The Clmirmmpmead a commuhication from ‘he Deputy Minisier of Education, dated February, 1878,â€"setling forth 1he particulars of the Government Grant to the High School forthe last half of the your 1877, as Iollowa:â€"â€" v “Fixed Grant" . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200 00 "Average" 37 at 50 centsâ€.. . 18 50 “On Inspection†. . . . . . . . . . . . 46 40 _"Upper School Attendanceâ€. . 27 50 Total for halfâ€"year. .. $292 40 Two communications were rend from the Provincial Treasurer, dated respectively 4th and 5th March, 1878.â€"~re1ating tn cheques enclosed to Chairman of the Baird on account of purchases of Mapaem. The Sécret’ary réad the minutés of 6:11 of February. which were approved. The following accounts were read.â€" M. H. Keefler, dated 15th.. . . March, 1878" ..... $12 68 M. H. Keener, dated 26th . . . . . . March. 1878 . . . . . . . . . . '.. 10 00 M. H. Keefler, for printing†. . ‘ ï¬nancial statement: . . . . . . 3' 50 Mr. Patterson moved, seconded by Mr. Duncan. that thu Treasurer is hereby inltructed to pay Mr. Keefler the. s‘um of twentyvsix dollars and ten cén‘tsi'ï¬ settle- ment. of the accounts ï¬rst “miâ€"Carried. Two communications from Mr. D. ‘Foth- eringham, Public School Inspector. N. D. onorlr, dated 22nd September. 1877, and 2hr January, 1878 respectively, relating to Mr. Switzer‘a claim on High School for services as conductor of Intermediate 1341 aminations, were rend. Also a com- munication from Mr. James Bracken, teacher of the Senior Department of the Public School, dated 5th April, 1878, Mating that James Wiley (one of Mr. Bracken’s pupila,) a short time ago during recess. broke a desk in the High School, and for which he has not made the ne- cessary amends, and has lefthia department Iooner than repair“ the damage. A communication was r'e‘sd from Mr. George Eakin. Clerk of the. Council of the County of York, dated April 2nd, 1878. relating to the High School Grant for "this half-pay: Rev. 1. Campbell moved, seconded by J. Duncan, that the Treasurer is hereby in- structed to pay to Mr. Switzer the amount due (0 him for services in conducting Intermediate Examination. ‘ _ > April 5, 1878. .‘ Purlu'anp ‘6 notice Ihé Board of School Truslqe‘s mel. in the High School building m 3.30 {hiq day. Members present.-â€" R. Marsh, Cba’lrman,'_Rev. I Campbell. W. C. Pmterédu. I. LaneLD. Boyle and J.Duncan W. Tronch.,M. Teefy.‘ In the absence uf'jir. Ishac Crosby. M. Teofy was requested to act as Secretary pro Mr. Boyle moved, seconded by Mr. Duncan, that Mr. James Bracken be in- structed to write by authority of this Board to James Wiley’s father, and demand pay- ment for damage done to School property by hie Ion, and that James Wiley be sus- pended until the matter is satisfactorily set- fledâ€"Carried. The Committee for the care of School property. are authorized to procure neceuary blackboard for Mrs. Wiley’s De- partrnerlt. Now, with regard to the relative claims of Mr, Wallace and Blain on the electors of West York, (politics aside,) the ï¬rst is a local man, doing It large and legitimate business in the Riding, holding in connec- tion with his family a large amount of properly therein. made by their own honest industrv;-â€"not by fat contracts either po- litical or matrimonial. I should like to know what interest Mr. Blain has in the -Riding. Has he even the property qualiï¬â€" cation ofa voter ? Has be any interest in common with the agriculturalist? Or would an increase of one dollar a