Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 6 Feb 1879, p. 3

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{'The large expenditure for repairs ne- cessitated by the floods of last. summer was referred to as having placed the roads in a worse financial aspect. than they have ever been in before, but the hope was expressed that a few years’ in come would remedy this state of affairs. The surface ofthe road is in good conâ€" dition, notwithstanding the wetness of last year. A large quantity of stone will have to be purchased this year for reâ€" pairs. Yonge street roadway is in good condition as far as the metallng is conâ€" cerned The Kingston road is in fair condition except at the city end, where there is an accumulation of mud. Mr Eakin by Mr James, sec by MrT Williamson . Messrs Rowan and Eakin mthdrew, and Mr Fleury was elected by a majority of 29 to 1'5 The following nrethe gentlemen who compose the Standing Committees :â€" Equalization of Assessmentâ€"Messrs Speight, Stokes, Gibson, Juckes and Scott, Special!iosâ€"Humbly.VVickson, Baker Thorne, Brown, Long, Lloyd THIRD DAYâ€"THURSDAY Mr F U Uapx'eol of the Huron and Ontario Ship Canai. informed the Coun‘ oil that. a petition had been sent to the Legislature, asking that a committee be formed to investigate the recent develop- ments of eriginec-Iing science in connec- tion with the project, and invited them to join in petitioning the Legislature. On Yonge street the culvert at Mount. Pleasant cemetery has been completed, and is described as much superior to the old one The wmk at- Hogg’s Hollow bridge has also been completed, and in- cludes a pile biidge 245 feet long, with a roadway of 20 feet : also a system of {guard piling intended to protect in, The The fwliowing isva summary of' the Report. of the CountyEugineer and Sup- erintendent of the fiéuland Landing bridge is nearly com- 'pl red, and will consist of a sing'e span of 65 feet, with 18 feet roadway, restingr on close pile abutments. The only work remaining to be H: on Yongc street. is the culvert at Lawrence’s eorners’ about five miles from Toronto On Dundas st the Islington bridge has been completed, the culvert and wash repaired, and the culvert near the Summerville bridge re- built. The bridge at l’ellatt’s creek has been rebuilt. the one at Uooksville tem- porarily repaired, .and the >pringfield bridge has not yet been commenced.The only work ot'ani importance on theKing- eton road is the Don bridge. The east.- ern abutment of this bridge is nearly completed. but the western has giwn more trouble, and will not be ready for superstructure for about. two weeks. the Lake Shore Road the bridge over the Humber has been repaired, but the report recommends that it be made more secure The several works on the York roads will be completed in about a month On some other roads bridges have been built or repaired The bridge over the Etobicoke River on the county line be' ween York and Peel has been completed; the one over the Humber on the Albion plank road is all completed except the approaches.The bridges known as Eagle’s Educationâ€"Messrs E Jackson, Armâ€" strong, Lundy, Williamson and Richaxd- Ion Bonds. Bridges, Wlmrf‘s and Harbors â€"â€"â€"‘\lcssrs Slephonson, Slukes. Canning Reid and Hamilton Contingent Accountsâ€"Trench, Lloyd Gibb. R'oaman and Gray I’rintingâ€"Reesnr, Jamicson, Wynd ham, Nattrass and seem Newmarketâ€"E Jackson ; Thomas H Lloyd Holland Landingâ€"W H Thoma Auroraâ€"Joseph Fleury Mnrkhamâ€"Jas Speight Richmond Hillâ€"W Trench Stoufl‘villeâ€"E Wheeler Parkdaleâ€"Major Gray The election of Warden was then pm- ceeded with, and the followmg gentle- men wcre nominated for the position 2â€"- Finance and Assessmentâ€" Messrs \V Patterson, Bowen, Saunders, Eakin and Dollery Messrs G Leslie, jr, and J B Phillips were appointed auditors ofScliool monies 2ND DAYâ€"WEDNESDAY A number of communications. and the reports from the Newmnrker, VVestwn. and lliclimond Hill IIigllSCllOOlS for ’78 were read County Propertyâ€"H Duncan, Card, Ander‘on, James and Wheeler ' Yorkvifle~S Wickson ,- J 03 Gibson Mr Fleury by Mr Speigkt, seconded by Mr_Stokes r Mr Rowan was nominated bv Mr \V Patterson, seconded by Mr Gibson Vaughanâ€"“7 0 