It wouï¬g‘i‘abpear by the followingtaken irom theion‘don: Grocer, that the United States axbsuccessfully competing with the Engli‘éii‘iia their own markets, in the article of‘éhiiese rmiakzing. “ There is plenty of‘tédrt‘fdt the new association (the Britighynd‘ Dairy Farmers’ Associ- tion) to do.. Our cheesemakers may be taught aï¬gkpbd deal with advantage, and there are' zmanly reforms which they may usefully ggcnt. ' , Hitherto they have been an iï¬olaied ~and nnsocial community. As a consequence, they haye made no progress; their trade has languished ; the Ame’i'idana’have‘ been gradually .driv-' ing them: ’of’the marketsr Some few‘ :years agquhiï¬lry farmers saw that, if they were to live by che‘csemaking they must make some radical .alteration, and this fact being especially evident in Derby- Iailile endi‘Ctéshire.5 The farmers there tool: :a hint from their American com-y petitore, and established cheese factories on the American principle. The Ameri- Before many weeks have passed over the Local Assembly will meet for busi- ness. *The men who represent the differ- ent coriativtuencies throughout the Pro- vince, be called together to take into consideration the aflhir .of the people, whom they profess to serve. The esti- mates i’br the coining year will no doubt as usudhéoritain the item for giving em- ploymeytl,to,,a, dozen or so of emigration agents,-ine'rr who in many cases for the duty they are called upon to perform are unï¬t‘ either by education or tact, 'but from party exigencies or in reward for politicalservices, billets must be found.~ At the exPenseof' the public these men will enjoymhc'mselves travelling around diEerent‘cities and towns in Great Brit- ain and'ilreland, doing no good to Cana-1 da, but naï¬her the reverse. In times like the presentin'which laborers and mechaniesnicahnot' ï¬nd employment; 3 times whenlmen’s hearts fail them for the fearafjthc‘fu‘ture. Times in which‘ our own people the natives of our own Province, seek, in aneighboring Republic for thatlcrpployment that is debarred them at’iwme,"greatiy through the suici- dal policy of our Government. These are not the times in which to spend money fbtjlinducing immigrants to come here, thelpeople cannot and will not per- mit their money to be voted for the main- tenance of a costly army of agents, who as a rulef'érefaiehes and idlers, and bene- ï¬t not the dduht‘r‘y’tliey profess to serve. Thousands upon thousands of pounds have been" squandered in the importing of peoplejitito this country, for whom work coxbl‘dpot'bevfound, but after re- maining {here alshort time have found their waiirito the States, after having been bro ‘éht’here at the expense of the public chest. We believe it should be the duty-9t: the; Opposition in the com- ing sessi‘omto have the courage and good sense .to .otipOSe'all grants looking to the appointni‘eiit I of emigration agents, and to "denounce such wilful waste of the people’s money as' we have hitherto ,hadu ' Upon :this score we trust they the Opposition will not beacon- tent by objecting to an item or two in the accddhts, when they come before the House, but that they will make up their minds to move the six months hoist upon every item that is brought forward tending ttj'the,’granting of ‘billets to poli‘ tical loafers, to the cost of the country5 of' perhapsthirty' to ï¬fty dollars a week for eachir’agent. Every cent voted in the ï¬ttesmt state of the coun- try for tlié “purpose of soliciting or assistingvinmmigration is wrongâ€"it is but so money wasted, and had bet ter be spent in ï¬nding employment for those: belle =nowi' out“ of ’ work, than Spent to induce others to fall into the (same snare. €931,va§15§€$Â¥6£13on£ 71700317 inews and adver- useme rec'eived up to tel; o’clock on Thursd ygmoming. . Q, †‘ M. H. KEEFLER. A11 lengthy correspondence and advertisements must bï¬' eéeived M; the oflï¬ce not; later than Weéngsgnwnopp, to secflurle in§ertion £11101 cugrent THE HERALD will contain all matters of local mportance, articles and comments on the po- llbical eyants of the day, the latest home and foreign news carefully summarized, trustworthy markets reports, agricultural matters and general famflyyeading. 