Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 8 Dec 1876, p. 1

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Advertisements will be inserted on this page at the following rates: ' Business Cards, one year .34 00 Do six months ,. 2 50 D0 three months . 1 50 Transitory advertisements, first insertion, per inch .................................. '75 Each subseqent insertion, per inch ‘ An inch comprises twelve lines of Nonpareil. Condensed advertisements. under the headings: Specialities.” “ Stmyed,” “ Lost or Found," “ For tale or To Let," “Wanted,” etc., each insertion 25 cents. 25 Advertisements Without written instructions will be inserted until forbid‘ and charged transient rates. THE HERALDJ EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, 5‘ hi: printing offices, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Terms of Subscription: $1.00 per annum in Idvance. U TERS, Attorneys, Solicitors-m-Chnncery, etc" 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House], Toronto. Attorney, Solicitofâ€"inâ€"Chuncery, Convo ' uncenem Officeâ€"No 6 Royal Insurance Buils. ings, Toronto street, Toronto. 1' Barristers, .Attomeys~ut-Law, Solicitors-in.- Chancery, Conveyancers, etc. Officesâ€"Nos. 2, 4 and 6 Ontario Hall, Court street, Toronto. ' Tnomus anmspu, Qg â€" bfioésiâ€"fie King street East, Toronto, two doors an.“ of Toronto street. W. H. BEATTY. W. NICHOLAS MILLER. EDWARD M. CHADWICK. C. R. W. BIGGAB. D. E, THOMSON. U RIS‘TERS, am, Union Block, corner! Toronto Ind Adelaide Sts. (opposite the new Post Office), Toronto. OULTBEE & EVATT. BARRISa TERS. Attornevs. SolicitorSJn-Chnncerv ERGUSON, BAIN & MEYERS, Barristers. .Attornevs~ut-Law. Solicitorsâ€"in- U GAR, Barristers, Attorneys-at-Luw, Solici- tors in Insolvency, etc. REATTY, MILLER & BIGGAR, I’ufiljc, etc: BETHUNE, OSLER & MOSS, BAR- RIS‘TERS. etc.. Union Block. corner Toronto EATTY, CHADWICK & BIG- GAB. Barristers. Attorneys-at-Luw. Solici- m for the fuCors of the past'ten years, may still be consulted in any branch of the profession, as follows: Aurora, 1315, 8th, 16th and 22nd of each month Newmarkot .................. 2nd do Richmond Hill 9th and 24th do (at the Palmer House) Stouffiville .. 18th do Mmkham.. . Victoria Sq Thornhill .. Nobletongi'. Anesthetics. as Nitrous Oxide. etc.x used when ordered, and none but the best maternal used. Address A. ROBINSON, L.D.S., Aurora. Ont. visit the following places Richmond Hill.... Murkhaan....... Stoufiville . Thornhill. Maple. (W VV ' SURGEON DENTIST», 95 King street East, Toronto. Best mineral teeth inserted in a. manner to suit each patient. Particular attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth, carefully avoing all unnecessary pain. A. W. SPAULDING, Assistant. 0 Newnmrket, SURGEON DENTIST, would respectfully announce that he will visit Richmond Hill the 18th of each menthol; Palmer's Hotel; also attend the following places, profes- sionally, Sundays excepted: Newmarket. 6 fit 3rd of each month. 117 on .. rd and 4th (lo P erlaw.... 5th do I uh Alberto 8th do S ndford ‘ 10th do Stoufiville 14th do Markhmm‘ 16th do Aurora. ....... 20th do All branches of Dentai surgery nttendm Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate‘ U Surgeon and Ancoucheur. Ofiice, corner Yonge and Centre Streets, Richmond Hill. U MOND HILL, will be generally be found at home from 2 to 8 o’clock, p. m. J 0 corner of Yonge and Centre streets, Rich- mond Hill, may be consulted personally or by letter on all diseases of horses, cattle, etc. Horses examined: 8:8 120 soundness, also bought and sold on commzssmn. ALFRED BOULTBEE. WM. Wom‘s EVATT‘ GEO. BROWN, M.D.., PHYSICIAN Surgeon and Ancoucheur. Office, comer of 11- MISTS and Druggists, cornei‘ of Yonge and Centre streets. Richmond HiJl. Special at- ¢iention paid to prescriptions. QSLER‘ 1- Drugs, Medicines, Wines and Liquors for medicinal purposes, Groceries, eta, Thornhill. By Royal Letters Patent has been appointed Is- suer of Marriage Licenses. ’I‘HOMAS CARR, DEALER IN Drugs. Medicines, Wines and Liquors for J Auctioneer for .the county of York, respect- fully solicits your patronage and friendly influ- ence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonabie rates. 1’. 0. Address, King. M. H. KEEFLER, AMES C. STOKES, LICENSED Auctioneer for .the county of York, respect- uQAMUEL m. BRWON, LEGENSED U Auctioneer for “the County of York, respect- fully solicits your patronage and friendly influ- ence. Sales attended on the shortest notice, and at reasonable rates. I’. 0. address, Teston. DANIEL KINNEE, LICENSED Auctioneer for the County of York, respect- D Auctioneer for the County of York, respect- fully solicits your patronage and friendly influ- ence. Sales amended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, Victoria. Square. J I Auctioneer for the counties of York, Peel, Ontario and Bimcoe; also Vthth and Commis- sion agent. 