Patterson ; J Natt- nss, D Reaman ’Mr Duncan by Major Wyndham, sec byiMajiqr Gray TOWN‘HIPS Yorkâ€"Henry Duncan ; Isaac Dollery Wm Jackes, John Hamilton, Alexander Gibbs Etobicoke-â€"â€"H Canning; Jos Brown Georginaâ€"James Anderson ; Michael Baker North Gwillimburyâ€"Alfred Wyndâ€" ham ; T1105 Scott . Markhamâ€"W Eakin ; B F Reesor, D James, T Williamson East Gwlllimburyâ€"WH Rownn ; W Reid and R Long. Kingâ€"Jos b‘tékes ; Jas O Stokes, C Hgmbly, A Armstrong Scarboroâ€"D G Stephenson; A M Seoor, J Richardson Wl'itchurchâ€"JCLundy ; J Jamieson Thou Lloyd YORK COUNTY COUNCIL The first-named of We following gen- tlemen who were present from each mun» pality is Reeve ; the others Deputy- Reeves 2â€"- Mr G Eakin, Clerk of County, in the Chair. FIRST DAYâ€"TUESDAY. YORK ROADS VILLAGES Toronto, Jan 28. B Saunders The Great En glish Rem edy is especially recmn- \nlended as an unfailing €73 cure for Seminal Weak- ness, Sperm atorrheu, 1m potency, and all dis- enSRS that follow us a. se quence of self Al>\1se,as _ .. I loss of Memory, Univer- ._ '6 50,1 Lnssibude, pain in the After Taking Back. Dimness of Vision. Premature old age, and manyothcrdiseuses that 10ml to sanity or con- sumption, and a, premature grave. ".11 of which, as mule. um first (mused by deviating from the path of nature and Dyer indulgence, z x h Befor Taking L The specific Medic‘ne is tfie result of a. life study mid many years of experience in treating these special diseases. Pamphlets free by mail. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggist at $| per package, or six packages for $5, or Will be sent by mail on receipt of the money, by addressing. M GRlYao Cowindsor,0nt [55' Sold Everywhetfi. DR. WM. GRAY’S Specific Medicine! 1V ANHOO“, Womanhood. Free. A warning against imposition. HOW youth and middle aged (both sexes) may restore their shuttered constitutions, especially if arising from early in disc‘etions. Herein lies your only safety : by a. professional gentleman of rare ability. High Canadian press testimonials. Mention this paper Send stump for answer. See advertisement head- ed. “Rupture.” l3? Mr Malloy has purnhused Mr, Wood‘s in- terest in this business, and is determined to sut- isfy (L11 who may favor him W‘th an order. The shop is one door south of Armstrong's Black- smith Shop, Barrie Street, Bradford. I W MILLOY. sex, right in their own locali‘ies. Par- ticulars and samples worth $55, free' improve your span time at this business. dress STINSON 6500.. Portland. Maine. business you can engage in. $5 to $2 F3 per day Il'llLdG by any worker of either r DRAIN TlLE, 0â€"}? “hi hEST QUALITY AT Hus on hand a. large and handsome stock of Bureaus, Cupboards, Sofas,Tubles, Chairs, etc. at his Cabinet Factory, All who are desirous of having really GOOD WORKf done in this line should secure the ser- wees O I W MALLOY GLASS STAINED ! Any amount of Money to Loan on good form security, and on reasonable terms. J. PATTERSON, Only good articles can be found there. Bargains will be given‘ A Call Solicited. Every description of turning done. rder promptlv attended to WEEKLY MAIL I Parties wishing to SELL, ADVERTISE THERE Advertisements of Fauna for sale are inserted in the DAILY MAIL,20 words for 250 each insertion ; each additional word one and a. half cents. PAINTING I ALL ORDERS FOR Hunse, Sign and Carriage PAINTING, filled in a, satisfactorv manner. Paper l-Ianging, Calcimming FARMS for SALE Advertisements of Farms for Sale are inserted in the WEEKLY MAIL. 20 words for 50c. each insertion ; each additional word 20. Advertisements of Live Stock, Auction Sales of Stock, In] laments, etc., seed for as. e, Exhibitions, etc., inserted at the same rates. a week in your own town. $5 Outfit free No risk. Reader, if you want a. businass at which persons of either sex can make great pay all the time they work, write forynrticulaxs to II. HALLETT & 00.. Portland, Mame. Uo BUILDER, Sherwond, 4th Con. Vaughan, Sgecial utthntion given to Stair 13uildlng. Punctunl attention will be given to all orders. Address Maple P. O. Parties wishing to Thos Atkins,Esq. On Monday, the fifth duymo business of any importance was transacted. The By law of Mr Lundy, granting $12?) to each of theEast and West. Riding Agricultural Societies, 1nd $150 to the ‘Noxth was then passed. FOURT [I DAYâ€"FRIDAY. The retiring High School Trustees,as follows, were le-appoinlod by the Edu- cational Commiitce 'E‘Veston, Messrs\\’ Nasou and Ed Bull ; Markham. Mr J Gibson ; Richmond Hall, Mr W Patter- son; Newmm'ket, Mr F bturr KEFFER, CONTRACTOR ANl ’ BUILDER. Sherwood. 