Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 15 Dec 1876, p. 1

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HERALD. At hi: printing ofl‘ices,»Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Advertisements will be inserted on this pages“: the following rates: v Business Cards, one year . . .,$4 00 ( Do ‘ six month. .. 2 50 Do three months .. .. 1 50 Transitory advertisements, firs lusertiou, . per inch .................................. .. 75 Each subseqent insertion, per inch .. 25 An inch comprises twelve lines of Nonpareil. Condensed advertisements, under the 11021th s: Specialities? “ strayed," “ Lost or Found," “ or Isle or To Let," “ Wanted," em, each insertion 25 cents. ' Terms of Subscription: $1.00 per annum ‘in Idvance. Advertisements Without Wn‘tten instructions will be inserted until forbid and charged transient muss. ‘ ings, Toronto street, Toronth 11- TERS, Attorneys, Solicitors-in-Chancery, etc” 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), Toronto. 1â€". Barristers, Attorneys-nt-an, Solicitors-in; Chancery, Conveyancers, etc. Officesâ€"Nos. 2, 4 1nd 6 Ontario Hall, Court street, Torontg. b THOMAS FERFUSpN, Qg U BISTERS, etc., Union Block, corner Tornnto and Adelaide Ste. (opposite the new Post Office), Tomto. . F. 05mm. JAMES BETmmm . G. FADCONBRIDGE. CHARLES MGSS.. - . W. HDYLES. J. H. THOM. OULTBEE EVATT. BARRISâ€" - TERS. Attornevs. Solicitors-in-Chancenn ERGUSON, BAIN & MEYERS, Barristers. Attornevs-nt-an. Solicitors-in- 10th (10 14th . do. Markham. 16th do Aurora . 20th do All branches of Dentat'surgety attendet Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate 'Suudford V Stouffville . V Omahaâ€"56 King street Ernst, Toronto, two doors east of Toronto street. . W. H. BEATTY. W. NICHOLAS MILLER. E1)me M. CKADWICK. C. R. W. BIGGAR. 4) GARy Barristers, Attorneys-MrLaw, Solici- tors in Insolvency, etc. ‘ EATTY, MILLER & BIGGAR, Barristers. Solicitors in Chancerv. Notaries Public, em JJ GEON DENTIST, thankful for the fuCors of the ash ten years, may still be consulte in any branch of the profession. as follows; Aurora, lst. 8th, 10th and 22nd of each month Newmm‘keh ................. 2nd (10 Richmond Hill 9th and 24th do V V I SURGEON DENTIST, 95 King street East, Toronto. Best mineral teeth inserted in H.- munner to suit each patient. Particular attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natura'l teeth, carefully twoing n11 unnecessary pain. A. 'W. SPAULDING, Assistant. = v ‘ Vim U 0 Newmurket, SURGEON DENTIST; Wdu ‘ :cfully announce that he will visit; Rieu mr Hill the 18th of each rnonth,thalIner's HoLe : ) attend the following places, profes- sional ‘y, Sundays excepted: I Newmarket 3rd of each month. Sutton 3rd and 4th ‘ , do I refierlmv _. 5th -_ do : _ (yum Albert” 8th (10 U Surgeon mud Achouchenfz Office, corner Yong: and Centre Streets, Richmond Hill. J ' corner of Yonge and Centre streets, Richâ€" mond HillY may be consulted personally or by 39 or on all diseases of horses, cattle, etc. Horses em mued R“ to soundness, also'bought and suit}. on 0011111155 011. ETHUNE, OSLER& MOSS, BAR- BISTERS. etc, Union Block. corner Tornnto EATTY, bHADWICK & BIG- GAR. Barristers. Attoruevs-ut-Law. Solici- ‘st'oumwne .......... 18th ('19 Markham ...... 20th do Victoria Square . inst do Thornhill .... 23rd do Maple .......... 26th do Woodbridge 28th do Kleinburg. 29th do Nobleton . .. 30th do AunumPh-m.‘ .. ‘13-‘11.) o..:.1\r, new, unuq fiyda‘n ordered, and none but tne best material used. ‘ ' ‘ U MOND HILL, will be generaliy be found at home from 2 to 3 o’clock, p‘. m. visit the following places; Richmond Hill. Markham ...... Stoutfville . Thornhill. Maple; G‘EO. BROWN, M.D., PHYSICIAN Surgepu and Accouchenr. Office, corner of ‘1) 8‘ Elle ’ HOMAS CARR, DEALER IN 0 . Medicines. \Vinea and Limmrs for 1’ Auctioneer fur the county of York, respect~ {MW solicits your patronage and friendly influ- eune. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. P. 0. Address, King. ~ JAMES ‘C. STOKES, LICENSED Auctioneer fur the county of York, respect- U Avctioneer for the County of York, respect- fully soile’its your patronage and friendly influ- ence. SJ we attended on the shortest, notice, .mul at reasonable rates. I" 0. address, Teston. H. U Auctioneer for the County, of‘York, respect- iully solicits your patronage and friendly influ- ence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and m 19 enable rates. 1’. 0. address, Victoria fiquag‘e. D'ANIEL KINNEE. LICENSED Avctioneer for the Countv of York. resnect- ' the coufities of York, Pael, also Valuator and Commisâ€" . r i 0. Address, â€"- Bloomington. ' c Hes attended to. Parties requir- ~“1's services can make arrange- :a land cuufig pm‘biculofl ms (90 terms, 2th at Ham-am 031cc, » I AMUEL M. BRWON, LICENSE-D Auctioneer for the Countv of‘York‘ mammotâ€" (at the Palmer House) "Stouifiville Markham ....... Victoria Square Thornhill ...... Maple ............ Woodbridge Kleinburg. .. Nobleton ALFRED BOULTBEE. WM. WORTS EVM‘T. M. KEEFLEB, Address A. ROBINSON, L.D.S., Aurora,'0nt. H. SANADE RSON, V.S., aG.T.V.C D . Medicines, Wines and Liquors for .nn “uses, Groceries, em, Thornhill. Lu vrs Patent has been appointed H- m ;e Licenses. . Bayristers, Solicitors in Chancery, Notaries 'M VOL. XVIII, No." "29. ,. JAS. LANGSTAFF, RICH- SANDERSON 8: SONS, CHE MLM‘S zmd Druggists, cornei~ of Yonge u” e ~ met-a, Richmond Hill. Specml an ; . A u 11 cescriptlions. ' EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, MALLQY, BARRISTER, 'Ofliéé; PA F’l'ERSON, LICENSED gmtinnmri. M ?UBLISH'ED BY ADAM" H. MYERS @«mfiiml. D. E. THOMSON \y. KENNEDY, L.D.S., Dentist, residence at Aurora, will imam ileum. WELLS, SURGEON A. ROBINSON,SUR- C._ ADAMS: 'L.D.~S., 18th of each month. 1 8 th 20th zlst 23rd 26th 28th 29 th 30th 10th (10 14th . do. 16th do 20th (10 ‘surgely atjzended to‘ 8th 1 0th 20th 22nd JOHN BAI-N‘ 1V1. imortgagge a? farmi‘prope‘r‘tyl at} éi ht per cent. interest, 11 sumd‘to suit'bor'rowers. 0 com- mission. Apply to BLAKE & KINGSFORD, 10 Adelaideflst. East, Toronto. ONEY TO -»-LE~ND~- ON- : FIRST mortga‘ae Of‘farmf‘m‘opérity, at éight per JLVJ» LOAN 0N FISTâ€"CLASS MORTGAGE Ecumâ€" TY.â€"in»sums from 5500 upwards. Appl) to M. TEEFY, N. LYNETT. (21‘s executors of the. estate of tho lute Murtin 1311:111an Richmond Hill. MONEY'TO LEND.-â€"$2,000 TO LOAN 0N FISTâ€"CLASS MORTGAGE SECURIâ€" U IMAGE licenses forwthe count* of'York, Real ‘ Es’tatb‘ rind“ Insuf‘n‘ficc Agm) ‘. I’tu'fi'l'cs having fm‘ms or lots for Sula, or wishing Insm nnce on life or property will have their orders promptly attended to by the above. Money to loan at 8 per cent, on upproved freehold security. Office, Court House, Tgronto. Debentures {of sale. ()(nce, ionns negotmte 1 _ ’ East, Toronto, a 10w doors w o m- .> ,94 a; H :3 .4 cu m 'm =1- ,_. HON. Gnu. \V. ALLAN, Scnut0r,1“rcsident. Samuel Plath, Ml q ‘ ‘ Vice-President. Dmmn‘gms â€"â€", \V'illim 1 rhmn, Geo. W. Lewis, Thea H. Lee, Gearge Gooderham, Hon. 1). L. Mucphersou, Senator, ‘ Wést of the Post 011100 ‘ E0. ' m Capital, $860,000; Total Assets, $1,900,300; Re serve Fund, $203,500. Money received on deposit, and interest allowed at thexute of sh” per cent. per amnlun, oom- pounded half 'yemly. Duposits not exceeding $100 may he withdrmvn at 68.11; 'filofl‘and iniwmfls subject to thirty (lays' notice, or a reduction of thirty «lzu‘s‘ interest, at tho-option 0f the Directors. To be entitled to in- terest, deposits must rmnm'n in the, Company three months. Interest calculated from the first and 15th day of the month. This Company Anflvauces Money on the security of improved Ci‘ry (n‘ Imlntry Property. rozpn 5'51] ‘16 by mums of :L Sinking FIUHL \\ hid] is found to he the surest and eus'ivst made of repaying 11.1mm. '45. See our reduced 10:1,11 tuhle. The whole Ask ‘ of the, Company urn invested on thusccurity of Real Estate and Municipal D0- bentures, the {by givihg the depositors un- doubted securiby for ".11 money left with this Company. rFo; furfileirV iifonfintiou apply at {Lt the Offices of the Company. \VALTER S. LEE, Manager keeps constantly on hand all kinds of wood, Which Will be sold for the 10wnst market price. Cor. Â¥ong_e andflcntre St, Richmond Hill. 11- Insumncé and Real Estate Agent. posits received. S}1bj_ t0 dmnnnfld, \Vitp in§ ' \VESTERN CANADA LOAN AND SA VINGS COMPANY. 1' - the ccmuty of York Toronto. L :STA‘ELES.*HOYSGS and Vehicles for hire Charges moderate. Opposite Sanderson 8.: Sons JOHN Bl{O\VN,'PIO})f19t(‘f. J Pubhc'Notlce 133mg I will nbt be responsible for any debt?) confiructed by (iox’n'gu Shaffer 01' [my Wu? or ianv mm of 11in fmn’ v, J Treusurex‘ of Markham Township, Clerk of Division Court, Division Rogish‘m‘, emu. A mm st, Unionville, will‘ be at; Hall's Hotel, Ivlm‘khztm, every Mandey, from 9 mm. to 4 1mm” to attend to business in connection with the Court. Parties desirous of ,bocqmiug membersvcan for- ward their muues to (x . 1 . , Mr John Gibson; President, Millikan ;’ 0 Mr H J ennings,‘ Treasurer, Victoria. Srpmre P 0 Mr S ’1' Humbcrstone, Sec’y, Newtonbrook P 0 RICEfiab-‘ND Ifi-LL “ii Q‘Erfiiy “TA‘ELES.