Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 15 Dec 1876, p. 2

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16 sent by mall or other conveyance when so de- lire for ONE DOLLAR per annum in advance. 8‘ couples, three cents. Tm: HERALD will contain all matters of local upomnce,‘ articlgs aytl cqgnngems on the po; 9“! I ~ ~ 77 w . Ethyl events of the day, the latest home and ionsdgn news carefully summarized, trustworthy market reports, agricultural matters and general lamily reading. 3‘ THE HERALD,” PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, The AntLProiiibitionists are putting on their armor and preparing for the battle that the Signs of the times show will sooner or later be fought between them and those in favor of' the total pro- hibition of the sale ofinmxicnlingiiquors. All over the country Licensed Victual- lers‘ Associations are being formed and the platform is being taken and meexings held, advocating the views of those in connection with these associations. Advertisers contractinfi for space on the second third or fourth ages, for a. specified time. will be ohmged, plyab e quurberly, as follow-s: One Two Three Six One Month. Mouths. Months. Months. Year. Column ...... $10 00 $15 00 $20 00 $35 00 $60 00 KAI-1f Col ...... 8 00 1‘1 00 15 00 20 00 36 ()0 nutter COL b 00 8 00 10 00 15 00 20 00 \ hree inches 3 00 4 00 5 00 8 00 12 00 Two inches. 2 50 3 00 3 50 5 00 8 00 One inch ..... 1 50 1 75 2 00 3 00 5 00 Twelve lines of Nonpareil'comprise an inch. Changes allowed in contract advertisements twelve'tlmes a year; each change over twelve times will be charged extra, am the following rate: wumn, $1; half column, 600; quarter column and Under, 35c. 'The'oopy for changes of advertisements ap- gmnlng on the second or third pages, must reach heofiice on Monday to secum attention the Same week . The other day a large mass meeting: was held in Toronto, at which the Hon. Frank Smith presided, and Mr. James Fahey argued in favor of the rights of those who believed in man being.r allowed to sell or drink liquor if he thought pro- per to do so. No doubt the activity that has lately been shown by the t‘viends of‘ Prohibition, in getting the Dunkin Act passed wherever they can, is the cause of this opposition upon the part, of those who favor the liquor dealer. They feel the time is at hand when the ques- tion will fairly be put before the people at‘the polls. The question of drink or no drink. in more ways than one. involves serious consequences ; and perhaps those in favor of the Prohibition movement are going the surest way to work in having their views carry by putting the Dunkin Act_ to the people in every county. All lengthy correspondence and advertisements must be received at the office not later than Wednesday noon, to secure insertion the current week.but short items of local news and adveh tisements will _be received up to ten o‘clock on 'I‘hin‘sday morning We, as a public journalist, having for our subscribers all classes of the com- munity, are not expected to shut our columns to the discusaion of any ques tion, that may interest our readers, neither are we expected to endorse every correspondent’e communication that may appear in our paper. ‘Vhils‘. we hate the control of a journal, we. shall at all times perth the insertion of correspond- (nce, even supposing it may not agree with our ideas, so long as the same is written in language not ofi'ensixe. We have many men 0! many minds in a com munity; some think Prohibition is the grand panacea for all the evils human flesh IS heir to; whilst others, on the contrary, may, just as honestly, think otherwise; whilst all sides will agree that. the intetnperate use of any beverage is hurtful and wrong. A document has been just issued by the Edinburgh ScliOol of Cookery, show iugthe progress which the movement. hasruade, and the amounts contributed for its support. It. is astonishing that within a