barrel on flour be so much more out ofhis pocket ? the latter seems most. likely ; hence the ex- planation of opening our market: to the American Farmer. [anus going South made up twice evorv day Y .: Morning, at 7.30 o'clock; Evening, at 7 o'clock SIRâ€"1 deem it a single act ofiustice to Mr. N. C. Wallace, after the foul insinua- tion and aSSertion of “Plutarch†against, himâ€"made, no doubt, with a view to in- jure his canvass in West Yorkâ€"to state that I have been intimately acquainted with Mr. Wallace for several years past; a mem- ber of the County Council since his enter- ing it, and claim to have as good a know- ledge of his character and principles as any one else. His standing in the Council may be inferred by his position as Warden, the ï¬rst Deputy Reeve ever elected to that gonorable position. and by the largest ouncil ever conVened in the County. It is, Sir, to my mind, a greater honor to be elected to preside over the representatative men of three Ridings ol the County of York, than to represent any one of them in the House of Commons. By example, Mr. Wallace preaches temperance, and altho’ I do not think a pledged tee totaller, yet, in reality, a practical one; and is ever-ready to aid in the promoting of temperance. and other Christian and charitable purpories. He also efï¬ciently superintends one of‘ the largest and most flourishing Sabbath Schools in the Coumy. RICHMOND HILL POST 0FFICE LLBâ€"Registered Letters must be posted 15 minutes before the hours of closing mmla. Richmnnd Hill P. 0., M. TEEFY. Jan. 24, 1878. Postmaster, GOING NORTH. Morning, (only,) at 7.30 o'clock. Post Ofï¬ce hoursâ€"until fuxther notice: 6.45 uglto goody, m. _ . A Hotel at Ha eman’s Corners. For further intomaflon app 37 to OHN WEBBER! DRAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST QUALITY ACE April u-ms. To the Editor of the Hrrald :â€" Our columns are open to a fair Dlscussion of all subjects, without orejudlce. The Board adjourned. April 9m, 1878. 9mm: AT @nmmummï¬mm UniOn School Board- TO LET! Total . . . . . Yours, etc., THOS. NIGETINGALE'S, Uniouvflla P. O. Fm): m. »‘-‘“‘»~ , a mu» gramâ€"«~- -A.. Yorkvillo $200 00 18 50 46 40 27 50 $26 10 J-Vl LOAN ON FIST-CLASS MORTGAGE succum- TYâ€"~in sums from $500 upwards. Apply to M. TEEFY, N. LYNETT, (as executors of the estate of the late Martin Brennan ) Richmond Hill. Capital, 31900000,- Total Assets “2,500,000 Money received on deposit, and interest pny- 11bit? half xeuyly or cqnuwuuyded. This Company advances Money on the security of improved City 01‘ Country Property, re-paynble by means of u Sinking Fund, which ir found to be the surest and easiest mode of repaying IL loan. [3’ Sre our reduced loam mhle. V For further infornmtion apply at at the Ofï¬ces of the Commmv. 'WALTER S. LEE Manager 1'1 mortgage of farm property, at eight per cent. interest, in sums to suit borrowers. No com- mission. Apply to BLAKE L52: KINGSFORD, 10 Adelaide St. East. Toronto. HON. GEO. W. ALLAN, Senator, President. George Gooderhmn .................. Viced’rnsidont. DIRECTONR-Sunlue] l’lutt, M.P., Wm. Guodor- hum, Geo. W. Lewis, ’11105. H. Lee, Hon. D. L. Macpherson, Senator. The whole Assets of the Company are invested on the security of Real Estate and Municipal De: beutures, thereby giving the depositors 11n- doubted security for all money left with this Company. HE GREATEST WONDER 0F MODERN TIME S. The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers of how~ ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Diptheria‘, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. BEWARE OF NEW YORK UflUNTERFEITS. 