*HOYSOS and Vehicles for hire. and that; Tmfihns n ‘ ‘ Which he is living. CHRISTIAN HOOVER. V - ERS,’ Richmohd 'Hill, have always on hand the best of beef, mutton, lamb, veal, pork, sausages, 660., and sell at the lowest prices for cash. Also corned and spiced boo , moked and dried hmns. Tlm highest xxxm‘kct price given for cattle, sheep; lambs, etc. 00D YARD,,â€"JOHN BROWN keeps constantlv on hand all kinds of l 0 inctumré'of and Deniers in Granite and Marble Monuments, Headstones, etc, Ringwood, Ont. Satisfaction gum‘umced. P: WIDEMAN is ulso‘issunr of Marriage Li- censes. Residence~1§ingwoo<h Ont. J» CIAL Land Sul'vnyor, ( ‘1 Engineer and Drnugli‘nsnmu Orders] ' latte) should sh_1te the concession, lot Mid Ch)!1dct01‘()i s‘urvoy,'the sub- scriber having: tho, Old Firm) Nn'ucfi of the late D. GIBSON Emdfithel: surveyors, which Shauld be consultcd‘iu'manfi,“buses :Ls'to original monu- ments, eta, previous to commencing work. Office at 'Willowdale, Yonge st, in thé township of York. ‘ o T I 0 E :1" HEREBY GIVE ' PfiiflicNofiice that I will not be responsible Agricultural Warehouse PETER ~S. GIBSON, 1" R0 V IN- CIAL Lima Survm‘ur. Civil Engineer und The Ben'tenni'ai.Ex‘hihiiifia, H378. IOHN STEPHENSON, CLERK & Trousurer of qu'khznu '1‘0Wnshi1LCIm‘k of ’ m I havefbe’eh' aWaTded Two MEJDALS At Philad’clphira; Hy thé American and Canadian and» Centennial Oemmissions respectively, {nymy Garden and Uthei Se’eds. WM; RENNIE, Torohto. 1' ‘THE HERALD,’| AND ., Seed. Store, Commuof Adelaioe and Jao'ais 813., TORONTO. IBERAL ‘VCQNSE RVAT-IVE AS f » H. R. PUGSLE-Y7 BUTCH- AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Officesâ€"No. 70 Church street, Torontu WILLIS, BANKER. BROKER, SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. East Riding of York. W. JARVIS, S H E R I F F OF & L. WIDEMAN, MANU SOCIATâ€"I-anFEIâ€"c $15: LVEA‘KIN, ISSUER OF MAR fitiz‘imnmrnnfi, MONEY T0 LOA N. DIPLOMA SUBSCPilBE FOR Ofliceâ€"LCourt House; In pursuance of the Power of sale contained in IL Mortgage from \Villium Mohmmull to the Ven- dors. which will be produced. at the sale, in one mrcvl, on 1‘11111'Sduy, the 2151; day of ., econilwr, A. l). 1 ‘ t», at one o’clock, by Robert Conway, Auctioneer, at Bath’s Hotel, in the villugu 0f Thurnhill, the following vuluuble real estate, being composed of parts of Lots Nos. 31 and 32, in the 1st concession of the Township of Vuughnvn. in the County of York, described {LS follows 270011111181le1”; at the NE. corner of said Lot 31, and at the intersoction of the line between said Lots 31 and 32 with Yonge street ; thence southerly along the Western limit of Yonge street 1 84 feet ; thence westerly at right angles with Yonge street 70 feet more or less; thence north- : orly parallel with Yongo street 144 feet, more or less, to )‘ond leading from Yonge street to the mill; thence easterly along said road and at right i angles to Yonge street 76 feet to Yonge street-p thence south along the western limitfli Yonge street 60 foot to the intersection of snigl Lots Nos, 21 and tfl, the"pluco of beginning. These premises are distant about .112 miles from Toronto. The improvements consist of {L large three-story brick ltxzvfifn; also of alurge brick driving-house and s a e. V For sale on reasonable terms, the Houses and ‘101: comprising hulf an acre of land, with excel- ‘ lent garden and 0 ‘clmrd, lying south of Mr. A. L. Skeele's shop In) north of Mr. Alex. Moodie’s "S‘wre‘, ii; the villug'é'cof_.-’RibYJJJIbhd"mfli "Kg-good business stand. '( H ,, ORTGAGE SALE OF VALU- ABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. The Vendors reserve in themselves the right of «me [bidding in respect of this property. Terms ‘Of payment” voi‘y liImrul, A deposit of ten per cent. of the purchle nmney must be paid at the timepf sale, when ClLSy terms for the balance will be arranged. For further particulars, and conditions of sale, apply to - MESSRS; WHITNEY & MORTON. Or to MACDUNALD 8; PATTON, Toronto, Vendors’ Solicitors. 112wng u frontage of 56 feet. The house contains eight rooms, with vm‘nndnh, brick cellar, summer kitchen nml anlslmd umtuched, a. good well and soft water cistern, all complete. . 'Also TWO BUILDING LOTS adjoining. Each lot contains 55 feet frontage and is well fenced. PIOUSE ’AND LOTS FOR SALE. This property is beautifully situated, fronting 011 one of the principal streets 01' the village, and only :1 few steps from Yongc street, with a good plank walk 01056 to the door. For any one in easy circumstances this; is a. Very dosirujhle property, and any one wishing to secure a. good homo would do well to call and see it.‘ For further particulars apply to Centre 51:. west, Also the Store and DwellingHouse and Garden, containing half an acre of choice fruit trees, oc- cupied by Mr: A. M()odie,subject to an unexpired lease. Apply to ST.1\L\RY’H Emsvomn (‘IIL'RCHASGI‘VlCeS m; 3 p m, 'uxcept the third Sunday of every montll,‘when the scrvmos‘ and sacrament uro‘held at 1] u, m. Sundny' 5011501 {1.13 1:30 p m. Rev B Shankli’n', Rector. JUETHODIST CHURCH OF CANADAâ€"Services. at 10:30 a. m, and 6:30 p 111; Sunday school at 2:30 p m; prmycr meeting every Thursday evening and S S Tonchors‘ meeting on Friday evening. J Herbert Stm'r, Pastor. l’nMSJsYTEIzIAN CHURCH OF CANADAâ€"services at 11 o’clock a 111; Bible; class on Sunday evening at 6:30 o'clock. Rev J Dick, Pastor. 