-.'.?E'L - - Bu.st : r Rowaellf’xï¬dt Halcheson- for Sla- giopary. . , . . 7,..- .- -. John Kï¬nï¬y‘. tép‘ah‘ixig énfvért‘on the side Iine ' crossing lot. [2w Illn12zcnla-'x-=-s from any longer supponing a. Ministry so recklessly indifferent to their true interests, although the Glace had 'the audacity to eulogize the ruinous transaction. of' turning our wild lands into a slashing, terminatng in widespread canflngration. To mend the matter Premier Mowat has since sold the Timber Limits on sixteen other Townd ships, makihizin'nll one hundred and sixty Townships. the timber on nine and a. half millions of acres thus sacriï¬ced for n mere trifletin ï¬ve yeatsghy Ministers calling themselves Reform‘ers, pom Dominion and Local. ‘Former Ministers sold -Ti.nher Limits hy/the retail; but it-took "men calling; themselves tieformers to go so deeply into the wholesale destruction of our Timber Lands. whntia contrast between these and the Saadï¬eld, "M. 0. Cameron Ministers, puz-chinsed'theSteel Rails before getting the consent of Parliament, and selected Cruz-t chon th‘o‘odorit'e'rons friend of the Globe. President of his Cabinet, and afterwards appointed him Govornor. thereby as he said elevating the standard (ofï¬pn‘hlie morality, y'and squandered hundredrfof ithousands ol‘ dollats uselessly' on Fort Francis ' Leek, withouttamontractg, paid Foster n large amount contrary to his contract &c., all in open viola‘tioh‘ of his ott‘ repeated pledges, and cardinal principles, has led to their beingt'designate’i in “ organized hypocrisy†and instead offlbeing Reformers, are the most arbitrary Government that have ever been in powerin Cuiiudsi. . “(hen the Gov- ernor of Quebec trnmlped on’the very ï¬rst. principles of responsible Government “Parliamentary supeinncv†not a ‘word of ratiï¬â€™emnutmn from‘ McKenzie, Blake ,or itiownttor any of their humble followers, ut. the (30% i' ~‘I’vetll‘ n‘nni nsly c n demned link-rags? vlidlutidln i ol’Vl-ilahpoxfsiiile Government, shoving that"the'.Coiiserxg_at: iveslre the true‘Reformers, and that ML- Kenzic, Blake, and Mowut, are only sham lieformers. ' “' The 'Big Push†Messrs McKenzie and Blake _ math before meeting 111ch ï¬rst local Parliament, by wantonly sacrificing the Timber Limits, one hundred and forty YOur‘Townships, nearly iiii.e millions of acres, fora were nominal price, and without ï¬rst'getting‘ the consent or Parliament. Messrs McKenzie and Blake, whilst in oppo- ‘sition publicly’nnd repeatedlv declhred to, the people, the cardinal unchniigenble principles ofthe Reform Pitrty,'und pledged th’emselVes, ifthey ever obtained poner to carry out these principles. and elevate the standard of nvublic morality. Have they done so 7 No/ By sacriï¬cmgth’ese Timber Limits, they openly violated two of these solemn pledges viz. Thin they would ex- pend no public money belore ï¬rst. getting the consent of Parliament, and that. they Would HLVJ no loose. ï¬sh of Tories. or 1nd:- ‘p‘endents in’their Ministry, but that their Ministry should be composed of none but old tried and proved Reformers. The deliberate sacriï¬ce of these Timber Limits, isa clear proof of how utleily worthless, these cardinal principles Were held by these so called Rel'ormers. Scott Would accent