Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 22 Nov 1877, p. 3

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Our village has not been so flat, for many years, our grain buyers having buttOIed up from the experience of two years ago when they had a constant fal- ling market. It is the general opinion that [buy might have done better this year ; at. all events the storckccpers have suffered from luck 01' business. In spite of the prevmling stagnation, new build- ings are going up. mmt of them com pleted. Mr. Aall, tailor and clolhier, hasjust entered his new and elegant premises, and that renowned Knight of the Lhimble, old Brown, may b.) seen squatted on the boards, plying his voca- tion from morning to night. The district has been greatly scanda lized of late by the sudden disui-pvut':ttiee of two parties [or nncle Sam‘s l.)mninion,' one a sader in the village, the other a farmer on 10th con.,of the numenf Hop- kins. The former was a>olid Presby- terian, havinga good business and esteem ed trust-Worthy; he hm left a wife and child behind him. The other ren‘ed a capital farm and was considered respec- table and \lel to do, and held the office of Deacon in the Baptist church. Than those two men, King Dunkin had no better town posters in his whole Domin- ion, but profession is one thing, and per- formance another. Hopkins7 furniture was seized on Tuesday. the 13th inst, at. the Scurburo Junction bound for 0;: densburg, but he and his family were safely over, leaning a number of disap- pointed and down-cam seekers. --- ‘ . 1 I ‘Ve have just lost an Old and esteemed resident of upwards of forty years, Robert Armstrong, Esq, at the ripe 21516 of eighty-two. He was in health and ac- tion till about. :1 fortnight ago, when he caught. a chill which issued in fever and ended in death. His brother, the Captain, still lives and enjoys remark- able health fora 1mm of eightyâ€"six. The Armstrongs a numerous, worthy and successful family, emigrated from Longtown. Cumhm'land. nearly half a century ago, and doubtlrss mum of the celebrated tribe who long ruled film de- batable land in days of yore. The writ for the new election in Que- bec East ras dcspatclled from Oltuwa, Friday ul’tcmonn, (‘Ith inst. The nomi- nation was held on \Vvdnesday, the 2135!. inst. Hon. Min Laurim' will be opposed by Mr. 'l'cm'ungeuu. The local election in Quebec Wust will be contested by Mr. Aheurn, leurul, and Mr. R. Alleyn, Conservative. EPPS’S C(lCOA.â€"GKA"1‘EF(‘L AND Cum FORTING.â€"“ By a thorough li-IOWlt‘dJlf (if the nmural laws which govern the (mem- tionauftligvslion and nutrition, and by a careful uppli union of the lino p-'()perlws nl' well-solPCIed (‘mruaq Mr l‘lpps has p m'i lwl our broulil'usl table: with a dvlicsitI-lv (luv- oured hevvmgp. which may Save us many heavy dnclm's’ bills. ' I: is by (he lellClOllS use ol‘sucli articles nfdiel 11m! :1 cuusmu- lion mm he gl'a(lli:illy.liuilt up until slmng enough to resist every tendency in dismlse. .fluudredsxol' .suhlle maladies avg flaming around us ready to :umuk “hm-ever there is a weak point. We may vsc me many a final slml'l by liveyiin: ourselves well l‘ollifietl will) pure blood and properly n’Hll'lSlV‘d llama”- Civil Service Gazelle Sul‘l only in packets lill«elll'(l~"‘lAMI-S lirrs & l 0.. Homecolmlhio Chemists. 48. Tlm-mlneedle Street, and 170. Piccadilly. Londuu.” Part of lots 22 and ‘23, in the fourth concession of Vauglmn,und tho south west qmu‘rox‘ of lot No. 24, m the 3rd mncession; also 100 news on lot 16, in the 6th (‘ODCCSSiUU of me township of Madontc. For terms le‘ly to Archith MV- Quurrie, Maple 1’. 