Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 13 Feb 1879, p. 3

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(Continued from last week) Toronto, Feb 4th, 1879 -Dr*Morton‘ a member of the Simcoe County Councnl, requested York Coun cil rejoin with SimCOc in petitioning the huvernment for aid to lowar Luke Simone l'our feel. He attributed the overflow to obstrucuions. artificial and natural at. the ":0th ul' ltheVuru River There were l'u ly 100.000 acres ol‘ land in the Counties 01 You]; and Slmcuc which could be redeemed, if the Lake Was lowered four feet. A deputation al' gentlemen connected with (he lndublrul Exhibition,rcquasrcd the Council to grant a sum of money lu assist in maintaining lho Exhihicion,and hm elect. two members, with Warden, as directors on the Board. Ex-Ald With- row, Ex Aid McGoe. Aid llaliaui and Messrs Armstrong. Fleming and Rennie addrea‘sed the Council in favor of the gram being mado. No action was (alien. WEDN ESDAYâ€"7TII DAY A motion by Messrs Armstrong and James, requesting the Legishnurc to amend the law so that the membership oflhe County Council 1ni,hb bu cm down. was lost. The question of granting a sum to the Tnduslrui Exhibiiiun cuun: up and was strungiy favored by Messrs. Gmyb‘mud- ers, Gibson, Dunc H, Brown, Jackcs and Dollcry. Un Vote being taken, “1': Coun- cil d cided against. any sum being; gruliu ed. The Lt‘glsiuturc is [0 be petitioned in favor ut'ihu llumu and Uuwriu Ship Can-.1. The auditors of the York roads' ac- count presumed nu ubm-act. “menu-m of the receipts and (-xpcndilurcs lur lhc year 1%78, which showed that the re- ceipts were 33148990, and “IL: d4s burscmeuls, 333.619,?! ; an expenditure owr receipts 0! $1,131.20 Several members thought “Migration would le injuwd by lowering the Lake, but nothing was done on the mailer. YORK COUNTY COUNCIL The County Solicitor cnnfirmc-d (Iv: leuulih’ of the [uni meeting of [he Coun- cil for ’734 Ml Rowan, ch ir-Imm of the commis‘ sinners «m Cnunly l’rnpwfly, pr-,:.<unned their rupnrl, 0| which the fullnng is a Summary .' Clume 2. That, Mr Fruwley had been paid $35 fur 1058 :Il (aged to have been sustained by his horse having lnllcn (hrouull [he flooring 01' the Dull bridge the day previous to its being quricd away by the flauds‘. Clause 3 Mr Arka was paid $50 fur the we “1'90:er timlmr fur ‘Ihe purpose of meeting a temporary bridge at, York Mills, nhcr the flnuds, Clause 4 referred to improvements in the Court House. Clamsu 5 reviewed the action in Chan- cery Iukuu by the ()nnnuisxinners. under instructinn nl «he Council, in the mutter of the Kingsth rnml Mummy 1' v, to compel llmn m kelp lhc rum] in plnpor repair, 2| decree to that. cal-ct, having bean granted. Clause 1. Thlt the Cumnissioncrs had doused anwlm‘ run-lion M Ihu nld gun} ‘pm‘pcfly 1hr 360 pur yn-ur, tucking in all an annual l’clltdl nl‘$510, The Educational Counnixtev, through Mr JflCkSun, Clnurmun, presented their Lit-purl which was adapted. Ciuuse 6 detailed at, Rome lengt h the progress made in the Val'inus works on lheank [in-ads ywhich hun: all-cud. been 7 pu. hshed m the I‘.ll;_'lll€l“l"s ropnrt. Clause 7 slzvu‘d that {he Coil:liiis.~inn- era hud hvcn unable to gain :my (in finite infiirnusnion in rvlcrence tn the i-ull nf \l'ulmn (t ul v the Cuunlyiu “hich the plaintiff and his will: claimed «Lilli-ch fm- injurim alleged In have been Mhhllll (d 'hlnuyh (lul'eclivc rnudwny, hut, that u solicitnr ll=uLl been re a n d 0 accept, :cr vice 0n belmll'of Ihu L‘numy. The ropmt was adapted Mr l’uttermn pl'os‘c'ulod Ihe Finance Report, of which the fulluwing is a bum- murv The Committne had examined the yearly accounts of' th-- High Fchnni and non I‘Cbidellt funds, and thnnd than: cor- rect. That the amounts (ilh‘ lhI-leu'y by humps nf' tnll grates were 3! ,618.93, of which 3912 was due by pvt-sent. imhh‘n of gun's, and the balance by old lessens. Ot'Ihis sum the hnnmiltve ennsiden'd $305.71Jive urronrs nt' Um id “mgcon'd be collected. and had Instructed the Treasurer to institute prncvtedings. 