WW, WV m3! 151» PI'IZ dila- ,McL‘eH‘un..., Field Rem, common. lOOL lbs, 1st pxize J03. Hollingshoad; 2nd, ‘Nm. “Main. In'diau Corn. 12 (Sara, Ist‘prizeJas. "Huniar 2 2nd. “7111. Stewart‘ He has the eï¬rontery to insert in the FAMILY HERALD AND WEEKLY STAB of Montreal, on August mm, 1878, «me ekuct copy of one of my udverï¬sments. and calling himself the Agent for the United States. The rude Marks of my medicines have all been", 33:31:56 at Ottawa; L; i‘r‘main with great réapect. Your most obedient servant. THOMAS HOLLOWAY. He calls himself the Agent of Professor Hollo- way,.for the United States. Now he has no con- nection whatever with me, and the Whole thing is a hand ' :7 , x . - J Sinâ€".1 see by_ypu)r last issue that some of [lid :re'aderp bf‘theiï¬snun are anxinus to him who" hired llié Richmond [1111 Band forthut great Grit picnic at Unionville. Now, Sir, I‘will try to _rel-ieve their minds by stating that Mr W Trench closed the bargain with me,;and told me that the; Band was to gnfae hé was sure that they b’riuld rmse,the needfu] easy enough“ I hope that, thiszwill saï¬â€™sfv‘ vmir readers, and that the "iiiii‘i'er g’éléig"v?'&;."'sé;ziéi." ' " ‘ RO0TS.-â€"Class 7. Liberal Man(n) will for::ver after hold his penqe, and just pass‘ovar that little balance and interest. I am. sure that. at least, he would have the gréihtude nflhe Band. Yours truly, DEAR Sunâ€"Will you be pleased to allow me to in‘vite your attention to a gross fraud which is being practised upon me and the public, by JOSEPH HAYDOCK, pf New Yorb, who is using my .11qu inlnlqking ~Imd selling sputlounjflollowny’s Judgemâ€"G. Cook, Brudfnrd; G. Cole Bond Head 11%.»: Marsh, Richmond Bl“. Fall Wï¬adt,~§vhite;v :00 1b.. m prize B‘all WWI,~White; 200 lbs. lat prize Wm. pi'ispgn; 2nd, Ira Johnston ; 3rd Jas. Ill), :Trendsvell jWheat, 100 lbs, laï¬p z B; :Glï¬SP; 2nd J. S. Riddle. Spring Wheat. Club, 100 lbs, lst prize 'Wm. Main; 2nd Jas. McLellnn. Scotch Wheat. 10(. lbs. Isl prize Wm. John ston ; 2nd, Josï¬Hollingshend ; 3rd, Wm. Mair. Flour. I barrel, Isl prize F; G. Cole ; 2nd. Wrï¬. Slewart. Bailey, 9 row. 100 lbs, 1st prize Jospph Hollingshead ; 2nd,‘ Ira John- stï¬. “wiping 100 lbs. 13L ‘prigé J-gs, H iii ‘ d! 2nd; Wm“ Sixâ€"wail.“ l la'ck- 9a}a,__thlbs, lstrize Jos_._ lelinigfsl Ami,- isafgnud ’ r‘ L x I. - ' ' Epitors a ‘eonstanfly writing to me fnr'pay- ment‘vf hi udvextismems, believing that he is acting for mu. ‘ It has taken the greater part of along life-time, with manyunxieties and caret. to amomplish what I buvé’dofle, d‘nd vou will no doubt, Sir, consider it most unjust that, this JOSEPH HAY- DOCK shank?)2 unconsciously. be aided by the Newspaper ass of British North America, in practicing this deception. Holloway’s Pills and Ointment. l’iua and Oint-nile'nt‘ SEEDS. Timothy Seed, 25 lbs, lst prize D' Mc- Anhur; 2nd Wm. Main. . Clover Seed, 25 _lbs, lat prize D. Sutherland ; 2nd R. Mc- Potatooa, Garnet Chili. l bushel 2nd, prize Wm Main; Pommps.'Eai-ly linse. l bushel; Jos. Hollingshead; 2nd. Wm. Main. ~Potatoes Cur-s, 1 bushel, Wm. Main: 2nd, Wm. Henrieison. Potatnes am kind, Wm. Main ; 2nd John McDonald. Swe4L dish Turnips. 6 ruotn. D. L. Sthpm-d; 2nd ’l‘hom’as‘ Hamer. Turnips, any oxher kind, 6100‘s, .lst and 2nd prizes Wm. Main. Red Carrots. 