11mm); CATHOLIC (‘HL’liCHgsel‘ViceS in order as follows: Thornhill {Lt 9:00 a 1n, and Richmond Hill at 10230 {L m; the following Sunduy at Rich- mond Hill at 9:00 u m, and Thornhill at 10:30 a, m, alternating with Markham every third Sunday. ‘ RICHMOND LODGE, A.F. & A. M., No. 23, G. R. C.â€" Meets in the Lodge Room, Masonic Hall, on the Mommy on or before full moon, at 8 o’clock p.111. Jus. Roviioliln, W. M. 1:101!»an L. 0. L., No. 77S.â€"l\'[oet-s in the Temâ€" perance Hall, on the Fiiduy on or before full moon, at 8 drama; p.111. J. 1i. Boothbv, W. M. IVuIHMOND HLLL TEMPLE, No. 465, I. O. G. '1‘.â€" Meets in the Temperance Hull, every W'ednes- day evening, at 8 o'clock. Wm. Harrison, ’1‘. D. CRYSTAL LODGE, No. 372, U. T. A.â€"Meets in the Masonic Hull, every Monday evening at 8 o‘clock. A. E. Mortimer, P. D. FOUNTAIN LODGE, Juvenile No. 35, U. T. A.â€"Moets in the Masonic Hall, every Monday evening at 6.30 o’clock. A. E. Mortimer, Guardian. The Methodist Sabbath school Temperance ASSO- ciation issue pledge cards every Sunday when desired. M’m. Harrison, Supt. MECHANICS’ 1x5T1IU1fiLâ€"Libmr‘y of over 1000 vol- umes open every Tuesday evening, in the Mn.- sonic Hull. from 7 to 8 o’clock. R. E. Law, Li- brarian. Lectures and discussions periodically. RII‘XIMOND }IILL Finis BJilGADB.â€"1\T00ts for fire practice the first. and third Monday of each month, (it 7 o’clock pm J H Sanderson, Gupta. RICHMOND HILL Can" J.“ T‘ \‘Ih.-Meets for prac- - biog every ’JJuesrliLy '3.qu Sgtna‘diw evening at 7:30 o’clock. A. E. Mortimer. Leader. OUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE AT RICHMOND HILL. NORTHERN RAIL'WAYflTI'flyinS puss Richmond Hill station as follows: moving south at 9:10 am, 2:10 p in, Mid 8:26 pin; moving north, at 8:13 8. m,'12:40 p in, and 5:20 1) in. Mr Palmer’s ’bus meets the morning triLin moving north and evening train moving south. THE Pnoc'ron STAGE LINE.vRuDS in connection with the Northern Ruilthy, meeting the mornâ€" ing train moving south und the evening train moving north. ’ilSS rigors leave the Dominion Hotel ut 8:10 n. in. arriving in Toronto .ut 10:2(1, mid returning louve City Hall stution n‘t 4'10 piiLund Brock street station at 4:25. Single tickets, :50 taunts; return, 80 cents. Sl’roctor, proprietor. r . Rimmonn HILL OMNIBUsâ€"Rnns daily. leaving the Stage Hotel, Richmond Hill, ut 7:30 on), urriving in 'l‘oronto at 10:30 a. 1n, and returning, leaves the, Commercial Hotel, Jarvis st, at 3"’0 p in, mnl the luv Horse Hotel, Yonge st, xtt 3:.30 p in. Single ti, eDH, 40 cents; return, 75 cents. J ohu l’ttlinor, jr, proprietor. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. ~Mails close as follows: Morningâ€"G oing south‘ west and earsi, including Maple, Thornhill, Toronto, Markham, OWL, LL12“;45; going north, 6:45. Evening#Going south, ()1th and west, at 6:45. Registered let'be'rs 11111.96 he handed in fifteen minutes earlier. BR-YSON, Que.. Dec. 12.â€"-Mrs. Collins, widow of the late C. W. Collins, of this viL lage, dressed her two little daughters in their best attire, and left the house Monday morning {or a walk, and returned in about 20 minutes without the children. When asked 'whereihey were, she said she had sent to Heaven. ’The body of the eldest was found in the canal last evening 5 they 'are still searching for the other. The mo- ther is in charge ofa constable since yester- day, aim! is thought to be insane. The coroner has arrived, and will report partic- ulars after the investigation. April 11, 1876‘ ROUGH CAST HOUSE, To be Sold by Public Auction, 313mm» gummy. Just completed, situated on RICHMOND HILL, ,QNTARIO, CANADA, DECEMBER 15, 1876. JAMES M. JENKINS, Laskay P.O Or to M. TEEFY, $0» ($312. POST OFFICE. Toronto street, Toronto ; CHURCHES. That 11th JOHN BROWN Proprietor TRAVEL. Icichmdnd Hill 1 wTwo' Chester White Boar Pigs, for aervive on L613 35, lst COIL, Vaughan. One of the above pigs took 2nd prize at Provincial Fair at Hamil- ton, and both have taken prizes at all the Count and Township shpws Wherever shown. Fee $ . GEO. WELDRICK. Advertisementanf six lmes and less, under {his heading, twenty-five cents each time. 1 person or persons against negotiating a. note of sixty dollars ($60), made by me, in favor of Jqseph Ellaby, as I will not be responsible for the same. THOMAS W. GAULEY, Buttonville. ANN and Nicholas Shaver, made payable to Giorge Shaver, for $72. drawn in March, 1876, and due in March, 1877. A11 pairties are cautioned against negotiating said note. JOHN RICHEN, Victoria. Square. W0 BOAR PIGS FOR SERVICE VTwo Chester White