The Conservatives so far have not. yet appointedn'cztndldateto Contest. the local election. The decision nppears to be be- tween Mrnvryjrrell, of Weston. and Mr. Armatrong',"of Vaughan. The latter was very active during the late Commons elec- tion. while the Weston gentleman has for several: ï¬lms been connected with the Township "and County Councils. Cox-sienna, Nov. 3rd, 1878. To the Editor of the Herald. DEAR Sm,â€"I was certainly surprised at 1he turn yuur politics have taken, as told by the globe y_ou {sent me. I Our State élections come off on Tuesday. Every ofï¬cer is “elecled†here. from Con- stable to Governor. Three Parties have come out of the muddle. viz.: Democrullc, Greenback and Republicans. All have tickets in the ï¬eld The Republicans merely for the sake of keeping together. Il is* MonHerf‘uI the support that the Greenback ï¬zzle is getting- A commission of ï¬ve inwyem was apâ€" pointed by the last Legisiuiure to revise and codify the laws as arranged by the last State Convention. Their work has lo be adopted or rejected as seen fit. bythe next Legislature. Thodelegalps appointed to attend the Convention to be held at the Reform Asso- ciation rooms, Kin: street, Toronto, on Thursday. the 213i inst., to select a candi- date for the Local Legislature are as fol lowsâ€"For. Subâ€"division No. l, Messrs. Dr. McConnell, Isaac Cllupnmn,J. Luhmer. and Snider; No 2, Messrs. D. Boyle. 1“. Newton. N. Playler. W. Cook. W. C. Put- terson§ l\o.'3,'Messrs. John McKiunon, J. C McQuon-ie, John Campbell. Jus. Brown, Enhraiin Whilmore; No. 4. Messrs. E. Clubine, A McQuarrie. James Watson, Dr. Rupert, W. Drvlin; No. 5, Messrs. Dr. Glum. .Jphn Wan, Geo. Elliott, David Slouehouse, Jonathan Ellerby; No. 6. Messrs. Alexander Malloy, Dr. Stevenson, Alex. Gough, W. Cupner, J. L. Card; No. 7, Messrs. Nam-ass, 'l‘hos. Websier, Thompson Poxler, J. C. Kin-(7., Robcrt Kellam. Richmond Hill villageâ€"Messrs. Robert Law, William Trench,Alex. Moodie, and J. M. Lawrence. I éuclose you one of'lhé Démocxalic tickets. Oi'the Yellow Fever doings you will be as well informed as l'am. I†must have been horrible. Thirty volunteer physicians have died in Memphis alone, and I do not suppose that $1,000,000 would be an over estimate of the contributions from all sources for the relief of the sufferers. A commission has been“ appointed by‘ the General Government, to investigate, if possible, the cause of its origin, with a view to prevention in future. Dr. Choppin, of New Orleans, thinks it was imported. Owing to the Strict quarantine observed by this State, not a sirgle case of real fever is know to have occurred, and now frost- has dispelled any danger in that. respect, so far as we are concerned. Judge Roberts is likely to be the futme Governor. He is a hard money man. He has aisn. already béen in communication wilh Dr. Burleson, on the subject of School Legislation. > Many importanlchanges in the legislaâ€" tive and, executive machitu of the Slate, is expec1ed from the near future, so as much as possible and as fast as possible to bring us up to ilie proper standard of civilizmion and good citizenâ€"ship. A commission of ï¬ve )nwyeis was apâ€" pninled by the last Legisimure to revise We have only had three light showers since the last of June. The drtu;b,however, unless drying up cisterns and tanks, has caused little inconvenience; while it has afforded an excellent, time for gathering the corn and cotton in good condition, for some reason,however, the price of cottonis very low. "RMepayer." is the same person who wrote over the signaxure of “Elector,†a few weeks ago. The hand writing is on lhe wall; he had bener lake warning. Aurora streets are to be lighted with lamps. Of our general politics it might be wis- dom to say nothing. Negro education and legislation is the problem of the South just now. vDespite, however, all the de- formities and idiosyncracies coming from time to time to the surface of society, I cannot but. agree with the late governor of a northern state “That the nation has gone into a committee of the whole, and that after every-tsubterfuge and ’nostrum has been examined and found wanting†each and all will gradually return to common sense and honest. duty.