Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 7 Nov 1878, p. 2

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,« .ently - formed; have ,biien i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. l Property for snlefl‘ Mail.” Local noticeâ€"J W Griffin. Noticel Propagation of By-an~R Stewart.l Tait amigo? l Onlv One Dollar a Year L.._._.__ THU'usDAYL'NovnMBEn 7, 1878 The New Cabinet, Some of our Grit contemporaries are trying hard to draw a comparison favor- able to their side between the. Reform IVcll, if they find the task an easy and pleasant and Conservative Cabinets. one, they have our best and most sincere desires, to keep at it; anything that emanates from such sheets could not possibly detract from the standing of the gentlemen who have recently been called upon to administer the affairs of our country. ‘As well might they try to and in a few brief years come out a full- fledgcd statesman >ir John Mac: donald is admitted in England, United States, and among the liberal men ofthe Reform party Canada to be the shrewdest, most experienced;eliablc, and in eminent statesman that this country new man who would rise to in the Govern- possiasses,â€"-â€"a a prominent position nicnt of any country wherein circumâ€" stancrs might have placed him ; one who is frth by nature and experience tolead t iiicn,t0 control and administer the affairs of a nation. For twenty years Canada sailed along with his steady arm and true eye at, the helm, and never once did the old man falter,â€"â€"not once did his 1 eye grow dim, or his bandlosc its strength and cunning. 'lhe general feeling of rest and confidence which , the eventful 17th of September plainly indicated thathis countrymen recognized his ability and patrioti m. If the more of this article,are founded on falsehood, and alludcdto at: the beginning successfully bombard Gibraltar with' boiled peas as to endeavor to show that. Sir John and his Ministers would suffer by being compared with Mackenzie and his friends. They hold M ackt nzre tip to the peeple of Canada as an honest, conscientious statesman, and then turn the other side of the shield, where they picture Sir. John as steeped to the lips in iniquity, and not worthy of the high position he now fills. Canada is eminently a free country,â€" free in every sense of the word, but. there are some miserablemiisguided crea- tures, who not knowing low to properly enjoy their glorious privileges, take ’ ad- vantage of this fr ccdom to hurl their calumnv-and foul vituperation at the men who occupy the highest and most honor- able josition in the power of the people to bestow. Home 'l ooke, when asked by a foreigner, 7“ how much treason an Englishman could write without being hanged ?" replied, “ I do not know, but I am trying to find out.” Like Tookc, there are some editors who do not know how much abuse and how many false- hoods they can publish withtut being held to account by the law, but. this is not their fault, as they have done and are doing their best to find out. 'I he mental powers and statesmanlike abilities ofthe members composing the late and present Cabinets are so diIft-r- ,, , “employéd: under-xsueh diversified, circumsmncrs; ‘ “and are: of a. Gali'brearso entir‘glywunltke m. \, ,. as to hardlyadmrt ot’a fair comparison. Waii'kgito d5 jifstiec at all ants. and to all patties and men ; therefore we really think" that although our opponents have thrown4down this gauntlet, it wouLd scarcely bejust and fair to draw, or attempt to draw any comparison between the two Cabinets. Let us illustrate this by one or two instances. Blake is, or was at least, considered to be the ablest man in the Reform ranks. Just con» trast his.actions and present position with that of Sir John, Blake was the only man in the liousc who was brave enough to seek to measure swords with Sir John on several. occasions. He cerr tainlt possesses talent, but it is of a very strange nature. His mind is notcvenly balanced, and therefore he is led away to spin out orations and advance theories of no practical benefit. At the com- mencement- of his political career a glorious future seemed in store for liiui, -â€"â€"yct- where-arc those who do liini honor, now? Dei'eateddu his own constitu- encyâ€"and that, too, by a man far beneath him in intellectual greatness.