Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 13 Feb 1879, p. 2

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stagâ€"1:3... a» GOOD BARGAINS I ., , i his presence. i the salary grab before his constituents, but were he to take seat in the ' House, and be called upon to vote on an Those of our subscribers living in this rsighboihuod need not go p-sr Richmond Bill'for good Burg-ins in all kinds of 1er Goods. Groceries. rte.. as will be found on referring to our ether-rising columns. The following are the names of those. who offer cconornicirl measure broule forward 1y 1 .the opposition, he would have no besiâ€" llad he tation in going with Mowat. Tm". be (law In" wdm'se Union Schoor Trustee Meeting â€"_ Richmond Hill, Feb 12. 1879 Board met in the Court lioom. at 3 p m. Present-liev 1 Campbell, Messrs liobl Marsh. M Tet-ff John Duncan. .1 C Mc- Qriaiiie. lssnc Crosby. W Trent h. 1) Boyle t Movt d by M Teefy. seconde by D lloyle, l 20 Plll‘lls 1"”9 l‘P‘f" Fromm“! {mm M”- ,ihai Kirbt Marsh. Esq. be Chairman for the “‘i'ry’s drimnmvm m Ihr Public Schw‘l-Io 3 interesting cases were tried. I lead the Report of School Trustees Meeting. Interestiiiu. CW" d“-'""d"y' Q‘me " “‘"nl’" °f Reform candidate for the next Local W POLITICAL Novas. Dr Chamberlaimof Morrisburg, is the a a .w ANARR‘TIVN OF SOME OF THE DIS- R()S[8T DEALIXOS 0" JOSH?! HAYDOCK Some extracts from the sworn evideon. given in the Supreme Court of New Yorl iii an action of I hutnas llollowav against Benjamin SlehH‘s and Joseph Hrst‘dock election. Toronto City Council has decided to HOW Holloway’ W38 swindied "ills and Ollllme'll he is endeavoring to roisi on Monica. 1 shall deem myself greatly obliged to my friend who *nav be pleased to afford me rry Information affecting my interest. and rill"ll will be treated as strictly private and confidential My medicines are oiilv manufacture! It the public of British Nortll hemp," ,he Legislatum to amend ,he 1." Jnselh H ‘dnck. “u file-um of 5330310H18118t‘1,lsilltd'tll. vl‘he British , - Gu-Verninent stamp 119mm}! my name is consituting him tny agent in .New York. School Law so that elections for School June. 1862., a power i.~l‘aitorr.ev was given, 3 good inducements Io purchasers in this week's i sue :â€" ISAAC CROSBYâ€" DryGOI‘:(1$,GI‘0('E".€S. ' nidwurp, Glassware. i. roekery, etc Fanny oolen Goods selling at and under costGo l and m for yourself ‘ REYNOLDS «b NEWTONâ€"This 011181- prising firm deal in all lines four (1 in a , well stocked general store Every outrun-5 merit. well selected, and all Woolen Goods ielling tit 20 per cent discount. This is :1 feet. try Mid find out ' II SALDEKSUN 8'. SthSâ€" K' op on hand a superior stock of rnediciries- lind 'drugsnnd prepare patented medicines which have been thoroughly tested; and found to be reliable and sine. teuienies. G STEPHENSâ€" laeksmith. shoes horses ll 31 a sen, cash. and fei'y cents for re- mcv'es. Excellent workmanship Try him. and your panonage is assured. Wâ€" NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. l l r Carriage worksâ€"James Lawrence {Shavingw Prof Wright Hotelâ€"John Palmer Hotelâ€"Crisgrove Bros llotcl-- E 5 Harris THE HERALD. Only One teller a Year ‘0 RICHMOND HILL; ONT] r 53:... THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 13. 1879 Robinson and Badgerow. â€"_â€"â€" It is not often that we hear of a lirWyerpolitician, poss‘sst-d of a fair share of self-respect, who woul allow "himselfto be placed in the position now occupitd by Mr. Badgerow. sure Here is J. 1". Edgar, a prod old stand-by, who is willing to sacrifice his feelings, etc.,cvery time the exigencies of the party requires it, provided he sees far away in the distance a looming up of sonic Government job, or the funeral of another Mercer estate. lut even J. D. has been known to refuse the nomination for u Riding, where there The lic- formers ol'Eust York must have taken Was a certainty of defeat. their last defeat very hard. and being depressed in spirit,carelcss of what the future might have. in store for tliein,thoy allowed Mr Badgeiow's friends to thrust him” upon the Convention. This is the r iiuly way iti which we can account for théinouiination. On what grounds Mr. Barlgcrow bases his chances of success at the coming election is very difficult to discover. He is not a local manliis home, business 1 and interests are in Toroiito,'aird. although he may have been raised in the Riding, it will require something more than that. to send him to the Legis. l To be sure the Riding feels derply grateful laturc Hulls, as Representative. for theil-onor' thus eonfe red upon it. butcven in this respect his opponent has the advantage. In his profession Mr. Badgt row is not a brilliant succcs Had he climbed to the top of the legal ladder like lilake, or even got it firm sent on stirretf tl.e uppr rurgs, we could be‘ter unde stand why he was brought out. Asa private genrleirian he may be, and doubtless is, a very hive man, but he has not. as y~~t. nor is there any indication that he ever wilt evince the ability necessary to represent it llid iteg properly. ever d nc lor East York. or what does he bond to do? tilled with Torcnto, all his be-l. wishes What has Mr Badgerow lis intt it H: are iden are centered there, and though the 132d ing derives a certain ad ’nntace from the proximity and plOspt't‘lly ol the city, it has enough able sous wit'riti its own borders without being, com rolled to go outside fora uicrnber. 