Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 28 Mar 1878, p. 3

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6!. .4 m- ‘Althongh not at present a member ofthe ' for them in their present difficulties; . tle. demonstrations. Our columns are open to atalr Discussion of all subjects, without prejudice. THE BAND QUESTION. Richmond Hill, March 15, 1878. To the Editor of The Herald :â€" SIR,â€"I have been given to under- stand that one of the leading Reformers of the village has been donning some of the members of the band for the rent ofthe hall where they practice. This may seeml'to be all correct at first Sight, but on closer examination it shows as glaring a piece of inconsistency and inâ€" justice as I have ever seen. If the band is indebted to any one for rent, they certainly have a right to pay it, and will, without doubt, do so : but it ill- heeomes a “leading Reformer" to make a practice of dunning those whom he and his friends are indebted to. There is a great deal of expense connected with the keeping up of a. band, and, of course, there are other claims besides rent which must also be met. Now. would it not be more sensible, more honest, and more in accordance with the spirit of British justice and fair play, if the gentleman who has been making himself so very busy in this matter, would turn his energies into another channel, and see what he could accomplish in the way of getting that “little account” of $19, (which the Re- formcrs owe the hand for playing at Unionville) settled. If he should be prevailed upon to ihui exert himself, there can be no doubt but what the amount would he quickly raised, for he is one who laughs at difficulties sufficient to confound an ordina y mortal. Should‘ he, in his wisdom, see fit to raise this $l9 (and interest) there would be no more trouble about the rent. The band boys are, I have every reason to believe, an honest lot of fellows ; and this “lead- ing Reformer” or his friends should not imagine that because they repudiated their obligation, that the band intend to act equally dishonorable. Just give the band what they worked hard for, and they will endeavor to make it go as far be possible in the way Ofsettl'ng accounts, band [have a good deal of sympathy they must have a very hard time to make both ends meet, as there is cons siderablc expense piling up constantly, and nothing coming in to meet it. No one in the village; I am sure, wishes to , see the band godown ; but if they me not paid what they honestly earn, how can they succeed; how pay their obli- gltions f , The Council should assist them a lit‘ In other villages I noticed Bands are given grants of fifty and onehiindred dollars. New, I think the village fathers should, at least, give them a .hall frec,-â€"-sec that their rent was paid. They have quite Enough to pay without this. Hoping the matter Will be taken into consideration. I remain A LOVER 0E JUsriCE. 3‘ ' ANTIâ€"TREATING. ' To ’th'e'Editor of the Herald. - DEAR. SIR,-â€"â€"Yes, this is a comparaâ€" tively novel heading for a letter but its just the right word in the proper place, for my purpose is, with your permission, to draw the attention of your readers to a society now ' forming near you,â€"-I mean the “Teston Anti treating Brother- hood.” Two years ago this month an Anti treating Society was formed in All Saints parish in this city, and the notices of its meetings which appeared from time to time in the daily'( papers. attracted the attention of Mr. Jas. Armstrong, of Teston, who with several other gentle- men will now endeavor to establish a society which will I believe, commend itself to a very large majority of the people in whose midst it will exist. The hab‘t ot treating in this country has attained such a degree of power, if 1 may use the words, that it is trouble- some and very often, as many a man can unfortunately testify, exceedingly dan- gerous. Everybody knows