On Monday, 28th inut. some panics in passing the store of Graham Bros. deliber- ately carried may a large roll of striped skirting. which curtained about 50 yards, and was mined at $12 'r , . uudge Gowan 18 about erechng a man- szon on his Island on Muskoka Luke. Barrie-boys amuse themseIw-s by break- ing windows, etc, wiih stones thrown from a calapuh. The window of the store of Mr. Warnica, watchmuker and engraver, was also broken the same (evening. and two watches staleu. No clue to the thieves. RECOVEIHNG.â€"Tlle injured men in the recent railway collision on 1hr El, &. N. W. R, are fast recovering. From the l. U. 0. F., ofihis town, Mr.Ni.sh. the engine-driver. lms received every possible attention, and 10 will he able to be about again in a short time. The others also show signs ol'speedy recovery. . Mr. Joseph Rogers is erecting a trout pond in the flat land near his residence. Bradford street. A pipe lends from the flowing well, which stipplies the pond with pure. freshwater. and a waste pipe carries the surplus water into the creek below. BARRIE. The Scotchmen of this town have organ- ized a Caledoniau Society. Mr: Cumberland addressed thé council. showing the utter wonthlvssuess, as a money value. ofthe stock; tllut it simply stood in the way of negotiating for the pnrpnso of changing the guage. which would cost$360.- 000. Some of flip City of' Toronto Alder- men coan'rPd With a committee of the IJounty cruncil with reference to the stock held in a similiar manner by the city. These gentlemen weie not, however. pieâ€" pmed to make HIV proposition, hutlwould consider any proposal the Simcne Council would make. The Committee submitth a pmpusition which was rejected by a maj- ority ofthe Council, and the matter de- fened to the January Session. Cooxswowu. The Pieshyterinn congtegation of this village has, by a unanimous vote, consented to have an organ in their church. Our citizens may shortly expect the town to be lit wilh gas ; the laying of the pipcs for the same have been Completed. and communication is now heng made Wild !'he various slows, residences, and public huiid- ings. Mr Wm. Li‘ltlehales, ofme Suund has received Ihe appointment as Manager of the Works. Tm: NURTHERN RAILWAY CUFNTY STuuK, â€"â€"']'his vexsd question was once more We subject ot‘disoussion in lhe tnunty Council. On the anniversary of the “ Gunpowder Plot†the Rev. Mr. Acheson deliver-(d the anniversary semen in lhe members of Clover Hill L. 0 11.. No. 89, on Sunday. Nov. 3rd, at 2.30 p m†at the Presbyterian Church. Braden’s Corners. sister lodges are cordially invnted to attend. Onmu. A by-law incorporating the village of Midland passed the County Council last session. This will add one more member to our county Parliament, which will soon equal in numbers the Ontario Leuislalure. Midland wrll elect its ï¬rst, Reeve next January. The Orange Young Britons ofthis village have rrgnnized a ï¬ie and drum band, to consist of 15 performers. Work on Ihe Co‘linnwood Branch of be H. & N. W. IL. is being! rapidly pushed forward At 11:9 Glencarin end of Ihe line the grudin;7 is all dnne. and track laving commenced. ’l‘he grndmg on other sect- iors is niso wdl advance-d. At, this ending {he gnading is about completed, and track- laying will soon be commenced. An Episcopal clergyman was chased by a bear near Huwkstone last week for about a mile. Fortunulely, when bruin was abuut 10 come to close qunrters. the intended viczim recullecmdllle old tiger trick, and caused 1h" bear to leave by suddenly open ing an umbrella. A Bel‘eville despaN-h says lumbering: npamtinns will be mme extrusive