionully, Sundays excepted: ' ‘ .......... 3rd of each month. 3rd and 4th ’ (l0 ' .. 5th do Mount: A1 L .. .. 8th do ‘Suudford ..... .. mm do b‘touffvillo 14m do Markham. .. 10th :10 Aurora .... .. 20th do All branches of Dental surgery attended to. ‘ï¬gï¬stflaction gxxmjaptead. Charges mogiemte. ‘HOMAS ("A111, DEALER IN ERGUSON, BAIN & MEYERS ETHUNE. ()SLER8; MOSS. BAR Eurwi ck . do Kleinnurg _ do Noblcton 30th do Nitroué Oxiuu (ins always or hundm Aurora H. SANLDmsoerxvsw G.T.V.c., Bnn‘ist s, Soï¬ci’cors in Chnncnry, Notaries M, PATTERSON, LICENSED M)“ MAL‘LQ‘Yt BARRISTER, MUEL M. BRWON, 197101913191) Va) SANDERSON & SONS, CHE- R 0 3.1 N s 0 NS, L.D.s., NEW C. ADAMS, L.D.S., SURGEON .TAS. LANGTS'I‘AFF, RICHâ€" rds, one year Six months three months ................... ,, advertisements, ï¬rst insertion @mtinxmw. ' Dentist, rcsidexice at Aurora, will 0 w. KENNEDY, L.,D.S., NE\V!\TATKET, Ont. SURV I V 1‘. MYI-Ina mm 1'. PUBLISHI‘) T1 BY M. WELLS.7 SURGEOS @cgut. WM. Won'rs EVATT. 18th of each month. 8th 10th 20th 22nd JOHN ISAiN. BIGâ€" 5. 2 Advertisemeï¬ts of six [mes and less, under this heading, twenty-ï¬ve cemts each time. J- IN G, with Post Ofï¬ce, in Purpleville, lot 25, rear of 6th Con. Vaughan. Immediate posses- sion if ruquirud. Enquire of Mrs. McCurmey, Purplm'illo, or \Vm. Danton, Merchant, Currviue, i'l LOAN on FISTâ€"CLASS MORTGAGE SECURI- TYâ€"in sums from $500 upwards. Apply to M. TE EFY. N. IJYNETT, (as executors of the estate of the late Martin Brenmm,) Richmond Hill. 11- Insurance nnd Real Estate Agent. De- posits received, subject to demand, with interest. Loans nvmtiutod. Debentures for BRIO. Ofï¬ce, 20% Adolnim street East, Toronto, a. few doors west of the Post Ofï¬ce. JJ tmd ï¬xtures of the promises. Eitnutod at the corner of Yongc 11ml Bloor street-H, Toronto, for sale. Satisfactoryreasons given for selling. Apply tp JOSEPH GARY, on the premises. iVl jnortgnge of farm property, at eight par cent. intgrest, in sums to suit borrowers. No com- mission. Apply to BLAKE dz KINGSFORD, 10 Adelaide St. East, Toronto. RIAGE licenses for the county of York, Real Estuto and Insurance Agent. Parties hazing farms or lots for 311.10, or wishing Insur- uncn on life or property will have their orders prommly attended to by the above. Money to 1mm at 8 per cent on approved freehold security. Ofl‘xcc, Court House, Toronto. IVIONEY TO LEND.â€"$2,000 TO LOAN on FISTâ€"CLASS MORTGAGE SECURI- CEO. EAKIN, ISSUER OF MAR RIAGE licenses for the county of York of mum 2' or ConutrÂ¥ P) by mom ‘ A ' . .rvking Yum , w the R111 :65 .v : ru‘sjest Il'lOdO( Li" See our reduced 1022!] table ONEY TO LEND ON FIRST 'mortsznga of farm nronertv. at eight DDT Capital, $800,000; Total Assets, $1,906,306; Re- serve Fund, $208,500. De}! its not; exceeding $100 nmy be withdrawn at call", $100 and upwards subject to thirty days‘ notice, or u reduvtion of thirty erys' int/«rest, ut the option bf the Directors. To be entitled to in- forest, deposits mu t ronmin in tho Compnny three months. .Tntf t calculated from tho ï¬rst a M 15111 (ley of L11." pm $11. The whnh» Asssc '. vi the Company Me’inveshed / security 0. Bull ‘zu‘stute tmd Municipal De- thcrdry gi‘ing the depositors un- ,th'wi security for all money left with this (HPUHLDY- ‘v _/. NflNEY ’1’0 MAN. J’ (1x311hnply at M: the Ofï¬ces "For {Hui-191‘ lufo: _ ALTER S. LEE, Manager of the Company. W Ham Gro. \V'. ALLAN Senator, President, ‘ " , . ‘ ‘ . . Vicel’rosidenh ,. 100 el'lmm, Goo. \V‘ Lowm, Thos. 11. Lou. George Goodcrhum, 11011.1) ‘ Mucphcrson, Senmnr. Money rougfwd on depositnuud interest allowed at tho rate of Fix per ccnn per unnum, con} pou'ndvd hull yom‘ly. ‘ “'ill 11“ r, TU E8332 3’ AM} W Elli}ESE)“0 Candidates are requested to notify the Chain mum through the Head Muster of their intention w be present, not lutur than the 17m November; [LEG the Masters nre requested by that time to sand rm estimate of the probable number of can- didoz‘ues to D. FOTHERINGHAM, 1’. S. 1., Aurora. E} Soho 913 at Richmond Hill and Newmarketz, Toronto. S’I‘ABLES.!Horses and Vehicles for hire. Charms modumte. Opposite Sanderson 6: Sons. JOHN BROWN, Proprietor. keeps consmmly on hand. all kinds of wond,\vhicll will be sold for the lowest market price. Our. Yonge and Centre St... Richmond Hili. «lâ€" ! facturers of and Dealers in Granite and Marble Monuments, Headstones, etc, Ringwood, Ont~ Satisfaction guaranteed. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. IOH‘N STEPHENSON, CLERK 8; Treasurer of Markham Township, Clerk of 1’ Treasurer of Markhle Township, Clerk of Division Court. Division Registrar, etc†Main st, Uniunviile, will be ï¬t Hull's Hotel, Markham, every Monday, from 9 mm. to 4 p.m., to attend to business in connection with the Court. P L, 0,. WIDEMAN, MANU- A facturers of and Dealers in Granite and I’. WIDEMAN is also issuer of Marriage Li- censes. Besidgncca-Ringwood, Ont. 0 ERS, Richmond Hill, have always on hand the best of beef. mutton, lamb, veal, pork, s’x-usngges, etc., and sell at the lowest prices for cash. Mm corned and spiced beef, smoked and dried 11.1Aus. The highcsgt market price given for cattle, sheep, lambs, etc, ‘KIOOD YARDâ€"JOHN BROWN Imam: constmltlv on hand all kinds of 'â€" (EIAL Land Surveyor, Civil Engineer and Drzmghtsmmn. Orders by letter should} state the cmcussion, lot and chm-actor of surwy, the sub- scriber having; the 01d FIELD Sam-Is of the lute 1). Ulnsox and other surveyors“ which should In consulted in many cases as to original monu- ments, 0th previous to commencing wm‘k, “Ofï¬ce at Willowdulo, Yonge st, in the township of York. PETER S. GIBSON 33 R O V I N- (EIAL Laud Survevnr. Civil Engineer and I‘O RENT A STORE & DWELL- For rule on reasonable terms, the Houses and lot cormrisiug half an acre of land. with excel- mn zmd orchard, lying south of Mr. A. L. Sh“)! :111dnorbh of Mr. Alex. Moodio's: ' ., 111010 village of Richmond hill. A good business stand. DICHMOND HILL LIVERY Also the Store and Dwellin 51101190 and Garden, containing hn‘lf 1m acre of 0 mice ï¬â€˜llit~trees,.oc- cupied by \I)‘. A. Moodie,511bject .to un‘unexpi‘rcd lease. Apply to POCKET CUTTLERY, VARIOUS Prices. at THE Bzmn bmk & tnucy store. The Examination of Candidates for admis- sion to the WESTERN CANADA L 0 A N EASE, LICENSE. GOODWILL The 191}; and 20th Bocember, April 11, 1870. W ILLIS, BANKE R. BROKER, Ofl‘xcesrh'o. 70 Church street, Toronto. ,’ H..&' R. PvUGSLEY, BUTCH- SA VINGS B A NK B R A. NCH. OUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE , AT RICHMOND HILL. W. JARVIS, S H E R I F F OF the county of York. Ofï¬ceâ€"Court House, Prices, at THE Bzmn bmk a tangy store. git/isicsllzmvmw. AND SAVIN COMPANY Beginning at 9 o'clock mm. nj' nthaumes Money on the security ;’ or omltrÂ¥ Property, reâ€"pnyablu mking Yum, which is found to be jest 111099 of repnying a 101m. ï¬prciztltiw. JAMES M. JENKINS, Lnskay P.Q Or to M. TEEFY, "floaty. in the Srh' .1 Buildings of s nuâ€"yec ‘ ~ 1);, on Bichmdnd Hi1] The R. C. of this Lnng will be held on Tuesday evening next, November 14th, ntTp.1n., in their rooms, Thornhill. Visiting brethren are corditu invited to attend. Moany,13v'G, Nov. 20, and following evenings:â€" Auctinn sale of Dry Goods, ut Cosgrove'a Hall, Richmond Hill. A. C. Husband, Auctioneer. 11nd Fitting promptly attended too. Dréésinuking in all the latest styles and cheap. A call solicited. WEDNESDAY, Nov‘ 15, 12 o'clock, noon, precisely.â€" Grcnt joint sale of Short-horns, 25 Cotswolds, and 60 Berkshires, at Thoruhill, Levi Fair- banks, Auctioneer. In ME: follock'a 01.x] 5&me _ ordels in Cutflpg Ofï¬ce J ‘ Public Notice that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by George Shefler or any uccnunt against him or any one of his family, uud that he has no claim on the property on which he is living. CHRISTIAN HOOVER. NOTICEâ€"«I HAVE RE-OPENED DRESSMAIiING Seasonable Dry Goods, And continuing such evening until flu‘thcr notice. The, subscriber hogs to announce to the humid- ttmts. ( 12.01111 Hill mid surrounding cm ‘try, thuthu \ hold the nhm-c suleof Sun and Fancy 1‘1"? (:‘mds, snitcdiwr this season, when they hope to A: \ 'a Luge croyfl (we ‘v Law mug to share 11) the bul 'ns that “111 as (3°01 " O T I C F .