â€" he has dropped out of the politi al arena as cotiip‘ctcly as though he had merely paused there for a few cliOl'h days on his journey tlrr0ngh life I His own friends now admit that he has rather been a 'drag on the party, then any assistance: Did anything of anaturc calculated to weaken 1 the where was Blake Government transpire, to defend it ? Sick l Even when he was forced out by the exigencies of the party, how did he undertake to vindicalc his friends ? By simply refusing to attempt it. I He thought that if he up. held his own character that was all that was rtquird. The country, however, did tnink so. In we find liinrsileutly condemning the actions of his 'lhicf. The most zealous admirer will now admit that Mackenzie better man to have at the party. stab lily of character, and does not turn and twist weatbcrcock. It is said Blake is ahead of his timo,â€"â€"â€"well, so is Capt-col the Georgian Bay Canal agitator I One thing is assuredâ€"the I’tet‘ormers have lost. confidence in their whilom hero,--hc has been a failure as a politician. Ino’isposed I not Parliament is a head of the He, at least, possesses a little like a Can this man be compared with the veteran statesman, Sir John ‘? Has be proven himself able to take charge of the nation in dark and stormy times?‘ It could not be cxpcctcd that a lawyer I conceived in sin, will not deter our Grit friends from publishing; them, then a feeling of venci'ation and reverence for the old man If such feelings are not known to them, alone should forbid such cruel tveatement of one who has spent the best years of his life in building up his Country, and has grown grey in her service. l should prevent them. then shame I Political Notes- Speaking of Mr. Parkhill, our mem~ bet for the Local, the Aurora Liberal Conservative says. :â€"â€"In Mr. I’arkhill, South Simcoc will be represented by a man of the ptoplc ;he is well known to the electors of North York ; although only livingr a few years in the County of “iincoo, his natural kindlinoss of dis position and straightforward character has brought him to the prominent posi- tion he now oceupios. While living in North York, Mr. Parkhiil was foremost in all things for the advancement of the country, both by his means and other wise ; and used uniiring efforts for the good of his adopted country; and among his neighbors, he made numerous friends. It is gratifying that a man who has spr-nt nearly a quarter of a cen- tury with us, has, by his exemplary way ofliving, and generosity of feeling to ward his fellow-man, risen to the honor- able position of a representative of the people. “’0 hope and trust that, when the time comes to elect a representative in the Local House for North York, the lot may fall on such a man as Mr. W. Parkhill. _ .4 .- r r .1“, , ,t Mr. Tilley, DraTupperer.“ James untrue . Mr. seminarians, Phpe were ,re-eleeted on Monday, by accla- mati'on. Mr. TilleynndiDr. Tapper de- liver-ed speeches. The former announced his attention of visiting England in.- tncdintoly; the latter said it was "the starv- ing llllllt‘lS of Cape Breton” and the ‘d_\- ing West India irado’ that had made him eloquent before the eloclions. and declared it was the intention (.f the Government to carry out the "National Policy.” The Hon. R. J. Cartwright was elected for Centre Huron on Saturday, by a majority o[ 427. Presentation and Address. At the close of the first term for non- pi-ofessional teachers, the ladies and gentlemen attending Bradford Model, ‘cliool. presented the Principle M r. F. Wood, with a handsome and. very com- fortable Easy Chair. The assistant teachers, Mr. D. Sutherland and Miss Glassford, were made the recipients of a volume of poems, Longfellow's being given to Mr. l uther’and. and firs lle- mans works to Miss Glassford. The following address was also readâ€"â€" ADDRESS. ‘ To the Teachers of the Bradford Model School. :â€" ll'naxrt WOOD ESQ. Principal D. E. SUTHicuLAxn Esq. l . Miss GLASSFORD. JI‘SSIBtantS' Tito time hrwingturivod when the pleasant and pirlotablc course of instruction, which we have tiudergoucat thisii‘stittitiou iiti‘st terminate.â€" wc desire to offer to each of you, our sincoio and heartfelt thanks for the zealous assiduity and un- sparing pains manifested in our behalf :â€"â€"for the momentarily manner and eucoutag‘ingz remarks of the principal and 1st; assistant ; for the warm- lteii‘tet‘. Syll’lllttl‘dly shown by the Lady Teacher tlirouglio it the term, the inspiration of which has ever buoyed us up in the midst of discourag- ing tasks. We are confident that in the prosecution of the profession, to which we have devoted ourselves, the knowledge of “ The art of Teaching," which by oboe. vn‘tioii n‘et'linstztiction we have received, will more I110] :‘llv i-ud intellectually beneficial, not only to ou.selvcs, but to those pupils over whom we may have the 110.10: in the future to presith. est: you to accept these ’ttitl ; and to receive our in ' mimospeiity in this nice 3'1 tall) not. , :51 t. fining. Mr Joe G' egory, Mr E Foigusoii, Mr J is H Mchnton, II'.‘ J MoKr'q N r It Johnson, Mr V\’ To' , MrJ B it: rughton, Mr J fl cGowcn, Mr S Gray, Mr W chon, IlslrJus Shannon, Mr T II Jackinum, prayer ‘3 for y our well . wont. :1 id our 11 ' On behalf of 1‘ S Good cllow, awrord, I Miss ., . rim: t J Shula: , M s VJ Bender son hi SJ Colliwtiy, I 1.1 Vlood. Miss L Gordon, Eur S J Dell. Mr Jo: Nosiglo, Mr R Me’s i hit, It i4 slated 'lrat England‘s ultimrilum to. the Ameer reqni es a reply at Peshrtwur by the 20th ti anvernluor. else the lttitisri, forces will immediately invade Afghanistan. l fact of knowing that such slanders as we i * "iComc over the river, * . v- 71- ~â€" 7-7: r r~m<,>_, o the slain, however indicated careful .