of no ,position in the .chKénziea Ministryl only ‘fhe meh' Land .I)epurtmént; and to secure the political influence of the wealthy Timber Rim: waSIIhis monster wrong per- petrated. It is‘zilmost incredible tlmt' the Glob'e by its mesmertcinflthnW, could have induced so many old tried liefctmers lo auppu‘rt the McKenzie Ministry 35;; Reform Ministry, pr that. th ,‘Mï¬e: the‘ friends of the working men. flieit-rgpanalgle i“’l‘0llg inflicled by Messrs" MéKenzi'a"and Blake, by meirvuu wantonly snoriï¬cing‘ the poor I The followingudg and read, namely: L, .-, .. p mm mm... "nu-m, , . Application: ï¬'r A .1 . be, So 1119' #159.- moved out ofSchr ; I 0 10 into S. S. No $11.7! "Cel‘iiï¬OflIépifnom Wm’; [MéDérm’oï¬ an.. Reeve Tepumgelh. us to. Ilie‘ work performed on Ihé Bridge at {Man's hollow on the tomlim west. 1: ' " The Council met in Saturday, the 5111 ()f members present; at privious meeting ' gravel ......r,..,.,...,.._ 40 00 Sam; Leer fon'cedar for culvert lst alld«llth~"-Iihe-......»¢‘ . . . . . '2 40 Joseph Keaney; for work on Keuney’s hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 WimlT‘minr,forlvmber‘fqrbvidgq _ , ‘ embark hbllbw'.l;.’....L.‘ ‘11 04 On m‘olion_ of Conn. McAï¬'ee,’ seconded by Counshflk, {he se'x‘veml documents bx:- fore Ibe Council: were referred lo their tespective Committees. The'Council adjourned to let them report. 0n the (‘ouncil resuming their seats Mr. Brandon, phnirmun oflCbrï¬mittee on roads and 5x33363113? lhéiwéste éxi dnï¬'hibin-{pr‘é- Our columns are open to a fair dis- cuuion on ull subjects, without pre- Judlce’ ' ' min: ‘hq mange, was; jt‘self anipl To the Editor of the Herald. at D- “ ' ‘ P ' 'lil “ UFQT‘E ‘1 t“ is g 4‘ gggl'vgggi’yo-r ‘ ' tice QfWVOlégs Liam; . 7 39 21 v“; wimpy. may . Among the many causes that have led to flue complete overthrow of the McKenzie Ministry. one of lhe mast prominent. was, Mr,’,.Iefl's, chainpaux.‘ of Finance Cpm- minee‘ug‘ne‘ n d flport ‘Fecomilendjnj ahe paingenéooffhe oéc'e bilfmgogelfner will! the amaflmsï¬f bun Mg thï¬sluidgainnamed, in the report from lhe road and bl'ldge Committee all, excevt, Wm. Train’s Bill which was laid over lér fuxure consideration eented report No. 5. stming that a culvert was blï¬lt on ,the 2nd dii’. of the 13th line. for a sum of $13, and Ihat Geo. Jelb had buih a culvert on 'the lownlire west, 31nd repaired some wash outslby rain for the sum of $700. . Onmotion‘tbese bills were respectively adopted: ’ Unï¬nolit‘m of Conn. Jeff's, seconded By Conn. Brgndopm Committee ofqth'e Reeve. Deputy-‘Reevze‘and Mr." Méï¬ï¬‚’ee w‘el‘e‘ép- pointed to confer with the Tecumseth Council or a Committee from it‘ respecting a redivision cf the statute labor beats on the Western towane. Qnmot' mof Cogn. Evalqu secgnded by Coï¬nfl’Br lhfmextï¬egulam‘meetiég offegci" as ox-d§r§d tofbef'helï¬g‘at W31. liaflr It 9,-5€oulsrm‘s C‘orï¬ers.L 4 ' On motion 9f Conn. Evans, seconded by Coun. McAfl‘ee, the portion of statute labor money coming from the N. R. Road be- longing ‘U‘Gilford, wasprdered to be 'paid Thea MMConckeyJo be laid out at Gilford. isth’oh’ «a: 1 has been 1; "in 310.; ex" thinks]? ï¬gtï¬v is girl On motion of Coun. Brandon, secondad by Conn. Jefl‘s. the Council adjourned unlil the lat Saturday in November at 10 o’clockggn..