the cus- tomary mode of procedure in a bar-room gr saloon, so it is unnecessary to mention it here; further than to say that. those most likely to oppose the system of shutting down on all giving 0: receiving of treats in taverns and saloons, are the loafers who hang about such places on the chance of having a. drink at; some other man’s expense. The men who keep taverns in the country, I am sure do not Want to become rich at the rx- pense of other people’s bodies and souls, and I can readily imagine that they will be rather pleased than otherwise to have their houses rid of those loungers of Whom I have just Spoken. There can be no doubt of the evil occasioned by treating, and I have little hesitation in s’a'yipg that many a man becomes drunk purely to accommodate his friends who having accepted his offered drink‘feel compelled to treat him back again. I wish the 'l'eston Society every suc- cess, and hoping soon to hear of kindred associations being established all over our country. I. am yours truly, C. J. AGAR, Secretary. All Saints’ Anti treating Socy. Toronto, March 16, 1878. .. F IR E 1877. ' PROOF STORE. The subscriber would respectfully inform his customers and the public generally. that he is] receiving his EALL AND WINTER STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY G OODS, Great care will be taken this season to keep Every Department Well Aesorted. H HARDWARE, GROOKERYJ GROOERIES, A GOOD ASSORTMENT. lSAAC CROSBY. ‘3‘ FALCONBRIDGE Is desirious of keeping before his customers and others the fact that the whole of his stock of DRY GOODS Will from this date he SOLD AT- ,COST FOR CASH. Call and examine the Goods. He begs to give a list of some of the leading articles in stockâ€"«ll new and in the best orderâ€"no damaged goods. , Woolen Yarns, all wool and union Elannels. 8x4 and 4x4 woolen shawls. Breakfast Shawls, Nubias. A very nice variety of ladies’ and childrens’ fashion- able Gloves and Hosiery. ‘ Ladies’ Dress Goodsâ€"newest colors. Prints, Cotions, Black Crape Goods. Black and Gold Velvet Trimmings. Ribbons, Laces,-â€"-Silk, Satin and Ecru Ties. Ladies’ Satchels, Fur Sets, Carpeting, &c. Men‘s Underclothing and Hosiery ; Men’s Dress Shirts, Felt Hats, Collars,Cufi's, Ties, Bows, etc. Men’s Ulster and other Overcoats. Men’s Tweed Suits and Overalls. Tweeds, Broadcloths, Beavers, &c. Marseilles Quilts and Toilet Covers. Tassels in Scarlet, Crimson and Green, Scarlet and Gold. Damask Tablings. Tickings. Most ofthe above goods, besides ahundred other articles not ennnmerated will be sold at least TWENTY PER CENT UNDER REGULAR RATES. Lan-ps, Glass, Crockery ware and Wall Papers. BEST WHITE LEAD IN TOWN, LINSEED OIL AND TURPENTINE, ALL AT COST FOR. CASH The stock will be disposed of, and shop rented to a desirable purchaserâ€"terms of credit liberal. Parties who have open accounts can buy on the usual credit terms and at credit prices, payable on the First of october nest. No new accOu’nts' will he opened. ' Lace and Damask Window Curtains. Curtain holders in Green and Gold, and IVhite and Brown Sheetings. Striped Richmond Hm, Feb. 7th J” K' FALQONBRIDGE’ HARDWARE ! HARDWARE :- arfl'uvafioe 3 AJ‘ull Astortttient of Hardware, of every description at THE CONCRETE HOUSE CARPENTERS" TOOLS, from the BEST MAKERS ! iii iiiiiii inc "mi iiiscri iii Hand. Always: On An Inspection Solicited. ____. Will find it to their Advantage to: Buy H01=LSE NAILS“ l At. the Concrete. All sizes constantly on hand. W. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill, Feb. 1st, 1877 P1 DOMINIIIN T . 1 HOUSE' TRENCH Does not intend that-it shall i / TEA / LOOSE ITS REPU'l'AT'lONK. A few quotations will show the public that he is determined not to be undersold : CHEST / THE Sugar, from 103, to 12 lbs for $1. Has again opened out a large sack of THE TEA CHEST Elliot. 