â€"I HEREBY GIVE Public Notice Hmt T will nnt hn rpnnnngihln Cosgrove’s Hall, Richmond Hill Having a frontage of 56 feet. The house contains eight rooms, with vumnduh, brie); cellar, summer kitchen and \modshod [IA-mulled, a. guod well and soft, water cistern, 1111 complete. The above sale will offe“ :1 chancn seldom met with, as the gnndi; areal) unis Benson's importa- tion and warranted ‘p‘cï¬o ‘ N.B.-«Purlies nun-I710 to attend the evening sales can buy Lbrough tbs day at the very lowest 1‘0- vronto prices. HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE. Centre St. West, Also TWO BUILDING LOTS uï¬joining. Each lot contul, '3 feet frontage and is well fenced. This yr: natty is beautifully situated, fronting on one of the principal streets of the villngo, and onlyflu few steps from Ynngc street, winhu good plank wnlk closu to the door. For any one in easy circumstances this ism very desirable property, and any one wishing to secureagood home would do well to call and see it. For ,furflxer particulars apply to On Centre street west, Richmond Hill. Applylto The Mansion House fund for the relief of the sufferers through the war in the East amounts to nearly £13,000. In Monmoulhshire during the past year there has been a proï¬t of upwards of £1,100 derived from pvisoners’ labor. The importation ofjme has increased this year, compared with the preceding year, from £2,267,514 Lo £2,362,226. The new gold structxbv the German Im- perml mint during the week ending the 14th uln, amounted to 2,260,340 marks. The revenue of Victoria for the past year amounts to £4,500,000, being an increase of £325,000 over the previous year. The territories ot Russia in Turkestan cover 460,000 square miles. or a space as large as the Austrian empire, Germany, and Belgium, put iogetbex. But. the populatiop is only 2,500,000. The foundation-stone ,of the ‘new free library, towards which Mr. Bass, M. P., has subscribed the munificent sum of £8,000, is to be formally laid by that gentle- man in a short time at Derby, A mcvement is on .foot amongest the New Zealand Freemasons, who held under the Grand “Lodge of Scotland, to throw off their allegiance, and to establish an independent Grand 'Lodge in New Zealand. The Pope has been Vlsited by 6,200 Spanish pilgrims, and the homage’they olf- ered ,nanurally suggested to “ His Holiness" the remark, that in spite of the revolution, ihe “faith†still survived in Spain. The great angler, Isaac Walton is ‘to have a memorial bust, of himself in St Mary’s Church, Stafford. wherein he was Euptisc' . Ail tl‘u nobilitymxd gentry‘of the: >wn have cmzzi-irod to honorm .thisllate day to :Lhe ancient Walton. The ï¬nancial position of /~‘:stria. as‘ shown by the budget statement of the Min- isu‘roi Finance to the Reichsmth, is by no means satisfactory, though it is apparently improving. The expenditure for 1876-77 is estimated at 406,000 florins (£40,600) more than in the last ï¬nancial year, and the deï¬cit at £2,600,000, or £400,000‘Iesa than in 1875-5. ' Commencing on the evening of “(on day, Nov. 20, 187' 3, ROUGH 0A ST HOUSE, ‘WO VILLAGE LOTS F O R S A L E , BEAT AUCTION SALE UCTION BILLS PRINTED AT PPRENTICE TO THE PRINT ING Business wanted immediately at this this oflico will be noticed as under mum, WESTLAKE LODGE 0F A.F. & A.M., NO. 10, G. 3.0. auction 32mm. J uat completed, situated on THOMAS ANDERSON, Secretary RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, CANADA, NOVEMBER 1:7, 1876, Jinx $4sz». A. )7. HUSBAND, Auctioneer JAMES WIDEMAN, Th at new JOHN BROWN, Proprietor MISS SDALE. The result of the Presidential election in the United States is still unsettled of the 38 States, three, Louisiana, South Carolina and Florida are still in doubt, of the remaining statesTilden counts with- in one of the number necessary toachoios and the probability is from what can be gathered from the telegraph despatchet, two of the three doubtful Will go Tilden on a fair count. The