this winler 1111111 for several years pas'. Mr. Sponce. of the Railway Hotel, Aurora. has been sent to gaol for forty days, in default nl‘ payng ï¬ne for selling liquor, in contravention ol'the Dunkiu Act. The I O. O. F‘. of Ontario has contribut- ed $2.000 to the relief of their brethern in the South, and are still raising more. Yonge Street is in u "had state for travel- ling now, from the quanmy of new stone that! has been laid Ialeiy. Would it, nut be heuer to have lhe new stone put. on early in the season. when the ruuds are dry 7 The present synem keeps the street in a miserable condition all through the faâ€. when the farmers are taking [heir produce to market. LOUISA STFRDY.â€" Some time since a petition was circulated in Guelph, and largely signed. for the‘ commutation of the sentence of Inousia SIundy, who was senten- cedtotwo years in tho penitentiary for aiding in the abduction of a young lady The petition was forwatded by Dunbar (f7 Johnston. barristers, and has had the desired effect. Dunbar & Johnston have 1‘9(‘€H'P(i from the Srcremry of State a commnnication which mtnnunced that. Louisa Sturdy would be released at the expiration of one year from the titre of her sentence. The girl will therefore be rele- ased on the 29th inst. fold. A Winnipeg Free Press special reperts the discovery of gold in paying quantities, by we experienced miners, at Ballle River. at the footbridge Crossng at Haulel'md. Should the report turn out correct the rush to the Prarie Province will be inereased ten- A! the Provincial Plouurhingr Match held at Eglinton on Wednesday of last week, the prmciplcprizps, open to all entries, were awarded as follows :-â€"The ï¬rst prize. $100 cash, Was taken by Mr. 'I'hns. Ennd, of Sonrborough ; second. $40 cash, Mr. John Tweedie. Whitby ; third. $30 cash, Mr. Wm. Millikan, Markham: fourth, $20 cash, Mr. John Smith. Glttndford; ï¬fth, $5 cash, Mr: Robert Pardne, Whithv. We understand the attendance of visitors was large, and everything passed Ofl“ satisfact- orily. After the match, the Judges and competitors adionrned to Mr. Beaty's hotel. wnere the several prizes were paid to the successful men by the Secretary, Mr. Ed- wards. On Friday evening last a certain young lady in Barrie, either on the strength of a wager, or to perpetrate a. joke upousome of her acquaintances, attired herself in male costume and proceeded down street for a walk. The httle joke worked charmingly for ashort time, but the light graceful step, and sweet, fair face, soon betrayed her, and she found it necessary to beat a hasty retreat to her boarding house. COUNTY NEWS. GENERAL NEWS Teas, Csï¬â€˜ees, Sugaxs, Spices, Gheap Grecezy am! Fmvisien Stem ’F__â€"â€" m W m»; EE} TEE ‘sagzgaaa 1.2%: Cash.paid for all kinds oi Grain and Farm Produce at the West End. House. GIBSON COOK- INSURE AGAINST FIRE AND ACCIDENTS IN THE. Citizen’s Fire and Accident Insurance Company. GIBSON COOK, AGENT. Aiso Va‘luator for the PEREIKNEW EUILEEIG SEECIETY. VIï¬TORY AHEfl-D E Bradford, Sept. 4th, 1878. Are prepared and determined to serve the public better than any other house north of Toronto. We Import direct from Euro 9 and the United States, We Buy Strictly for Cash; We make a big Turn Over. We Serve ail alike; We alm to suit ail. We give our patrons the full beneï¬t of all which EXPERIENCE, ENERGY and CAPITAL can procure. fl 8 WEEB BE @8’ NEW GOODS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT E“ E E E E STAPLE 82 FANCY DRY GOODS Ready and. Ordered. Clothing READY AND ORDERED BOOTS AND SHOES; rckery, Glasware, Tees and Groceries IN GREAT VARIETY, SEE THE NEW CARPET