0., or 10 D. I‘JcQunrrie, Mount St. Louis Nov. 2273-111. PROPERTY FOR SALE. By tender to the 25th (‘f December, lot No. 30, 4th concession of Markham, south east quur‘e ‘ 60 acres, more or less; about 16 acres timber qums easy. Apply to «“ AJNAJ 1s A Markham Correspondence. | AND Pharmaceuticle Clio»: ist, 3.3 Yongo street, Yorkvillu, Ontario. Importer and Dealer in Pure Drugs and {)lmmicals. French mm Eug- lish Perfumery, English nmd American Patent Medicines, Horse and Castle Mcdicine, and Drug- giat sundries of every dosariptAon. iv I IlOLD PROPERTY. Apply to C. Dunoumh, Richmond Hill, or to W. B. N1001, Solicitor, No. 4, Toronto street, Toronto. Nov. 15â€"1â€"11). ONEY T0 LOAN ON FREEâ€" HOLD PROPERTY. Apply to (I. Dunnflmh, For Sale, fourteen mares of land. more or less, in the rear line uf the lss cnncc gion of Vaughan The property belongs to Mrs. \‘x r-lls For further particulars apply to Michuel Fisher. Oct. 8â€"3-11]. 0f nix-Viv :wrvs .111 cleared, excrmt four acres‘ Lot No. 1, 3rd concession of \Vest York. Apply to Oct. 18. 1877. J. FARR, Thornhill. unfiafiififiswaa Hus now on hand a‘ good and Well selected stock Of Cloths, Tweeds, Ready-made ov. 2211:“; ” {xi BUXKER, Cshmm 120 GENTS’ FURNISHING, which he is selling Chemixfor Cash. A11 cloths zmd twceds pur- 0 used from him out free of charge. Town Hall Block, Yorkvilla Prepare Fir Winter. For Sale at Toronto Prices all manner and kind of Stovepipes, 12mm“ :3, and all kinds of Tin- ware. Drum Swves nmie (.0 Order. Luvetrough- ing and Repuixing prm'npily amended to. All Work gdzu‘laiecd at .he Richnxond Hill Tin Shop. -‘ CHARLES MASON, Oct. 11. 1877. ' Richmond Hill. Oct. 18, 1877 South Half Lot. 14. 2nd concession of the Town- ship of Scurboro, consisting of sixty acres, more or less, forty-five acres clear of stumps. High- land Creek runs through u. corner of u. lot. Good Buildings and a Splendid Orchard. Soil sandy 10mm. or pmticulurs apply to J OHN LAW, Mmlvem P. 0., Out. Sam Srtlvcvtifitmcntfi. Oct. 11, 1877 Oct. 11. 65 YON G1“. STREET, FARM F“ R S ALE. FARM FOR SALE. S. ROBINSON. HTSPEUSING Clothing, Hats, Caps, M. AN 1) RICWS ,. 1877. FOR SALE. NOTIC 1‘)! Oct 25,-3m‘ COLLINGWOUDâ€"LOT 1, IN 7th con., 200 acres; hardwood timber ; about 150 acres excellent lzmd. Price, $1,600. EDGAR J. JARVIS, Toronto. :00 acres ; superior hardwood land, six miles from Mandala, '1‘. G. and B. railway. Price, $3,000. ELGAR J. J Auvxs, Toronto street. gian Range, 261 dorms, fromng on the lake about ten miles from Owen Sound. Price, $1,200. EDGAR J. JARVIS. K 1‘? I} D., 100 acres. Price, $500. EDGAR J. J ARVIE, Toronto. “U 3rd 0011., N. T. and SR ,10’0 :Lcres; 1:5\)u.cres ; small clearing, three miles from Dundalk Station, ’I‘. G, and B. rauhmy, £5800. EDGAR JA JARVIS, ro'nto‘ I5 N. C.D., 10“ ucres, four miles from Owen Found. Price, $000. EDGAR J. JARVIS, Toronto street. ELANCTHON - LOT 23, 3rd 0011.. N. T. and SR .100 :Lcres; 1:50; 1” 4th con. N. T. and s. 12., 100 acres. Price $800J§DGAR J. J Axcvxs, Toronto. 1‘” 5th con. N. '1‘. and S. R ,100 M! I a about 20 acres uld clearing. 4,5500. EDGAR J. JARVIS, To- romo. 11100 acres. Pxice, $500. EDGAR J. J‘mvm Toronto street. M ELANCTHON â€"â€" LO’I‘ 4th con. N. T. and S. 12.. 100 m 1.91; N. '1‘. and S. R., 50 acres. Price. $325“ EDGAR J. JAM'Is, Toronto. 