Advertisements without written instructions will be inserted until forbid and charged transient rates. " V Attorney, Solicitoi-inflhamcery, Convey: .mcer, etc. Ofl‘iceâ€"No 6 Roan Insurance Buildâ€" ï¬ngs, Toronto street, Toronto. JJ TEES Attorneys, Solicitors-in-Chancery, etc., 64 Ad'eiaide street East, (opposite the Court House), Toronto. ‘ visit the following places Richmond Hill. Markham..,. St’ouflville . Thm‘nhm. Muple. [I'm ‘ ‘ - SURGEON DENTIST, ‘ -» - 95 King street East, Toronto. Best mineral teeth inserted in n. mymner to suit each patient, Particular attention given ‘to' ~the preservation and re ulation of the natural teeth, carefully avoiug a1 unnecessary pain. A. Wi SPAULDING, Assistant. EVERY FRIDAY. MORNING, At his printing ofï¬ces, Yonge Street, Richmond ' Hill, Ontario. , Terms of Subscription: $1.00 pg: annum in Advantm THOMAS FERFUspN, Qg V 0flicés~56 King street East, Toronto, two doors east of Toronto street. W. H. BEATTY. W, NICHOLAS MILLER, El)me M. CHADWICK. I C. R. W. BIGGAB. D. E. THOMSON. W for the fawa 6f tilei idgtytéï¬ï¬ï¬gxlé: may still he consults in any branch of the profession, as follows; Aurora, lst, 8th, 16th and 22nd of each month Newmurket .................. 2nd (10 Richmond Hill 9th and 241;]: do Muple .......... Woodbridge . do Kleinburg.. .. do Nobleton do Anastheti'ts, as Nitrous Oxide, efc., used when ordered, and none but the best. material used. Address A. ROBIN SON. L.D.S., Aurora, Ont. ‘ “NV. VVV.., u.-.“ w mu A “um, I Barristers, Attomeys-atâ€"Law, Solicitors-in- Chsmoery, Conveyancers, etc. Ofï¬cesâ€"NOB. 2, 4 nndâ€˜ï¬ Ontario H1111, Court street, Toronto. U BISTERS, em, Union Block, cornerToronto and Adelaide Sta. (opposite the new Post Ofï¬ce), Toronto. I ' , 1'" sum. . JAMES BETHUNE. . G. FALCONBRIDGE. CHABLEB Moss. . W. HOYLES. 31H. Tnom. 1) GAR. Barristers, Attorneys-at-Law, Solici- toxfs in Insolvency, etc. “EATTY, MILLER & BIGGAR, Barristers. Solicitors in Chancerv. Nnhnrian “Um \- ’ - Newmurket, SURGEON DENTIST, would respectfully announce that he will visit Richmond Hill the 18th of each 1nonth,atPe,lmer‘a Hotel; also attend the following places, profes- Bionully, Sundays excepted : PuinE, 6&5] erlmv . . . . . . . . . . . , . 5th do unt Albert 8th do r andford. Stoufl’ville 14th do Markham‘ 16th do Aurora. ....... 20th do Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate Surgeon and Accoucheut". Oflice. corner of Yonge and Centre Streets. Richmond Hill. THE HERALD. 1’ - comer of Yonge and Centre streets, Rich- mond Hill, may b_e consulted personally or by letter on all diseases 0! horses, cattle, etc. Horses examined as to soqndness, 8.150 bought and sold on commission. ‘VM. M ALLOY, BARRISTER Attnrmv gnunsa-nrsmmmmmw n ,,,,,,, ' OULTBEE & EVATT. BARRIS- TEES Atfnrnevsl gnlifliï¬nru.€n.nhnnnavvy ETHUNE. OSLER & MOSS. BAR- RISTERS. etc†Union Block, nnmm- 'Enmnén MOND HILL, will be generally be‘ found at home from 2 to 3 o'clock, p. m. ' ‘ lgEA’l‘TY, CHADWICK & BIG- GAR. Barriatara‘ Salimâ€. J 1" MISTS and bruggists, corner of Yonge and Centre streets. Richnmnd Hill. Special at- toution paid to prescriptions. H; 1 Drugs, Medicines, Wines and Li uors for medicinal purposes. Groceries, 9th T ornhill. By Re 3.] Letters Pnbent has been appointed Is- suer 0 Marriage Licenses. DIE VI‘HOMAS CARR, DEALER IN d Auctioneer for the county of York, respectâ€" fully solicits your patronage and friendly influ- I enpe. Styles attended on the shortest notice and i at‘reusonuble rates. P. 0. Address, King. ‘| Auctioneer for the County of York, respect- fully soiicits your patronage and friendly influ-q ence. Sales attended on the shortest notice, and a at reamnubie rates. P. 0. address, Teston. - 95 K: Auctioneer for the Count); of York, respect- fully solicits your patronage and friendly influ- 63105. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasmmble rateg, P. 0. address, 'Victoria Square. ‘ ' (5' Chancery sales attemjeï¬ to. Parties requir- ing liter. Pgtbngzn’s aisles omnténttge man u; 0 up 0 atâ€: us, an Tu mm mm. ’ C’ I Auctioneer for the counties of York, Peel, Ontario and Simooe; also deuator und Commis- sion agent. P. 0. Address, ~ Bloomington. g3- Qhagcgyy sings attepdefl to. Pagties requir- DANIEL KINNEE. LICENSED Auctioneer for the Countv of York. resnect- QXMUEL M. BBWON, LICENSED ’- Annï¬nnner for the (“.mxntv of Vnrk rnnnpr‘t. (at the Palmer House) Btoufliville . Markham: ALFRED BOULTBEE. WM. Won'rs EVATT‘ TFERGUSON, BAIN & MEYERS 1E0. BROWN‘ M.D., PHYSICIAN M. H. KE'E'FLE‘R, 'ewmm‘ket AMES C.VSTOKES, LICENSED H. SANDERSON. V.S.. G T.V.C., per Bayristers, Solicitors in Chancery, Notarieé M. PATTERSON, LICENSED . JAS. LANGS'I‘AFF. RlCH- VOL. XVIII, N0._.27. NDERSON & SONS, CHE: guttioucw. M. WELLS, SURGEON ADANE H. MYERS Dentist, rasidence at Aurora..wi11 W. KENNEWY, L US†gamma. PUBLISHED BY chttal. GEON DENTIST, thankful ,3rd and 4th do 5th do 8th do men do 14th do 16th do 20th do Deqtalmsurgery atjcended to‘ A. ROBINSON. SUR, C. ADAMS, L.D.S., 123's}; of each month. 