Boar Pius. for servive EA'flED TENDERS WILL BE received until the 6th Day of .Ianu-L U received until the 6th Day of.Ianuâ€" ar next, for the erection of a, BRICK C I UliCII near Cashel. Plans and speak" oafiibns to be seen at the housenf Robert Bruce, Lot, 34, fifth concession, Markham. The lowest nor any tender not necessarilv accepted. NOTE LOST, DRAWN BY MARY ANN and Nicholas Shaver. made navable BLANK DEEDS U of the subscriber, lot 28, rear of the 2nd Con.Va11ghnn,ub011t the 15$,of November, ONE EWE. The’dwner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take her away. WM. SLINEY. U the subscribér, lot No. 29, 2nd con. Vaughan, about two months ago, TWO EWE LAMBS. The owner is requested to prove property, pay PX1)O!1§CS and take them away. JAMES MCWIL- LIAMS L AME INTO THE PREMISES of the subscribbr. lot 28. rear of the 2nd AME INTO THE PREMISES OF the subscribér. lot No. 29. 2nd con. Vaughan. A fire at Ottawa. of the new market house, loss $30,000. An important Trade’s Union case has been tyied at Montreal. The Local Legislature meets for Sbusi- ness on the 3rd January. The Spanish Cortes has passed a Law making education compulsory. The Lieuteant-Go‘vemor of Quebec died on Wednesday afternoon. The Ministerial ‘crisis in France is over. Two Ministers retire. The new Greek Ministry h‘ ,. ‘feated om mqtflnn,of§§§ggfi&£ The N ew Brunswick Legislature will meet 0}} th’é lat bf Feby. Horatio TSeyfnour has declined the nomination for the Sixth District of New York. - TEe_,I§EpEr1a[ 1’arllamé’bt has b prorogued until the 8th of February. A woman at Quebec murdered her two liLtle'children'and is supposed to be insane. Acontinuation of the war between Egypt and Abys'sinia is regarded as in- evitable. ‘ The Jews of Hamilton are celebrating the victory achieved by the Maccabees over the Romans. Heavy ’snow storms and stormy winds are reported from all parts of the coun- try. Lincoln election trial is still on the carpet, and great interest is still manl- fested in the proceedings. The vestry of the Anglican Cathedral Quebec, has expressed a. desire to pay its full shareLof property taxes. LieutenantGovernor Tilley, of New Brunswick has been on a_visit to his son, at London. Messrs. Gooderham & Worts have five thousand head of cattle at thuil‘ by- res being fed up for exportation to the English markets. The Oxford University Rowing Club, has declined the challenges of the Yale and Gomell Clubs, to a four eared race on the Thames, in August next. The Giasgow authorities are taking a lesson by the sad and heart rending fire that occurred at the Brooklyn Theatge, and providing proper means of exit frdm public buildings. Troops are arriving at the state capi- tal of South-Gagolifi’a from Florida, but ewerything is reported quiet. The city ofToronto Building and Sav- ings Society, have passed a resolution to dispose of thefmortgagcs and other as- sets of the Society, to the “ North Brit- ish Canadian Investment company." that occurred at the brooklyn 'J neange, and providing proper means of exit from a public buildings. joins in the censure that has been heaped The city ofTomnto Building and Sam upon the head of our blundering finance ings Society, have passed a resolution to Minismr- UPC“ the meetmg 0f the dispose of thefmortgages and other as- House, no doubt there will be explan~ §ets 0f the, SOCietyl t0 the “ North Brit“ ations called for showing and giving ish Canadian Investment company." N. B., Freeman, Speaker Anglln's organ, satisfactory reasons for the course pur- Thc funeral 0f the unrecognimed Vic' ‘ sued in the matter of this. loan. Hints time of the Brooklyn theatre fire num- bering over one hundred, took place atlhave been thrown (mt that MI Cart" one O’clock on Saturday. .31“), notwith. wright has not been above receiving some standing the cold being very severe, was; indirect advantage from the transaction ; Wimessed bY 3' large GPOWd Of People? 3 we should hope this is not the case, but Thclat'cst advices from the East hold I to say the least, a great want of business out hopes of peace. It is said that Gen. sagacity is apparent in one holding such Ignatiefl and the marquis 0f SaliSbury ‘ a responsible position as Mr Cartwright have arrived at. an understandinv whileI . . the Czar has ofimed Lord Loffi’l’s, the } does in the Cabment of the country. British Ambassador, renewed assurances _,.__d__ of his pacific intentions.- l Brown’s diaries for 1877 for sale at. ‘The brigatine Westwood, Capt Site- man, frOm Turk’s Island, for Halifax, during a snow storm was drlven ashore near Hern'ng Cove, and m fifteen min- utes wentmpieces. The captain and four sailors msa‘v-ed, and four were ‘droxvnefl; The mg!) was insured. HEREBY CAUTION ANY For sale at THE HERALD Store The Week’s News. ‘ fimialtiw. gammy, AND MORTGAGES arhafiie’ut lids been At the Wesleyan Parsonage, on the 12th inst, by the Re’v. J. Herbert Starr, Mr. Charles A. Perry to Miss J mnet Budge, both of Markham. 