1’. 0. Address, - Bloomington. 13' Chancery sales attended to. Parties requir- ing Mr. Patterson‘s services can make arrange- ments and obtain particulars m to terms, 6th at THE HERALD Office. Bmisteré, Solicitors in Chancery, Notarieé H. SANDERSON, V.S., G.T.V.Q., VOL. XVIII, N O. 28. . JAS. LANGSTAFF, RICH- MAI:I_._O_Y,_ BARRISTER, M. PATTERSON, LICENSED SANDERSON & SONS, CHE- R. A. ROBINSON, SUR- GE 0N DENTIST. thankful - _ Dentist, residence at Aurora,wi11 ADAM? H. MYERS. M. WELLS, SURGEON @mtimmra‘. PUBLISHED BY W. KENNEDY, L. D. 8., mum £13m. flmtzfl. QEpN DENTIST, I thankful ,3rd and 4th (10 .. 5th do 8th do 10th do 14th do .. 16th do 20th do Delgtalmsurgery ntpenQed to. C. ADAMS, L.D.S., JAMES BETHUNE CHARLES Moss. J. H. THOM. 18th of eachimonth. 8th 10th 20th 22nd J OHN BAIN. Money received on deposit, and interest allowed at the race of six ‘per cent. per annum, com- pgl‘mdeqlhulf ‘ yearly: I gum. ,, , 1, _ Â¥ELIA :u__A__A Samuel P1Mt,M.P., .................. Viceâ€"President. DIRECTORS ~ William Gooderhmn, Geo. \V. Lewis, Thus. H. Lee, George Gooderhum, Hon. D‘ L. Macpherson, Senator. 1V1 'Avhéitggwge of farm property, at ‘ cent, interest, L11 amt borrowers. mission. Apply to“ BD'AKE 56 KING 10 Adelaide ,St. Ens 1". Toronto. . Capital, $800,000; Total Assets, $1,906,306; Re. serve Fund, $203,500. ~â€" .1 "777.; * Dep not exceeding $100 may be withdrawn at call; $100 and upwards subject to thirty days' notice, or it reduction of thirty days' interest, at the option of the Directors. To be entitled to in- terest, deposits must remain in the Company three months. Interest calculated from the first and 151211 dgty 9f the month.“ The e Assets of the Company are invested on the security 01 Real Estate and Municipal De- bentures, thereby giving the de ositors un- doubted security for all money 16 t. with this Company. ‘ This Company advances Money on the security of improved City or Country Property, re-puyuble by means of a. Sinking Fund, which is found to be the surest and easiest mode of repaying a loan. l3 See our reduced 10an table. TYâ€"in Vsfifflé from $500 111 TEEFY, N. LYNETT, (11,8 0 of the late Martin Brennan, I1. posits received, subject to demand, with it Loans negotiated. Debentures for 50.16. 20; Adelaide street East, Toronto, a. few west of the Post OtficeA - Insm‘ancé and Real Estate Agfint- mter 0‘? dc U RIAGE licenses for the county of York, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Parties having farms or lots for sale, or wishing Insurâ€" ance on life' or property will have their orders Jrumptly attended to by the above. Money 1:0 mm at 8 per cent on approved freehold security. Oflice, Court House, Toronto. WFOTf‘ui‘fifiefir mféfifuiwri'ohrdpply at at the Offices of the Company. \VALTER S. LEE, Manager IVIONEY TO LEND.â€"â€"$2,0’OO Tb LOAN 0N FIST-CLAS'S MO‘RTGQQE. SECURI- ONEY. TO LEND (1N FIRST mom?ng 0f farm property, mt °§§Etnf£€ GEO. EAKIN, ISSUER OF MAR- RIAGE licenses for the county of York, Toronto‘ STABLES.â€"â€"Horses and Vehicles for hire. Charges moderate. O posits Sanderson & Sons. JOHN BROWN, Proprlotor. VV keeps constantly on lmnd all kinds of wood, which Will be sold for the lowest market; price. Cor. Yonge and Centre 61L, Richmond Hill. RICHMOND HILL L I V E R Y STABLES.â€"Horses and Vehicles for hire. Public Notice that; I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by George Shaffer or any account against him 01' [my one of his family, and that he hos no claim on the property on which he is living. CHRISTIAN HOOVER. \VESTERN CANADA LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY. “700D YARDâ€"JOHN BROWN keens constantlv on hand (L11 kinds of J Treasurer of Markham Township, Clerk of Division Court, Division Registrar, etc.,1\_Iuin sh, Unionville, will be at Hall’s Hotel, Markham, every Monday, from 9 mm. to 4 p.1n., to attend to business in connection with the Court. N O T I G Err-'1 HEREBY . GIVE Public Notice that I will not be responsible OHN STEPHENSON, CLERK & Treasurer of Markham VTOWnShip, 9}qu 9i I 0 facturers of and Dealers in Granite and Marble Monuments, Headstones, etc, Ringwood, Ont. Satisfaction guaranteed. P. WIDEMAN is also issuer of Marriage Li- censes. Residenceâ€"Ringwood, Ont. v I ERS, Richmond Hill, have always on hand the best of beef. mutton, lamb, veal, pork, sausages, etc., and sell at the lowest prices for cash. Also corned and spiced beef, smoked and dried llgms. Tho‘ highest market price given for éruttle, sheep, lambs, 6m I CIAL Land Surveyor, Civil Engineer and Draughbsmzm. . Orders by letter should state the concession, lot and character of survey, the sub- scriber having the 01d FIELD NOTES of the late D. GIBSON and other surveyors, which should be consulted in many cases as to original