This is the way the London Standard comb; the hair at the Locni Legislature, and harrows the quiet, tranquil, bomvo. lent feelings of the members and uï¬icers of hit august usaetuhly~" The Sergeant at Arms in the Baby Legislature only gets 81'). per day for guarding the mace Now who wil’ say the B.IA. IS extravaâ€" gum ?Un1y $12 per day for the dung. r- 0115, soul-disturbing. and vigilant Watch kept Over a piece of gilded flummer) \mrlh somewhere l'rnm ï¬ï¬y (e rs to ï¬fty dollars!†The allusinn m the: “mace†as "giidL-d ï¬uuimcrj“ might be ovethked 5r fungi (-n ; hut :0 c at'nrrtlezize n hna'y of men who tu’uv their Lin)»: 2 9 555000. ilsr {hm day’sex-vica-s, :v. . Baby .I.c;,:-i islature in [00 much cum‘cly. Please, mop that kBOGkingwEra- r 000, being an incrensv in the {nur wuss ti 6 per cent. In lï¬78, it was $295,000, shuwingan incteasuin the seven Hefuvm )ems ofno Ipss than 6! per cent! In 11‘68 the cost of education was $301.000, and in 1871. $351,000.1wing MI] increase in the four yams of- 16 per cent. In IHTS it was $556 000. showing an increase in the svven Reformixeurs of 57 per tent. Thus in those branches hf the expondituxe whth more that: any other-s- zue within the con- nol of Ministers, the increases under Hr- form have been out of all proportion greater than the increases they condemned under their pudocrssors. 000, The supporters of the Mowat Gov ernmcnt surely cannot expect to be successful in going before the electors as advocates of an economical, pure and capable administration. In all these particulars the rueord of the Local House for the past four years shows that the course i‘ollowed has been one of extravagance and bad management. It is true the Province has not appeared until recently, to be deeply interested in their career, as the actions of the late Dominion Government, being of greater magnitude, and afl'ecting the people more directly, partially screened †the lesser lights†at Toronto- It i- fbnfunate for the Country, however,tlmt although possessing the disxosition to follow the example of their trieuds at. Ottawa, they have not the power to make their regime prove an injurious as those “who have gore before†the 17th of September. 'Ihtre is suï¬lcientcriâ€" dence to show that “a patriotic and economical administration" was notl what they aimed at. This motto was set up ae the standard, when Mowat de- ucended from the bench, bnt the bannerj was hardly flung to the breeze ’ere it,‘l was {’urled, never to float again, until} more capable and sterling men sue cacdcd to ofï¬ce. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 97. } RICH M ON D H ILL ; ON T G STEPHENSâ€"Blacksmilh, shnos Itm‘svs at $1 3 Han. cmh. um] {m'y cm Is for ma mm‘o's. Excelleni wmknmmhip Try Hm. and your patronage is Hmuwd JOHN BROWN, Selling 011' nl 0051.. Allliinds of Boots and Shoes. 10 make mrm for a huge vaivgr Sirok. Give lhm sonâ€. and you will lvar rvgrel i1. Blown sells cheap. and alws‘ys given 20nd anisl‘acliun. Grmeries and vaision compur than the cheuptst. II SABDICHSUN & SUNS‘K-en m‘ hund u sumrior stock of medicines; and drugs and wepara [-MCMvd nedioinvs which lune been llmruughly taste-r3; and found (u be relmble and Blue mmdios. REYNOLDS A: NEWTONâ€"This outer prising ï¬rm dé'al in all lines found 1n n well stocked zmwrnl store Evc-I'y dé-Mn'i- mom, well salecled, and all Wnolvn Goods yelling- at 20 new cent discount. This is a fact, it} and ï¬nd out. Dentistryâ€"Dr Robinson. . Theme nf nur sub.~(-rihers living! in this reighbmhm'id need not go pull. Richmond Hill fwr gnod Bargains in ail kinds of HIV Goods. Groceries. cm. as will he fnunai on referring to our udvrriisiug columns Tiw foiinwinsz are the names nf Ihose who r m:- goud iiuducrmeuls |o purchasers in this Week’s i.~.sue 3â€"â€" ISAAC CROSBYâ€" DryGnnds,G rocar'os. Hardware. Glassware. {rockerg etc Fancy Woolen Goods selling at and under cosL.Go ind see for yuurse'lf Where to Buy ? TH E H ERA LD. Only One Dollar a Year NE “7 ADVE RTL CLIENTS GOOD BARGAINS Very Bad Record. 879 I The chvapcst Job Printing at. the' 111’.qu oflicc. Orders sent by mail, garage paid. I Cumu and sac commend theth Him who de-s all things fur the lwrst and “110MB chub'tisemcl ls are tmmnt in merry ; llosolle.â€"'l‘lmt this heartfelt lentimr‘n. lal ot'uur sympathy be forwmded to the family of our departed friend by the Secre- ta} _V of" the 'l'r‘mn'v " “The lmnd of Pruvidnnce having rr‘mm‘ed ~ 111' uslwuwd Sit‘el'. the hue Mm H Sandw- snn. “'1 m amongst us. and 1L0 nu when: ut‘ tho: Trulle luvng drsimus of H‘shï¬in: llwir res: eel for her memory. mu] (‘Xlll'l‘85- in! their earnest and :Im'clmnuw sympathy wilh thv huusvhulxl (iopnved by this dispel - satinâ€. he it lhm‘cfne {rsnlve‘tLâ€"Thut we Hendm-ly r-nndnle wi'h the family ()fonr dismxwt] sister in their lime-Hf trial and tnmlcliou and d‘wumly Rivhmund Hill Twmn'e. I O C T. at Hw )‘PJUIH! n ï¬t‘ling‘ Inst \sceli, adapted the 1'01- ]nwmg msnl mmâ€" Letter of Condolence to Mr H Sanderson and Family :rnulln out, which r-(‘uld nut fall In intenwt and insuucl.