visitithe foï¬owing place}; Richmond Hill.. Markham ..... Stouï¬ville Thornhill.‘ .Maple.. 11- Method of extracting teeth without pain, by the use of Ether Spray, which ujfects the teeth only. The tooth and gum surrounding be- comes insensible with the external agency, when the tooth can be extracted with no pain and withoutiendangering the life, (LS in the use'of chloroform. Dr. Robinson will be at the follow- ing places prepared to extract teeth with his new apparatus. All afï¬ne opermtious in Dentistry performed in u. workmunlike manner; Aurom, 1517,3171, 16th and 22ml 6! each month Newnmrket .................. 2nd do Richmond Hill 9th and 24th do Mt. Albert .. 15th do Tlmruhill 23rd do Mmple. . 26th do Burwick 28th do Kleinburg“ 28th do Nobleton .. 30th do Nitrous Omde Gus always on hand at Aurora. ‘ V 0 Dentist, 95 King street East, Toronto. Best mineral teeth inserted in a} manner to suit each patient. Particular attention given to the preservation and regulation of the nutural teeth, carefully uvoing all unnecessary pain. A. W. SPAULDING, Assistant; J 0 MISTS and Druggists, cornel“ of Yonge and Centre streets, Richmond. Hfll‘ Special at- tention paid to prescriptions. ‘1 Auctioneer for the county of York, respectâ€" fully solicits your patronage and friendly influ- ence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. P. 0. Address, King. U 0 Auctioneer for the counties of York, Peel, Ontario and Shncoe; also Valuator and Commis- sion agent. P. 0. Address, â€" Bloomington. ES" Chancery sales attended to. Parties requir- ing Mr. Patterson's services can make arrange- ments and obtain particulars as to terms, etc., at THE HERALD Oflice‘ J _-. u---.â€.-;guvu, - .u., v..;. v .u., 0 corner of Yonge and Centre streets, Rich- mond Hill, may baconsulbed personally or by letter on all diseases of horses, cattle, etc. Horses examined 8:6 to soundness, also bought and sold on commissxon. ‘ Jâ€" Drugs, Medicines, \Vines and Liquors for 'medicinal purposes, Groceries, eta, Thornhill. By Royal Letters Patent has been appointed. Is- suer of Marriage Licenses. U Auctioneer for the County of York, respect- fully solicits your patronage and friendly influ- ence. Sales attended on the shortest notice, and at reasonable rates‘ 1’. 0. address, Teston. U Auctioneer for the County of York, respect- ully solicits your patronage and friendly influâ€" nce. Sules attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, Victoria Square. AMES 0. STOKES, LICENSED Auctioneer for the nn'nntv of York rngnonf. ANIEL KINNEE, LICENSED Auctioneer for tho Cmmtv of York msnnnt. AMUEL M. BRWON, LICENSED Auctioneer for the Cmmtv of York. reflnnnt. U Surgeon and Acéoucheul". Ofï¬ce, corner of Yonge and Centre Streets, Richmond Hill. THOMAS. CARR, DEALER IN Drugs RTedininng, \Vinaa nnfl Ta‘nnm-a rnr NEVVMARKET, Ont, Sun'- Gl-LON DENTl‘bT, would respectfully announce that he will visit Rich- nmnd Hill the 18th of each month, at Palmer’s Hotel; also attend the following places, protes- aionally, Sundays excepted: N ewm urketl .. Sutton Peï¬erlmv Mount Albert†Snndford ..... Sbouffvilla Markham Aurora. .. 3rd of each month. .3rd and 4th do ‘. 5th do 8th (10 10th do 14th do 16th do 20th (10 All branches of Dental surgery attended to. Summation guaranteed. Chargeu moderate. _____ _, ., -‘-----w w uluuL-LLIV’ Barristers, Sohmtors in Chancery, Notaries Public, etc. Ofï¬ccsaï¬ï¬ King street East, Toronto, two doors east of Toronto street. W. H. BEATTY. W. NICHOLAS MILLER. EDWARD M. CIIAD\\"ICK. C. R. W. BIGGAR. D. E. THOMSON. GEO. BROWN, M.D., PHYSICIAN Rnrrmrm nnfl Annmmhmw nmnn nmmnu A: 1/ MOND HILL, will be generall'y be fbund at home from 2 to 3 o’clock, p. m. ‘" V! J- Bm‘risters, A‘ttorneysat-Luw, Soliéitorsâ€"m- Chancery, Ennveym‘necrs, etc. Ofl‘icesâ€"Nos. 2, 4 and 6 Ontario Hull, Court street, Toronto. l} GAR, Barristers, Attorneysâ€"nt-Luw, Solici- tors in Insolvency, etc. REATTY, MILLER & BIGGAR, THOMAS FERFUspN, Qg __--V-._, VN, JAVLVA'AVUKI’ULLLL' D RISTERS, eta, Union Block, corner Toronto and Adelaide Sts. (opposite the new Post Oflice), Toronto. F. Osman. JAMES BETHUNE. W. G. FALCONBRIDGE. CHARLES Moss. , N. W. HOYLES. J. H. THOM. “ u "a Attorney, Solicitof-in-Chmlcery. Convey- anoer, ctc. Ofï¬ce~N0 6 Royal Insurance Build‘ rings, Toronto street, Toronto. 1} TERS, Attorneys, Solicitoxï¬-inChancéry, etc†64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), Toronto. Advertisements without written instructions will be inserted until forbid and charged transient rates. FERGUSON; BAIN & MEYERS Bm'rigfm‘s AHm-nnvumhrum chum-“ML. Advertisements will be inserted on this page at the following rates: . Business Cards, one year S4 00 D0 six months . 