Republicans de~ cline to give authoritative ï¬gures, claim- ing that there can be no ï¬gures given be- fore the Boards, appointed to count the votes, decide. The New Dominion Monthly for No- vember is to hand. It contains sketches from Canadian History and a large amount of interesting reading matter for families. Published by John Dougall & Son, Montreal. We regret to have to announce the death of the Hon. J ; 11. Cameron, which tool: place at his residence in Toronto on Tues†37 afternoon about four o‘clock, in the slxtieth year of his ago. Mr. Cameron was born at Beaucaire, Lanr quedoc, France, April 14th, 1817; (13?: ing the time that his lather-’8 regiment formed part of the army of occuyation. He came .to Canada in 1825 with his father, Mr. Cameron was deservedly eS< tamed by all classes of khe oommunity. His presence and counsel will be missed by the members of the Bar of Ontario, of whicl‘ ,0 was leader. Mr. Mills is returned for Bothwell. Man jonty not yet known. . , > 20,000 to 40.000 lives lost in the East or dies, through a cyclone. Sir Anthony Musgrove has been ap- pointed Governor of Junmica. Signs of the times in the East are not peaceful looking. Yorkville bent Trinin College .at {out ball. on Saturday. Fenians are reported in the vicinity of St. Albans. Below We acknowledge subscriptions to THE HERALD received smce last. issue : 952 Daniel Glass, Richmond Hill. 958 Frank Keal, “ 963 John Duncan, “‘ 983 Robert Sivers, “ 1000 Mrs. Cook, u A vessel will sail from Three Rivers for Melbourne Australm slmnlx. ’ l .4 The L A . 1' has made a speech at Moscow. it is pronounced warllhe in tone. The Hon. John 5. Cameron died in To route, on Tuesday, after ashort illness. The Montreal Bar are trying to introduce some Jegal reforms in the Province of Quebec. The Egyptian Minister of Finance was exiled to Dungola and died on the way. Gold minng with gratifying success, on the Cbuudiere and Gilbert Rivers, Quebec. Ayoung man by the name of Geyfer, clerk in the Post Oflice at Hamilton, is missing. Uaited States’ {rigate Franklin, .mlh Boss Tweed on board, has arrived at St. Thomas. - A man named Mnlon was arrested. charged with destroying trees in the orchard of Col. Norris, Norway. A heavy gate prevailed on the British coast; also a hurricane at Lisbon, on Sat- urday and Sunday last. The Monkon-Beecher suit is oï¬â€˜, owing to the plaintiff refusing to prosecute the case in Deleware county. The Address in reply ‘0 the Speech from the Throne, in the Quebec Legislature, was adopted without opposition. An extensive ï¬re at Sherbrooke, P. Q., destroying a large amount of property and mowing: 200 hands out of work. The sentence of death for murder. against James Ryan, of Pe‘erboro, hasabeen com- muted to-imprisonmem for lifle, $7.516 has been awarded to the ~sï¬eamer Auguste Andre for tawing ‘the barque Tem- plar, pxcked up at 3621, into Halifax†Dr. Beaubiem, M.P.P_.,, for zï¬ochelaga, has been appointed Speaker to the Quebec Legislature, in place of 1’. Forcin, cesigned. One hundred and ninety of the cinema be- longing to the Whalers abandoned in the Arc-{i0 seas, have mrlved at Honolulu. Otto S. Weeks. Attorney-General of the Nova Scolia Government, has been dis- missed from ofï¬ce. He intends to ï¬how ï¬ght and refuses to go. The LincoIn Election ,iria‘l ~35 (not yet ‘con- fled. Charley Rykeri and his scrap hock ‘ Ax, fighting a. havd hatge against the Local Government and their money. Mr. Laflamme has been appointed (tone. place in the Cabinet. In consequence there is going to be strong opposition yto 11mm» bum, wibhevery prospec: of bus defeat. Col. 0. G. Strahan, Governor of the Gold Coast, Africa. has been {ransferred to the Bahamas, to take the place of Governor Pope Hennessy, who is tmnsferred to Hong Kong. ‘- A suit for a million nnd'three quarters of dollzss 15 brought against the Hon. Asa B. Foster and Others. of the Province of Quebec, by a ï¬rm ‘in England, for rails supplied. ' SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED Notes and Comments. rile VJeaiï¬s News. DEAR SIR.