- It is thought that the Reformers of this place will nominate a full ticket at ihe next Municipal election. The Conserva- tives only inlend contesting the Reeveship. Several executions have marked the course ol‘justice as being in the right direc- tions, this year. While affairs alongr the boarder are daily becoming more satisfac- torv. Wm. Sullivan formerly of Barrie, seems to have spread himself, so that he now occupies one of the forem as: places in town, and claims to have the best boot &shoe store: between Galveston and St. Louis. He'is the ï¬rst in this part' who seems to have attempted advertising by powers on the fences. etc. There is :1 pretty lively time here at present in consequence of the taxes being 60 high. At the 1081 meeting of the Coun- cil, a. committee was appnimed to look over the priming account,wbich was supici- oualy large. The Grim are in u bnd'way because the Conservativvs have not nominulcd a. canHi- date for the Local House,- have patience. gentlemen, We are in no hurry. According to the Liberal, the Reform Con venliou for West York meets in Toronto on {he 31st ins! (which would be on Sun- day, if there were 31 days in this mouI-h,) for the selection ofa victim, The I. O. G. T. intend giving a free entertainment on Wednesday evening, the 27lhinst. Consxsling of everything that goes to make up a (inst-class concert The Liberal, we nrdersland, is not favorably received at certain Post Ofï¬ces in Yoak. The North York Sabbath School Con- veuiionmet on Thursday the 7th insx., in the M. E Church, Queelsville. The an- nual efeclion nfrfl‘icern look place The next mceï¬ng will be held in Aurora. The affairs of the convention appear to he pros- pering. The Liberal Conservative Association of West York met at Weston. on the 13th. In consequence of the bad roads, and n few of the sub divisions not getting nOliCL‘, there being only about one hundred delu- gates present, it was. therefore, thought better tu adjourn until the regular quarterly meeting of the Association which takes place on the first Wednesday in December, when a Candidate will be selected. The Liberal in .giving a shout account of the meeting, states what is not. according tr» facts; when saying that thete was a division tn the camp in regatd to the selecting ofa candidate. For thete was no tmtnitntion made twither did any one offer himself as a candidate. Richmond rHill and Vicinity Our Texas Letter. WEST YORK NOVEMBER J18? CLEAN SWEEP E 8?8 Cash paid for all kinds of Grain and Farm Produce at the West End House. FREE Bradford, Sept. 4th, 1878 By bringing the weight of wool, and the color desired, he will guarantee a good color‘ He hm: aim on hand a Iarwe stock of n Drugs, Toilet Articles, Ready and Ordered Clothing NEW CARPET EXHIBITOR, Also Valuator for the PERMANEE‘T BUILMEG SOCIETY, Would be: (0 remind farmers and others in need of GOOD, PURE, DYE STUFFS, that hygihars 111i?! year, on hand. an unusnaHV Large and Well Assorted Stock of Dyes Desire to thank the Farmers and others of the South Rid- ing of Simcoe for the kind patronage hitherto bestowed upon them, and respectfully intimate that they will be prepared to furnish for the coming season of 1879 all Implements manu- factured by them, viz: Messrs. Haggart Brothers. STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS GET Yflllfl EEFE {WHERE} IR] TEE ‘flï¬fdï¬ï¬ï¬‚ Liï¬,’ Beaver and Meadow Lark Momers INSURE AGAINST FIRE AND ACCIDENTS IN THE Citizen’s Fire and Accident Insurance Company. GIBSON COOK, AGENT. Independent Steel TOOTH SULKY RAKE V Siuï¬s? Aiso Stoves of a" Kinds ~The farmers will please observe that our Thrashing Machine and Royce Reaper got First Prize and diploma at the \Vorld’s Exhibition at. Sidney, New South Wales. Special attention is called to our 13$†As the season is fast approaching when