gl‘npi- r {ï¬ve 1:- thin Village Was cromhd in the. LH wing, and afrer waiting p:di(‘llrl_' :m’ mum time, a di~pntcln from Mu ‘.‘ ilsun's agent. at kasluwn, anâ€" nounced "uli is Inst. except mer; Park luii ehctcd, mnjurity want 200!" V'lhe crbwd then-dispersed. The electiun passed off \ory quietly on Tuesday liibt. There did “(It appear to be very deep interest. manifested in it, as cmuslsim-z.'r>iy J:sz than the usual nulubvl‘ (21 WNW» a; ,1! pnllud through {mt Amy Ii‘niiyruj. Tire anrcul [cleâ€" Mr. T. Spence, of Cooltstnwn, it ap- pears,hns achieved an unenyiable reputa- tion for writing very wonderful articles, :imla letter which recently appeared in the (looksmwu Advocate over his- s'1;nznure wOuld appear to indicate his determinaâ€" tion to ho-d onto his wellâ€"earned luurels. He complains that: “through the narcâ€" le~sness of .‘/.'r. b‘onth, ot‘West (iwtltim - bury, he was cut of? from his privelege ot'i’oti‘ng." Certainly it is rather nuâ€" noyingto loseyour vote7 hot that is no renson why a man should descend to personal abuse. especially when he is ignorant of the matterhe attempts to criticise. We nre inthrmed that Mr. Spence 'as not cut. out of his voto,-â€"ex- cept in his imagination. and that at a fc'w other persons, who perszuurled himt that such was the case. to suit their own ends. Mr. >pe110e Slinllitl not. be quite so willing to throw all the bloom of those errors upon Mr. Booth. He should make hirnscll'moro futnilinr with the circutnï¬mmes, ntnl then, prol‘gnhly, t he Would ï¬nd good and sutï¬ctenr. reason to alter the tone of his communication. "We are ol'cnurse awnre that the clerk is as usually held to account tor errors of; this nature, whether at, fault or not, but [in this Case, at, last, we know that tl ere are others, who are much IUON' descning ot'a castiuutiou on this acettunt thnn' Iilr. Booth, and we think thcy..nt. least. should have the mnnhness to come out and deli-rid the gent lrrnxnn who generously took all the blame on his own shoulders. " THE "HE HALD- Innisï¬] Bradford Alliston Essa. Tousorontoa. West Gwillmbury 405 (34 Majority for Parkhm . 341 In thhill we hure'a man of evenly: hulanced mind,-Â¥-one who is neither a bigot, nor yet hold» such ltberal views that it. is almost lnzposalble to_ tell which sitlé hgitlcllnes to. Should it ever be thcicase, im the future, am. hi»- party leaders were led into error, (and the bust of men {are‘but mortal.) we could rely on Mr. Pux'klnll vXu-cising his own good sense in the matter, zlnd refusing: to ud~ vocate, or suppcrt measurs whtch he might consider detrimental to the in- tei‘eéts and prmperity uf t . Province. On the other llnntl. M. 0. Cameron has always shmm himself to be a man wivh strng patriotic Feelings,invnrmble pond 'judgnwnt uh political, quotations, and dée';-=entcd, COIIQCanthUD convictions rogurdinglhc administration iof public patronage. Such ‘a‘tuan, in fact, that _could. be safely trusted and followed infghifiing the ship orsme. ' With the approaching gemr’al electlnn for thev Local House, we see the herald of‘ vie ‘ iory for the Conservative party. and the}‘ rovgrthmw 0f the bunglcrs, jobbers, and salary grabbers who have so long,' dus- graced the Legislative Hall of Ontario ! He ’then declared VWm J. Pat‘khill decked. ‘ Sheriï¬Mchnkey after receiving Hm returns nflhc olfccim) from th’t; Dcp R. cflicers at C(m'nmwn, yestcrduy‘ opened {he pap rs and read the statements as follow»â€" Wé must express our approbation of the mtmnelï¬in‘ which,» the two candi dates conducted the campaign, nothing ofa personal or abusive uulure hav- ing been b1 cached. The is:l.e was fought on the merits and (laments of‘lh‘e Mpg-at Admiuisn-utiommd the result 18 in ' faï¬â€˜or of lheir dismi I. ' The result of the election on Tuesday Just. for. the Local House is only what was oxpeeted,â€"the return of the' Con- Servative candidate by a large majority. As usqu in those Ridings where either party is particularly strong, they lose interest in the contestant} do not turn out en masse to vote. If the Conserva- Ltives of South Simcoe had polled even possible vote, the mnjority would have been enormously increased. It is just such conï¬dence in their strength, that will cost them an election some time, it' it be not eradicated, and more energy evinced. Wilson made a good ï¬ght, for" the laurels, but events have shown that he"'is not the man for Gulu‘ay.