2 50 Do three months .. . 1 50 Trunsitory advertisements, ï¬rs insertion, per inch .................................. . 75 Each allbseqent insertion, per inch . 25 Au inch comprises twelve lines of Nonpnreil. Condensed advertisements under the headings: Specialities," †Strnyed," “ Lost or Found," “ For sale or To Let," “ \Vanted," etc., each insertion 25 cents. OULTBEE & EVATT. BARRIS- ’I‘ERR AHnrnmm qnwnumq‘h‘ALMMMM Terms of Subscription: $51.00 per annum advance. EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, At his printing ofï¬ces, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. "‘VM. MALLOY, BARRISTEB‘ Attm-nmv QanHm-m "mm... THE HERALD. ALFRED BOULTBEE H. SANQERSON, V.S., G.T.V.C. M, PATTERSON, LICENSED ‘ETHUNE, OSLER 85 MOSS, BAR- EATTY, CHADWICK & BIG- R 0 B I N s 0 NS, L.D.S., NEW SANDER_SC_)N a; SONS, CHE- C, ADAMS, L.D.S., SURGEON . H. KEEFLER, VOL. XVIII, N 0. 26. gs. LANGSTAFF, RICH- gustinmm. M. WELLS, SURGEON Denï¬ish, residence at Aurora, will Emma. Ann? 11. M mug. PUBLISHED BY gflvgul. ‘3rd and 4th do a 5th do 8th (10 10th do 14th do . 16th do 20th do Degtalmsurgery attended to. KENNEDYzLDS†18th of each month. 8th 1 0th 20th 22nd WM. WonTs EVATT'. J OHN BAINA BEATTY The Farmers’ Advocate, FOR THE DOMINION, At per hundred feet. Also Flooring and other lumber (lrossml; sap buckets, pails, cider mills, Washing machines, shingles, Felluos, sawn and BENT material for buggies and sleighs. For particulars address JOHN LANGSTAFF, Steam Mills, Langsmï¬ P.O Lumber Tongued, Grooved and Surface Planet]. in short notice. Lumber cut from 36 feet down to order. Bill Lumber attended to. From J as. F. Regan, ï¬rm of Regan & (larter,pub- lishers and Weekly Tribune, Teffcrson City, Mo., after receiving a $700 instrument, says: “Piano reached us in good condition. I am well pleased with it. It is all you represented it L0 be." From E. R. Bxil<lridge, Bennington Furnace, Pm, after receiving {L 8700 piano. ’ “‘The Bentty' received 4th inst, all 0. K., and comes fully up to your representation, [ind 0x- ceeds our expectations. While I don’t profess to he n. émlge in the matter, Mrs. B. does, and pro- nounces it of very sweet tone; and is very much pleased \w ith it.†Manufacturer of Doors, Sashes, Blinds: Mould/(ï¬gs, Lath, Shingles, eta, Richmond Hill, Unt. PATENT EAVE-T ROUGH Best inducements ever offered. Money refund- ed upon retm‘n of Piano and freight charges paid by me (Daniel F. Buutty) both ways if unsu- tisflmtory, [Liter a test trial of ï¬ve days. Pianos warranted for six years. Agents wanted; send for cumlogue. Address, DAME; F.__BE_ATTY, This instrument is the most handsome and best Piano ever before in unufxictured in this country or Europe, having the greatest possible depth, riches and volume of tone, combined with a. rare brilliuncy, cleurncss and perfect evenness throughout the entire smile, and ubove all 2L surâ€" prising‘durntion of sound, the power and sympa- thetic quality of which never changes under the most delicate or powerful touch; spu‘ee forbids a- full description of this magniï¬cent instrument. Agents discount given Where I have no agents. Remember you trike no risk in purchasing one of these CELEBRATED INSTURMENTS. If after (5) days test trial it proves unsatisfactory the money you have paid will be refunded upon return of instrument and freight charges paid by me both ways. Pianos warranted for six years Address, BENT FELLOES, SHAFTS, CUTTER and SLEIGH RUNNERS RICHMOND HILL Sash and Door Factory. CLODE & HOOK, CANADA’S CARTOON PAPER, “ G R I P.†011 Centre street west, Richmond Hill. AFN; to Subscriptions can commence with any month of the your. Subscribe and support the Farmers’ Paper The circulation, exceed) the cmnbmcd Issue of all similar publications in Canada, amply tes- tiï¬es to its merits and appreciation by our lead- ing agriculturists. A monthly illustrated agricultural journal of 24 pages, devoted solely to tho interests of the farmer, gardener, duirymen and stockmon, and the instï¬wtiontund amusement of their fmnilies. THE NATIONAL LIFE Insurance Company. CAPITAL, $1,000,000. Surplus, - - $1,528,476. A strong stock company, With low rates, deï¬nite contracts and liberal policies. Insurance effected on the most liberal terms. VVILLOUGIIBY CUMMINGS, Agent, Toronto street, Toronto. Full information can be had at THE HERALD Oiï¬ce. Richmond Hill. BEATTY ESTABLISHED 1865. William Weld, Editor and Proprietor. Parties desirous of becoming members can for- ward their names to Single copies 5 cents ; $2 a year. Send name and address for u specimel} copy. Grand Square and Upright. "WO VILLAGE LOTS ' F 0 R S A. L E , Mr John Gibson, President, Millikan P 0 Mr H Jennings, Treasurer, Victoria Square P 0 Mr S T Humhorstone, Sec’y, Newtonbrook 1’ O Grand Square and Upright. SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. East Riding of York. ‘IBERAL CONSERVATIVE AS DANIEL F. BEATTY, VVATER SP®UT SOCIATION FOR THE ALSO, A LARGE STOCK OF KEPT ON HAND, Thornhill, Ont. ALFRED QUANTZ, Orders received at this ofï¬ce Washington, New Jersey, U.S.A. Washington, New Jersey, U.S.A and Work. E-TROUGIâ€"IS, ORDERS SOLICITED. LONDON, ONT. MANUFACTURERS 0F JAMES WIDEMAN, AND PIANO .'