1' l 3,1ng one-half per cent: freehold security; no commlssiou. l‘flONEY TO LEND.â€"$2,000 TO LOAN ON FIST-CLASS MORTGAGE succumâ€" The Pills purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. Spurmus unitntlons of “Hollowny's P1115 Ointment†are mnnuiuctured and sold under name of “ Holloway & 00.." by J.F. Hem-3301117311 <9: Co., Druggists, r “ ': and also by the Metropolitan Me- , diciue Company of New York,with k n assumed trade mark, thus If ~Agnin one J os- eph Haydon-1:, of ‘ - \Iew York, like~ Wise passes off ‘- counterfeits of his own make under the name of. “flollmyuy 53; 00‘," hgving for Smithï¬elson,Macdonald M30. <9: Co., Druggists, Metropolitan Me- of New York,with mark, thus eph Haydon-1:, of ‘ Wise passes off his own make under the name of “Holloway «Sz ' Cot," having for a. trade mark H. Crescent and serpent; Mcliesscn & Robuns of New York are agents for the same. and also by the diciue Company an assumed trade ~Agnin one Jos- “Iew York, like~ counterfeits of are of all shades and colors: made from pure English raw and boiled linseed oils. We are willing to forfeit $1,000 if any benzine can be found in our paints. ONEY TO LEND ON FIRST nmrhzmzn of farm nrmmrtv, uf. einhf nor These persons, the better to deceive you un- blusliingly Caution the Public in the small books of directions {mixed to their Medicines, which are really the spurious imitations, to Beware of Counterfeits. Unscrupulous Dealers obtain them at wry low prices and sell them to the Public in Canada, as mv genuine Pills and Ointment. \VESTERN CANADA L O A N AND SAVINGS COMPANY. IVIONEY TO LOAN AT mu] mm-hn‘lf nor rnnt - fwmhr I most earnestly zmd respectfully appeal to tho Clergy, to Mothers of Families and other Ladies, and to the Public generally of British North America, that they may be pleased to denounce unsparingly th’ese frauds. Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and 130x65. It the address is: not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are the Counterfeits. Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines, bears the British Government Stmnp, with the words “ HOLLOWAY’s PILLS AND OINTMENT, LONDON," engraved thereon. 0n the label is the address, 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, where alone they are Manufactured. Third Street, Dunkirk, N. Smith, Nelson, Macdnnald & 80., I’ROPRIETORS. Mixed. Paints Farmers in MarKham [if Parties who may be defrauded by Vanda: : selling spurious “ Hofloway‘s Pills and Ointr ment,†as of my geuine nmke, shall on communi eating the unrticulars to me, be amply remuner- aï¬ed; and 1; air names never divulged. J. BAHRUL SMITH & 30., JUST WHAT WE WANT ! WHAT BVBRYENE HERBS ! PAINTS! States for over 25 y’rs. CANADA OFFIUEâ€"SO rfc 82, Alâ€" Try them 0an .’ You will Use No Other I Elimatic and Fire Proof Paints, FARMERS SEE THIS! Lonxor.‘ Jan; Manufacturers, Ofï¬ce and Munufflctory, aim: ï¬xlmrtis'mwnm. ) \ Patented in United States and Canada" AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Ofï¬cesâ€"No. 70 Church street, Toronta SA' VIN GS 11’ :1 N K BR .-1 NCâ€. ROSE, MACDONALD 6‘: MERRITT, MODERN TIME 5‘ 80 a? 82, Albert St. Tozonto. J. C- SMITH’S NONE Y T0 LOAN. bert Street, Toronto, Without doubt, the best In the Market. Many Signed1 IN USE 1N THE Are now using it ï¬lming. 