EEEEEIBITOB, Jam. LA EJVCE; Corner of John and Barrie Streets, BRADFORD. OPEN AND COVERED PUZETONS, OL'EN AND TOP SQUARE BOX BUGGIES, OPEN AND TOP BREWSTER SIDE BAR BUGGTES, OPEN AND TOP DEXTER. KLNG, (latest, improvet A STUCK kept constan‘aly 0?! HAND and MADE in ORDER CARREAGES WAGONS, 13%“ Now is the time to LEAVE YOUR ORDERS before the Fall Fair, to secure a ï¬rst. class job at a reasonable ï¬gure. Would beg to remind farmers and others in need of GOOD. PURE, DYE STUFFS’ than hr- has this year, on hand. an unmuullv Large and Well ASSOrted Stock of Dyes By bringing me weight of wool. and ‘he color desired, he wiH guarantee a good color. He has also on hand Drugs, Toilet Articles, Q ï¬ye ï¬ï¬uï¬si Maï¬a 3 SUBSGREE Fï¬ï¬ THE Bradford “ Herald;9 Bradford, June 20th, 1878 Bradford, Sept 12th. 1878. Kept by Bradford, August 29th, 1878‘ Milliuers and Dress Makers now hard at work in the New Cheap Store, and Great Clothing House. NLY $1 PER YEAR. Much ï¬ner Goods than usual, Much cheaper Goods than ever. ALSH MEET P311 TEES UNIflN WSUBANEE GUMPMJY. Prescriptions carc- Remember the place, GIBSON COOK F&RMER’$ W ACE-GONE. Cash Buyers Liberally Dealt VJ 1th. VICKER’S EXPREES. CLOTHS, TWEEDS, HATS, CAPS. JOSEPH BEACON But whoever may be in Power one thing is certain MANUFACTURER OF FIRST CLASS And Extra Vu’me in New Carpets. Has just received a large suppIy of 0F SPECIALT'I‘IES IN AND AGENT FOR &C', &c., AT H[S DGYVLER BROS JOHN MURPHY & BRO. itu compounded. APOTHECA RY’S HALL. JOSEPH BEACON. Chemicals, Perfumery, a. largo stock of Agenls d.) Licensed Auctioneer, in and for the County of Simone, respectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. J 1‘- BUILDER, Sherwond, 4m Cm. Vnughan, SLecml uut'untion given to Stair I5 uilding. Pnnutuul attention will In given to all orders. Address Maple P. O. O.Y.B, 130,111001'5 every Tuevday night, at 80’ clock, over the IIE‘ZALD omce,Binghmm‘sBlock Visiturs cordially invited. m “.32â€: gm business you can engage in. per day made by {my worker of ( Sex, right in thn ' own localilie . tic‘lh w; and 5 p165 worth 2‘» prove your spurt} bin 0 wt * S'I‘Lxsox &Co., Porthu EL week in your own town. $5 Outï¬t free No rigk. Render, if you want a busiuuss at which persons of either sex can make are-sat pay all the time they work, wrxte fur pul'uicllll‘urs to H. HALLETT & 00‘, Portland, Maine bales amended on the shorte"t notice, and at reasonable rates. JOHN DICKINSTP‘PI‘ Mm; er. cagaï¬Ã©ï¬fï¬ig was KEFFER, CONTRACTOR A ND 1 I BUILDER. Sherwcnd, 4th Om. Vnnghan, HM! now on hand a good and well selected stock Of Cloths, Tweeds, Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Caps, ENTS' FURNISIIING, which he is selling Chomp for Cash. All cloths mm tweeds pur- chased from him out free of charge. Town Hall Block. Yorkvflle‘ J. PATTERSON, Has on hand In large and lmndsome stock of Bureaus, Cupboards. Sofufl,leles, Chairs, etc. at his Cabinet Factory, Only good articles can be fuund there. Bargains will be given A Call Solicited. Every description of turning done. Order promptly attended to A11 who are desirous of having really GOOD WORK done in this line should secure the ser- vices of I W REAL}; O Y PAENTENC} i ALL ORDERS FOR flange. Sign and Carri GLASS STAINED ! [3? Mr Mnlloy has purchased Mr, ’Wond's in- terest in fhis business, and is determined to Sat- is‘y all who may favor him W‘th an order. The shop is one door south of Armstrong‘s Black- smith Shop, Barrie Street, Bradford. “MISC, Sign and Carriage PAINTING, ï¬lled in a. sutisfuctorv manner. Paper I'Ianging, Calci mming gum-limwm’ { REE hy maill EGAN'S IMPERIAL