†As‘ we prophesied some weeks ago, the Reâ€" former's gave him a strong support, but let South Simcoe only remain true to herself, and the lustre of her proud vic- tories in the past will never be dimmed by'the political triumph'of the enemy. ‘VIOTORIOUS,â€"AS USUAL! THURS-DAY, OCTOBER 31, 1878 . :Let Justice be -Done. :P'éaw't‘y for mi}: legal r(1in’>â€"J V C Only One Dollar a Year NE \V ADV‘F‘D TISE MENTS Ml. J01<ITIE S PARK!!th 152 19 147 18 WILSON 64 64 l'nrls, thm, Berli :1 vim? tn c‘mmon Socialism. Th 3 discuvmed eighxvh l secreted in that city. The attemptedassassination of King Ammmhm induced the Spinninh Gum crumwt to oxcllnnge dermtchvs with l‘nris, Viumn, Berlin, and Home, with a View tn c‘mmon logislut'on agn' t A desputch f‘rrm Halifax says, the Marquis of Low e wi'll arrive there on or nbuut the ‘2an of November The Duke nf‘ Edinburgh will reach there two or three duvs in advance, to take part, in the reception. England has sent another remouslrunce to the Amccr. The Aï¬glmn difï¬culty ul-pears to be getting more cumplicfled, Hus in is Math] :0 be :lClin‘ly pnpwring both Izmd and wan-r forces {hr :1 struggle,qu lion. R. D. “Whatâ€"President of ".he :cuatvuwixhnut Portfolio. Honn J. H. PnpeAMinist‘er of Agri- culture and Immigration. FROM THE MARATIMI’. PROVINCES. “on, J. '7. l’opeâ€"L‘liliism;' of Mar- ine :nnd Fishcxies. Ilnn. James Macdonaldâ€"Mhustcr of Justice. Dr. TuppermMinistLr of Public “rm-ks. Hon. 5‘. L. Til]evâ€"~Ministor of Fiâ€" n Ell - (3U Hon. H. L. Luugevin.â€"-â€"Postmaster- General. Mr Massonâ€"Minister of Militia. M. Babyâ€"Minismr of Jnland Re- nue. ‘ Fir John I‘Lacdhngxldâ€"Premier and Miniater of lhe Interior. Senator Aikins~Sccretur3 of State. Senator Cumpbcllâ€"Receiver General. > Mr. Mackenzie BowexIA-Minismr of Customs, Han. John O'Connorâ€"President of the Council. - A Victoria dcspulch says Sir John A. Maxcdnnnld has been returned for the Commons by a majority of nearly two to one over the other two candxdatcs. Hon. James Mucdmmld and Hon Mr. Tilly will not return to Ottawa un till after. the elections. CECTRE Hunmv â€" Mowing-s are being high 1y lxe3d in the, Riding,‘ and the friends efboth Candidates are working vigorousiy. ' ‘ Several nf‘the new Minis‘crs will ‘be opposed in tlwir cr-ustixucucies on going back for re clecrinn. Mr. Peter )Iizvhvll is prntcsting the scat won h'um .umz by Mr. t:nowbaH._ Tt is said that Mr. Mncdougnllnf' Three Rivers will I'vpign his seat in order tn make rurm for [he Posmxuster- Gwen]! MI". Lang: \in. ‘ THE Wul'rs FOR ELECTION OF MIN- lSTERs.â€"“7I'its for Uni elections 01' Min lSlerS have been isSlxrd. 'l he nominu Iiuns 1:qu place on Nnvembcr 4th, and the elections on 1 11h prox. How sad the Grit Organs are because McCurtliv was not given a seat in the Cabinet Kcvp your syn)pnthygemlemen, you need it bild enough. \\ e “To pleased to soc many 01' them acknowledge, llowevcmhat McUurlhy has the neces sury ubnit‘y tn ï¬ll such a position. Even the most zenious advocate 01' GI‘.IiSlD could not say the same for Cook ! l The importinenco of some of‘thoee‘ï¬m- suceem‘ut Grit. udllnrh" is Si‘l)i«*llxi1!g marvellous, .zind also very disgusriug. The astonishing munxnzr in which they have UlilllV'thd the i'm-uliivs for which Annnins was liminguished, can only be accounted for on the ground that nature must have nflhrdcd great facilities for the Work. An evidence of the above wonderful characteristics can be found in an article in the Richmond Hill Liberal wherein the writer culls Sir John Maedonald “a deliberate liar!†'l he writer of that editorile may be enjoying good health at, the prqunt moment, but. that wasn’t the way poor Ananius was rewarded for similar sins. He must have :- magmï¬cent cheek;â€":mt. of the ordinary kind; but one that is fearfully and wonderfully construct-ed. which would answer all the purposes of a door hell or a Candle stick. And yet, we will vrntnre to state that when he wrote the article the warm blond indignantly throhbed upl‘rom his heart, and after several unsuccvssi‘ul attempts to giveun outward indieution ofits presence in his head,struggled so hard r0 redeem his character by even the faintest reâ€" semblance to a blush, that ovcrtznxed nature at length gave wav, and a small stream of blood trickled slowly down his racerâ€"his noee Was bleeding l LIST OF MINISTERS. The New‘ Cabinet. Potitical Notes. L. TilleymMinistcr of Fi FROM QUEBEC, FBUM