Cutters will be in great demand, wr‘. would respectfully ask the public to call and see our Stock of Heady-nde, or leave us the order, which would be thankfully reocived, promptly amended to, and satisfaction guaranteexi. {epaii'ing in all the diï¬erent departments of Painting, Trimming, Woodwork, and Blackcmithing carried on as usual and executed with despntch at reasonable rates. Horse >lioeing and Jobbing in Blacksmith Shop specially attended to. Gheap Grocery am Prwision Store JAS. LAWRENCE; CARRIAGE BUILDE For the Mechanical Skill in the construction of his Carriages and Sleiglis, and the superior workmanship shown, so as to insure lightness and durabiliny com- bined. Pronounced by all Judges to be clem' ahead of all competition. Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Spices, ROYCE REAPING MACE-ENE; Provnaéaï¬ Bradford, June 201b, 1878 Our Agent, James Hunter, W1“ be glad at any time to give information respecling our implements, (ï¬e. Samples and all repairs kept in Bradford. Sept 11th, 1878, Kept by Bradford, August 29th, 1878. Grain Grinders, Laud Rollers, Ploughs,&c., and Scufflers, Recently held in Toronto, and FIFTEEN FIRST PRIzEï¬. Prescriptions carc- Remember the place, READY AND ORDERED BOOTS AND SHOES; rokery, Glasware, Teas and Groceries IN GREAT VARIETY, SEE THE At the different Township and County Fairs wherever .110an to ALSU AGENT FDR THE UNIBN INSURANGE GUMPANY. The First Prize Vvas axvardfd at the, CENTENNIAL THRASHIN G MACHINE GIBSON COOK JOSEPH BEACON CLOTHS, TWEEDS, HATS, CAPS. VIOKER’S EXPRESE. (BRAMPTON AND ST. THOMAS.) And Extra Value in New Carpets Has just received a large supply of 0F SPECIALI'I‘IES IN MANUFACTURERS 0F HAGâ€"G-ART [BROS- AND AGENT FOR 610', 4320., AT HIS JOHN MURPHY & BRO. .3, a :; mébitian APOTHECARY'S HALL. JOSEPH DEACON. Chemicals, Perfumery, Itu compounded GIBSON COOK ER, BRADFORD, Bradford 4th September, 1878‘ The: above is a true copy of aByâ€"Law passed by the Municipal Council of the Villugu of Bradford, in the County of Simcoe, on the 14th day of October 1878;3'1d all persons are hereby required to take notice, that any one desirous of applying to have such by-luw or any part thereof quashed, must make his application for that purpose to one of Her Majesty’s Superior Courts of Com- mon Law at Toronto. before the end of the Term of the said SuperiurCourts next , tufterthe sveeial promulgation thereof by the publicatin of Lhis notice in three consecutive numbers of thafollow- ing newspaper, viz., “ Tm; Bun)me HERALD" or he Will be too late to he heard in that behalf ; and take notice that such Term commences on the Third day of February next. That the nbovs is utrue copy of a proposed By- luw, which will be taken into consideration by the Council of this Municipality, after one month from the ï¬rst publication in the Bradford HERALD Newspaper, the date of which ï¬â€˜st publication was Thursday, the 12th day of September, A. D.,1878, and that the votes 01' the electors of the said Municipality will be taken thereon at the TOWN HALL, on That the said sum of FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS, being the mnount required for the purpose in the recital mentioned, and necessary to defray the expenses thereof, be laid out and expended in tho ERECTION of u MODEL SCHOOL HOU§E, PURCHASE OF SCHOOL SITE, and ERECTING and IMPROVING THERE ON in the Village of Bradford. VI. That the said annule special rate of ONE MILL AND FOUR-SEVENTHS OF A MILL on the DOLLAR, upon the Assessed Value of all the rateablc property in the said Village, for the pre- sent veer, over and above, and in addition to all other rates whatsoever shall be levied,ruised and collected in each and every year from the FIRST DAY of JULY, 1878, until the FIRST DAY of JULY, 1898, both years inclusive, for the purpose of paying the said sum of FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS, with interest thereon as aforesaid. VII. That this By-lmv shall come into operation and take effect upon and from theFOURTEENTH day of OCTOBER. ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SEVENTYJEIGH’L‘. VIII. That the votes of the qualiï¬ed electors of this Municipality upon this By-law, shall be taken on the SEVENTH day of OCTOBER, ONE THOUS- AND EIGH‘.‘ HUNDRED AND SEVENTY- EIGHT, at the TOWN HALL, in the Villuge of Bradford, by ROBT. STEWART. who is hereby appointed Returning Ofï¬cer for that purpose, and that the Poll for the taking thereof shall be opened at the hour of NINE of the clock in the FORENOON. and remain open until FIVE of the clock in the AFTERNOON of that day. Bradford 7th Nov. 1878. Holland street, Oct. 31, 1818 BUTC H E R, HA5 REMOVEB FEW B08215 EAST h ANHOOD, Womanhood. Free. A Warning against; imposition. HOW youth and middle aged (both sexes) may restore their shattered constitutions, especially if arising from early in dism'etions. Herein lies your only safety ; by a professional gentleman of rare ability. High Canadian press testimonials. Mention this paper Send stump for answer. See advertisement head- ed “Rupture.†’ That the Debentures, both as to princinal and interest, be made payable at any place in this PROVINCE, and, be OK ‘xessed in the lawful currency of this PJVOVI Monday, 7th day of October, l878, Commencing at the hour of Nine o’clock, a. m. ROBT. TEWART, Town Clerk. Fflhe old stand, where he will be glad to see all the old us well as new Customers. That the said sum of FOUR THOUSAND (any $4000) DOLLARS be raised by 109.11 upon the credit of the Municipality. II That Debentures in sums of TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS each, be issued by the Council, not exceeding the sun] of FOUR THOUSAND DOLL- ABS. ONE THOUSAND, EIGHT HUNDRED AND NIN E TY-EIGHT, and bear interest at the rate of SEVEN 1? 55 WW: That the Debentures be made payable on the FIRST DAY 014‘ JULY in the year of our Lord (Lble on ‘the FIRST DAYS at JANUARY ‘mi'd J ULY in each year. at which persons of either sex can make grant pay all the time they work, write for particulars to H. HALLETT 6: (30., Portland, Maine. 3, week in your own town. $5 Outï¬t free No risk. Reader, if you want a business HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIVE ($1,665)DOLLARS and in the aggregate the sum of SIX THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIVE $6,965) DOLLARS of which sum none of the principal, and TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-THBEE And Whereas the Assesspd Value of tm- \shole mteublu property of the Village of Bradford for the present your is THREE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN THOUSAND. FIVE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-THREE DOLLARS according to the last revised Assessment R011. AliS yearly, the annual mte ‘ 01f the Dollar upon the rateublo property aforesaid, will require to beonemill and four sevenths of a. will on the Dollar. And whereas the amount of the existing: debt of the D’Iunicipulity is as follows, Prim-11ml FIVE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED 300,) DOLLARS, and Interest, the sum of SIXTEEN ($273‘ ) Dc LLARS of the IN TERE ST is in arrears umflï¬fï¬ mas And Whereas for fhe pm ment of Interest upon mm for the! caution of [i Si}: in? Fund fur liqui- dation of the “Lid sum of II’HUR THOUSAND (my 94000.0“) DOLLARS. the mm of FOUR HUNDRED AND EIGHTY DOLLARS will re- quire to be levied and raised annually, :1 cmrdiug loan Act respecting the Municipal Instifutions of Ontario. (Chimp. 174, Revd. Stat, of Ontario. gpmeQD f@ND ElGflTY (sayflsusp‘op) DOLL Therefore the Corporation of the Village of Bradford, by its Council, enacts as follows: Has now on hand a good and well selected stock HEREAS it is necessary and expedient « to ram". 