18th 20th 8th 10th 20th 22nd. 3rd of each month. JOHN BAIN‘ i355- I l STABLES.~â€"Horses and Vehicles for him Chm-gas moderate. 'O'ppoaite Sanderson dc Sons‘ JOHN BROWN, Proprietor. keeps constantly on hand all kinds of wood,_which will be sold for the lowest market pricg. C9x‘. Yonge and Centre 86:, Richmond Hill. De osits not exceeding $100 may be withdrawn at ca. 1; $100 and upwards subject to thirty days’ notice, or a. reduction of thirty days’ interest, at, the option of the Directors‘. To be entitled to in- terest, deposits must remain in the Company three months. Interest calculated from the ï¬rst Eng 15th_ dgy pf the mopth.‘ The wholé Assets ofrrtlxrrgicompany are invested on the security of Real Estate and Municipal De- bentures, thereby giving the depositors 11n- doubbed security for all money left with this Company. ThisCompnny advances Money on the Security of improved City or Country Property, re-puynble by means of n Sinking Fund, which is found to be the surest and easiest mode of repaying 8.1mm. IS’ See 011‘: reduced 1mm table. 1 .' the county of York. Ofï¬ceâ€"Court ngse, Toronto. ‘ Public Notice that I will hot be responsible for any debts contracted by George Shaffer or any account against him or any one of his family, and that he 118.5110 claim on the property on which he is living. CHRISTIAN HOOVER. l’ Treasurer of Markham Township, Clerk of Division Court, Division Registrar, etc., Muiu st., Uni'mville, will be at Hull’s Hotel, Markham, every Monday, from 9 mm. to 41mm. to attend to businass in connection with the Courts. ' ’ ‘ ‘ . mortgqge of. farm property. at .e' 1M ,per cent. interest, in sums to suit borrowers. 0 com« mission. Apply to BLAKE & KINGSFORD, 10 Adelaide St. East, Toronto. > I ‘ 0 facturers of and Dealers in Granite and Marble Monumenï¬a,-fleadstonos, etc, Ringwood, Ont. Satisgntcsm guaranteed. 1†LOAN ox FIST-CLASS MORTGAGE SECURI- TY~in sums from $500‘upwm'tls. Apply to M. TEEFY, N. LYNETT, (as executors of the estate of the late Martin Brennan) Richmond Hill. RIAGE licenses for the county of York, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Pym-ties having farms or lots for sale, or wishing Insur- ance on life or property will have their orders romptly attended to by the above. Money to Emu at 8 per cent on approved freehold sé'curity. Omce, Court House, Toronto. Money received on deposit, and interest; allowed at-the rate of six per cent. per annum, com- po_uudeq_ha.lf ‘yemlylfl . For further informatioï¬ at at the Ofl‘xces of the Company. WALTE S. LEE, Manager OHN STEPHENSON, CLERK-ck ‘ Treasurer of Markham Township, Clerk of PNWI‘DilflMAN is; also issuer of Mmiage Li- censes. Residenceâ€"Ringwood, Ont. ‘ ‘ .0 ERS, Richmond Hill, have always on hand the best of beef. mutton, lamb, veal, pork, sausages, etc., and sell at the lowest prices for cash. Also corned and spiced bpef, smoked and dried hams. The highest lllal‘ket price given for cattle, sheep, lambs, etc. Capital, $800,000; Total Assets, $1,906,306; 119‘ serve Fund, $203,500. ' OTICE.â€"â€"I HEREBY GIVE Public Notice that I will ilot be resnonsiblc l CIAL Land Surveyor, Civil Engineer and Druughtsumu. Orders by letter should state the concession, lot and chm‘acber of survey, the sub- scriberhnving the 01d FIELD NOTES of the lute D. GIBSON and other surveyors, Whiuh should be consulted in many cases as to original monu- meuts†etg., previous to cpmmencing work. (mice at WillowdaIe, Yonge at, in the township of York, J ‘ - Insumncc and Real Estth Agent. De- osit's received, subject to demand, with interest. oans negotiated. Debentures-for sale. Oflice, 204 Adf’l'bidfl strnet East, Toronto, a. few doors west of the Post Oflice. ’ GEO. EAKIN, TSSUER 0F MAR- RIAGE licenses for the county of York, RICHMOND HILL LIVE RY S’T‘A'RTJERâ€"T-ansm: nnr‘l 'Vphv‘r-hzq fnr him Parties desirous of becoming members can for- ward their names to . ‘KTOOD YARDâ€"J OHN BROWN kpnnn nnnntnnflv n11 hnnfl nJ'I kin/19: nf NIONE‘Y TO LEND.-?32.000 -'I‘0 LOAN rw FISTâ€"mmgs Mnn'rnanv. RWDT‘IRT- \VESTERN CANADA L O A N AND SAVINGS COMPANY. HON. GEO. W. ALLAN, SenatorJ’residenh ’ Samuel Platt,l\1’;]’,, ..