. PIANO ! V V I ERS, Richmond Hill, have always on hu-nd the best of beef, mutton, lamb, veal, pork, sausages, em, and sell at the lowest prices for cash. Also corned and spice(1becf,511101md and dried hams. The highest market price given for cattle, Sheep, lambs, etc. J- CIAL Land Surveyor, Civil Engineer and Draughtsnmn. Orders by letter should state the concession, lot xmd character of survey, the sub- scriber having the 01d FIELD NOTES of the late 1). GIBSON and other surveyors, which should be consulted in many cases as to original monuâ€" ments, etc, previous to commencing work. Ofï¬ce at \Villowdule, Yonge 315., in the township of York. Announces that he keéps constantly on hand and makes to order all kinds of Tinwm‘e. At lower rates this full, and as low as Toronto prices. ' 1 0 facturers of and Dealers in Granite and Marble Monuments, Headstones, etc, Ringwood, Out. Satisfaction guaranteed. P. WIDEMAN is also issuer of Marriage Li- censes. Residenceâ€"Ringwood, Ont. keeps constantly on hand all kinds of WOO(1,W11iCh will be sold for the lowest market price. Cor. Yonge and Centre St, Richmond Hill. J ‘ Public Notice that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by George Shaffer or any account against him or any one of his family, and that he has no claim on the pro erty on which he is living. CHRISTIAN HOO ER. U Treasurer of Markham Township, Clerk of Division Court, Division Registrar, etc., Main st, Unionvillc, will be [Lt Hall’s Hotel, Markham, every Monday, from 9 mm. to 411.111., to attend to business in connection with the Court. Repairing of all kinds of Tin and Copper Ware promptly at- tended to. BEATTY’S Believing it to be by far the best parlor and Orchestral Organ manufactured, we challenge (my numufucturcr to equal thcm‘ The celebrat- ed Golden Tongue Reeds in this organ in con- junction with the perforated reed boards, proâ€" duco sweet, pure and powerful tones. Superb cases of 110w and elegant designs Ministers teachers, churches, schools, lodges, etc.7 should send for price list and discounts. 1 b STABLES.â€"Horses and Vehicles for hire‘ Charges moderate. Opposite Sanderson & Sons. JOHN BRO\VN, Proprietor. ' O T I C E .â€"I HEREBY GIVE Public Notice H1 at T will not he vennnhnihln OHN STEPHENSON, CLERK & Treasurer of Markham Township, Clerk of Best offer ever given. Money refunded upon return of organ and freight charges paid by me both ways if unsatisfactory, after a. test trial of ï¬ve days. Organ warranted for six years. Agents discount given everywhere I have no agent. Agents wanted. Address, Dealers will ï¬nd it to their advantage to em.» mine this instrument. It has imprnvemenbs found in no other; correspondence solicited. Toronto‘ For further information apply at at the Ofï¬ces of the Company. WALTER S. LEE, Manager ‘VOOD YARDâ€"JOHN BROWN karma nnhgtn‘nt‘lv rm hmn‘l n11 kin/1n nf This Cnmpany advances Money on the security of improved City or Country Property, re-paymble by means of n. Sinking Fund, thh is found to be the surest and easiest mode of repaying 0,103.11. la“ See our reduced 102m table. 7 Deposits not exceeding $100 may be Withdrawn at call; $100 and upwards subject to thirty days' notice, or a reduction of thirty days‘ interest, at the option of the Directors. To be entitled to in- terest, deposits must remain in the Company three months. Interest calculated from the ï¬rst und‘ 15th day of the unlqpth.“ The whole Assets of the Company are invested on the security of Real Estate and Municipal Do- bontures, thereby giving the depositors un- doubted security for all money left with this Company. RICHMOND HILL LIVERY START,W§_Wm-cnq nnr] Vehil-‘lna fï¬v mm Money received on deposit, and interest allowed at the rate of six per cent. per annum, com- pqpndeqlhnlf _yem’1y._ _ HON. GEO. NV. ALLAN, Senator, President. Samuel Flatt, BU)†................. Vice-President. DIRECTORS â€"~ VVillimm Gooderhmn, Geo. W. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, George Goodcrham, Hon. D. L. Mucpherson, Senator. Capital, $800,000; Total Assets, $1,906,306; Re‘ serve Fund, $203,500. IMAGE licenses for the county of York, Real Estate and Insurance Agent Parties having farms 02‘ lots for sale, or Wishing Insur- ance on life or property will have their orders promptly attended to by the above. Money to loan at 8 per cent on approved freehold security. Oflice, Court House, Toronto. iV-l LOAN 0N FIST-CLASS MORTGAGE SECURI- TYâ€"in sums from $500 upwards. Apply to M. TEEFY, N. LYNETT, (us executors of the estate of the late Martin Brennan,) Richmond Hill. 1' Insurance and Real Estate Agent. De- posits received, subject to demand, with interest. Loans negotiated. Debentures for sale. Ofï¬ce, 20.; Adelaide street East, Toronto, a few doors West of the Post Oflice. GEO. EAKIN, ISSUER 0F MAR THAGL‘. )innnqnq fnr fhn pnnntv nf Vnflz 1' 1 mortgage of farm property, at eight per cent. interosh, in sums to suit borrowers. No com- mission. Apply to BLAKE 65 KIN GSFORD, 10 Adelaide St. East, Toronto. IVIONEY TO LEND.â€"-$2,000 TO LOAN 0N FTS’F-{YLASR ‘MOR‘T‘GAGR HRCTT‘RY. \VESTE RN CANADA L 0 A N ' AND SAVINGS COMPANY. R/[ONEY TO LEND ON FIRST Inm'tonpn of farm nrmwrtv n1: piahï¬ her 14 and ï¬xtures of the premises, situated at the corner of Yonge and Bloor streets, Toronto, formic. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. Apply to JOSEPH GABY, on the premises. 1 MG, with Post Ofï¬ce, in Purplevillo, lot 25, rent of 6th Con. Vaughan. Immediate posses. sion if required. Enquire of Mrs McCartney, l’urplovillo, or “7111. Denton,Merchunt, Currvflle. TO RENT A STORE & DWELL- E‘GA with T’ngt nï¬â€˜mn in 'Pnrn'lpvilln 1111’. ‘15 Advertisements Qf' sz'm lmes and less, under this heading, twentyjive cents each time. DANIEL Fa BEATTY, ETER S. GIBSON, PROVIN- f H. & R. PUGSLEY, BUTCH- ICHMOND HILL TIN SHOP. EASE, LICENSE. GOODWILL Eavetroughing supplied to order. 011as. Mason Ofliceszo. 70 Church street, Toronto. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. WILLIS, BANKER. BROKER, W. JARVIS, SHE RIFF OF the count-y of York. Oï¬iceâ€"Court House, STOVEPIPES L. C. WIDEMAN, MANU- ï¬ftiimlrlmwmm. Wasbéng‘eon, New Jersey, U.S.A. MONEY T0 LOAN. AND SAVINGS COMPANY. RIOHMON D HILL, ONTARIO, CANADA, NOVEMBER 24, 1876. ï¬vwiaum. “gijtramy. ’0 PARLUR flRGANS Established in 1875 ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL CHURCHâ€"services at 3 p 111, except the third Sunday of every month, when the services and sacrament are held {Lt 11 a 111. Sunday school at 1:30 p 111. Rev R Shanklin, Rector. METHODIST CHURCH OF CANADAâ€"services at 10:30 a. m, and 6:30 p in; Sunday school at 2:30 p m; prayer meeting every Thursday evening and S S Teechcrs’ meeting an Friday evening. J Herbert Starr, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADAâ€"services m; 11 o’clock a 11]; Bible class on Sunday evening at 6:30 o'clock. Rev J Dick, Pastor. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH~â€"serviccs in order as follows: Thornhill at 9200 IL in, and Richmond Hill at l .30 a, In; the following Sunday {Lt Rich- mond Hill at 9:00 a m, and Thornhill at; 10:30 a m, alternating With Markham every third Sunday. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFYCE. â€" Mails close as follows : Morning-Going south, west and east, including Maple, Thornhill, Toronto, Markham, etc.. at 6:45; going north, 6:45. Evening~Going south, east and west, at 6:45. Registered letters must be handed in ï¬fteen minutes earlier. NORTHERN RAILWAY~Tmins puss Richmond Hill station as follows: moving south at 9:10 am, 2:10 pm, and 8:26 pm; moving north, at 8:13 & in,12:40 p in, and 5:20 p in. Mr Palmer’s ‘bus meets the morning train moving north and evening train moving south. THE PROCTOR STAGE LINEâ€"Runs in connection with the Northern Railway, meeting the morn- ing train moving south and the evening train moving north. Passengers leave the Dominion Hotel at 8:10 a. m, arriving in Toronto at 10:20, and returning leave City Hall station at 4-10 1) m, and Brock street station at 4:25. Single tickets, 50 cents; return, 80 cents. S. Proctor, proprietor. RICHMOND HILL 0MNIBUS~RunH (wily, leaving the Stage Hotel, Richmond Hill, at 7:30 tun, arriving in Toronto at 10:30 [L m, and returning, leaves the Commercial Hotel, Jarvis st, M 3:20 p m, and the Buy Horse Hotel, Yonge st, at 3:30 p in. Single tickets, 40 cents; return, 75 cents. John Palmer, jr, proprietor. RICHMOND LODGE, A. F. & A. M., No. 23, G. R. C.â€" Meets in the Lodge Room, Masonic Hall, on the Monday on or before full moon, at 8 O’clock p.m. Jas. Reynolds. W. M. RICHMOND L. O. L., No. 7TS.