Dun HERALD.--lt seems an age since your casual contributor last wielded in your behalf "that. mighty instrument of little menâ€"the gray goose quill.†But; in as much as your part of the County has of late been inundated with a deluge of spouters from the city. Members of Purliament present and prospective, and the signs of the times, politically, are Such “indicate speedy action and active war- fare it behooves the faithful correspondent to buckle on his armor. and grasp his favorite weapon in the interests of his journal, his County and the public. There are correspondents and cerrespondentsl Those who honestly endeavor to serve their party, elevate the press and beneï¬t their- countryâ€"and those who by fair means or by foul provide pabulum for their party, to the detriment and degredation of the honorable professton to which they belong â€"â€"ut the expense of their personal veracity, and to the discredit, and dishonor of the nation. To the latter class belongs the veracious correspondent at the capitol, of the Toronto Globe, who ifthe “ï¬nger of scorn," to quote a Member of the ('ommons during last week’s dcbate,“inside the Elm e and outside the House pointed and incor-' rectly," holds not only a. position in the- Commons of our County, but that position at the gtft and by the grucc ol'the electors of port. of your County. That the ratepayers (If any intelligent riding should tolerate one moment longer than they can help an individual so lost to all sense of common decency, manly honor, or the necessities of pm-ty,as to pen a vile slander on a political opponentâ€"a slander promptly iel'utedâ€"nnchnllongedâ€"by a host of‘ prominent members is not to be credited, 1 much less that. they will ctnsent to reâ€", nominate him for the riding. The man who will condescond to maliciously tradnce an opponent or stab his confreres at the expense of a'subordinute who has to bear the blame or lose his situation would as soon shoot his victim behind a hedgerow, or indulge in a nocturnal raising of n hen~ roost. It tactics such as 1113 be endorsed by the party organ, a..d winked at by the party leaders. what in the name of all that is reputable can be expected from the tank and ï¬le ‘I What from the Blein’s and Lane’s, and Badgerow’s, and Tuit’s. and Edgar’s of the Reform Shirmishing Column? No wonder Mr. Lane should be found misquotirrg from the Blue Books or the light weight champion of Yorkville be found dictating on public morality. But, in persons as in politics we must disâ€" criminate. Has not the Reform Candidate Mr. Metcslfe set us the example. In proof I send you his card. You will observe it is beautifully embossed in golden letters and marked specially for Yorkville The yoâ€"hoos of Richmond Hill and such rural localities are in the estimation of the Grit candidate unworthy of “golden lore,†plain pasteboard at seventy cents the hundred being a sufï¬cient expenditure for the plain farmer. Golden compliments, however, will hnve us little eï¬'ect upon the ratepayers of Yorkvrlle. us John Mne- donald’s or Charlton’s free trade speeches sent. so freely with Mr. Metealfe's complie~ menu witl have upon the County generally. ‘ It is the opinion of' the West York electors‘ that David Bluin, Esq., M. 1)., will ï¬nd his time so fully occupied in a hopeless endear Yor to hold the fort against Mr. Clarke 3Valluce that, his holiday excuts o s to t re sister riding will be on a. par with the boy’s purchase of the uhrstleâ€"mueh too den ly bought. The good worlr of redemption goes bravely on. In Yorkville our- Association is daily rCCeiving additions to its members; while the working classes many of whom have heretofore been supâ€" porters of the Government are almost, to a man supporting Mr. Boultbee. In the city Mr. Robert Bay. a lifeâ€"long Reformer and large Mnnnlacturer, has accepted the nomination of centre Toronto in the ir- ~terests-of the Opposition, and will bent Mr.