- Cheese 1 CheeSe l Ameeting of the farmers of this LOCAL NEWS. Store goods selling 05 at reduced roighborlrocd will be held in Bingham's prices. M. H. Kecflcr. Hotel, on next Friday afternoon, 8th inst.,to hear the question of establishing a cheese factory debated. Mr. Bird, of South Hastings, who is now running a large factory in that. County, arrived He has been out through this Township and vicinity, canvassing the farmers on this matter, and informs us that, so far, he has met with good success. He will undertake to build a factory and put it in good running order at his own ex- pense, provided the farmers trill guaran- tcc the milk ofbetweon three and four hundred cows. The farmers of West Gwillimbury are thoroughly alive to anything that unis to advance the pros perity ofthe county, and therefore we here on Tuesday evening lash. pervaded the cmmtry immediateyy after 3fcel assured when the matter is placed 4 ,bcfore them, they will at once see the limmcnse advantages and gain to be ' derived from such a factory. M r. Bird has had considerable experience in this line, and says that a comnron cow aver- ages about3,000 pounds of milk each season. lie has known cows that. only gave this amount to increase, with good care,to over 4.000. A cow giving even 3,000 pounds will bring her owner in yfroni $23 to $30 every season. This iquantity of milk will only make about a hundred pounds of butter, while 300 of cheese can be manufactured from it. ‘Bv this system a cow will pay for itself directly the first season. Then there are tnany other advantages to be gained by keeping a large number of cattle, and working less land. This matter, however. will be referred to again, and will, no doubt, be ventilated at the meet.- ing to-mori‘ow. m: Miss Monroe. The Managing Committee of our Mechanies’ Institute are certainly de- serving of the gratitude of the highly- dclightod and appreciative audience which had the pleasure of listening to this talented young Lady on Monday evening last, It is very rarely that Bradford, or indeed, many other places outside of cities, are fortunate enough ito secure a dramatic reader and imper senator holding the hiin reputation won by Miss Monroe, who appears to have charmed the. hearts of her manv large audiences in the various cities where she has appeared. The programme was not a very lengthy one, but. that. it was renâ€" dered in an excellent manner can not. be denied. There appeared to bea faint echo in the hall, and Miss Monroe was afliicted with a slight cold, which, of course, rendered it more difficult. for a display of fine elocutionary talent. Miss Monroe possesses a good stage presence,â€"â€"plcnty of self-confidence, a voice at times full and rich, and very ple sing, expressive features. Her delineations of character were all buttiwe think the evinced greater’ap’l'itude, .Itir the pathetic th n for the tragic role. " arid ,L‘Searching culture and considerable artistic italent, Her power of mimicry is remarkable, . and was 'cl tarly shown: in “ The "Fe'n'ator‘ Entangled,” “' The“, Coubtry; School class," The New Church Organ,” and “ The Broken Doll." But. the reading in which she really excelled was“ Papa’s Letter.” The sweetlyâ€"modulated and pathetic tone used at tunes : the ioyish, fond and endearing expressions of the mother ; the innocent, tender and child- ish symplicity oflhe little boy was per" fectly imitated, and proved very aflect- ing. Musical and Literary Society. On Tuesday evening last, a meeting was held in the school room of the Canada Methodist Church, in this vilâ€" laac, for the purpose of organizing an ,associaiion. calculated to advance and cultivate the musical and literary abiliâ€" ties ot those who brcotnc members. In response to a general invitation extended from the pulpit on Sunday evening to the members and congregation of the above church, over fifty per-sins were present. After the meeting had been opened by singing arid prayer, the Rev. Mr. l’liilp took the chair and anâ€" nounced the object.- ot the intended or- ganization. Mr. Bruton who was apâ€" pointed Secretary pro tem, road the Con stitution and Byâ€"laws which he had framed. and submitted them for the approval of the meeting. After several unimportant alterations had been made, it was moved. seconded and carried that they be adopted. The following officers were then elected, the pastors of the Church holding the oficc of President ,(lstnnd 2nd) in conformity with the Constitution:â€" lst Vice Presidentâ€"Mr. M. Scanlon. 2nd do do .â€"Mr. W. Kennedy. Secretaryâ€"M r. H A. Bruton. Fin Sec and Treas.- Mr. H. S. Bronohton. Criticâ€"Mr Youmans. Organist â€"Mr. J. Griflin. Executive Coniiiiittec.