'l‘érerc are tooniany city mythâ€"ton many lawyers --â€"in the House now. Were there Is» thirdâ€"rate or even secondâ€"rate lawyers, and more shrewd, intelligent furthers. we would have much less talking and I great d'al more work. Bunglinu would not. be so characteristic of the bills and measures passed as it now is, and these men, being these who hear the burden of taxation. would see to it that economy prevailed. Then, too, Mr. 15 ndgciow goes bt-fore theielectnrs as u pltdgt-d rupgortcr cf “represent Ministry. He stands 1e- forc theta without any exprricuce in governing or legislating whatever, and requests the honor of awaktning the Assembly with his eloquence and lightening up the Halls generally with been in thc lieu/re. when Parkhill made It motion in favor t-f reducing the salaries he cannot. deity that his vote would have been cast against the effort made to introduce that economy so much re- quired at the present time. No man should be elected to repre- sent a Riding simply because he is on a certain side. We trust such a spirit wi'l never become general 3111011ng the electors of Canada, and we feel assured that.- it is n--t prevalent in East York. When a party to which a candidate he- longs, has clearly shown that it is in favor of a capable, illicicnt. arid economi- cal Government, then a fur defects can be passed over in the candidate, because he can hardly tail to do good by his vote. I lit. when, as iii Mr. Badgerow's care. the. candidate is lacking both in t'xperirrcc and ability, and when he is 1 ltdgcd founded upon rt‘creancy and hypocrisy, d 11111“er or pernicious, to iiznort a Government tour-h of whose leuislaiurc has trove tirlrer useless, whose. revise l as been me of (XI 'avngâ€" ance and to a great vxtent,-â€"corruprion, then he should it-ccive the ration}.' con- dtriiiraion of tire cl-cvors, as there is no possibility of his election proving beneficial to any 0“c txcept himself, and to anythiinr excel t his pocket. Mr. CUIlSPHHllVL‘ Cuiiv 1|«lhntifl‘121b‘l. Yo k. llobi'rrou. the riozriinee of the is well kroun to nearly every clt‘ctor, and needs no _ievicvv ol his past actions. [to has grown up anionvst the trim whose suffrach he now solicits. For eleven year: he had a seat at Markham ’l on nsliip (‘r uric", going in as Di'puly- Pier-re iii 1566; as I‘m vt- fi'tin ’-' 8 to ’ 3. Dnr log all this time he proved to be well p I and as a Home farm ‘74 to "ill. qiialifi d for the position. and we have yet to learn in what way or in inner the Ttwirr-liip rtfii-rid iii the slightest dr- gree, or lost through his iriisniaiiagcrnent or inalienrlnn to the duties ofliis office. in must. nt-cessari y lmllfllu’dcnmd that Municipal matters qualifiy a person for creditably occupy- ing a seat in the Legislature. In this particular, the-re can be no conipirison bcht’Ct Mr. Robinsmi and his opponent. as the former gentleman is admitted by all, (even 11.029. who do not agree with him poliically.) to be far superior to Mr. Baducrow iii administrative ability and general knowledge of Municipal affiirs. Mr. Robinson’s defeat at the rtrc nt Municipal e'cctions can not he! accepted as a criterion as regards the contest for the Local. as there is no “is in that contest was also a similiaiiiy between the two cases. opptrin-nt Markham than, and the questions on which the elrctions wore divided Were of a totally different nature to those arising in a contest fir the Legislature. But even, giving Mr. Badgcrow the Bakin pulled (and he can not Count or it) Mr. Robinson's ~ame vote that Mr. c‘rctiv n is Hill uFrUlt d, as other polling- (lit‘le‘lv as will more than counterbalance The friends of the Con- scr vulivt- ca dida'c should not, however. that lll'j'tl'lly. cease their t‘lttlt‘lttol'fl to return their noirrit't-c lit-rule le is m rtairr of rllCCCSb‘. Many tidings have been lost thrrugh ort-i cor fiibnce, and they should re member that lllt'll’ r-ppoiients all loan.