â€"Meets in the Temâ€" perance Hall, on the Fiidey on or before full moon. at 8 07210» p.111. J. R. Boothbv. W. M. BIJHMoND HILL TEMPLE, No. 465, I. 0. GI T..â€" Meets in the Temperance Hell, every Wednes- day evening, at 8 o’clock. Wm. Harrison, T. D. CRYSTAL LODGE, No. 372, U. '32. 0.x»Moetn in the .Masonic Hall, every Monday evening at 8 o’clock. A. E. Mortimer, P. D. FOUNTAIN LODGE, Juvenile No. 35, U. T. 0,â€"Meets > in the Masonic Hell, every Monday evening at. 6.30 o’clock. A. E. Mortimer, Guardian. The Methodist; Sabbath school Temperance Asso- ciation issue pledge curds every Sunday when desired. Wm. Harrison, Supt. ‘RIECHANICS’ INSTITUTE.â€"Libru1‘y of over 1000 vol- umes open every Tuesday evening, in the Mn.» sonic H1111. from 7 to 8 o’clock. R. E. Lmv, Lin bmrigm. Lectures and discussions periodically. RICHMOND HILL FIRE BRIGADE.â€"â€"Meets for ï¬re practice the ï¬rst and third Monday of each month, M7 033109;: p 111 J H Sanderson, Capt. RICHMOND HILL Comm-E BANDâ€"M09155 f0? Prue- tiee every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7:30 O’clock. A. E. Mortimer. Leader. Professor Smythe was lecturing. in Ossipee, on natural philosophy, and in the course of 111s experiments he intro- duced one of Carrington’s most powerful magnets, with which he attracted a block of iron from a. distance of two feet. “Can any of you conceive a. greater uï¬tractive power ’1†the lecturer demand“ “I ken,†answered a voice from me audience. “Not a natural, terrestnal Object, - opine Q†“Yang, sir I†The professor challenged the man who had spoken to name the thing. Then up rose 01d Seth Wimlet. He was agemus in 1113 way, and origmal. Said he : “I ken give ye the facts, squire, an' ye ken judge for yersclf. When I were a young man, thar were a little piece 0’ mateml magnet, done up in kaliker an’ dimity, as was called Betsy Jane. She could draw me fourteen miles every Sun- day. Snakes alive it were jest as nateral as slidiu’ down hill ! Thar wa’n’t no re- sistin’ her. That ’ere magnet ‘0’ yourn is pooty good, but ’tain’t a. circumstance to the one ’at draw’d me. No, sir 1" Also the Store and Dwelling House and Garden, containing half rm acre of choice fruit trees, oc- cupied by Mr. A. Moodie, subject to an unexpired lease. Apply to For sale on reasonable terms, the Houses and lot comprising half an acre of land, with excel- lent garden [Lud orchard, lyinv souih of Mr. A. L. Skeele’s shop and north of in. Alex. Moodie’s store, in the village of Richmond Hill. A good business stand. Also T\VO BUILDING LOTS adjoining. Each lot contains 55 feet frontage and is well fenCed. For any one in easy circumstances this is a. very desirable property, and any one Wishing to secure ngood home would do well to call and see it. For further particulars apply to This property is beautifully situated, fronting on one of the principal streets of the village, and onlym few steps from Yonge street, with a. good plank walk close to the door. Having a. frontage of 56 feet. The house contains eight rooms, with vernndah, brick cellar, summer kitchen and woodshed attached, a good well and soft water cistern, all complete. OUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE AT RICHMOND HILL. Centre St. West, In Mrs. Pollock's old stand. All orders in Cutting and Fitting promptly attended too. Dressmaking in 9.11 the latest styles and cheap. A call solicited. HOUSE AND LOTS» FOR SALE. MONDAY, EV’G, Nov. 20, and following evenings.â€" Auam n sale of Dry Goods, at Cosgrove’s H1111, Richmond Hill. A. C. Husband, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, December 2, at 1 o’clock p.m.â€"Auction sale of Standing Timber, Cordwood and Cedar Posts, on lot 33, 3rd Con. Markham, the proper- ty of Mr. Daniel B. Heise. S. M. Brown, Auct. NOTICEâ€"I HAVE RE-OPENED DRESSMAKING April 11, 1876. ROUGH 0A ST HOUSE, UCTION BILLS PRINTED AT this ofï¬ce will be noticed as under FREE 301mm flirvvmm, 3mm «gamma. J ust completed, situated on JAMES M. JENKINS, Laskay P.O POST OFFICE. ifs» ï¬nite. CHURCHES. SOCIETIES. TRAVEL. Or to M. TEEFY, Richmond Hill JOHN BROWN, Proprietor That new MISS ESDALE‘ ‘ Sir,â€"I read your leader on “ The Win- ter Port†in the Mail of to-day with not a ;little surprise and much regret. If after Canada has expended over twenty millions in the construction of an Intercolonial mil- way a question can legitimately be raised upon the impropriety of longer subsidizing a line of steamers to carry our mails past Halifax to a foreign port, then have all the advocates of that great work for more than twenty years been woefully mistaken. No one {has been more ready than myself to ac~ knowledge how