â€"In my last I told you I' would give you a short general descrip- tion of some more of the buildings on, the Centennial grounds and things in? general. It may be that the washer, woman connected with the hotel where I am staying will get to heaven when she slips away from her suds here below, but i’ve an idea that she wont be permit- ted to do up Abraham's bosom. [Needle work is made to look like needle gun- work, you would think there had been a surprise of posts and ï¬ring all long the clothes-line, the mangling is that which might have been done by Mitrailleuses; my shirts seem to be on a sort of strike, collars have a limp dissipated look as though they had been out all night and were determined not to get up in the morning. But how wise are the pro- visions of providence, how all things are ï¬tted in the great order of nature ; you get your shirts on Saturday night, this gives you the next blessed day in which to repent of the wicked words spoken where your eye fell upon the contents of the basket and realized how the flat-iron had entered your bosom, and you come out on Monday morning as fresh and unsoiled as a piece of linen ; but I am running away from business. The navy department is the next that comes under my notice, it exhibits models &o,, the wonderful improvements which have been made in naval warfare. The inter ior department exhibits complete models of all the details of the post oflice and also models of all articles which have passed the patent ofï¬ce, The celebrated Smithsonian institution is represented here with its vast collection of the trea- sures and curiosities of the sea and land of science and art embracing every de- partment of knowledge. The women’s pavilion is situated east of the U. 8, building, and cost 40,000, contributed by the women of the United States. It is devoted entirely to the display of women’s handiwork ; Her Majesty Quee Victoria and daughters exhibits iso ,e fancy needle work, embroidery the , weli done for a Queen, but I have seen better done by some of Canada’s fair daughters . at our county fairs. Among the eurois1- ties is a whistle made from a pig’s tail ; Loretto Convent Toronto has a beaut-i. f'ul portrait of' Mary Queen of Scots done in needle work; The engine which is used to run the machinery is run by a young lady Miss Allison ofSt. Catharines, Ont., who it is said can grace a parlor or run an engine. A short distance north is the Canadian log house, builtl of lumber piled up to form the wallspar- litions ’&c., having a row of monstrous logs of oak, elm. beech, maple, pine, cedar, birch, basswood. hemlock, and ash, standing upright to serve for pillars, ;a white cedar plank 5 feet wide by 12 feet long is shown perfectly sound, a ‘white pine tree 660 years growth is also shown. The Japanese bazaar is worth ,seeing, The judges pavilion, house of l public comfort. the diflerent state build- ing; are of minor importance to the visit- ors but still they are worthy of a visit. The novel old fashioned looking build- ing near George’s Hill, known as St. George’s house which is soon to be pre- sented by Her Majesty's Government to the city of Philadelphia, is worth seeing, will remain as a permanent memorial of the Exhibition. -I shall tell of some buildings and]; things Isaw in the city. Philadelphia 1 has a population of'.817,448 inhabitants, : there are 465 public schools and 108,631 1 pupils. The dwelling houses of the city 1 are worth noticing, they are neat and have a pleasant appearance, the streets . are well laid out, and the places ofintcr- est are numerous. I shall now give a short description of some that I have seen: Independence Hall here can be seen the original charter ofthc city dated Oct. 25th 1701, signed by the founder and bearng 1 the great seal of Pennsylvania. Speci- mens of china used by Washington, a copy of the ï¬rst Philadelphia paper, a brewing mug brought over with Penn, ‘ in the “welcome†a sofa used by \Vashingy' 1 top, and a dining table and looking-« glass once the property (oFWilliam Penn. The old