ONTARIO. Mama ,olce‘ lune bottles of d)nam1te The Omngemen arrested in Montreal on the 12xhnf‘Ju1v, have been tried and ac- quillvd. Srven af them have enlex-vd “minus :«gainst. Mu‘nr Heuudry for damages, 101' illegal imprisonment. The Alliston Herald comes out shnngly in flavor of having the Scott Tempemuce Act aubnntted to the elec- tors. J Mk: 0 1m 1 McLean 1 -\ii shell 1 Sterling 0 Garrett 5 The following are the names oflhose who [0% purl in Ihe contest, Ingellwr with the number of games each attained, viz :â€" BRADFORD BARBIE GAMES GAMES DRAWS fl- ’him mule lhun one draw. _ The playing las‘ed abnnl two hours, louv- inu “illl'll‘~â€" ahead lire games. The return mulch will take place in album 1w0 weeks in this villaya when our dv-nnghlsmen. nu doubt will b0 butler prepared f‘nr ‘1heir ‘Iiplnolif‘nls. mud n, is m be hoped they will in Ihe mmmlinw. devote [he necessury lime to the game lhul, will enable them not only (0 lm victors over Baxrie in the relurn man-h. lnul m ustcnish all others with whom they may hereafler he brought in minimal. ,, ...\, and Gllle‘PH male :1 †clean swap†of llle live games“ Mo-ssrs Mclmm and Mitchell hl: ‘ed aiuwly :u-d cm‘efullv. the farmer hwing two games Ihe advantage. Messrs Russell and Sterling played Ihe ï¬ve games, lml llm Dr. wm rather ruughly med and unkimlly Irealed, his nppoueut not allowing [mu wrré very equallv nmlchvd,bnt ere the last game I) \d lin‘l) played the " wheel of fortune†turned favorable to Barrie by one game. Messrs King and Gmren were nnt us evenlynmlchn-dus111M331Iwumenlioned. Messrs Stevensonï¬nd Jakemnn were the ï¬rst to ï¬nish. with t'ourm one In favor of Harrie. This cou!d only have bHO'L ox- pemed. as Jakvmun has played “mm for some mumhs, while Swvens'm deVUIUa the «.{I'emer pmtinn of his spare time to count- ing Ihe blocks. Messrs Heva and Mc- On Friday night lust, a checker match was pluynd bulween the draughtsmen ut' Barrie and Bradford, in‘ Mr Culvm-well’s, shop, Barrie. Five players were ('hnsen on each side, and the utmost unanimin of feeling prevailed. Erich mun [earned who his oppunent was to be. by placing numbers in a hat and drawmz, the two hotding the same number being the parties to try the ~ki‘l of each olhgr. The playing on bath sides was good. but sltme of the players were very unevenly:matched, and the result was :1 " cle:.n walk over the course" fur the one side, A much better and turer Wtw 'w-yuld be, (and it Will vary hkeiv be acted on \rht-tzthe return match CHIHUS of?) to play all'f‘qtltl number of games with each ‘ one on the respective sides. and by so doing bring into l‘UqUiSiliUH the‘ Skill, of the various phtyers uyttléit'e u better opportun- ity tn judge correctly as to the knowledge of the‘game eu‘ch 0f the players pussess. Edmonson, b Buddy - E Gurmtt, ct S'nibh, A Gnu‘rot , 1) Buddy Blois, ct Boddy, b M 1 Kunnedy, b Mmpola 1 Jolmboddy, ct- é‘c b M Patterson. b Buddy WilsonJ b w, b Max-pole Stibbs, nut out Murphyyb mud ct Boddy Juhnzauu. ($331) Mnxpole Bycs 8, wides 2, Z Ju‘s Bo {dy,b Garrett 4 Ricuurdson, ct J-hnmn 6 Uymuingh " ',D Gzrrrstt 2 R Russ, n t (mt 3 Gexldpspt Kennedy,b G 0 Powell, b Kennedy 1 Mzu'pole, b Garrett 3 0 0 ) 1 Smith, 1) Garrett Rogers, 1) Garrett, Bennett 1) Kennedy J ()huston, b Garrett - Byea 9,105y byes 2, I Totul 65 With 8 wickets to spare Furllwr' particulars cnn be gleaned from the score which followsâ€" eq‘ It was now Bmdl‘ord's turn to “ield the willows. and the small scm‘e mudehy Barrie no doubt acted as an incentive to the good nlaving exhibited by some in this innings. Having shown up so poorly in balling, Barrie strove ltuvd In preth their oppon- ents liom accomplishing anything: lwllur, and mauv were the charges made. in bowling but all to no purpose. As the Bradford hays tI-uk their turn at the hat, they soon learned that the bowling was not up to the standard required to prevent run getting. Mud took advantage nl'lhis weak nestsV when the lust wicket, full they had rolled up a score of 65 runsâ€"just lacking one run of d uihlingr the score of'Ihose who preceeded themâ€"thanks to Messrs Kennedy and lï¬lois for their scores of 18 and i2 respect- fully, made in true Cniclmting style. Several others played a splendid defence, und llmuzh £11“qu in securing douhle ï¬gures, assisted greatly in run udiug up the number attained. Play was cnmmenced nbnnt12z30 o’clock, Barrie at the bat. During the innings