4th Cm]. Vmwhnvn Commissioner in B. R.. CQIIVCYEIIICCI'JllSlll'flllCC Agen Also Agent for Agricultural Implements. and Wadsworth’s in Weston are not complete, owing to the fuulty character of' the work done on the first-named, which had to be condemned The work done on the roads is described as being ofa superior character. August 29th. 1878 I SEELEh-icc only-$1. but by mm v nn receipt of price. It treats of Exhausted V'ilulily, l‘rcnmlurc DOL‘HDO, Nervous and Phys-ivul chillt)‘, and the endless concomitant ills rml untold nun-tic". that n sulc therefrom. and contains more 1119.11 53 original pro~ scri $10131», mwom‘. of which iq worth (he price of the 100k. Tlli: book was writl on by the mm: C):- tcnsire and probably-11m mos-t skilful ),rnmilioncr in America, 1 o whom was (mm-(ml 9. (told and jew- cllod medal by the National Modicnl Aswcimlou. A l’nmphlct, illuslrutcd with the very finest. Steel Engravingsâ€"n mar- vel of art uud beauty- amt mm to all. Send for it nt nncc. Address PEADODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, I\ o. 4 BuL? F finch Stu 13051011. Muss. KNW 1 THVSEELF SEE THE LIST Furniture! Furniture. Abidress Mai I . Tornnto B UY, READ THERE . And Whitewashing done to perfection. Or Ornamental, on the shortest notice QUALITY A__"I‘_ MAIN STREET BEETON. ONT‘ Holland Street, Bradford. attificcllauwnfi. ADVICE. Prof J. Y. EGAN Hamilton Ont THOS. NIGHTINGALE’S,‘ Y0) kvi By reading and practicing the ixu-slimnblc truths com mined in (be best medical 1300‘ (‘VN iesucd. cutillcd [SE Fâ€"PRESERVATION Tfl BUM FARM DO YOU WANT BLANKETS: ETC ETC At 20 per cent. Discount. Come Eariy Cb Secure B argains REYNOLDS 86 NEWTON Prepared & sold by H Sanderson 8:; Sons, SHIRTS and DRAWERS, Feb 6th, 1878 VERY CHEAPLY, AT THE OFFICE OF THE Try S‘wmfimwmfig For COUGHS and. COLDS Dry Goods, Groceries, eta, DOWN Z DGWN if York “ maid” Opposite P. Crosby’s Residence; The Subscnber will Sell the balance of his Stock of Fancy Woolen Goods, at THE FIRE PROOF HOUSE FAJN'CY WOOLEN GOODS: Richmond Hill, Feb, 6th, 1878 THE HOLIDAY SEASON BEING OVER Richmond Hill, Feb 6th. 1879 BEST REMEDY IN THE MARKET. On and after this day we offer the balance of our stock of SCARFS. CLOUDS; SOCKS. lVIITS; OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, EXECUTED Corner Yonge and Centre Street East, Richmond Hill GOOD ASSORTMENT DOWN E NOW BEING SOLD AT RICHMOND HILL, ONT OF’STAPLE AND FANCY Constan 1y on hand; CONSISTING OF and under cost IE AAC CROSBY can make money mster at work for us than at anything else. "1mm not required: we will St at you. ['1 per day at home made by the industrious. Msn, wo‘nen, boys and girls wanted cvurywhem to VVufk for us. Now is th( time. Costlv outfit and terms free. Address TRUE 8.: 00.. Augusta. Maine. The Pills purity the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver. Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers of how- ever long: standing. For Bronchitis, Diptherin, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. Barristers, Attorneys‘ut-an, Solicitmsdn Chancery, @011Veyaucers, etc. 0111 cesâ€"Iu‘xpel‘iul Bank Buildlngs, Wellington street, Toronto. THOMAS FERGUS x, Q.C. JOHN BAR. GEO. F. SHIPLL’Y WM. ETON GORDON, wabgmribe, HE GREATEST WONDER 0F IIODERN 'I‘TWIE R. Spurious 1mimtmns of “Holloway‘s Pfiis Ointment” are mnmxixwtured and sold under name of “Holloway .35 Co.," by J. F. Henry, Curran & 00., Druggiqts, ‘“ and also by the Metropolitan Mcâ€" - dicina Company of New Yorlgwith ' an assumed trade mark. thus _ 2 â€"Again one J os- eph Huydock,» of - - New York, like- wise passes off >‘ counterfeits of his own make undcr the name of “Holloway & 00.." having fur a. trade mler n. Orrfiaont and serpent; “IVJKGFRN, 6; Robbins of New York are agents for the 52mm. These persons, the better to deceive you un- blusl‘ingfly Cautinn the Public in thfl ' lel books, of dimvti’nns affixed to thnir Medivulos, which are really the spurious imitations, to Beware of Counterfeits. U TERS,, Attorneys, Solicitorsâ€"2'n-Chnncery. etc.. 