'I'he account of .‘lvsa’rs “hike. err. Bovd & Cnssels. amounting to 3887,63 was or. dated to he paid The Cmnmiltev were not in t'nvnr nf' urunti g the claim of David Brown, who :Iih'uvd that ho. sus tained injuries by :t dri'cctivc rnudwnv at lsiingtnn hridgv. The sum ($550 was Otdcrr-d to he p-Iid tn the “Cilrlll'el'ltf the i’risone..'s Aid Assuci-stinn. A sum 01'31759 was :ulm ordered tn he paid to amist. in Constructing two ht'idgos nu the Counlv line between ank and Ontario. The rt‘pnrt wn: paswd, The Rmda and Bridges report. was passed FRIDAYâ€"9TH DAY The County Proper“ Ruper pre. sented by the Chairman. Mr [1 Duncan, was ndc.n'ed. The Commin on Eqwflimrion of Assessment pres-Med their rt-pnrr. ap- pendrd m which “as a schedule. show- ing.y the (qualizvd vu'ue of real and pur- sonal property and income of Ihe difl'ur em townships and incorporated villages in the county, as follows :~ Ton-ml; 17p}-â€"'â€"}Ctobicoko, $1,635,972 '. Georgina. 8982 897 ; Nortthillimbury 81.111909, Ea<tGwillimhnry, 32.311.- 281 ; King, 335733.960; Markham, 33,- 948,960; Scarboro,$2,418,496 ;Vaughan TUESDAY ~ IIXTII DAY. THURSDAY- 81' [1 DAY Yurk, $54353 3‘18.039.197 .50 Villages :â€"â€"Y0rkvill.‘, 81.90849] ; Newmankutޣ70,000; .\nrnra‘827b'.000. Ilullnnd Landing. $102 600 ; Markham 3200‘000; Richmond Hi“, 816’-'.0(’0; ‘ toufl'vil'e. $185,0U0; :n tnlnI 0183.301,- 89i,nr u grnngl tutul of $33,331,08‘L50 Rt purl adapted. SATURDAY-10TH AND LAsT DAY The pmycr of' a petition receivedfisk in: far the uppuiutmenc of a perm-melt cmnmissinn. In uct. crmjwintly with the several l’l'm‘inrinl Gui-eminent: for the purpose of taking: evidence in all matter- relutinu' to dis utus between ra irond cnmpzn es. and further ontcndtng the pmmr of adjusting trnflic nrrnngmnenu, HQ, and [nut the Wurden .~i;_'n 'ht: same and {inward it In the G Iverunr General. was adopted, and ordmed to be Cul'l‘itd out, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York soiisxts your pulrunuge and frienjly influence. Address, ’1‘cstuu,1’ 0 Dicansed Auctimmr for York County. Ordea pruuumlv attended to. Rates rcasunuble. Pu- xuuugu solicitud. Address. King. I’ ’J Nothing was done regarding the over- flmv nl' Luke Sim-cue, as the scheme was deemed unprnctiwblc. Cnuucil adjourn 0d until the lfi'h of'Juue Licensed Auctioumr for York County. lolicilu p..nouuge uuu lr'wndly influence. hates renun- ubla. Audress,Vicborm Square Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, Sales attended on the shonest notice, and at l'égxéonxnlrlu rates. Address, NubletonfiP 0 Licensed Aucuuncor for York County. Orders Suuuibud. Mulilu Loni lid/cl, 1.0110) (LUIAC 'Liceused Auctioneer fur York Patronage soli- OltJd. hates modumta Azure“ (Jamel, a. 33,923.64o;wmmhureh, 32,527,432 50; Licensed Auctioneer for .he Counties of York, Omm’io und 113 1. Sales 1-rmnpt1y attended. Goods sold uu consignment. Uhiolnflle, 1‘ U Licensed Auctiuueur, in and for the County of bimcoc, respecthmy smiuits your puzronnge and “mildly illuuuuue. 1.3' bubs unaided. on the shorts t notice, and at roamuublu mus. Agi the rest; of the time (my one who may require Ins services Will be sure of finding him at his office Licensed Auctiumer for York County. Prompt utucnu’uu given no sales. Address Elia, ‘PO Lofrny ................ Holland Landing; Bond Head,.. . The Doctor r-“spectfully solicits attention to the new process of Fl] iiug Tee‘h with Hair-d Burnish- e'l Gold, By this beautiful operation. cuses otherwise hopeless, mm be efiactuully treateh and the (liseu-ofl tooth, howevvr much decayed, may be conuflemly built up with Solid Gold, and, restated to is original size, shape and usefulnessd ‘ ' I SURGEON Dmmzs'r, lma removed to 57 King street East, Tm‘onta‘ over H. K' C. “lmchfnn ‘s new shoe Store Best minerul toet inserted in n. manner to suit ench patient. 1"») .iculm‘ uttention given to the w'esm‘vntion mm regulation of the natural teeth, carefully zwoimz n11 unnecessary pain. A. W. SPAULDING, Assistant, l ’ fizzle of the Royal College of Physicians London, England. (Jonsulmtium daysâ€"Monday and Thursday, foronoous. Residenceâ€"Weston. March 21, 1878â€"6111. - mu] I'lmrzmmeuticul Chamibt, 35 Yonga Yunge stre 2t. Yorkville. Onlmrio. Lupurter and dealvr in Pure Drugsnmd Chemicals, 1- much and English Perfumery,EngiisnmnlAmericmx Pm nt Mmli 'inos. Horse and Cattle Medicine, and Drug- gist sundlius of every description HON. GEO. \V. ALLAN, Senator, President. George Gooderhum .................. Vice~President. DIREC’K‘URSâ€"qunuel Plant, M.P., Wm. Gooaer- hum, Geo. W. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, Hon. D. L Mucphersou, Senator. Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $315,000 Total Assets, "00,000 Money received on deposit, and interest pay- able half yearly or compounded. MnNM'Tuâ€"LOJM This Company advances Money on the security of improved City or Country Property. re-pnynble by means of a Sinking Fund, which in found to be the surest and easiest mode of repaying uloan. Sre our reduced loan table. For further information apply at at the Offices the Conmzmv. WALTER S. LEE quluaer \V. TERS, Attorneys, Solicitors-imChancery, etc" 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), Togouto. Barristers. Attorneys-uhLaw, Solicitmsâ€"in- Chancery, Conveyancers,etc. Oflicesâ€"Imperiul B.Lllk Buildings, \\ eluiugton street, Toronto. THOMAS FERGUSON. Q.C. JOHN BAL‘s. WM. SETON Gonnox, GEO. F. San)ny Ferguson, Bain, Gordon J; Shlplev. DR; EST E RN )AN‘A DA LO A N AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Officesâ€"Nu 70 Church street, Toronto. at which persons of either sex can make great pay all the time they work, write for particulars to H. HALLan 6; 00.. Portland, Maine. 21 week in your own town. $5 Outfit hes EE No risk. Render, if you want a. business B gmiimmw’ @mda. ALFI’I’EVDV BouiTBEE. WM. WOBTE I‘er'r. AOUIXI‘BEI‘} & EVA'I‘T. HARRIS- R. PORTER, SURGEON DENTIsT, VISITS Opposite Algeo's Hotel, HOLLAAD STREET, munponn SA VING'A' If iNK BRANCH. afliaccllunmufi. S. ROBINSON. DISPENSING Robert Stewart, Esq., R. S. 'I‘YRRELL, L'ICEN Salem Ecrkardt, l'hos Poucher, Daniel Kinnee, Samuel Brown N 4 Armstrong, Robt Conway, Jas O Stokes P. O. Box 2527. ‘V c. ADAMS L.D.S., I anavnv hwxwrvam 36 !; making a total of “£10m. F Button finial. Resideuco.â€"Rmd ford. Ont. Egrgal. 9th elven-h month 26th do 28%: do Si'DOWN ! DOWN !! BLANKETS: ETC ETC At 20 per cent. Discount. Como Early a: Secure B argams REYNOLDS 86 NEWTON Prepared 8: sold by H Sanderson 8: Sons. Corner Yonge and Centre Street East, Richmond Hill Feb 6th, 1878 SHIRTS and DRAWERS, Try Sanders-033’s BALSAM OF LIFE 3 For COUGHS and COLDS MBKETS. THE FIRE PROOF HOUSE The Subscnbcr Willarll the balance of his Stock of Fancy Woolen GoodsI at Dry Goods, Groceries, etc., UNHEER WOOLEN GOODS Z WVGGL GENPDS J03 WVQERK 0' VERY CHEAPLY, Opposite P. Crosby’s Residence. York “ Herald” Richmond Hill, Feb, cm, 1878 THE HOLIDAY SEASON BEING OVER Richmond Hill, Feb 6th. 