monu- ments, emf, previous to commencing ~work. Ofiice at Wfllowdale,-Yonge 517., in the township of York. PETER S. GIBSON, PROVIN- CIAL Land Surveyor, Civil Engineer and HON. GEO. W. ALLAN, Senator, President. Parties desirous of becoming members can for- ward their names to Mr John Gibson, President, Millikan P 0 Mr H J ennjngs, Treasurer, Victoria Square P 0 Mr S T Humberstone, Sec’y, Newtonbrook 1’ 0 Agricultural Warehouse The Centennial Exhib'ninn, |878, TWO MEDALS AND A At Philadelphia, by the American and Canadian and Centenmal Cemmissions respectively, Pm my Garden and Other Seeds. WM. RENNIE, Toronto. BLANK DEEDS AND Seed Store, Corner of Adelaiac and Janis $15., TORONTO. AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Officesâ€"No. 70 Church street, Torontol East Riding of York. SA VINGS BANK BRANCH. IBERAL CONSERVATIVE AS- WILLIS, BANKER. BROKER, “J. “A XV. JARVIS, S‘ H E R I F F OF LOAN 0N FIS‘T' & L. C. WIDEMAN, MANU: the county of York. Ofliceâ€"«Court House, SO CIATION FOR THE H. & R. PUGSLEY, BUTCH- Eitificmmwmw. MONEY T0 LOAN'. m, I have been awarded AND MORTGAGES E91: W? M WW9? more DIPLOMA Em 62% m m : «firm OE .Boum‘ an” 49:25.0: .6:qu w F $133“ “39: Gym 59.. 853.. 5.3a E52 V 8 Saw. 5% 05¢ a“ am. can mro $3.“ 282m: w Sam Mao? F59 mud : w Ea Em: a S 38. an ,ofim an. ,CLAS‘S MonmGAgE SECURI- ng upwards. Aqny to M. (as execugors 0 the estate ‘) Ricfimond Hill. t eight per No comâ€" rant. Dé- ’ interest. an 05,19, SFORD: ‘OI‘S The Vendors Teserv one bidding in 3959‘ of payment very 11b cent. of the purchafi‘? time of sale, when em be arranged. For further particularsL and conditions or sale, apply to MESSRS. WHITNEY &' MORTON. Toronto stu‘et, Toronto ; Or to MACDONALD & PATTON. Toronto, Vendors’ Solicitors. White’s Hall, Victoria, Square Commencing on the evening of Andcontihuingeacvh evening until 'further nofic‘e‘ French Merinoes, White and Factory Cottons, Sheetings, Table‘ Linens, Tweeds, Broadcloths, Shirtings, Towelings, Brown Hollands, Canton Flannels, Tickings, Seal Skins, Ladies‘ Mantle Cloths, Hosiery and Gloves, Mantlos, Mens’ Shirts, and Drawers, Clouds, Shawls, Scurfs, Ribbons, Ties, Braces, Colored and \Vhite Bed Quilts, Table Covers, Carpets, Cotton and Linen Hand- kerchiefs, Felt Skirts, Scotch Wool Plaids, Horse Covers; and innumerable other articles too numerous to mention. The subscriber begs to announce to the inhabi- tants of Victoria Square and surrounding country, that he Will hold the above sale of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, suited for this season, when they hope to see IL lurge crowd every evening to share in the bargains that will benflered. XVince 's z 1151M” and coloi‘s,ancy Uress Goods; Black .il 3, Black Lustres, Blan and Colored Infimll'tsuancfe of lroweé (33f selelfgntgneg in a ' o gage rom mm c ouga o e en- dors, which will be produced at the sale, in one Egrccl, on Vlhursdqy. the 2,151: day of ‘ ece1nber, A. 1) 1&6, at one o clock 11111., by RL fibert Conway, Auctloneer, at Bath's Hotel, 121 the Vlllage offl‘hornhxll, the followmg valuable re 31 e wt‘ate', belng composed 9f parts of Lots Nos. 31 umi L'x‘l, 1n the let coneessmn of the Township of VaugL ‘31, m the County of York, descnbedvals follows .tL ‘Ommelgcmg at the NE. comer of said, Lot 31‘ and h ~11 the mtersectmn of the hue between mid flats 31 L ‘nd 32 thh ange street; thence Southern; along the western hullt of Yonge street 84 feet thence westerly [Lt nght angles \Vlth Ybnge étreet 76 fee ‘. more 01' less; thence north- erlv parallel with Y( \n e street 144 feet,more or lessY to Tomi leadiné A {om Y-Onge Street to ~the juill; thence easterly ale “5:841? ion}? and Mtnglétl mfgles to Yonge street 70 5:36“ 01- O-Itlgef Syree ’ thefice south along the we. ‘-eh1 clm'l 0 onge “reef. 60 feet t the intersecth “If 0155?? L0“ Nos' 21 and 32, the p aceof beginnins K Toioenlégemri‘fg are distgmt about 12 miles from .ree_3tory', brick jmlu-nvengents borisist of ‘11. large th _ tavern; also of alarge brick drivh. ‘3 house and stable' A H' ahf. nf GREAT AUCTION SALE OF Seasonable pry Goods, Importers of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, 354 Yonge Strget, Toronto. The sale will comprise a. splendid assortment o! Blankets W‘hiAte‘qnd sanlgt, m3? Fangy Flugmqls, The above sale will offer a chance soldom met with, as the goods are 5.11 this season's imports.- tions and warranted perfect. N. B.â€"Pmfiés Vifnfible tér'attend the evening sales can buy through the day at the very closes‘ Toronto prices. Having a. frontage of 56 feet. The house contains eight rooms, with vsmndah, brick cellar, summer kitchen and woodsth attached, a good well and soft water cistern, all complete. This property is beamtifully situated, fronting on one of the principal streets of the village, and only a few steps from Yonge street, Witha good plank walk close to the door. . lot contains 55 feet frontage and is wélrl‘f'e‘fméd. HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE. Centre St. West, For any one in easy circumstances this is u very desirable property, and any one wishing to securea good home would do well to call and see it. For further particulars apply to RICHMOND LODGE, A. F. & A. M., No. 23, G. R. C.