}l r - - . the a number of sheep have been stolen from time tn time, lately, in the vicinity of _the“squ.t_h eastgrn _cor_ner of_A_dj_ala, andAit Ahqntu e ihpglimhkq,‘ ,jmexfgsblys'suï¬iciéw @mmmmimmm West met i ngnd He'ild,:‘=}n:on 5111 (f mpber.“ AHA Vibe Gwiflimbu‘ry- E 4 DO- .7 .5 ‘r a w ~ I an ' u‘.‘ % . . e1 er A :n I Ax OLD SETTLER. 2am) the}; 'ild ll};ng upto pr’gyexrlt 1119033 _ 'inule “f {he ; onï¬rm' ' lwere presented $19345 Clothing, Hats, Caps, ' , F - . . éGENTH’HFURNISHING, which am .151. selling *' ,gChst-«pbr Cash‘. Allplot‘ussagd tategï¬s Dim g , - chased from him out free of charge. ‘ ' ,“Thozsi'Aï¬k’iï¬ngsqi ., Any amount of [Honey t9 Lean on good mm security, and on reasonable terms. O. Y. B, 136, meets every Tuesdny nighth 8 n' clock, over the HERALD ofï¬ce, Bingham’s Block Visitorscordially invited. - JOHN MCKINSTRY. W, McGULLOUGH a. week in your own town. $5 Outï¬t free No risk. Render. if you Want a business at which persons of either? sex can make great. pay all the time they work, write for particulars to H. HALLETT & Go , Portland, Maine. I ' g Hus 1'16wa 115315314 govod' bpdéwell gelected stock Of; élbghsï¬ "I'Wene'gflsg Regdy-made Only good articles can be fnund there. Bargains will be given, A Call Solicited. Every description of turning done. Order promptly attended to. at; business you can engage in. $15 to 32 l per day mudn by any workernf oft-her sex, right in their own localities. Pur- E’ tiuulms and samples wmth $5,5ree‘ improve your spare time at this business. ‘ - dress STINSON &C0‘, Portland, Maine. All who are dosir'ous of having rmmy GOOD “[0ng done in this line should." secure the ser- Vlces o I W MALLGY l3 Mr Mulloy has purchased Mr, \Vond’s i“- tel‘est in this business, an <1 is deteimined to sat- isfy all who may favor him with an order. The who is one door south of Armstrong’s Black- s'mim Shop, Barrie Street, Bradford. U! ‘ BUILDER, Sherwond, 4th Con. Vaughqu Syecial atthnt-ion given to Stair Efï¬ild tug. ’Punctuul attention will be given to m1 orders. Address Maple 1’. O. > 1. ; YORKVILLIE 1": '> Pg? {mm Has on hand. IL Mme and handsome stock of Bureaus, Cupboards. Sofas, Tables, Chairs, etc. V at his Cabinet Factory, ‘ Haliand Street; Bradford. Town Hall Block. Yorkville. J. PATTERSON, . j_ ' ALL ORDERS FOR House, Sign and {Jai‘riage Paper [Haggi mg, Calci {timing GLASS . 'STAINED ! Licensed Auctioneer, in and for the County of Siuleoe, respectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. ‘ fl is" Sales attended on the ‘shortmt nbtice, and at reasonable rates. Rosidonco,â€"â€"Bra.dforq, Ont. _ PAINTENE Y jihhwuum.t Lï¬ugiiacu u; 11:34“ (“EFWJ wu‘uuulAu‘y. ‘ e mag v um a tgicz inve .10 x Iggpgn- tury. The segrehég Ema 133mg @1315 $0.1 rup- ture during hardn'st exercise, and mu be‘ Wbrn nighbaï¬d day with great com org.‘ .Very cheap. ‘ ‘. 1>rot.J,Y.EGAN,-I amiiéoï¬si Ontario. * KMtvzgth, 1878 FEEEEHLBI PWEW ! ' §€x§§ivc nix} mdlxiï¬lythé most skilï¬il practitig or m America, 1 o Whom was awarded a gold 3113 w- cllcd medal by the Kational Medical Association. A Pamphlet, illustrated with the very ï¬nest Ste 1 Engravin â€"â€"n.rmz\r- . . 