11v loan the sum of FOUR THOU. AND I)()LLARS.1)zLynble With- in TVer "FY YE} RS from the time this By-luw shall be ï¬nally puss ,1 and. trch effect, with inter- est at the rate of SLV 7N pm: cent. par unnum, to be applied to the err-ctirm of {LMUDEL SCHOOL HO USE, PURCHASE OF LAND FOR SCHOOL SITE, and I“. [1.15 UTIN (“r and IMPROVING THE REUN, in the Vxllugo of Bradford. And Whereas for ’rhe payment Of Interest upon mm for the crcution of u in: Fund fur liqui- HOUbE, PURCHASE ()1? SITE, and ERECTING THE REON, in the Vxlluge Of Cloths, Tweeds, Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Caps, GENTS’ FURNIS'HING, which he is selling Cheap for Cash. All cloths and tweeds pur- chased from him out free of charge. Town Hall Block, Yorkville.’ By-Law No. 152. To raise the sum of FOUR THOUS AND DOLLARS by Dobemures, upon the credit, ofthc Municipality of the VILLAGE OF BRAD And WhPI‘CflS to raise the said sum of FOUR 65 YONGE STREET RAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST QUALITY AT of the VILLAGE OF BRAD- FORD, fur the erection of :1 MODEL SCHOOL HOUSE, PURCHASING LAND FOR SCHOOL SITE, and ERE‘ T- INGundIMPROVINGTHERE- ON, in the said Villa R( ‘BT. STEWART. ADVICE. TAIIE NOTICE 1W. ANI)REVVS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Prof J. Y. EGAN Hamilton 0111:. THOS. NIGHTINGALE’S,’ Yorkvi IV. III‘ Town Clerk of Bradford Oct 258-111‘ SELMHEE AT RflflK BQTTQM PRIEES Bradford, July 18th, 1878. Hus on hand a large and handsome stock of Bureaus, Cupboards. Sofusfllubles, Chairs, etc. at his Cabinet Factory, Only good articles can be found there. Eurgains will be given, A Call Solicited. Every description of turning done. Order prcmptlv attended to J. PATTERSON, A Fresh Stool: of Groceries (£4: Confectionaries I HAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK! All who are desirous of having really GOOD WORK done in this line should secure the ser- vices of I W MALLOY EOHN BOBBY, PAINTIN Gr 2 Eaminion Line of Steamship Stump, ALL ORDERS FOR House, Sign and Carriage 13' Mr Malloy has purchased Mr, Wood‘s in- terest in this business, and is determined to am;- isfy 1L1} who may favor him W3th an order. The shop is one door south of Armstrong‘s Black- smith Shop, Barrie Street, Bradford. BAKENG DEPARTMENT GLASS STAIN ED Crockery and Provisions, etc. Also Agent for the Western Fire Insurance Company, BRITISH AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO. PAINTING, ï¬lled in a satisfactorv manner. Paper Hanging, Calcimming J - BUILDER, Sherwood, 4th Con, Vaughan, Special utthntion given to Stair 13uildin 0'. Punctual attention will be given to all orders. Address Maple P. O. DRY GOODg, GEQGEREES 1,. business you can engage in. $5130 $2 par day made by any worker of either sex, right in their own localities. Pur- improve your spare time at this business. Ado ticulars and samples worth $5, free‘ dress STlxsoN &Co., Portland, Maine. VIUTQRY ARE We Import direct from Euro 9 and the United States, We Buy Strictly for Cash; We make a big Turn Over. We Serve ail alike; We atm to suit all. We give our patrons the full beneï¬t of all which EXPERIENCE, ENERGY and CAPITAL can procure. NEW GOODS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT Are prepared and determined to serve the public boner than any other house north of Toronto. @ WEE/W KEFFER, OONTRAC'i‘OR AND - BUILDER. Shorwoml 4th Con, Vaughan. Furniture! Furniture. August 29th. 1878 In all departments, which was bought. at a great reduction, and which he is $53 FEEDS And “’hitowashing done to perfection. Or Ornamental, on the shortest notice SAILING BETWEEN QUEBEC AND LIVERPOOL Bradford, June 2711:, 1878. B. BAIâ€" Bradford, Sept 12th. 1878 Holland Street, Bradford. gfligcclmucmw. Milliners and Dress Makers now hard at work in the Now Cheap Store « and Great Clothing House. Much ï¬ner Goods" than usual, Much cheaper Goods than even Are now noted for the excellent workmanship displayed in their But whoever may be in Power one FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. JOIEN BODDY, CALL AND SEE I W MILLOY. GENERAL DEA LE R. IN DDWLER 33.03 AND THE THE AL§O FREE by mail. EGAN'S IMPERIAL SAFETY-PAD v TRUSS ; gives immediate relief ; cures i1? 