few months the whole country bastbeen infected with a sort of cooking: enthusiasm. In every county, and al- mostacvery town, cookery classes have been established, and at. these rich and poor have sat together as most docile lis teners and learners. in Edinburgh alone the sum of‘ £1316 8s 1d has been contributed, and in other places sums in proportion. I There has been a sort of Fenian some on the Pacific. A despntch from Vic- toria says that fif'ty rounds of ammuni tion Have been issued to the military, in anticipation ofa raid, and that torpe- does are being: prepared at the dockyards to répe] the invades. The financial statement presented to the Quebec Legislature bv the Finance Minister is very gratifying to the Prov- ince. It shows a. total income for the year of 85.984.533; with an expendi- ture of' 33 862,517 ; leaving a balance of 82,122,011 6. The retur'ss for the third quarter in the year, shows that in Scotland the number of births during the three months _ was unusually high. whilst the number of deaths was the lowest. on re- cord for twenty-one yearri ‘ THE HERALD. - ' PREPARING FOR WAR. RICHMOND BILL, DEC. 15, 1876 250 “nub. M. H. KEEFLER, Editor. Publisher and Proprietor. To the future Conservative Member for East York, in the House of Commons» DEAR SIR. â€"â€" Allow me to present a few more thoughts on the Temperance movement, and then I have done. Suppose, for the sake of argument, that the evils of intemperance are all in turn acknowledged; let us look for a moment at the objections raised, first by the liquor seller and his friends, and next by the Government of the day, to the questions of the Dunkin Bill By law and that of Prohibition. [t- is, in the first place, objected by the Licensed Vic- tualler that the Dunkin Act is an invaâ€" sion of his rights as a citizen: having: received his license to sell, he deems that he is thereby encouraged to purchase propertv, erect buildings suitable, fit up bars, etc. From the, reign of Queen Anne down to the present, the British Government have certainly granted li- censes to keepers of houses of enter~ taininent and others, for the sale of ar- dent spirits, malt liquors, etc., on the special condition that they should be men of high moral character, and do mandiog that his character should be accredited by a clergyman of known standing. It is quite clear that even in those early times the danger attending this traffic were fully recognized. This license was only granted from year to year, and the men receiving in are only in office under sufierance or good conduct, or the terms acceded to by the authorities. The druggist has a liceense to sell poisonous drugs under a physician’s order, but the moment that, on his OWn responsibility, he undertakes to retail opium. chloral, or drugs of this nature, to our wives, sons or daughters, he ceases to have rights. and society at once takes him by the throat . and his punishment is justly severe. Just so with the rum- seller; he at one time had, by right of his license, the privilege of selling ardent spirits to the people, under certain resâ€" trictions; but through the influence of an ever increasing avarice, he ovcrsteps the boundary line allowed by the law, and proceeds to poison the multitude, to encourage the drinking.’ habit in our young men, to establish a vitiated taste For stimuleuts in the more mature and aged ; and we have the result in the deâ€" struction of homes, in the commission of mutder and breaches against the whole criminal code, and the manufacture of' paupertsm and three~fourths of all the calamities that are daily occurring in our country. And yet while the drink is acknowledged to be the chief factor of all this category of evil, we find the pxincipal actor in this human drama, having the impertinence to claim as a right. the privilege of making drunkards. thict‘s and malct'actors of our sons and the future hope of Canada. Now, Sir, I deem that it