SAFETY-PAT) TRUSS ; gives immediate relief ; cures i} 4 to 12 weeks. Endorsedhy high mm ml authmity. The mast valuable surgicvl invcn - on of the gun- tury. The secret of cum , this truss holds rup~ him during hurdnst axe .se, and can be worn night and dzLy with great 'omfort. Vcry cheap. Thos Atkinsflsq. Any amount of Money to Lean on good farm security, and on reasonable terms. MONEY TO LOAN Fï¬EREï¬Lfl WW i WW ï¬â€™ï¬â€˜igflï¬??? Convcyancenlnsurance Age}: Apply {0 c. Duncumb, . Richmond Bill, or *0 W B Nichol, Solicitor, No.4, Toronto St, Toronto 123 of Exlmustm‘. Vitaliv Nervous and Phy ' concomitant ills :1 unfold x rics that rc'sult (Lch from, and contains more than riginal pro. acriptions. anyone of which i: worm ‘ .c price of the book. '11in bank was written by the moat ox- tcnsive and probably the most skilful pram it ioncr in America, 1 nwhom was uwm‘dod a [:an an jewâ€" clled medul by the National N cdical Associu I ion. A Pamphlet, illusiratod with ‘he very ï¬nest Lmd Lnngingsâ€"a mar. ‘ ;. Vcl of art and bcamyâ€" slvn: FREE to all. Smd hr it at nncc. Addrcss Efflmï¬wgmg g *malurb Decline, and \110 endless Furniture! Furniture. DR. WM. GRAY’S Speciï¬c Medicine! FEA'BO’DY’ MEDICAL 1NSTITUTE, Ix o. 4 DUI-F F ï¬nch st" Boston. Mass. Back. Dimness of Vision, Premature 016. age, and manyothor dificnms that; lend to sanity or con- sumption. and a premature grave. all of which, as mule, are ï¬rst caused by deviating from the pug} of lmtum and over indulgence. F “4-, r“'Iv‘iiev ~sï¬ocï¬ï¬}; if "(liéï¬fééult of a life study and nmny years of experience in treating these special diseases. Pamphlets free by mail. ness, Sper'nntorrhea, Im- potency, and 1111 dis- eases that follow as a se quonce of self Abuse,us . f '1. r Joss of Memory, Univerâ€"1 - e “9 '"Esul Lussibude, pain in the Aflar Takln? S. E Th“. Speciï¬c Medicine is sold by all Druggist at $1 per package, 01' six packages fox 55, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the woncy, by addressing, M. GRAY a. 03 Windsor, Ont l3†Sold Everywherï¬. August 29th. 1873 65 YONGE STREET The Great English Rem edy is especially recom- émeuded us an unfailing cure for Seminal Weak. BRADFORD PURPLE STAR. And \Vhitewnshing done to perfection. 0r Ornamented, on the shortest notice Also Agent for Agricultural Implements. gflirstvuaumay. RAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST Holland Street, Bradford. Robert Stewart, Esq., QUALITY AT MAIN STREET BEETON. ONT‘ 1W. ANIDREVVS Commissioner in B. R.. Hot. J, YfEGAN, Hamilton, ‘Onturih RU PTURE. THOS. NIGHTINGALE’S.‘ -Residenee,â€".;mdford, Ont By reading and pmctinmg the inostimublc truihs con- tained in the best medical boo’x over iasucd, cntidcd ISELFâ€"PRESERVATION Price 01x1y31. Sent by mail f»11__rcc_cipt of 121330. It W, MCCULLOUGH Secretary. t 11115 ,nd, M: 113 business Mame. I W MILLOY‘ Oct 25 3-111 Yorkvi fre 9 Ad- THE GREATEST WONDER OF MODERN TIME S. The Pills purify the Emmi correct all disorders Hf the Iï¬vm‘, Stomach, 1’11 (hwy: and Boweln, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Femalps. The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for Bml Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and U lcem of how- over long standing. For Bronchitis, Dipthvrin, (‘011ghs,0(>1(ls, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. Spnnous imitatmns of “Hollowny’s Pï¬ls Ointment†urn nuumiartnred and sold under nmne of “ Hell may 8! "n "hv J. F. Henry, Curran A: (30., Druggists, ‘ and also by the Metropolitzm Mb diciue Company of Nuw Yorlgwith , Ln assumed trade mmk. thus ~Again one J os~ eph Huydock, 01 \Iew York, like- wise passes nfl‘ “ counterfeits of his own make under the name of “Holloway & - 00.,†hiwing for a trade mark a Crescent and serpent; McKosseu & Robbins of New York are ugents for the same, These persons, the better to deceive you un- hlushingly Caution the Public in the small books of dir ions [Liï¬xed to their Medicines, whiaL are really the spurious imitations, to Beware of Counterfeits. Unscrupulmxs Dealers obtain them at very low prices and sell them to the Public in Canada. as mv genuine Pills‘ 11,1111 Qiutment. ,.n,u,. -1 A~l1~n 1.11 v bvuuun, . I most enrnesfly and respectfully appeal to the Clergy, to Muthers of Families and other Ladies, and to the Public generally of British North America, that they may be pleased to denounce Luxspuringly these frauds. 1’urchnsers should look to the Label on the I’ots and Boxes. It the address is not 533, Oxford Street. London, they are the Counterfeits. Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines bears the British Government, Stampï¬vith the words “ HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND OINTMENT LOXDON,†engraved therenn. 011 the label is the address, 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, where 21.10110 thov are M anui’actur'fl. In“? ’m‘ties who may be defrauded. by Vendor selling spurious “ Hollowmy‘s Pills and Oint. mom,†us of my geuine make, shall on communi outing the particulars to me, be amply remnant).- ated, and their names never divulged. bigned, *ï¬n--. n YVATT _"9|<rr Lefroy .................. Holland Landing Bond Head... . All the rest of the time any one Who may require his services will be sure of ï¬nding him at his oflica The Doctor respectfully solicits attention to the new process of Filling Teeth with Hard Burnishâ€" ed Gold, By this beautiful operation, cases otherwise hopeluss, mm be effectually treuteh and the diseased booth, howeVer much decayed, may be complntnly built up with Solid Gold, and, restored to it 8 original size, shape and usefulnessd Richmond Hill‘ (at the Palmer House). Stguffvine ........ 3rd & 4th do Victoria Squuro.. 2an do Aurora“ 5m do Maple.“ 8th do Spring Hill. 20th do Toet-hï¬llediusuch amzmner us will perma- nently arrest the decay, or the money will be positively refunded. W7 0. ADAMS, L.D.s_, SURGEa L DENTIST, has ' v removed to 87 King street East, Toronto, over 11. & C. Blu‘chford‘s new shoe store Best mineral teezh insarted in a. manner to suit each patient. P‘LYUL‘J: 1' attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth, critefully 'oing an unnecessary pain. A. W. SPAUL‘DING, Assistant tints of the Royal College of Physicians London, England. Consultation davs#Munduy and Thursday, foronoona. Residenceâ€"Weston. V V - and Pharmaceutical Chemist, 35 Yonge Yonge street. Yorkvflle. Ontario. Importer and dcnlr‘r in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, French and English PerfumeryJflngiish and American Patent Modicinea. Horse and Cattle Medicine, and. Drug- gist sundries of every Llrncription. BEWARE OF NEW WEEK CGUXTERFEITS. HON. GEO. XV. ALLAN, Senator, President. George Gooderhmn Vim-President. DIRECTORSâ€"Samuel Pia/ct, M.P., Wm. Geodet- ham, Geo. \V. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, Hon. D. L Mucpheraon, Senator. Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $315,000 Total Assets, $2,700,000 SA VINGS BET? BRANCH. W . Money received on deposit, and interest pay~ able half yearly or compounded. This Company advances Money on the security of improved City or Country Property, Ireâ€"payable by means of IL Sinking Fund, which ir found to be the surest; and easiest mode of repaying aloun. SCB our reduced loan table. For further information apply at at the Ofï¬ces of the Conmanv. WALTER S. LEE Manager DR;- LODNON an TEES, Attorneys, Sulicitorsâ€"in-Chancerj'. 