‘.-.; .......... Vice-President. Dmncwons - William Gooderham, .Gco.. W. Jewis, Thosl H. Lee, George Gooderhum, Hon. D. . Mmphel‘son, Senator. A griculturalWarehouse MONEY TO LEND ON FIRST 7. mortgage of. farm pxopexty. at .eight ,per The Centennial Exhihiiien, I878. V - , AND A - At Philadelphia, by the American and Canadian “and Centennial ‘Oemmissions ‘ respectively, For my Garden and‘Uther Seeds. \VM. RENNIE, Toronto. BLANK DEEDS Mr John Gibson, President, Millian P 0 Mr H J enniugï¬, Tromurer, Victoria. Square P 0 Mr S T Humberstone, Sec'y, Newtonbrook P 0 AND Seed Store, Corner of Adelait.e and Janis Sta, TORONTO. ‘7 H. & R. PUGSLEY, BUTCH- East, Riding of York. IBERAL CONSERVATIVE AS ETER S. GIBSON, P BOVIN- Ofï¬cesâ€"No. 70 Church sï¬â€˜eet, To'ronto‘ W. JARVIS, s H E R. I F F 70F SA VINGS IMNK BRANCH. WILLIS, BANKER. BROKER, SOCIATION FOR THE AND MORTGAGES m me it m 3m» ï¬to'té. Eflrim’fllratwn’urs, MONEY ’I'O LOAN. AND SAVINGS COMPANY DIPLOMA I have been awarded gummy. WIDEMAN, M ANU- 5.9 in _ on 3:. ‘ RICHMOND LODGE, A. F. & A. M., No. 23, G. R. C.â€" Meets in the Lodge Room, Masonic Hall, on the Monday on or before full moon, at 8 o’clock p.111. ‘ Jus. Bevnolds, W. M. RICHMOND L. O. L., No. 778.â€"Meets in the Tem- l pemnoe Hall, on the F May on or before full moon, at; 8 o’nim-b p.111. J. R. Boothbv. W. M. II» .vnmozm HILL TEMPLE, No. 465, I. O. G. T.â€" Ieets in the Temperance Hull, every Wednes- (lay evening, at 8 o‘cloek. Wm. Harrison, T. D. l ‘ CRYSTAL LODGE, No. 372, U. T. O.â€"Mget in the Masonic Hull, every Mdnday evening at o'clock. l A. E. Mortimer, P. 1). FOUNTAIN LODGE, Juvenile No. 35, U. T. O.â€"-Meets in the Masonic Hull, every Monday evening at 6.30 o'clock. A. E. Mortimer, Guardian. For any one in easy circumstances @his is a. very desirable property, and any one wxshing to secure a. ood home would do well to 08.11 and see it. or fuxther particulars apply to Having a. frontage of 56 feet, The house contains ‘ eight rooms, with verandah, brick callm‘. summer kitchen and Wuodshed attached, a. good well and soft water cistern, all complete. Also TWO BUILDING LOTS adjoining. Each 1 lot contains 55 feet frontage and is well fenced. ' This property is beautifully situated, fronpm on one Of the principal ‘streets of tlm village, a only 0. few steps from Yonge street, with a. good plank walk close to the door. For sale on reasonable terms, the Houses and lot comprising hull“ an acre of hmd, with excel- lent garden and orchard, lyingr south of Mr. A. L. Skeole‘s shop and north of Mr. Alex. Moodie’s store, in the village 01‘ Richmond Hill. A good business stund. , SUMMERS & HUSBAND, Importers of Staple and Fawry Dry Goods. 354 Yonge Street, Toronto. . The salawill comprise a splendid assortment of Blankets white and‘ scarlet, and Fancy Flunnels, VVincoys all shades and colors, Fancy Dress Goods, Black Silks, Blamk Lustres, Bhbck and Colored French Murinocs, White and Factory Cotmns, Shoetiuga, Table Linens, 'l‘weeds, Broadcloths, Shirtinqs, vaeliugs, Brown Hollands, Canton Flannels, Tickings, Seal Skins, Lmlies’ Mantle Cloths, Hosiury and Gloves.Mantlcs. Mpns‘ Shirts, and Drawers, Clouds, Shuwls, Semis, Ribbrns, Tins, Braces, Colored and \Vhitc Bed Quilts, Table Covers. Carpets, Cotton and Linen Hundâ€" kcrcliiefs, Felt; Skirts, Scorch Wool Fluids, Horse Covers; and innumerable other articles tho numerous to mention. Also the Store and Dwelling House and Garden, containing half an more of choice fruit trees, oc- cupied by Mr. A. Moodie,subject to an unexpired lease. Apply to And continuing eugh evening until wfurthex: nvotice‘ The ubuvé 5:119 “ 111' oï¬er a chance seldom met with, as the goods are all this season's imports;- t'wns unqrwm‘mnted perfoct. The subscriber begs to announce to the inhabi- tants of Virtm‘ia Square and surroundingcountry, that he will hold the above snle of Staple and Fmch Dry Goods, suited -fnr this season, when they hope to see (>1. large crowd everv evening to share in the bargains that, will be offered. N. B.â€"I>urtik~f{xhhme- to 'mtend the evening sales can buy through the day at the very closest Toronto prices. G HEAT AUCTION SALE OF SeasonableATDry Goods, White’s Hall, Victoria Square Centre St. West, The Methodist Sabbath school Temperance Asso- ciation issue pledge cards every Sunday when desired. Wm. Harrison, Supt. MECHANICS' INSTITVTE.-Library ‘ f over 1000 vol- umes open every Tuesday even ng, in the Mn- Bonic Hall, from 7 to 8 o'elock. R. E. Law, Liâ€" brarian. Lectures and discussions periodically. RICHMOND HILL FmE BRIGADE.»