is tlme that this business should be stopped, and that trafiic which is proved as directly injuring the public and destroying human happiness, should be forever swept away from our country. It is also stated as an objection to the Dnnkin Bill being carried into effect in this county, that our taxes will be in- crvased when licenses are no longer issued. In this statement there is both truth and falsehood involved ; for as the average sums raised in the different mu- nicipalities would scarcely amount to four hundred dollars; and, as in East and West York, nearly if' not quite that sum has been collected in fines and penalties under the Crooks’ Act-z yet on the other hand. if not one dollar were collected under this heading as an offset, yet the whole direct loss to each citizen, when apportioned. would not amount to one cent a head, or one fourth of a cent in the $100 taxable property of each municipality. In the language of the poet, “breathes there a man with soul so dead,". who would not willingly pay this for the salvation of his country From this great curse; if there is one such to be found, let me inform him that last year he paid his share of nearly $1000 for pauperism the natural offspring of the druukard’s drink. Again, Sir, we hear it charged that if thevDunkin Act. should become univer- sally adopted in this country, the revenue will thereby be seriously alfccted, and the Government will have to resort to direct taxation to remedy the appar- ent det'alcation. We have I believe sir, the authority of one of Englands great- est statesmen. late Chancellor of the Ex- chequer Sir Stafl‘ord Northcote, for say- ing that it Prohibition were carried to- morrow there need be no fears for the revenue of that country. For as the people become more temperate they also accumulateomore wealth, and acquiring tastes of a refined and cultivated order, this naturally establishes an increased demand for the luxuries oflif'e, and just in proportion to the decreased consump- tion of' intoxicants. But, let us look for a moment to the purposes to which rev- enue is usually devoted, as for example, to support the courts of law and equity; the trial and care ofcriminals; the erec- tion of'jails. prisons and penitentaries, and worse still, and far a more horrible necessity asylums for theinsane. It is again objected that the Dunkin Bill, if it becomes law, will injure the Farmer by destroying the market for barley This objection is certainly childish in the extreme, and scarcely deserves a moment’s notice. However, granting.r that it. is right to sow barley and cultivate it as one of our chief‘ agri- cultural prnducts; we find that according to the returns of barley grown and ex ported last year, that ninety-five out of every hundred bushels went across the borders, being,r sold to a foreign market. Both judge and jury tell us that nine- tenths of the crime brought before them arises from the drunkarda drink. Inap- @nmmmmmfim. LETTER NO. 1L pears then to me, as well I judge to every thonghful mind, that if the cause of all this evil were removed, this enor- mous chain of expenses would in great part at least be lifted from our land, And, last of all the rumseller admitting the truth of the arguments advanced; and admitting that the letter of law is against him, yet do we find him falling , back on that antiquated citidel of his hopes the court of' equity. He says. I am a respectable old gentleman ; I am, several thousand years old; I have, re- ceived aeertain amount of encourage ment from both people and the Govern- ment, to invest my money in this busi- ness, and in view of Prohibition becom- ing the new order of' things. I have, rights that deserve to be considered, very well, let us suppose the scales of justice suspended. In a box fastened to one end of the beam, let us place Mr. Land- lord with his huxom wite, one dozen children and all his gains through a life of 20 years in the