liberty bell can be seen in the vestibule of the old state house, this was the hell that proclaimed liberty throughout all the land on July 8th, 1776. United States mint on Chestnut St., is worth seeing where Uncle Sam makes his 40 cent half dollars. I saw bags of gold and coins from all countrys‘ Masonic Temple on Broad St, costing| $2,500,000, theâ€"grandest place of meet-y ‘ ing for the craft in the world. ,Girard} College the gift of Stephen Girerd for the education of orphan children is grand. The next on my way was the eastern‘ penitentrary. Fairmount Avenue, it is; conducted on a new principle, the .con-“ victs are kept in close conï¬nement, thcyl work in their cells ; the ï¬rst object is to: see they do not .get out and the' next is: there moral .culture there, there food is’ good the ofï¬cers are kind,;1nd gentlemenly and think it a pleasure to tell stra‘ngersg‘ the workingiof'vtlxc penitentrary. ‘1 have met some Canadians ,trom our section, W. Patterson Esq, from your own place looking well; John C. McCarty Esq, of Spruce farm, East Gwillinbury and W. W. Pegg, Deputy Reeve of same place, worthy son’s of our country lock well and are enjoying themselves. I LETTER N0. II. To the Editor of The Herald. But I must close, I go to New York to-morrow sorry to leave this great show. If possible ,shall send you one more letter. FROM THE CENTENNIAL- @memamimmw. DEAR Sm. â€"-It» might not be uninter~ eating to some of your readers to have a. few lines from one of the excursion- ists from Toronto and Hamilton, 0n the 4th inst. When we arrived at Hamilton they appeared to be a very large crowd for the occasion, report says the num- ber was about 3000 sent 06 by three or %four separate trains. All went off well until within about 1’15 miles of" Phila- delphia at 12 o'clock noon, 3. station call- ed Tinkhamock, where about 250 of the party took dinner; about half past one the engine bell rung for ofl‘, after going about one mile the train suddently stop- ed from the bursting of an steam pipe connecting the air breaks which caused them instantly to tighten up. Our en- gine tore loose from us, in about one minute a. second train canie dashing into our rear car; thanks to Mr Samuel Soar lett of Toronto, who was standing on the rear platform gave the alarm for the pas seugers of the same to rush forwardI the command was obeyed so quick that the car was emptied in half'a minute‘ Eer- tunately the engine only passed through the empty car. The Big Push caused a great portion of the passengers to be unseated from main force and not from the eï¬â€˜cet of our late election lawI passed by our pure Government. The whole damage was one locomotive and three cars to be left behind, We were delayed about 2 hours, the day was ï¬ne, the pas- sengers amused themselves by pelting the apple orchards ; the ofliciaiszeppcar'ed to be lost not knowing what to do. I of- fered to take the contract to clear the track, but they refused to give me the job saying they had no authority as the broken cars were borrowed andI might add to their loss by rough handling. The only passenger hurt was one standing at a glass door and went through head ï¬rst only causing some scratches, We ar- rived in about midnight without any further loss. DEAR SIR.â€"I ‘wrll give you a few in- cidents of my travels to and in Eastern Virginia. Took passage on the screw steamer for Richmond to and by the York river of 20 hours, passing out of Baltimore harbor, seeing a great amount of shipping, .9 o’clock came and being weary of sight seeing I turned into my birth for the night. At about 11 o'clock the vessel began to leak badly and one of‘ the paddlerwheels got out ol order and the future began to look pretty bad. 1 was not much disturbed though at 12 I got up and looked round, behold it was a dream (as regards the ship). At four o'clock I turned out again and found all hands on the lower deck, the engineer trying to hold the paddle-wheel in one position to allow one of the buckets to be cut away to save others being broken. The water too rough and