â€"â€"â€" Meets in the Lodge Room, Masonic Hall, on the Monday on or before full moon, at 8 o’clock p.111. J as. Reynolds, W. M. RICHMOND L. 0.L., No.778.~Meets in the Tem- perance Hell, on the Friday on or before full moon, at S o’clmb 11.11). J. R. Boothby, W. M. RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, No. 465, I. O. G. T.â€" Meets in the Temperance Hall, every VVednes- . day evening, at 8 o'clock. XVIII. Harrison, T. D. CRYSTAL LODGE, No. 372, U. T. 0.â€"Meets in the‘ Masonic Hull, every Monday evening at 8 o’clock. A. E. Mortimer, P. D. FOUNTAIN LODGE, Juvenile No. 35, U. T. O.~Meets in the Masonic Hull, every Monday evening at 6.30 o’clock. A. E. Mortimer, Guardian. ‘ The Methodist Sabbath school Temperance Assoâ€" ciation issue pledge cards every Sunday when ‘ desired. Win, Harrison, Supt. ‘ ‘ MECHANICS’ INSTITUTEâ€"Library of over 1000 volâ€" umes open every Tuesday evening, in the Ma- sonic Hell, from 7 to 8 o’clock. R. E. Lew, Li- brarian. Lectures and discussions periodically. RICHMOND HILL FIRE BRIGADEâ€"Meets for fire practice the first and third Monday of each month, at 7 o‘clock p111 J H Sanderson, Capt. RICHMOND HILL CORNET BAND.â€"Meets for prac- tice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock. A. E. Mortimer. Leader. ST. MARY‘S EPISCOPAL CHURCHâ€"services at 3 p m, except the third Sunday of every month, when the servicesnnd sacrament are held at 11 a m. Sunday school at 1:30 p 111. Rev B Shanklin, Rector. METHODIST CHURCH OF CANADAâ€"services at 10:30 a, m, and 6:30 p m; Sunday school at 2:30 p m ; prayer meeting every Thursday evening and, S S Teachers’ meeting on Friday evening. J Herbert Starr, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADAâ€"services at 11 o‘clock & in; Bible class on Sunday evening at 6:30 o‘clock. Rev J Dick, Pastor. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHâ€"services in order as follows: Thornhill at 9:00 a. m, and Richmond Hill at 10:30 a in; the following Sunday at Rich- mond Hill at 9:00 a In, and Thornhillmt 10:30 a m, alternating with Markham every third Sunday. TRAVEL. FRANCIS BUTTON & A. C. HUSBAND, MORTGAGE SALE OF VALU- ABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. Also frwo BUILpING LOT§ gcljoigiyg. Epch NORTHERN RAILWAYâ€"Trains pass Richmond Hill " station as follows: moving south at 9:10 _a In, 2:10 pm, and 8:26 p m; moving north, at 8:13 a 111,12140 p m, and 6:20 p in. Mr Palmer’s ‘bna meets the morning train moving north and‘ evening train moving south. I . y , THE Pnoc'ron STAGE LINE.â€"Run8 in connection ‘ with the Northern Railway, meeting the morn- ing train moving south and the evening train moving north. Passengers leave the Dominion ‘ Hotel at 8:10 a. m, arriving in Toronto at 10:20,‘ and returning leave City Hall station at 4-10 1) m, and Brock street station at 4:25. Single tickets, 50 cents; return, 80 cents, S. Proctor, proprietor. RICHMOND HILL OMNIBUSâ€"Runs daily, leaving the Stage Hotel, Richmond Hill, at 7:30 am, arriving in Toronto at 10:30 n. In, and returning, leaves the commercial Hotelgm‘vis St, at 20 ROUGH 0A ST HOUSE, Tuesday Dec. 53,1876, RICHMOND HILL Pos'r OFFICEâ€"Mails close as follows: Morningâ€"Going south, west and east, including Maple, Thornhill, Toronto, Markham, etc” at 6:45; going north, 6:45. Eveningâ€"Going south, east and west, at 6:45. . Registered letters must be handgd m 111???? mgutes earlier. gfiifénlfihéhuy Héi‘éé H6te1,'Yonge st,’ at 3:30 p m. Single tickets, 40 cents; return, 75 cents. John Palmer, jr, proprietor. l ABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. To be Sold by Public Auction, SUMMERS & HUSBAND, «Village flimtm‘g, u “gun u. 301.5 reserve to themsdves th Terms ,g in jespect of this property. “ per It very hberul. A dqposit of 156. g the , purchm 1e money must b6 paid ax vm 3_ when em‘v terms for the balance w. Just completed, situated on RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, CANADA, DECEMBER 8, 1876. gm £3112. SOCIETIES. CHURCHES. That new POST OFFICE. JOHN BROWN, Proprietor and conditions of sale, Auctionéers. e right of .’ V ' \ _ 4_ f. ,The R. 0. Of this Lodge will be held on rruesdw evening. next, December 12th, at 1pm" in their rooms, Thomhju. Visiting brethren are cordjn‘lly invite d to attend. . r -__“~A“. H7 “7‘ For sale on reason 101: comprising halt 8 121111 gag-den and ogch‘.