“ John Macdonuld and his merry-ground policy without doubt by a large majority. In the east Mr. Plant is sure of rc-election; while the west. has been unable to trot out any standard bearer for the Grits, willing to suffer scalping. Yorkville will undoubt- edly give Mr‘ Boultbee a fair majority; DUI Mount about two hundred und ï¬fty. 80 that if Markham, Scarboro, and the County generally. return the sun 9 ratio of vote as at; last general elections there can be no doubt. as to the result. Alrendy the Yorkville brethren are lengthening: in visage and getting slow in gait, the last few public meetings held there being so unanimously Conservative as to cause among them weep- ing and gnushing of teeth. Our columns are open to a fair Discussion of all subjects, without prejudice. To the Editor of the Herald :â€" The minute's of last meeting were read and gpproved. Council met, at 10 a.m., the Reeve in the chair. Members present, Messrs. nglace, Card, Kipnge and Refunan. Mr. Reaman moved, Mr. Curd seconded, That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following sums for charitable purposes:â€" A numbéf‘ of petitions were presented, and read. To James Lawrence â€"for Owen Mcâ€" Intca, $7 per quarter; T. ‘Vatson, for S. Taylor and wife $6 per quarter, D. Kinnee, for I. Lunan and wife $16 per quarter; D. Kinnee,for Eva Kinnee, $5; Wm. Lane for burying an unknown child.$3. â€"â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Kinnee, seconded by Mr. Wallace, That the following sheep claims he paid, being losses sustained by dogs, being two thlrds thelr value:â€" To Robert Taylor, 3 sheep killed ...... ' ......... ‘. 3511- 30 To Wm. Dixon, 1 sheep.... killed ...................... 5 34 By-law No. 366 was then read a thin tin}o_ angiApasgffi. Moved by Mr. Kinnee, seconded by Mr. Wallace, That the several Road Commissioners be instructed to pay for the gravel in any road beat, where the persons in the locality either by statute labor or by voluntary contributions or work may draw the gravel upon the Township Roadsâ€"Carried. The Council then adjourned until Tuesday, tha 28th day of May, to meet at. 10 am. as a Court is Revision. ._Blank Prdmissory Notes and Receipts fézfsal‘e hams: Town Hall, Vellorc, April 9th, 1878. @wnmmmimitmm Vaughan Council. JUST WHAT YDU WANT ! WHAT BVERYflNB NEEDS ! States for over 25 y’rs. J. EABHUL, SMITH 8: BIL, Third Street, Dunkirk, N. Y, Smith, Nelig‘QLMEaTcoqtgaald & BIL, Farmers in MarKham are of 3.11 shades and colors: made from pure English raw and boiled linseed oils. “70 are Willing to forfeit $1,000 if any benzine can be found in our paints. FARMERS SEE THIS! Elimatic and Fire Proof Paints, ixed Paints Smithï¬elscn,Macdonald 6200; 80 dc 82, Albert-St. Toronto. IS? F. G. Savage has been appointed agent for these paints, for Richmond Hill and vicinity. CANADA OFFIUFâ€"SO 1% 82, Alâ€" bert Street, Toronto, TNDER THE POWER OF SALE CON- mined in an Indeutum of Mortgage made by J 01111 Stump to Thomas White, which Moi-tango Was assigned to the Vendor, there wil be By HENPEï¬ï¬ON, Agptiongor,‘ at 1313 Village of Mount Vernon, IN THE TOWNSHIP OF Vaughan and Euuniy of