'I‘So' inches. 2 50 3 00 a 50 5'00 8 00 One inch ..... 1 50 1 75 2 00 3 00 5 00 Tweléé'liiae‘s of Nonpa‘n‘eil comprise an inch. Changes allowed in contract advertisements twelve ,ï¬mgas‘ year; each change over twelve times w' be c urged extra, at the following rate: column $1; hmluolumn, 600; quarter column and under, 35c“. 'The copy for changes of ‘ advertisements ap- pearing on the Second or third pages. must reach the 1tgflicemn Monday to secure attention the same wee . , Is sent by mail or other conveyance when so de- sired for ONE ‘DOLLAB p‘er mmum in advance. Single copies, three cents. u HERALD,†PUBILISHED EVERY FRIDA Y, RICï¬MOND HILL, DEC. 8, 1876. HERALD. ‘ , . 'JMMIGRA TION. Myth.- Editor. Publisher and Proprietor. Elast'ic.â€"Bleas me, I can’t see any improvement. Things seem to me; get- ting worse. But when the highly res- ‘pec'table Globe says it sees it, ‘how- can I believe but that I, as a Clear Grit,"also see ,a. glimâ€" ' Solid.â€"â€"Globe-craeked, by J ingo ! vâ€"erzp. Solid.â€"â€"-Glimmer of moonshine! . What is to bring business to Torontoâ€"toevery cityâ€"every village in the DominiOnéâ€"is Protection ; a thing which will not hurt the farmer ï¬ve dollars a year ’to the bun dred in will bring him, and Which willbe the very sali'ation of the towns. ‘That â€"or ruinâ€"is imminent. Business bet- ter 1 Can’t you see for yourself? Solid.â€" Can’tlyou see they amallwin a string? One guessed itâ€"hopecl it? .said it»-the others read and .-saidwit;. Humbug! My good friend, he not led. by the nose. Business cannot reviveï¬illl, there’s more to do. If there comeé no, more to [do it must get worse, foi; folks must leave. ‘ Elastic.â€"-â€".Good heavens! Surely you are mistaken. There is certainly a glim‘ Elastic. â€"Oh I you are timid. ‘ ‘Thé Telegram said there was brightening and a glimâ€" ' ' Solidsâ€"Confound your _ glimmer. Can’t you see that if the ‘buSiness' ié‘ ndt here/to do business can be no» better. We’ve expanded too muchTâ€"hnily, too. much. Even 'if' Canada; does bu'y through Toronto as much Ta§t\,yoa,r, which she can’t, trade can be no. better than last year. And if it is no better there is not employment for half of ‘11s who are in Toronto.. We must leziéef it â€"folks are leaving it. ' ‘ ‘ ' ' Solidâ€"The Water Works éi‘pendi- ture of several millions is about over; the City expenditure (in streé‘ts and buildings must stop, or bankrflpt ‘the cmzens by debt, for they cannot; pay the taxes; these will throw many out' of workâ€"â€"~empty more houses; then ‘a'e ‘no, more house are wanted, a great number of builders and so on must leave townâ€" empty mere housesâ€"empty twiée .as many as at‘present. ’ ’ ‘ E lastic.â€"â€"Oh, but they sayâ€"the Mail says there’s a glim_. ‘2 . , Elastic.â€"Oh, but there certainlyâ€"â€" you knowâ€"the Globe said yesterday there was a; brighteningtendency ihe‘ distance; and the Mail remarked this morning that it saw'a glimmering oh the horizon, and the Telegramfadd'ed this evening that a brightening and a glimmer were said to be visible. " ‘ ' Solidâ€"What about houses empty 1 ,1 Elastic.â€"-â€"Well, over a'itheusand in the city. But the Globe saysâ€" ' The London Times, in speaking of the Centennial Exposition, says the counv try which produced the strongest‘iieeling of surprise by its display of machinery 'has been Canada. All Were prepared to see a brilliant display by the United. States, and none of the European nations dld so much as might have been expect-- ed. The Canadian exhibition,‘wh‘en con: sidered in relation to the number of its population, and to the comparatively short period that has elapsed since she gave herself resolutely to the engineering, is noble. It contains many admirable specimens which would have done honor to any