â€"Meets for ï¬re practice the ï¬rst and third Monday of each month, at 7 o‘clock pm J H Sanderson, Capt. RICHMOND HILL CORNET BANDereetS for pracâ€" tice every Tuesday and Sutunï¬ay eveping at 7:39 o’clock. A. E. Mortimer. Leader. wne owner 15 requested to prove property, my expenses and take them away. JAMES MC IL- LIAMS‘ V ‘ ST. MARY’S EPISCOPAL CHURCHâ€"services at 3 p m, except the third Sunday of every month, when the services and sacrament are held at 11 n. m. Sunday school at 1:30 p 111. Rev R Shanklin, R .80 to!" METHODIST CHURCH OF CA1? ADAâ€"Bervwes‘ at 10139 a m, and 6:30 p 111; Sunday 56.11091 M 21:30 P my prayer meeting every Thursday eYemllg and vS S Temhers’ meeting un Friday evening. J Herbert Starr, Pastor. ‘ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADA-services.“ 11 o’clock n in; Bihle class on Sunday evening at 0:30 o’clock. Rev J Dick, Pastor. ROMAN CATHOLIC CKURCKavEchlCBS in order as follows: Thornhill at 9:00 a. m, and Richmond Hill at 10:30 a. m ; the following Sunday at Rich- mond Hill at 9:00 a. m, and Thornhill at 10:30 a. m, alternating with Markham evory phird Bunduy: ’ ‘ ' \ the sub sqriber, lot No. 29, 2nd con. Vaughan,» about two 111011th ago, TWO EWE LAMBS. T1 0an is requesth to proygjggggqntylllgy "M- n, :- La, 1'» 1 this ofï¬ce Wi11,be noticed as under FREE. , TUESDAY EV'G, DEC. 5,‘ahd following evenjn 3,â€"â€" ' Auction sale of Dry Goods, ut' White’a all, Viptoï¬a. Square. AVG. Husband, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, Decombor 2, at 1 o‘clock p.m.â€"â€"Aruetion suln of Standing Timber, Cordwooa and Cedar Posts, on lot 33, 3rd Cori. Markham, the prOpBTâ€"‘ ty of Mr. Daniel B. Heise. S. M. Brown, Anon NORTHERN RAILWAYâ€"Trains pass Richmond Hill station as follows: moving south at 9:10 am, 2:10 pm, and 8:26 p m; moving north, at 8:13 am, 12:401) In, and 5:20 pm. Mr Palmer's ’bQS meets the morning train moving north and evening train moving south. THE PROCTOB STAGE LINKâ€"Runs in connection with the Northern Railway, meeting the morn- ing train moving south and the evening train moving north. Passengers leave the Dominion Hotel at 8:10 a in, arriving in Toronto at 10:20, and returning leave City Hall station at 4-10 pm, and Brock street station at 4:25. Single tickets, 50 cents; return, 80 cents. S. Proctor, proprietor. RICHMOND HILL OM‘NIBUSâ€"Buna daily, leaving the Stuge Hotel, Richmond Hill, at 7:30 a m, arrivingV in Toronto at 10:30 a 1n, and returning, leaves the Commercial Hotel, J nrvis st, at 3:20 p m, and the Rev Horse Hotel, Yonge st, at 3:30 pm; Single tickets, 40 cents; return, 75 cents. John Palmer, jr, proprietor. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFYCE. â€"- Mails close as follows: Morningâ€"Going south, west and east, including Maple, Thorn‘hin, Toronto, Markham, etc‘, at 6:45 ; going north, 8:45. Eveningâ€"Going south, gas}; and west, at, 6:46. . R‘agimred lama l must be handed in Mega minutes 99.1118!- 1 April 11, 1876. FRANCIS BUTTON & A, C. HUSBAND, Auctioneers ROUGH CAST HOUSE, “AME INTO THE PREMISES OF Tuesday I)ec. 5. 1876, OUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE ‘ AT RICHMOND HILL. OUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE. UCTION BILLS PRINTED AT iIIagc glimtnry, guttinn mum. Commencing on the evening of Just completea, situated on JAMES M. JENKINS, Luskay 110‘ ' Or to M. TEEFY, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, CANADA, DECEMBER 1, 1876, POST OFFICE. CHURCHES. 3mm, SOCIETIES. JOHN BROWN, Proprietor Thnt new TRAVEL. Richmo’nd Hill Alfred Allott failed in Shefï¬eld for $100,000. ‘ Rykert still has a majority of one Vote. The Duchess of Edinburgh has a daughter, ‘ Snow in Orangeville on Sunday fell to the depth of'six inches. - v The Lincoln election sdru‘tiny has been adjourned until the 4th December. A revolution has broken out in the Mexican slate of Lower Ca1ifornia.‘ ' The Ottawa waterworks were sailed for a debt. Ex-Mayor Medcalfintenda to try for the civic chair. Hon. Adam Crooks deliveréd an ad- dress at Hamilton. Russia has given orders for sheds for a winter campaign. ~ That: has been gréat excitement in the sugar market: lately. Four priscners escaped from the St. Vincent de Paul pepjlgntiuryh ; Several important Russian ports have been obstructed with tox-pedqeft 1" B055 Tweed arrived in New York on Thursday'in the steamer Franklin. A man deeply in debt in Ottawa, sold his property and left for parts unknown. It is said the Newfoundland ï¬sheries have proved a failure. Tiiden obtained a majority in New York state of 33,000. Marechal the great diuinmiï¬ robber?