‘ gie‘efg‘s ski-op zinfi «Kgrfih' _ store, in the village of ,Rlc. business stand. ( Also the Store and Dweh‘ing House “.115 Garden: containing half an acre of choicx"J frmb treeszoc‘ cupiod by Mr. A. Moodie, subject 1:; a an unexplred lease. Apply to JAMES M. JENKINS, 1' Wk“? 30' Or to M. IEFQFY. ; um. HOUSESANDETOTS FOR SALE 1:1;0L7M0ND HILL. 1. Any person who takes a. pa (irregularly from a post office, Whether directe in his name 91‘ mother’s, or whether he has subscribed or not, 18 responsible for payment. LA W CONCERNING NE WSPAPEIL‘S- 2. If a person ordérs his paper discontinued ho must pay all arrears, or the publishers may con- tinue to send it until payment is made, and then collect the whole amount, Whether the paper is taken from the oflioe or not. 3. The courts have decided that refusing to take newsw'mrs or periodicals from the post ofl‘ice, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is prima. facie evidence of intentional fraud. Will ho. The iron shipbuilding trade on the Tyne is reviving. ' ‘ ANNUAL MEETING. fifnimwille Grange, P. of H. Setond At Mr. Size’s. Tickets um By order, Lord Elcho has resigned the command of the 15.11 Middlesex (London Scottish) Rifles. The Engiigh personalty of the late Queen Dowager of Sweden has been sworn under £140,000. N0 students have yet offered themselves to Dr. Legge, the Professor of Chinese 81, the University ‘of Oxford. G r a n d E.“ AND OYSTJ A Telegram from Madeira states that the Livingstonia Expedition has arrived at. Quillimaue. About 2000 coolies are employed in levelling the ground at Delhi 'where the great durbar will be held. The official Turkestan Gazette contradicts the rumour that a Russian envoy ha}; been sent to the Ameer of Cabul. , During the seventy-two years’ existence of the British Bible Society 11; has issued 76,482,723 books, at the cost. of £7,943,v 214. 168. 3d. A report that Great Britain is “fortify- ing” Heligoland has led to a. renewal of the demand in Berlin for the cesaion of the is- land to Germany. It is estimated that the result of the elec- tions to the Italian Parliament will be to give the ministry 400 supporters in the Chamber of Deputies. 5 The Queen has conferred the honor of a \ peerage on General Sir Richard Airey, G.- 10. B., who will take his seat as Baron Airey of Killingworth, in the county of Northumberland. April 11, 1876. According m a report from the Director of Public Safety in France, the total number of emigrants from France amounted from 1865 till 1874 to 60,245. TUESDAY EV’G, DEC. 5, and following evenings.â€" Auction sale of Dry Goods, at White’s Hall, Victoria Square. A. C. Husband, Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, Dec. 13, at 1 o’clock p.m.â€"â€"Auction sale ofESttmding Timber, on lot 26, realflan Con. Markham, the property of Mr. T. F. Boynton. S. M. Brown, Auctioneer. MONDAY, Dec. 11, 8.151 o’clock p.m.â€"â€"Cash sale of Household Eumiture, 9120., at the Cataract House; Thornhifl. S. Eckardt. V of the subscriber, lot 28, rear of the 2nd Com Vaughan, about the 1st of November, ONE EWE. The owner is requested to prove pro ert , pay expenses and take her away. WM. SL NE . U the subscriber, lot No. 29,2116 con. Vaughan, about. _tWo months ago, TWO EWE LAMBS. The owner' is requested to prove property, my expenses and take them away. JAMES MOVE? - LIAMS. The Canada Dock. having an area of 16% acres, and depth of 27 feet, has been opened by the Surrey Commercial Dock Company in London for the timber trade. AME INTO THE PREMISES OF the subscriber. lot No. 29. 2nd con. Vaughan AME INTO THE PREMISES of the subscriber, lot 28, rear of the 2nd The Duchess-Dowager of Cleveland has given £2000 towards the proposed new bishopricpf St. Albans, and the like sum to the uew'bishoprlc of Cornwall. At Woherhampton a baker named Pril- chard has been fined £25 besides costs, with the alternative of four months’ imprison- ment. for adulterating bread with alum. A movement has begun in London for establishing institutes for working lads, where they can in the evenings find comfort, 'ralional amusement, and interesting liter- ature. The deputy-governor Jersey gaol, Mr. John Coutanche, has been dismissed from his situation at a moment’s notice by the Prison Board. for depriving prisoneis ofa portion of their food. On the evening Thursday, the 9th Inst, was ,the thirty- fifth birthday of the Prince of Wales. The anniversary was celebrated in the new?“I I manner in London, and also at Sand“ ‘ and Windsor. “@ghfigs g... UCTION BILLS PRINTED AT this office will be noticed as under FREE WESTLAKE LODGE 03‘ AF. & A.M., No.10, G..R-0. British and Foreign. 1d Lheir Annual Meeting for the Election of Ofificers, on the @mtimx fiegifiter. ‘ Thursday in December, THOMAS ANDERSON, Secretary. (2 two o’clock sharp. w ' of the same day will hold a 3mm , 1 able ten .5, the Houses and my acrg of land, with excel- VH1, lymg south of Mr. A. L. “.1511 of Mr. Aqu. Moodio's )f Ric‘hmond H111. A good ntertainment ! gm SUPPER. 