â€o Daily [impasi (or, Brmffrrl ‘he Lumnewus :1 nqu interesting" :mdinstrm-li'v um. and ubnundcd vn ï¬lH‘ o'rquvnr passages which were very (flclh't-ly Iendvlcd.â€"0 S 'l'l'mrs' “A large undimcc. The Lecture mm-h :Ippreciutcd,â€â€"-Torrmio Dui’g GYULC. “The Fuhipct was We“ handled.â€" ToroMn Duily Mail. Chair will be when at eight o‘clock. ‘The fluvnt address was listened to with rapt :Itrcnï¬on by a cri‘icul audience Many wry ('xceilcnt thoughts were Mr F B Spence. of Town“). Nuhjucx; "Mah‘inwnb; Or, the Grunt MI‘I'I‘inge Question." Opinions of' the preps 1e- gurdmg Mr F S Hyena-:â€" “As an E‘oeulionist and Public Speaker. we believe thcre are few to equal Mr F S Spenco."-â€" Owen Sound Advertiser. "A yrung mm of no ordinary I tnh‘nt. The Iccsurc ubuundcd in wit, fresh and sparkling, which Secured to come m]- tirvh unf'mcvd and nu:ura]|_y.â€â€" Flee I’rrss. Brllwfl/e. "Thaw whn attendvd pl'mwunccd the Lwturcvne nf‘ lhc best Hwy \wr listened to. both in Fuhjvct manor, and oratory.†â€"Ijuill/ (lnluriu A Free Lecture will he d1 Hie Masonic “aâ€, Bichrmm Tuesday owning. March 4, Mr F h. Spence. of ’l'nrnnto. At eight o‘clock, though this was an early hour. the church was well ï¬lled with friends “ho winked to witness Ihe pleasing Ceremony. Alter Mass the happy couple \ri'h the u-vorend gentle- men and :1 number of invited guests. amongst them 1’. Puttt‘rsnn, Esq, M l’ l’. tuck break."th at ‘he house of Mr 'l‘ocf'y. Mr and Mrs Mulcnhy left by the afternoon train on their way to Montreal. We wish thmn all happiness on the auspicious occasion. 'J'nrnntn7 (brofhvr of the bride) ussisled by the Rev. M J Mulcuhy. professor uf' the same instimtion, (brother of the bridegrlmm.) In the Sanctuary We observed the Reverend Fathurs McGin- lt‘y‘ paliah pricM 0f 'i‘hornhill; (Yassidy. f'nrnwrly of 'I'hm-nhill; Campbell of ()riHiu; :md Shea. nf' Brockmn. village. on the morning: of Tupsduy. thv 25th inst. The happy couple thus united were Thomas Mulcuhy. Esq. one of the leading nwl'chnuts of Orillin. in the County of' Simbne, and (73am Eliz-hezh, duuuhtm' of our esteemed tnwnsmztn. M ’l‘vef'y. Esqr.. J P, of Richmond Hill, The ofï¬ctating chrgy- man was the NW Father Teef‘y, B A, prnfvssor of St Tnftchm-l’s College. A marriage, which brought many reverend grunlonwn and numvrnus vi. tors from u di>tanca “as col- brated in the Roman Catholic Church of this on us this week. in some ï¬ve pages of foolsczm, c'oseiy Wl‘itH-n. Now. Olll‘ deur friendJ that's just a little too Ititnclt.)ott know. Its a f‘urf'ul hm'd- ship to read one page.â€"-» but ï¬ve.-- Grout (’aesur. do you take us for a poiyglotom; how can no my time is on “fun- coluthon" (I?) in our inst article. Car- }polt-gicnl, dcudrtflogy and metoposcow, need nor sit apart any longer. but come right. no and shake hands. bet-unsc ; “\v'erus' " letter is as far from evincing any srmblance of logic, as Acan- tluoptnygious ï¬shes ate like a heathen tChinee; or anAcalcrphan like Animus iWard’s kangaroo; or anAcot'yledon like 1| the common bean; IErugmons like gold; [onâ€"orâ€"orâ€"thnn a cat rosemblcq 3‘ Whale. Have _\Ou no pity, Verne. Do you wish our “inner conseioustwss" to ri>e up and howl like an tï¬t’ntlt‘tl eagle; gor are _\ou thing; to crush us beneath ltlie cold. 02qu “heels of cnlumny an ' lvitnperution. 0h. Verus, Vorus. how lwe would have taken you by the hand, and led you FHft‘lV tl-mnuh ti.n dark. l dangerous and tnts‘m'ivus path of educa- tion,snf'«-to the flowery gardens. and More skies of the lowrm-d,â€"â€"but you would not! It H‘an theta is: no divine :fllutus ulmut wu, Verus You still an l on in \rur pl in, 0].] swimâ€"so simple and clear. that. :1 child might enjov tending your ('flusions kae on Am- phisl‘mn. Von can go Citlmr way, although the two on rsos may differ :19 much as Antllt‘opr‘niro'phistn does from Atheism; or no An:ltronoplmgiuizm from V a VPEPHH'iHH, or the urnclinitla from the mollusk; or the ClllH:(‘(‘.’. from the \"f‘flSt‘l, or orâ€"-â€" or a sensible mun flout I ‘2Verua" inflicts n femful punishment Marriage at theR 0 Church wvsIM‘l, or nrâ€"-â€" or a sensmle man 110m “Venn†Thrru now. we’ve done it at last “Ye didn’t intend to let that. last, contrast slip nut. 1‘11: somehow it “got the best «vf' Us." Is thorn any Mace Where‘ we Can hide for snf'en? Next llmo. Vorus. draw it soft and gentlyâ€"â€" mild-1ikc, you know. Verus on the War Path! prim. Hmer cm-ds cheaper “on as may (£100 in the County . Mechanics’ Institute. will be delivered in Richmond Hill. on March 4, 1579. hv Our friends will kindly send us items of any new occurim: in Ihuir neigh- borhood. Dou'Lw it for any one else to do in. but hand down your name to posxemy, by t‘r-rohing yourself (“Fever in the grateful editox's wemozy. ’car, ’ear. ’l‘m‘nsnn’. MAIH‘II lSâ€"(‘wdil Such of 17am) Stock and lmph-mwns.l§euj Bowman. Ln! 32. Con l Vnuzlmn. cmmnenciug at I o'clock. Su em Eckardt, Auct. Pl Hips getting their bills printed at this (Hive will acneive a. notice like the above, â€"â€"l'1ee of charm. Farm Blvd: and Implements. [he [Hum-NV nf I’Mer W'Illmot. n! Ahlnlmm Heuduicks. Lot No 15). t‘vnr of Bid on!) of Mn khum. Sade at 1 o'clock. S M Brown, Aucl. 