4 to 12 weeks. Endorsed by high medical authority. The most valuable surgical invention of the cen- tury‘ The secret of cur: is, this truss holds rup- ture during hardest exercise, and can be worn night and day with ‘ ‘11:. ftfvmiort.“ Very“ Cheap. Ar’Ir‘he spew 0 Manama e feéult of a. life study and many years of experience in treating these special diseases. Pump]: ts free by 11mi1_ nens; Spermntorrhea, 11n- potency, and all dis- eases that follow as u 30 . ., quenceof self Almseï¬s k. loss of Memory, Univer _ "‘35le Lassitude, pain in the Af‘ ~or Taxing Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature 01d ago, and munyother diseases that lead 170 sanity or con- sumption, and u. premature grave, all of which, as mule, are ï¬rst caused by deviating from the palsy of nagure gpd_9v_er igdulgence. DR. WM. GRAY’S Speciï¬c Medicine! mh‘m ssing, M. GRAY 81. Co Windsor, Ont . Li? Sold Everywherï¬. The Speciï¬c Medicine is sold by all Drnqgist m $| per package, or six packages fox $5, or ' Ne gent by Inn/11011 receipc of the 111011' Licensed Auctioneer, in and for the County of Simcoe, respectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence.» 7 IS’ Salos attended on the shortmt notice, and at reasonable rates; 13)? reading and practicing the inestimuble truths con- tained in the best medical book ever issued, entitled SELF-PRESERVA TION T H Y 3 E E. §Price only $1. Sent by mail on receipt of price. It treats of Exhausted Vitality, Premature Decline, Nervous and Physical Debility, and the endless concomitant ills and untold miseries that result therefrom, and contains more than 50 original pro. scri Lions, :my one of which iv. Worth the price of the 00k. This book was written by the most ex- tensive and probably the most skilfulpmctitioner in America, to Whom was awarded a gold nndjew. elled medal by the National Medic-.11 Association. A Pamphlet, illustrated with the very ï¬nest. Steel Engravingsâ€"n mar- vel of art and benntyâ€" E sent rum: to all. Semi for it at once. Address PEABODY MEDICALW INSTITUTE. I\‘o. 4 13m. lg ï¬nch St" Boston. Mass. is": gmmmw @mflï¬. The Great English Rem -nd0d {Lg-1 :11} unfailing A I“ "A- 11V,_‘, Robert Stewart, Esq. , No 1. Thonlpson’s Blrock. Pfof. J, Yf‘n GAN, Hamilton, “cum-i?) RUPTURE. Besidence,â€"Bra.d£ord, Ont is certain B. BARNARD. 3&D E Agents Barristers, Attorneysâ€"at-me, Soliciturs-in- Chancery, Bunvoymxcers,etc. Ofï¬cesâ€"Imperial Bunk Buildings, Wellinng street, Toronto. â€".. OMAS FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN BAD“ \v M. SETON GORDON, GEO. F. SEIPLEY' The Pills purity the Blood, correct. all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and quels, and me invuluublo in all complaints incidental to Females. Spurlous lmitutlons of “Hollowtmy‘s P1118 Ointment†are munuinctured and sold under name of “Holloway & (m " bv J. F. Henry, Curran oâ€: (30., Druggists, 7’ and'also by the Metropolitan Me- .. . r diciue Company of New Yorlmvith “ ' ’ m assumed. trade nmrk, thus _' one Jos« eph Huydock, 01 , Yew York, lika- wiso passes 01f counteï¬eits of his own make under the name of “ Holloway & 00.,†having for a tmde mark {)4 Crescent and serpent; McKeaaen & Robbins of New York are agents for the same.~ The Ointment is the only reliable remefly for Bad Legs, Old Wounds. Sores and Ulcers of how- ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Dipthnria, Coughs, Colds, Gout. Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. This Company advances Money on the security, of improved City or Country Property, rte-payable by means of a Sinking Fund, which in found to be.' the surest and easiest mode of repaying 1110an SM: our reduced 1mm table. For further information apply at at the Ofï¬ces of the Comnmnv. WALTER S. LEE Munnaet TERS, Attorneys, Solicitors-in-Chmncery, etc.. 