1877. BOULTBEE & EVATT. HARRIS- TERS, . Attorneys, Solicitors-in-Chnncery, etc, 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), Toronto. ALFRED BOULTBEE. WM. Wonrs Iivmrrr. ERGUSON, BAIN & MEYERS, Barristers, Attorneys-at-an, Solicitors-in- Chancery, Conveyancers, etc. Offices*Nos. 2, 4 and 6 Ontario, Hull, Court street, Toronto. THOMAS FERFUSON, Q.C. J OHN BAIL. ADAM H. MYERS. ' ETHUNE,OSLERSLMOSS,BAB- RISTERS, etc, Union Block, corner Tor onto and Adelaide Ste. (opposite the new Post Otiice), Toronto. F. OSLER. W. G. FALCONBRIDGE. N. W. HOYLES. ‘ JAMES BETHUN’E. CHARLES Moss. J. H. THOM. BEATTY, CHADWICK & BIG- GAR, Barristers, Attorneys-solitary, SOIIUI tors in Insolvency, etc. EATTY, MILLER & BIGGAR Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, Notariei ublic, etc. Officesâ€".56 King street East, Toronto, two door east of Toronto street. W. H. BEATTY. W. NICHOLAS MILLER. EDWARD M. CHADWICK. C. R. W. BIGGAR. D. E. THOMSON. allotted. R. JAS. LANGS’I‘AFF, RICH- ! MOND HILL, will be generally be found I at home from 8 to 9 o'clock, a. 1n. ' i E0. BROWN, M.D., PHY SICIAN Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office, first door north of V‘Vright’s Carriage Works, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. II. SANDERSON, vs, G.T.V.C., ‘ corner of Yonge and Centre streets, Rich- mond Hill, may be consulted personally or by otter on all diseases of horses, cattle, etc. Horses examined as to soundness, also bought and sold on cémmission _,___ H SANDERSON & SONS, CHE. MISTS and Dniggists, corner of Yonge and Centre streets, Richmond Hill. Special at tention paid to prescriptions. 7 S. ROBINSON, DISPENSING V .AND Pharmaceutical Chemist, 35 Yonge street, Yorkville, Ontario. Importer and Dealer in Pure Drugs and Chemicals French and Eng- lish Perfumery, English and American Patent Medicines, Horse and. Cattle Medicine, and Drug- gist sundries of every description. i“"“"“a.......:‘ ‘ c. ADAMS, L.D.S., SURGEON DENTIST, has . removed to 87 King street East, Toronto, over H. & C. Blochford's new shoe store Best mineral teeth inserted in a. manner to suit ertch patient. Particular attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth, carefully avoing n11 unnecessary pain. A. W. SPAULDING, Assistant. M. WELLS, SURGEON Ii 1 ' Dentist, residence at Aurore, will wait the following places: Richmond Hill ......... .. 18th of each month. Markham ..... 8th do Stoufl'ville 10th do Thornliill.. 20th do 232d. (10 It. A. ROBINSON. SUR , GEON DENTIST, thankful . , '5- for the favors of the past ten yours, I ' '0“ may still be consulted in any branch of the profession, as follows: Aurora, 1st, 8th, 16th and 22nd of each month Newmerket .................. 2nd do Richmond Hill 9th and Zith do (at the Palmer House) ' Stoutfivule .. ‘ ;.. 15th do Markham ........ . 20th do Victoria. Squat . 213i". do Thornhill . . 23rd do Maple ....... . 26th do Woodbridg . 28th do Kleinburg, 29th do Nobletcii . 30th do Anesthetics, itrous Oxide, etc, used when ordered, and none but the best material used. Address A. ROBINSON, L.D.S., Aurora, Ont. WI; ROGERS, nos, VISITS Richmond Hill: (at the Palm 1st of each month. 3rd & 4th do 2nd do 5th do 8th do do Teeth filled in such it manner as will perms.- nently arrest the decay, or the money will be pa- sitivelv refunded. goddamn“. HOMAS POUCHER, LICENSED AUCTION~ ear, in and for the County of York. Orders pplicitcd. Residence, Maple Leaf Hotel, Belford, n . JAMES C. STOKES, LICENSED Auctioneer for the county of York, respect- ully solicits your patronage and friendly influ- ence. Stiles attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. P. 0. Address, King. AMUEL M. BROWN, LICENSED L Auctioneer for the County of York, respectâ€" fully solicits your pntronage 5‘ friendly influ- euce. at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, Square. ‘ Sales attended on the shortest notice and Victoria: élliawllmwmta. RICHMOND HILL LIVE RY . STABLES.