'ty cents. 7. ROBINSON, Sec‘ 1:11:21: 1 , . Bichmom ‘ Elm Messrs. M are up for Toronto. r A man was sentenced at Belleville to imprisonment; forsmdingaâ€"thmteaing lettef. The Government storehouse in Kewan tin, has been converted into a small-I)on hospit-Jl. One hundred and seven co.Yr have been elther pardoned or In sentences reduced. Exempted churU’h: property at Ottawa} 500,000. An attempt has been the editor of the South by a whiskeylte. J.~ Mackay, Montreal has given 3;“ 000 to the Protestant Deaf and Dull Institution of that city. The renewal of the Extradition Treaty between Great Britain and the United States, has been announced. The British troop ship 8!: Lawrence with soldiers, has been totally wrecked of the coast of Africa. No lives lost. City of Toronto Permanent Building and Savings Society, had its annual meet- ing for the election of four Directors, this week. The report of the United States secretary of the Navy shows that the United States’ Navy consists of 146 vessels. .Russia has sent an Order millions of catridges to States. Mr, Weeks still holcis on an Attorney Generaf of the Nova Scotia Government. 5Tweuty prosecutlons lately in East Hastings, uno‘er the present liquor law. Mr. Rand all has been appointed Speaker of the Hous‘s of RepresentatiVes. Bismarck has made a speech upon the Eastern question. He expresses a hope- ful belief that the differences will be amicably settled. The 'London School Board election shows in favor of unsectanan education. Thg Lieut-Govei'nor of Quebec. is re- ported to be in a critical condition. The latest reports '4 fiom‘ the ’East Indies states there is much distress. ' A resolution has been submitted in the United States’ Senate providing for the election of President; and Vice-Presi- dent by the direct vote of the people. Mr. Patteson manager of the Mail has left for Englaud. The Afghans are said to be thinking of invading Turkcstan. Belcher, the Essex murderer is sen- tence“ to be hanged. A man named Somexville was frozen to death near Clifton. Dominion parliament is further pro- rogued till Jany. 15th. The jury in the bank robbery case at Halifax failed to agree. Meyer’s block at Alpena, Mich, burned; loss $100,000. President Grant has giiren his farewell message to the Senate and Congress. Fifty two deaths from small-pox, are r oorted at North West. An Irishwoman aged 102 died at Halifax, the other day. Alderman Lewis is up as a Candidate for the mayoralty of London. The Grand Trunk is going to reduce the number of their employees. ‘ A fenian raid, on a small scale, took place at Ballantrae on the eve of Thurs- day, the 22rd, when certain of the nav- vies, supposed to belong to the Clalfy and McDonald gang, violently entered the Primitive Methodist Church, smash- ing the lower half of one of the Windows to atoms entirely demolishing every lamp and then decamped with the large Bible‘ from the pulpit, and every hymn book ‘ they could find in the building. We learn a similar attack has been threatened on the new Presbyterian Church of that village, but sincerly hope that the friends to the cause of truth will by some means protect their property from the ravages of these destructive fellowsâ€"Reformer. nos Ayres. Tessier ex-accountant of the Montreal police is dead. A terrific gale has prevailed over the British Isles since Saturday. 122 houses have beef: destroyed by fire in New Orleans. The steamer Alpha lately ashore at Cape Sable has been got off. The death of 9. Waterloo oflicer is announced. Major-General Richard Goody win Bowen Wilson, retired (full pay), Royal Artillery, died at hls residence, Floriana, Jersey, recently, at the age of Eighty-one years. He entered the Royal Artillery in December, 1812, served in Holland, Belgium, and France, from December, 1813; to January, 1816, _a_nd, besides many mi‘nO’r "engagements, was present at the mules of Quatte Bras and Waterloo. .Bay of Quinte is closed. Whitby is to have a new public hall. Lincoln election trial not yet settled. A revolution has broken out in Bue- The Week’s News. M'orrison, Turner & Kennedy Ur the office, of Mayor of eh, school and other vat, amounts to $7,- n made to shoot '1, .Simcoe News, rrder for twenty to the United mmunists .,_ ‘d their SIR.