York. Aiiction Rooms, at the City (3! Toronto, 'in the County of York, on FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1878 At the hum of 12 o'clock, noon. lot 34, in the vil- lame of Mount Vernon, containing 20-100 acre, with a cottage and authouses. The property will be offered subject to a. reâ€" served bid ï¬xed 1)) the Vendor. Furtherpnrticu- 1111's and conditionï¬ of sale will be made known at the timu of aule‘ For further parliaulmâ€˜ï¬ apply to Mowut, Muclannan 8; Downey, Vendor's Solicitorsv Dated this 15th day of April, 1878. OFFERED FOR SALE Try them Once! You will Use No Other .’ A UC TION SALE Auction Sale -010- April 25, Lin. SATURDAY MAY 1], 1878 At one o‘clock, in the afternoon, the following very valuable property,â€"being the south half and the north east quarter of lot No. 19, in the 3rd concession of the township of King, in the County of York. containing one hundred and ï¬fty acres, more or less, of excellent land, of which about ninetyâ€"ï¬ve acres are cleared. The property is about two-and»one-half miles from Aurora. 011 it are a. frame house, 28x20 feet, with kitchen in rear, 22x14 feet; also a log house in the rear of the lot, 20x18 feet ; barns with sheds attached, and an orchard composed of apple, plum and pear trees. The nroperty is Well watered with a spring, creek, and two wells. The property will be sold subject to a reserved bid. Ten per cent of the urchase money shall be paid down at the time oi’sttle, and the further sum of 20 per cent of the purchase money within ten days from the (My of sale ; the balance to be paid at the expire tion of three or ï¬ve years from the day of sale, with interest at 8 per cent per annum; in the, mean time payable helfyearly, and to be secured by mortgage upon the propert . The farm is at present under crop, to which t e purchaser Will be entitled. The other conditions are the stand- ing conditions of the Court of Chancery, QUEEN’S HOTEL, Further particulars can be had at the law ofï¬ces of Messrs. Ferguson &Ferguson, Adelaide street, Toronto; from the Auctioneer, and on the premises. Public Auction, Township of King, in the County of York. Embrnclng full and authentic accounts of every nation ofmlcient and modern times, and inlud- inga. history oilthe rise and fall of the Greek and Roman Empires, the growth of the nations of modem Europe, the middle ages, the crusades, the feudul system, the reformation, the discovery and settlem ent of the New Vijd. etc., gtc. s 6'72 ï¬ne historicle engravings, and 1260 large doubleâ€"column pages, and is the most complete History of the World ever published. It sells at sight. Send for specimen pages and extra terms to agents, and see why it sells faster than any other book. Address, , IN THE VILLAGE OF AURORA, By WILLIAM MAJOR, Auctioneer, on A Hotel at Hagermun’s Corners. For further information apply to . J OHN WEBBER, Apiil 11â€"1878. Manufacturers, Oï¬â€˜ice and Mnnufactory, flew gflmiï¬muentï¬. April 25, 34114 Patented in United States and Canada. There will be sold by Public Auction, at the NATIONAL PUBLISHING Co..Phfladelphiu,Pu. MOWAT, MAGLENNAN & DOWNEY J. C- SMITH’S ICTORKAL HISTOBYOFTHEWOBLD FERGUSON «it FERGUSON, TO LET! Without; doubt, the best In the Market. Many AGENTS WANTED FOR THE IN USE 1N THE TIâ€"IESE Are now using it IN THE IN THE Solicitors for Vendor. Vendor’s Solicitom Unionvflle P. 0‘ A‘MAGNIFICENT STOCK A Splendid Assortment LIGHT AND DARK PRINTS! DRESS GOODS DEPARTMNT ! EVERY DEPARTMENT WELL ASSQRTED, Spring Tweeds; also Worsted- Coatings, Black Broads, Doe Skins, etc. GOODS Were never so Cheap and Attractive as they are this Season, which fact the Public will be convinced by a NEW SPRING- GOODS! May be seen at the THE CONCRETE PIOUSE STILL AHEAD. An Immenss Stock of Prints ! IN FANCY DRESS GOODS! OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT I ORDERED CLOTHENGâ€" E TVVEEDS, BROAI)S, AND VVORSTED GOODS READY-MADE CLOTHING! 