country. Canada was fortunate in havmg her position assigned at, the chief entrance, where the majority of visitors had to pass through her ‘pro- ducts. For some unexplained réason n‘o collection Was more freely commented upon, or had any apparent fault pointed out so repeatedly, and it may be safely added that no nation has derived more beneï¬t from the practical teaching ofthe Centennial Exhibition than thatcoiintry. While ev1dently proud of what they have done, still her intelligent exhibitors in‘ their modesty were only too eager to know the principle involved in any struc- tural or other defect that may have ex- isted, which is ‘a most healthy condition to be in and the forerunner ‘of‘ success. Canadian machinery has a character of its own, from the circumstance; that ‘ he'r engineering knowledge and experience haVe not reached the smithy and _ the foundry through theTechnological Col: lege or the classroom, but rather through the teaching and promptings-ofneces'sity, and from contact with the Mother Couri- try and her immediate neighbors. ’Hence it is a mixture of British and American; but more'of the latter than the fhrmer, combined with a considerable amount of original thinking. Besides, there is a‘ freshness and youthful vigor manifested all through, both in design and execu- tion! that fortells the future giant" v ‘ Solidâ€"Why, cash is scarcg,†Work scarcer, business dull. ‘ ‘ Elastic.â€"My dear friend, have you heard the news? The‘ depression is about to ceasa! Times in Toronto are to improve at once! ~ “ ' CONVERSATION ON THE DE~ PRESSION. ‘ - cans are running us hard, and send cheese over here which for price and quality is hard to beat. But it is most 1y cheese of the lower short, and cannot in any way be compared with. some of the ï¬ne qualites of English production. What we want, hOWever, is an improve- ment in the general quality of the cheese made in this country, and we hope that in this respect the enlightened teaching of the Dairy Farmers’ Association will do great good. With proper eerie: and skill intlle processes of production;.;with; a better knowledge of the natureof the. materials they are at work 'upon?†_'and with a little more enterprise, ‘ English cheesemakers may defy the comï¬etioh of the world.†' CANADA’S PROGRESS . BLANK DEEDS 'Best offer ever-’givan. vMoney refunded upon return of organ and freight charges paid by‘me @oth‘ways if unsatisf‘acyoxy,maftqr a test tgiml (if 500th Ways if unsatisf‘actoegy, after a tes‘m trial (if ï¬va days. Organ Warrant for six years. Agents discount given everywhere I have no agent. Agents wanted. Address, Dealers will‘ ï¬nd it to their adv ntage to exa- mine this instrument; It has i provements found in no other; correspondence solicited. . ' II II". ’I. 'l‘ I. Ell Established in 1875. "Bel‘i‘eVing it to, fur the best. parlor and Orchestral Organ manufactured, We challenge any manufacturei'to equ a1 them,= The celebrat- ed Golden Ton ue ReedS‘in t is organ in con- junction with t e perforated eed boards, pro- duee sweet, puree and. )90Werfug‘tones.. Superb cases of new and‘elegent des1gns. Ministers teachers, churches,’ schools, lodges; 9130., should send for price list and. discountsh , BEATTYS‘E THE NATIONAL LIFE \- Insgrance‘! Company. CAPITAL, $1,000,000. Surplus, - f$1,528,476: v ' A strong stock c‘oi‘nï¬ï¬ï¬y, I V _ Willa low rule‘s, ‘dgï¬niz‘g contracts and ‘ liberal policies: I ‘lnsumnoe aï¬ected on 31119 111051: liberal terms. Wmauamay Commas; Agént, Toro ntp street, Toronto. Full information can be‘Jladfatg'DHE HERALD Oï¬ioe. Richmondli‘ill.’ ‘» H ' -’ . . iFOR THE DOMINION, t $§ per hatched feet. ‘ .Also,Floo‘ring and other umher dressed; sap buckets, pails, cider mills, washing machines, shingles, Fences, sawn and. BENT material for buggie s and sleighs. Forparbiculaxa address v V V ‘ ' _ JOHN LANGSTAFF, ‘ _ ‘ ‘ SteamMifls,La.ngstaff 13.0 Lumber Tonguegi, Grooved and Surface Planed in Short notice. Lumber out from 36 feet) down (so order. Bill Lumber aflitended to. ' ' PATENQ-EAVFERQUGH Manufwcriurergf 120078,. Sdshes, BlindsJ flouldinys; Lath, ' Shingles, Eta, Richmond Hill, IRECHMONDIHLL3ï¬5 ‘ Sash and. D0021quory. ‘ ALFREï¬féUï¬NTL A LARGE STOCK OF EAV'E-IT-ROUGHS, _The London Lancet recommends the the following remedy for that distressing malady so prevalent; at thisseason of the year “colds therhead,†' T'risnitrate of‘ bismu’th 6 diachms; pulverised gum arabic 2 drachms,'and hydfoch‘lorate of morp‘hina.2.grains. = This is used as a snuï¬, creates up pain, and causes the entire disappgarance of the Symptoms in a few hours. "‘ ‘Tem‘e‘raire†embodies the novel element oifa “barbette†battery, or of guns fought in an almosbexpesed .position; while the A,“Nelson’†andâ€â€œ'Niir‘thampton,†vihich are Vlidesigned on the same lines, are explained Mn. gBai‘nabyL the Dlrector 'of Naval iconstrnction, to 'express his idea of the best; 1hind of sea-going ï¬ghting 1ron‘cl'ad;yet built. Such an expréS'S'iOn, of Opinion lends an interest to the launch, of the "Nelson," though it may possibly not have entered into the minds of the 50,000 who attended the launch at Glasgow. The "Nelson" is remarkable chiefly {Or the light protection 'of her battery, for speEd, and for the large 5use of horizontal armOr inher construction. She-is. in fact, en§9Xperiinent in the direc- tion' of‘ahanfloningf armour-plating ‘on the sides of ï¬ghting ships; ' and, with this ahandonement, she will have the advantage of carrying a heavy armament in a compar- atively small vessel, and she will cost much less‘ than' rher._moifej gheavily protected v cons‘ortSuF-Pall Mall Ganglia... BENT FE'LLOE'SZ I. - ‘SHAETS, ‘,.- . V ‘ ‘ CUTTER and ’ SLEIGH ,RUNNERS, CLODE & HOOK, ROTTEN Row; 'L'oNDbNu-nEver'y' ‘day,’ morningr and evening, Hyde Park is a most magniï¬cent scene of pomp and showâ€"«the handsomest turno‘hts, the ï¬nest horsemen and horsewomen in the World----the prettiest girls, the rosiest eliildren, the most resplen- dent’, if not the most'elegant toilets. Al- most every afternoon the'Princess of Wales joihs the throng for aghal‘ï¬-hourls drive up and down “ The Ladies’ Mile-†Ber equipage is a modest one. her coachman is less ‘pompous, . her 'footmen are less over- powering than those of many a. rich Ameri- can- A mounted policeman or two clear the way for’her, but she has no guard; and though the most popular Woman in Great Britain, her coming ,causes ,no exeitment, only a courteous doï¬ing 01f ha’t’s by the 'gen- tler'nau. and welcomingsmiles from the ladies whom she meets. She is in black just howâ€"wane of those light intermittent at: tacks of mourning to which royal folks are subject-"and she looks a. little pale and thin, But she. sits erect, and bows and ‘smiles With as sweet. and cordial a gracious nessas jnI-fthat ï¬rst, season when she Won the hearts of all the people, com- ing. as she did in good faith to be not only a daughter to' the Queen, Fbutfto’ Britain as well. - BRITISH Immune-«The Admiralty has a large ar'nOun't'ot construction on 'hand, and much progress has been made in adding ships to the navy during the year. .Last month 'an important unarmoured cruieer, the “ Bacchame,†and last week at Glasâ€" gowl an' iron-clad cruiser,‘ the “Nelson,†were launched. .,Next week the “North- ampton,†a sisrel Vess‘el’to the ‘“ Nelson,†will be launched. This yearz therefore, the almoet unprecedented number of four iron- clads will have been built. These four, foo, represent great power, variety, and novelty in design. The‘r'fl‘inflexlble†is still our most pgwerful coast-defence vessel; the v“ Tnmnrniré†pm'hrHidq Hm nmml n‘hmnn. DANIEL F. plenty, For sale at THE HERALD Store WATER~ SPOUT ‘ - KEPT ON'HAND, J Thornhill, Ont. Wisbipg'ton,‘ New Jersey, U .StA. wunfl WW. ORDERS SOLICITED. MANUFACTURERS 0F AND MORTGAGES A‘LSD, PABLflR'lnnï¬Ayms Excelsior Pump Works. 