- tn; stone unturned, or no means niitrii-tl lVoi k hard and systematically. and the result inrruer in :tcurc the \il'torv. can only be a large and handsome ma . Cr iirc, gent t-iiian, the matter is in your run bands. Act according to past glorious record of the lTih, and you can refer with pleasure during your future existence. to having done honor to one 01 Markhani‘s ables! and most worthy sons, to your or untry and to yourselves! â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"_ I)l-mll ioi. 1.3Ill11r110'11 n i t ts ti.-diiy. Dr ii in] the! is to he the Speaker. I.oi"i llirtftiiii has btcn appointed Au bassador to llussia. Strange holds his rent :ill solid DEATHS On Wed csday. l2ih inst . the wife of Mr. Bob! Cruiz, Heudt'ord, aged 36 years On Saturday. the 811i inst. wife of Mr. Going. lleudlord. aged 20 years. un Friday, 7.11 irrst., Mr. Blanchard, Markham township. aged 47 years. ensuing year. Carried . , Moved by W Trent-h. seconded by M I Teefr, that Isaac (‘iosby,lisq. be Secretary {Treasurer Carried Mowd by .1 Duncan seconded by "Boyle, that Messrs M 'l‘eel'y and W Trench be the Committee of Management for the ensuing year. ( aired Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed An extract from the Report of Inspector liiicbau. showing the. state of the High School. was road. which proved highly sat- isfac'or-y : enclosed was a note bv the Deputy Minister. as follows: "1er lloiirdl will please explain vrliv the Public School [ is sorter-vised by Ilie. Hi-zb School Master. and MW iI is not done by the l'ublicb’chool Master and Inspector. l I The Secretary was instructed to state in reply that this 119111;! a Union lloard it was, lliou_(lil the. llead Master should bare a general supervision over all the departments llll it the llonrd is wrong in Ibis particular they are ivilliog to be sci right- A communication fr-nr the Treasurer of Markham was received. with the. sum of 16 ‘20 enclosed, being amount of (‘ler-{y Hose ve For (1 (liieUi'ion School Section N” 3 Markham and Vaughan for the years‘ ’77 and ’78 The following accounts were ordered to be ] rid : â€" 1’ (‘vaivfoid. tor trilinut census 3‘3 1’6 Savage stove for lllgnbthtiol 311 Mon d by M Tt-v-fy seconded by JDrrnt-an. rtliai any itipil oflbe Richmond Hill 11111] School. who is air orphan and Unable to i-av the risinil fres. shall be ndririrti-d free of‘ L‘lllti‘Jt‘. and that tli:s resolution slur-’1 apply to such attending; from the is! of January last. And iliat the, Sreierrii-y will please ,riotify the Bend Master to that effect. (.‘ui- Mrlli-atekin’s. and 20 from Miss Coulter’s to Miss ll‘iley's. t, No Surrender Division Sons of Temper- ance. 1"‘S'Ilfl‘g pin: a tea and entertain- ment on lt'riday, 14th inst. llead the County Council Report, and the new advertisements. Wm Long; 'Iliornhill. was fined on Mon- day $20 and cost for breaking the Duiikin Act Lots of cordwond ard saw logs being tenured through the village every day. The Concert announced to be given on l Wednesdav evening last, by Ilia Orchestra of the Grniid Opera llouse. Toronto, did not take place. Our citizens missed a. rare treat. as an excellent programme was pre- pared. A slaizhini: party passed through the Vlll'dL’E' todav. northward bound. They up. pear-ed to be enjoiing theiirselves. The tqiializcd value. of real and per- sonal property and income of Richmond Hill for last year was $160,000. stock and Brown is telling his winter verv cheap. licad bills, and call seclriin A heavy fall of snow on Tuesday night last. Roads somewhat drifted but. sl» bathing.r will be itrpruvcd thereby after a day or So. Over $33,619 lave been expended on the York :ltltdsdlll'llfl; the rear 1878. i rte-'1 Moved by Mr Trench. seconded hr Mr. lovle, rnil the Secretary be inertial-ltd in get the lll“.'.i'.lll|l§ll'1tl‘8f1 at 111" Libeirilollir-n Movi-rl iii SHIP‘IldIIIPIII by Mr llnncan, set- trntlvd by Mr Tet-fr. tlial the printing of the :t('('itllltls be let try tender, the lowest tender to be accented. The amendment was lost. and the mi..- i'uil motion carried on the following divi- nitrii : Yvris.-»-\lvHSi's Boyle, Campbell, Trench and Mt Q its- no. Naysâ€" Messrs Crosby. Duncan and Teefy llev Mr Cami bell, Chairman of the l‘lx innit-int,r CtlllimlllH’J'eltl-IIt‘d that ‘21 popi‘s new prolirhtrd from Mrs Wiley‘s depa-t- merit to Mr l-trntkin's. and '20 pupils Were, promoted from Miss (‘oulter s department to Mrs Wiley's lleport adopted Moved by Mr Duncan. Seconded by Mr Trench. that the llev M~Ssrs l'iiiiiirbe'l and Dick and Mr 'l'refy be the («undoing con - iiiilIt-e lor the ensuring year t unit-t1 The limitd adjourned to meet at. the call of the Chairman. 1 l l l The Duties of a. Reeve. The Ratepayers of the many difl rent municipalities in this County. no doubt. have «their had occasion to complain of the negligence and partialiiy or' Municiâ€" -1nrlvrtfim-rs. at ilrcsrinTeTmTe not knowâ€" ing wlit re to look for relief. For the. inloi'niation of such persons. and all others who may have a grievance or wish to be instructed. we give the fol- lowing extract from the. Revised Statutes oftltitai'io.