â€"Horscs and Vehicles for hire. Charges moderate. Opposite Sanderson dc Sons JOHN BROWN, Proprietor. . ' M. NASH, Posr MASTER, Lot No. 20,4th Con. East York, agent for Massey Manufacturing Company, Newcastle. Also agent for territory of York, Vaughan and A LARGE STOOIi OF STOVESZ srovEs: OF ALL KINDS AND SIZES, JUST RECEIVED AT THE New designs of Room Papers. A large assortment of Furnishing Department complete. “ PEOPLE’S STORE ” hich will be sold for cash only, at the very lowest price. Call and see. iniloW Blinds. House Picture Frames made to order. Large Stock of Furniture AlWays on Hand. Paints of all Colors, Paint on, Machine Oils, etc, etc., I A Fresh, Large, and well selected Stock of th'oceries Glass of all Sixes, Brushes of All Kinds, Garden Tools of all kinds. FLO UR AND FEED. GOODS DELIVERED. P. e. SAVAGE. HORSE Season 01“ 1878. ORSEMEN all acknowledged last Season that the Best LES. Horse Bills in this neighborhood were those printed at the office of the HERALD. We didta. large business in this line last year, and have prepared for still larger demands this season. Bring iii YouTâ€"iéers Early. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. in ' 1' ~12: “ ONTARIO HOUSE.” c- R E a T Eli R e. a. i N s I- Offered to the Public . IF YOU WANT . CHEAP GEOGERES! Call at J. BROWN’S. ll YOU WANT CHEAP BUUlSflHflES, [3111 II J. BROWNS. If You want Cheap FLOUR. LE FEED, Call at J. Brown's. If You want Cheap Crockery & Glassware, Call at J. Brown’s. If You wéfiticHOlCE CLOVER and TIIVIOTHY SEED, call at J. Brown’s If You want FRESH GARDEN SEEDS, call at J. Brown's. If You want a. GOOD LIVERY RIG. CALL AT T. BELL begs to inform the Public that on account of the death of his Partner, the Whole Stock Must be Disposed (it At (lace. This will be found a. rare opportunity to get REAL DRY GOODS. llllllllllll, llll'l'flllll} Gents’ Furnishings, Boots and. Shoes, Every Article Must be turned Into CASH. NO RESERVE. Great Sale NOW Going On. EGG-o At Oncecgn Etobicoke, for the superior Grain Drill and Broad Cunt Seeder, mnnufactured by the Musson Mariu- fncturing Company, Oshawa. All orders promptly attended to; , “V H. & R. PUGSLEY, BUTCH- ' Q ERS, Richmond Hill, have always on hand the best of beef, mutton, lamb, veal, pork, sausages, etc., and sell at the lowest prices for cash. Also corned and spiced’beef, smoked and attle, sheep, lambs, etc. Teas, from 45 cents, and upwards. B KEFFER. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Sherwood, 4th Con. Vaughan, Special ntthntlon givendzo Shah- Building. Piiiictunl attention will be given to all orders. Address Maple P. 0. GOOD ___________. NOTED FOR GOOD TEA FRESH GROCERIES. ADVERTISING ‘ We will send it or 50 Cents ., .n, .d. dress, 1 elegant gent's Watch Chain ‘ with seal, pair Sleeve Buttons, 1 set Shirt Studs, 1 Collar Button, 1 J watchgood time keeper. $4. Watch free to all agents. Heavy Plain Ring, 1 Persian Din.- $100,000 stock must be sold. Illus- MGH‘TREAL NOVELTY CO.. trnted catalogue of jewelry, watch- mend Pin. Retail price, 333,00. es, etc., sent with every lot. Silver Expositions, MONTREAL. Try our new Tea at 45‘ and 50 Cents per lb. Will guarantee it to give satisfaction. Coffee, from 25 cents to 40 cents per pound Flour and Feed, Oats Barley and Peas, constantly on hand Oysters, All kinds of' Canned Fruit, Pickles; etc.,â€"â€"all Fresh. Coal Oil, Machine Oil, Farmer’s Produce Taken in Exchange. Goods Delivered. G. THENCE Axle grease, etc., which will be sold for the lowest cash price. $8,250.40 worth of sppce i‘n‘ ,vnriou‘s newspapers distributed through i; irty States, will be sold for $700 cash. Accurate insertions guaranteed. A ist of the papers, giving daily and weekly circula- tion and printed schedule of rates, sent free on application to GEO. P. HOWELL &-CO.,News- gap]? Advertising Agents, No. 14,Pnrk Row New or » PPRENTICE T r PRINT (figG'Business wanted im ‘1 lately at this Aud Secure the Greatest Bar- “gains ever ofiwed in Toronto. N0. 