very few runs were obtained. as will be seen on exmnining the score. no (me player secur- ing that which is ,rztrnernlly eugerlv sought. nt'ter~- d-wuhlt1 ï¬gures. The howlurs did their part with telling: «3 act, and u noticeable feature was the three wickets taken in one over by Garrett, in three consacutive balls. The Holders were not behind it. aiding the bowlers and giving tht-m that txsststance generally looked for, and the result. was a small score fur Barrie. At the clnsn of the innith only 33 runs had been made, and out ol'thm number 13 byes ï¬gured cut;- splCIU‘uslyâ€"liurrle cunsequently only malt- in;_r 22 runs nifthe but. Then-Mum match between these two c'lulw, took pine» (m Fndayaï¬ornnon last on the Barrie gmunds. A cold bleak wind, and «dark, cloudy day made it very un- pleasant for those engaged in Ihe game, and prevented many from wituessing the science exhibited. Total 181‘ INNINGS ls'r INNINGS BARBIE vs BRADFORD. Checker 'Match Cricket MatCh. Stevenson Reeves McLean Russell King 36 BRADFORD B ARRIE ; Eyes 5. widos'ï¬, ct B10is.b Kennedy 8 b Kennedy 20 011 Johnson, b K 0 not out 1 1) Kennedy 1 1) Garrett 2 ct Boddy, bGnrrett 0 ct Edmonmn, D G 6 run out ' ct] and 1) Garrett h Gugrctt Byeé‘Q, CONN ct Ross, b Bnddy ct and If Murpole not out not out 2ND INNINGS 2.‘D 1m: DR AWE 21 SHEPPARD JUBILEE SINGERS.â€"â€"Tllis troupe gave one of their very enjoyable ‘ concerts in the Town Hall of this village on Wednesday evening last, to an audience that testiï¬ed their apprecia- tion of excellent singing in an unmisâ€" takeablt- manner. “Beyond the Clouds,†;‘Old Folks at Home,†and “Old Black g‘Joe,†Were alone worth the. price of adâ€" missiOn. 'In theSc 301th the different 'voices blend very nicely, and keep excel ‘lent time. One of the ladies, and “Old iJoe†possess truly wonderful voices. ' 'l‘ALENTED.â€"â€"'â€"The young and talented i genius who immortalized himsell' byv :inving a graphic but slightly erroneous‘ lreport-oi‘an altecation which took place tat the north end of the village, a short ’timc ago. should take great- care of those grand and noble faculties with 1 which nature appears to Love so richly 'endowed him. All great minds, when strung to their utmost tension, are liable to crack and wander into lunacy, and,t “this sweet young boy†already giies Indication of having strained his mental! powers in the effort be made. If his ‘talents are. judiciously cultivated and “ not. buried in a napkin†; it he hasl his hair regularly cut, his shoes nicely; blackened, and the kinks taken out of his eyebrows, his name and fame may yet descend to posterity,â€"throu;;h the; medium of a Police Court Journal ;â€"' Con. l ‘ We pause in the midst of the great political ugitutions which now appears to rock this Country from onc end to the other, as almml‘ock is swayed ty the storm 4â€"we pause to ask. "When is that. fontâ€"race for the Oyster Supper coming off ‘2" We trust; the athletes are not hr-lrling buck unlil oysters are reduced in price. SELLING OFFâ€"“l. Pearce is making a genuine sacriï¬ce of all his goodr‘ below cost. Ouing to the suspension of liquor license lxeis compelled to despose of his stock of generulgrocerios at. aureat sacti ï¬ce and considerably under cost prim-s. ‘i‘eas, 25' cents; colfeCsBO‘cems; spioes, brooms, all to be dlsposed 0f. Come and see, and get. in supplies for the winter. Lawrence was one of the last to leave and everything appeared to be all right. The loss will be $1000, insurance $700. FIREâ€"Mr Lawrence’s hhop‘nt Mid dlcmu used by him for storing Vehicles in, was destroyed by ï¬re yesterday morning at half past sTx o’clock. It was used on Tuesday for the purpose of taking votes for the election between Messrs Parkhill and Wilson. “r. . Theobstropa‘ous conduct of a num bm‘ ofyoung men at theuCcncort 0n W'ednosday evening last was simply dis- graceful. Those boys evidently thnght lhenisulvos exceedingly clevvr, but it does not really, require any amnth of - brains in ennblea person to act. in a very foo!