“ Muntreal. has made a con!’ ‘ V *_ Lumber has been more active lately and better prices have been reCeived. Four men attacked and gagged a Watchman of the VVaterviIle ‘Nhtional Bunk. Steamship City of Richmond took‘ou't $750000 in specie from Liverpool for New Yolk. The muddle still continues in connec- tion with the election of Presxdeut ofthe Umted States. 3. The courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers or Jeriodicals from. the out oï¬ice, or removing an leaving them unca led for, is prima, facie evidence of intentiopalï¬aud. A thirteen year old girl was married in Ottawa to a ï¬fteen year old boy. Bottled ï¬le has been shipped from London, Ontario, for the Australian Exj hibition. ‘ The morning papers in Montreal have reduced 1he rate oi'composxtion 110111334]; to 30 cents. A room is being: ï¬tted up in the Par- linmem buildings fur Canadian ores, ex- hibited at Philadelphia. 2. If a person ordershis paper discontinued he must pay [L11 mean. or the publishers ma, conâ€" tinue to send it until payment is made, an they collect the whole amount, whether the paper ls taken from the oflice or not. . Alden the young American has been found guilty of murder at Hamilton, and sentenced to be hanged on the 12th January. -1. Any person who takes upa rrequlm‘ly from a post oflice, Whether directs in his 118.319 91‘- another’s, or whether he has subscribed or unit. “3 responsible for payment. Sir Hugh Allan is of the opinion that some experience in working the Intercol- nnial Railway should be had, before the mail steamers be required to call at Hali- fax. ' - Mrs. Alex. Murray, wife of the Presi dent ofthe Dominion Type Founding Co., by mistake took a heavy dose of Morphine in Montreal on the 12th, and died in ï¬ve hours. The Right Hon. Jas. Whitside. Lord Chief Jus1ice of the Court. of Queen’s Bench in Ireland, is dead. William Houston subléditor of the Globe, has been brought up for contempt of court in the case Simpson vs. Wilkin- son, and mgdg tp pay the costs and to givp an ample apology, On Sunday. the 26th instant. at his re‘sidence; “ Rosedale.â€â€˜Yorkville, 95qu 53 years, Weir Ander- son,1€sgleate‘ commissioner Trust Loan Gom- BIL-fly of Canada Belnw.we ack‘mwledge subscriptions to Tm: HERALD recesved smce last issue : 983 G. B. Newberry, Richmond Hill. 983 W. Hutchinson†“ 983 Adam Kefl'er, Concord. 1006 H. Baldwin, Patterson. Hon. Mr. Cartwright has left Eng- land for hnme. = ~ . LA W CONCERNING BiE'WSPAPERS. Mr. Laflamme the new Minister has been returned by a majority of only 28. The men on Government works used every exertion in his favor and to them is contributed his return. ‘ An extraordinary scene took place in the Frerich Chamber of Deputies on Fri- day last, during a debate on the Public Worship Estimates. Princg Napoleon Spuke for the ï¬rst; time sincghiselection, makmg a ï¬erce attack on the clergy. Notice' has been forwayded to the Messrs. Allan’s, the mail steamers will in future be required to ship and land at Halifax the mails to and from Great. Britain during the winter months. The mail steamer next sailing from Liver- uu Luau Bum-nch USA» nullilqï¬lluul .I. 50-01 will land mg man; a; auer SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED. The Week’s News. DIED. On Monday Mr. D; McCarthy Q. 0. applied to the Court of Queen’s Bench on behalf of defendant. in the case of' the Queen against. Wilkinson, calling on the Hon. G. Brown to show cause why a Wiit of attachment should not Issue against him as publisherof the Globe, for an article that appeared in that paper on the 8th July, reflecting on thejudgment given by J udgze Wilson. The court granted the application. Minutes of last meeting read and con- ï¬rmed. Petitions were presented. ' By the Reeve from W. B. Sanders and 19 others asking aid for Christopher Crozier, who has had his leg smashed by the bursting of'a saw. By Mr. Marsh from David Lynott and eight others asking for a. grant to furnish gravel for Road Div. No. 5. An uua-uthenticated rumor recently appeared in some of the Continental newspapers, that the Russian Mediterâ€" ranean squadron had been ordered to America. The ratepavers 01" Quebflc have peti- tioned the Legislation, to withhold any amendments to the city charter until it shall have received from the corpflration a full statement of the latter's ï¬naflcial affairs. The Markham Township Council met at SiZes hall Unionville, on Saturday 25th inst. Members present, Messrs. Robinson. Milliken, Marsh and Reesor. The Reeve in the chair. Mr. Reesor, seconded by Mr. Marsh, moved that the sum of ten dollars be granted to Edward Leathers and Richard Ball, being for ditching and ï¬lling in an old culvert oppmite lot No. 8, Con. 10. Thousands of workman have been dis- charged from the British iron works. Whilst in America. trade is improving in this liner Mr. Marsh, seconded by Mr. Reesm, moved that the bum of' $9 dollars be granted for the purpose of completing the contract for buildmg a. bridge in ï¬â€˜ont‘ofloh No. 1, 0011. 