'J‘m'nsmv. MARCH Gâ€"Fwdir Sale of Farm "luck, IHJUIHHHHS. House Furniture. 1"I'..JZIS Avms'mng, Spying Brook Faun. TFSIUH, Vaughan. Sale at. 12 o'clcck. Stylies and Kinneo, Auct. Furniture nf' Mr. Samuel Adams. Lot 29. cm 8 Vaughan. Sale without re~ xerveat 1 p.m. Farm rented. N. T, Armstruug, Auut. FRIDAY, 7th Marchâ€"The Farm Slack, Implemcnis, and Household The Cnnncil ndjnnrnr‘d In meet on Mon- day Wehingnext. in the C(vuz't lioom at 8 pm. Mow d by Mr. Powell. sl'cmnd‘d by Mr Rah]le Ihm 1h» 'J'vl-nsurm- is Ixewhy :1 Ulhl'l‘iZf-d and #9111:ch In my mnney fur mud wmk. 0n the written order of Ihe lnS- (Winnâ€"(‘an It'd. Tim ’illngp necouMs wore submitted In Ilw Cnunm! as unlined. “hen they wele finally "minor! and hassed. Muved by Mr Pow! II. Sf‘COnriPd by Mr Suvugv. limt 1hrI ('ivrk do \niw tn lhv lxrimvrs in the villagp. asking {or sealed veisrh-rs for priming the \‘iiiuge acanums. and 200 t-irruims n-iming to limp wnmvul of Sunw. and that 1hr lendwa he imudud in by Manda“ nvxt. n1 noon» Cmried. Tim I’m-mi Cmnminew I‘Pp!)l'h~d. and was nmhuriz ‘d m pmcuw lumbw neressmy for cwnmlrling liw Pnumi. Thu Umk rend Mvï¬srs. SCHâ€) COO of Fuln’. Uu mminn of Mr. Savage. seconded hv Mr. Mchmghy. it was I‘I'Suh’vd lhut, lhe (‘nnm-il amqu of Ike payIm-m nl' llw, ahuw items; as wrful me am mdm‘ f'wm Ihe Revve in favor of N Davis and F Cook, for ï¬lly cams each. for shuveHing suuw.â€"- Can'livd. 'Hw CIPY'k rand Qhe following account From Mr I) (1 O'Ur'en. as agmn fur Mrs H Mt-vaâ€"Tu lnxes nninwfnlly (‘uHPClt'd by $11va Dunn-Is. $1 52. 1119. Council deâ€" clined In vnwrmin the demmd. 'I'lemk I’Pild n cummunimlmn {rum Mosms. South Cochran J; 00., dated 17:!) The Council mrf. The Reeve in lhe chair. All V‘ï¬e meml’wr-s present. Minu‘hé'il‘ of 24th nr'Jq‘uunry. mud and approved. Therrkil-eud art's-rs frnm the lie-eve 1’0 thvmnnunl of $1 75 paid 10‘ sundry Hamps. In tumble lhmu m nrncuua Induing, \‘iz.: Thuums Nnich; 25 ('L‘nls: Edwmd Hudzin, ‘25 t'euls; A Mishler, 25 ce-Js; WiHium llubbiu, wife and two chiidx‘en, $1 00. Yt’nkvilleâ€"Vice.- Presidentsâ€"J ch ern. 'l'hos Nightingalv, 'l‘ A l‘roctor, W B Cmmvun, I) Armsnoug, Peter llutty. 'l he thanks of' the Association wvrc voted to the retiring ufl‘icors for their 'nhmble sv rvices during the past year. Addresses were delivered by Mc~srs. Barker, llcid, Humborstone, Gibson. Robinson :Jlt‘l others with much effl-ct. Doctor Reid also moved the follnwingzâ€" ']'hut the members ol‘this Assnciulion have grunt pleasure in endorsing the course taken by Mr. Meredith us Leader of the Opposition in the Local chisluture.â€"Cun‘ied unanimously. Tl'r'snn'; MARCH ll.â€"-C|‘Pdit Sale of P cm-boroâ€"Vice-â€"Prnsidontsâ€"Robert Milbum, James anbie. Geo, H Burke Elms “’(md and l) A Millie York Viceâ€"l’re.~idcntsâ€" John L Player, Bunj Tom in, Henry Duncan and John Ludlvy. } rThe fo‘lowing we the ofï¬cers of' the Liberal Consenvmive Asscclntiun for the East Riding of York, appointed at the annual mceiing which met at Milâ€" liken's. (30111313, uu \\ cdnesduy, lfhh ms: :â€" Ho'â€"el(ctéd Presidentâ€"Mr. John Gibson. b‘ccncfaryâ€"Mr John Cnsgrovw 'l‘rcusurcrâ€" Mr John Duncan. Nurkanâ€" Viceâ€"Pm idmltsv-Captain Elliott and Wm M Miller. )1 urkhum Vlilugcâ€"Vicc- Pres,â€"Gco. n Annual Meeting of E YL C A vamnrkoc ........................ -_$69 00 {ichmond Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4‘ 50 \Vpsrnn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 ()0 Markham ........................... 25 50 In addition In the above. the High Fclmoh will rpm-ive an :xddilimml grant on account oi'Uppcr :choolund avdrage attendance. [(17] Tim quantity ‘and the quality of the work which may be done beyond the higher limit, ie. by those pupiis w! 0 shall continue their studies in the higher course prescribed f'ur thnee who pass the Inlcrmediale Emmxinutinn. [0:]Govcrmmnt, Mural '. Nt‘wmnrkeb ........ {ichmond Hill \Vpsmn . . . . . . . . . . . . . M :n'k ham . . . . . . . . . . [c] Charhclerut‘ the war]: done in the aner Fedools; so that. any School which, owing to the operation of special causes, may pwpnre but few pupils to pass the "intermediaic," will neverthe- h-ss be rewarded for the th'nugh work thev may do belnw the higher limit. [1;] Nmï¬bel: of' Masters mnplnyod as compared with the number of’fupiis and classvs, qualiï¬cations of Masters, character 01" the teaching. 