1"1269, iulstN. T.: 1d s. 1a., 100 acres. Price, $000. EDGARJJARV ,Toronto. 30 acres old clehâ€"ring‘ JARVIS, 'l‘eronto street. “Pi-ice, $1000.' EDGAR h ELANCTHONâ€"LOT 263 AND ' 20i,i\xr4thcox_1.S.VV_._’1.‘. nnq‘S. In, 300 acres, l 100 acres; about 4 miles from Dundalk Sta.- tion. Grey a: Bruce runway. Price, .5600. ED- GAR J. JARVIS. K ‘conq 200 no ,‘10 um clearing; soil clay loam, free {rum stun ‘, welln‘utorml; one of the host Inns in this cclelmmfed \‘zheut-growing tuwnship, )1 miles from Menford St: 'iun, Northern rzlilivuy. Price about .i 0, no" , mg to terms required. EDGAR J. JA];\ 1» Tomato street. U M}: 0011., S40 acres; small house, etc“; 2 miles from Goodwood station, Nipissin? railway; 78 acres new ground bring gr :1, with Cllnvwmn wheat. 10 acres in turnips. ob: :10 xinld 6.(=On to 8,000 bthcls. Pl‘iCI‘, with crol ‘ 15,300, one good crop will venrly pay for tho place. EDGAR J. JAm'lo‘, proprietor, Toronto street. :‘UI’HRASIAâ€"‘LO‘T 9,131; 8 com, k113i“ acres for sale, beautifully situa‘enl about fourmilns from Saul: Ste. Mario, yriucipnlly hardwood timber that sells on the American 82;“. 'm-upwurfls 0f par cord. and can be hauled over the ice in winter or 5010. #0 steam!)an puss- iug the island, whinh is (m the great hijzlnvuy of western trade; mmmd o1:p(zrtnuit_ for three or four 1‘ ends to settle togcfllqr. (Tiny or farm Pfope’rtg i3) Out, 0 would e In good. exchange. “hum. Innumw,‘ I“. 1) u’ u win 1 y, EDGAR J. JARVIS, firmiriemr, Tofonto, or R. LAIRD Saul: Ste. Mario. Ontario. PRORERTY “rim sun: UXBIDGE â€"â€" LO'l‘ 4t}: 0011.. 90 acres; smzl‘J gtnfiif1é1m€b, MideANâ€" 1 mm nnyv‘c fnv un1n hnnnfihy'flv gunnim‘i "hmm REEibfi Immense Stocks Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Shawls. CHEA PER THAN EVER. Shirlings, Shootings. Famm'y. Bleached Conan, ans, Shawls. Mumlos‘ elc., Cloths, Blunkezs, Mumwls. ince-y Shirt- ings, incey [)rvss G0 M4, Pluin and Funny Dress Bonds, vol Under ShIIls. Drawers, Mo _ :‘lc. , \VE ARE DE TERMS; ED Not to be Undersold! Ready-made _& Orderg-q CIqthing.‘ Are known and appreciated in almost every household, for thnir cheapness, excellent work- anship, and material. Dost, satisfaction guaranteed. V 7 One of lhe Langvst and Best Asmrud Stock of Cloihs in 1110 city to select. fmm. .T'l‘. VINCENT-LO'I‘ 35 IN 8 )l‘xO'I‘ON LOT 89. IN 10 (TON, DIillinery, Mantle - and Shawls, Don‘t fuil to visit our Lurge and Beautifully Arranged Show Rooms. You will find C(mstuntly on 1mm] the Very latest English, Ameliam and Paris Styles, in Bonn: t- Huts, Flowers, Feathers, Drum-«nus, ’1‘) mng etc.‘ I OUR Boots w Shoes \Ilulv v ;u'-‘. y...,_, Runemlwr thut v awe the Best Value, and ovary article warn”. Md us rcprcscn Cd. “Free Trade House,” NO. St. Lawrence Buildings. Toronto. Sept. 20, ’77.-3m EPPhLâ€"LOT 14, IN IS'I‘ CON., I{10UM()ND HILL L I V E R Y STABLES.â€"Horses and Vehicles for hire‘ Charges moderate. Opposite Sanderson 65 Sous JOHN BROWN, Proyriotor. ICPPEL â€" LOT 2 AND 3. GEORâ€" EPPEL-â€"LOT 34,1)? 2 N. C y , . \ ‘ Lot No. 20, 4th Con. East Y01'li,n.gcnt for Musmy Manufacturing (Imupuny, Newcastle. Also agent for terl'iforyof Yuk, Vaughan amd Etobicoke, for the superior (1min Drill und Lrond Cast. Seeder, nnmufnycmu'cd by the MuSSOIl Munu- incmrin ' Company, Oshawa. All orders promptly attends to. ELANCTHON â€"- LOT 293, IN V‘RTM. NASH, POST MASTER, Tmt No. 20. 