much is due to the Messrs. Allan for the en;erp1'ize they have exhibited in their magniï¬cent line 0f SleamShiPS- They have, however, bet?" l‘bemny 8115‘ tained by the Government of Canada be' cause they were performing a valuzlble 59" vice for the country, but to continue a 5211' sidy to them for carrying our mails to Port-i land. now that the Intercolonial railway is completed, and mails can be delivered all over Canada half a day earlier through a Dominion port, would in my iudgement be to expend the public money in sacriï¬cing the interests of the whole country, for the beneï¬t of a steamship com- pany. We have the authority of‘ those best quallï¬ed to judge, as also past experience, when the difï¬culty was equally great, to show that the railway from Hali- fax may be operated whenever the road to Portland can be kept open, and it ought to be, and I believe is, a source ofjust pride to the Canadians that the time has come when the shortest route, in point of time, from England to New York as well as Quebec. Montreal and Toronto, is through the unrivalled harbour of Halifax. CHARLES TUPPER. 209 Jarvis street, Toronto, Nov. 20th, 1876. Spain is going to reorganize her army. The Dunkin Act in Haldimand has been lost. The Duke de Saldanha the Minister for Portugal in London, is dead. The Lincoln election scrutiny still drags on slowly. Russia disavowed any hostile designs either upon Constantinople or India. A freight train near Napanee was wrecked on Tuesday morning, no one hurt. It is reported that Turkey consents to grant Autonomy to Bosnia and Heme- govina. The Czar has conveyed to the Queen through Count Schonvaloï¬, his desire that peace should prevail. Pakenham is in a state of excitement over the mysterious disappearance ofone of its oldest residents. He was a. man prominent in religious and temperance circles and a magistrate; some of his most intimate friends are seriously af- fectcd by his absence. ' It is telegraphed as follows from Ot- tawa :'â€"â€"" There has has been exported this year 79,000,000 feet of lumber to the United States. American boats have of this carried 60,000,000. In 1874 all the lumber exported to the United States was carried by Canadian boats.†One recollects that the commencement of the summer the 'owners of Canadian vessels protested against the conduct of the American Government, which closed to them the entry to their canals. The Federal Government yeilded to their en treaties, caused our canals to be closed against the Americans. After a few days Mr. Mackenzie yeilding, we do not know to what pressure, restored to the Americans the privilege for our vessels. It follows. on this that all our navigiation companies were forced to stop their trade and to leave their vessels at anchor in our ports. Let any one only go to La- chine and St: Annes to have the proof of‘ what we state. This is the manner in which we are treated by Mr. Mackenzie. He prefers the Americans to the Cana- dians, and kills Canadian commerce to their advantage; and M. Laflamme who represents a county so greatly affected by this question, quietly permits all this to be done. Why? Is it that the canal afl'air prevents him from giving any at- tention to his electors, or, indeed, that he has no influence whatever over Mr. Mackenzie.â€"-La Minerva. To the Editor of The Mail. Our next issue will contain Centen- nial letter No. 3, from “ S; L.†983 John White, Headford. 983 Legislative Assembly, Toronto. 983 J. R. Arnold, Richmond Hill. 968 A. Wright, “ We put our paper at the low ï¬gure of one dollar per year, payable in ad- vance, yet, notwithstanding. we have several hundred names on our books that have not complied with our terms. The amount is small taken singly, yet in the aggregate would be to us of great assxst- auce. Will our friends kindly remem- ber us at the present time, and favor us with remittances ? In Toronto, on the 25th inst.,by the Rev. Mr. Wallace, Mr. Norman Calder and Miss Emily Richards, both of Thornhill. Below we acknowledge subscriptions to THE HERALD received smce last issue .- SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED facade/W Yours faithfully, THE WINTER PORT. MARRIED. The Dominion Steamship Company have decided to run a fortnightly line, between Liverpool, Halifax and Phila- dellphia. There is a difference of opgnion in Yorkville, whether it is best to be an- nexed to the city or to be incorporated as a town. A young man was arrested at Mon- treal for trying to get OE With a. flour barrel cantaining a disï¬gured corpse of a young woman. A funeral sermon by the Bishop of Toronto, was preached in St. George’s Church Toronto on Sunday last, on the late Hon. John Hillyard Cameron. An outbreak of prisoners at the Central Prison was nipped in the bud on Tues- day, by the inflicting 0f the lash on the bwhohhwï¬oflmtmeofï¬Mm each. J. D. Lewin President of the Bank of New Brunswick, has been ofï¬cially gazet- ted to the Senate, in place of Hon. John Robertson deceased. Some members of the Quebec Legis- lature are agitating for increase of a1- lowance, it is now $600. Ontario has set them a bad example. Three Islands in the vicinity of Ben- gal with a population of 340,000, sub- merged by a wave in October last,where~ by two-thirds of the inhabitants lost their lives. A whiskey still was lately seized on a farm in the township of Wilmot. Dur- ing the night thirteen masked men over- powered the two ofï¬cers in charge, and carried off the apparatus. The funeral of the late Hon. John H. Cameron took place in the city on Satur- day, along the streets the funeral passed most of the shops were shut, several hands were in the precession and alto- gather it was a very solemn and impos- ing sight. The Celebration of the four hundreth anniversary of the introduction of print- ing into England, will be held in the hall of the Stationers Company in June 1877. Halifax is greatly exercised about the winter mail port, public meetings are being held there to discuss the subject. During the performance at Moore’s Opera House Sacramento, the floor gave way killing seven and wounding 100. The Hon. Dr. Tupper has written a letter to the Mail upon the winter port. It will be found in another column. The news from Prince Edward Island reports the election of Mr. Pope. Ma- jority not known. Mr. Mathew Logan chief of the police for Hamilton, has been appointed Deputy Warden of the Central Prison. It is not decided yet who shall be the next President of the United States. Things yet remain in a muddle. Oswald and Ryan are sentenced to be hanged on 5th January at Newark for the murder of a policeman. Mr. Burgess formerly of the Ottawa Tim'cs is to be appointed secretary to the Hon. David Mills. A man was instantly killed on Mon- day while working at a stumping ma- chine in Stayner‘ rain . The rumour that Prince Bismarck was suffering from nervousness, is stated to be not true. Robert Marshall has been returned as member for the Local Assembly of New Brunswick. Revenue of the Dominion to 31815 Oct. $7,202,842, expenditure $6,638,- 730. The famine that threatened Madras is likely to be averted by the timely fall of' The town of St. Johns, Quebec, has voted 40,000 to promote manufactures. The British gunboat Lapwing has been lost of Chefoo. A gang of rowdies killed a man near Kingston a few days ago. A meeting of the Privy Council was held at Ottawa on Tuesday. The mail steamer Windsor Castle, is reported wrecked near Cape Town. More than 1,000 miners are thrown out of employment in Northumberland. Belleville is going to be incorporated as a city. Wallace Ross the oarsman of St. John N.B., has left for England. Seven names are up for the Mayoralty of Toronto. A new music hall is building in Hali. fax, cost $80,000. It is rumoured that the Hon. Mr. Vail is to retire from the Ministry. 800 sheep have been lately sent to England. A large ï¬re at Boston on Monday, loss $70,000. An Ottawa servant girl out her throat a few days since. Halifax skates are being shipped to England. A heavy freshet on the Hudson on Monday. The Italian Parliament was opened on Monday. The Week’s News. With the exceptions of the pyramid of Cheops, the Spire of the Strasburg Cathe- dral, 454 feet, in height, has hitherto been the most elevated building in the world. It has now been eXceeded by the lately completed Spire of the Roueu Cathedral, which is 490 feet high. tions. Out of 483 elections to the Prussian Diet the results of 378 are known. Of these 169 have been carried by theNational le’eraISg 56 by other leerals, and 102 by the various Conservative sections. Two daughters of Abdul Mejid, ih‘e Suiiafl who preceded Abdul Aziz, are to be married soon in the palace at Constantinople. Ab= dul Hamid w111 pay their dowry ‘out of his own private exchequer. The Bishops of Wincheaier and Rochester have offered to contribute £500 a year each towards the endowment of the See of St. Albans, puovided that the £1.600 a year obtained by the sale of Winchester House is increased to £2,000 by private subscrip- The correspondent of the London Times writes that ten per cent. of the Spanish re; cruits are either dead or in hospitals within a month of their taking the ï¬eld for Cuba. The Melbourne Argus learns that M15; Scott-Siddons has intimated her