8:0. On the results of'inspeciion for {he halfyear ending 31st of DecemberJSTS, the following amounts have been appor- tioned to xhc dim-rout I] i211 #011001». of flu: County as per tab‘e issued by the Educational annrtumm: [a] School :wcmmnodulinn, condition of rclmul promises, general educational appliances (nxnpe, apparatus, tic) Our County High Schools. Auction Sale. Village Council. M. THEFY, Clerk Discipline Feb 26, 187E). General u Ins unu uinnm-nc met. utlle or no fuvm‘ ; and lrmn the uhnvc dam to the year 184;. he (Xpendvd £5 000 per year in advertising. and in 18-15 he in- icreused it. to £10,000. In 1851. at the lime oi'the great, London Exhibition, his (‘xpvndilul‘c in advertising amounted to £20 000. Last year (1877) he ox- ipondvd £40,000 in advertising his medicine in every part. of the globe, having the directions for his medicines itrunsluted into nearly every known stongue. The genuine Pills and (lint llnxont of Thomas Holloway are being: ' 'mitnted by an American, named Joseph Huydnck, who is usingL ' nunw and claims to be an agent for the U. S. Dr. llnlloway cautions the ubiic against. the use of them Spurious medicines, which can easily be detected upon cx-l Laimination of the articles. I THOMAS HOLLOWAY.†We are in re ceipt of a circular lmm 'l'homus Hello way, Londnn England. tnanulhctut'et' «)l' the. genuine and popular “ ltollmvny’s l’tlls and Ointment, in which he gives :1 briul' sketch ol'the progress of his trade in the year [837 he ï¬rst commenced th use of printer's ink, and for it time the Pills and Ointtm-nt. met. little or no fuvm‘ ; :tud lrmn the uhnve dam to the A PARAGRAPH is going the rounds of the c'mntry to this cfl'vct :â€" “It is said the Duukin Act is better enforced in the (Munty Of'anL' than in any other.“ If this he true‘atl that we have got tn way is, it is the must fl-tgrnutly violated law in the lnltd. We have all the evils (If the trnï¬ic and are dvprivod of the license fund. for municipal purposes, besidee. â€"â€"A'ru:mu'r/:ct Era. [Xe are sorry, it is m, but nut-01' rcspt-ct for the truth we are compelled to endorse the ubove.]â€"â€" Economist On 'l‘hursday of last week, a Scarbnrn constable named [laugh came niter Stulvv 01' Markham. to come} him to the 'l‘nrdnm gnnlâ€" Slaly having refused to pay his ï¬ne fur selling liquor. 'i he constable sun-ted in a conveyance m 'J‘nrnnto with his prisoner, but Staley asked “to see H mud" on the mud, and duuniffhr home in a lively manner. Helms since been captured and taken down. .sns Aspev, of‘ Vaughan. un Sunday lust. Decuzhed hud lixud in this neighhm'htmd for a great many years. being: one of the Garlic“. settlers. He leaves a large family. Alurgc number of friends and ac» quaimances attended the f'un- ral of Mr Thexe was nearly a great. (:xplfhlnfl at. the Markham Agricultural Works on Monday. 17Ih inst. The water run nu; ul'lhu builm' un Sunday, and [he cugincor :l'lounphd to pump some in whm the pipes “ere red hot. Had he succeeded in (lnimz sn. Ihere would have bccu a terrible cxp‘osiun On Tuesday ruflast Wet-k, the elders ofthe Kirk Session ut' rt, Andrews Church, :tt-cnmpanied by their wives, and the pastor and his lady, drme to the residence of Mr. Wm Snmcrviile. who lcz.vos at. an early day ful' Mulligan; Mia-arntedltlrs. Emnerviile with u very valuable and hundmme tcrtscrvice and salvur, as a mark of esteem. and be Cause of" lwr gratuitious services as organist in the church for the past. six year». Au address was ulao l'eud. That’s it. gentlemen. A hundred new rul-sm'ihors .siucc we Came buck. and alipnid for. Send them along. The “ERALDiS good for another twcnly yuurs,ut that rate. METHnmsT Smmuâ€"The f‘. M. Church will hold Ilu-ir :mnuul S 3‘Soeiul (m tlte 28th inst. A lueluxe “ill be delivered by the cellbratcd Rev Mr Tny or of California. LOCAL NEWSâ€"We shall be happy In feet/ive hi all times. l‘rnm any part of Hip i(‘ounly ilvms of Local News. such as navi- dvnls. or any inlereming incident whatever, from any a!" UHF subscribers my readers gen. ernlly, é'nr leo purpose of publication. A suvovsï¬â€˜ul surprise part“ was he‘d m Ihe wsidx nm 01‘ Mr Inuin’s. Ymkville, nn \Vevhpesday owning lust. A number of friends from this \‘il‘nge drnvn down in n {'~In--hm.~'e xig. A IHAI gnud liuw fullva their :n'xivn‘, Mr hwiu, Mud lady (iuing everylhing pussihl 9 In momma tho ph-zaSure uhhe-ir visuals. Aumm was ju»! shaking 1hr? frost uï¬â€˜ lwr pyvlids. “In-u the puny bloke uy: and srvnw (-1 thusn who wm.l {mm Ihe Hill. are ml)de In bl! ('«rlmlinu xhe In:le until the next affair of 1110 same character vumes mound. ASo-ciul wiHbe held in connection with the English Church Sunday Fahool, '.l'ho.nhill, 01. Tuesday, March, 4th The difTere-‘K 5011001 Sections in Vaughan rm-vivrd us llwir sham of 1119 in laws! n0- cruiug fvum Ihe Clergy Resvrvo unrl Muni‘ cipul Luau Fund; (‘Ipvgy NPSPIW. School Secli‘ms. 363: Union S S .