4th Con. Eust York, agent [or \ ‘ - E IS, Richmond Hill, have always on hmxd the best, of beef. mutton, lamb, vuul, pork, snusugcs,ewl, and sell at the lowest prices for cash. Also corned 21ml spiced beef, smoked and dried 11 mus. The highest 11mrket price given for uttlo, sheep, lambs, etc. CPPEL~LOT 1“, TN 2ND N. C ELANCTII ONâ€"LOTS 268 AND VLKNCTHON â€"â€"- LOT 21, IN j 0 BUILDER, Sherwood, 4th Con. Vnughun, Special utthution given to Stair Building. Punctuul attention will be given to all orders. Address Maple 1’. O. FALL AMD WINTER Ladies, before buying your Fall and \Vintcr W . CANADA‘S CARTOON PAPER, A RE NOW C( :M I) '41‘1’1‘1‘}. The I .nfesr Nowdties IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, Single copies 5 cents ;’ $2 a year. KICFFER. CONT RAG LOR A ND Cheape than Ever. Millinm'y and anlefi. “cub-Nude Clothing, Gems" Furnishings, 30018 and Hmes, II. & R. PUGSLEY, BUTCH- Eitifitcllmtrmtfi. Orders received at this omc‘o “ G RI P.” "1' RAW OUR, '.L‘. BELL &, (30., 1216,1N IN 20, IN DOMINICA III HOUSE Flour and .E'eed alwvays on Hand- H ARRIVING DAILY AT GOODS DELIVERED. THE CONCRETE HOUSE New Flannels, New Winceys, New Shawls. ' New Frillings, New Lace Collars, New Dress Goods, New Black Luetresn . New Ready-made Jiothing New Tweeds, etc., etc., 6, HATS, BONNETS; ETC. 1877. The subscriber would respectfully inform his customers and the public generally that he is receiving his HfiPORTANT NOTICE! ! an until the greater part of my stock for the Autumn and Winter trade had I any idea of going out nfhusiness here. Sink-e then I have made arm the transfer ot'the capital invested at Richmond Hill to anothér establishment; consequently my Highest 1VIal-ket Price paid for Farm Produce. “hole Stock in trade here will be sold Without Reserve The stock will be renewed from time In Iimv wzlll such lending articles as may be re. quil-pd [0 keep n asgned. All Summer Gonrls.-â€"Hurness Curlains, All Wool Damask Curmins, Tassels, hile French Counterpmnâ€"s. ’l‘uilot (Savers, with a lot of other arlicles, will be SOLD A'l.‘ COST“ As can not fail DRY GO 0 D S, 12 Dozen Men and Youths’ Hats, latest fashions from the best makers ; 6 llozen White Shirts ; 6 Dozen Wove Woolen \‘hirts and Pants ; 25 Assorted 'l‘weed Suitsâ€"all prices ; 25 ()vercoats from $5 to earl) ; Ulster Coats at fabulously low prices ; Rubber coats, do ; 3 Bales Brown Cotton ; 1 Bale White Cotton ; 2 Bales Cotton GraintBags. The stock of Crockery, Glass. China; the 50st While Land and Painm made On lhis Confluent: Oils. 8:0 , WILL NOT BE RENEWED, and will be sold at cost; Sugars m cusx ; Teaâ€" Black, Green and Japan, worth 50 centsâ€"um 40 cems. Tens, do do woth 90 cents. at. 48 cents. Net pricrvs quoted fmm which no almu menl will he mnde. All accounts due on tlm 15! (If Uumbe‘r, 1876. and on llm 315i of December, 1876 will he placed in the hands of my solicilor for collection. if'not paid on m- before the 7th dav of September next Stock of Groceries Choice and Complete. I will sell the smck in a lump. and rent the shop to a responsible party. Ample credxt give upon satisfactory security being furlllh‘heu. J- K‘ FALCONBRIDGE. LATEST FALL SHAPES Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, August 22nd. 5&8 DWARE, CRGGfifiERY, GROOERIEE, A GOOD ASSORTMENT. ' FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY â€"- â€"â€"â€"â€"râ€"_â€" 77, a 1877. PROOF @TORE. PRENCIPLE RICHMOND HILL. Every Department “Tell Assorted. [Best apd CheapeSt Teas] LADIES WILL FIND AT THE CONCRETE ALL THE After lhut day no credit whmauewr will be given on any pretence. TEA. RECEIVED TEIIS DAY Highest Price for Butter and WM. ATKINSN. H to meet the views of GRANGER-S and 'mher‘ élnse buyers, 1 also beg to stale that from and ut‘wr 30Ih insh. my business will be entirely and oxelusivvly cnnducted «m the _.