383M PAPER! ROOM PAPER! House Furnishing _Dï¬epiartn£1entr Complete! ALL NEVV STOCIL NE\V ( TOLOB & NEVV DESIGN USUAL STOCK OF GROCEREIES ALWAYS 0N HANDY. Garden Seed, Garden Tools, all bqught at the Best Market, and will be sold at Reduction Prices. Call and see them. Climatic and Fire Proof Paints of all Shades and Colors, on ham]. ' P. Gr- SAVAGE. GREAT BARGAINS IF YOU WANT CHEAP GRGGERHES If You want Cheap Crockery & Glassware, Call at J. Brown’s. lF YOU WANT EHEAP BUUTSKz SHOES, BALL AT J. BROWNS. If You want Cheap FLOUR CC: FEED, Call at J. Brown‘s. We show a. Large Range which will sell from 8 cents per yard. Mourning Goods in great variety. DOMINWN EVERY LINE FULLY ASSORTED. NOTED FOR GODD TEA T E A 20 H EST. RENNIE’S ASSORTED GARDEN SEEDS Very Clie‘a'p Groceries,Flour & Feed,at the T Chest Borderingszmd Window Shades ofallcolors. A speciality in Paints and Oils. You can rely on the Best Brands of Leads, Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil; and Colouring of all kiuisw Paint Brushes, White Brushes, of all sizes. Particular attention paid 10 Machine Uil. Glass of all sizes. Good for sgedlpt the C_hve§t‘.\All‘ki.nds of Farm Produce takgn in exchange. _ †GOODS DELIVERED. Gr. TRENCH. If You want'OHO‘lCE CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEEDLcaII at J. Brown's FIRE PROOF STORE. CALL AT THE CONCRETE. Under the charge of MRS. A., will exceed any former Season in Neatness of Design, AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. Special Attention given to Stock of Fm nit are always (71; hand. _P17rturc Frames qfall Sizes aid Kinds. At the Tea Chest. Another lot of FINE FLA VORED TEA just 7 0126 ed out; only 50 cents per.lb., at the Tea Chest. You want a GOOD LI‘VER‘Y RIG, CALL AT NEW SPRING GOODS! If You want FRESH GARDEN SEEDS, call at J. Brown's. T EA HATï¬ .'. HATS Unprecedently Low To Select from. Just opened, a large Stock of A Good Flt Guaranteed, and a good Stock of “‘ ONTARIO ' HOUSVE. †Full and Complete in all the NEW STYLES. CHEST Which only require to be seen to be appreciated. AT THE PEOPLES’ STORE. Made expressly for Our Trade. Offered to the; Public. At all Prices, &:c., (550., &c. 63'. ERG W N’@ In all the Latest Call at J. BROWN’S. And will be Kept HOUSE ISAAC CROSBY. Assorted Stock HOUSE PLANTS When In town call and see the large and Styies. HATE J. in Price. AT THE U Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, Notaries ublic, etc. Oflicesâ€"SB King street East, Toronto, two door east of Toronto street. W. H. BEATTY. W. NICHOLAS MILLER. EDWARD M. CHADWICK. C. R. W. BIGGAR. D. E. THOMSON. I R. R. S. TYRRELL, LICENâ€" . time of the Royal College,» of Physicians, London,Englxmd. Consultation daysâ€"Monday. and Thursday, forenoons. Besidenceâ€"Weston U Surgeon and Acéoucheui‘. Ofï¬ce, ï¬rst door north of Wright‘s Carriage Works, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. L Barristers, Attorney's-ut-Luw, Solicitors-in- Chancery, Conveyance“, etc. Ofï¬cesâ€"Nos. 2, 4 and 6 Ontario Hall, Court street, Toronto. THOMAS FEBFUS‘ON, Q.C. J GEN BAIL. 1) RISTERS, etc†Union Block, corner T01 onto and Adelaide Sta. (opposite the