3. The courfis have decided that refusing to take newspapers or geriodiculs from the mat office, or removing an leaving them unca. led for, is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud. 1. Any person who takes apaper regularly from a post office, whether directed in his name or another's, or Whether he has subscribed or not, is responsible for payment. 2. If a person orders his paper discontinued he must pay all arrears, or the publishers may con- tinue to send it until payment is made, and then collect the Whole amount, whether the paper is taken frpm the office or not. Below we acknowledge subscriptions to THE HERALD received smce last issu’e'; 986 J. Livingstone, Richmond Hill. 1014 R. Rutherford. “ 1014 J. Kefi'er, Carville. 957 J. S. McQuarrie. Maple. 1012 Thos. Marlin, Unionville. 928 John Woods, Richmond Hill. 996 A. Hood, Hagermau’s Corners. 954 A. McKenzie, Victoria Square. 983 W. H. Myers, Richmond Hill. ' 983 G. Teasdale, “ 969 .I. Vanderburg, f‘ 978 T. Malheison, Maple. The election for a member to repre- sent Cardwell in the House of Commons, in place of the late Mr Cameron, came off yesterday; we have not learned the result; but we are inclined to the opin- ion that it will be pretty close whichever wayit is. Mr. Bolton is the minister- ial candidate, and Mr McCarthy the opposition. ‘ LA W CONCERNING NEWSPAPERS. The Message which President Grant has sent to Congress, has been highly commented on generally by the Ameri- can press. In the opening paragraph- ‘of the message, the Presidentfihas re- ferr ed to the events and official acts of the past eight years; he claims that he has made mistakes in the selection of assistants, etc. The message recapitu- lates the work of reconstruction after the war; the heavy debt which the suppression of the rebellion had entailed upon the country; and the gradual re- duction of taxation, to the amount of nearly three hundred million dollars, and of the national debt to over four hun- dred illio‘nsr The message refers to t" - ‘ " "wfhioesubsist with foreign nations, to the satisfactory ad- justment of the Alabama difliculty. The“ boundary” line between the United States and the British possessions in the North West, the Extraditiod treaty with Great Britain, etc. etc: The Returning Boards of Louisiana, Florida and South Carolina have made their report giving Hayes nominally a majority of one in the electoral college for the entire Union. The Democrats claim at least two if not three of these States for Tilden, and have also appomt- ed electors on their side. The House of Representatives being Democrats, and the Senate Republicans, there may probâ€" ably seem some doubt about the final result. However, on a join ballot of the two Houses, the Democrats can claim a majority, the chances are, Tilden will yet be elected. Some of the most influ- ential of the Republican papers, write as if there will be no election, and that the House of Representatives will choose the President, and the Senate the Vice Pres- ident. It is about time the muddle was settled. The folly of Mr Cartwright’s late pfooeediugs in putting the Canadian loan on the English market at a fixed rate, instead ofallowing monied men to compete for it so as to obtain the highest tender possible, has drawn a condemnation from a quarter little expected.. The St. John The fortune left by Cardinal Antonelli is estimated at. £1,200,000, and according to popular report it is to be shared by three nephews. The Cardinal-Deacon’s valuable collection. of gems and precious stones has, howeyer, been left to the Pope. BroWn’s diaries for 1877 for sale at THE HERALD store. M. E“!- SUBSCRIPTiONS RECEIVER, Notes and Comments. MARRIE D‘ DEAR SIMâ€"It is'over 270 years since the first settlement in Eastern Virginia by a London Company. Agriculture was, at first, carried on in common stock, and found not to give satisfaction after a trial of five years. It was then do- cided to give each individual three acres and subsequently increased to BO acres. The question now is, Why is the country in a wilder state than it was 150 years ago? The climate is as fine as any state in the Union. The soil‘ is a fair average of any of the middle states, with navigable rivers emptying into Chesa- peake Bay, which abounds with oyster beds. Valuable mines in abundance, timber land more plentiful than in On- tario, at present, of easy access to the best markets in the world. Richmond is not unlike to other cities, having quite a busy appearance. “The streets are partly cleaned by convicts, with a large ball attached to