~- Lmlirs, Mrs. Philp. Mrs. Strong, liss Griffin, Miss Trot, Miss Boddv, Miss Dr iiil. Grnrlcâ€" .ornn, Messrs. Manning, W. Campbell, IV. Ellis, T. Herrick, H. Graham, I). T. Fai bairn Meetings are to be held every Tuesâ€" day evoning. Commencing at 8 o'clock. The session closes with the last Tuesday in March. The entertainment consists of vocal and instrumental music. adâ€" dresses, essays, readings, rccit-itions, The returns of the United States elections of'l‘tesdav. are as yt~t,ver~y imperfect. butt thus far they indicate slight Republican gains. In New York city the nnli-Tam-t many combination have carried the day by large umj-triries in the election of both mayor and judicsal officers. l The Ameor. it is said, has declared his anxiety to retain British friendship. and that he is not bound hv any Russian alliance The English ultimatum demands the with- drawal of the Russian Embassy. Shore fresh from his manuscript a' d ink bottlc man. i, ll; o 3hr; r":~‘v."r_2'~»i.r‘.'s (Ci 4- a: ; Ali is reported to he int-dilating :in attack ,..,. 32,-; r r q .. an. Qnottaii. t dialogues, etc. An open meeting will be held about noon :1 month, to which the . public are cordially invited. The Society has been started under very favorable auspices, there being a large number of persons deeply inter- ested in its success. We are pleased to see this; the work it is engaged in is a noble one, and as the worthy pastor stated, the intention is not only to cul- l from an attack ofneuralgia. The Checkers are being attended to closely in this village. Prize Books for Sunday Schools Iliin and Public Schools, Can be sup‘ plied through this OIIIUB. Communication from Beeton, received too late for this week. CUT GFF.â€"â€"Atherley, Severn and Gilt‘ord Stations on the N. R. R., have been cut oil regular trains, and are now flag stations. We regret to learn that our esteemed townsinan, Mr. G. Cook. has been conâ€" fined to his residence for the past 'week, The cheapest Job Printing at the HERALD oflice. Orders sent by mail postage paid. FurnAv 22nd Nov.â€"-Credit Sale of Farm Stock, etc., on Lot No I 5th con. of Tay, The property ofthe late Benjamin llackio, Esq. Sale at. 12 o’clock, Mr. Carlword, auct. Persons getting their bills printed at this office. will be given a. notice like the above, free of charge. WINTER.'â€"Hard frosts, and slight falls of snow during the past week seem to indicate that winter is fast approaching. On Tuesday evening snow commenced to fall about 10 o’clock, and next morn- ing the ground was covered to the depth of three or four inches. I Another 1 rge lot of dress goods at J. A meeting of the School Board was held last night. Our time or Space will not per- mit us to give the minutes at length. A communication was received from Clint-ch Wardens of Trinity Church, in reference to repairing of fence. ' A repm-t from Finance Committee was read and adapted. A resolution was passed asking for the sum of $2,000 for school purposes, , The resignation of Mr Sutherland wasr accepted. it was moved that two female teachers holding second class certificates, be engaged for the Model. Mr. F. Wood was engaged as head teacher, for the comingr year, at the same salary as this year. .‘Sovt-i'al Bills were passed and ordered to be paid. It was moved that Miss Pearson be of- fered the position of second teacher at a salary of $350 00. Model School Honor Roll. The following is a list of the pupils whose names appearon the Moch School Honor lloll. The position of each pupil has been determined by General Good Conduct, I’unctualrty, and the amount of School- work performed, during the month ct Oct: 1st DIVISION. 151‘ SECTION.-â€"J0lin Patton; Mary James; Geo Tindall; Harry McGeary: Mary Coatcs; Ethel Wilson; Waiter Il'il son. 2K1) Sconesâ€"Clarence Abbott; Lizzie Probert; John McConnell; Christopher Cook; 'Ihos Wood; Hauiilcar Booth; Frank Dicker. ’ ~3itii Si:L"i‘io.\'.â€"Jeunie Stirling: Jemima Stephens; Alice ltiddel: Thus ll’lcC‘ar-iney; Frankie Ross; Walter Strong; Robert Bell. 2ND mvrsrorv. lsr SscrroN.â€"â€"Albert Scanlon; Ida W. li‘ifiin & Cos, for 12-32- cenis a yard, worth a great deal more. Call and see them. Also mantles in a great variety just received. BALLOU’s MONTHLY ll'IAGAZlNE FUR No- vsiinsrt,â€"'I‘he November number of this popular and Cheap magazine. the best of its class in the world, is already issued. and is a splendid specimen of what. mav be expected during the fall a: cl winter months. It contains such a good assortment ol nice engravrngs. excellsnt stories. poetry, and adventures, that no one can help being in- terested in it; and there are thousands of families who are made happy by its appear-â€" once each month at their homes. No dull, dry hr‘liclrs are to be found in linllon’s All are fresh. bright, and interesting. The contents ofihe November number are as follows: “Our North-Arirericun Iridiarrs;” "The CitiSc of ('arnigief’ “ltoveri;” "EHIUSZH "Jenn hiilland’s Cow; "Maxims for Married Ladi?S;""When Autumn Turns tho Loavesf’ 'leic begging Tmth in insâ€" slut” "Saturday Nighiz” "The Pi'ott-go;” “Wildwood Musings,” “A Ilrnve (ii If’ "Jessie‘s 'I‘oothnche;" “Think before you Sprain" "My Secretf’ "After many Days." "Recollections ofUther Dais;” “Lorenzo and Lucieu;” “The Glass Blower Bottled,” “Mountains in the Jlfnoiu” ()ur Young People's Story-Tellerâ€" "My Life’s Lesson;” ‘Johnny’s Silver Di)ilar;" h’uthvcn’s Puz- zle. Page,” “Editorial Nolesf’ ,1. “The Ilonsekoeperf’ {Curious .Mattersf.’ Things Pleasant nnd_Ui,herwise;',’ .‘Our Picture Galleryf’r' :(li‘ii'morous ' illustrations): . Pub- lislic‘d by Thomas 85 Tallbct, 23 Howloy s‘eétfl’mston,ul $160 a your. post-paid, rid-Tor sale at all 1hr periodical "dripots in file country. Now is agobd' lime to try sample copy-.5 ' * " g, .. . . .. a FLoUitED.-â€"Hallowc’cn was not characterized by anything of great conâ€" .srquence occuring in this neighborhood. As usual some of the small boys, pos- sessed trfcvou less sense than the maâ€" jority of children at. a tender age are supposed to have. perpetrated a few senseless jokes. \Vc are informed that several persons were “floured” that evening, 1'. e., something less than a tonâ€"andâ€"aâ€"half of flour was kindly tendered them. Bashfulncss on the part of the donor was not visible in the slightest degree. If the recipient of the gift manifested any diilidcnce about accepting such a favor, it was given "free as the air,”â€"nothing being soâ€" licitvd in payment. Some of the "honor- ed ones” took the matter philosophi- c;rlly,l-;nowing that boys and babies must have their little childish amusements,â€" that however foolish such tricks may appear to men, the children relish them just as much as they do playinginnrblos, blowing tin whistles, chewing a rubber ring, or shaking a rattle box. We would remind any victim who feels anâ€" noyed about the matter to remember that “liallowc’en comes but once a year,”and if they were to visit their displeasure upon such innocent but indiscrth chilâ€" dren, that in a few years many of the officials and servants in the insane asylnms, gaols, and other Government institutions for the care of disordered or deranged brains, would have to be dis - l charged,â€" there being no wot k for them. Just fancy the sad consequences if so many industrious public servants turned out of house and I.ome,â€"- and do not hurt the poor boys. Let them live, and fulfil Illrll‘ destiny l Benefit of Oddfellowship. A good illustration of the benefit of Odd Fellowship it that given by Bro. Mchiddi in the Indian department. Bro. J. Smith, :1 member of New Albany I.odge,N0. l0, died on Septâ€" ember 3rd, after an illness of Twenty- fivc years. For thirteen hundred weeks :his $5 a week sick benefits were paid to trim regularly without a murmur or an appeal on the part of No 10. Fifty ,Noble Grands had taken their turn in paying him ofiicial visits, and yet no cil'ortevcr made to find wlie'her they could not be relieved of making their weekly visits; $6,500 drawn out of the treasury and no effort made to discover some technicality whereby a stop might be placed to the constant outflow of money. Long live No. 10l You have given a glorious example of the teach~ ings of Odd Fellowship. On Thursday evening, the Blst inst. a, collision ofiwo freight trains. occurred on- tlic Grand Trunk Railway, near Carleton, through a mistake made by a telegrapher-. The two engines, several ears. hundreds of" bushels of wheat, were destroyed. All the hands jumped off and were not very, tivate and improve the intellectual faculties of its members, but. also to-' benefit them spiritually. ,May it go on , and prosper. Seriously injured, except a brakesnian) named Still, who died from injuries received. An operator named Hay has been arrested, and is being examined by the Con ncr, an inquest being held on Still’s death. i | Wilson; Edith Walsmely; Nina Drifl‘ill; Edith Graham; Wm. I'lockiidge; Minolta Carson; Henrietta Abbott; Wm. Campbell; Emma Stewart; Bertha I’hilp; Sarah Berni-use. 2x1) Sitc'riox.»â€" Katie Bowles; Ethel Ktu-fior, Oscar Abbott; Emma Mackie. 3R1) SI'ZC'I‘ION'â€"Wm. Spence; Empy Drillit; Esther chlicr. ___.._Lâ€"â€"â€"â€"_â€" Richmond hill and Vicinity The Donkey Show is bust. Jonah still holds the stakes. Liberal Stems to be in trouble about Special Meeting of Councll. Friday Evening, lst. Nov. 1878. Present; the Reeve. Councillor Dawson, Brou- ahton,i and Graham. Minutes read and conâ€" firms . Bills of Mousley & McKinstry, $535, Suther- land (it Mousley, $1,115, J, K. stevouson, $325, Thos. Driflill, $7.88, Wm. Feris, $2, Bradford NEWS salsa, presented and referred to Finance Committee to report upon. The Reeve stated that in accordance with in- structions of the Council, he had at the late meeting of the County Council presented to that body a petition (and copy of Z‘ebenture By-Luw) praying