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), Toronto. '7 ALFRED BOULTBEE. WM. Won/1‘5 IIVA‘l‘T. anythingelse. Capital not required; we will start you. $12 per day at home made by the industrious. Men, women. boys and girls‘ Wanth everywhere to work for us. Now in the time. Costlv outï¬t and terms free. Address TRUE & 00.. Augusta. Maine. [I can make money faster at work for us than at a ' HE GREATEST WON MODERN TIMES. DER 0F These persons, the better to deceive ou un- blushingly Caution the Public in the sum 1 books of directions mï¬xed to their Medicines, which are really the spurious imitations, to Beware of Counterfeits. HON. GEO. W. ALLAN, Senator, President. George Gooderham ................. Vice-President. DIRECTORSâ€"Samuel Plutt, M.P., Wm. Gooder; ham, Geo. W. Lewis. Thos. H‘ Lee, Hon. D. L Mucpherson, Senator. " Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund. $315,000 Total Assets, ~2700,000 ’ Money received on deposit, and. interest pay" able half yearly or compounded. Ferguson, Bain, Gordon 4'. Shlplev, Unscrnpulous Dealers obtain them at very low prices and sell them to the Public in Canada. as mV genuine Pille and Qiutment. . ow _, 7 I mos earn ,_ y nd respectfully up mall to the Clergy, to Mothers 01‘ Families and otllxsr Ladies, and to the Public generrmlly of British North America, that they may be pleased to denounce unspu1~ingly these frauds. I Purchasers should look to‘lllé Label on the Pots and Boxes._ It the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they la‘re the Counterfeits. ' 1 ,‘ .- y,- \’ V I and Pharmaceutical Chemist, 35 Yon‘ge Yonge street. Yorkville. Ontario. Importer and dealer in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, French and English PcrfumeryJï¬nglish and American Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle Medicine, and Drug: gist sundries of every description. Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp,with the words “Hthowmz's PILLS AND OINTMENT LONDON,†engraved theréon. ,On the label is the address, OXFORD STREET,.LQNDON, where alone thev are Manufactured“ , ._ ; u [3’ Parties who may be defraudecl by Vendor . - selling spurious “Rollovmy's Pills and 01m, - nuult," us of my geuine make, shall on communi- outng the particulars to me, be amply remunel- Mod, and their naan never divulged. “y . .. , ,, . , signed, mwï¬â€˜tl n v7.41"; _ "VA-y ‘H’Yï¬ '“ ‘ ‘ ' SURGon DENTIST, haé " ~~ removed to 87 King street East. Toronto, over IL <55 C. Blacllford’s new shoe store; Best mineral teeth inserted in a. manner to suit? each patient. Particular attention given to the! preservation and regulation of the natural math, carefully uvoing all unnecessary pain. A. W. SPAULDING. Assistant. ‘1 tiatc of the Royal College of Ph 'swiana London, England. Consultation daysâ€"l onduy and Thursday, forenoons. Residence-Weston. {gOULTBEE & EVA'I‘T. BARRIS- TEES. Attornevs. Solicitors-in-Chtmcerv. Stouffville ........... 3rd & 4th do Victoria Square†2nd du Aurora" 5th do Mama... 8th chi - ‘c. Spring Hill. . 20th do u Teeth ï¬lled in such a manner as will perma- nently arrest the decay, or the money will be positively refunded. (at the hamlet House). Stouflville ........... Victoria Square†Aurora... Mama... Spring H111. The Doctor respectfully solicits attention to the new process of Filling Team with Hard Burnish‘ ed Gold, By this beautiful operation, cusou otherwise hopeless, can be effectuale trenteh: and the disezwed tooth, however much decayeci, may he cmnplemly built up with Solid Gold, and > restored to in; original size, shape and usefulness Richm'md Hill‘ \NZESTERN CANADA LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY. - Ofï¬cesâ€"No. 70 Church street, Toronto; Lefroy .................. Holland Landing Bond Headâ€. All the rest of the time {my one who may require his services will be sure of ï¬nding him at his oflioe W. 05 wrm nvnfl ‘ D“; BEWARE OF ~ NEW YGRK C(DUNTERFEITS. Lonxon an. March 21, 1878â€"6111‘ Oppasite Algeo’s Hotel, HOLLAND STREET, BRADFORD SA VINGS BANK BRANCH. R. PORTER, SURGEON’DENTIST, VISITS†’ ’ ' R S. 'l‘YRRELL, LICEN ROGERS, L. D. VISITS . ROBINSON, DISPENSING, MONEY T0 LOAN'. P. O. Box 2527. my.â€- â€" Weâ€. ’1‘» mm». WW 0" imam. £25331. flaunt. THOMAS Hdnnowuf : Anms, L.D.AS.,? 9th 0! ear‘h month 20th do 28th ,1 do lst of ehch‘uhonth'