- ish manner There me muny ways of acheivinglr n0t0rict‘/, .wiihnut trying to graduate in the “rowdy class" We mist there will not bunny occasion for refuring to this muueragain SPORTINGpâ€"Last week the ducks. snipe, sqmrrels and other game hada rather busy time nf’ it. IIm-ry.Gmham was on the war. pall),with several strange gentlemen from the Soukh. On Saturday some of'lhe " boys†went Out, but the game was not there, when they gut ready mshoot. Harry is the champion hunter. ACCIDEx'Trâ€"‘thst Mr. Andrew McBeth was drivingulong‘the ron‘d be tween the Scotch line‘ and the Bond Head Road, the other evening, on his way home, his horses became Immanage able and he was thrown outh he rig and severely bruised. The wagon was also badly smashes]. Magistrates Court held at, I'radf‘ord on tlze 26th day of" O‘tuber 1578. James Stephens. ‘ vs George Brooks. Charge Perjury; Before Thomas Drifï¬ll and Robert, Parker, J. P. Case dis- missed. The mlentéd dramatic reader & imper- sonator, Miss Mourns, has been engaged by the Mechanics Institute to give an entertainment in the Town Hull, on Monday evening next. This lady comes wail recommended. Admission l5 and ‘25 cts. . Tenders \ill be received by Joseph Fennel or‘ï¬â€™ McUermou, up to Satur- day, Nov. 9, at 2 p m. for building a snne culvert oppmite the H con. of West Gwillimbury and chumse‘th. Under the caption of “Richmond Hill and Vicinity†will be tnund an item referring to a ‘p‘ Donkey Show.†The same kind of an Exhibition can be witnessed in this village occasionally on Plundny evenings. "Read it and see. Efforts are being made to establish a Literary and Musical Society in connec~ tion with the Canada M ethodist Church, and judging from the gentlemen who huvu the matter in hand, we feel assured they will be successful. Meetings every Tuesday chuing. Store goods selling off at reduced prices. M. H. Keefler. SNOWâ€"Vennor came very near the mark on the snow question. We had a little of' “The Beautiful" on Monday evening last, and there appears to have been a general fall all ovar Ontario of an inch or so. That renowned trotter,"1{ussian Spy†after astonishng the natives at Chicago, has arrived at the Binglium stables Bradford, where he will winter, in com- pany with the promising young stallion Valentine, under the oareof Mr. Peter Curran. Village Council meets on Friday evening next. See minutes of West Gwillimbury Council in another column. J. W. Grifï¬n &Co. are oï¬'ering this week one of the greatest stock of dxffsss goods cvcr’oflvered in Brudfdrd, 'aflt priiieé wLich will suit poor 01' rich. All Hallowgn,â€"â€"to-nighb (Thursday) LOCAL NEWS.~ The Annual Meeting of the Bradford Branch Bible Society will be held in the Primitive M, Church, on Fliday, Nov lst. The meeting will be addresâ€" sed by the Rev W W Boss, Agunt of the Society‘ and the resident Ministers. Chair will be taken'at 7.30 pm. Colâ€" lection will be taken up at the close. The Committee are requested to meet at 6;.30 pm, at the same plaoe, ‘ The chvapcst Job Printing at the HERALD ofï¬ce. Orders sent by mail postage paid. Prize Books for 5 High and Public Schoo plied through this oflice The Cot‘mtyCouncii for the ' County of Simcoe, met in the Conn. House on Mon- day the 21$titt$t., At 8 n m., the Warden David Dunn, Esq . took the chair and con- grutulnted the members on having once more met again. He had hoped that at, this session the members of the council would have had an opportunity of viewing the improvements and extension of the North Sitncoe {nilwny “‘ilit'l] is progressâ€" ing favorably, but us yet. not in a ' ï¬t state for travel, and consequently tlte anticipated plensnre could not take plut-e earlier than next ’yent'. M r. Little, M. P . [tut In a petition to the council signed by over 60 fret-holders. prayng the council to take steps to hove the sentence passed on Henry l Martin 0! 6 months imprisonment in the jail for beng found in the possession of a still, commuted, as the petitioners believed that the said Henry Martin was not using or intending: to use the same. A letter was read :t'rom F. Cumberland the Managing Director of the Northern RflIlWflV, with te- gayd to a further loan. F. C. Capreol. the inventor and promoter of the Georgian Bay Canal. being present, wnsinsttuctcd to address the council. After t‘et'et‘t'lttg to the great scheme he had in view to form the Georgian Bay Canal, he nsked the council to come forward and elect him as the rep- resentntive in the Local House for South Simcoe. Composition -â€"â€"lst Aggie Robinson . 2nd, Ella Johnson, J. Clelend. Miss Grant, S. Philp. A. Neilly, A. Christie and O. Killcenny ;3rd, ’1‘. Richardson and -W.altor Boddy. v Senior Geometrv.â€" 13h A. Christie , 52nd, J. Cleiand ; 3rd, Aggie Robinson. Junior ’Geomehy.