â€"Clrnp 174. St‘cllflls 2369- "'|‘|ie head of the t'ouncil shall be ehiel'vxrcurivetfiit-er of the coriora» tion; audit shall be his duty to be vigilant. and active at all times in can.»â€" ingtlic law for the government of the Municipality to be duly I‘Xt‘flult'fl and put in force; to inspict the conduct. of all subordinate tfliet-rs in 11" govt-ru- incnt thereof and, as far as may be in he power. to cause all negligence, careâ€" lcssii-rs and losi'tvc violation of duty. to be duly prosecuted and punished. and in (‘t'llrlllllltlculc from time to time to the. Council all Such inl'orina’iun, and ricoinnicnd r-tit-h trim-sures. within the powc's ofthe Council as may tend to tl e iiiiprotttnt-nt of the liiiavccs. health, s-curitv, clt-anlizri-ss, comfort and ornaâ€" merit of the Municipality." l ‘ The annual Meeting or the W. Y L. G. A. l l l The N‘ctrlarinectiu;r of the Libertl Ctmsrrvnlivc ArFttt'ltilinn of the. W'est. Billing ol'York was held at ‘thfltllll'ltl‘ltl. on ‘4\C(1Dl'flllrty. Feb 5.1i, when the fol lowing. fliccrs were cltctcd for the cur- rent year:â€" I’ i-sivlentâ€"J. 1‘. llull. Esq. .‘t'cretatvâ€"D Ii. 5. 'l'yrrcll. Ti'eaSiit'i-r- (lap nin \\ all co. 1~t Vice. President of Vaughanâ€"â€" Charles .\1(-1.c:rii. 1‘14]. 2nd Vice President of Vuuclianâ€" F. I Glit>0l|. FM] 1st Vice l'rcsidcnt of Yorkâ€"William Clark. l‘isq. ‘3an Vice President of Yorkâ€"~llcnry iv.-i.i., Esq. Vice l’resid nt of Etobicokc- John' 1). Evans. 1‘l~q. l Vice. 1’l't‘filtltrlli of Richmond 11illâ€"-â€"¢ 1mm- Crosby. Esq. Vice President of Purkdaleâ€" Major Cir-w. Votes nfthanks were passed unani- mously to the retiring: officers for the vr-rv ablc services which they rendered durini.r the past vcar in assistan to se- ciire the triumphant return nftlic' Con- ~m~varive candidate for the Dominion Parliament. After some. a'rle addresses bv prominent inen ofrhe. parry, arr-antic merits were made for the COllllllL' t-on- test Never was the organization so cornpltte in the:l’idn-iz as today. and the prospects are the brightest for the Conservative party in the future. The cheapest Job Printing aththe HERALD oflicc. Orders sent by mail peerage paid. Our friend will kindly send as items! of any news occurint.r in their neigh- borhood. Don’t wait for any one else to do it. but hand down your name to, posterity, by errol log yourself forever; in the grateful editor’s memory. ’ear, our. The “(70le \l't’tt.‘ sonic $32.49!), leav- ingti dtllcit of about 51.131. This large tXpt-ndirurc Was caused by the frcsliet last tail. FRIDAY, 7th Marchâ€"The Frrm Mock, lrnpletiicris. and Household Furniture c 1' Mr. Simucl Adams. Lot 29, co: 8 Vaughan. Sale without. re- rerve at 1 pair. Faint rented. N. J. Armstrong, Acct. t Tliortrliill audMarkham villages are tryin;_r lo tl-‘cide which can handle the. clieukerstiiOst skilttully. Two to one on ’rllul‘llllltl. living on your board and blurb-t. lliehnion-l [hi can clean out both clubs. When you get your hand in, come and see us. I The Ncivrriarket Em commencod its twentyciglitli year bisl Week.Ttiis sliorvs that the proprietor knows how to eon- duct ti journal properly. At the Mass tilt ofiho County Council jur~t closed. a lull )t’llll} pl'hll of $350 was "little to tho llit-hrnoud Ilill. Mail lain and “cistern High Schools, arid 8375 to Newrnarkct. Si'irruisir. PARTY.â€"A party of this riatnre._t his number of about litiy. spent rs v.0; [*nv-l. evening at HIP. l‘l'sllli‘llct' of Mr Nicer. Newton Brook. on Friday ever.- 111-! last. A number of young people from Richmond Hill. Patterson. and the so - roiiuding vicinity participatrd in the ct.- joyuieiii, and had an amense liiiiP.‘ ‘riETIlnDlST SHCIAL.-â€"The P. M. Church will hold their annual S PSticial on He 28”) ltisl. A lecture will be delivered by the cehbrated Rev Mr Tay. lor of California. 1':U.\'A\V.\Y.-â€"â€"()u Monday last a team ofliorst-s employed by “1' lutngstnlf. rit hi~ mills, took lri-_-|rt and ran up llicliâ€" inninl street in a manner I'ivallitr;_r Turn 0’ .‘liantcr's famous "Mug." No great dillllugt‘. was done. The Doctor's fence was ii little bruised. when: the horses turned in home. and the bobsclglis were badly shaken, but not broken. r'e "personals that =i Social at. tertainmcnt Will take place in the Ma- sonic Hall, on Friday r-Venlnc the ‘let inst. Bestof lllllx‘lc provided. A total tinre and a pleasant evening uray be ex peeled. Don’t forget the l'resbylerianS S Social this (Thursday) evening. The lecture alone will prove worth the price of admission. A communication :from “Vortrs,” Patterson, criticising: (2’) an article which appeared iii the [{EBAH) last acel on Tyne” and Patterson, ha: been received. Weregret bring: unable to publish it this week, but our readers wil‘ not be deprived of the atnus'einent ol‘r-eadingiriir our next issue. 