6 room. W. D. Stoddart; 2nd. Thos. ‘Hgamers \Vhiie Cazrrms, 6 roms, Our columns are open to a fair dis- cussion on all subjects, without pre- judlce' To (he Editor 0/ the Herald. AIIUDo ngurl. nun-c \aJI‘nn, u lUUlb’ vD'.-;‘iSwdt!m; 2nd; John Lombard. Beets,6roms, Wm. Main; 2nd W. U. Sloddnrt.' Mangle Wurlzel, 6 mots, Thus. The following letter from Mr. Hollo- Way, explains itself. It should be care- fully perused by all. ’ Morris. Lmeï¬gnushï¬i. vGros§ {2911‘ John Bowie 4; fa“ _ filmï¬in 2.5.13,“ Evan; 2n §rï¬Â§Â§Â¥Â§xï¬153toï¬g glahbï¬geï¬ï¬, heads, Win." ~iri‘;"' 2nd, ' John p‘TaiyloF.‘ Gaul!†. 3 ï¬ids, Wm. Main ; 2nd. S. Drnpér‘ 5 eleï¬ï¬i r0013, R. Stewart ; 2nd, Thur»; riemf While Unions. 6. J08. 7}). five-Edin inhe Herald. Evan; 2nd: l rijflfhï¬stoï¬; 33a]lb§g§;12 heads, Win.†.iri‘;" 2nd, ' John p‘Ta‘ylol‘f Cunl'ï¬â€˜. 3 lighds, Wm. Main ; 2nd. S. Drnpir‘ 3 eleï¬ï¬ï¬ r0013, R. Stewart ; 2nd. '1‘ 53;; riom," White Unions. 6. J03, F nel, Sr. ; 2nd, Ed. Maqee. lied Unions, 6. J03. Fennel, Sr. ; 2M1 John Taylor. Tomatoes, 6, John Taylor; 2nd. D. Sulhm- land. l’ursnips.‘ 9. S. llraper ; 2nd. W. l). Sloddart. Top Onions. John Taylor ; 2nd, P. Greer. I, Best collection of Garden produce, '1‘.'-McBrien. luau, :- n u v vuu u be) ‘ ' .~.« 111;. Sue; Glover mufi It is‘ garii-‘flï¬it the ï¬re was 'the‘ war}: of incendiarism.’ The following are the losses :â€"P. Sile, 1035 (m buildings, $800, covered by insurance; John‘ Stephens. loss on dye-Hing and contents, $500; insured fpr $500 ; th'n Wiggins, loss on dwelling, $600 insurance not known ; P. T. Hipwell, loss $400, no insurance. Some oflhe Amara-musical critics do nggmhjvnkxxpucy ‘0f_ the g‘fmlent ~ qiapluvegi by: ~ 2 ‘ » v SALE [lispâ€"lit vou ardéé‘bont 'lo5 hsvé I.“ sale you arrnotto do better, in styla or price, than a} this qtï¬cei About 8 o‘clock_on Saturday night, 5111 inst., a. ï¬re broke 9min .lhe driving-stable. MISSING.-â€"A telegram sent toï¬the Tor-- onto papers, the beginning of this week, says : “ James McCabe, of the township of Ki zwent to Toronto on Friday lsst, with a,. God ‘of wheat, and has .not been ceen since. 5113 had $125 with him, is not; likely towing-move ltis feared that he has either met. Wilkan accident. or received foul'play.†" HAXLAN’S WINNINGS â€"The Hanlan Club is putative father of the statement that Han- lsn has won $11,965 from this year’s racipg, turqujred as follows : from the HM rhea, $1.250 ; from the Morris rac‘e, $l‘,‘865’: From Brockville regatta, $500 ; from wthe Ross race, 650; from Barrie tégatta, $1,200 ; from the Courtney race. $6,500. The club receipts are said $4,000, a._.d out of his training expenses, equipment, travelling, &c., have been paid; The club thinks that Hsnlan ought to get. a homestead now from the country. He deserves it. ....-..;:u Tins: Gwillimbury Fall ‘Show VC‘O‘NCLUSION OF mum LIST. F. LAYTOF. Late President Richmond Hill Band Who Hired the Band? @mmmmimtimw. Fire at Clover Hill I GRAIN, &câ€"Clnss 6 SETTLED AT LAST. Mossley, Oct 1411), 1878 535 Oxford Street, \V. C. London. Sept. 21. 