â€"lst C. Kflkennv ; 9nd, Ella Johnson ; 3rd Mabel Kvefler. . Senirir Latinsâ€"15L A. Christie; 2nd, A. Neilly ; 3rd ; J. Cleland. Intemediate Lutin.-â€"Ist A. Christie} 2nd, 0. Kilkenny ; 3rd, W' Stoddnrt., Junior Latinâ€"«Ist, T. Rinlmrdson ; 2nd, W. McCunn ; 3rd. Mabel Keofler Franchnâ€"lst Aggie Robinson ; 2nd Ella Johnson. ) JuniOr A5gebrarâ€"1st Aggie Philp; 2nd, Mabel Kecfler ; 3rd,~ T.. Richard- SOD. Senior Algebra.- let A. Christie; 2nd, Ella Johnson‘ ; 3rd, :Aggic Robin- son, and A. Neilly. - Junior Arithmetic.‘â€"â€"]st T. Richard- son ; 2nd, W. McCann; 3rd,. \Vaher Boddy. . , V Intermediate Arithmgï¬c.-Ist_ F‘ (Nook ; 2nd, Aggie Phin ; 3rd, S Philp. , . Junior Dictation â€"]st Aggie 'Philp : 2nd, Sarah Cleland ;3rd, S. l'hilp. Senior Derivniion.â€"â€"lst Aggie Robin' son , 2nd, Ella Johnson ; 3rd, T. Bich' ardson. Senior Arithmetic;â€"1st J. Clelund; 9nd, A. Christie, Aggie Robinson and 1511.51 Johnsm ; 3rd, 0. Kilkenny and A. NeiHy. - Junior Prosody.â€"â€"15t Aggie Philp; 2nd, Sarah Cleland and Mix-s Grant, 3rd, 5. Phi‘p. Senior Readingâ€"{st Aggie Robin- son ; ‘lnd, A. Christie, Eilu Johnson, and Minnie Bowles; 3rd, W. Stoddart. Junior Readingâ€"15c Aggie Philï¬"; 2nd. $.1’hilp ; 3rd, 'l‘~ Richardson. Senior Literature.-â€"â€"lst Aggie Robin son ; 2nd, A. Christie ;3rd, Ella John son. * ' Senior Dictation.â€"1st Aggie Robin. son ; 2nd, Ella Johnsan ; 3rd, Frank Cook. ' Juni’or Literahire.~ Ist. Miss Grart ; 2nd. S. Philp; 3rd A. Philp, and Miss Banting; ‘ ' ' ‘ Junior, English Grammar.â€"â€"â€"lst W. McCann; 2nd, T. Richardson ; 3rd, Jemima Grant. Senior, English History, Johnson ; 2nd, A. Christie ; Robinson. Senior Geographyâ€"Isl: Ella John- son ; 2nd, A. Christie and J. Clciand ; 3rd, Aggie Robinson and F. Cook. Scuim' Prosndy.â€"-â€"Ist EH21 Johnson ; 2nd, A. Christie; 3rd, Aggie Robinson and J. Cleland. Junibr ’Derivation â€"lst Mlss Grant ; 2nd, Sarah Clelund ; 3rd. Mabel Kecfler. Physiology.â€"â€"Tst A. Christie; 3nd, Aggie Robinson and Ella Johnson ; 3rd Cunadxan History.â€"Ist Aggie Robin- snu ; 2nd, Ella. .iolmson ; 3rd, Andrew Chiristrie, 07.7 Kilkenny, and J. Clclzmd. Junior Geographyâ€"ht. Aggie Philp; 2nd, Miss Grant ; 3rd, W. McCann and tarah Clcland. V’Vritinz Boysyâ€"lsb A.~ Christin, J. Clelund, and U. Kilkenny 2nd W. Mc- (Innn’, :ind “j. Boy! ; 3rd, W. Stoddart, W. Boddy, F. Cook, and S. Philp. Writing Girlarâ€" lstv Aggie Philp ; 2nd, Aggie Robinson, Jemima Gram, Mabel chfler and Minnie Bowles ; 3rd, Sarah Clclund, and, Miss Banting. Roman History.â€"13t A. Christie; 2nd, Ella Johnson I 3rd, 0. Kilkenny, and J. Clelaud. Intermediate Grummanâ€"Isl: Aggie 1’1)in ; 2nd, Mabel Keefler ; 3rd, Jemm‘ ia Grant, S. Phflp, F. Cook, and W. St oddart, equal. Junior English Historyâ€"lat Aggie Philp : 9nd, W. McCann and W. Boyd; 3rd, Miss Grant. Senior, English Grammarsâ€"lg; Aggie Robinson 3 2nd, A. Christie ; 3rd, Ella Johnson. October sfm:dingof1’upirs who rank lst. 2nd. and 3rd, in thil' respective classes:- BradfOrd High School. County Council. for Sunday Schools Schools, can be sup- â€"Ist Ella ; 3rd, Aggie N. Y. Tmcnms’ ASSOCIATION.â€" The next meeting of this Association takes place. in the Public School Room,on Friday and Saturday next, beginning the ï¬rst day at10 n.m., and the second at 9 o’clock. 0n Fridny eveninz, Mr. Richard Lewis. of Torontt, will deliver 9. Lecture entitled: "The Harvest and the Laborers, or the Work and Destiny of the Edncalor;†he will also give a series of comic and semi mental readings. The work of the second day will comprise an address on "The The "Theory and Practice of Elocntion†by Mr. Lewis; "Analysis of "Milton‘s Paradise Lost†bv M’s. S. Jewit; Second. Class Phi-i losopbv by Mr. F. Hzlight; Drawmg by'Mr. l McIntosh; Second class Algebra by Mn] M. Hnight; nnd Writng by Mr. D. Father-1 ginham. The Sharon Glee club have kindly consented to give selections of' music on Fridin evening. consisting oft Chornses, Glees, &c. All interested in the| education of the young, cordially invited to be present The English Government has insisted that the Treaty of Berlin should be carried out as regards Roumanin. bir A. I]. Lay- axd recommends a military convention to avert collisions between the troops of Austria and Turkey. The former power will. despite Turkey’s protest, carry out the occupation of Novi Bazar when the proper time comes. The Russians hold that they have a right to occupy the territory between