new Post Otï¬ce), Toronto. F. OSLER. JAMES BETHUNE. W. G. FALCONBRIDGE. CHARLES Moss. N. W. HOYLES. J. H. THOM. U GAR, Baï¬isters, Attorneys-at-Law, Soliui tors in Insolvency, etc. REATTY, MILLERV& BIGGAR MOND HILL, will be generally be found at home from 8 to 9 o’clock, a. m. :lJ TEES, Attorneys, Solicitors-inâ€"Chzmcery, etc., 61 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), Tolfputo. J ~ comer of Yonge and Centre streets, Rich- mond Hill, may be consulted personally or by otter on 9.11 diseases of horses, cattle, etc. Horses examined as to soundness, also bought and sold on commission 1- MISTS and Druggists, coruei- of Yonge and Centre streets, Richmond Hill. Special at.- tention paid to prescriptions. V .AND Pharmaceutical Chemist, 35 Yonge street, Yorkville, Ontario. Importer and Dealer in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, French and Eng- lish Perfumery, English and American Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle Medicine, and Drug- gist sundries of every description. ETHUNE, OSLER & MOSS,BAR- RISTERS. etc“ Union Block. corner T01 onto EATTY, CHADWICK & BIP- GAR. Barristers. Attornevs-at-an. Soliui m ‘V 0 SURGEON DENTIST, has removed to 87 King street East, Toronto, over H. 65 C. Blackford’s new shoe store Best mineral teeth inserted in a. manner to suit each patient. P'u‘ticulur attention given to the pmservution and ‘cgumtion of the natural teeth, carefully avoin all unnecessary pain. A. W. SPAULDING, Assistant. visi the following places Richmond Hill... Markhmn ...... St-ouffville Thornhill Maple. WEE tlié Palmer House Stoufï¬vflle 18611 do Mmkhmuuu . 20th (10 Victoria Square . 2151; do 'l‘horuhill 23rd do lleple ........ 26th do \Noodbridn‘e 28th do Kleinburg . 29th do Nobleton . 30th :10 Anusthetics, ms Nitrous Oxide, eta, used when ordered, and none but: tho best material used. GEON DENTIST, thankful for the favors of the as!) ten years, may still ba consults in any branch of the profession, as follows: Aurora, lst, 8th, 16th and 22nd of such month Newmarket ................. 2nd do Richmond 11111.. @h and 24th do (at the Palmer House) Stouifville ........... 3rd 6: 4th do Victoria Square 2146. do Aurora. . 5th do Maple. . H . 8th do Spring Hill 20th do Teeth ï¬lled in sue-1 u. manner as Will permu- nontly arrest the decay, or the monsy will be po- sitivelv refundeu. r WHOMAS POUCHER, LICENSED AUCTION- eer, in and for the County of York. Orders Bolicited. Residence, Maple Leaf Hotel, Belford, n . VV. ROGERS, L.D.S., VISITS Richmgndï¬ï¬‚rfll ............... 15% of each month. 1’ Auctioneer for the county of York, respect- ully solicits your patronage and friendly influ- ence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. 1’. 0. Address, King. AMES 0. STOKES, LICENSED Auctioneer for the cmmtv of York. resnect- Auctioneer for the County of York, respect- fully solicits your patronage and friendly influ- ence. Sales attended on the shmrtest notice and at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, Victoria Saum‘e. ALFRED BOULTBEE. WM. WORTS IIVATT‘ ;E0. BROWN, M.D., PHYSICIka March 21, 1878â€"6 111 STABLES.â€"H0rses and Vehicles for hire Charges moderate. Opposite Sanderson 6: Sons JOHN BROWN, Proprietor. :EBGUSON, BAIN 7& MEYERS, AMUEL M. BROWN, LICENSED ‘- Auctioneer for the Countv of York. reenact- V I ERS, Richmond Hill, hzwe always on hand the best of beef, mutton, lamb, veal, pork, suusages,etc., and sell at the lowest prices for cash. Also corned and spiced beef, smoked and dried hams. The highest market price given for attle, sheep, lambs, etc. QOULTBEE & EVATT. BARRIS- RICHMOND HILL LIVERY STABLES.