0N CHURCH ET REET,‘ Formerly caxjried on by Mr. John Hall, and hopes‘ by strict attention to business, combined with the best material to merit a. continuance of the patronage bes'nwed on his predecessor. Well curbs constantly on hand. Wells sunk on the shortest notice. Address stating depth of well, REU. BgILLIP$,___- Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill. The undersigned respectfully begs to an- nounce to the inhabitants ‘of Richmond Hill y‘ahd vicinity that he has returned to thiS'place and purchased the 151: PRIZE Pump WOrks, 7 Agents wanted, male or female; send for catw logue. ‘ Address, . . DANIEL F. BEATTY, “The Beatty Piano came to hand one week ago It has thus far given entire satisfaction.†H. Holtzburger, Tyrone, Pa», says: “The Piano' came at hand ingood order, and proves satisfactory. both in tone and ï¬nish." From 1), Bodine, Stockton, N. J ., after receiving a $500 Beatty Piano, says : , “ Not only myself and family, but every one who has seen it is satisï¬ed in regard to its supe- rior quality." . From B. H. Cormony, Esq., Chambersburg, Pm, Endorsed by the highest musical authoritia » throughout the World as Flour and Feed constantly on hand. Crockery, Glassware and Tinware. Allkinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange. ' Goons DELIVERED. - New article for the Ladies, Sch ’sC'pcoanutforpuddin s, ies, etc. ePP 9 P NOTED FOR THE Best and cheapest'Teas Of "Every Line. Best 50 cent Tea in the "Village OFFEES AND SPICES BEATTY And hapes by strict attention to business, and selling goods at the lowest remunerative rates7 td merit a share of public patronage. Highest liarkeg ijice Given for Farm Produce, Remember the place, Waterhohse’s old stand. ‘ DOMINION T HOUSE. GLASSWARE, TINWARE, ETC. Great Bargains in Boots,0ver- shoes and Rubbers. Remember the place, comer of Yonge and Centre streets west. Entirely New Stock OF The people say Brown’s is the cheapest House for All kinds of Farm Produce taken at market prices ‘ and goods delivered.- The Right Goods ‘ AT THE RIG-HT PRICE. “Ontario House.†CHEAIT'.’ GOODS.- Grgceries and Provisions, The Best Fifty Cent Tea ever ofered to the Public. CROCKERY & GLASSWARE Whlte Fish, Salmon Trout, Codï¬his and Labra- dore Earrings. phgap for Cash. The public wilTsave examining on} Stock. ‘ ‘ - 110313 65.131313, .4 Which will be sold at the lowest rates. Announces that he has just opened out an SOMETHING NEW, STllflK'S EXTRA MAGHIN}: BIL Grand? Square and Upright. PPRENTICE TO THE PRINT FLOUR AND FEED, 1n the store formerly occupied by Mr John Waterhouse, ING Business wanted immediately at this Alwaysfresh and direct from the Mills. F1511 ! Flsh ! Fish! xxx and Eagle Brand, recéived wee'kly. DRY GOODS, THE BEST! AT MAPLE, A. J. RUPERT Groceries, Provisions, Richmond Hi. Washington, New Jersey, U.S.A. As I am detérrm'ned to sell @mmiw, m. The largest stock in town. To suit the hard times. CHAS. E. SHEPPARD. At Toronto priciesl Crockery, TEA TEA.- GHBST. THE Richmond, Hill. PIANO ! HM;H.KEEFLERVL . Publisher and Proprietor of “ The He m1 d: z LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE CHEAP FOR CASH. A chance once m 100 years. Selling oï¬â€˜ Rqom Paper at Centennial ' Prices. Usual stock of Groceriesralways on hand. STOVES†Ionflwoon AND COAL, TO THE CENTENNIAL AND BACK. FALL & WINTER DRY GOODS, Shawls, Wincies, Prints and Shirtings in great variety. Flannels; plain, fancy and scarlet; a large assortment. Cloth Department is complete with a large stock of Can- adian. West of England and Scotch Tweeds ; Coatings, Black Broads and Does, etc.. etc. ' BEATTY Including an elegant lot of Dress Goods, in Navy Blue, Sea] Brown, Prune, etc. . v CLOTHING. MADE TO ORDER Autumn is Here! BLACK BASKET, extra. selected, ' nice table fruit, BL ACK CROWN, extra selected, choice table frult, A large stock of Shawls, Mantles, and Mantle Cloths, Winceys. Plain and Checked. Flannels, Scarlet, While, Gray and Fancy; Skirts, Felt and Quilted; White Blankets, Wool Coverlets, White and Coloured Quilts; White and Gray Cottons. Gray and White Sheeting. Prints, Tickings. Cretonnes; Fingering