2 St Lawrence Building . dried hams. The highest market price given for ‘ W M A N H O O D : How LOST; How BESTORED. We have recently published a new edition of Dr. Culver- “ i well’s celebrated Essay » on the RADICAL AND PERMANENT CURE (without medicine) of Ner- vous Dehility, Mental and Physiâ€" l cal Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. IE? Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents, or two postage stniiips. The celebrated author, in his admirable Essay, 1 t’ clearly deinoristrntes,.from thirty years' success- ful practice, that alarming consequences may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife, pointing; one a. mode of cure at once simple, cer- tain and efiectual, by means of which every suf- ferer, no matter what his conditir u may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. L’s" This lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. A Address V - THE CULVERWEL‘L MEDICAL 00.. . Post Oflica Box 4586. 41 Ann St. New York N’ E. HE GREATEST WONDER OF MODERN TIMES. The Pills purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. The Ointinontis the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers of how- ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Diptheriii, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. ‘ BEWARE OE NEW TOM. CIlUTl'l‘illtlt‘lill‘S. Spurious imitations of “Holloway’s Pills Ointment” are mntniiinctured and sold under name of “ Holloway 6: C ” by J. F. Henry, Curer a: (10., Druggists, ' and also by the dicine Company . assumed trade â€"Agiiin one Jos- fut; New York, like oouiitcrfeits of his own make go " under the name of “Holloway dc ' 00.,” having for a. trade mark a Crescent and serpent; Meliesseii & Robbins of New York ore agents for the same. Metropolitnu M e- of New Yorlgwith iiiiirk, thus 51 cph Huydoek, Of .3, wise passes off These persons, the better to deceive you im- blushiiigly Caution the Public in the smnll books of directions affixed to their Medicines, whicl. are really the spurious imitations, to Beware of Counterfeits. Unscrupulous Dealers Obtain them at very low prices and sell them to the Public in Canada. as my genuine Pills rind Ointment. I most earnestly [mil respectfully appeal to the Clergy, to Mothers of Families and other Ladies, and to the Public geiiormlly of British North America, tbvit they may be pleased to denounce liners-ring} y these frauds. I’urchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. It the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are the Counterfeits. Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines, bears the British Government Stamp, with the words “ HOLLovaY's PILLS AND OINTMENT, LONDON,” engraved thereon. On the label is the address, 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, whore alone they are Manufactured. lie“ Parties who may be defrauded by Vendor: selling spurious “ Hollowuy‘s Pills and (lint. ment,” as of my geuino make, 51111.11 on communi eating the particulars to me, be ninply remuner- ated, and their names never divulged. Signed, THOMAS HOLLOWAY LODNON J n n .{. Patent Eave-trough 8; Waters p out FOP» THE DOMlNlON, At $6pei‘ hundred feet. Also Floorinigv‘nnd'oth‘ot: lumber dressed; sap buckets,pails, cider mills washing machines, shingles, Folloos, sown and BENT material for buggies and sleighs. I For particulars address , JOHN LANGSTAFF.‘~ -. , 1 Steam Mills. Luusstufl Po ONEY TO LOAN AT ssvnri. “i L and one-half per cent: freehold secufityf no commission. ROSE, MACDONALD a MERRITT, 78 King Street East, Toronto. MONEY r0 LEND ON FIRST: 1 - mortgage of form property, at eight per, cent. interest, in sums to suit borrowers. No com- mission. Apply to BLAKE & KINGSFORD: 10 Adelaide St. East. Toronto. 7 ' w A ‘\ I -. ' j R ONEY ,TO LEND.â€"$2,000 TO, LOAN ON FIST-CLASS MORTGAGE SECURE TYâ€"il’l sums from $500 upwards. Apply to 11' he estate” TEEFY, N. LYNETT, (as executorso of the late Martin Brennan 1 Richmond Hill. _._... p, ONEY T0 LOAN 0N FREE.