them to guarantee the pay ment of said Debentures and Coupons, and was glad to be able to say that. they had granted the prayer of the petition. Communication from Clerk of the Legislative Assembly respecting cxamptions from Municipal taxation, presented. and on motion referred to Finance Comiriitteoto report upon. toport \"o. 13 Finance Couxinitte, presented and read, and on motion adopted. Cnlnl'llllllicnlion from Gibson Cook, Secret:an Model School Board of Trustees, risking tor the sum of $1,600, for School purposes for the current year. Cour) Dewson introduced By-Law No. 153, t) Levy and raise taxes for the current; year, which received its several readings, and was adopted. Moved by Conn. Broughtoii, seconded by Coun, Dowson, that the Clerk be instructed to pay to T. Bunting Equ the sum of $41, for copying the By-Luw passed at. the late session of the County Council, guaranteeing the Debentures of this Village, and that the Reeve do issue his order for payment 01‘ the same. Curried, Moved by Conn, Broughton. seconded by Coun' Graham, that the Clerk be and is hereby instruct- ed to notify the Collector that he must make a return of his r011 before the 17th inst, and if such return is not made steps will have to be trtnen to collect tbc deficonoy from said collector. Cnr‘d. It was moved, seconded, and carried, that the Council do now adjourn. State of the P011 at the Park- hiliâ€"Wilson Contest. The following is the state of the various Polls of the South .Riding of Simcoe at: the late elec- tion:â€" BysLaW No. ~152. To raise the sum of' FOUR THOUS- AND DOLLARS bv Debentures, upon the credit of the Municipality of the VILLAGE OF BRAD- FORD, for the erection of a MODEL SCHOOL HOUSE, PURCHASING LAND FOR SCHOOL SITE, and ERE‘ T- INGandIMPROVING THERE- ON, in the said Village ofBradIord. HEREAS it. is necessary and expedient to raise bv loan the sum of FOUR THO USAND D0LLARS.paynb19with- ‘ ~ in TWENTY YEARS from the time this By‘lttw shall he finally passed and take effect,with inter- est at the rate of SEVEN per cent. per unnum, to be applied to the erection of nMODEL SCHOOL HOUSE, PURCHASE on LAND FOR SCHOOL SITE, and ERECTING and IMPROVING THERE ON, in the Village of Bradford. And whereas for the payment of Interest upon and for the creation of a. Sinking Fund for liqui- dation of the said sum of FOUR“ THOUSAND (say $1006.00) DOLLARS, the sum of FOUR HUNDR CD AND EIGH'J‘Y DOLLARS will re- quire to be levied and raised annually, according to an Act respecting the Municipal Institutions of Ontario. (Chap. 174, Rovd. Stat, of Ontario. And whereas the Assessed Value of the whole ratcnble property .the Village of Bradford for the present your is THREE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN THOUSANI),FIVE HUNDFED AND EIGHTY-THREE DOLLARS according to the last revised Assessment Roll. And whereas to raise the said sum of FOUR HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (say $480.00) DOLL- ARS yearly, the annual rate on the Dollar upon the rittcrtble property aforesaid, will require to if; one mill and four seventh: of a mill on the olt..r. And whereas the amount of the existing debt: of the Municipality is as follows. Principal FIVE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED ($5,300,) DOLLA 9, and Interest, the sum of SIXTEEN HUNDR AND SIXTY-FIVE ($1,6ufilDOLLARS and in the rig yrogotc the sum of SIX THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIVE “5,963 INNISFIL PARKHILL WILSON 49 27 21 19 49 14 39 8 49 17 65 30 31 16 19 83 1'2 32 ALLISTON 20 18 33 16 54 86 68 43 73 17 6.5 15 46 14 41 4 wns'r GWILLIMBURY 55 62 38 21 4O 12 40 34 885 544 Majority for Parkhill 341. m ‘JPPS'S C()C()A.-â€"Gm'ri:rvi. AND Coir Ft)n'rri<G.â€"~“ By a thorough knowledge of something. Time Will tell what it is all about. Halloween was celebrated in the usual way. The boys and girls taking otf gates &c. Several Candidates are spoken of for the Reeves‘uip, Arnold, Crosby, Trench, Law. Brown and O’Brien. The School Board met last Saturday. I cannot give a report of the meeting. The Secretary should send you a copy of the Minutes. DUNFIN ACT.â€"-The Dunkin men are .nlroady buckling on their armour for the contest A meeting has been called for the 8th inst, to be held at Aurora, :eonimencing at 130. Business of im. parlance is announced The Saint’s Itost has been removed ihto’ Tory quartersafor a few months, the old building having to undergo con- siderable improvements. The Reformers of West York intend holdings Convvntion in Toronto on the 28th inst.. for the purpose of selecting a candidate for the Local House. You’re just. wasting valuableiime, gentlemen, it is no use, whatever, trying the thing. The barn of Mr. Jas. McKenzie, on Lot (59, let eon.ot' Markham. was destroyed by fire on Friday. 251binSt. All the sea- son’s crop and some implomen's were loit. Light insurance. Trump’s work. Mr. Windloss. of con. Tl. Etobiooke, apâ€" pears to have a very hard time of it. Ilis burn wild contents were. fired by some vi”.