1879 On and after this day we offer the balance of our flock of BEST REMEDY IN THE MARKET. SCABFS. CLOUDS, SOCKS. LIITS; OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, EXECUTED DOWN ! DOWN ! GOOD ASSORTMENT AT THE OFFICE OF THE NOW BEING SOLD AT r" A. 1" C Y RICHMOND HILL, ONT OF STAPLE AND FANCY Constanly on hand; CONSISTING 0F and under cost IE AAC CROSBY Spurious 1mimtxons of “Hollnwny’s lels Ointment” are munuinctured and sold under name of “ Holloway & Cm." by J.F.11011ry, Curran (k Co., Druggists, - <~ ' m. and also by the Metropolitan Me- , dicine Company of New York,with " an assumed trud- mark, thus '5‘ 13-â€"Aguin one Jon. oph Huydock, of 3 New YorkY like- wise passes 01! ' cmuxtcrfeits 0! his own make undm‘ the name of “Holloway & 00.," having for a. trade mark a Crescent and serpent; McKessen 6: Robbins of New York are agents for the same. The Pills purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidtmys Bowels, and are invaluable in all oompluinta incidental to Females. The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for Ban Legs. Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers of how- ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Dipthnrin, Pnllghs, Colds, Gout. Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. These persons, the better to deceive you un- blushiugly Caution the Public in the small bunks of direvtionfi ntfixed to their Medicines, whicl. are really the spurious imitations, to Beware of Counterfeits. Uuscrupulous Dealers obfnin them at very low prices and sell them to the Public in Canada at my genuine Ping and Qiutment. HE GREATEST WONDER OF MODERN TIMES. I most earnestly and respoctfully appeal to the Clergy, to Mothers of anilies and char Ladies, and to the Public gvnemlly of British North America, vhnt they may be pleased to denounce unspuringly these frauds. Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and IIOXPH. I! the address is not 533, ()xford Street. London, they are the Counterfciis. Each Pot and Box 01' the Genuine Medicines bears the British Gnvermnent Stamp,with the words “ HOLLO‘NAY'S PILLs AND OINTMENT LONDON," engraved thereon. 0n the label is tin address, 533, OXFORD STREET. LONDON, where alone the" are Manufactured. liq? Parties who may be defrauded by Vendor selling spurious “ IIulloway’s Pills nnd Oiut ment," as of my gelline make, shall on commuui eating the )articulurs to me, be amply remune - med, and t eir numus never divulged. bigued, sex, right in their own locali ies. Pur- ticuleml and samples worth $5,1rae' improve your spare time at this business. dress S'uxsov &Co.. Portland. Maine. A. business you can engage in. $5 to $2 per day ude by [my worker of either quencfe self Abuse,ns . ' : loss 0 ' emery, Univer- , ‘ 3°'°'°1“---3m1Lassimde, pain in the MorTaan Back. Dimness of Vision. Premature old age, and manyother diseasas that land tu muit-y or cpn- sumption. and a premature grave. all of winch, as Iu'dlfl, me first caused by deviating from the pit-£1} of natflre ggdgvpr iqdulqeuce. . The specific Medic"ne is tlie result of a life study and many years of expnricnne in treating these speciul disenses. Pamphlcts free by mail. Thva Specifi': Medicine is sold by 3.11 Drquixt atsl per puckuge. or six packages fu) 55, or wizl we smt by mail on receipt of the money, by addressing, M G ‘l \ r 25 03 Windsor, Ont LS Rolf! Evervwh L1'6. DR. WM. GRAY’S Specific Medicine! can make money taster at work for us than nt unyching else. "unital not required; we will start. you. 5512 per day at home muda by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girl: mmwd everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Cost-1v