78 King Street East, Toronto THOMAS HOLLOWAY Reserve Fund, $280,500 SEVEN A. Splendid Assortment A MAGN EFICENT‘ STOCK A GRAN NEW SPRING- GOODS! LIGHT AND DARK PRINTS! DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT! EVERY DEPARTMENT WELL ASSORTED, READY-MADE CLOTHING! ORDERED CLOTHING I OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT! Spring Tweeds; also Worsted Coatings, BlaCk Broads, Doe Skins. etc. IN FANCY DRESS GOODS! An Immense Stock of Prints ! HERALD. We did a large business in this line last year, and have prepared for still larger demands this season. GOODS Were never so Cheap and Attractive as they, are this Season, which fact the Public will be convinced by a Bring in Your House Furnishing Department Complete! ALL NEW STOCIi, NEW COLOR & NEVV DESIGN USUAL STOCK OF GROCEREIES ALWAYS 0N HAND}. Garden Seed, Garden Tools, all bought at the Best Market, and will be sold at Reduction Prices. Call and see them. ROQM‘PAPER'E R0 OM PAPER! 1878. We show a Large Range which will sell from 8 cents per yard. Mourning Goods in great variety Season Borderings and Window Shades of all colors. A speciality in Paints and Oils. You can ‘rely on the Best Brands of Leads, Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil; and Colouring of all liinziS' Paint Brushes, White Brushes, of all sizes. Particular attention paid to Machine Oil. Glass of all sizes. EVERY LINE FULLY ASSORTED. A Stock qf HE CONCRETE HOUSE STILL AHEAD FRE PRGQF STGRE. CALL AT THE CGNCJRETE. Under the charge of MRS. A., will exceed any former Season in Neatness of Design, ORSEMEN‘a1»l_ acquowledged last Season {hat the Best Horse Bills in this neighborhood Eere those printed at the ofï¬ce BEDS, BROAI)S, AND \VORSTED GOODS To Select from. Just opened, a large Stock of NEW SPRING GOODS! HATS 2 HATS Unprecedently Low A Good Fit Guaranteed, and a good Stock of Full and Complelc 'in all the NEW STYLE me‘ture always on hand. Pinfurc Frames of all Sizes and Kinds. AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETETION. Which only require to be seen to be appreciated AT THE PEOPLES’ STORE. PRICES TO 3541†THE TIMES. Made expressly for Our Trade. At all Prices, d’:c., 15-0., (fro. |n all Special Attention given to And wiil be Kept May be seen at the the Latest OF ISAAC CROSBY. OF Styles. HATS ! in Price. P. G- SAVAGE. New Cuts Newstyle AND of the (rm ‘ V 0 SURGEON DENTIST, has removed to 87 King street East, Toronto, over H. dc C. Blachford's new shoe store Bust mineral teeth inserted in a manner to suit, each patient. Particular attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth, carefully avoing all unnecessary pain. A. ‘V. SPAULDING. Assistant. uJ - Dentistmesidehco at Aurora, will visit the following places: Richmond Hm“. . 18th of each month. Markham... . 8th ' 'do Stouffville . 10th do ’l‘homhill. . 20th do Maple. . 23rd ., du V . AND Pharmaceutical Chemist, 35 Yonge street, Yorkville, Ontario. Importer and Dealer in Pure Drugs mid Chemicals, French and Eng- lish Perfumery, English and American Patent Min" 'nes, Horse and Cattle Medicine, and Drug- gisL Laundries of every description. R. A. ROBINSON, SUR- GEON DENTIST. thankful ‘ for the favors of the (Past ten years, ‘ ' ' may still be consults in any branch of the profession, as follows: Aurora, 151:, 8th, 16th and‘22nd of each month Newmm‘ket .................. 2nd do Richmond Hill .. t1) :1an 24th do (at the 15ï¬imer House) Stoufï¬ville . 18611 do M urkhum, . ‘ 20th do Victoria. Squ . 215?. do Thornhill ... 23rd do Maple ......... 