â€"Horses and Vehicles for hire. 1)- BUILDER'Sherwood, 4th Con. Vaughan, Special atthntion given to Stair Buildlng. Punctuul attention will be given to 11.11 orders. Address Maple 1). 0. . W. $3,250‘40w01'th of spruce in various newspapers (listributéd through thirty States, Will be sold for $700 cash. Accurate insertions guaranteed. A ist of the papers, giving daily and weekly circula- tion and printed schedule of rates, sent free on appliqgtion to GEO. P. ROVVELL & CO.,Ne\vs- gla‘pgr Advertising Agents, No. 14,1’urk Row New or GOOD ADVERTISING H. SANDERSON, V.S.,.G.T.x[._q., Address A. ROBINSON, L.D.S., Aurora, Ont 7 H. & R. PUGSLEY, BUTCH- . JAS. LANGSTAFF, RICH- SANDERSON & SONS, CHE- S. ROBINSON, DISPENSING KEFFER, CONTRACTOB A_ND iflimmumnï¬, 7,, -, I D'entist, resxdence at Aurbra,wi1] Swastimmm. ADA); H. MYERS M'. WELLS, SUB “gamma. gent-HI. $525211. i. A. ROBINSON,SUR- C. ADAMS, L.D.s., 18th of each month. 8th 10.511 20th 23rd iVâ€"L LOAN ON FIST-CLASS MORTGAGE SECURI- TYâ€"in sums from $500 upwards. Apply to M. TEEFY, N. LYNETT, (as executors of the estate of the late Martin Brennan ) Richmond. Hill. George Gooderham .................. Vice-President. DIRECTORSâ€"Sal’nuel Platt, M.P., Wm. Gooder- ham, Geo. W. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, Hon. D. L. Mucpherson, Senator. 1‘11 mortgage of farm property, at eight per cent. interest, in sums to suit borrowers. N0 com- mission. Apply to BLAKE 6c KINGSFORD, 10 Adelaide St. East. Toronto. . This Company advances Money on the security of improved City or Country Property, re-pnyuble by means of IL Sinking Fund, which ii; found to be the surest . and easiest mode of repaying a. loan LE? Ste our reduced 101;.)1 table: Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $315,000 Total Assets, $2,700,000 SA VING'S BA_N_K BRANCH. IWONEY TO LEND.â€"$2,ooo TO LOAN ON FIST-CLASS MORTGAGE SECURI- Mofiey received on deposit, and interest pay: able half yearly or compounded. “$0.1va111'tller illfornï¬tmï¬ hip]le at at the Ofï¬ces of the Commuw. ‘VALTER S. LEE Manager THUS. iv 5 and one-half per cent: freehold securisy; no commission. MONEY‘TO LEND ON FIRST mortgage of farm property, at eight per PVIONEY T0 LOAN AT SEVEN and one-half uer cent: freehold securisy; \VESTEï¬ï¬'EAN‘ADAVL 70713 ‘N AND SAVINGS CO'MI’ANY. . ’WATCHES 83 KING STREET EAST Tick Destroyer, Its use costs less than two cents per sheep. Kills the Ticks, Enriches the Quantity and Quality of THE GREATEST \VONDER 0F MODERN TIMES. HON. GEO. W. ALLAN, Senator, President. The Pills purify the Blood, correct 11.11 disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old \Vounda, Sores and Ulcers of how- ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Dipbhm‘ia, Coughs, Colds, Grout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. BEWARE OF NEW YORK COUNTERFEITS. Spurlous unimtlons of “Holloway’s P1113 Ointment†are mmnuiactured and sold under name of “ Holloway (S; " by J. F. Henry, Curran 65 00., Druggists, . and also by the MetropolitanMeâ€" .‘ diciue Company of New York,with 11 assumed trade mark, thus â€"Aga.1'n one J os- eph Huydock, of \Iew York, lilieâ€" wise passes off counterfeits of his own make _ _ “ under the name of “Holloway & . ' 00.," having for a. trade mark 11. Crescent and serpent}; McKessen 6: Robbins of New York are agents for the some. These persons, the better to deceive you un- blushingly Caution the Public in the small books of directions mï¬xed to their Medicines, which are really the spurious imitations, to Beware of Counterfeits. Unscrupulous Dealers obtain them at verylow prices and sell them to the Public in Canada as mv genuine Pills and Ointment. 