2. Mr. Reesor, seconded by Mr. Marsh, moved that the sum of twenty-ï¬ve dol- lars be granted to the trustees of the Presbyterian) burying ground on lot No. 10, Con. '8, for making an approach to the same ; said approach necessitated by the hill in front thereof being cut down, the above trustees agreeing to accept the above sum in full of all demands against this municipality for makingr such im» provements7 and that the Reeve order the sum to be paid. 7 Mr. Marsh, seconded by Mr. Beesor, moved that the sum of'84,20 be paid to Speight & Son, for furnishing 428 feet of plank for culvert on side llne in the Con 7. Mr. Marsh, seconded by Nr.Milliken, moved that the sum of'36,74 be paid to the Reeve, being money advanced by him to repair a. bridge in front oflot No. 9, Con. 7. Mr. Reesor, seconded by Mr. Milli- ken, moved that the following sums be paid to the under mentioned parties, or their order for gravel put on the roads : To Jae. Dimma 36,08; Wm. P. Mun- roe 816,65; Jas. Reid $336; A. B. Ramer 81,40. Mr. Marsh, seconded by Mr. Beesor, moved that. the sum of $60 be granted {or the purpoate of repairing bridges and furnishing gravel for Road Div. No. 5, and that David Lynett, Lawrence Smith and James Robirison be Commissioners to expend the same, Mr‘. Marsh, seconded by Mr. Reason] moved that the sum of $1.50 per Week‘ be granted for the support of Wm, Wat- Son, an indigent man withOut any means of support ; the said sum payable to we order of’John Morgan, an,, and to con. tinue to be paid during the pleasure of this council. seconded by Mr. Ree. sot, moved that the followmg accounts be paid to the undermentioned or their order : Josegh Eadg. pyeraeer fo_r :epairs A heavy suit against the New York and Oswego Midland R.R.Co. represent- ing $6,000,000, is on trial in New York. Itjs said an explanation will be de- manded for the massing of so many troops at Washington. Joseph Eade. overseer for repairs done to bridge over the Rouge, 9111 Con. opposite lot 20, . . . . . $16 11 Joseph Bond overseer for repairs done 10 bridge opposlte lot 21 and 22, 3rd 001)., . . . . . . . . . . . 14 79 The Reeve, for repairs done to the bridge between late 10 and 11,, 61h Con..aud cutting drift wood, 7 25 M. Gleason, for work done on the hill between lois 10 and 11. 8th Com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 00 Mr. Milllken, seconded by Mr. Marsh. moved that the following sums be paid to the parties herein named, for damage ‘to their sheep by dog or dogs unknown, ias testiï¬ed Q11 oath: 1.1.. Shirk, ....................... $6 66 Hon. David Laird has been sworn in as Lieut-Governor of the North West. A board of health has been appointed to assist the Lieut-Governor in the pro- vince of Keewatin. . The whole of the new Rushian loan has been taken up. Small-pox is raging in Keetwatin among the Icelanders and Indians. MARKHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. L..Smith,l. . .. .. C. p! Rp'e'so'r, . , $6 66 5 33 400 Of Auditors, certifying that accoxints for the month of September have been duly audited and found correct; also the account of the Yorkville “rater Works Company. Of‘ the Chief Constable, being Police ReBort 9f 207th :Nov, 1876: The Board of Water Commissioners Report was received and adopted. ,Also a statement to the effect that they had passed and ordered for payment a num- ber of accounts. The Report of the Finance Commit: tee, recommending payment of certain accounts which have been examined and found correct, was received and adopted. On motion the council adjourned to meet on Saturday the 9th December next. ' Mr Walker presented the petition of R D Ewing and others, property owners on Avenue road, praying for the con- struction of 21 Boulevard on said road, 8 feet wide, at the expense of the property owners on that streetâ€"Referred to Finance Committee: OfJ H Bartlett 5; Co, quoting prices for Bells. Of P Patterson, quotng prices for Bella. OfF A Skelton, quoting prices for Bells and Fire alarm. ' The Report of the Board Works Com- mtttee was received, stating that in ref- erence to grading Hazelton Avenue that Dennis Daniels, having found it impos- sible to do the work for the price of $95, and mailing relinguished contract, the Committee recommended that in view of the price being altogether below what it could be done for, $200 be given said Daniels for doing Work. and new con- tract drawn up to that effectâ€"Adopted. 