Constantinople and Adrianople, it not being alfrde by the Berlin treaty. The Prince of Montenegro is spoken of as the probable future ruler of Bulgaria. The Russians are said to be revoccupy- ingtthe places in Roumeliu they recently evacuutvd, and the M Petersburg G'olus declares that the Russian people desire a renewal of' the war. It now seems certain that Eng'and has entered a pro~ test against Russia's delay in the execuâ€" tion of the Treaty of Berlin. Persons gelling their bills printed at this ofï¬ce. will be given a notice like the above, free of charge. Cantâ€"WW3 regret. to learn of the sudden demise ofJ. Lewis Grant, formerly Super- intendent oflhe Northern Runway. which aud‘cyent wok place on the 201h xnst. De- ceased made many warm friends while on the above named Railway. FRIDAY 22nd Nowâ€"Credit Sale of Farm Stock, em, on Lot No 1 5111 con. of 'I'uy. The prnpmly ofthe hue Benjamin llackie, Esq. Sale at 12 o’clock,» Mr. Caxilword, uu‘ct. " Sumerviile, Vaughn“ Charles Thbmpson,- Yum: FALL Asslzr:s.â€"The York Assize Cain-t opened on Tuesday of Inst week, ( h,in Justice Muss presiding ,Thé quow- 111:1 gentlemen comprise the Grand Jury; Thomas Allan, Riven-street ;' W. B. Bexnard Suuon: J. G. Denise-n, Lake View Avenue; 1. G. C. Gihnnur, Jarvis-street: A. J. Huges, East Gwiilimhm‘y; Alex Hender- son. Gerrard-street ; Seth Hancock. King ; Robert Killam. Vaughan ; G. B. Knowles. Whilchurch. George Morgan, Scarboro; Thomas L‘oyd. Whilchurch ; Jamvs Lawrie Scarler , A. M. Secmd, Scar-hum ; An- drew L. Hui-1e. Richmond Hiil ; Ruben The populalion of our village is increas- ing so last [hut it is not only difficult, but impossible to chome acquainted with our neighlmrs, Al least one would judge this to be the case from the Liberal, which an nmlnch' lust wet-k that Mr. Andrew L. Lmle, of Richmond Hill, was but} of the gentlemen Comprising the Grand Jury. llin-n nux‘ “ (>ld18l inlu.bi1mt" fails to 19- mll any remember-axles: (If such a person. The gentéemau who ï¬lls the huhlv respect- ed position of Jurymim is not so Little Val. Munu wtuld seem to imply. SAD Accnnzm.â€"On Tuesday, of la'at week. while M r. Wm. Devlin, of the 2nd Con. 0:Vm;gh:1r, was engnged in threshing. he was caught by (he tumblingâ€"shaft, 0fthe machine, and severely injured, havmg his arm broken. and his body badly bruised. The mnchiue was being sun‘de M the Lime of the accxdeut. or the result might have proveh faml. M r. l’evlm was wedged in so tightly by the shaft that his clothes had to be ‘(-u' away to release him. He is now recovering, under good care. A prominent Reformer ofthis viliage was heard to remark “ that we (the Grits) had hard work to get men mean enough m net as scrutiueers". Hard on Messrs O’Bry‘wn and Wilson the Grit. scrulmei-rs at lust election. - II is said the committee of management of :he Mechunit-s Institute, intend having an Art Exhibilion some time before Christ- mus. The Liberal nflast week argues that a man becomes iesponsible for lhe [Myl‘llelll of any meal or entertainment at, which he may be presmn by invitation. If such is Ihe case we fear some one in our neighbor hood will be preseming the Little M31101) with a large bill. He should refuse all future invitalions to {ca As two young ladies were coming out of the Methodist Church, one Sunday evening, not long since, one of them was heard to remark to the other, “ you observe those young men glutidiiig on exhibition before the thumb door, ogling the ladies. Well, they are our donkies, and are on the grounds every Sunday evening: You are, as yet, a stranger in this village, but you will soon be deeply interested in our Umivnlled Sunday Menugeiiu of Dumvsticmed Don- keys "’ Wliu Wt ulen’t be a Dudley. The Herald was greatly sought for and eagerly enquired after around here last week. Rev. Mr. McCaHum is improving fast, and from appearance willsoou be able to resume his work. We had a visit from flue Jubilee Singers last Saturday evening. On account of the WM night the attendance was not so large as when they werellwrehel'ore. Their is a marked improvement in lime singiurr. Bev. Mr. Shumeworth occupied the Pulpit in the Methodist Church last. Sunday mornng and evening. There are quite a number of pretty girls in this village, mxd they are very charming: creatures, loo.