traffic; to the other end of the beam we also attach a box, but, this must be a much In! ger one, for society must here be represented in the loss of one hundred citizens, whose bones rattling in the bottom have been collect- ed, as they were beached on the shore of intemperance. Here also, will be found the widows and orphans of these men, huddled together in gaunt ragged want. by the drink he sold their fathers; and still we notice clinging to its sides the dull idiot 0r playing wild antics about the suspenders, the madly insane, whose wild and eldrich screeches mingled with fiendish laughter is adding interest to the scene. But, look at the landlords end of the beam, is high up now; the weight of wretchedness in the other box has raised him up in mid air, where we may now see him straining his seared eye-balls at the mouth of‘ the dark pit beyond, from whose orifice the fumes of hell are issuing with the darkly blas phemous curse, of' the one hundred damned souls which his drink,-â€" but hark, he cries enoughâ€"while for the present, I bid you good night. The official statement of the national debt of the United States on thelst inst, shows the debt to be $2,089,336,099, being an increase for the month of $457,000. As all who frequent any place of wor- ship. however they may differ from the doctrines there delivered, are expected to comport themselves with seriousness and gravity, so in religious controver- sies, ridicule ought never to be resorted to on either side; whenever ajest is in troduced on such a subject, it IS indis- putably out of its place, and ridicule, thus employed so far ‘from being a test of truth, is the surest test of error in those who on such an occasion can stoop to have recourse unto it. Insurance Company. CAPITAL, $1,000,000. Surplus, - -_$1,528,476. A strong stock company, With low Tales, definite contracts and liberal policies. Insurance effected on the most liberal terms. WILLOUGHBY CUMMINGS, Agent, Toronto street, Toronto. Full information can be had at THE HERALD Oflice. Richmond Hill. Believing it to be by far the best parlor and Orchestral Organ manufactured, we challenge any manufacturer to equul them. The celebrat- ed Golden Tongue Reeds in this organ in con- junction With the perforated reed boards, pro- duce sweet, pure and powerful tones. Superb cases of new and elegant designs. Ministers teschers, churches, schools, lodges, etc., should send for price list and discounts. CLODE & HOOK, BENT FELLOES, SHAFT& CUTTER and SLEIGH RUNNERS, Lumber Tongued, Grooved and Surface Planed in short notice. Lumber cut from 36 feet down to order. Bill Lumber attended to. HEATTY’S Dealers will find it to their advantage to exa- mine this instrument. It has improvements found in no other; correspondence solicited. A LARGE STOCK OF EAVE-TROUGHS, FOR THE DOMINION, At 36 per hundred feet. Also Flooring and other lumber dressed; sap buckets, pails, cider mills, washing machines, shingles, Felloes, sawn and BENT material for buggies and sleighs. For particulars address JOHN LANGSTAFF, Steam Mills, Lnngstafl P.O Best offer ever given. Money refunded upon return of organ and freight charges paid by me both Ways if unsatisfactory, after a. test trial of five days. Organ warranted for six years. Agents discount given everywhere I have no agent. Agents wanted. Address, THE NATIONAL LIFE Manufacturer of Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Mouldmgs, Lth, Shingles, eta, Richmond Hill, Um. PATEN T EAVETROUGH DANIEL F.13EATT}, 10H MOND 1 LL Sash and Door Factory. ALFRth QUANTZ, WATER SPOUT KEPT ON HAND, Thornhill, Ont. Washington, New Jersey, (LS-A. amt am; ORDERS SOLICITED. MANUFACTURERS OF ALSO. AND Established in 1875. DUNKIN. “Ontario V House." CHEAP GOODS, Great Bargains in Boots.0ver'- shoes and Rubbers. The people say Brown's is the cheapest House for The Best Fifty Cent Tea ev‘e‘r afiered to the Public. CROCKERY & GLASSWARE Whlte Fish, Salmon Trout, Codflhis and Labrw dore Herrings. The public wilTsave money by examining our Stock. All kinds of Farm Produce taken at market prices and goods delivered. FLOUR .86. FEED, Remember the place, corner of Yonge and Centre streets west. Cheap for Cash, The Right Goods Excelsior Pump Works. 