01“ Dennis Daniels, in reference to grading Hazeltou Avenue, notlfying his abandoning the contract upon ï¬nding that he has already expended over $1.50, and it requires a great more to complete it. ' Council met. 'resent: Deputv Reeve Mr Wicksou; connclllors, Messrs Wal- ker, Daiu and Crown. Minutes of last. meeting were read. and adqpteti; 7 The following communications were received and read, viz :â€" Of Charles A Grainger, Secretary Yorkville Fire Brigade, requesting free use of Town Hall on Friday evening, 22nd Dec‘ for the purpose of holding their ï¬rst annual ball. Of the Tieashrer, being statement of Return of Collectors’ Rolls for 1875. Mr Walker gave notice that he would at next meeting introduce a by-law to provide regulations for boulevarding streets grading, &c, as local improve.- menfs and otherwise. Mr Dain moved, seconded by Mr Crown, that the free use of the Town Hall be granted to the Yorkville Fire Brigade for their proposed MILâ€"Carried. Mr. Milliken introduced a By-law to amend By-law No. 232. By-law was read a ï¬rst, second and third time and pasged. (From the Woodstock Weekly Review of Nov. 101b, 1876,) OXFORD Armsâ€"The Atlas of Ox- ford County, which has been in prepar- ation for some time, has been ï¬nished, and has been issued from the press. The work is an extremely credible one,| and will supply a want long felt in this community. It is the most complete work of the kind ever published in this district, and reflects the highest credit upon the energy and capacity of Messrs. Walker 8; Miles, the responsible parties in the publication. It contains an'enor- mous amount of valuable statistics con- veniently arranged, and abounds with lumps of both a local and general char- acter. An excellent feature is a separ- ate map of each township. divided into lots with the farmers’ names thereon. An historical sketch of the County, preâ€" pared with a great deal of care and disâ€" crimination, by one thoroughly compe- tent for the task. will be read with interest, not only by old residents, but by the younger inhabitants who have but little knowledge of the trials of the ï¬rst settlers. The sketch of the county in a word meets every expectation formed of it. ' Mr. Reesor introduced a By-Iaw to provide for holding the municipal elec tions of the township of Markham, for the year AD. 1877. Byâ€"law read a ï¬rst, second and third time and passed. Mr. Reesor, seconded by Mr, Milliken, moved that Mr. Marsh be appointed a committee to examine the hill known as Clarkson’s Hill, between lots 20 and 21,‘ 4th Cow, and report to this council at} 1ts next meeting. Mr. Marsh, seconded by Mr. Ressor, movod that the sum of $4 be paid to Delos Crosby, Esq., beieg two-thirds the value of his sheep destroyed by dog or dogs, as testiï¬ed on oath. Mr. Millikan, seconded by Mr. Marsh, moved that the sum of $6 be granted to C. Crozier, who has been by accident disabled from maintaining himself by his own labor. Mr. Marsh, seconded by Mr. Reesor, moved that the account of G. C. Cald- well, amounting to $1.25, for repairing the pile driver, be paid. Mr. Marsh, seconded by Mr. Milliken, moved that the account of' the Toronto Hospital, amounting to $30.50. for the support of Jan. Burton, be paid. The council then adjournedâ€"Times. YOB-KVILLE COUNCIL. 20 Now, 1876 The London Standard ewes that rcpt-es senlutivés have bnen nominated in behalf of England to settle the disputed uestiou n to the boundary of the Orange tee State, and they will shortly proceed to carry out, this duty. ' Mr. C B. Denison, M. P., has hid the foundation of the second of the serious of' memorial churches to be erected in Leeds in connection with the church extension scheme, to which over £100,000 has been‘ subscribed. The Odessa Messenger says that 5,000! workmen are employed in the construction of coast defences near Odessa, and that. the Tm tiï¬cations and armaments of the ports Qf' Odessa, Sebastopol, and Kertch urgent-fed on actively. ' ' ‘ “ ’ A pension of £150 per annum ha'l been; conferred on Mrs. George Smith. the Widow- of Lhe celebrated Assyriologist. The; announcement regalding it was made to. Mrs. Smith in :1 glaceful letter written byâ€" Lord Beaconsï¬eld