-â€"sume of line young men 1hink. but [hat is no reason why the boys should fmm Ibemselws into a “ donkey dubâ€, and hold weekly meetings in 'thu open an: Richmond hill and Vicinity One ofthe large plate glasses of the hearse belonging to Mr. J. “fright, was emashed by one of the team of horses during the funeral. The writer of the letter over the sigâ€" nature of “An Elector†in the Liberal, is well known. His style would sell him any day of the week. We regrct‘tolearn of the death of Mrs Hopkins of Richmond Hlll who was buried on Saturday last. Auction Sale. :Jumes Taylu'r. York; KIN-street, Toronto. John Rose. Bradford, Aug; 9th,. 18781 Robert Wood, Richard Scaulon, John Falls, John Boddy, Henry Bowles, Geo. Poohttle, Richard Walker, We, the undersigned, Farmers of West Gwillimbury, having purchased the PATTERSON MAXWELL REAPER this season, do hereby éx~ press our satisfaction with the way in which it performs the work, taking into consideration the laying condition of the crops; and we believe the MAXWELL, to be the most durable light Reaper made : GOOD WORK DONE AND COMPLETE _SATISFACTIUN GIVEN TO ALL PARTIES. Pattersun “ MAXWELL†Reaper. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Holland street. Sept. 12, 1878 Having bought out MR. ROGERS, will 011911 on business in the same prelnisesmnd will ‘legg‘lad to see all the old as well as new Customers. : h ANHOOD, VVomzmhoud. Free., A warning: against imposition. How youth and’midxile aged (both sexes) may restore their shattered constitutions, especially if misting from 9311 [in disc'etimm Herein lies yuur only safety; n._ professional gentleman of rare ability. ‘ngh Canadian press testimonials. Mention'thls paper Semi stamp for answer. Sge adyertisement head- ed “Rupture.†_ For terms, and etc“ apply 'to W. Spence Bradford, or to John SPenco' 528 Yonge Street Toronto. ‘ Oct/[410th 1 878. ‘ That House and property at present occupied by Dr‘ Sterling, on Holland Sal, Bradford, cum- prisiug a. store and comfortable dwelling hot 6. The South By.“ No 7 in the 11th Con. of W689. Gwfllimbnry. Possession given immediately. Advertisement; of Live Stock, Auction Sales of Stock, Im laments, eta, seed for 53 e, Exhibitions, em., inserted at the same rates. For §ae l DAILY MAIL, 20 words for 25c each insertion ; each additional word one and a half cents. for Sale me inserted in the WEEKLY M AIL, 20 words for 50¢. each insertion ; each additional word 20. Advrrnisemean of_ arms forg 1;: are inserted in the At Fairview Bradford, 0N Thuraï¬ny Oct. 24th, the wife of Mr. Geo.Hogaboom, of IL daughter. - .At Bmdford, on Tuesday the 29th Oct. the wife of Mr. J. K. Stevenson, of a daughter. Wheatâ€"fall, per bushel spring, per bushel Bmloy, per bushel . Oats, per bushel Pause, per bushe .. Lye, yar bushel. Hay, per ton .. Straw, per ton . Potatoes, per bag, new. Apples, per bushel Buttcrwlb rolls, peril) . EPPS’S COCOAâ€"Gannon Aanml FORTKNG.â€"“ By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the o era- tions of digestion and nutrition, and 'y s careful application of the ï¬ne properties, of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tablea with a delicately flav- oured beverage, which may save us many henvy doctors’ bills. t is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitu- tion may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there '19 a weak point. We may escape many a fatal Shaft by keeping ourselves well fortiï¬ed with pure blood and properly nourished: t'rame.â€- Civil Service Gazette. Spldvonly in packets labelledâ€"~"JAMES EPPS & 00., Homoeopathic Chemists. 48. Threudueedlo Street. and 170. Piccadillv. Londou.’_' WEEKLY MAIL ! Parties wishing to ‘SELL, ADVERTISE THERE Iâ€"Aâ€"‘K Parties wishing to BUY, READ THERE, For I $a§e r‘; OR T9 LET. FARMS for SALE The annual Sabbath school convention oanrlh York. will be held on Thursday and Fl'ldflV. the 7th and 8th of November, in the M. E. church. Queensville, beginning at ll. a.m., of the 71]). AGENT FOIL BRADFORD AKD YICINITY. >A11Avqrbisemcnts of Farms Addresa Mall, Toronto TESTIMONIALS SEE THE LIST gavertixiemmw. '. W. ELLIS, Terms Easy large réï¬s, perrlb ADVICE. BRADFORD MARKETS. BUTC HER, IN FAVOR OF THE BARGAIN ! Avply to no: J, mm“; Hgmilton, Ont. Robt. I. Muoart'n'eyg' Bradlérd, Co: Simeon. WEDNESDAY, OCT 21, 1878. BIRTH Matthew Farie, ’l‘hos. Armstrong,’ George McKay; Donald Sutherland, Albert. McVitty, 'John Rogers, sr. Wm. McCausland ‘AT‘ FARM T3 RUM DO YOU W A NT $040 $0 0000 030 to to 00 120900 to 1;;