0N CHURCH STREET, Formerly carried on by Mr. John Hall, and hopes by strict attention to business, combined with the best material to merit a continuance of the patronage bes'nwed on his predecessor. Agents wanted, male or female; send for cute.- logue. Address, DANIEL F. BEATTY. 151: PRIZE Pump Works, The undersigned respectfully begs to an- nounce to the irihabilants of Richmond Hill and vicinity that he has returned to this place and purchased the AT THE RIG-HT PRICE. “The Beatty Piano came to hand one week ago It has thus far given entire satisfaction." H. Holtzburger, Tyrone, Pm, says: "The Piano came at hand in good order, and proves satisfactory, both in tone and finish." ‘THE HERALD,’ Entirely New Stock From D, Bodine. Stockton, N. J ., after receiving a. $500 Beatty Piano, says: “Not only myself and family, but every one who has seen it is satisfied in regard to its supe. rior quality.” From B. H. Cormony, Esq., Chambersburg, Pa", Flour and Feed constantly on hand. Crockery, Glassware and Tipwure. ' All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange. Goons DELIVERED. Endorsed by the highest musical authoritio throughout the world as GLASSWARE, TINWARE, ETC. And hepes by strict attention to business, and %elling goods at the lowest remunerative rates, to merit a share of public patronage. NOTED FOR. THE Best and cheapest Teas Of Every Line. Best 50 cent Tea in the Vallage OFFEES AND SPICES Schepp’sCbcofififikfiifiiofihfi, Highest Market Price Given for Farm Produce, ” Remember the place, Waterhouse’s old stand. 3961;211qu III HOUSE. Richmond Hill) BEATTY Announces that he has just opened out an Well curbs constantly on hand. Wells sunk on the shortest notice. Address stating depth of well, REU. Pglpmpg, SOMETHING NEW; STflflK’S EXTRA MAEHINE IJIL FLOUR AND FEED, F1sh ! Flsh ! Fish! Grand Square and Upright. XXX and Eagle Brand, received weekly. 1n the store formerly occup John Waterhouse, ied by Mr Groceries and Provisions. DRY GOODS, Always fresh and direct from the Mills. Which will be sold at the lowmt rates. A. J. RUPERT Richmond Hill. Groceries, Provisions, THE BEST! AT MAPLE, As I am determined to sell (fiwmm, etc. The largest stock in town. SUBSCRIBE FOR flew article gar the laggies, Washington, New Jersey, 15.8.11. To Quit the hard times} At Ioronto pricas. Crockery, CHAS. E. SHEPPARD. TEA TEA. WEST. THE Richmond'Hill. PIANO ! i 1; es, etc. A large stock of Shawls, Mantles. and Mantle Cloths, Winceys Plain and Checked. Flannels, Scarlet, While, Gray and Fancy; Skirts, Felt and Quilted; White Blankets, Wool Coverlets, White and Coloured Quilts; White and Gray Cottons. Gray and White Sheeting, Prints, Tickings, Cretonnes; Fingering Wools and Yarn; Clouds, Breakfast Shawls, Crossovers, Wool Vests. Wool Squares; Ladies’ Kid Gloves, Collars. Cuffs, Silk Ties, Hosiery, Cloth Gloves, Ribbons. Laces, 8w. ' DRESS GOOD 5! Tweeds, Under Shirts and Drawers, Collal'é, Cuffs, Tics, Gloves, &c. the the Brice of_a te_w 9ftheirAgoods, and_c1fl!_and exziminektheir stock _bef_'ore purchasing Lovely .Dress Goods from 105. per'yard, Winceys from 80. per yard, Scnrlét Flannél from 200. per yard, Gray Wide Flannel from 25¢. per yard, Clouds from 250., Good Tweeds from 650. per yard, Men’s Shirts and Drawers from 40c., Prints 50. per yard. 72- inch Heavy White Sheeting 300. per yard; Ticking 125C. per yard, White Blankets $1.70 per pair. good value in everything. n N. B.