we were obliged to move slowly on until we could get in- to still water. when we again stopped and went to work, the saws would not work in wet timber and no room to swxng the axe. No ship carpenter being on board but myself I was obliged to get a ham- mer and punch to set the saw, when we soon succeeded in amputating the frac- tured limb and passed on pleasant by, } Richmond ; when I was surprised to ï¬nd so many familiar and white faces and not so many darkies as I expected at Baltimoreltichmond and at all other pub he places the excitment was great Tilden' and Hendricks elected shouting “ good' times coming boys.†In Richmond I met Dr. T. J. VVoodbridge, member of Congress, who invited me to taken drive With him in his buggy going about 25 miles, visiting many of the old 'battle grounds. I had a confederate war map with me and was quite familiar with they history and names of places,if I tell the particulars of sightseeing this letter Wlll be too long for the information of Rich- mond Hill. The Dr.isthe surgeon who attended Benjamin}, now Major, and son of our late old Colonel ‘Bridgford, who was shot in a duel at Richmond many years ago, tire‘ball passed through his chest ‘ and was extracted from his back. He reeoverd and passed through the war and is now living I believe in New Yorlr city. If you think this or any portion worth printing ‘1 will in another letter give par- ticularsiof the state and appearance of the country. FrEEricksbm-g, Virginia, Nov. 10, 1876. To the Editor qf The Herald. ’7 Philadelphia, 71)) Now, 1876. To the Editor of The Herald. SIR.-â€"In .a former letter I stated that aggreatmzmy settlers had come in to possess the .“ goodly land,†which awaits the hand of the indispensible husband- mnn ; .and to show then; that their in‘ toms! is also the interest of the G0veru~ Imeut. A large gang of men have been employed during the slimmer in making roads for the accommodation of theen- tci'prising pioneers. A good road now leads from Binge mines to Sanlt Slo. Marie, .a distance of 45 miles; and passes through a ï¬ne district, ‘which is partially settled, and which is rapidly being ,filledpp; another road, the one ibuilt _this season, passes to the east at lright angles to the longer road; and) when completed, will intersect the iTownships of Plummcr, Lefroy and l Rose, about. 50 families are comfortably settled in the two former, and about half ‘that nymbehrin the latter; end as To the Editor of The Herald. Yours truly Very truly yours, ALGQMA. J onN LANGSTAFR. JOHN LANGSTANH TheBruce and Wellington mines have been in operation for nearly 30 years, and have usually employed ahout 500. men, many of whom are now able to live comfortably upon the interests of the savings of those years of toil, ’-l“he tool; in which the copper is found has a darlg gray or bluish tint, and the paying lode! are usually from 18 to 30 inches wide, and how deep is not known, as many of the shafts are 500 feet deep; and still the copper is found, though the quality. is rather inferior to that nearer the spin; face. Two shafts about (i feet in gli- ameier are sunk about 50 feet! and about the same distance apart, and the whole «intervening rock is then blasted out, and sent to the surfape,so that those will have been inadg a trench n little wider than the lode. A roof of heavy timber is put in and the same procea fakes place again and again, until the. workmen have gone down as far as the machinery for hoisting, puinping, etce etc., will work; leaving an immense, drain from top to bottom, with here and there a timber roof, to preventany stone from falling upon their heads. Mining has for the past 25 yearsbeen, the chief business carried on ;. and in~ deed a glance at the large pile of'refuse‘ rock scattered around the works, would readily convince any one that industry had been the prevailing virtue for many years. Copper,_ both native and org, silver, iron and lead, are found along the: shores; but it is only at a few points; where they have been found in paying quantities; not because the quantity did not exist, but it has not been sought after. The mines along the Eastern and Northern shores of Lake Huron produce only the ore; but the Superior milneq are {[l’mcipally “ native,†that is pure meta, or nearly so, Different gangs being simultaneously. employed, ï¬hcy are enabled in cou_rse of} - few months to pass from one mine tell an thcr by the subterranean passages. 