26th do Woodbridge 28th do Kleinbnrg... 29th do Nobleton .‘ 30th do Annstheties, as Nitrous Oxide, etc, used when ordered, and none but the best materile used. Address A. ROBINSON, L.D.S., Aurora, Ont. thiate of the Royal College, bf Physicians, London,England. Consultation daysâ€"Monday. and Thursday, forenoons. Residenceâ€"Weston 0' ~ cornerof Yonge and Centre streets, Rich- mond Hill, may be consulted personally or by otter on all disousesof horses, cattle, etc. Horses examined as to soundness, also bought and sold on commission ' 1-1 0 MISTS and Druggists, cornei‘ of Yonge and Centre streets, Richmond Hill. Special at- tention paid to prescriptions. 3rd & 4th do (at the Palmer House) Stouffville ......... Victoria. Square 2nd do Aurora. . 5th do M nple. 8th (10 Swing Hi1 . 20th do Teeth ï¬lled m such a. manner as will permu- nently arrest the decay, or the money will be 130 sitivelv refundau. J Auctioneer for the county of York, respect- ully solicits your patronage and friendly influ- ence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at rengonublc rates. P. 0. Address, King. i ear, in and for thebouhï¬r (ifâ€"{{0}}: '(Sï¬i'eï¬ $olicited. Residence, Maple Leaf Hotel, Belford, llt. STABLESAâ€"Horses and Vehicles for hire‘ Charges moderate. Oppo‘site Sanderson & Sons JOHN BROWN, Proprietor. U Surgeon and Accoucheui‘. Ofï¬ce, ï¬rst door north of Wright's Carriage Works, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Auctioneer for the County of York. respect- ful'y solicits your patronage Lind friendly influ- ence. Sales attended on tin: silmrtest notice and at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, Victoria. Bauare. V 0 ERS, Richmond Hill, have always on hand the best of beef, mutton, lamb, veal, pork, sausages,etc., and sell at 6129‘ lowest prices for cash. Also corned 11ml spiced beef, smoked and dried lmms. The highest market price given for uttle, sheep, lambs, etc. U RISTERS, em, Union Block, corner’ Tomato and Adelaide Sta. (opposite the new Post Otï¬ce); Toronto. . F. OHLER. JAMES BETH‘UNE. W. G. FALCONBBIDGE. CHARLES Moss: N. W. HOYLES'. J. H. THOM. U Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery; Notariet ublic, etc. . Ofï¬cesâ€"56 King street East, Toronto; two door east; of Toronto street. W. H. BEATTY. W. NICHOLAS MILLER. EDWARD M. CHADWICK. C. R. W. BIGGAR. D. E. THOMSON. JAMES C. STOKES, LICENSED Auctionenr for the nmmtv nf Vnrl: Ynnnnnf. L Banisters, Attorneys~ut~LuW, Solicitors-1n- Chancery, Conveyancers, etc. Ofï¬cesâ€"Nos. 2, 4 and 6 Ontario Hal], Court street,‘ Toronto: - THOMAS FERFUSpN, Qg JOHN BAIL: U GAR, Baï¬isters, Attorneys-ut-Law, Solid tors in Insolvency, etc. EATTY, MILLER & BIGGAR Barristers. Solicitors in Chancerv.‘ Notaries U MOND HILL, will be generaliy be tound at home from 8 to 9 o’clock. a. m. EO. BROWN, M.D., PHYSICIAN Surgeon n‘nfl Annmmhnnr, 0mm. ï¬rnf. dnnr AMUEL M. BROWN, LICENSED Auctioneer for the Cmmtv of York rennet-m- ICHMOND HILL L IVE RY STABLESAâ€"Horses and Vehicles for hire. U TEES, Attorneys, Solicitors-in-Chuncery, etc., 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court, House), Toronto. ‘ V ALFRED BOULTBEE. WM. Worms I‘NATT. BETHUNE, OSLER& MOSS, BAR- RISTERS. 6150.. Union Block, ram-mar 'T‘m nnfn U- BUILDER, Sherwood, 4th Con. Vaughan, Sgeciul :Ltthntion given to Stair Buildlng. Punctnnl attention will be givéu to 9.11 orders. Address Maple P. 0. OULTBEE & EVA’I‘T, BA’RRIS- T H RS. Attnrn evn, Saliniï¬nrain .