â€"The reason they sell so cheap is because they buy their goods in the best pro- ducing markets, as cheap as the largest houses in the trade. Their expenses are small. They sell for Cash, and do not require an extra profit to make up for bad accounts, are satisfied with a small profit. and hope by strict attention to their business and the wants of their gustomers, to merit their patrolmge. New Fruits ! New Fruits! ! CURRANTS, finest Patras, clean fruit, SEEDLESS RAISINS, loose prime, MUSCATEL RAISINS, loose, very large, VALENCIA RAISINS, large fruit, of stalk, SULT ANA-*3 choice. transparenmheap, LAYERS, good, ordinary nice fruit, MiH.KEEFLER, Publisher and Proprietor of “ The Herald” very cheap, ' 7 LONDON LAYERS, selected, cheap, by the Tb or box, BLACK BASKET, extra selected, nice table fruit, BL ACK CRO WN, extra selected, choice table frmt, Autumn" is Here! LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE CHEAP FOR CASH. s'rovgsu ton iwoon AND COAL, A chance FALL & WINTER DRY GOODS, TO THE CENTENNIAL AND BACK. Including an elegant lot of Dress Goods, in Navy Blue, Sea] Brown, Prune, etc. Cloth Department is complete with a large stock of Can- adian. West of England and Scotch Tweeds; Coatings, Black Broads and Does, etc.. etc. . CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER BEATTY-fâ€"E Flannels ; plain, fancy and scarlet; a large assortment. Shawls, Wincies, Prints and Shirfings in great variety. NEATLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED. y Richmond H111, ontar1c. my to invite attention to their Cheap and Beautiful stock of Plain and i‘ancy THOMAS GRIFFITH & 00., REMEMBER THEIR ADDnEés. CAMERON & KIPPAX, 276 YONGE STREET. WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, At Very Low Prices, ' By calling or sending their orders to FLO UR AND FEED ALWAYS ON HAND. GROCERS AND WINE MERCHANTS, London 8; Italian Warehouse. 2I8 Yonge Strert, Corner of Albert Street, Toronto. Notice :â€"â€"If you want to see our stock step INSIDE. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING SELLING- V'ERY CHEAP. Is Filled with a Large and Splendid Assortment of CAMERON 8; KIPPAX, IN MEN’S WEAR: “"““ "‘ “‘ "" BEST IN" USE! DANIEL F. BEATTY, Parties desiring any of the above new fruits can have them Of all sizes, at Toronto Prices for Cash only. once m 100 years. Selling of Room Paper at Centennial Prices. Usual stock of Groceries always on hand. Intends to give all a. Chance to £0. FIRE PROOF STORE ALL KINDS NOW IN STORE. BLACK LUSTRES FROM 15c. P. G. SAVAGE CALL AND SEE HIS STOCK 0F Washington, New Jersey, U. S. A. Winter is Coming! AND THE BLUE CROWN, finest desert, with CHOICE__ELEME FIGS, in layers, (small boxes), FIGS, in matts, Malaga fruit, very cheap, GRAPES, white, in prime condition, kegs, ALMONDS, finest, soft shell,sweet fruit, ALMOND§, _ shelled, finest quality, sweet fruit, ' ALM ONDS. shelled, bitter, for cooking, WALNUTS, in bug's, FILBERTS, in bags, CANDIED PEELS, orange, lemon, and citron . ISAAC CROSBY' PIANO AND ORGANS bloom , Fire Proof Store, Richmond Hill. H0 FOR TORONTO! «r’ Proctor’s Stage? Line No longer necessary to endure the discomférfi of a. long drive to and from Toioutoinaclose stage. This stage leaves Elgin Corners rind Richmoxid $11111 village every morning (Sunda‘ys excepted) as o owa: Fares from Elgin corners and Richmond Km; Village: Single Tickets, 50 cents: Return “ 30 0311138..” 100 lbs baggage allowed with each passe’fiéer. Express parcels to and from Toronto will bé’ carried at the following rates: 101125, and under,; l0 cents; over 10 lbs and up to 25 lbs, 15 cents; heavier weights in the same ratio. These m“! ugply on] to meals addressed “per; express to Rgchmonuull'l village/L end percels from 'tho' T he Old Route Re-opened, Quick Time, “flags: “WEE; pfirééfi deliveriad. For further informat’fim apply to r. CUMBERLAND, SIMON PROOTOE‘ BHM‘TY’S {heticoquality of which never changes umfer {he most delicata or powegful touch ; space forbids & full description of this magnificent! instrument- Agents discount given Where I have no agents.. Remember you ta. 9 no risk in purchasing one of" these CELEBRATE!) INHTUBMENTS. If