__\'r SUCH A I . SNIALL AI)VANCE ()N COST ! Great care will be taken this season to keep FIR‘E IMPERIAL SHADE. CHEAP PIPES Am TOBACCO, Crockery, Glassware, LAMPS, Eifififififilfis, PHISINS the Autumn and Winter trade was bought. Sim-e then] have made al't;angements for NEW STOCK 0F C. E. SHEPPARD. ISAAC CROSBY. WITH '1‘ B E U TEES, Attorneys, Soiicibors-in-Chuncery, (3130.,qu Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court. House). Toggnto. 1' mswmcs, Solicitors, Attorneys, 0110., 46 Church Street, Toronto. LGERALD, QC. 1 ' Barristers, Attorneys-M-an, Solicitors-1n- Chmwery, Conveyancers, etc. omces~Nos 2, 4 and 6 Ontario Hall, Court street, Toronto. THOMAS FERFUSPN, (2.9 JOHN BAIN. RISTERS eicn Union Block, cornei Toronto and Adelaide Sta. (opposite the new Post Office], Toronto. _. F. 05mm. JAMES BETHUNE. W. G. FALCOXBRIDGE. CHARLES Moss. N. W. Haynes. . J. H. THOM. B )"GAR, Bn’rristers, Mtorneysâ€"abâ€"Law, Solici- tors in Insolvency, etc. HEATTY, MILLER & BIGGAR, U Baxristeré, Solicitors in Chancery, Not/mics ublic, etc. Officesâ€"56 King street East; Toronto, two doors east of Toronto street. W. H. BEATTY. W. NICHOLAS MILLER. EDWARD M. CEADWICK. C. R. W. BIGGAR. D. E. THOMSON. MOND HILL, will be generally be found at home from 8 to 9 o’clock. 0.. m. Surgeon and Acéoucheu'r. Office, first (1001' north of Wright‘s Carriage Works, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. BE J * cornerof Yongc and Centre streets. Rich- mond Hill, umy be consulted personally or by ctter on 0.11 diseases of horses, cattle. etc. H orsea examined as to soundness. also bought. and sold on commission ] - MISTS and Druggists, comei‘ of Yonge and Centre strecfs, Richmond Hill. Special ut- tentiou paid to prescriptions. ‘ ‘ - SURGEON DESITIHT, has removed to 87 King street East, Toronto, over H. & C. Blnchford’s new shoe store Best mineml teeth inserted in a. manner to suit each patient. Particular attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth, carefully aw)ng n11 unnecessary pain. A. \V. SPAULDING, Assistant. . ‘ 1’ - Dentishrcsidence at Amora,will visit the following places: Richmond Hill. .. 18th of each month. Murklmm.... .. 8th do Stoufl'ville . 10th do ’I‘hornhil]. 29th do anlm .. 23rd do ALFRED BOULTBEH 7ITZGERALD & ARNQLDI, BAR. ?ERGUSON, BAIN_& ngfiyycng, QOULTBEE 8; EVATT. BARRISâ€" GEON DENTIST, thankful for the favors of the past; ten years, v may still be consulted in any branch of the profession, as follows: Aurora, lst, Shh, 16th and 22nd of each month Newmmket 7 ~ ................ ' . 2116 do Richmond Hill 9th and 24th do _ > W remo . Ye (at £11; fajifier House) Stoufiivflle N ..... 13th do Markham ..... .. 20th do Victoria Square . 212st do Thornhill 23rd do Maple .......... 26th (10 \Voodbridge . 28th (10 Kleinburg.... 29th do Nobloton . .. 30th do Anastlmtics, as Nitrous Oxide, etc.,used when ordered, and none but the best material used. Address A. ROBINSON, L.D.S., Auxom, Ont. ( he Palmer House) Stouffville .......... . Victoria Square . 3rd & 4th do 2nd do Aurora 5th do Maple” 8th do Spring . 20th do Teeth filled 111 $110.11 a manner as will permu- nently arrest the decay, or the money will be po- sitivelv rcfundou. 