(‘.h n nonvv ERGUSON, BAIN & MEYERS Barristers. A1,tnrnevs~nt-Tm.w, Knlh'trwmiï¬ V‘] S. ROBINSON, DISPENSING .AND Pharmaceutical Chemist, 35 Yonge W. remove W. 1&3? $3,250i40wO1-th of sgéace in, various- n‘ewgpm e15 distributed through bitty States, will be sol for $700 cash. Accurate insertions guaranteed. A ist of tho 1mpcrs,giviug daily and weekly circum- tion and printed schedule of rates. sent free on application to GEO. P. BOWELL & CO.,Newe- {up}? Advertising Agents, No. 14,1‘81‘): Row New ’ox‘ ‘ _‘ GOOD ‘ I ADVERTISING Richmond Hill March 21, 1878â€"6 111‘ [VHOMAS POUCHER, VLICENSED AUCTIONâ€" I: KEFFER, CONTRACTOR AND ROGERS V_ ROGERS, L.D.S., VISITS EAT'TY, CHADWICK & BU“- H. SANDERSON, V.S., G.T.V.C., SANDERSON & SONS, CHE- . JAS. LANGSTAFF, RICH- R: __s. _TY_R_I:AELL,A LICENâ€" imisécsllmwmw, wtttinmrr‘. M. WELLS, SURGEON ADAM" H. MERE: R. PUGSLEY, BUTCH- ,ijte‘aiml. £2111,th @sgul. cf. ADAMS, L.D.AS., 18th of (29.931 month. 8th 'do 10th do 20th do 23rd ‘ , do list of each month. Town Hall Block. Yorkvillo. THUS. Very Cheap Groceries,Flour 85 Feed,at thé‘T Cheéf‘ Hus now on hand 0. good and well selected stock GENTS' FURNISHING. which he is selling Cheuï¬for Cash. All cloths and tweeds pur- c ased from him cut free of charge. E.ARLY ROSE POTATOES 1 camrï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬igsma Of Cloths, Tweeds, Ready-made gts use costs less than two cents per sheep. If You want Cheap Crockery & Glassware, Call at J. Brdiirh’s'f If You want a GOOD LIVERY RIG-r CALL AT NOTED FOR GOOD TEA T E G H EST: RENNiE’S ASSORTED GARDEN SEEDS GOODS DELIVERED. WATCHES 83 IiING STREET EAST Tick Destroyer, Iiills the Ticks, Enrichcs the Quantity and Quality 0/ IF YOU WANT CHEAP BUDTSWHUES, EM ATw J} BBUWNS} DOMINION IF YOU WANT CHEAP ï¬ï¬ï¬‚flERESg‘é A't $6 per hundred feet. Also Flooring and other lumber dressed; sup buckets, pails, cider mills washing machines, shingles, Fences, smwn and BENT material for buggies and eighs. For particulars address . JOHN LANGSTAFF. Steam‘nflll's. L‘a‘nzstaâ€˜ï¬ P.0 GREAT BARGAINSK' Patent Eave-trough & Watersyout FOR THE DOMXMON, 63f. Knew THREE??? ‘ éï¬fFlbï¬ES'Eï¬VATION T s gl’ï¬cc only $1. Sent by mail on receipt of price. It heats of Exhausted VituliLy, Pro mature Decline. Nervous and Physical Debility, and the endless concomitant ills and untold miseries that result therefrom, and contains more than 50 original pro. eeri tions, any one of which is worth the price of the oak. This book was written by the most on tensivo and probably the most skilful p ctitionor in America, to Whom was awarded 1» go 6 and jew- elled medal by the Narional Medical Association. A Pamphlet, illustrated with (he very ï¬nes" Steel Engravin sâ€"a mur- . vol of art an beautyâ€" A sent rum to all. Send ' {or it at once. Address PEABODY “IMEDICAL INSTITUTE. No. 4 Bub? g ï¬nch BL. Boston. Mass. If You want CHOICE CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEED, call at J. Brown“: 65 YONGE STREET W. F. R088 81. CO. Good for seed,ut the T Ghost. All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange. At the Tea Chest. Another Iotof FINE FLA VOIEED TEA just opened out; only 50 cents per 1b., at the Tea Chest. the Wool, and I771proves:the STEM-WINDING MILLER’S Clothing, Hats. Caps, NEW PATTERNS. M. ANDREVVS RUSSELL CORNELL & 00., Condition offlw Sheep. HUGH MILLER & 00., TORONTO. if You? want FRESH GA§D_EN SEEDS, call at J. Brown's; If You wani Cheap FLOUR db FEED, Call at J. Bown’sI TEA CELEB RATED Agricultural Chemists Toronto. SUCCESSORS T0 CHEST T1343. NTï¬I-KIO EKiLBUEEF.