'vcféf art unugéï¬baï¬tyé "event FREE to: all. Scnd' . . , 1 "fox-Viv ‘1; once. Address PEABO Y MEDICAL -‘ ' †msrmum, 1x0. 4 Bub? ï¬nch at" Boston. Mass. MONEY T6 EGAN r f-‘â€"0VN-&,â€" W B Nichol, Solicitor, No.4, Toronto Commissioner in B. 12;. Conveyaneemusuraucc Age“ , DR. WM. GRAYjs , Spemï¬o Medicine! Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature old age, and manyother diseases that lead to sanity or con- sumption, and a. premature grave. all of which, as m‘ule, are ï¬rst caused by deviating from the path of natpre and ovpr iqdulgence. €511 tibia-gm)! one of wlncl xworth ‘116p1‘iclcz of the _ ook. ‘Tlï¬ï¬ bppk Ems wntrg‘n by the mggt ex. †"T'Bé 'sfyecmc Me'ai'cihe’ ié ’Eï¬Ã©Yééuu of a life study and many years of experience in treating these special diseases. Pamphlets freé by mail. ‘E 54% Y ‘ Price W231. Scnr by mail ‘ “ on rcco ~'-.of ; price. 1:; treats of Exhausted Vitality, Fromm Decline, Neurons and Phyeical chility, and the Cudlcsq 1:939me am ills and 'hiiï¬bld miseries that result ,lhefovo’ g‘andcontains more than 60 original pro. ‘Bcriptmns,nny one of which is worth the price of The Speciï¬c Medicine is‘ sold by all Druggist at 3| per package, or six packages for $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money, by addressing, . w .. †. By rcadin and prewticlng \ the inestixgublc truths con- ‘ , , j ‘aincdï¬q the best medical ever issued, entitled , k ‘ ' s -PRES.ERVATION Priccwzsl. Scntbyiuzjl ‘ ’ __'_m1__rccg Aflfqnice.“ 1c Furniture! Furniture. ‘ "fliï¬i‘uéménted, on the shortest notice. _‘ less ; giVés' him 2 Weeks. Idndorsed b; 'he 1112‘s}; valupéplg Eng; gmmmm’ @Mï¬ï¬. PAINTING, ï¬lled in a satisfactorv manner. [REE by m: M. GRAY & Co windscr,'0nt E15†Sold Evelfywherï¬. 65 Y,ONGE, STREET A110f Whitewxdshing dong to perfection Also Agent for Agricultural Implements BRADFORD PURPLE STAR. KEFFER, CONTRAC'i'OR A ND RAIN‘ TlLE, OF THE BEST QUALITY AT Eiémtmauwuï¬. MAIN STREET BEETON, ONT. The Great English Rom edy is especially, recom- . mended {LS nu unfailing cure for Seminal Weak-r ness, Spermntotrhezi, Imâ€"k potency, and all (115- ‘5 ems‘es that follow as a. se quence of self Abuse,us loss of Memory, Univcr‘ ' snl Lassitnde, pain in the After Ta .lng‘ é‘ 'aking ~ Apply $9, 9. Dypgu M. AND REVVS Robert Stewart, Esq. . Must-er. m 1-. E Aim: 'IMiT-AL: ;éarï¬iw-mn Hams mgxaéilm Miefg’; pus if no [419(1Q1‘faed b);_hig_ mgtï¬ca guflmrity. T2105, NIGHTI‘NGALE’S.’ \ _Â¥9rk vi I W MILL OY. Secretary hi’iÃ©ï¬ Liiéii Oct 25 San om Tdrontb 'Desivru to thank the Farmers and others of jhefl’SQu‘th Rid- ing‘ of Simcoe fur ï¬ghefiï¬ndépat‘l()lmge [1i111q_r‘foi'bpéfpww ,upon (ham; {11121-3i‘bSpLK‘fï¬ï¬‚ 'f'i'mil‘nfete. that “my Xvi“ be .prgj'plured t0 furhish" fp’t "t'l‘uS‘Coxxlh ’séigéon'o’ff 1879 all Imprimfém'smaï¬w fapiured byjï¬thcm'v, “5 ‘ '- V ' ' I REQVQE : MASH-WE, AT R393 BQTTQEE lii'PREEES Bradford, July 18th, 1878. Independenï¬ Steel TOOTH-SUL’KY RAKE A Fresh Eutock of' Groceries & Confectionaries ! Messrs. Hagggrt‘ Brothers; By, bxiuging the weight of wool, and (he coloi desired, he will guarantee a good colon Helmsalso on hand V\ a. lame stock of ‘ ‘ D , : HAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK Wéuld beg to remind farmers and others in need of G OODLFURE, DYE STUFFS, ' lhut‘ht‘l has {his :s'ezu‘, on hand._un uiuusuullyr a“ Largeuand . -We11lAssorted Stoék of Dyes $39 games: flag-E; 'Enaéég T115: f'urmérs willkplcï¬'se'nbserve " flmt_ our 3 Thrashing Machine and Boyce Reaper got First I’liZe and diplpma at, the \Voi‘id’s Iflxhibiï¬tidn“ ï¬t Sidney, New South Wales. Special attention cuneifg‘bun ‘ t * mg EEKEMME Mugs; ToiieE‘Ar‘tieles, Ram}: and WWW Lark Mowers BAKENG DEPARTMENT Corner of John and Barxie Stregts, BRADFORD, \ r\'\ ,â€"‘ N .