- - HOLD PROPERTY. Apply to c. Duncumbf Richmond Hill, or to W. B. Nicol, Solicitor, No. of Toronto street. Toronto.- Nov. loâ€"l-m. ,7ESTEEN CANADA LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY. , , i” ‘ Officesâ€"No. 70 Church street, Toronto. HON. GEO. ALLAN, Seniatbr, Presideiifi'aw , George Gooderhmn ..... Vice-Presidmig. DiRiicroRsâ€"Samuel Pl , M.P., Wm.:Gooder;, hmn, Geo. W. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, Hon. D. L; Mncpherson, Senator. Capitol, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund,‘ $280,500” Total Assets, $2,500,000 , SA VINGS RINK BRA Nam, W, Money received Ori deposit, and interest inf; able half yearly or compounded. . The whole Assets of the Company are invested: on the security of Real Estate and Municipal Def. Dentin-as, thereby giving the do ositcrs um, doubted security for all money 19 t with this MONEY TU LOAN. Company. This Compaixyndvunces Money on the security, of improved City or Country Property, re-puyubla, by means of u. Sinking Fund, Whichii found to be, the surest and easiest mode of repaying a. loan; I33” Soc our reduced loan table. . . For further information apply at at; the Offices. of the Company. WALTER S. LEE Manager I ' 3‘ ciiiiliiiiiiiiiii . 1 .,; " ~ I . M. AND REWS l, , , Has new on hand a. good and. W611 selected {£01ch or Oloths, Twee‘ds, Ready-made Clothing, Hats", Caps. GENTS’ FURNISHING, which he is! skiing" Cheap for Cash. All cloths and tweed: pur- chosed from him out free of charge. 65 YONGE STREET" Oates 3-in’.“ THUS. RUSSELL ‘ a SONS” CELEERATED STEM-WINDI'NOE ‘WA T C II E S new carriers. w. 5-": rides a. co.”t snOOESSOits' ro ORNELL & COL, 88 KING STREET EAST SBOJppV patio in at so} NOS ‘ll’fl 0: mun anon ,‘ until sâ€"s manning 10mg 193‘“! 519A .0111 film Pamllmlll ‘lallldumd V moi pun mos n papicmi sum inqu or ‘eapaurv up Jouogiponsd lungs isoux on) Ktqnqoid pun onisuu yo cupid om rpon s! irring ,io one up ‘suon in! and [nurfigio 09 um: 9.10m summon pue'moguaq). Seamus sin pun ‘Kmich {cogsdqq pus snouo ; ‘ouqaoq DJHJ'UITIOJJ ‘AmuiiA psisneingyo 91118.1 popan ‘poussi lane nooq [corpora isoq oqi uipougm . i buxommd pun Surpass Kg 4 ' ‘ 'mm mime "Is tiouii' 1'1“! 9 WI ‘E‘LHLILSNI 'IVOICIEIN 10051le -â€"&inseq 3pm! 11c 30 ran. 'uoimioossv {com-em {auction out .(q [spam pans vxo asom nip Kq (tents/u Sim :[ooq is; $100 or]; ainsox seq} sapasiw prelim pun em annagmoauoa a]: ' tecpd yo edgocoi uo [rum .(q mag is; $1110 sepia NOILVAQIEESfllId-c‘l’lfiis urea sigma orqnmiisarii an} - MI LLER’SI Tick Destr’Oyer’ Kills the Ticks, Enrichcs the Quantity and Quality 0 the Wool, and Inipr'oves :the : Condition ofthe Sheep.) Its use costs less than tw -» cents per :slieep‘. HUGH MinLEE a 00., 531. Agricultural Chemists Toronto. DRAIN TILE, OF THE‘ BES QUALITY AT H , mos. NIGHTINGALE’SJ Yorkvillo WM. GRAVE Specific Medicine The Great English Rem .,... ., only is especially recOm- _, . ' mended as an unfailing - ‘ cure for Seminal Weld ness, Spermntorrhen, I ' potency, arid all disâ€" eases thet‘follow as a. se- quence of self Abuse, as loss of Memory, Univer- . "gsnl Lassitude,’Psin in the Back, Diniriess of vision, Premature old rage, a. many other diseases that lead to sanity or Cc sum ticfn',nnd n premature grave, all of which a. In e nré'flrst caused by deviating from the pa of naturé and over indu game. The specific Medicine is the result of a. 1 study and miu‘ y years of experience in trenti these specie, },diseascs. Pamphlets free by me. The Specific-Medicine is sold by all Druggi at l per package, or six packages for $5, wit .bo Sent by mail on receipt of the money, addressing, V p _ r was. CRAY somrwmesoeao 53’ S.1d ’ Riel . .0. l l-I‘ll. b 11 v g. l o in 171“ ’lL l ‘ I‘yfia élgeggsfi bortliro p and Lyman, Toronto, Isle

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