01" course artiï¬cial light is required. and each man works with a short cande fastened to his hat with moist clay. A valuable iron mine, to the north of the Wellington mine. is now being proï¬table worked, and a silverdead lode has beet: discovered at Garden River, whieh, so far has given the company good return; Perhaps the Miehipicoton mine is the best" Native Copper†one in the Sn- perior district; but on account of it being an island, which is completely iso. lated from the outer world for seven months ef’the s.“ Men are not very willing! to go, and 1310 result is that the slmï¬s have not hem stink very deep yet, though the ï¬eld is good. The " great " Silver islet mine is almost athing of the past, as little or nothing is being done at it; when in full operation, the largest lake vessels passed over the heads of the industrious workmenâ€"The original size of'theislund ,was not half an acre; In my next will give you a little sporting news, and how we spend our waters. I arrangements, are being made for an erection 017a. grist mill at the junctipncï¬â€™ the said Townships, it is probable I stimulus will thus bk; given to the raising. of- wheat, which has prqved a very proï¬tl able crop to those who have tried it, The value of railway carriages for pass- engers exported, llxis year was £.l34,,4503.' and last year 4111.069, ' It has been arranged to pan the Strand ,in London with wood, at q Cog: of £6,160" Mr. Gr'ant m; ML 1)., has jus’t pg'rcbaae‘a: from the Comte do, ’ixris thé York'Hima'e: estam at Twickenham. ' \ V . L. x Jenny Lind has: presented 400,009 crown: to the Stockholm Academx of: phg Libera! Arts to aid; podr‘stud‘ems. Sir Richard Airey. who is now in his {Mth year, is about to xjetirg from the oflï¬ce bf“ AdjutantjGeneraI of the army, which he has held for more than six yg‘nr‘s. " " ’ The Pope having desired to divide the Archbishopric of Lyons into tw'u diocese. without the assent of the French GMerm r'nent, the latter have} iééued h ‘dec'reo for‘ biddinz s’uch‘divisi’bn. ' " ' ' ' ' The 45111 anniversary of the birthday of, Frederick Wiflian'), the Crown Piince of, Germaqy, has been celebyated. ‘Savea months ago his father, the Enipeior William; attained his 791h year. 3" The Manckesier Guarding; states that Mr. Hormuzd Hassam W1“ succeed the late Mr; George Smith in his Work of explqra'tion in the East. A ï¬â€˜rman for mo’yegrd-haa' be“ granted to Mr. Rassam. ' ' ' ‘ ' l The Lords of the Admiralty having unfit ï¬ed themgMyps of 11).; diligence with yvhicli their employees at (Ihulham prosecute ‘heir work. have awï¬rdod them With Ia] hoiiduy at (he c1=73~ense of the nation. ' ~ 1 fine Town Council of Southamppnmhnq o} [hat the statue of the late Brihcé (fun. 'i. n roplica of one of Theed’a vorkï¬ whit}: Sir Fi'ederick' Pei-kins] M.‘P., but presmfle‘d to me towvn. should be erected near 11;: P];_Ltfm_m, a plgqe 6f much publig resort. ' I The Dians hiawddwy estate, Merioneth- shire. the propel-iv of Sir Edn'n'md Buckley; has been sold. The propeqty yconikssgegl of 4.433 apnrs hind, 10,400 acres sheefl walki, wilh m'anorial righis over 3.2.000 acru. The not nnmml rental was £3,561, sum iehlize(1 was £48,000. ' The buildings of the Paris Exhibition of of 1878 win cover a space of 1.350.000 square yards. They gre to be of irdn, ï¬lled in with brick-work, nndxwill have‘the form of n Pygthuorenn table '1'. 6., ‘~i_f :pnssea through in' one direction the similalfï¬i‘bdné- tions of differeni count-rigs maybe inspected. while, ifvcrossedlin the other direction, tho various produqis (:5! Bhy one country I“? passed infï¬ï¬gï¬. " ‘ *‘ Korajh, Oct. 28th) 1876. WHOLE NO. 956. British and Foreign. Yours etc., Cameo.