1878. FER E ME LIFE,’ i HT YEEIIR LIFE INSHREH IN Tï¬i ‘Eï¬ VICTORY ï¬HEAD ! Cash paid for all; kinds of Grain and Farm Produce at the West End House. Ready and. Ordered Clothing Are prepared and detérmined..loAservc the ;pnblic better than any. other house with of Toronto. - ‘We Import dlrectvfron‘n Euro stain/d .the United States, We B;uy Strictly for cash ;, ~ We make a big 1"urn Over. \ We Sgrvg all glike; We; alm to suit all. \VEg'ivééufpatroï¬s the full beneï¬t or an whicllEXPERIENCE, ENERGY . ‘ and CAPITAL ,can procure. Cheap Grocery and Provision Stem INSURE AGAINST FIRE AND ACCIDENTS IN THE Citizen’s Fire and Accident Insurance Company. GIBSON COOK, Aem. ALSO AEENT PER THE UNIflN INSURMIL‘E GDMPANY. Also Valuator for the PERMANENT BUILBIYG SGCIETY. Bradford, Seyb. 4th, 1878. READY AND ORDERED BOOTS AND SHOES; rckery, Glassware, Teas and Groceries IN GREAT VARIETY, SEE THE NEW CARPET EXHIBITOR§ NEW GOODS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Spices, STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS viq‘es of All who are desirmm of having really GOOD WORKrdo‘ne in this line should secure the ser- ‘ ALL QRDE'IESKFORK _ . House, Sign - and Carriage PAINTING ! Paper Hanging, Calcimming L3“ Mr Malloy has purchased Mr, Wood’s in- terest in this business, and is determined to sat- isfy all who may favor him withï¬n order. The shop is one door south of Armstrong’s Black- smith Shop, Barrie Street, Bradford. GLASS STAINED 2 cmmm T333 r M. ANDREWS Has now on hand a gaod and well selected stock Of Cloths, Tweeds, Ready-made Clothing, Eats, Caps, GENTS' FURNISHING, which he is -selling Cheap for Cash. All cloths and tweeds pur- chased from him out free of charge. Town Hall Block. Yorkville. J. PATTERSON, Has on hand a. large and handsome stock of Bureaus, Cupboards, Sofas, Tables, Chairs, etc. at his Cabinet Factory, Only good articles can be found there. Bargains will be given. A Call Solicited. Every description of turning done. Order promptly attendedto Bradford, June 201b, 1878 August 29th. 1878 Furniture! Furniture. PAINTING, ï¬lled in a. satisfactory mpnner. 65 YONGE STREET And Wï¬itewashing done to perfection. OrIOrnumenbed, on the shortest notice. Bradford, Septljth. 1878. Milliners and Dress Makers nowhard at work i'n ï¬le New Cheap Store, and Great Clothing Hnuse. Holland Street, Bradford. Much ï¬ner Goods than usual, Much cheaper Goods than ever. W DIALL O Y GIBSON COOK YORKVILLE CLOTHS, TWEEDS, HATS,- CAPS- VICKER’S EXPRESS. But whoever may be in Power (Sue thing is certain And Extra Value in New Carpets. Has just received a iarge supply of I W MILLOY. 0F SPECIALITIES IN Oct 25 3-m. AND AGENT FOR DQWLER " BROS 8w, &c., AT HIS JOHN MURPHY & BRO. Patterson “MAXWELL†Reaper. the PATTERSON MAXWELL REAPER this season, do hereby ex- press our sntisfagition with' ithe way In which iz performs therwérk, hiking into donsideration the lpying condition of the qrops; and we believe the M AXWELL, £6 be the, most dur’abl’e flight Reaper tirade: V : . . , RQBeit.Wood, :. iMatihesz‘xris,‘ Richard Scanlop, _ 'l‘hos. -Armsti~ong,' Johï¬ F5118, George McKay, John Boddy,‘ ,Domfld Sutherland, Hean Bowles, Albert McVittyL. Geo.‘ I’oollttle, John-Rogers, sr.' V RiéhhndWalker, Wm. M'cCauslland Bradford, Aug. 9th, 1878.