â€"Y0ur_ last editorial on our rulers has filled me with sorrow and amaze- ment, and must surely have proceeded from envy 'and disappointment. Where are the evidences upon which an un- favorable opinion of the men at present in power, could be based ? Have we not signs of prosperity everywhere? Is not the farmer prosperousâ€"don’t factor- ies abound ?. ' Is not commerce brisk and bouyant? and is not every class satis- fied with the' present, and hopeful of the future ? There is no side of humanity darker thaningratitudc, and to see men insensible to the merits of those who are so earnestly laboring for the advance- ment of the country, is enough to make one sceptical as to our capacity ior social or political improvement. Admit for the sake of argument that a good deal of money finds its way to the hands of our rulers--Well, What then ? Is it not money well spent? No wise man ever expects a good article without paying for ‘ it; and without this employment of money, how many a village Hambden might have toiled this a barren existence in mute, inglorious reposel The ordin- ary mind may stumble at this vulgar idea of money, but it is only your far reaching intellectthat can look forward to results, and secure them. Suppose Seth Huntington and a few others be annexa- tionists, this only shows their: superior- ity to the narrow prejudices of patriotism, and the present state of the Union will .go far to justify their preference. And if the Premier can do a stroke of busi- ‘ness for a relation gor friend,‘ he only evinces a vers1tality which can look to the affairs of the countryâ€"and his own. If the Finance Minister make blunders, does he not magnanimously own them and make more ? And if Mr: Mac- kenzie find himself sinking in cold water stretches, does he not wisely turn to the plans of his predecessors, which he had previously denounced? Much is said about “ puritv, ” and we are reminded of the number of Liberal members who have been unseated for bribery; and many comments have been made upon an earnest letter addressed to Mr. Simpson, and lost. without doubt upon the road. With such impertinent insinuations we must deal after the ex- ample of the Globe, attack the courts, and abuse the Judges. Is it to be thought of, that the towering flights of the dictator are to be hampered by or- dinary men of gown and ermine ; or that laws are to be observed by men who make them. The domain of' politics must be emancipated from the bench, and if Judges are sullied in the contest, upon themselves be the blame. Poor Goldwin Smith shook off the dust of his feet against a people plainly predestin- ated to ignorance. Alas! what results spring from moments of time? had he remained but a few short weeks until the Vigor and eloquence of the’ Globe’s at- tack upon the bench had appeared then (as Alison frequently remarks) the fate of the world might have been changed. At no time has a greater galaxy ruled a country ; their energy is only equalled by their brilliancy, and their purity is even greater than both. In spite of your comments sir, the country will conv‘ trive to appreciate them, and when that days comes as come it must (for even Troy fell) that Alexander Mackenzie and his coadjutors shall lay down the reins, we shall be presented with a spec- taale to which history can offer no paralâ€" IOL What confusion must seize upon their detractors? when the immaculate chejf, like another Samuel shall stretch forth his unsullied hand and sayâ€"wit- ness against me this day, whom have I delra-uded ? of whom have I received a bribe ?‘ Whose ox ? or whose ass ? or Whose hog‘hav‘e 1 taken ? And I will restore it you. DEAR Sm.â€"I have waited this long in complying with your request, that I might be able as far as possible to form a correct estimate of what I have found on reaching the “ Sunny South.” I could, might, and may be sometime will, dilate on the minutia of the journev, hence in a manner that might suit the ‘ tastes of some of the readers of your paper; but I have not time at present for that, moreover it would hardly suit my purpose. To the Editor of The Herald. To the Editor of The Herald. Being a Stranger in a strange land and as you read you will conclude in some sense a fish out of water. I would like company if I could get them of the right kind, so different has been what I have found from what I expected, that in writing as I now do I have not trusted even yet my own judgment, but have sought like the boys mother when he got into mischief to get to the bottom of things. It would not suit my present com- munication to give the authority always for my information, suffice it to say that the sources have always been reliable. Before the war-I am told it was no 1111- common thing for a planter to own 50 or 100 slaves; these constituted theirwealth, and of these they have been deprived without any compensation. The Ameri- can Government has done almost with a CHAMPION. Markham, 4th Dec., 1.876. OUR RULE RSâ€"THE OTHER SIDE. @mmmmiwmm ; I remain &c. FROM THE SOUTH. As for climate I am assured there is not a day in summer one cannot work, while there is not a night one does not need a cover. In the line of productions, I do not see why anything grown in Canada will not grow here; While many things caught by the frost in Canada, has all the season it wants here. Cow’s before they will