1i rich and eiinces on the part. of the author great r awning: ability, ti den-p and penetrating tnltitl-â€"ni:ir.~'ivc intel- lectual p()Wk‘rH.lllIl.1 a Ilioroiiuh knowledge of the English language. 1S VifRI" SADLA young man took his angel (Lil fx'i'a I'ltlll‘l' ride the other even- ing. (‘tipidfllreietl around so promiscu- otislv that the loving t-nis did not pert-rive asiiow liiink dirt-ctlv ahead. Pies-iii. churns! Firm gazing: fuirdly into each oiliei"s upt't-s they loiind the progi'anittro- had varied to an iiridunified but Son ewliai graceful plunge into the snow. The cm- ter was Ell-.lllll)‘ damaged by the upset, but the couple seemed lu eijuy the mishap. 1n anothercolnnni will be found a com. municalion from 'I'liotnliill. regarding the way in which the inspector fulfi s his ‘titv. 'v'nethr-r the Inspector rt ferred ttr is for the East or t\ est we do not know. 'l'litrrnbill is not the truly place where liquor is sold. lion-ever. tiiroii -ht ii! the Connrv. "s we see the. Newniaiket. Em and Markha-ii Izcmm- mtsf admit tliatttlie Dtiiiltiii Act is violriti d more than any other law. The only just ground our correspondent appears to have for complaining in where he states that the inspector Was furnished with information. and turned to “N: 11¢- certainly describes a deplorable state of affairs in one fainilv. but, airless he has good grounds for so do- inc. he should not attribute all that misery to the hotel keeper. A man that. wants liquor cstn easily get it, even if the landlord refuses to sell t) him. Uiher persons may procure it for him, and the hotel keeper be charged with an act of which he, to tar-great extent. is ignorant. Our correspondent makes his assertions over his name. and is therefore, we suppose, prepared to baclr them up, Trustees may be held on the same day as the municipal elec' ions Prince Edward Island Legislature meets on the 28th inst. Nova Scotia Legislature meets on the 6th of March. E King Dodds is the nominee of the Conserva'ivc Convention of Mouck for the Local. Mr W A McCulls is the Conscrva rive candidate for Peel, for the Local The friends oftlie lion '1‘ N Gibbs have decided to appeal the decision in the South Ontario election trial to the Supreme Court. EAST Your; Poisruvrruvs Assncnrios The unriu-il IIH‘Ellll‘! irflhe East Riding 0' York [liberal Critiseivatiws. for the elm-lions ofoflieeis for the year 1879. and for L’rllPlul t airsaclion 01 business. take place at Milliken’s corners, lot No I. 6 li i-on. Mnilthi in. on \\'idi osday. ‘9ili Feb. “~70. at one o'clock pm. sharp. Let there be a lull attendant-e @r'rurrrrminrrirrrs. Our columns are open to a fair dls- cusslcn on all subjects, without pre- judlce' l l . 'I‘h'ruhill, Feb: 61h, 1879. To the rdf/or (if "it [In-(11d. bir.-â€" Would you be kind enough to give no.- space in y or C1)iu1lll|.~ for the tollowlng coininuriica ion, and permit. to ask what is the (Kat-t salary Me pay our License 1.i.-‘pi cror for this division? And for what purpose do we pay one at all? 1 Was under the impression that he received 111:“. l $3.00 a year. and llILt part. of his du y mm to sec that hotel btt‘Ivt'l'S did it i sell liqnt r openly, but. to bring their. to justice. where clt-ar cases can be brought against tbtin. Now, tln-re is iii this villugea poor un~ loriritiate who is not isniy a terror to bisonn family but alto to the whole neighborhood, and is now and r bonds to keep the peace to one of his migh- borr‘. He has been known that: and "unit! to drive his wife and your"; chilâ€" dren ('Vt'll ltzl.t‘l(ll-l(d out in the snow, and 3,"! this man is l'trrnislrtd constanth \villi liqltur by the hotel lit‘l’llt‘IS. Ills wife SMer time ago. pave St me when notices to all the vendors ofs rout.r drink to N'll him no niore as she was afraid of her lilo of bin. vvl ile under its i- flur- cc, and she and llt'l family tat-re brim; (1câ€" privt-d of the necessaries of life; but. she. Was told they would make him drunk the in xt time he (71.1110, She lllt‘ll wrote to -bo lnspictor- stating the circumâ€" stances and gave him the. iu-nrt-s of two men who drank iqnor (on Ilre 1st and 8th ol January in one of these public lt-IIS'F.) with her husband, and Saw him pay loi-it and wt re also pi‘rpnred ttr proverlie (:ltnl‘gv; but. ~llll 1141‘“: 18 no norlco taken. and the woman has no redress, while the husband or iiti ms to bring bottles of whiskey into his home (even on the Nibbaih) to show her be can get it when lic pleases. Unly yesterday hc 111! uplrt in two both s, and finned a large quantin of it down the throat of his .