‘ ANHOOI‘, Womanhood. Free. A warning . against imposition. How youth and middle aged (both sexes) may restore tï¬ueir shattered Constitutions, especially if arising from early in discvetions. Herein lies your only safety ; by a. professional gentleman of rare ability. ,High Canadian press testimonials. Mention this paper Sgngstump for answer. See advertisement head- at which persons of either sex can make- great pay all the time meg work, ngita’1 for partlculsrs to H. BALLET: A; '0, I’ortland,‘. Maine. ‘ a. week in your own town.- $6 Outï¬t free EE No risk. Reader, if you Want a business l w 5&7‘Ruptui‘e.†j‘TEST‘I MONIVA‘LS 00D WORK DUNE AND COMPLETE SATISFACTION GIVEN TO ALL 'PAu‘TIEs'. ' W. W. ELLIS, We, _the undersigned: Farmers of West Gwiilimbury, having purchased ‘AGEx'r Fou'Bn‘Aï¬roRD AND vrcnx‘l'ry. ADVICE. 'INfFfAVQR 0F tum GIBSON COOK- Prof}, Y. EGAN, Hamilton, Ont. John Rose. ~Matthew, Earis, ‘ 'l‘hos. -Armsti~ong,' George McKay, Donn'ld Sutherland, Albert McVittyL, John-Rogers, sr.' V Wm. M'cCausland A gems Money received on deposit, and interest; pay~ able half yearly or cdmpuunded. This Company advances Money on the security of improved City or Country Property, re-paynble by memis of n Sinking Fund, which ir found to be the surest; and easiest mode of repaying a loan. Sm our reduced loan table. ~ For further infommtion apply at at the Oflices of the Comvanv. ‘ WALTER S. LEE thnszer HON. GEO. W. ALLAN, Senator, President. George Gooderham .................. Wifeâ€"President. DIRECTOIcsâ€"Sumuei Plath, M.P.: Wm. Gooder- ham, Geo. W. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, Hon. D. L Macpherson, Senator. ' Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $315,000 Total Assets, $2,700,000 SA VINGS BANK BRANCH. Lefroy,..‘.....‘.......‘ Holland Landing Bond Head...†All the rest of the time any one who may require his services will be sureof ï¬nding him athis ofï¬ce Opposite Algeo’s Hotel, HOLLAND STREET, BRADFORD. The Doctorrespectfully solicits uttentibn to the new process of Filling Teeth with Hard Burnishâ€" ed Gold, By this bountiful operation, cases otherwise hopeless, can be efl‘ectunlly treateh and the diseased tooth, however much decayed, may be completely built up with Solid Gold, and, restored to its original size, shape and usefulnessd Richmond Hill. (M: the Palmer deiée} Stouï¬ville ........... 3rd 6‘: 4th do Victoria. Square.. 2116. do Aurora... 5th do Mapleâ€. .. 8th do Spring Hill. 20th do Teeth ï¬lled in such a manner as will perma- nently arrest the decay, or tho money will be positix ely refunded. 'W ‘ V D Summon DENTIST, has - ~ removed to 87 King street East, Toronto, over H. (k C. Blachford’s new shoe store Best mineral teeth inserted in a manner to suit each patient. F'u‘t-iculur attention given to the preservation and re ulation of the natural teeth, carefully uvoing a1 unnecessary pain. A. W. SPAULDING, Assistant. tiate of the Royal College of Physicians London, England. Consultation dams-«Monday and Thursday. forenoons. Residenceâ€"Weston. V I and Pharmaceutical Chemist, 35 Yonge Yonge street. Yorkville. Ontario. Importer and dealer in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, French and higlish Perfumery,Euglish undAmericun Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle Medicine, and Drug- gist sundries of every description. . ’.J.~££‘EBS, Attornéyér Suï¬cibora-in-Chancery, etc.. 