913e,. 61 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court. House), Toronto. ALFRED BOULTBEE. WM. Won'rs DVATT. \IVESTERN CANADA LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Barristers, Attorneys-tutLaW, Soliciturs-in- Chancery, Conveyancers,etc. Ofï¬cesâ€"Imperial Bunk Buildings, Wellington street, Toronto. THOMAS FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN BAnx. WM. SETON GORDON, GEO. F. SHIPLEY Ferguson, Bain, Gordon & Shipley, anything else. ï¬mï¬tul not requirnd; we will start you. $12 par day at home made by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Costlv outï¬t and terms free. Address TRUE & 00.. Au;,usta,,Mo.ine. ' i] can make money faster at work for us than at BOULTBEE 8; EVA'I‘T. BARRIS- TEES. Attorneys, Sulicitorsâ€"in-Chancerj'. March 21, 1878~6n1 MODERN TIME S‘ R. PORTER, SURGEON DENTIST, VISITS Opposite Algeo’s Hotel, HOLLAND STREET, BRADFORD 7 ROGERS, L. D. 8., VISITS AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Ofï¬cesflb‘o. 70 Church street, Toronto. S. ROBINSON, DISPENSING R. S. 'I‘YRRELL, LTCEN MONEY T0 LOAN. ‘fllï¬w‘W‘fï¬â€™Eï¬ T453 iCFTAVVI-é‘x ‘ P. O. Box 2527. @miui. ï¬lm-veg. {25:29:11. THOMA S HOLLOWAY, 9th of cal-h month. 26th do 28th do lat of each month B. B A R NA E D, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES BRITISH AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO. Crockery and. Provisions, etc. Also Agent for the Western Fire Insurance Company, 3mm Em 0f Steamghig comp, Messrs. Haggart Brothers; Desire to thank the Farmers and others of the South Rid? ing of Simcoe for the kind patronage hitherto bestowed upon them, and respectï¬llly intimate that they will be prepared to furnish for the coming season of 1879 all Impk ments manu- factured by them, viz: RGYCE REAPENQ MACE-“RENE, CENTENNIAL TI-IRASHING MACHINE Beaver and Meadow Lark Mowers go flows 0'? a55 Kinds Independent Steel TOOTH SULKY RAKE The farmers will please observe that our Tlll‘aslling Machine and Royce Reaper got First Prize and diploma at the \Vorld’s Exhibition at. Sidney, New South Wales. Special attention is called to our R@$. 2900 A Fresh Stock Of Groceries & Confectionaries ! Bradford, July 18th. 1878. BAKENG DEPARTMENT QFGHN BOBBY HAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK SELMEG AT BQï¬K BQTTQEE PRIGES Book, Stationery and. Fancy ALL OTHER KINDS OF 1:99:13 KPT ECMSTANTLY ON “AND Belts, Baskets, Braids, Brushes, Cards. Chromos. Concertinas, Croquet Sets. Collars. Dolls, Drums, Engravings, Envelopes, Fans‘ Picture Frames, Glassware, Gold Paper, Kniyeo, Penn Our Agent. James Hunter, Will be glad at any time to giVe information respecting our implements, cbc. Samples and all repairs kept. in Bradford. Sept lllh. 1878 Grain Grinders, Laud Rollers, Ploughs,&c., and Scuï¬lers, In all departments, which was bought at a great reduction, and which he is Bradford, June 27th, 1879. ck FEED! SCHOOL BOOKS ! Are now noted for the excellent workmanship displayed in their SAILENG BETV‘IEEN QUEBEC AND LIVERPQOL BINCHAM’S BLOCK, BRADFORD, CALL AND SEE. FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. JOHN BODDY, (BRAMPTON AND ST. THOMAS.) FOR SALE AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON 0081‘ In use in the ngh and Public Schools. Goods Estore, GENERAL DEALER IN MANUFACTURERS OF HAGG-ART EEKâ€""los- AND THE ALQO IN'O l. Thompson’s Block. B. ‘. BA RNARD.