~t':renrnin;_r child and chewed tobacco down the number little girl until the “united rbrt-ctiint-s. l\oiv, sir. il'a public of- ilcer negliols his duty so grossly air this, it is time we lad 120t~llcll (mot r. “hysht-iid the County he lllXud to pay such a salary to - (- purpose? ONE \l'iio PAYS TAXES. Shooting at Thornhill. A FATHER AC(‘11)IN'II.Y EllOOTS SON. On Wednesday, (ith inst. , a very un- fortunate and painful accident occurred at the V'llltl’180fTlltrl'lillhl, by whit-h a lad iratnid rhtppnid “as dangerously, if not fatally ii-jiiit~d, '.I be facts as “Is â€"Un it e dav abi-Vt-, llocer Sheppard. a resident of 'l' oi'nbill, was sitting at tea. when a number ol persons passing in sit-iglis tnadc iii-no iirg denionstratiorrs tonardr- him. Slit-ppaid. enraged beyond all men are, M‘iz-ul an old pistol. and openiinr his door, dis- charged the weapon. The contents of It i: pistol lodged in the face and melt closed. Dr. MeCtinnelt Was summoned, and l't'lllOVJd five shots from the boy's eyes and three from his luck, but the parts were so swollen that it this im- possible to rt move the whole charge. which had lulltutl behind the trachea. llie lmy was delirious during the whole .of lVedircsdav night, and on ’1 lrursday very little hope of his recovery was enâ€" tt'rtait-eil. liolli t'yt's are destroyed and the wretchol father is iii a sad state. everything Was (it ire to relieve the sufâ€" fering buy. but up to Sunday. no inrâ€" ]:l'(l\€ltlt‘lll in his condition had taken place. The furl-er has not been arr- stcd. l How 11‘ Is DoNE.â€"A successful run-- chant in T )ronto says .â€"1 alivays ud- verii~e most when times are dull 1n busy seasirns it is only ntCessttry to kerp my name before tlic_,_public ; 1 am sure do get my share of tlie srmntani-ous traf- fic. riut when business is light th-n 1 l'uliniuate my broadsides of special bar- ;alns,an’d their is just the. time when special bargains are inruglt for.” That's exactly how the enterprising: merchants of Richmond Hill look at this matter. and they are reaping the reward. \\ e mean Crosby, Reynolds & Newton, Sau, derson.and the rest whose advertisements are to be found in our corumss. Read the sdvts. and see where you can get the worth of your money, throat. of nearly as caa- be cleaned 'irc as follows:- I=flilt§ son, bi~ curs bring completely] and by a writing engage-merit. made at the same time he was restricted from selling or advertising my Il'edlcllirS[HOlluWa_\’s .Pills and Uintineot] other than in the ll’nitod States, or engaging in any business that Would conflict with mine. 'le, in March, 1855. violated ‘his er.- gzngeint-nt. by manufacturing and selling: at 43 Fulton Sl.,New York. Margiel's l’ills and Ointment. tnrdiclm-s of his own. which he stronglv recommended from his own place. if luri-vss as being superior to ,ir-r medicines. and at this place be pas- sed most of his time. On the 25th of July. 1965. llaydock, litirins made his arrange-inertia to leave me in two months. entered into a contract lwi!|uul any authority with Benjamin Stephens to advertise my Pills and Uini- irn-nt for two year-ti in every paper in Spanish America. Mexico and f‘uba. to the amount of$2130 000 in gold each year. Orr lhe2lsi of August. the month fr‘lv lowing he made second contract with Sienbeirs.ilnit the said advertising should now extend to three “‘8'! lnsloâ€"rrd of two years, and for $200 000 vents in gold venrly, making me iiable for: $600,000 in gblli ! Ilaytlock by virtue of my power of at- l t‘rritey. having settled matters sufficientl- advantageous to himself by his rh-aliaer-t withielhvrns. leavts iny rervice on the October lolloaing, but tin lies no eon rnuort-ation to me reslecling the said contracts. On the l2ih of Sept, 1865, he writes to me as follows:â€" ' You say you have accepted my N‘Sl;lr:v- tion. this is all right. I run very wetl railir-fiid to go away, else if 1 were not l wrinfd not have I't signed my prsition.” No doubt. [:8 lie expresses il. be was. well Flr‘lrl'lt'd to yo. 11¢- hatl "imle ('tllr- tracts for 3600.000 in gold. firm which lie expu-Iedrorrap a ‘l'lt'll harvest. and his friend Nephcus had already ci'rninenci-d to advertise his Maggiel‘s l’Ills anti Ointmenz. Stephens shortly after this t-ommenctd pm (‘I edit-us against me for some lillle ad vi ilisii-g he did u- lit-r these Contracts. My allot-nets llll'll took at- int: 11' set aside these fiatitilenl conti-acts,lrirr Stephens trim-need to tie! a releie. ce til the ease to a M r. 1“ l't'lltflll Fithian, who on the 27th of AugmrJ r'tit‘,:-vvnidrd to him the monstrous sum of $.7.,237 83. This pieansterons sum was all-Med priir- cipally for less of a portion only oftlie pm fit that Stephens Salli he would have made iii-d tl e contracts been ran-it (1 out. In this state. ol 1111"): i decided in March. 