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), Togouto. Barristers, ' AttorneysaL-Law, Solicitors-in- Chancery, Conveyancers. em. ,Oflicesâ€"lmperiul Bajnk Buildings, Weliipgtou street, Toronto. THOMAS FERGUSON, QC. JOHN BAIL. WM. SE‘TON GORDON, GEO. F. SHIPLEY Ferguson, Baln, Gordon &. Shlplev, can make money faster at work for us than at anything else. Camitul not required; we will start you. $12 per day at home made by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls Wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Costlv outï¬t and terms free. Address TRUE 64 00.. Augusta. Maine. . HE GREATEST WONDER 0F MODERN TIMES. l The Pillé'pui-ii‘y the Blond, correct (1.11 disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all: complaints incidental to Females. ‘ » I ' V. The Ointment is the_ only reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Cid Wounds, Sores and Ulcers of how- ever longstanding. For Bronchitis, Diptheriu, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin. Diseases it has no equul. Spumoua unitutmns of “‘Holloway’s‘ P1113 Ointment†are manuiuctured and sold under name of “ Holloway 8: 00.." by J. F. Henry, Curran ct (20., Druggists, . and also by the Motl‘opolimu‘Ms- ‘dicine Company of New Yorknvith mm, thus 1 eph Haydock, of ‘ wi’se passcq ' off 5. V hls‘ -owu mska ' under the name of “Holloway & » 00.,†having for atrnde mark a Crescent and serpenn; Mc‘Kassen & Robbihs of New York are agents for the same. f- -â€"Again one Jos- New York, like-- counterfeits of W. \VESTERN CANADA LOAN AND SAVINGS (TOMPANYA These persons, the bette‘i‘ to deceive you un- bluShingly'Cnution’ the Public in the small boom of directions aiï¬xexl to their Medicines, Whicl. are really ,the Spurious imitations, to Beware _of Counterfeits. ‘ Unshrupï¬lmm Dealers obtain them at very low prices mm sell them'to the Public 'in Canada. as my genuine Ting and Ointment. ' - ' - , ,u,,n,. u... A, LL- u; y Evan“..- ._ -.... w..- 4 ‘ Imosc earnestly and L p ctfully appeal to the Clergy, to Mothers of Families and other Ladies, and to the Public‘ generally of British North America, that they may be pleased to denounce unspnï¬uglythese frauds. B‘ Purcï¬asers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. It the address is not 533, Oxford Street. London, they 7are the Counterfeit‘s. ‘ Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines hears me. British Government Stamp, with the words “ HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT LONDON,†engi‘aved thereon. 0n the label is the address, 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, where alone thev are Manufactured. W ‘K’T . 1mm nvo 13? Parties who may be defrauded by Vendor selling spurious “ Hullowny’s Pills and .Oint, manta," as of my geuine make, shall on communi eating the garticulms to me, be amply remuno - Med, and t eir mmms never divulged. Signed, mva‘ll H “4177 Ann.“ . BEWARE OF I ‘ NEW‘YORK COUNTERFEITS. ALFEEB BouiTBEE. WM. Won'rs DvA‘rT. March 21, 1878â€"6111 LODNON an. OULTBEE &. EVATT. BARRISâ€" 7 ROGERS, L. D. 8., VISITS R. PORTER, SURGEON DENTIST, VISITS Ofï¬ces‘No. 70 Church street, Toronto MODERN TIMES R. S. 'I‘YRRELL, L'ICEN 9. ROBINSON, DISPENSING MONEY T0 LOAN. AND SAVINGS COMPANY. p. 0. Box 2527. imam. £29211. £32111th or. ADAMS, 1,113., THOMAS HOLLOWAY, 9th of mark month. 