them by a chain. Many of the market teams had canvas covers for long journeys. One darkey had a cart with five turkeys and a halfâ€"a. dozen horse collars made of" corn-husks plaited. His team was a threeycar old bull. He had came thirty-six miles. His first day's journey was twenty miles. At night he tied the bull to tree in a wild bush, and waited on the road without shelter for light to finish the journey to market. Richmond is surrounded by as fine a country as ever the sun shone on, and yet the market produce is higher than in Toronto. If Ontario was farmed in the same careless, slovenly way for ten years, our whole country would be brought to starvation. The Southern farmers appear to be Waiting for the re- sult of' the Presidential election. Their only hope is in Tilden. Should his elec- tron fail, they will be disposed to sell their land at a lower figure than any time since the war, by which they were ruined. Their horses, cattle and sheep were all drive-n oif, fences all burned, and the whole country laid a commons and has to agreat extent remained so ever since. Many fields are grown up with brush-wood and trees 20 and 30 feet high. From Richmond to Freder- icksburg I never saw a horse, cow, or sheep at large in pasture, although the weather was fine, thus showing the scar- city of stock. The results of the settle- ment of a few Canadian farmers on the land in a few years would astonish the natives. Fredericksburgh, Nov. 11, 1876. To file Editor of The Herald. On Monday, Dec. 4th, as August Shultz, of lot 8, con. 7, Morrison, was attempting to cross Sparrow Lake on the ice, it broke when he arrived about half way across. His wife, who witnessed the catastrophe, ran and threw a line to him, and thus rescued him from his cold and perilous situation. She had to drag him in an insensible state about a mile and a quarter. He is now suffering severely from the eflects of his cold baih. â€"Eacpositor. On Tuesday last, as Allen McDonald, of lot 6, con. 8, Morrison, was returning home along the 10th eon. he was beset by a pack of seven wolves. He im- mediately climbed n free and watched his atrocious and blood-thirsty assailants for nearly an hour waiting for their sup- per. It was not until a neighbor with a. team came along, and frightened them away that they left, when Mr. McDonald descended from his unpleasant situation. ~Ewposiwr. The Indians offiama boried one of their number on the ChiefIsland yester- day. They crossed on the ice and re- turned safely. The deceased, Widow Black, is believed to have reached the age of 100 years, and probably exceeded that. She used to tell of remembering when there was not a house in the now populous city of Toronto, and when there was only one house in the far- famed city of the West, Hamilton ; when the only road was the Indian hail, from thence to the North PoleAâ€"Ewpositor. The new Good Templars’ Hall at Rama, built by Kisesabeta Lodge, No.- 111, I. O. of'G. T., will be dedicated on Christmas Day, 25th inst, by Dr. Oronhyatekha, P. G. W'. C. T. of. the Order, and a member of the tribe of Six Nations, who will, with others, deliver interesting addresses suitable to the ocâ€" casion. The ceremony of dedication will take place at 2:30 o’clock P. M., im» mediately after which tea will be served, and abazaar will he opened for Indian work. A splendid Indian choir, with other entertainzvients, will enliven the proceedings.â€"â€"Eq)ositor. When the cruel fall into the hands of the cruel, we read their fate with horror, not with pity. Sylla commanded the bones of Marius to be broken, his eyes to be pulled out, his hands to be cut off and his body to be torn in pieces with pincers, and Catalina was the excecution- er. ‘ A piece of cruelty’ says Seneca ‘ only fit for Marius to suffer, Cataline to execute, and Sylla to command.’ . Beer drinking in India is going rapidly out of fashion, and only one person in six now takes ale at tif‘fin mid Simmer. Tweniy or thirty Sréars ago half-aâ€"dozen of beer at tilfiu was no unusual allowance for a man. @mmmmmmfimm EASTERN VIRGINIA. ' Truly your}, J bHN LANGSTAAF. Colonel G. T. Hiller has b‘een appointed Inspector-General of lrish Constabulary, in room of Colonel Sir. John S. Wood. The Duké of Abercom wfll Burr‘en'de'r the Viceroyalty on the 6th of December. and his successor will be sworn in on the 7th. A resolution to make the Gateshead Me‘bhanics Institution ‘a free library has been defeated. It is in contemplation 'to ‘raise an ‘tn‘n’ltn‘u= lance corps in Lou‘don in connection with thé Volunteers. A movement“ has been Set on foot at Cambridge for the raising ‘of a memorial ‘to the late Dr. Cookson. A movement is being started at Kidder- minster to raise a statue to Sir Rowland Hill, the introducer of the penny