1130. BROWN, M.D., PHAYSICIAN W. I. . W l angl qne‘half per cent: freehold security; no commlssmn. I‘ll W Security of Improved Fauna. Interest 8 per cent. No commission. FITZGERALD 6; ARNOLDI, Solicitors, 46 Church Street, Toronto. l-Vl mortgage of ftmn property, at eight per cent. interest, in sums to suit borrowers. No com- mission. Apply to BLAKE d: KINGSFORD, 10 Adelaide St. East. Toronto. R’IONEY TO LOAN AT SEVEN ETHUNE, OSLEM MOSS,]3AR. IVl IVIONEY TO LEND ON FIRST mortgage of farm property, at eight per “1 LOAN 0N mgr-cuss MORTGAGE SECURI- TYrâ€"in sums from $500 upwards. A ply to M TEEFY, N. LYNETT, (as executors o the estate of the late Martin Brennan.) Richmond Hill. Pv/IONEY TO LEND.â€"$2,000 TO LOAN 0N mgr-cuss )IOR'EGAGIJ_SECCI_L[- Richmoml Hill HON. G140. XV. ALLAN, Senator, Prosiflent. George G coderth .................. Vice-President. DIRECTORSâ€"Sulnuel Flatt, M.P., Wm. G-oodor- 1mm, G30. W. Lewis, Thus. H. Lee, Hon. 1). L. Mucphcrson, Sexmtor. Capital, $51,000,000; reserve Fund R TomlAssets, 2,500,000 " . $281.00 ES Monéy received on deposit, and interest pay- ublg half y‘etu‘ly qr compounded. “__L.; The whole Assets of the ()ompzmy are invesbed on the security of Real Estate and Municipal De- bentures, thereby giving the de ositors unâ€" doubted security for all money 19 t with this Company EA1"1‘Y,’(IIIADWICK>_& This Company advances Money on the security of improved City or Country Property, X‘s-payable by means of n. Sinking Fund, Whlch is found to be the surest and easiest mode of repaying 8.1mm. LS’ Sm ou_r reduged 1053.11 mble.‘ H. SANDERSON, V.S., G.T.V.CA., MFo?furt/her iifdrrifiu‘tion apply at at the Offices of the Commmv. WALTER. S. LEE. Manager H on. D. L. MacPherson, ON THE Public Expendlture, AND SPEECHES BY The Hon. Alex. MacKelizie, . JAS. LANGSTAFF, RIGH- SANDERSON & SONS, CHE ONEY FOR INVESTMENT ON ROSE, MACDONALD & MERRITT, 78 King Street East, Toronto. AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Officesâ€"N0. 70 Church street, Toronto. SA VINGS B iNK BRANCH. SSTERN CANADA L 0 A N For Sale at the HERALD Office. ROGERS, L.D.S., VISITS SPEECHES 1‘) R Ann? H. MYERS MONEY T0 LOAN. M. WELLS, SUB GEON gamma. 335mm. “gisutzd. giant-avg. . A. ROBINSON. SUR 0. ADAMS, L.D.S., BY THE WM. Won'rs EV‘ATT. 1st of each month. FRANK ARNOLDI. hich will be sold for cash only, at. the very lowest, pri'ce. Call and see. New designs of. Room Papers. A large assortment of indow Blinds. IIoiJs'é Furnishing Department complete. Picture Frame-3&1de to order. Large Stock of Furniture Always on Hand. STOVES! STOVES! THE GREATEST WONDER 0F MODERN TIMES. The Pills purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidney»; and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. ~ The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers of how- ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Diptheria, Coughs, Golda, G out, Rheumatism, and all Skin Disousos it 113.5 no equal. Spurious imitations of “Holloway’s Pflls and Ointment" are manuiuctured and sold under the name of “ Holloway 65 00.." by J. F. Henry, lurrzm 6: Co., Druggists, and also by the Metropolitan Mo- rlicine Company of New York,with an assumod trade mark. thus - 3 â€"Again one Jos- eph Haydock, of ; \‘ew York, like- wise passes off counterfeits of his own make under the name of “Holloway & 00.," having for a trade mark (L Crescent and serpent; McKossen 6: Robbins of New York are agents for the same. These persons, the better to deceive '011 Im- blushingly Caution the Public in