1872. to send inv bt-orhe--iiiâ€"law. Mr. (im rue Marlin. to New Y tl'k 11 mm by his iirdt-fri'i table exnvrtions, aided by his Allnl‘trflt‘fi. Messrs. Gray and llnvonport. that Judges Dar 5 and llaliic s. in Noven br i. 1973. set aside the unjust filtll- my and award of M r. Fll‘t‘lnt-n 1' ithinri. or d (nth-Nd a new trial to review the whole reru- 1"ir ally. on the 4th of January, ‘875. the case, which Morin-rd the ("on t 1- or days. was heard bell-yo Jud-ye Van lirnnt. A portion of the Judge's findings are n! fol'nwr:â€" _ "it. (’(‘It her. “‘66. the plaintiff cour- menu u] this action to have the manners (1- elarrd null and vol 1. "'1 be pinionfi'had no knowledge of the contracts until ab. tit Nttt‘Fllilvi‘. 1865, and i." Ills- 30ah o1 November. 1'05. through his their n-anuerer David l’riiigle. the plain tiff rtnifitd Stephens that he would not recognize the said cor-trams. “Ste, hens nmlr lrhllV knew that Flo‘- loivm’s advertising trlrlsillt‘ of the Unit-d : Stare.- at d the lliirish Pi-ovii ces was done , '11 ouch the London House It was Ilie. policy of the plaintiff to prevent as far as possible. II v trade srriii lying: on between the agency t fNew Yo-k and any D'utim‘ if America outside the United States and t e lliitis‘i l’rovinl-es. and to cor fi 0 sut 1i business to the l O'If‘ll)" blouse. "In the (letei'tiiiririti.iii of the qu-stions involud in this action. it seems to tire that no weiubi shoal-'1 be ai'ached to the Miller (1- of 11n\lll‘('b‘. because the fuels (1‘ VPlIt'Hl “"0" this trial clearly ll'dlf“tl" "In! Ire 1'.» either a know, or an idiot and Irhll/I'I'Ir hr (Ire fuel, Iris evidence is tqually ’ unreliable ' The plaintiff Holloway must judgment declaring the cont-acts of ’25Ih July it rt 21st of AIL'HEI. 1965. to have lpr-ii made bv llavtlot-k wrtliout authority, and are therefore void "Signed, 1‘. 11. VA.\' l‘.iit’.\'r.” Hay-dock at this trial admitted he had no iririht-ritv ultiitsirver is make the said con ltrnvt. of July ‘25. and Aurora ‘21. l8fr5. Hardin-k. In what a charge. of making Mugyiel‘s Pills and (liiitnirnt at the time. , he was acting as my agent. makes the fol- lowing "14 st tm'lnvffltll alli‘httii‘uâ€" “J-u-‘eplr llavrbick. of tho t-itv and (trinity of New York, brim: du'y swor- mal es oath as full-Ms: -- "1' list he. possessed. "for a term of yinrs. a general power or' "nirnrruy from one 'fhmrias Holloway. of ,"1.(rlidi\n England. forth» maratreinorrt of "'1'. llt-llowav's busivoss at 80 Maiden lane. in the city of New York. whit-h “ltl'lL’lltfll low- .1 lrt- sti'l posscsws tllll‘II-Il h "ii-in power to act tinder it is since revoked “Joseph. 11"} dock trtisitlvrnli' alleges that “ he ne‘er knew or was i'if-iiitrvd at any "'mw how to make the medicines of "Thorns: llnllorray. and 111111 he never "roads or am inptetl to make thrm. “J St-IPII l'n'imcit. “Swnriiln lefore me this 4th duv of “December, 1866, “burs K. Aonm. "Notary Public." I l 'NDVF t l l l s ‘ 1‘1 Hui-dock now. after nlapse of thirteen mself the use ofinv name. to his pills and ointment, and publishes a cor-v of a power of attmr ev. annnlh-d in 11-65 uiui for some fraudulent purpose also publishes the fol- 4 lowing mill ion. without date;â€" "And 1 fit ther report ihai io mv opinion I ‘ f-orn the restinii-nv and proofs submitted I "to me hero-iii. Joseph llnytlock has the J'nri 1‘ title to the medicines or d trade i-“n-aiks dvscvilN-d in the cmnnlaint 119""- "in. aid the right to manufacture and sell 'tlie same and that he is the owner thereof. “Plum '1'. R1‘GGI.FS. "Referee N. Y Supreme Court.” My name is not mentioned in this opinion Mr. Rtigg'es has no doubt been flPt'Qin-d by some fraudulent statement lie ru ely was not asked to any Mal my name (Ian trade. marks were the prnlll‘llt' of lluyd -ckl lo “‘71 1 finally closed tip all birsini-ss in the United Meir-s, and since than 1 have bad no agent there. Haytloek‘s business with me ceased on October 4th. 1865 when he recurred the agencv. but not until he had iiiw-lved me in a litigation of nine vt-nrs' duration at an eXpeiise of over $100 000. My frride marks are registered in Ottawa and they are now being registered at Wash- ington . 1 earnestly solicit the public: to denounce the spurious medicines of Bay- idoclt, which under the name of Holloway’s : l r l roars Fluke-1e was my agent. atrocities to : radix-d to every pot. and box, without which none is genuine. Signed, Taurus Houowsy, :53?! Oxford Streetllondon, Jan. 10,1879 ZPPS'S C()COA.â€"Girriri:ri'i. AND Col .PttltTlNG.â€"“ liy a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the opera- tioiisol digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the line. properties of well-selecred Cot-on. Mr. ltipps has provided our breakfast tables with is delicately llav- toured beverage. which may save mt many heavv di-cttri-s’ bills. 