5'Sf‘ I most earnestly and respectfully appeal to the Clergy, to Mothers of Families and other Ladies, and to the Public gnnerully of British North America, that they may be pleased to denounce mispm‘ingly these frauds. Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and I3oxes. It the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are the Counterfeits. g. Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines, bears the British Government Stnmp,with the words “ HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT, LONDON," engraved thereon. On the Jewel is the address, 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, where alone they are Manufactured. ' IE? Parties who may be defrauded by Vendm L selling spurious “ Holloway’s Pills and Oint. ment," 5; of my geuine make, shall on communi eating the pm‘ticulxu‘s to me, be mnply remuner- ated, and their names never divulged. W. F. R088 81. CO“. 1.0mm; Jan. AND SAVINGS COMPANY. . Oï¬lcesâ€"No. 70 Church street, Toronto. ROSE, MACDONALD & MERRITT, 78 King Street East, Toronto. the Wool, and Improves :the STEM-WINDING MILLER’S NEW PATTERNS. RUSSELL CORNELL & 00., MONEY T0 LOAN. Condition of thc_Sheqp. TORONTO. HUGH MILLER & 00., CELEBRATED Altuml Ohmnlsbz Tyrants. SUCCESSORS TO Signed, gammy. THOMA S HOLLOWAY 85 SONS V-‘mw v», n-‘ln r- .-,. ,wwmw..mw , M4», mam v~fl-fÂ¥6mw 'Mnils going South made up twice everv day ’ VIZJ RICHMflNB ll ILL, NEST OFFICE N. B.â€"Registered Letters must†be "posted 15 minutes before the hours of closing mulls‘. ‘ Richmund Hill 1’. 0.,} M. TEEFY, ’ Jan. 24; 1878. ' ' " Eastmaster, ‘ ‘glqhese Tana; ‘ lie in tie" GREAT LIME- STONE BELT of Central Kansas, (she bestvvinter Wheat producing district of the United Stator yielding from 20 to 30 Bus. per Acre. A 1 The average yearly minan in- this country is : nearly 33 Inches per annum, one-thud greater than in†the much extolled ARKANSAS VALLEY, which has a yearly rainfall of less than: 1 23 inches per mmum in the same longtitude. : '~ Stock Raising and Wool-Growing I are very‘ Remuneratlve, The Winters are: short and mild. Stock will live all the year on“) grass. Living iatreums and Springs are numer- ous. Pure writer is found in wells from 20 to 60 feet deep. The l-Iealthiest Climate‘ in the VV orld! No fever and ague there. No muddy or inumssuble roads. Plenty of ï¬ne building stone, lime and send. These lands are ' being rapidly settled bythe best class of Northern‘ and Eastern people, and will so appreciate in value by the improvements now being made as '_ to make their purchase at present prices one of _ the very best investments that can be made,’ aside from the proï¬ts to be derived from their: cultivation. Members of our .ï¬rm reside ing WA-KEENEY, and will show lands at any time.- A pamphlet, giving full information in regard to soil, climate, Water, supply. &c., will be sent free on request. ; é: TREGO COUNTY, KANSAS, about equally divided by the Kansas Padiflc Railway; which we are selling at an average of $3.25 peg" acre, on easy terms of payment. Alternate sec- tions of Government Lands can be ‘Jtuken as, hrgpestequ 13y ug'tuulvsettl'grs. "nu.m fvurnl Morning, (011135) 812730 ofclock. ‘ V -, Post Ofï¬ce hawkâ€"until further notice: 6.45, algalto §_.00,_p_. m. I . ' ‘ C ANADA’S CARTOON PAPER, = “ GRIP.