the sma. books of directions utfixod to their Medicines, whlcil are really the spurious imitations, to Beware of Oounterfeits. Unscrupulons Dealers obtain them at verg low prices and sell them to the Public in Calm a as my genuine Pills and Ointment. I most earnestly and respectful] appeal to tho Clergy, to Mothers of Famllies am other Ladies. :md to the Public generally of British North America, that thev may be pleased to denounce unsparingly these frauds. Purchasers should look to the Label on the l’ots and Boxas. It the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are the Counterfeits. Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines, bears the British Government Stampwith the words "HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND Om'x‘mm'r, LONDON." engraved thereon. On the label is the address, 533. OXFORD STREET, LONDON, where alone they are Manufactured. IE? Pnrties who may be defrauded by Vendo selling spurious “ Hollowuy’s Pills and Oint meat," as of my gouine m:ch, shall on communi eating the mrticulurn to me, be amply remuner- ated, and 1; air must never divulged. Tick Destroyer Kills the Ticks, Enriches the Quantity and Quality of Its use costs less than two cents per sheep. FLOUR AND FEED. GOODS DELIVERED. 1)- BEWARE OF . NEW YGRK CfiUN'l‘ERFEI’l‘S. $3,250.40 worth of space in various newspapers distributed through thirty States, will be sold for $700 rcrgsh. Accurate~ ig1§ ‘tions want 1 A u_. A". “1.1" 1,. Yoi‘k‘ MELTUN GOOD ADVERTISING set Shirt Stiuls, L Hezwy Plain Ri: xnrmd Pin. Ré $100,000 stock 1111 ' trained catalogue 05, em, sent with watchgood time {we to all agents MONTREAL NOVELE‘Y CO Patent Eave-trough 85 Watersyout FOR THE DOMIXION, At 556 per hundred feet. Also Flooring and other lumber dressed; sup buckets, pails, cider mills " "Ming nmchinos, shingles, Folloes, suwn and , 32‘2': "J Moria! for buggies and sleighs. h v “iculars address JOHN LANGSTAFF, team Mills. Lungstafif 13.0 Fresh, Large, and well selected Stock of Gretzeries 53f. oer. m Enid foTtHé’CEHBE}; Voifvi’o'rk: Orders iglicited. Residence, Maple Leaf Hotel, Befiord, nt. J Auctioneer for the county of York, respect: ully solicits your mtronafie and friendly influ- epce; Sales ut-tsmc ed on t o shortest notice and at reasonable rates. 1?. 0. Address, King.- AMES 0. STOKES, LICENSED ~ Auctioneer for tho countyof York. respect: *7 Auctioneer for the Count}; of'York, resyecb- fully solicits ‘y‘our‘pgmtirouaga and friendly mflu; ,. . ,, u. _ -u “4.--; _ ,u‘; __ 3.353. "E eskétéfié’cibfi"? EMEEflce“ {521$ gt {6&8 bio rates. P. . address, Watering SAMUEL M. BROWN,- LICENSED Anetioneer for the Countv of York. respect,- Square [‘HOMAS POUQHER, NLICENS_E_I_) 4110319):- the Wool, and Improves the MILLER’S Glass of all Sizes, Condition of the Sheep. THE “ PEOPLE’S STORE HUGH MILLER. & 00., Signed, Agricultural Oh em ists Toronto. ‘aims of all Colors, Paint Oil, Machine Oiis', etc, 010., ‘ . f' V \Ve will send Mn .10 Lenls to my ad. dress, 1 elegant gent's Watch (11min with seal, 1 pair Sleeve Buttons,1 set Shirt Studs, 1 Collar Button, 1 Hezwy Plain Ring.1 Persian Dia- mond Pin. Retail price, 553,00. $100,000 stock must be sold. Illus~ [trained catalog}? of jewary, {@320}: OF ALL KINDS AND SIZES. JUST RECEIVED Es, 8E6;Eéfiiyéiih‘éiéry’loif Silver watc)1,goodthna keeper. $4. W'utch free to all agents. guttiuneew. THOMA S HOLLO WAYifl A LA RGE STOCIC minim“, MONTREAL. Brushes of All Kinds, Garden Tools of all