†By reading and practicing the incstimablc truths con- tained in the best medical borflgcvu issued. entitled «‘3'. BROWN’S Offered to the Public. & SONS Call at J. BROWN’S Oct 25 3-131. HGUSE ’Th‘ése' ’iindé "1'15" iii the GREAT LIME-. STON E BE LT of Central Kansas, the best Winter wheat producing district of the United States yieldng from 20 to 30 Bus. per Acre. equally divided by the Krmsas.Puciï¬c Railway, which we are selling l‘Lt an average of $3.25 per gore, on (may terms of payment. Alternate sec: mom; of Government Lands can bevtuken us hggnesteuds by 119L11u1_settlers. ' ' The average yearly rainfall in_ this country is nearly 33 inches per annum, one-third vrenber than in the much ,pxtolled ARKAIESIB' ALLEY, which has a yeurl y rainfall of less than 23 inches per nnnum in the same longtitude. Stock Raising, and Wool-Growing are very Remuheratwe; The winters are short and mild. Stock will live all the year on grass. Living Streams and Springs are numer-, nus. Pure water is found in Wells from 20 to 60." feet deep. Cl‘he IIealthiest Climate TREGO COUNTY, KANSAS, about CHEAP KANSAS LANDS; in the VVorld! No fever and ugue there. No muddy or impassable roads. Plenty of fine buildingr stone, lime and sand. These lands are being: mpidly settled by the bostclussof Northern and East-om people, nnd will so appreciate in value by the improvements now being made as to umlm their purchase at present prices one of the vm’y best investments that can be made.“ (will!) from the proï¬ts to be derived from their cultivation. Members of our ï¬rm reside in WAKEEJEY, {Llld will Show lands at (my time; A pamphlet, giving full info‘rnmtiun in regard to soil, climate, water, supply, &c.', will be sent free on request. Warren.Keeney 8:, ‘00., Parties desirous of becoming members cim‘fo'n? Wurd their mm: (as to Ass‘orï¬ed Stbck CANADA’S CARTOON PAPER, mm] For 50 Cents 22:6 :33“:£§ I dress. 1 elegant gent’s Watch Chuiu' with seal, 1 pair Sleeve Buttons, l.L set Shirt Studs, 1 0011er Button. 1: Heavy Plain Ring. 1 Persian Dia- mond Pin. ~etail price, $53.00.: $100,000 stbck must he sold. Illus- trated catalogue of jewelry, watch, es, eta, Rent. with avery lot. Silvezï¬ wattchgood time keeper. 34. Watch free to all agents. MONTREAL NOVELTY C0,, rates Advertisements, without written iï¬hh‘, ‘ fith will be inserted until forbid‘and‘chafgedcxxï¬ ' HQUSE PLANTS T HE HERALD EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, At his printing ofï¬ces, Yonge street;.1‘.iéhmon¢i1 Hill, Ontario. ' 0011111111.... Half Col... Quarter 001.... Business Cards,’one year ...... Do six months .. De three months “ Trmxsitqry ad’Verï¬séments, 8 cents} p the ï¬rst; Insertion. Each subsequent insertion? 3 cents per line. Terms m†Subscription: an‘num in;K advance. When not paid in advance $1.60 will‘ be charged. Advertisements will be inserted at this follow; ing rates :‘ . Ev“.-. _ (u, A,, , SingleAcppies 5 cgqtg 57 $2? a?" \Vo own and control the,Ra,i,lWa.y lands of 106 Dearborn Sr:,Chioago,» Or Wa-Keeney,'1‘rego co.,Kansas.- April 11, IBTSâ€"Ly. Mr John Gibson, Presidént, Milliken‘ ‘P 0 I I! Mr H Jennings, Treasurer, Victoria Square P 0’ Mr T Humberstone Sec'y, Nowtonbrook P 0 M. H. KEEF‘LE‘ When in town call and see the large and East Riding- of York.- IBERAL CONSERVATIVE AS: SOCIATION FOR THE Orda‘rs received at this Address, “GRIP.†PUBLISHED BY AT THE G. TRENCH.‘ IMPonréms Libitmicu. JThree ;Six One. Montth'Montha. Your oflioe