- 4\ An,x/WM OPEN-AND COVERED PHZETONS, OPEN AND TOP SQUARE BOX BUGGIES, OPEN AND TOP BRE‘VSTER SIDE BAR BUGGIES,‘ ‘ OPEN AND TOP DEXTER KiNG, (latest improvgd.) AGGNS: A STUCK kept cansiantly UN HANS andfMADE ta ORDER W Now is the timelo LEAVE YOUR ORDERS before the Fall Fair, to secure a ï¬rstclass job at a reasonable ï¬gure. . mm 3% gmï¬s E DRYGO‘ODS, GROCERIES Crockery and. Provisiéns, 651:0. Alsn Agent for the Western Fire Insurance Cumpauy, BRITISIj} AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO. ï¬aminiï¬n. has a? Steamship 89m, Our Agent, James Hunter. W11! be glad at uny'rimeftx) give information l'egpeéling ' our implements, (£40. Samples and all r'opaii‘s kept: in Liradfo'x‘d. ' " ' Sf}:th uni/1878: In all departments, which was bought at a great reduction, agd yvhich he is & FEED! . .Kgpt by.. Bradford, August 29th, 1878. ..x Graih'AGYihde’r‘sg Laud Rollers, Ploughsï¬cq and Scufflers a iiAGï¬GIâ€"ART . 53313.05. E $1 1“ 14‘ QELL 3% Lf ' Bradfoél; 5’ Juanie 271h5‘il878; 'l’rescviptions caro- Remember this pi‘éce, UV Are now noted for the excellent workmanship displayed in their CENTENNIAL _ THRASHING MACHINE FARREER’S WAG-GONE. Cash. Buyers Liberally Dealt With. JOSEP‘H' BEA'C-DN SAILING BETWEEN QUEBEC AND LIVERPOOL FOR CASH OR PRODUCE.- JOKE] BODDY, CALL 'AND SEE. MANUFAcu-ILRER OF FIRST CLASS (BRAMPTON AND THOMAS.) MANUFACTURERS OF GENERAL DEALER IN AND THE AL '1) TIIE Inï¬y compéuï¬ded.;. . APOTHEQARYIS HALL. â€' JOSEPH ï¬EACON. No. l. Tlunnpson’s Block. Chemicals, {'cr’fumery', B, BARNARD. Ad (2 , . By th beam/ipr oper 11, cases othermse h‘opeless,‘ can be'effecthmlly treateh and the diseased tooth, however much decayed, may be completely built up with Solid Gold, and, restored to its original size, shape and usefulnessd The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for Bad Logs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers of how- ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Diptheria, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. Spurlous 1mimt1ons o‘f “Holloway's P1115 Ointment†ure manniactured and sold under flame of “ Holloway & Ch “byJ. F. Henry, Curran 65 Co., Druggists, ' and also by the Metropolitan Me- dicine Company of New York,with. n assumed trade mark, thus ‘ ' «Again one Jos- eph Haydock, of "Iew York, 1i!“- wise passes 01f ' counterfeits of his own make . ,3: under the name of “Holloway & “9’ 00.,†having for a trade mark a. Crescent and serpent; McKessen & Robbins of New York are agents for the swing The Pills purity the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Fem ales. These persons, the better to deceive y011 un- blushingly Caution the Public in the smu 1 book: of directions afï¬xed to their Medicines, whicl. are really the spurious imitations, to Beware of Counterfeits. ' l3? Parties whn may be defrauded by Vendoi selling spurious “Holloway’s Pills lnnd- Glut mam," as of my geu‘me make, shall on communi» eating the particulars to me, be amply remuuel- ‘atsd, and their'nauwa never divulged; ' ' I " Signed, mvé.x.r.