‘43, Muhicipal Luau, SLhoul Secliuns, S48; UHIOII .5 3 Nil. A verv Pl'ju‘thlP purly was held a! M". Dm‘id"l"._\‘m’>, m1 Fuduy waning last. A numberul‘l'nwurls I'rum the “Ill and Pul- lelSGll wvm [HT-SPIN. Nu [wins wele spared to make the affair is dt-cidml succesa. Dancing: u’us Lop! up, and all kinds of mum-san amusenuâ€"nls new pullicipund in until an emly hour. A special mpeling nf Ihe Liberal Conser- vmixe Assncmlionnf West Ylllk. Wi-l he hvld :«t H-oodhridge, on Wednesday. March I‘llh, m 2 [Ln]. Read (-ur (‘oHinawood IIAHer on Hm lhind page. It IM'H‘S In same of llw ()Ed xesidenls nf' Hichunmd Hiil. who have emigrated In that neiglnbmhood. Social at Cu] McLeod's on Tuesday even- ing lust. Pleasant evening spent. We mng to learn 111M Mr Wm Shep pard is very iH.-â€"sufl'~xin,q fro m a severe :maokuf Ihe same muure that conï¬ned him to his bed Inst winter. {Vaughan spent! $6 092 last year 1n_ re- paiuing roads and bridge-s. Several thou»- nnd dollms 1‘) be raised 111i33eal' tor Muni- cipal purposes. A cmnmunir‘alinn from “Stranger†held over xi†next week. Don’t {OI'SIPt the Lecture on Tuesday owning. Head lhe notice, unda‘ heading Mechanics’ Inslim.e. LOCAL NEWS. Fxourwmu, per barrel Spring, per do Burley,1»er bushel .. Outs. per bushel u Pens-f, per bushel.. Rye, per lmshcl“ Hay, per ton .A Straw. per ton ..... . Potatoes. per mm. new Apples, per hushol ....... Butterâ€":11) rolls, per 1!) . RH‘HH'G" " Hiclmrd (‘ouur de: Linnz’. ()ur Yuung Pelqu‘v's SIDE-TI‘HE‘I†‘.\SMulhw's Hushmuh†“Hu'hveu's I’nzz‘m 15128;, “Elliflniul Nulesf "Tho Hmm~ ke-ey-mf’ ' (‘U'inus Mulw‘sf’ Things pleu- saul and ()lberwispf’ "()ur View-11 Guiâ€" lely†(hunmwm; illuslmnnm‘] I’uMishH‘. byTlmmrs& "allmt, Z3 Huwli-y b‘lreel, Boston, 1:! $2 .50 a year. post-paid. Rumox's MUNTHLY MAGAZISF. FM: MARCHâ€"'l'his umyzlne, the lws: and chi-ales! of its class in Ihe (‘nuulry. is wvll lknuwn mevrry one. The March humhm' lis now nut. and cumulus. nnmng mhvr il< lluslmlmns‘ 1w†vmnm-lmhle piclllrtls nl H3ng Mum and in; surwumliugs hy Ilu- inuxhor ('l' “A “hulumm’s Advhmurw.†[ll givvs Ill!" :1lele of a lame hmwtven IWU l(.'n;vlw.-'mlw| {ships fuom Valparaiso to lliuslon. aml is a Very onion-mining paper for all to 19nd. Thu†llwre me Ihe u~uul (hum-mic stnuios, thrilling mlvt-nlu: . and jusl blll'll nzn'lur as the penule shuuh? and do lend. limnI/lnlu-r. llns valuable mug:- zineis only 5150 [IPI' ammm pnslymid. and is ursulem all the pelindiml domain in the Cuunlryl'uv' 15(31'IIIS :t cnpy. .llml lend the ler nl'oonn-nn, :ntl are “hut u gnud (me i1 is: "Views of (7mm. “mm†"A Human l'eumnl-zirl;" "Harm" "Tho- Gunw uf'La FI'nSSrf' “'l‘hP Futile fur 1hr- (‘r‘qu’ "The l’rismmvsf' "A Mt:llll‘"z~' LIN/9;†"livcnmpeu. ;" “Il'icluul hurl} \Valsin2l13ln;" "Chungr‘d;" "A Imvm‘a Snngf' "Hoonllecliuns ul (llhm- Daysz†"The Last, (ll the Magic‘mlsf' "llmv LI.- (:1llnll’lPdl00ulWll 'l'hvlnf’ “lluslv Mm. Iiagtmfl' "Luve’s Slur-59g" "Snmolhinu nlm..t P'ecimxs Slum-3;" "(‘ulur Hull'sl Revrmmf' " Hichurd ("unm- de: Lima" ()ur Yuung l’eup‘v's Sum-Trlleuâ€" '.\!\l Mulhw's llushaml;†“llu'hveu's l’n 5:11 do; George '1‘ Robinson, .“(w-rutnry: John Cnsmnvc. Treasurer; Excel“ vc Cmmniltvc, Mvssrs Gen Junos_(}.-o Fwy. E ()‘Kcef'e, M .‘Ic(‘unnel|.‘V B annhry. S l'Riulmrdsnn. J {‘2 Schiller. Vows of Ihauks wereuuzmimmuly passed to Mr E ()‘Kt‘d'e. the retiring- ]n'osidcnt, and Mr S Richardson, ch reliring wcrolnrv. and :1 conxminec WHS appointed to draft and prewnL K'r ’xichurdsnn WM: :1!) :i‘ddrm. in lCCOgl’Ii’iUn If the vnhmhle services he has rendvl'vd lhc Assnciulviun during his illL‘UllJbt’llC) of the oflice. t LICENsED VICTUMLEIzs’ ASSncm- ‘TInN.â€"‘l his Aamcmtinn hold their an nuJ meeting in the Trudes’ Assn-unhl'] ll’vll, Adelaide sheet, on \Vcdnusduy, 12H) imt. There was u htrue attendance of metnbm-s present. The >eon-nn-v, 1‘1 1'. S Hiclmrdsnn, presented his annual n‘pm't, “hich sham-d the Aswaiatiun In 10 in a prosperous condition. After transacting ruulinc busiis, the olvc~ titan 01' (‘flicers was proceeded with and rwullod us ï¬ullm\=S‘â€"Jnhn 'J‘innns, l’rcstdent; Jus RICCiUUI‘L lsr Vice-Pros, Jnhn \Vilsnn, 2nd (in: John Severn. 3rd. do; Jan Wright. 4th do; (1'00 A Burns. In conclusion, n‘lnw me to say that it would be “1'†for llmsc criticising- parcnts to (XH'CISC more cnnlml mu- Ihoir children :thl‘l'b’CllUUi Imurs. nnd soc tn if that lhvy du nut enhgrtguto on 11:0 mad and SIM-wt corners “hm-c ni'vvn bmh buys and 2i Is are m be sm-n 11>}:qu insu‘ï¬ng Inng'mgn In nonrh «wry pus Serâ€"by, that \wuld brim: H0 Mu>h of shame to thy chuks of“ mudrsl u min-r who (321KB at. all for :hcir f'uiuru \wlf'zn'c. AS regards the inspectors 0F both > Ridings tlm-rn- can be no cmnpluint made, as whenever they can obtain midcnce such as is nocoss-re to secure a convicâ€" tion they never lnil to do Ilrcir dut_\',:end in H1110 cusrs curr‘ it, In as utcnl lengths ' as pnshible. cnmido IlllLr lmw .xt, ongly ‘pulviic opinion has mun-d against the enâ€" lUl‘C('HlOlll of lhe Dunkin 5 ct, us. homing 100 ll 'nvily upon :1 very large class of trespt-clnhle Incn. 