â€" lans a few nights ngoarnd tornllv destroyed. Last your his crops were destroyed in like manner. and no insurance allowed. Ilis cows were also poisoned by eating Paris Green and salt which had been scattered over the grass. SEVERE Bni'ise.â€"â€"0n Tuesday night, the 291h inst., as Mr John Wright, carriage builder, was returning from ilre country. he was throwrr from his sulkey, when Will]- in a short distance from home. His head struck very forcibly on the ground. and rendered him insonsiblo. "-Ie became err- tangled in the reins, and was dragged a few yards. We are pleased to learn that. he is recovering. t Exarvrixnioxs â€"â€"The examination of Second Class Teachers and (‘nudidalcs for admission to High Schools will he held as follows: Second Class and Intermediate in the High Schools ofthe County, on Monâ€"- duy.Dcc.161l1. continuing for five days: ,ICnlraiioe in High Schools, at. ilt‘llmolll’l Hill and Ncwmarkot, on Tuesday and Il'ednosduy, Hill and lSIh of December. Serord Class Candrdnics are required to make application to the Chairman of the Board by the 10111 of November. It is said that the true “ Blues” (this may be a lean joke on the “ down in the- momlr" condition of the Grits, but there is no lien on it) of West York are going to have their annual meeting on the ’ 26th inst. about the local and municipal elections. The Liberal says “Dame Rumor favors Dr. T rrcll as the nominee of the “lest York Conservatives for the Local House." That may be a very good idea; but we would like to enquire just right here. “ How far south of the ,Richmond Hill HighSchocl does the old ‘Damr live ? ” If the old lady is not. i in that. neighborhood she must have a 1 son around there who possesses an undue , share of the family traits. On Friday, the lat insh, It. A. Harrison, l('hief Justice of Ontario, died at his resi- pence itit'l‘oicnto. He was comparatively a young man, being only 46 years old, The Orange trials at Montreal have ended in the acquital of the accused by the Court of Queen’s Bench. Among other rulings, the Judge decided it was ,not unlawful for Orangemcn to assemble. in their private balls. The inquest into the cause of the death of Robert McAuley, the murdered Ottawa Orangman. resulted on Monday, in a ver- dict ot murder by a person or persons un- known. ' They evince great anxiitl‘. the natural laws which govern the opera‘ tions of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately llav- mired beverage, which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. t is by the judicious use ofsucli articles of diet that a constitu- tion may be gradually built tip iintil strongr enough to resist every tendency to disease. [Iundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by, keeping: ourselves well fortified with pure blood and properly nourished franie.”â€"- Civil Service Gazelle Sold 0iin in packets labelledâ€""JAMES EPPS & C0., Homoeopathic Chemists. 48. Tlireadueedle Street. and 170. Piccadillv. London." BRA DFO llD MARKETS. WEDNESDAY, OCT 21, 1878. $040 to 0 60 to 0 50 to 0 30 to 0 50 to 60 0 00 to 00 8 00 to 9 00 . 00 00 to 00 0 90 to 00 0 60 to 00 0 08 to 12% 0 00 to 00 85 85 75 35 Wheatâ€"fall, per bushel ............... ' spring, per bushel. .. Barley, per bushel Outs, per bushel . Pause, per bushel. Rye, per bushel. Hay, per ton Straw, per ton Potatoes, per bag, new. Apples, per bushel Butter-11; rolls, per II) . large rolls, per lb . .4 grow filamentous. For 3&3}; on TO LET. The South Half No 7 in the 11th Con. of West. Gwillimbui'y. Possession given immediately. Terms Easy a 5 Apply to Robt. B. Macartney, 3 Bradford, Co Simcoe. â€"-â€"ATâ€"- A BARGAIN ! That House and property at present. occupied by Dr. Sterling, on Holland Sc, Bradford, comâ€" prising a. store and comfortable dwelling house. For terms. and etc.. apply to w. Spence Bradford, or to John Spence 528 Yonge Street Toronto. TESTIMONIALS IN FAVOR OF THE Patterson “MAXWEII” Reaper. GOOD WORK DONE AND COMPLETE SATISFACTION GIVEN TO ALL PARTIES. W. W. ELLIS, AGENT FOR BRADFORD AND VICINITY. We, the undersigned, Farmers of West Gwillimbury, having purchased Ithe PATTERSON MAXWELL lREAPER this season, do hereby ex- press our satisfaction with the way in which it performs the work, taking into consideration the laying condition ot the crops ; and we believe the MAXWELL, to be the most durable light. Reaper made: Robert Wood, Richard Scanlon, John Falls, John Buddy, Henry. Bowles, Geo. Poolittle, Richard Walker, John Rose. Bradford, Aug. 9th, 1878, Matthew Faris, Thos. Armstrong, George McKay, Albert McVitty, John Rogers, sr. Donald Sutherland, I Wm. McCausIand ‘Stock, Auction Sales of I Stock, Im laments, DOLLARS of which sum none of the principal. and T W'O HUNDRED AND SEVENTILTHREE ($273.)DcLLARS of the INTEREST is in arrears, Therefore the Corporation of