28th ‘do 28th do lsb of each month Desire to thank the Farmers and others of the South Rid- ing of Simcoe for the kind patronage hitherto bestowed upon them, and respectfully intimei’e that they will be prepared to furnish for the coming season of 1879 all Implements manu- factured by them, viz: ROYCE REAPING MACHINE, Corner of John and Barrie Streets, BRADFORD. \’mr\l-â€"\r OPEN AND COVERED PHZETONS,‘ OPEN AND TOP SQUARE BOX BUGGIES, OPEN.ANDI TOP BREWSTER SIDE BAR’ BUGGIES, OPEN AND TOP DEXTER KING, (latest improved.) CENTENNIAL THRASHING MACHINE Beaver and Meadow Lark Mowers Independent Steel TOOTH SULKY RAKE Crockery and. Provisions, etc. Also Agent for the Western Fire Insurance Company, Dominion Line of Steamship Comp, A STUCK kept constantly tttt Httttt] and MADE to Uttttttt 36“ Now is the time to LEAVE YOUR. ORDERS before the Fall Fair, to secure a ï¬rst class job at a reasonable ï¬gure. ' BRITISH AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO. Jets. lA MVRENCE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES Messrs. Haggart Brothers. Aï¬so Steve-s of all Kinds CARRIAGES 8c WAGONS, M; The farmers. will please observe that. our Thrashing Machine. and Roy}:th Reaper got First Plize and diploma at the'WVorld’s Exhibition at Sidney,‘New South Wales. Special attention is called :0 our ï¬ye Wuï¬s? ye Stuffs ! Large and Well AsSorted Stock of Dyes Drugs, Toilet Articles, SELLIHG AT RGGK BQTTQE PRIGES Brndford,July 18th, 1878. HAS JUST RECEIVED A. LARGE AND WELL ,ASSORTED STOCK R *GHT Ros; A Fresh. Stools. of Groceries & Confectionaries ,1 BAKING ‘ DEPARTMENT r‘v'ould beg- to remind farmers and others in need of GOOD, PURE, DYE STUFFS, that heihagjhis year, on hand; an uAnusuallvi 3y bringing the weight of wool, and [he color desired, he will guarantee a good color. He has also on hand Q 11 large stock of Our Agent, James Hunter. w1llbe glad at any time to give information respeming v our implements, (L‘s. Samples And all repairs kept in Bradford. Sept 111b, 1878,- IE alldepaftmenls, which Was bought ,at a greht reduction, and which his Kept by Bradford, August 29th, 1878. }rain Grinders, Land Rollers, Ploughs,&c., and Scufflers, SAILING BETWEEN QUEBEC AND LEVERPOOL Bradford, June 27th, 1878. B. BARNARD. Remember the place, 'BARNA RD, Are now noted. for the excellent workmanship displayéd‘ in their FARMER’S W AGGONS. Cash Buyers Liberally Dealt With. JOSEPH BEACON Prescriptions can-- @0Gflgo FOR. CASH' OR PRODUCE- <_ ' JOHN BODDY, 2 CALL AND TSEE. MANUFACTURER OF FIRST CLASS (BRAMPTON AND! ST. THOMAS.) MANUFACTURERS OF GENERAL ' DEALER. IN HAG-GART lBROS. AND THE THE ALSO APOTHECARY'S HALL. JOSEBH BEACON, Chemicals, Perfumery, No 1. Thompson’mBlock. quy compouhded. I will. I need not. any, support the Orange Incorporht'ibn Bill. Next Session will be an important Session, wins I hope the misdeeds of this Government for the past four years .will be emphasized.I will leave no means unusedvof préssing public attention .this desperate misconduct. r I am, Gentlemen, Yours Truly, Before akin; By ï¬nding an! pncticing _ the incstimnble midis co ' mined in the best medi I boo ever issued. entitled SE FPPBEBERVATION T HYsELFPï¬cc only $1. Sent by mail on re lpt of price. I: c treats ofExhaus'tedVitnlity. {’rcmatm'c Decline, Nervous and Physical chility. and the Indian concomitant ills and untold min-rind that result Ihetcfrom, and contains morq’than 30 original pre. sci-i tions, an one 0! which is worth (he price of the oak. is bookjvns written by the mosI ex.