intention of giving a challenge cup» to be shot for by the different Volunteer corps of the éoIOuy of Victoria. The London Commissioners of Sewers have approved of the expenditure of abouï¬ Â£280,000 for the erection ofartizans’ housed in Whitcchapel district, to accomrnodate 2,113 persons. The regiments which took part in the last Ashantee war-«the 23d, 42d, and lst and 2d West. India-u have been permitted by the Queen to bear the word “Ashameé’ an Queen to b‘ their colors. The 'eXportation of cod, wlnch Professor Stanely Jevons regarded as the greates; of Britain’s dangers, is increasing, In 1873 therewore despatch‘ed only 12,000.00010ns; in 1874 were Sent13,500,000 Ions; in1875, near1y 14,000,000. Palestine is to have a railroad, and'the cry will soon be : “ All aboard for Jeruslel lem. Passengers for Moab and the Dead Sea. will please remain in the forward car." The authorities at Wolverhampton‘hava had afï¬xed to the street lamp-posts neat enamelled plates, lettered “Keep to "the Right.†as a direcnon to foot passengers. There are llalf-a-dozen disused burying- grounds in the parish of St. Pancras, Lon- don, and it is suggested that they should be converted into flower gardens. Count Arnim, on the eve of hié recent condemnation, sold to his son, tori-about £120,000, Nassenheide, his last remaining great estate in Prussia. ’ The second and third-class carriages on all the railways are in future to be heated in winter by reservoirs of hot water, a luxury hitherto monopolized by the ï¬rst. The Ceylon Times states that there is not sufï¬cent employment in the island for the numerous Europeans who are continually arriving. Welch & Hanbury, commission agents, London, have suspended payment. Their liabilities are estimated at £80,000, and their assets at £50,000, ~ Mr. Hawkins, Q. 0., has accepted the Judgeship in the Court of Queen's Bench, vacant by the death of Mr. Justice Archi- bald. A Geographical Society for Belgium has been formed under the presidency of General Leagre, Commandant of the Military School. The son of Prince Milan of Servia has been named Alexander, at the request, it in reported, of the Russian Emperor. LieubGen Sir C. H. Ellice has been ap~ pointed Adjutant-General of the Forces, vice General Sir S. Airey. The Italian 100-ton gunmthe greatest piece of artillery ever constructed-11“ proved a success. The number of medical students regiso tered at the London hospitals this season is 1793, including 546 new entries. The iollowing are the exact words of that ‘ portion ofthe despatch referring to Constano tinoplezâ€"“The Czar pledged his sacred words of honor in the most earnest and solemn manner that he had no intention of acquiring Constantinople, and if necessity should force him to occupy a portion of Bulgaria, it would only be provisionally until the peace and safety of the Christian propulation were secured. The Czar could not understand when both countries had a common object, namely, the amelioration of the condition cfthe Christians, and when he had given every proof that he had no desire for conquest, why there should not be perfect understanding between England and Russia, based on a policy of peace,‘ which would be equally beneï¬cial to their mutual interests and to the interests of, Europe generally. The Czar said nothing could be more absurd than the intentions attributed to Russia of the future conquest of India. which was a perfect impossnbility. He deeply deplored the distrust manifested in England, earnestly requested me to do my utmost to dispel it, and charged me to convey to her Majesty’s Government the solemn assurances he had given it.†LONDON, Nov. 21.â€"The Foreign Oï¬ieo“ publishes a despatch in which Lord Loftus, the British Ambassador to Russia, reports in detail what passed at an audience he had with the Czar, on Nov. 2nd. He reports that the Czar said he had sent an ultimation to the Porte because he feared the discom- titnre of the Servian army might be fol. lowed by astrocities. The Port had by a series of manoeuvre frustrated all attempts at. paciï¬catiou. The resent state of things was intolerable. Unfess Europe was pre- pared to act ï¬rmly and energetically, he would be obliged to act alone. He regretted to see that inveterate suspicron and contin- ual fear of Russian aggression still existed in England. The Czar reminded Lord Lof- tus that he had on several occasions given the most solemn assurance that he desired no conquest. He had not the smallest wish or intention to acquire Constantinople; such aquisition would be a misfortune for Russia. WHOLE NO. 957. British and. Foreign. EUROPEAN: FROM THE EAST;-