'l‘hvle Can he nn dnubt but, HS soon as the Act is put, to the m'c il will be ropnulcd by as large in lnujm'ilyas it. was ï¬rst cnirird inm lnpm-znion by. The en‘bicoinent of :m (fliciuit Liceme me will do more In icslrdin the sale of intoxicating liquors Wlllllll Iho bounds of nmdorntiun lhun nn_\thin;:(‘lse. Would it nut he “I'll. if' Ilmse who prnle so much about 113(- (-nfmct "1(‘ll of the l‘unkin Act, would amend mthvir own businms. :‘nrl nut write 10 llw papers In slnnilcr men 0â€" lnblv limvl keepers, bl cause poichmme. an individual or lwu Cunnut. rosin-min tluir in« Minute desire lin' intrxiounts. As it i: niw. a great par! of' the l.lll.‘lâ€" ncss dime" by store keepers here has prismd out nt'tlnzir l'HIIdR. and gone In the more N11177:] mil/(th Lusfnms men of l‘iichnmnd llill, \vlm do in! ennsidvr it, necessary to be continually ï¬nding fun I with “hat is none of their own“ doing. Nevertheless, Were is a party whose wife has {blbillden the Low! kvrlwrs lmrelofurnish him with liquor,:md lCnn tcsnf‘y that they have acted according: to her instrucliuns, and have mum: in every instance lo furnish any intuxicu- ting liquor to 1le mid party. He has rvlmuu-dly ink“) hmllcs lrnm his ]n('kuf‘ and stun-d llnn he could, and did got all he wanlcd fnom Toronto, when sent for. Simâ€"In your paper “f the 13th inst., appcnrs a cmmnunicution I‘tflt‘C- ting: upon the hotel kcepcrsof‘this place, and stating that, they supply intoxicaâ€" tith liquor to :1 pt is' it who is under bonds to limp the peztce‘ and who i: ulâ€" hrged to abuse. his family, etc. Who this party is no (he seems to know. and at. any rate it is no one‘s business to inâ€" tetferu in such fumin matters, excopt thctvfliccrs duly appointed to see that no such lhif‘g is done, and who, if they attt-nd to their duty should, nnd‘zn'e authorized, to give the promotion necesâ€" sari. RICHMOND H ILL MARKETS Our columns are open to a fair dis- large rbï¬sf fit; 15 £6mmmmiwï¬mw. WEDNESDAY, Feb 26, 1879‘ ScmBBLEu. 0 90 to . 0 60 to 014 to o 13 to to (30 to 00 to 9 00 to on to l 00 to 00 to :6 to 14 4 REE by mail. EGAx’s IMPERIAL SAFETY-PAD TRUSS ; gives immediate relief; cures 1'1 4 to 12 weeks. Endorsed by high medical authority. The most valuable surgical inventiun of the cen- tury. The secret of cure is. this trusa holds rup‘ ture durin hardest exercise, and can be worn night and (fly yith great comfort._ VeryAcheup. Mass is us follOws, per your, post mud DAILY Wrm s, . 3,00, circulation, 14.800 \VnnKLY “'1 ss, #1 11, circulution, 28,000 In addition to those, the publishers of the WITxEss issue the Non'unmx MESSENGER, n semi-iimntlilv illustrated family Journal. which is in gurdvd with great favor all over hurt-h Amer- icu, as its circulation of over 50,000, tcs iiics. 111 homes remote from )'OS\lll ncromodutfln, it supplies the whole fumin rr-nding. while in cities. fowns, and villnges everywhere, it is Hm favorite of the youngpvople. who ï¬nd it. [in endless sour e of enli :htment and enjoyment. Its. price is but GU culls 'u yum; lllcllldlufl postage. ’l‘o Sunday schools and clubs it is sent at the following rates l0 copies to one address ..$ 2.50 per an. 25 copies to one uddres 6 “o " 50 copies to one address. . 11.50 " 100 copies to zine address ..... 22,00 " All persons desiring to interest themselves in obtuiuing subscriptions for the WITNESS, “ill receive Snluple copies und terms on application. Clhe house!†ld and grncral liurary depart- ments of the Wx'rmcss have always [men a prom- inent feutm'e 01‘ the purer, :1 11d thoy will be con: tinned on the smue plan as heretofm‘v, giving to the ladies much \‘uluulde infornmtivn about own thing Imccssnrv to make the household bright, pleusnnt, and prosperous. The pric )f the difl‘crt nt editions of the WIT T110 fullest Intention tlmt the WM' 1135 muy iiou us In newspaper. Anuthrr special fvntiire of the WITNESS during MW, will be the attention pilill to its (‘iim‘avinwa which ulroudy nl'e mum rims u‘iul important. Portl‘niis L f the prominent men throughout, the world will be given, and the paper will contain numerous illusti‘utcd articles of much int: rest: and Wilma, uswoll us selections from the humor- ous art of the day. One of the most imhorhmt features of the \\'IT.\ uses dmingflxo your 1579, “'111 be its course of free lr'ctynrcs on agricultural}. by \‘V. F. Chu‘ke of Lindebunk, Guclwh, lute editor of the CANADA FARMER. [hose lectures nlrmuly delivered by Mr Clarke have been met with the greatest upâ€" ln'ovul ev “harm The 100411-05: will be reported in tho, \Vi'l H94, whose vque us an ugricultum puperlms, within the past few months, been g ' wlmnund. The W1 Miss is dcvotvd to temperance, bein tlm yriuoilunl mgun of that cause in (Junudu, mm to l 11 I illtr szmitnry nlul mom] rdonns, us well as to the in: thermwe of Evangelical religion THE WITNESS Imus m ulL’tâ€"‘SIIHII HIM] nuirmml. and by 9. ruwl'ul nppliculion uf the ï¬ne nvoperlws nf" \vPH-svlecwd Con-0:1, Mr. Epr has provided nur l'n'vukl'asl tublm with a delicutvlv IIuv-‘ nnrod lwkugv. which may save u: many hvnvv ductms’ hills. I: is by Iho judicious use ul'suvh nrlivlvs nfdit-‘l lhu! a cunsmu- Iiuu mu} he gradually built up until sllung mum-1h m I'vsist every tendency to dISPHHG. Humhwk of mink; mnhuiivs are flaming nrmnd 1m ready to attack wherever Ihere "m .1 “walk Doim. We may (‘SOiIW many a ï¬nal ' ~hut'l hy '(r'vping nursvh‘es well l'm‘liï¬ed wilh pure Mum] and properly n'rurishr‘d hmnv."