†Warren.Keeney 81, 00., ‘ KANSA S LANDS YORKVILLE SHEEP ELflTHINE STflBB Hus now on hand a. good and W011 selected stock Of Cloths, Tweeds, Ready-made GENTS’ FURNISHING, which he is selling Cheap for Cash. A11 cloths and tweeds pur- chased from him out free of charge. Town Hall Block. Yorkville At $6 per hundred feet. Also Flooring and other lumber dressed; sup buckets, pails, cider mills washing machines, shingles, Felloes, sawn and BENT material for buggies and sighs. For particulars address JOHN LANGSTAFF, Steam Mills, Lanesmfl P.O Single copies 5 cents; $2 _a year»- Ordnrs received at this ofï¬ce MILTON 5:22:35? Cents L 2-7% ' set Shirt Studs, 31 l- Heuvy Plain Rin mond Pin. Re! $100,000 stock mu: trated catalogue 0 es, otc., sent with ‘ watch,good time k free to 8.11 agents. MONTREAL NOVEILTY 00., We own and control the Railway limds o!‘ Morning, at 7.30 o’clock; Evening, at 7 o'clock. Parties desirous of becoming members 03.11 for: ward their names to Mr J 01111 Gibson, President, Millikan P 0 - Mr H Jennings, Treasurer, Victoria Square P 0 Mr T Humbersbone Sec’y, Newtonbrook P O - 106 Dearborn St.,Chicago,- Or Wa-Keeney,Trego co.,Kansas. April 11, ISTSâ€"l-y. Patent Rave-trough 8; W aterspout FOR. THE DOMINION, T H. E H E R-‘AILD At his printing ofï¬ces, Yonga street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Terms of SubscriptiQp: $1.00 per' annum in advance. When not puld mudvmlce $1.50 will - be charged. ‘ ' ' ’ Column. .. $20 ' $35 $60 Half Col.†15 20 35 Quarter 0 10 15 20 Business Cards, one year Do six months .. Do three month Timisitory udvertisaments, 8 1 the ï¬rst insertion; Each subsequent 3 cents per line. _ Advertisements will be inserted at the follow- ing rates: mk..,;_ c1:.. n..- Advertisements Vyithmï¬: wï¬ï¬ten insh‘uctioni will be inserted unï¬t for Laid. and charged. awaien'h‘ rates. ’ KNOW TMSELEEE u .â€" .. v .â€"â€"._ “w I. v- r N treats of Exhausted Vitality, P cmnture Decline, Nervous and Physical Debility. and the endless concomitant ills and untold miseries that result thercï¬'om, nndconmigs 131.01“ than 600riginqlpre- .. .__-...I. 41.... “win:- If lucrcu'um, uuuummmo mum ..... r, ,,,,, , sari tions, any one of which :9 worth the price of the )ook. This book was written by the moat ex- tensivl and probably the most skilful practitioner in America, to whom was awarded a gold andjew- cllcd medal by the National Medical Associmon. A Pamphlet, illustrated with the very ï¬nest Steel Eugravingaâ€"a mar- l vcl of art and beautyâ€" nent mum to all. Semi for it at once. Address PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, No. 4 Bul-T L F ï¬nch sn. Boston. Mass. 65 YONGE STREET ‘SOCIATION mm mm . 5 East Riding of York. IBERAL CONSERVATIVE AS Clothing, Hats, Caps, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, . H. KEEFLER, 1V1. ANDREWS Address, ‘ . We will send 1* m 56) Cents to my ad. dress, 1 elegant gent‘s Watch Chain with sen], 1_ pair Sleeve Buttons, 1 sec Shirt Studs, 31 Collar Button, 1 Heavy Plain Ring.1 Persian Din.- mzmd Pin. Retail price,’ $43.00. $100,000 stock must be sold. Illus- [tmted cataloggué of jewelry, “; 5% 0 z: gsrévtg.,vgéï¬ï¬yxgiEhEVtéryVfbf.’ Silver watchgoodtime keeper. $4. Watch free to 8.11 agents. ~ GOING NORTH. PUBLISHED BY By reading and practicing the inestimable truths con tained in the best medical 130%: over issued, entitled ISE Fâ€"PR‘ESERVATION ‘Price only $1. Sent by mail Apnurccgipt of prl‘co.‘ It Imromï¬ns MONTREAL. Moyiths, Months. Year $320 ' $35 $60 15 20 35 ‘ 10 15 20 Three Six One Oct 25 8-111.