~ "av-i ,"vnv : pio'p’os'ite Algeb’é H‘ot'el, I HOLLAND STREET. BRADFORD. v The Doctorrespectfully solicits«attention to the ow process of Filling Teeth with Hard Burnish- 1 Gold, By this beautiful‘ operation, cases Unscmpulous Dealers obtain them at very low prices and sell them to the Public in Canada as my genuine Pills_ and Qiutment. Lefroy ..................... .. 9th 0‘! and: month. Holland Landing. 26th do ‘ Bond Head .......... 28th do All the rest of the time (my one‘ivho may require hlsiaervices will be sure of ï¬nding him at his oï¬ce Richmond Hill HE GREATEST WONDER 0F MODERN TIMES. I most 'nestly and respectfully appeal to the Clergy, to Mothers of Families and other Ladies, mud to the Public generally of British North America, ilmt they may be pleased to denounce unsparingly these frauds. l Purchasers should look to the Label on the 1’ots and Boxes. It the address is not 533, ‘Oxfard Street; London, they' are the Counterfeits. ' Each Pofl and Box of the Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stump. with the words “HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT LONDON," engraved thereon. On the label is the address, 533, OXFORD STREET,’ LONDON, Where alone thev are Manufactured. (ab tl’ie Pxilmer House). Stouflville...§ ....... V'ictoriy. Square.. Auroral. 8rd 5; 4th (10' 211(1' do 5th do Mmple'.... Bth‘ ‘ (10 Spring Hill. ., 20th ' do Teeth ï¬lled-‘iusuch nmanner as will perms.- nently arresn the decay, :or the money. will be positively refunded. " ‘ - SURGEON DENTIST, ha's ' removed to 87 King :sh‘eet East. Toronto, over H. & C. Blmcllford’s new shoe store Best mineral teeth inscvied. in a manner to suit each yatient, Particular attention given to the preser'Vatiml-and regulation of :tho natural teeth, 'cm‘cfullv avoing n11_unuecessury pain. VA. W. SPAULDINGRAssistant. ' 1, Itiagte of the Royal College :01 Physicians London, England. Consultation dmvsuMonduy and Thursday, foronoons. Residence~\Vestou. - March 21, 1878â€"61112 ‘ V V ‘ and Phérmmeutical Chemist, 35 Yonge Yonge street. Yorkville. Ontario. Importer. and dealer in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, French and English Perfumery, English mid American Patent Medicines, Ho'rse and Cattle Medicine, and Drug- igist sundries of every description. ‘ HON. GEO. W. ALLAN, Senator, President. George Gooderhmn .................. Viceâ€"President. DmECTonsâ€"Samuel Flatt, M.P., Vim. Gooder- 1mm, Geo. W. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, Hon. D. L Mucphexfson, Senator. Capitail, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $315,000 Total Assets,$2,7oo,000 Money received on deposit, and interest pay- able half ygurly or compounded. V Thié Company advances Money on the: security of improved City or Country Pioperty, ire-payable by means of a. Sinking Fund, Which if found to be the surest and easiest mode of repaying a loan. Sm our reduced loan table. . For further information a ‘ ply