after (a) days test trial it proves unsatisfactory the money you have paid W111 be refunded upon return of instrument and freight charges paid by me both ways. Pianos warranted for six years Adana, J- and Wagon Maker, Undertaker, etc. Residence â€" Nanny opposite the Post 0m“, Richmond mm This instrument is the most handsome and best Piano met before manufactured in this country or Europe, having the greatest possible depth, riches and volume of tone, combined with a. rare brimmncy, clearness and perfect evenness throughout «he entire scale, and above an a sur. rising dominion of sound, the power and yin n- ghetio quality of which never 9113.11ng up or 7 he We, the undersigned, citizens of Wash» ington, New Jersey, take pleasure in statâ€" ing that we have been personally acquaint- ed with Daniel F. Beatly for a. number of fears, and are confident 1hat‘ he is strictly ronest. upright, and a perfectly responsible man, and that his insmiments are what he- will represent Illem m be. Jan-ref H. Grofl“, Mayor and Vice-President First National Bank. Judge P. H. Hann, Cashier of First Naâ€" tional Bank. ‘ J V Carter, Teller of First National Bank. Hon Jos B Cornish, (State Senator) Mer- chanL In order to banish zmy doubt in regard to my responsibility, I have given you the names and occupations of a few of the many persons who have tendered me their names as reference. I could add many more, but it is unnecessary, and in conclu» sion will say you can refer to any of them, and I will not designate any particular one. FOR HIRE. Funeral Furnishings, Cofiins and Caskets in every style. Funeral Furnishings supplied at “vi-‘5.- HOMAS SEDMAN, CARRIAGE and Wagon Maker. Undertaker. etc. BEATTY From E. R. Baldridge, Bennington Furnace, Pa... after renewing a $700 piano. “‘The Beatty' received 4th inst” all 0. K., 3nd comes fully up to your re resentation, and ex- ceeds our expectations. W iIe-I don't profess to be a judge in the matter, Mrs. B. does, and pro~ nounces rt 0! very sweet tone; and is very much: plgasqq w_ith it." . Best inducements ever offered. Money refund- ed u on return of Pia-no and freight charges paid y me (Daniel F. Beauty) both ways if unsa- tisfactory, after a. test trial of five days. Pianos warranted for six yam. Agents wanted; send. (or catalogue. Address, DANIEL F. BEATTY. Money ref'nndeal upon 're'mrn of instru- ment, and freight. charges pmd by me both ways if in any way unsatisfactory after five days tesy trial. Besgrroafl'er evex‘givep n01, ready. ‘mreswi "‘* " " DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey, U.S.A. Begs to announce to the inhabitants of Richmond. Hill and surrounding neighborhood, that he has built a. new Heuse and commenced the From J as. F. Regan, firm of Regan dz Omenpub- fishers Daily and Weekly Tribune, Tefietson City, M0,, after receiving a $700 instrumeni, says: “Piano reached as in good condition. I am yep gauged with it. It. is all you represented it A.WR1GHT & SON, CARRIAGE BUILDERS, A FINE NEW HEARSE! BEATTY Leave glgin Corners .................. 7 50 a. 1m “ Iichmond Hill Village . . 8 10 "U Connecfl with N R Express Train 9 10', “ Arrive at Toronto,Brock st. station ..10 06 d, " " City Ha1xsmtion..1o 2o ‘3 COMING FROM TORONTO. Tram‘kaves City Hall station .. . 4 10 p “ Brock st. station .» 4 25 p Contact with stage ................ . . 5 20 p MW at Richmond mu vmhge 00 p Giving SIX HOURS time in Toronto. Business TestimoniaIs. NORTHERN RAILWAY.- Grand Square and Upright. Man. Director, N.B.R' Grand Square and Upright. DANIEL F. BEATTY. FACTORY ESTABLISHED IN 1856. UNDERTAKING BUSINESS. FROM 10 T0 100 DOLLARS. Wuhington, New Jersey, USA. GOING TO TORONTO. In t’dimection with the nun x. “ .I. .1, Washington, New Jersey, U.S.A. RICHMOND HILL, 35mm. PIANO 1 EN 3. PIANO 2 Celebrated Golden" _ T911330 Pal-go! _. Ckéap Fares”,- Dominion Hotel, Richmond Hill;

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