kinds. J. BROWN, in returning thanks to the public foi‘ their very liberal support during the five years 116 has been in business, would, at the same time; call their attention to his Large Stock of SPRING GOODS Ladies’ and Gent/cmm’s Boots and Shoes. Misses’ and Childrcns’ Slippers, At very low prices for Cash; “Ontario Henge.” GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Lard, Bacon, Earns, Pom oes. Field 85 Garden Seeds, Clover, Timothy. Flux, Tares, Hungarian and Mille! Seed, selecled from the best importers and growers in Canada. N. tilâ€"As I mu determined to sell cheap fox" cush,_th§ public wi}1”suve money by exammiug‘ nnnuym 6111- stock. FLOUR & FEED, Oatmeal, Cornmeul, Peas, Oats, Bran, Shoris. Strictly Cash. All kinds of Farm EZduCe taken at Market Prices. T HOS. Spaaes. Shoveis, Hoes, Gan-den Rakes, Nuild’ WATCHES 88 KING STREET EAST TORONTO; new edition of Dr. Culver-i well’s celebrated Essay. on the RADICAL AND PERMANENT cums (without medicine) of Ner‘ vous Debility, Mental and Physi- cal Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. w Price, in a sealed envehme, only 6 cents; or t‘YQ‘pogtgg'a atmpps. , ALA n ‘F‘nomr. v-u: llufluwsu .. The eelubrated author, in his admirable Essay.- clearly demonstrates, from thirty yem‘s’ succesm in] practice, that alarming consequences may be'. radically cured without the dangerous use of internml medicine or the application of the knife; pointing one It mode of cure at once simple. oer: min and effectual, by means; of which every suf‘ fen-er, no matter what; his couditit n m'SLy be, may cure higuplfi cheaplyapriyzimgly {md rnd‘imllv. , LL. cure 11112113611 cuenyl)’, [Juvqu uuu. lwulvlwu) . [3? This lecture should be m the hands of every youth and every man in the 1am}. Address ‘ THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL C0., Post Office Box 4536. Choice Teas, Sugars, C’ofl‘ees. Shines. Christie (£- wan's His-cum. Wholesale and Retail. HARDWARE, Dresden. Hall! GREAT CLEARANCE SALE ..OF,.. ‘HE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN Crockery,G-1assware, Lamps,- e'tc’.. eta, I’m-mots and chiefs will do WeIi to‘ call on before purchasing elsewhere. KNQW ? THYSELE 1)!) k ever issued, cunueu SE F-PRESERVATION Priceonlysl. Sentbymnil on receipt of price. . It treats of Exhausted Vitality, Premature Dcclmc, Nervous and Physical chility, and the endless concomitant ills and untold miseries that result therefrom, and contains more than 50 original mm. ecri tions. any one of which is Worth the price of the 00k. This book was written by Ike most ex; tensivo and probably 1110 most slzilful practitioner‘ in America, (0 whom was awarded a gold and jaw- cllcd medal by the Nmional Medical Associatiom A Pamphlet, jllusxrutcd with ibc very fincsfi Steel Engravin 5â€"3 mm- vel of an an beautyâ€" sent FREE to 911. Send for it at once. Address PEABODY MEDICAL " INSTITUTE, No. 4 Dal-T finch St" Boston. Mass. W. F. R088 8!. CO. Toront'o, éept’. 27. 1577‘ 7 ' ~ATâ€"-‘â€" Twenty per Cent Discount CLEVERD‘ON & MARTIN, STEM-WINDING MISERY. RAIN TlLE, OF THE DESI? NEW PATTERNS. RUSSELL CORNELL & 00.,- QUALITY AT LCELEBRATED NEW P. G. SAVA GE; SUCCESSORS T0 “'9, have recyggy pillglisped a: At the 7130‘s. mmrxmm'sfis 13y reading and bractlcmfl the incstimuble mulls couâ€"' mined in the best mcdica boquc: ‘fisucd,cufitle¢; mrn‘ IMPORTERS, 1'2 & 24 King 312;, Tor'dfiéd; & SONS’ Ann St. New York BROW’N. Yasmin!

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