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), Toronto. Ferguson, Bain, Cordon & Shiplev, V V ' and Pharmaceutical Chemist, 35 Yonge Ynnge street. Yorkville. Ontario. Importer and dealer in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Irene-11 and English Perfunlery,English and American Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle Medicine, and Drug- gist sundries of every description. This Company advances Money on the security of improved City or Country Property, re-puyable by means of :L Sinking Fund, which i! found to be the surest and easiest mode of repaying a. loan. Sn: our reduced loan table. For further information apply at at the Offices the Comnanv. WALTER S. LEE Manager Unscrupulous Dealers obtain fhem at very low prices and sell them to the Public in Canada. 115 my genuine Pills_ and 9i)1tmrn_t3. « I most earnestly and respvcth 111V appeal to the Clergy, to Mothers of anilies [ma 0 her Ladies, and to the Public generally of British North America, tht they may be pleased to denounce unspnringly these frauds. 1/ tints of the Royal College of Physicians London, England. Consultation daysâ€"Monday and Thursday, forenoons. Residenceâ€"Weston. HON. GEO. \V. ALLAN, Senator, President. George Gooderham .................. Vice~Presidenh DIRECTORSâ€"Smnuel I‘latt, M.P., XVm. Gooder- ham, Geo. W. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, Hon. D. L Mucpherson, Senator. Purchasers Shéllld look to the Label on the Pots and I3oxes. It the address is not 533, ()xford Street. London, they are the Counterfeits. Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines DBMS the British Government Stamp,with the words “HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND OINTMENT LONDON," engraved thereo On the label is the address, 533, OXFORD "' T, LONDON, Where alone thev are Manufm‘ Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $315,000 Total Assets, $2,700,000 SA VINGS BANK BRANCH. Money received on deposit, and interest pay able half yearly or compounded. [if Parties who may bc defrauded by Vendor selling spurious “ Hollowuy’s Pills and 01m. mpnt," as of my geuine make, shall on communi' outing the articulars to me, be amply remune. Med, and t eir namus never divulged. Signed. 7 'THOMA 4. HOLLO WAY, [Hm V V - SURGEON DENTIST, has ‘ « removed to 87 King street East, Toronto, over H. 6', C. Bluchford’s new shoe store Best mineral teeth inserted in a. manner to suit each patient. P‘u‘ticulur attention given to the preservu’cion an 41 regulation of the natural teeth, gtiref 'ging 1111‘ unnecessary pain. A. “K All the rest of the time any one who mzw require his services will be sure of finding him at his ofiice Opposite Algeo’s Hotel, HOLLAND STREET, BRADFORD. The Doctor rnspectfully Solicits attention to the new process of Filling Tee h with Hard Burnish- ed Gold, By this beautiful operation, cuses otherwise hopeless, can be effectually treateh and the diseased tooth, howevvr much decayed, may be completely built: up with Solid Gold, and, restored to ins original size, shape and usefulnc ssd SPAULhINGIK’ss'i's'miE Lefroy .................. Holland Landing Bond Head. liOULTBEE & EVA'I‘T. HARRIS- TER 8.. Attornevs. Solicitm-s-in-Chnncerv. VVESTERN CANADA LOAN AND SAVING S COMPANY. DR; W <1 'mm nvar‘l 1 ALFRED BUULTBEE March 21, 1878~6m NEW YORK CUUNTERFEITS. RY! R. PORTER, SURGEON DENTIST, VISITS MODERN TIME 8‘ Officesâ€"No. 70 Church street, Toronto. N W . For the Herald R. S. ’I‘YRRELL, LICEN . ROBINSON, DISPENSING AND SAVINGS COMPANY. MONEY T0 LOAN. P. O. Box 2527. BEWARE OF fiiumg. “gfizgai. flaunt ADAMS, L.D.S., WM. \VchS 1 1mm 9th of eat-11 month 26611 do 28th do ‘Mv“$*\-K~‘wfiV - «m» wvmem u-n _...._..«._.___.__.__.___._4 American. “ Agriculturist I "’P REMEMBER THE OFFICE 0ppesiie fir’osby’s Residence; SUBSCRIBE “qr - {Q WM HERALD ONLY $1 PER YEAR FOR THE EXCEEDINGLY LOW SUM OF‘ THE “HERALD ’9 AND THE” AT THE GREATLY REDUCED PRICE AND THE, A LWELY, SPICY} FR; Yonge' Street, Richmond Hill, Ont. mmwgnfvl t K‘

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