postage System; The Austrian Government are abofif 15" builJ an E‘mbass'y house In London. A sail‘ors’ shelter to a‘ccommofl‘a'fe ’500, and erected at a cost of £800, has been opened at Lowestoft. A dairyman of Hyde, who advertised his “ mixture” as the bestquality of “milk and water,” has been fined under the Adulteral tion Act. Mr. George Slack. of Trinity College; Dublin. has died from an overdose of opium; The judge of the Liverpool County Court has decided that a rallway comyany is obliged Io furnish a. first~class carriage free from tobacco smoke if a traveller so desires. Mr. Butt, has withdrawn unconditionally an action in ,he claimed £10,000 damages for an alleged libel published in the Daily Express on the 23d of August last. The Roman ’Cathofic studen‘ts at the Queen’s College, Cork, form 52 4 percent. of the whole. Alderman Sir R. Garden, of London. has made an order for the destruction of 40,000 pounds of tea, bonded nine years ago, and the present owners of which are not known. Sir J o‘hn Re“: is ‘stale’d to have purch'a’s’e'd the ngworth estate, Wiltshire, for about £220,000. The early closing of the Baltic ports this year has seriously affected the North of England coal trade, and fears are enter- tained that between 1000 and 1500 men will soon be deprived of labor. The greater part of Eryston Hal], near Pontefract, Yorkshire, the seat of Lord Hougzhton. has been destroyed by fire. The valuable library, the pictures, and nearly all the furniture, were, however, {unmater saved. John Roberts. jam, the billiard champxon’, who has been playing In Australia, has re- ceived £1,000 and expenses to visit and play in New Zealand. There-after he will 5:0 to‘Indla for three weeks for £600. A guarantee fund of £7,650 “has been raised for the Leeds Musical Festival of 1877. Two English composers have undef- taken (0 write specially for the. festivalâ€" one a sacred omtorio, the other a secu-lur‘ cantata. The Roman Catholic Union of Ireland has adopted resolutions urging the Govern- ment to grant a system of educationâ€"prim- ary, intermediate, and Universityâ€"in ac- cordance with the religious views of the Irish people. The secretary of the British iron Trude Association has received an official com- munication from the Foreign Office to the effect that the existing dutiesou iron emer- ing Germany may be expeetted to cease from. the first of January next. At a large meeting cf the members of the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, three leaders of the H_9meâ€"Rule movement were put up for electionâ€"Mr. Isaac Butt, M. P.. ; Mr. Edmund Dwyer Grey, proprietor of the Freeman’s Journal; and Mr. Charles Daw- son. On a ballot, they were all blackballed. Capt. Nares has wriften to AdmirallElliot requesting that the Queen may ‘be informed} that the ofl‘icers and men of me ‘ Alert’ and " Discovery’ “are deeply grateful to their Queen for her gracious expression of-appro- bation, and he proudly'records thaho upz hold British honor and Christian duty to the~ death was the pre-eminent determination of all under his command.” Mr. Henry Chaplin. M. P. for Mid Lin- colnshire, was married to Lady Florence Leveson Grower, the eldest danghter of the Duke of Sniheriand. on the 15th inst. The bridegroom is 36, the bride 21 years of age. The bridal presents were very numerous, and some of a costly description. Her Majesty sent the ride a beautiful gold bracelet, set with diamonds and pearls. The Prince and Princess of Wales’ gifts in-‘ ciuded a. superb diamond bracelet. We have much pleasure in recording" an act of courageus self-control and presence of mind which may be compared with advantage to the honors won by? deeds of daring on the field of battle“ Two workmen were engaged fixing a} lightning conductor on the summit of the steeple at Villesur-Ou‘rthe, in Bel-- gium. To accomplish the somewhat difficult and delicate task it was necessg ary that one of the w rkmen should stand on the shoulders 0 his companions While in this 'position a violent gust of' wind made him spill some molten lead. which fell on the hand and forearm of' his friend. Notwithstanding the. sud- den intensity of the pain thus inflicted, the victim of this accident had the couré‘ age to remain motionless while the lead iburnt its way into his flesh. He knew ,that the slightest movement might sufiioe- to precipitate his companion from 1!" height of seventy feet into the street be- low. and he braver endured the paiti rather than imperil the life of his fellow? worker. M. 1A. Karis, Slater, at An: thisne, is the hero of this brave deed,and his name'is worthv of public recordâ€"a [London Builder.] MOLTEN LE AD AGAINST PLUCK. WHOLE N0; 960. British and Foreign;

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