the Village of Bradford, by its Council, enacts as follows: That the said sum of FOUR THOUSAND (say $4000) DOLLARS be raised. by loan upon the credit of the Municipality. II That Debentures in sums of TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS each, be issued by the Council, not eAxlpceding the sum of FOUR THOUSAND DOLL- S. III That the Debentures be made payable on the FIRST DAY 01" JULY in the year of our Lord ONE THOUSAND, EIGHT HUNDRED AND NINETYEIGHT, and bear interest at the rate 0! SEVEN per cent. per rtnnum, said interest payâ€" able on the I'IRS’I‘ DAYS of JANUARY and JULY in each year. I V. That; the Debentures, both as to principal and. interest, be made payable at any place in this PROVINCE, and be expressed in the lawful currency of this Puovm‘op. That; the said sum of FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS, being the amount required for the purpose in the recital mentioned, and necessary to defray the expenses thereof, he laid out and expended in the ERECTION of a MODEL SCHOOL HOU<E, PURCHASE OF SCHOOL SITE, and ERECTING and IMPROVING THEREON in the Village of Bradford. VI. That the said unnuul special rate of ONE MILL AND FOUR-SEVENTHS OF A MILL on the DOLLAR, upon the Assessed Value of all the ruteahle property in the said Village, for the pre- sent veur, over and above, and in addition to all other rates whatsoever shall be levied,mised and collected in each and every year from the FIRST DAY of JULY, 1878, until the FIRST DAY of JULY, 1898, both years inclusive, for the urposa (if paying the said sum of FOUR THO SAND DOLLARS, with interest. thereon as aforesaid. VII. That this By-la.w shall come into n oration and tttko effect upon and from the FOURT ‘EN'I‘H day of OCTOBER, ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-EIGHT. VIII. That the votes of the qualified electors of this Municipality upon this Bydaw, shall be taken on the SEVENTH day of OCTOBER, ONE THOUS- AND EIGH‘.‘ HUNDRED AND SEVENTY~ EIGHT, at the TOWN HALL, in the Village of Bradford, by ROBT. STEWART, who is hereby appointed Returning Oflieor for that. pur one, and that the Poll for the taking thereof ch 1 be .1 opened at the hour of NINE of the clock in the '\ FORENOON. and remain open until FIVE of the clock in the AFTERNOON of that. day. TAIKE NOTICE That the above is a true copy of a. proposed Byâ€" 1n.w,whieh will be taken into consideration b the Council of this Municipality, after one mont from the first publication iii the Bradford I‘IERALD Newspaper, the date of which first publication was Thursday, the 12th day of September, A. D.,1878, and th at the votes of the electors of the said Municipality will be taken thereon at the TOWN HALL, on Monday, 7th day of October, I878, Commencing at the hour of Nine o’clock, a. 111. FORT. TEWART, Town Clerk. Bradford 4th September. 1878. worse. The above is a. true copy of e By-Law nosed by the Municipal Council of the Village of radium, in the County of Simeoe, on the 14th day of October 1878;1md all persons are hereby required to take notice, that any one desirous of app] ing to have such by-law or any part, thereof quit-s ed, must make his application for that pur use to ' one of Her Majesty’s Sn erior Courts 0 Com- mon Law at Toronto. be ore the end of the‘ Term of the said Superior Courtsnext , after the special. promulgation thereof by the publication of this notice in three consecutive numbers of the follow- ing newspaper, viz., “ THE BRADFORD HERALD" or he will be too late to be heard in that: behalf ; and take notice that such Term commences on the second day of February next. Rt lBT. STEWART. Town Clerk. Bradford 7th Nov. 1878. ADVICE. RIANHOOT‘, “Womanhood. Free. A warning against. imposition. How youth and 1111(1le aged (both sexes) may restore their shuttered. constitutions, especially if arising from early in disc‘etions. Herein lies your only safety ; by a. professional gentleman of rare ability. High Canadian press testimonials. Mention this apex- Send stump for answer. See advertisement; end- ed “Rupture.” , Prof J, Y. EGAN Hamilton Ont. WD, BUTCHER, Having bought out MR. ROGERS. will carry on business in the some premises, and will I e ,glud to see all the old as well as new Customers. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Holland street, Sept. 12, 1878 satires LIST 0 F ‘ FARMS for SALE IN THE Witiilytiitr Parties wishing to SELL, ADVER TISE THERE ALA Parties wishing to BUY, READ THERE. W Advertisements of Forms for Sets are inserted in the WEEKLY MAIL, 20 words for 500. each insertion ; each additional word 20. Advertisements of Farms for sale are inserted in the DMLY MAIL, 20 words for 250 each insertion ; each additional word one and it half cent-s. Advertisements of Live DOYOU WANT Tl BlYl FAR lit etc, seed for s e, Exhibitions, etc., inserted at the some rates. Address Mall, Toronto ,

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