stand mun have their calves, after the calf has suck- ed one holds it with a rope, while an- other milks about a quart from each cow. You can calculate for yourself of the big piles of the butter. ' A tile maker who could shove business, would do well or rather not one but a dozenl Of the soil, I have not yet been so sut- isfied, because I know better can be had? Yet on all I have travelled there is room for hundred of millions of a thrifty ilk~ dustrious population, if they had a few more of the concomitants of civilization to help them along. ' ' Baking is all done just before eating, and I am getting sick of it; I would give anything some times for a piece of cold bread. " You can get a good yoke of oxen fdr $50 or $60 ; a team of horses for $100; mules $50 to $75 per team. But they are wxld and skittish in their nature, compared with our animals. Mules are used a great deal here, because they seeih to stand the climate better. "1 The axe being the only thing I have seen for cutting wood, the introduction of our horse power sewing machines would work a revolution, for even the farmers use a good quantity of wood. In educational matters the country is much the same as Ontario was 20 years ago ; no Normal School, and consequent; 1y only county board certificates. Whild any fillibuster no matter what his pro"- tentions, can stick up a shingle and‘stai‘t a private academy. So that in that line those unable to judge have a good chance to concentrate their minds on the “ surv1val of the fittest.” ' ' A117 the grains can be raised with only about 200 miles at the farthest, to the seavboard. Any pine 1 have seen here yet is What we call Norway pine, and as there lé never snow enough for sleighing, I infer that a Waterous Portable would be the thing for the lumber business; unless where you could get on the bank of a. stream. I have only seen one mill befe yet, Where they seemed aWure of the bane- fit of floating the logs in the water. Broom corn can be raised here ,m amount, yet I only know of one “‘broa factory in the state. The blacks have wants that must be supplied. and yet not One out of one hundred knows how manfully to go about helping himself; yet, I suppose, that in many parts they form the majority-of the population. These are Southern chickens and they are coming home to roost. .The Northeners see this and are shoving their railroads into the country with an energy almost unknown to us. While for everything eatable, drinkable, readable, they charge double its;proper value ; excuse-they have ton bring it so far. Railroad travel, for in- stance, from 5e to 80 per mile; apples, 50, or a niekle apiece; while they Could. be grown here as well as not. Every place of profit or trust is held by Northerners, simply because they are more capable of filling them. San An- tonia the oldest city of the state, has not a railroad, not yet has Austin the Capi- tal. Along 600 miles of railroad where they use all wood, I could see no way of cutting it but the axe. ' The Galveston and Houston papers ‘aro something like what the Leader was 20 years ago. While all the really good papers come all of 1000 miles, which you can easily see will make them cost about double whatthey should be; heuqe the 01‘]ng of a book, you may be have read viz : “ Southern riches and North- ern profits.” The smallest local sheet cost 32,00 per annum, excuse, so far to bring the paper. There is only two or three paper mills in the South, most paper here comes from St. Louis. I have read a pamphlet en- titled arguments for moving the NatiOn- al Capital to St. Louis, snid arguments are very plausible indeed. It is pitifully painfully painful to wit, ness the crestfallen, lack-lustre, dejected state of society? generally. jerk, what it took the British Governâ€" ment10 years to accomplish. The planters tried the system of hiring the blacks, meum ct tuwm was one about: as much discusSed in the slaves head as in that of o'f'reynard or pretty poll. Consequent- ly freedmen are generally very conscient- ious workmen, and as trouble never come singly of late years the staple here cot- tan has collapsed. So judge for yourself of the financial: condition of the “ Solid South.” Railroad travel is about double what it should be, because their is not enough to make it pay ; hence the eagerness amongst all parties concerned for the in- flux of immigration. I think I have said enough to show what a chance there is, for any one with a little money and good sense enough to make a. good use of it. If you know of any one who won“. think of coming this way, I shall bo glad to afford him ail the information he may want, or refer him to reliable parties who can I remain in the meantime, Yours truly, J. G. "‘ Anderson 00., Texas! Nov, 28th, 1876. WHOLE NO.“ 959.

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