at at the Ofï¬ces of the Conmunv. WALTLR S. LEE Manager U TERS,. Attoxneys, Solicitors~in~0hancery, etc.. 64 Adelaide strth East, (opposite the Court House), Toronto. ALFRED BOULTBEE. WM; Worms Evyâ€. Barristersr Attorneys-atâ€"Law, Solicitursâ€"in- Chancery, Conveyancers, etc. Oflices~1mperial Bunk Buildings, Wellington street, Toronto. THOMAS FERGUSON, (2.0. JOHN BAH. WM. SETON Gonnox, V GEO. F. SHIPLEY anything else. (unital not required; we will start you. $12 per day at home made by the industrious. Ian, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Costlv outï¬t and "terms from Address Tmâ€: & 00.. Aumsta..Maine. . ' Ell can make mbney faster at work for us than at Ferguson, Bain, Gordon 81. Shlpley, W. ‘1 ' remi nvad WES BOULTBEE & EVATT. BARRIS- TEES. Attornevs. SolicitorsinQChancery. BEWARE OF NEW YORK CQUXTERFEITS. LODNON an. R. PORTER, SURGEON DENTIST, ’ VISITS' AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Ofï¬cesâ€"No. 70 Church street, Toronto. SA VINGS BANK BRANCH. s. ROBINSON, DISPENSING STERN CANADA L O A N ROGERS, L.'D; VISITS R'.’ 's. 'J‘YRREL‘L; LIC‘EN MONEY TOILOAN. P. O. Box 2527. $3me; genial; “ 25:11. 0. ADAMS, L.D.S., THOMAS HOLLO WAY. let of each month VICTORY ! Gimp Grocery and ProviSion‘.8f91‘6é m mg m 1mm ï¬g ‘cmxinilglm, Are prepared and determined to serve the publie better than any otlior W north of Toronto. ' We Import direct from Euro 0 and the United Stafoï¬f We Buy Strictly for Cash; We make a blg Turn Otter-1 We Serve all alike: We elm to cult a". We givé our patrons the full beneï¬t of all which EXPERIENCE, ENERGY and CAPITAL can procure. D 0 WLER BR 08’ Cash paid for all kinds cit Grain and Farm Produce aifvtha ~ 'West End House. ; ‘ ‘ ‘ .. ‘ . v ' GIBSON NEW GOODS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT F R E E E‘XEEBWEON I . READY AND ORDERED BOOTS AND SHOES;' ' ' '7 m... rckery, Glavaare," Teas and. a Grooer-ies V . IN GREAT VARIETY, SEE "THE r ' ' '. » NEW CARPET EXHIBITOR. Also Valuator' for the PERMANENT Emma" “Smut - _ 'AND AGENT FOR 1' V VICKER’S EXPEESE. Ready and Ordered Clothing Teas, Coffees; Sugars,†Spices, ' “ INSURE AGAINST FIRE AND‘ACCIDENTS IN THE .Gitizeh’SFire and. Accidgpt- Insurance Compgy, ' ‘ ' ' "GIBsowcbOK; 4mm; ALSU 1mm ran m: more INSURANGH mun. 37 Bradford, Sept. 'Mh, 1878. STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS mm mm&m, : Book, Stationery and Fahdy: Goods Storei .. B'NGHAM'S ' BLOC-Ks". BRADFORD? ALL OTHER KINDS OF B00163 KPT ECONSTANTLY 0N HAND SUBSCRIBE FOR. THE; Bradford" ~ '6‘ Belts, Baskets, Braids, Brushes, Card's". ‘ Chromos, Concertinas, Croqï¬'et-Set's, I ‘ Collars, Dolls; Drums,» .Engravings. gu‘aadoIaAF ans" Picturé trainee, Bradford, June 20th, 1878 SCHOOL BOOKS I Bradford, Sept 12th. 1878. GIBSON COOK Milliners and Dress Makers now hard’ at work in the New Cheap Store, and Great Clothing House» ' Much ï¬ner Goods than usual, Much cheaper Goods than even CLOTHS. TWEEDS, HATS. CAPS. But whoever maybe in Power one thing is certain FOR SALE AT A SMALL; ADVANCE ‘oN cow! In use in the High and Publiclsychoola. Add Extra Value.‘ip New Carpets. Has just received 9 large supply of OF SPECIALITIES IN 'â€"â€"---â€"e020 DOWLER BROS &c‘, &¢., AT HIS JOHN MURPHY & B1 Agent!