outfit, and terms free. Address TRUE 6: 00.. Augusta». Maine. ‘1‘ ANHOO“, Womnnhood. Free. A warning A, aguiust imposition. How youth and middle aged (both 32x28) may restore their shu tored constitutions, especially if arising from earl ‘ in disc‘ucious. Herein lies yum only safety; y a. professional genblaumn of 1:110 ability. High Cunudiuu prnss tastinmniulfi. Mention this paper Send stump for an awer. See advertisement head- ed "Rupture." Prof J. Y. EGAN Hamilton Out Subscribe, Parties wishing to SELL, ADVERTISE THEE? PL. Parties wishing to BUY, READ THERE. for Suie are inserted in the WEEKLY MAIL 20 Words for 503. each insertion ; 95".]: additional word 20. Adertisemen‘s of Farms for 3418 are inserted in the DAILY MAIL, 20 words for 250 each insertion ; each additional word one and a half cents. WEtKlY MAIL ! I’)HAIN TlLIC. OF v QUALITY AT Advertisements of Live Stock, Auction Sales of Stock, 1m laments, eta. seed for e Exhibitions, am, inserted at the same rates. Addrou Mall, Toronto FARR“ for SALE IN THE LODNON nn‘ BEWARE OF NEW YORK COUNTERFEITS. Advanisemcnts of Farm: KNW THVSELEE [rt-Ms “Exhausted .lixy, l-n-matun- Du‘iim‘. Nervous and l’hysit-al chiiity, Hid 1hr: endless concomitant ills rml untold marries mm in suit (hm-dram. Indconlnins mrsrc than 53 original pro. Geri tions. any-om of which inform the price of the 00k. This book was written by ihc most tx- Icmivu and plobnbly me most skilful practiiioncr in nmcrica. |owhom was nvron‘rd a mud rnil jrw. ( lied modal f-y ihc Naiional Medic-:1 Am ucimion. A l’amplxifl, illusiratrd with the very fines! iitl‘cl Eupravimmâ€"n mnr- vol of art emf bcumyâ€" l e'm mm: to all. firm] in: R at vncthyMrtgs i'iaKI: (5me ‘1‘? rnbtéAL INQTIIUTE. ]- o. 4 Bul-T each bu. Damon. Mast. SEE THE LIST MODERN TIME 8‘ N O'W. For the Herald The Great Englinh Rem edy is especially recom- mended us an unfailing ‘1‘ cure for Seminal \Venk- mess. Spermatorr" ,; ". 1m- poteuc 7, and ‘ dis- eases t mt follow us a. se ADVILJE. THOS. NIGHTINGALE'S, Yoxkvi THOMA S HOLLO WAY, By reading nna practicing mc incsfimublc truths con- tained in (be best medical hoqx (vcr insucd. entmnd ' SE LP-PI‘JZSE RVATIOH ifiic‘c‘oxfifé‘l. SEm'by’mafi'l ynfirccgipt of pajgeuklt Til Rm FARM DO YOU W A N T 1 Hamilton 1‘ [I E B] ,on Ont BEST At the difi‘crerit Township an] County Fui-‘s wherever Shawn to‘ JAE}. LAWRENCE; (IA-RRL&GF. BUILDER, BRADFORD“ I? As the season is Fast apprmchin: when Cullen's Will be id 2"?!“ demand?" we would respectfully ask the public In Cull and see our Stock of Ready-made, 0’” leave us the «.rdvr. which would be thankfully ruc- ived, promptly attended‘mflnd‘ sntisl'uclinn guaranteed, For the Mechanical Skill in the chnstrudtinh of his Carriages and Sleight, aud‘: the superinr Wnrknmnship slimvn, so as to insure lightness and. durability can't bined. I‘lonouuced by :1“ Judges to be clear ahvud-ul' ull‘cumpmition; ivpnirlllg in all the diflserent departments of Painting, Trlmmihg, Wmdw'orh' and Blackquillling carnivd on mi usual and OIchUttd will) debpmch at veasonuble‘ rates. House Imci ng and Jubbini in lilucksulilh Shop Freciully attendeli to.“ FOR THE? YORK “ HERALD ”’ NOVEMBER 187 8 CLEAN SWEEP 187 8 Provincial? §UBSCRIBE American 0N LY nu E40cal Papers Opposite P. Crosby's Residence; SUBSCRIBE NOW, NOW. per year, $2 'eresi t T’ 3y TIM EiERALIT3 FIFTEEN 1:": 391* 153121351 FOR THE EXOEEDINGLY LOW SUM OF THE “HERALD” AND THE The First Prize *W‘ns axvm'd d at; the AT THE GREATLY REDUCED PRICE A L!,VELY, SPICY, AND Yongc Street, Richmond llill, Ont. REMEMBER THE OFFICE Recently held' in Tux-out), and Niail,”

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