1: is by the. judicious use of such articles oftliet that a constitu- tion may be. gradually built up until strong enough In resist every tendency to diaeaae. llundteds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak noint. We may vse-ipe many a fatal shaft. by 'ti-epiiig ourselves well fortified with pure blood and properly nourished ll‘rame.”-- Civil Service Guzefle Sold only in packets labelledâ€""Janis Eves 5; C0,, hornoeopathio Chemists. 48. Tlireadneedlc steer. and 170. l’iccadillv. London." GUM e an SOCIETIES RICHMOND LODGE, A. F & A M. No 23. G R 0-â€" Meet: in the Ii’I'LG Boom, Masonic Hall, on the Monday on or b fore full moon, at 8 o‘clock. pm Isaac Crosby, W M RICHMOND L 0 L. No TTSâ€"Meets in the Tem- perance Hall, on the l ridin on or before full moon, MS 1) m .1 II Sanderson, W M. chwrioxn HILL TEMPLE, No «165, I 0 G '1‘â€" Mocts iii the 'l‘oiriperuncc Httll.cvery Wednesday evening, ntG o'clock. Wm Harrison, '1' D anmN ACTâ€"Central Committee meets at the Icull ot’ the President in the Tl‘nlpel‘nllce Hall. I Dr J N Reid. ’l’tionihill,I-‘rcsident ; John Sunder- lson, Richmond Hill, Sec 1 Thellothodist Sabbath School Tern crane. Association issue pledge curds every ‘uuduy when desired. \Vrii Harrison, Supt MECHANICS INSTITUTEâ€"Library of over 1000 lvolnn as open every Tuesday evening, in the »Masonic Hall, from 'r' to 8 o'clock. R E Law, Librarian. Lecturesaud discussions periodically ' chmvaIr 11.1.1. Cumin/1‘ BANDâ€"Meets for prac- tlf‘e cvtry Tuesday and Sr turday evening and o’clock A E Mt rtiiirer, Leader .VILLAGE Conxt ILâ€" Reeve, Win Trench ; Conn, Mucoiinrhy Bert llcdditt, P G Savage, W Powell Llcrk, M Teefy CHURCI-IES ST IIARY'S (EPIECOPAL.)â€"Scrvices at 3 pm, ex- cept the third Sunday of every month, when the service and snoriuneri‘ are held at I! it In Sunday School at “.30 p in Rev B. Shiinlrlin, Rector MHTuoDisrâ€"R‘wvices at 10.80 a m, and 6 301) in Sunday School at 2 30 p in Prayer meeting every T1 nrsdny evening, rncl Survdr y School Teacher! meeting and Bible Class on FJdnv eveninchd by the pa stor, Rev Mr McCallum. Assistant. Rev Mr Howson PRESBY'IEIHANâ€"Services in: 1130 a m. and a so p in Prat or meeting on Thursday evening as 7 30 Rev I Campbell. pastor RoMAN CATHOLICâ€"S'Tvicea : Thornhill at!) l. m and Richmond Hill at 10 30 um ; the following Sunday at Richmond Hill at 9 am, and Tliomhill gt. 12130 a m, alternating with Markham every and on try ‘â€" ’ficrv Sflrlrrvrtirrrrrtnts. SETAVIN G 1 AND H a. 1r Cutting : PROF WRIGHT, late of Toronto, has fitted up a shaving saloon, in the stand formerly acct}. ; 1 ied us ii. pliotog.uh gallery, (next (1001' 89111110! Brown's Store. and is now prepared to attend to all custoriit-rs iii fir~t class style, and st reason~ nhle rates. Call and See @ht‘tlfi. Tn: PALMER HOUSE, RICHMOND HlLL, Prop 'J' Palmer. This House is one of the Best Hotels to be ‘ found north of Toronto. Everything is managed 1 in Firs Class style. Saariplc Room for 001111116 1'- ci.i1 Travellers. Good Stubline and attentive hustler. Terms, .13! per day. The Richmond l Hill 'Bris leaves this House at 7.30 n..m., for Tox- outo, and returning leaves Toronto at 3.30 p.m. iThe Robin Hood Hotel. RICHMOND uiLL ON 1‘.. Cos‘rr-ove B r'os, Pr-op’s. .. r Excellent accommodat‘on for the Public. Good - st'ibliiig 0.11:1 vttcntive hostler. Proctor's Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N It It '1 rains going North and South, at 7.301. m, 1 p m 415; 1r 1n, and 7.15 p m. The Pine on“... Hotel 2 l PINE GROVE, ONT CE B Harris. Prop 1 An excellent Hotel in every respect Good stab- lirig and attentive hostlcrs. eo.STEPHiilNS ’G I General Blacksmith. ' AND HORSE SHOER. Horst: shoeing done at $1 a set for Cash, and 40 cents for reintth-s. 1"rice of Business Just noth of 1’ Crosby, lts‘q . Yonge street. liieliinoirtl Hill MT N'EMY 1 $20 600, to loan on Mortgage or realestntc at row row oiiuterest. Transactions strictly private and confidential, apply personally or by letter to the undersigned. Mortgages Bought .1. K. Falconb-‘ldgo Richmond Hill, 12th December, 1878. NRUPTURE. REE by mail. EGAN’s IMPERIAL SAFETY-PAD _ Tnuss ; gives immediate relief ; cures ii A to 12 weeks. lndorsed by hi h medical authority. The most valuable surgical invention of the cen- tury. The secret of cure is, fr it truss holds mp- ture during hardest exercise, and can be worn night and titty with great comfort. Very cheap. Prof. J Y. EGAN. Hamilton Ontario B REFFE R, CONTRACTOR A N1. 0 BUILDER, Sherwood, “.11 Con. Vnuphu, Special atthntion given to Stair Build :13; Prmctunl attention will be given to ‘11 orders. . Address Maple 19.0.

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