- tcnsivo and probably the mostrskilfnl practitioner in America. to whom was nwurdcd a gold andch- ellcd medal by tho Nniional Medical Associnilon.‘ A Pamphlet. illustrated with the very ï¬nest Btccl Engravin 9-3 mm- vcl of m an bcsutyâ€" H v .. acne mm: ‘0 all. Send , V I :i for it at once. ‘Addrcu PEABODY MEDICAL ‘ INSTITUTE, 1‘60. 4 Bill-T F [inch 51.. Benton. Mail. Gentlemenzï¬-Our Party has, in the line 'Dominion Elections, achieved, a" great vietory. As Inn incident of that Victory for ue, the resignation of the Hon. Wm. Mncdougall as a Member of the Local House stands. prominent. Consequenton that‘resignation I offered myself as a Candidate for the Legisla- ture, and at. the Convention held on the 30th of September I was chosen to bear the Standard of the Party in this Election. If, elected I will do all in my power to further the principles of the Conserâ€"v vative Patti; and to overturn a Govern- ment which, since it came into power has increased ‘our liabilities, wasted our resources, abused Governmental oï¬ices for electioneering purposes, and outraged Constitntional Government. They have done moré than this: Thev have used public money to influence passions which we had hoped might well be lllowed to ‘rest. ELECTOR g ‘ " Aisd'AgenHor Agricultural Inyfvlements. ‘ Any,,umpqpc oi Money WLogn 0n 800d farm security. and on reasonable terms. Apply to c. Duncumb, ‘ '1‘; ‘ ""' nichmondI-Iill, Otto W13 “Nichol; solicitor, N63, Toroizto St. Toronto SOUTH - I DING muss ; gives immediate‘rehef , cure: in 4 to 1‘). weeks. Endorsed by h' 11 medical authority. The 91051; valuable surgipï¬invention of the cen- tury. ’ The secret of cure is. this truss holds rup- ture durin hardest exercise, and can be worn night and my with greirtzeomlort. Vary cheap. Prof. J.3Y. EGAN. Hamilton, Ontuim FEHBHII‘IJI PRflPBBTY! The Speciï¬c Medicine'js sold by all Druggist at I per package, ur'six packages 10! ’5, or wil be sent by mail on receipt 0! the money, by iddresaiug, ' ' REE by mafl. Eam’s Imam-u!“ smart-PAD muss ; gives immediate‘reh‘ef ; cure: in 4 to ThOS A‘bkinsfls q. " TheGreatEngliBh Ram edyifespecially recom- mended as‘un unfailing cure {or Seminal Weak- nefls, Spmatorrhea, 1m- pobency, and n11 diaâ€" , eases that follow as a. 36 . \ -. {manufeï¬f gel! Aliyszms _‘ - . ass 0 , emery, ‘n ver-_ . Bah†akm‘stnl Lassibude, pain in the Aftor l n‘. Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature old age. and nmnyuther diseases that lead to sanity or con- sumption. and a premature grave. an of which, as nrule, are ï¬rst caused by deviating from the pulp of anuAre and ovpr iqdqgence. [The syeéiï¬d Mbdicine is tï¬e reéult of a. life‘ study undmany years of experience in treating these specile diseases. Pamphlets free by maiL TOLOAN 'flouk ‘ ‘ DR; .wm. GRAY'S ‘ Speclï¬o Medicine! SIMCOE. Commiséioner in B. :1" COHVBYQIICBEJIISIII'MIW Agcn NI. GRAY a Go Windsor, Ont [3' Sold Everywherï¬. RAIN TLLE, OF THE BEST. Q17â€? A_' MAIN STREET BEETON. ONT. RUPTURE. TO THE OF THE gnoscfmqarmeugsg WM. PARKHILL.