â€" Cir/l Service flazcile Sulr] only in purrL‘vts luMJHmlâ€"â€JAMIas lim's 8‘; (Wm, J hmmxrupnlhiu Chemists. 48.1'hreudueedley I ' 1874 Expend lie-venu 1875 Expand lievenm 1876 Expand Rcvcum Hun. -d 170 l’ic 'ndillv. Lomh-n.†1R77 E \' ery letter [ms were (I EPPS’S (‘4)(I(,11\.â€"(i|u’l'EFl'X. AND COM l“0ll'l'|NGnâ€"â€"“ By M Hun-mull knowlvdze n.’ Iho “mural laws whidl gm'm‘n [he Opel-:1- Iimus ut'digestinn and nutrilmn. and by n ‘Ir MuGrcgor contributed some amusâ€" ing readings. nlnmst all local. Mrs. Muckie sung “ill! lmr :mcnsmmed Snocoss. At the piano Mr C \V Edwards accompanied tmh Nrs Mpckiunnd Mrs. \Villums. ‘Il‘ MUGI‘OEIOI‘ COMI‘ibuted snmn amusâ€" r-llCCH'flCd hotter. It isn't, calculateill to hvlp n singer much to have a Inmnhorl t-l'thecmnpuny playing with his emit mils “hilu lm is (*ntiouvnring to pay proper :llH‘llflf'n to his partâ€"at hznst‘ snnm Pt‘t'lllt‘, think so, The "Ticklingi 'l‘tio†ufll-rdod u unnd deal of :nnus'oâ€"‘ nu'nr in tho audit-nee. Mr. Fullerton unvc throc tending-s. or mme p‘nperlyl t-I‘t'nlx'it g two. and n rocitulinn, and roâ€"l caivrrd as he deservud tlc plaudits of' his hem-ore. On Friday, 7th inst. the Methodist: Church was crowded with people the rccnsinn bt'iU‘ZH (Janet-rt, nhich, like that of “’ednostlny. passer] (afl‘ qwcossâ€" lully 'l'hv talent on this ntcusion was From |he happy fcstivn] season WP are now call- d to prepare for the forty lemon days of humiliatinn and sorrow, preparing us in mm for the brightest, and best ni'the Festivalsâ€" Easter Day. On “Vt-(Jurisday owning. 8th inst. :1 Concert in aid of the funds 01' the Con- errvgutimu} Church was given in the ()mnge Hull. There was a good :mrhonce present. The prngrumnw was under the dirrctirm anuof'. Blackbu n, r-f'Tmnnm. and mu: an excellrnt. one. I’rolmhlv the gem of the owning: was Miss Brown's sung. “Market I).-y.†for uhich .xhe rocvivrd an encore Miss Scott, “ho has a powerful :Jlln voice. also re~- ~pvnt‘h-d to nu HICIITC. 'l’wn gentlnâ€" mon ossuyed lheduet “Alhs Well" but it wr‘uld swarm-1y do to style its rvndiâ€" Iinn A 1. In "Lurhmrrd Watch†they r-llccH-dod better. It isn't, calculated triumphant1 _\et a feelingr of sadness naturally fell upon his flack here. as tl.e_v thought that the iatniliar form would never again br- seen in the pretty church on the solemn occasion of con- ï¬rmation in the parish, and that in the Synod the venerable head crowned by hair silvery whiteâ€"hair grown white in the church’s serv ceâ€"would no more be seen in its accustomed place. It; now becomes the menu) duty of the Clergy and La) Representatives of the Church in the diocese of Toronto to elect a successor to the l’relate who has died. and It may be safely said that the} eyes of all thiukitu.r men. whether in or out, of the. ct-uttuuniou ot'thc church of' this Province, wiil be. turned towards 'l'otnnto on the 27th instâ€"the (lay apâ€" point: d for thc assembling of the Synod, Uponthe seltction made tnuch mayâ€" nay much will~depend, and it is most earnestly to he hoped that a proper spirit will }etVade the minds of the numbers of the Synod, so that thth “tithe the choice ot'a ï¬t, and proper man to rule over the church here. | l l A pleasant sound was heard inthe viltrge last \t‘et'kâ€"thcwell known tore] of tie lounlry “hislle' 'J'he repairs int the shops having been completed, steam ‘ was got upand the hearts of the vi]â€" lagers in general were cheered. as the Agricultural Works are the backbone as it were of the setletueut. , , ... T \.:|A_lv\.ALuuuU ALIIJA,\7\'L‘1_Y vv our evening, int 8 o'clock. \Vm Hz.ruson, ‘1‘ D DUNle ACTâ€"Central Committee meets at the cull of the President in the Temperance Hull. DrJ N Reid. Thoruhill,Presideut ; John Sunder- son, Richmond Hill, See The Methodist Sabbath Association issue plodgo when desired. my School Temperance curds every Sunday Win Harrison, Supt MECHANICS INSTITUTEâ€"Library of over 1000 volumes open every Tuesday evening, in the Masonic Hall, from 7 to 8 o'clock. R E Law. Librarian. Lectures and discussions periodically RICHMOND ILLL (101mm: BANDAMeetF; for prac- tice every Tuesday mm Suturqu evening at 7 .80 o‘clock A E mortiiner, Lender VILLAGE COUNCILâ€" Reeve, Wm Trench; Conn eillors, Muconttehy Ben Rodditt, 1’ G Savage. “7 Powell Clerk, M Teefy CPIUR CHES S'r MARY'S (EmscorAL.tâ€"Services at 3 eept the third Snnduy of every month, service and sacrament: tLre hold School {Lt 11.30 1) in pan, ex- when the at it u. in Sunday licv l: Shunklin, Rector Mirnamuseâ€"Services at 10.30 u in, and 6 Sundtt} School at 2 30 p in Prayer meeting: every Thursday evening. and Suttduy School Teachers meeting and Bible (Iluss on Friday evening. led by the pustm‘, Rev Mr McCullu‘m. Assistunt, Res? M 1" Howsou Pin-1s“YT];umxâ€"élorvices nt 1130 n, in, undo 30 p m Pruy er meetng on Thursday evening at 7 30 Rev 1 Campbell, pastor 30 p m ROMAN (lATHOTJCâ€" Services : Thornhill nt 9 rt 111 und Richmond Hill at 10 30 u in ; the following Sunday at Richmond Hill wt 9 am. and Thoruhill at 10 30 n, m, alternating with Murkhum every 3rd Sunday \â€"- cw Ffldvcrtimmwts. Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIST, Bzymplon Conservator correspondent. The news nt'llae deutlI of the Right Piof. J YfEGijï¬idï¬umziâ€oifté§i‘6 JOHN DOUGALL & SON, PUBLISHERS, Montreal, Q 38rd Year RUPTURE. Woodbridge. will be paid to news, so retain its present reputa- ’0 BUILDER, Sherwood. 4th Con. Vaughan, Syccial ntthntion given to Stair Building. Punctqu attention will be given to “1) orders. Address Maple 1’. O, J. K. Falconbvldgo Richmcnd Hill, 12th Decbmbcr, 1878. 520.000. to loxm on Mortgage or realestmc at low rme ofintorest. Trflnsxmtinns strictly yrivnm and conï¬dential, upply personally or by letter to the undersigned. KEFFER. CONTRACTOR A N1 0 BUILDER. Sharwnnd 4th (inn meh-n MONEYf’ AND HORS E SHOER‘ PROF \VRIGHT, late of Toronto, has ï¬tted up u. shaving saloon, in the stand formerly occu. pied ns 1L];hntog.uh gallery, (next door south/bf Brown’s Store. and is now prepared to attend to all customers in ï¬rst class style, and at muscu- ILble rates. Call and See Geo. STEPHENS S HAVEN G I 1878 Expenditure,...$2.902.400 Revenue. ......... 22234400 Total excess of' expendlture over revenue................$2,735,000 1R77 Expenditure....$3,1 17AM) Revenue ......... 2,452,000 Expenditurc,.. $3.140 600 Rc\'cuue,......... :2,’89 ‘200 1875 Expenditure"..$3_ï¬n4.500 lievenue,....... 3.159.500 Expendilum,...$3,871.500 lievenuc,....... 3,446,300 had a change in the management of Provincial affairs. I’ludpingmysvlf‘. if olpctod. to use every (andmvnr to lurutly reduce the exnemiimrv. T rospcctlu 1y holicit your vote and influence. Yourstruly. l‘ (ut Pnhm‘r House; .Ahl‘Ol‘lL. lst, 8th, 16th, and 2211(1 do Newnmrket * Stmtffvillc do Murkhum. dc Victoria Square do Thnrnhill ...... ‘ I do walr . V . . . . . , , . . . .. , do \Vumlhridge ...... (10 Kleinblxrg .. ‘ - 4 do Nobleton ...... N 0th do Almsthetics,ns Nitrous Oxide, otru, used when ordered, and none but the‘bcst muteriul [159A I had flue honor of being nnminaflcd to cnntost lhi~ Hiding at the next (-100- lion fur the Ontmio Lf‘gislnlul‘c. and I may say Hun, considering the reckless; oxtrumgnnee of Mn pl't'f-‘Ollt Gnvornnr nt in (‘xpendimaduring the luv-1 Five Years, 'l‘vm Million Scum Hundred and Thirtyâ€"ï¬ve Thousand Dnlhn's mm'e Ihuu the revenue :smmnm‘d Io, as shru‘n by the annexed ï¬gmos. it. is time we GEL'TLE MEN 4 ROMAN CATHOLICâ€" Sr'rvices : Thornhill at!) n 111 und Richmond Hill at 10 30 u m ; the following Sunday at Richmond Hill wt 9 mm. and Tlmruhill I at 10 30 n. m, alternating with Mnrkhmn every3rd | Sunday ELECT O R S Thankful for the favors of the past c1 1r ny still be consulted in any brunch of fession, as follows : Rivlnnnnd Hill , 9th 6: 24th of em-l MHTH (“HSTâ€"Services at 10.30 IL 111, and G 30 p m Sundu} School at 2 30 p m Prayer meeting every Thursday evening, and Sundny Schtml Tram-1mm llmeting and Bible (Iluss on F1111sz evening. led by the pastor, Rev Mr McCullmn. Assismnt, Res? M1" Howsun MECHANICS INSTITUTEâ€"Library of over 1000 volumes open every Tuesday evening, in the Masonic Hall, from 7 to 8 o'clock. R E Law. Librarian. Lectures and discussions periodically RICHMOND ILLL (101mm: BANDAMeetF; for prac- tice every Tuesday mm Saturday evening at 7 .80 o’clock A E mortimer, Lender DUNle ACTâ€"Central Committee meets at th& cull of the President in the Temperance Hall. Dr J N Reid. ThomhilLPmsideut ; John Sunder- son, Richmond Hill, See The Methodist Sabbath School Temperance Assudatim) ismw pledge cards every Sunday when desired. Wm Harrison, Supt RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, No 46.3, I O Moots in [he Temperance Hull,every Wed evening, nt 8 o’clock. Wm Huuison, T D RICHMOND L 0 L. No 77Sâ€"Moets in the Tem- peruncc Hull, on the Friday on or before full moon, ate 1) m J H Sanderson, W M. RICHMOND LODGE, A. I Meets in the Lodge F0011 Monday on or before full Isaac Crosby, W M Cutting l‘ General Iilncksnjith, WWW @imxvmg Mortgages Bought MONEY “’ILLIAM TYRRE LL. '1) LODGE, A. F .3: A M, No 23. G R Câ€" Lndge F9031}, Masonic AI’IILH, on the SOCIETIES TO THE AND OF 9th 6: 24th of each month moon, at 8 o'clock, pm 46.3, I 0 Li. Tâ€" $68,000 $665,400 04 .0 9‘ QV DEFICIT. cho yonrn, Jf the pro-