Wools and Yarn; Clouds, Breakfast Shawls, Crossovers,’ Wool Vests. W601 Squares; Ladies’ Kid Gle'ves, Collars. Cuffs, Silk Ties, Hosiery, Cloth Gloves, Ribbons. Laces, (lac. » ofl' stalk, SULTANAS, choice, transparent,cheap, LAYERS,_ good, ordinary nice fruit, Tweeds, Under Shirts and Drawers, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Gloves, &q. Note the price of a. few of their goods, and call and exanminentheir stock .beï¬ore .purckasingf Lovely Dress Goods from 100. per yard, Winceys ffom 8c. per yard, Scarllet Flannel from 20¢. per yard, Gray Wide Flannel from 25c. per yard, Clouds from 25c., Good Tweeds from 65¢. per yard, Men’s Shirts and Drawers from 400., Prints 50. per yard, 72- inch Heavy White Sheeting 30c. per yard, Ticking 125m per yard, White Blankets $1.70 per pair. good value in everything. CURRAN TS, ï¬nest Patras, clean fruib, SEEDLESS RAISI‘NS, loose prime, MUSCATEL RAISINS, loose, very l N. B.â€"The reason they sell so cheap is because they buy their goods in the best pro- ducing markets, as cheap as the largest houses in the trade. Their expenses are small. They sell for Cash, and do not reqqire an extra. proï¬t to make up'for bad accounts, are satisï¬ed with a small proï¬t. and hope by strict attention to their busines and the wants of their customers, to merit their patronage, REMEMBER mam ADDRESS. CAMERON & KIPPAX, 276 Yams: Smur. \ very che_ap, ' ' ' LONDON LAYERS, selected, cheap, byjhejb orrbox, - ' New Fruits! New Fruits! ! VALENCIA RAISINS, large fruit, DRESS 'Gâ€"OOD S! NEATLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED. ‘ Richmond. Ell-1; Ontario. THOMAS GRIFFITH & 00., FLOUR AND FEED ALWAYS ON HAND. WHOLESALE OR LRETAIL, ’ At Very Low Prices, Beg to invite attention to their Cheap and Beautiful stock of Plain and Fancy Notice :â€"â€"If you want to see our stock step INSIDE. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING , GROOERS AND WINE MERCHANTS, , London & Italian Warehouse. 218 Yongo Street, Corner of Albert Street, Toronto; Is F illed with a Large and Splendid Assortment of SELLING VERY. CHEAP. CAMERON & KIPPAX, ‘ *J-J- ‘- -'- BEST IN UsEf’: DANIEL P. BEATTY,. IN MEN’S WEAR: Parties desiring any of the above new fruits can have them Of all sizes, at Toronto Prices for Cash only. Intends to give all a. Chance to go FIRE PROOF STORE ALL KINDS NOW IN STORE. P; G. SAVAGE BLACK LUSTRES FROM 15c. CALL AND SEE HIS STOCK 0F By calling or sending their orders to Wgshingto‘n, New. J ersey, U. S. A. Winter is Coming! AND THE BLUE CROWN, ï¬nest desert, with CHOICE ELEME FIGS, in layers, (small boxes), FIGS, in matts, Malaga fruit, very cheap, GRAPES, white, in prime condition, kegs, ' ALMONDS, ï¬n est, soft shell,sweet fruit, ALMON . shelled, ï¬nest quality. A u - sweet fruit, ALM ONDS, shelled, bitter, for cooking, WALNUTS, in bags, ‘ ' FILBERTS, in bags, ' CAN DIED FEELS, orange, lemon, and oitron. « ISAAC CROSBY’ PIANO AND ORCANS 10,1903], Fire Proof Store, Richmond Hill. This immlment‘isthe most handsome and. best Pian’o ‘eVez‘ before manufactured in this country'or Eumpe,,having the greatest possible. dep , riches and volume of tone, combined with a: ‘e brillianoy, clearness and perfect evenness; throughoutthe entire scale and above 3.11 a. sun grising duration of sound, the power and sympa- hetic quality. of which never changes under the- most delicate or powerful touch; space forbids m, lull desoription of this magniï¬cent instrument. Agents discount given where I have no agents‘. Remember you take no risk in purchasing one of these CELEBRATED INSTURMENTS. If after (5) days test trial it proves unsatisfactory the money on have paid Will be refunded upon retur ot‘ fnstrument and freight charges paid by me 0th ‘ ways. Pianos warranted for six years Address. THOMAS SEDMAN, CARRIAGE and Wa'aon Makei‘. Undertakenétc. l and Wagon Makei‘. Unde'rtakerjetc. Residenceâ€"Nearly opposite the Post Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill ' ' BEATTY From J as. F. Regan, ï¬rm of Regan & Cutenpuba lishera D211] and Weekly Tribune, Teffersonr City, Ma, a. ter receiving a; $700 instrument, says: ‘ “Piano reached us in good condition. I am 36% pleased with it. It is all you represented it o e.’ From E. R. Baldridge, Bennington Furnace, Pa... . after receiving a, $700 piano. “'The‘Beabty' received 4th inst, all 0. K., and comes fully up to your representation, and on ceeds our expectations. While I don‘t profess to. be a. judge in the matter, Mrs. B. does, and pro’ nouncesit of very sweet tone; and is very much pleased. with it.†Best inducements ever offered. Money refunds ed uponlrebmn of and freight charges paid by me (Daniel F. Bhutby) both ways if unsn. tisfactory, after a. test trial of ï¬ve days. Pianos warranted for six years. Agents wanted; send for catalogue. Address, DANIEL ,F. BEATTY. FOR HIRE. Funeral Furnishings, Coffins and Caskets in every style. Funeral Furnishings supplied at Be a to announce to the inhabitants of Richmond Hi1 and surrounding neighborhood, that he has: built a. new Hearse'and commenced the A FINE NEW HEARSE BEATTY, First National Bank. Judge P. H. Hann, Cashier of First Na~ tional Bank. J V Carter; Teller of First National Bank. Hon Jos B Cornish, (State Senator) Men chant, . In order to banish any doubt in regard to my responsibility, I have given you ihe names and occupations of a few of, the many persons who have tendered me their names as reference. I could add many more, but it is unnecessary, and in conclu~ sion will say you can refer to any of them, and I will not designate any pan-lieula-r one‘ A WRIGHT & SON, CARRIAGE BUILDERS, Fax-es from Elgin corners and Richmond Hill Village: Single Tickets, 50 cents: Return “ 80 cents. ' allowed with each passenger. Express parcels to and from Toronto will be carried at the following rates: 101bs, and under, 10 cents; over 10 lbs and up to 25 lbs, 15 cents; heavier weights in thesame ratio. These rates apply only toflp‘mresls uglgh‘esspd “per eggpressï¬o Money refunded“ upon “re-turn of‘insmh ment, and freight. charges pald by me both. ways if in any way unsatisfactory aftel ï¬ve daystest trial. Best offer ever given now ready. Address, Proctor’s ‘ Stage Line 1616111110216 Hi‘n villugé‘,††And 'im‘céis “Ebâ€"niwtlié village. Village parcels deliverad. For further information apply to F. CUMBERLAND, ' SIMON PROOTOR Man. Director, Dominion Hotel, BEATTY’S No longer necessary to endure the discomfort; o: a. long drive to and from Toronto in aclose 3 age. . This stage leaves Elgin Corners and Richmond; village every morning (Sundays excepted) as o 0W5: We. the undersigned, citizens of Wash ington, New Jersey, take pleasure in stab ing that we have been personally acquaint’ ed with Daniel F. Beauty for a number of years, and are conï¬dent that. he is strictly honest, upright, and a perfectly responsible man, and that his instruments are what he will represent them to be‘. JamesH. Grofl“, Mayor and Vice-President HO FOR TORONTO 1. The Old Route ï¬feâ€"opened, Quiz/c Time, Business Testimonials. Leave Elgin Corners .................. 7 50 “ Richmond Hill Villa 9 8 10 Connect with N R Express rain 9 10 Arrive at Toronto, Brook at. station ..10 06 “ †City Hall stationlo 20 COMING FROM TORONTO. Train leaves City Hall station ......... 4 10 " V 7 Brock st. station Train leaves City Hall station " Brock st. station . Connect with sbalge...,i. .......... Arrive at Richmond Hill Village Giving SIX HOURS time in Toronto. Grand Square and Upright. DANIEL F. BEATTY, Grand Square and Upright. NORTHERN RAILWAY. DANIEL F. BEATTY, UNDERTA KING BUSINESS. FACTORY ESTABLISHED IN 1856. FROM 10 T0 100 DOLLARS. N.R.R‘ Washington, New Jersey, U.S.A. '14:“ ,.|.-. yum; .I. .I., ’Washiugton, New Jersey, U. .A~ Washington, New Jersey, U.S.A. RICHMOND HILL, GOING' TO TORONTO In connection with the mm. PiANO z PIANO : 0 REG A N 8., Celebrated Golden A Tangy? Parlor Cheap Fares, Richmond Hill. 750nm