himself. Mr. G. Moore has given £6, ï¬g funds of xhe London Clerical Educatioq Aid. Society. which has for Its 'Object the ham: ing of young men of ability for the ministryg Preference is to be given to applicanta (gen Cumberland and Westmoreland. In addition to the erection of a drinï¬ing fountain at Huntingdon in commemoratio'h of the death of his son in the railway (Acci- dent at Abbots Ripton, Mr. Dion Bouci- cault has given £900 for the resmration of‘ the Hundingtou Grammar School. .3. j The Epoca publishes news from Moro'cco‘ stating that a. rehginus agitation has been» commenced in that country with the object of aiding Turkey in her present struggle. It is added that the Christians in Mbrocctk are apprehenswe of an qutbreak of Moslem‘ fanaticism, and that the foreign consular have communicated With-the Gontnments, ou the subject. Referring to the trickery being» practiced by the Republican leaders in, order to count out Mr Tilden, who is evidently the choice of the nation fon- President, and who has poled a po ulnn majority of 175,000, the New ark Herald says.â€"â€"“ The Republican party is not made up of rogues and Tenth: lawyers. It contains agrent mass of honest, honorable, patriotic men, land these will not tolerate what would make them hang their heads with shame; they will not allow their leaders to resort to trickery, to base devices, to doubtful» means to count in their candidates Already the Republican opinion of the proceedings in the disputed States is such that it has become alngost impos- sible decently to count in goverppr Hayes. Already the wisest Republicans say'in conversation that they hope for the sake of their party for Mr Tilden‘s return. As yet the honest Republican masses are waiting in silence, but with decreasing patience. But any further appearance of- trickery, any, the least, continuation of these attempts in the disputed States to take advantage of shallow legal technicalities, to resort to un'dcrhand and unworthy means,snch~ as the recent hearing of testimony charging intimidation, on which, the Louisiana Returning Board has, it issnid, determined, will give voice to the smoth- ered indignation ot the Republican party, who cannot stand silent and sec ‘hem: selves and the good farm at their .pcrty sold in disgrace," ‘ The subscription for the Liebig monument is now closed. There has been raised a sum of 140,000 marks. which is to be em: played in the erection of monuments both at Munich and Giesseq. According to a statement made in the German Parliament, the revenue of the Empire for the current year will show A surplus over the expenditure of 8,000,000 marks (£400,000) The death is announced of the Polish historian, Agust Bielowski, director of the Ussolinski National Institute at Lemberg, and editor of the "Monumeuta Alonia Historica.†Thirty- two students ofthe medical facility at St. Petersburg were arrested a fortnight ago for agitating against the Government, and in favor of the depopition of “ab Emperor. ’ The value of the bacon imported during the last nine months was £5,715,478. against £4,715,776 in the like pgriod 91‘th preceding year. The Manchester School Board 1's reeefv. ing about £20,000 a year, that being equivalwt to a rate of 2id. in the £. A bippodrome eremed by Mr. Bennett, at a cost of £5,000, and having septing ggpac- ity for 3,0000 persons, has been 'openefl‘gt Brighton. It is announced from, Litian that 8 Pork uguese gcientiï¬c expedition is t_o 119 gang {9, Africa. The-‘value of chicory imported increase-4' in the ï¬rst nine months of this year to; my 669, trom £46,113 in the prepeding year. - It is reported that a gun of 16010::Ili“ shortly be couslll'ucted at. qulvyich. The revenue of the Mersey Dock Board for the year ended July was £1,201,127. LONDON. Nov 29.â€"-A “ Times "' despatch from Berlin states that the Porte inlet)“ moving, at the conference, for internalionnl ul'hitrament upon the question of Russia‘s rlght to despatch volunteers to Servia, and if'sbe has not the right! the Porte will de« mand a large indemnin for the prolqngation of the war, occasioned by Russxaq (olgnv. leers. - Lox-non, Nnv. 28.-â€"-A special from Vienna to the Times says Turkey has form~ ally protested against the line of demarcaa. lion ï¬xed by the International Commissiom between the Turkish and Montenegrin fewer: and complications are feared In connection with the revictualling of the places besieged by the Montenegrins, the regulation of- wlnch'wns Jen for settlement by a subse-V quent underSIanding. ' WHOLE N- 0. British and Foreign. FROM THE EAST.